Inside this great piece by Angela Galloway at the P-I there is this gem:
[F]ree parking costs everyone, said Donald Shoup, the nation’s most prominent academic on parking policies and an urban planning professor at the University of California-Los Angeles. Free parking inflates grocery bills, housing costs and movie ticket prices, he said. The burden is heaviest on the poorest, he said.
“Even if you’re too poor to own a car, you have to pay for parking,” said Shoup, author of “The High Cost of Free Parking.” Like other cities, Seattle has “very expensive housing of people and free parking for cars — and I think we’ve got our priorities the wrong way around.”
I live close to downtown, where free parking is tough to find. However, there are plenty of pay lots available, and parking is free on city streets after 6pm and on Sundays. Lots of people take the bus to work in the downtown core, and the people who do drive have a look of pain on their faces as they idle in gridlock on downtown streets.
(Folks in Seattle often say “there isn’t any parking downtown.” What they mean is there isn’t any “free” parking downtown. How folks spend money downtown while expecting their car to stay for free is beyond me.)
In his book, Shoup makes it clear that even if I choose not the drive, I still pay costs for parking. When new condo developments are built, new residents who choose not to own a car are nonetheless paying more for their units. Essentially, residents are socially engineered into owning cars.
U-District community activist Matt Fox (who comments anonymously on some local blogs) isn’t on board:
Officials say forcing unneeded parking inflates cost of development. Each above-ground spot costs developers about $20,000, below-ground spots can cost $30,000 to $40,000 or more, said City Planning Director John Rahaim.
Officials say unnecessary parking costs undermine the city’s efforts of providing affordable housing. But some doubt the relaxed rules will produce the anticipated savings.
“It’s really good for developers’ bottom line, but it’s not good for the quality of life in the neighborhoods or for small businesses,” activist Fox said.
Back in my car-drivin’ days, I used to spend entirely too much time on my Saturdays circling the Ave, block after block, looking for a spot to park my Geo Metro. The spot I found was usually really far from the Ave, and I did a fair amount of walking around from shop to shop before trekking back to the car. Now that Metro does my driving, the bus drops me off right on the Ave. After ditching the Geo Metro in favor of King County Metro, I go to the U-District more than ever for all sorts of things.
What kind of stuff, you ask? A used Adidas track jackets at the Buffalo Exchange, or maybe a movie at the delightfully dilapidated Varsity (or the Neptune, which is very cool). The UW Bookstore for Marx or Friedman. Maybe Costas for those goofy-ass french fries or the College Inn Pub for several pints of their finest bitter. Over time, the Ave holds up well, even after a controversial makeover a few years back. I have relatives who still love the Ave, years after their college days.
Maybe further auto restrictions will be the death of commercial districts all over Seattle. I do not believe it will be.
But what about folks who have to have a car to get their work done?
[Ditching her car is not] an option for Morley, who is on two waiting lists for spots in private garages, she said. Many mornings, 40 minutes after she arrives at work, an alarm on her computer reminds her to get back in her car and head toward the good spots.
If she misses out, sometimes she parks in a nearby free one-hour spot and resets her alarm for another try. Or she can pay for up to two hours at one of 570 Uptown street spots that were free until the city installed meters there last year.
Leaving the car at home is not an option, she said.
“I’m in sales, so I have meetings all day. So it’s not really a choice for me,” said Morley, whose work takes her around town and to the suburbs. She said the city’s policies don’t take into account people for whom “driving is part of your job.”
For sales folks, parking a a big deal. I don’t want to minimize their frustration. That said, companies are going to have to figure out solutions to these problems sooner or later. Companies are already utilizing Flexcar or other car-sharing programs to make it possible for folks to leave their car at home but still make errands during the day. New ideas like this require folks in HR and at leadership positions within companies to be flexible to the needs of their employees.
So, yeah, our transit options aren’t what they could be. We’re building the light rail system we could have had in the 70’s, and we’re building our first streetcar lines since the 40’s. (This one doesn’t count!) We’ve got catching up to do. Until then, have your transfer ready for the driver or get ready to pay more to park.
If she really needs it for her job, her employer should provide her with parking.
If you think the bus to the Ave is convenient, just wait to take the subway there.
The cost of inexpensive (non high-rise) new multi-family residential construction is approximately $140 / square foot. The cost of building a below grade parking structure can be $60 per square foot. So, for a 600 sf one bedroom apartment with one parking space the cost to build it would be $112,000 for the living space, $14,400 for the parking (which is 240 square feet). So, you can imagine 11% of your rent paying for the parking space. For high rise condos everything is more expensive, of course.
If she really needs it for her job, her employer should provide her with parking
Typical Liberal posistion.
The employer should provide Health insurance, Paid vacation time, now free parking spots!
They allready pay your salary!!!!
3 Fuck that…if she needs to drive to perform her employer’s business, they should provide her with a company vehicle.
We could provide a lot of free parking for the amount of the subsidies used on Metro and mass transit. Just saying.
My employer gives me parking spots too!
I still take the bus
High parking costs, high housing costs, high (and rising) property taxes, and soon high bridge tolls … these are all pieces of a picture: Seattle is becoming a VERY expensive to live and work. I know of at least one state agency that considered closing its Seattle office because they couldn’t get their employees to work here. Why? Seattle is unaffordable on a state salary. The state doesn’t compensate its workers for accepting assignments in high-cost-of-living areas, nor help them with things like parking fees or commuting costs. The salary is the same in Seattle as it is in Spokane or Aberdeen, but it costs twice as much to live and commute in Seattle. The same must be true in private business; small businesses paying their workers modest wages not only are struggling under their own financial burdens, but increasingly will find it difficult or impossible to hire workers because people of modest means will find it costs more to work in Seattle than they can earn.
My point is, you can’t keep layering on higher for things like transit, more vehicle expenses such as parking fees and tolls, etc., without crushing Seattle’s economy. Eventually, the segment of Seattle’s workforce that is not highly paid will simply leave this city rather than be financially choked to death here, and the city’s offices and shops will be empty.
… higher taxes for things like transit …
And it isn’t just sales people who have to use their cars in their jobs. Even if buses go where you need to, they’re slow; and when you’re being paid for your time, the boss won’t let you spend 1.5 hours getting from Ballard to Capitol Hill.
I think we should just stop buying stuff from China. What they don’t pirate, they adulterate; why are we sending our jobs and our national debt to a hostile country whose people don’t bat an eyelash at watering down cough syrup with antifreeze to make another penny a gallon on the stuff?
An added benefit of boycotting goods of Chinese origin is that Wal-Mart would collapse. Over 90% of what they sell comes from China.
I think people should rethink whether they want to fly on airplanes whose wings were made in China.
The Boeing plane that went down in Cameroon this weekend wasn’t some relic cast off by First World airlines. It was only 6 months old. I wonder if the fucking wings fell off. I wonder if the wings were made in China.
China steals software from Microsoft, and puts poison in cough syrup and pet food. Nixon established diplomatic relations with China and Dubya expanded trade with them, shipped American factory workers’ jobs there, and sold the debt created by his deficit-spending-financed tax-cuts-for-the-superrich to the Chinese. See a pattern here? Conservatives are selling us down the river.
Nixon surrendered to the enemy, and Bush sold us to the enemy.
I’m gonna ride a fucking bicycle! I ain’t flying on no jet whose wings were made in China, with navigation equipment made from recycled Walkmans programmed with pirate software.
@3 “If she really needs it for her job, her employer should provide her with parking”
If you don’t like that idea, I have a better one. Let’s tax you small-town assholes Seattle taxpayers have been subsidizing for 100 years and make YOU fuckers pay for our parking. How you like them apples, huh?
If you can afford a 4×4 with a gun rack, you’ve got too much time and money on your hands.
7 What’s basically happening here is that the buying power of American “professionals” is being equalized to more closely match the standard of living of the offshore workers we now compete with.
I think the question is whether she needs to sell people things they don’t need, so that she can receive a commission (not paid by her employer) in order to just barely live. Our entire economy is predicated on that scam: even though you don’t need this you must buy it now; otherwise the whole system fails.
As far as parking is concerned, there ought to be a level playing field. When I worked in Belltown a few years ago, I found it particularly irritating that the fancy restaurants would employ “goon squads” to discourage anyone from parking on the street within several blocks so they could use the spaces for their valet parking. That just shouldn’t be allowed. No reason they can’t rent a commercial lot nearby, but they shouldn’t be making a profit “renting” public parking spaces. For that matter, it wouldn’t bother me at all to see their well-heeled customers use cabs or the bus, or have “James” drop ’em off in the limo and come back later.
How many parking spots does Ron Sims have?
re 21: How many parking spots does our retarded president have?
Question: What 16 words is George W. Bush notorious for?
What should you sit on prior to spinning?
Does anyone know if/what out city & county council members benefits are for:
1. Car Allowances
2. Fuel compensation
Are you sure that DAVID EHRENSTEIN is a WHITE GUY?
You know, because you might be wrong?
Apologies accepted, please be polite.
@ 20
If some valet goon tried to shoo me away from a public space, I’d tell him to fuck off.
However, some restaurants guard the “Three Minute Loading Zone” spaces tenaciously. Why? If someone parks long term in one of these spaces (which is illegal), it can take FOREVER for the city to tow them. Meanwhile, their customers have nowhere to unload their passengers. So they do guard these spaces for good reason.
25 “I’d tell him to fuck off.”
Not some of these dudes, unless you’ve got your posse with ya.
More and more of Seattle’s night scene is coming to resemble that in New York–complete to the muscle.
I came to Seattle last year for a week long conference at the COnvention Center. One week parking at my hotel was more than one third what I pay for parking here in Pullman at work.
And it caught us unaware. Sure did eliminate any savings for not flying into town.
Milo: Yeah, the name didn’t sound black to me! Doesn’t matter Voice of Chalk Scratching removed the post. I wonder if he’ll police ASSWipes the same way with PelletHead!
Milo look at posts 10-14. Worthless to the thread yet Voice of Chalk Scratching removed my post.
Voice of Chalk Scratching: Didya remove GBS parody song?
re 29: What Reservation did you leave?
The Slappahos?
Figger it out headlice! You’re so smart with that Arizona State Party University edumication!
#31: Isn’t that what yo daddy did to jo mama?
The Shoupist approach to parking is oversimplified. The trend in planning seems to be to reduce parking requirements. Many developers receive density bonuses if they can convince elected officials that the project will generate an “urban village” atmosphere where people will walk or take mass transit. If we take the theory on face value commercial and residential properties should be less expensive if parking is reduced. I’m not drinking the kool-aid just yet because the dollars saved have not been passed on to the consumer in terms of reduced prices and/or transit amenities. The developers are quick to want to reduce parking, but provide no public benefit. Shoup says revenue from parking should be allocated for improved services and amenities. Why should the public pay for government services when the developers are walking to the bank?
Moonbat!s: Isn’t this just another of the many things Mayor Nickels has proposed since this came out in 2005:
“The citizens rebelled at this un-Seattle excess and voted to cap downtown development. Nickels now wants to lift that cap and allow more high-rises to further his goal of wedging 60,000 new Seattleites into the core. Not as workers, as residents (or resident workers). That’s about 60 percent of the city’s anticipated growth over the next two decades.”
Please tell me you didn’t forget this… Well you be Moonbat!s of course you forgot this!
So by charging for parking… Nickels reaches for his Seattle Utopia…
Out-Of-Control Port Wants To Tear Down Affordable Housing
“By Sharon Pian Chan
“Seattle Times staff reporter
“There is a housing crunch in the Puget Sound region, and the Port of Seattle wants to demolish 162 affordable apartments with the hope of landing a big-box retailer.
“Housing advocates are protesting and tenants are scrambling … after the Port announced plans to tear down the Lora Lake Apartments in Burien and seek building proposals for a new warehouse or a retail giant to set up shop. …
“The King County Housing Authority, which has operated the apartments for the past seven years, wants the Port to let tenants stay two more years while the Port seeks development bids. ‘We simply can’t lose this kind of housing because increasingly there is no housing for the working poor,’ said Stephen Norman, executive director for the housing authority.”
18 Yes, and that shouldn’t be our national objective; but under the Bush regime, it is.
19 There are salespeople, and there are salespeople. I get at least 5 mailers a week from Comcast trying to sell me an expensive service I don’t want. I throw it in the recycle bin and pay to have it hauled away.
But let’s say you sell heavy equipment to contractors. Your job consists of understanding your customers’ needs, keeping abreast of the latest developments in the industry, providing expert advice on financing million-dollar purchase orders, acting as liaison between buyer and manufacturer, and babysitting the order until it’s set up and operating at the job site.
Not all salespeople make cold calls or ring doorbells to peddle cookware or life insurance. The salespeople working in specialty industries are seasoned professionals, and the good ones — who make the deal work for the customer’s bottom line — are worth every cent of their commission.
Now ask yourself why I get 5 mailers a week from Comcast. This has been going on for years, and I’m obviously not a hot sales prospect, because after receiving several hundred of these mailings I still haven’t called a Comcast sales rep. And a reasonable computer would conclude I never will. Yet they keep sending me their promos (and killing trees in the process). Why?
Because they’re not paying for it. You are. The big mass mailers get below-cost postage rates subsidized by retail postal customers (i.e., the poor shmuck who uses a 39-cent, soon to be 41-cent,* stamp to mail his garbage bill payment). Brought to you by the wingnut fuckups who suck up to Big Bidness on your dime.
* First-class rate change effective May 14, 2007.
@21 What is that relevant to? Since I’m paying his salary, I hope he has as many parking spaces as he needs, and isn’t spending his paid time waiting for a bus to show up.
@21 (continued) Do you notice how wingnuts always go ad hominem when they have no defensible position?
For example, in the face of overwhelming evidence of human-caused global warming, their response is that Al Gore flies on private jets. Well, guess what, so does everyone else running for president — their transportation needs are different from ours.
You can always tell a wingnut is losing an argument because he tries to change the subject to Al Gore, who isn’t even running for anything.
@26 I would think the moment a restaurant employee starts pushing around a driver for trying to park in a public space on a city street, the restaurant would be on the hook for a big-money lawsuit.
You can’t sue the Mafia, but you damn sure can sue a restaurant — and become its proud new owner.
@27 That’s nothing. Wait until we tax you country hicks for our shiny new $500 million basketball palace.
We’re gonna pay for it with a $15 tax on a McDonald’s cheeseburger and fries.
@28 I’ll have you know I’m a respectable poster.
@29 This is a liberal blog. Reading it is a voluntary activity. Nobody made you come here. You invited yourself. So kwichyerbellyachen.
@34 “Many developers receive density bonuses if they can convince elected officials that the project will generate an ‘urban village’ atmosphere where people will walk or take mass transit.”
Well that’s easy to do! “Our 250-square-foot condos will cost so much our customers won’t be able to afford cars.”
My fucking hole in Green Lake Park is looking better every minute! Hey, if you’ve got a housing problem, I’ve got a nice spot under a tree root where you can curl up for only $1400 a month. Call 1-900-ROG-RENT.
Don’t complain to me about my rental rates! I didn’t create this mess. I’m merely a business rabbit.
@35 I’d rather have ’em in Belltown than sprawling over Issaquah greenbelt.
Hey puddinghead!!! Want to get rid of Roger Rabbit? Here’s how. Join forces with us to impeach Chump and Chimp — once the wingnuts are gone, I’m outta here!!! After President Pelosi takes over, there won’t be anything for me to post about.
31 “e 29: What Reservation did you leave?”
Lucy, that’s just how he spells “Asylum”.
you might want to consider this fact rabbit….china is the LARGEST buyer of american goods.
re 56: I guess Communism really works!
re 55: I must have got the wrong Reservation.
PudWax left the Slappahomies, not the Slappahos. I’ve been told that his Indian name is “Three-Skin”. The village elders said he wasn’t good enough to be “Four-Skin”.
You people are just crazy hahaha!
Eric Oemig as featured speaker at a local church? Isn’t that the dreaded mixing of church and state???
Blah blah blah Moonbat!s.
Yeah, attack Puddy. Nothing else in your arsenal!
High parking costs, high housing costs, high (and rising) property taxes, and soon high bridge tolls … these are all pieces of a picture: Seattle is becoming a VERY expensive to live and work. I know of at least one state agency that considered closing its Seattle office because they couldn’t get their employees to work here. Why? Seattle is unaffordable on a state salary. The state doesn’t compensate its workers for accepting assignments in high-cost-of-living areas, nor help them with things like parking fees or commuting costs. The salary is the same in Seattle as it is in Spokane or Aberdeen, but it costs twice as much to live and commute in Seattle. The same must be true in private business; small businesses paying their workers modest wages not only are struggling under their own financial burdens, but increasingly will find it difficult or impossible to hire workers because people of modest means will find it costs more to work in Seattle than they can earn.
My point is, you can’t keep layering on higher for things like transit, more vehicle expenses such as parking fees and tolls, etc., without crushing Seattle’s economy. Eventually, the segment of Seattle’s workforce that is not highly paid will simply leave this city rather than be financially choked to death here, and the city’s offices and shops will be empty.
Puddy @ 61
You are incapable of having a rational, dispassionate discussion. So, making fun of your obvious limitations only makes sense.
Yeah Proud libtard. Right. I find so much stuff on your side’s hypocrisy, you have no comment.
No comment on #35?
Either you forgot what he said in 2005 or you know it makes Seattleites look stupid for voting in Greg I’d Don’t Give a Nickels!
How come I can find crap like this Proud libtard? I must have a great memory.
Go back to your pimply faced existence. Oh that’s right…………, you claimed that was me.
@3 You still haven’t explained why employees should pay for the employer’s costs of doing business.
Puddy @ 64,
I love you, too.
@56 “christmasghost says: you might want to consider this fact rabbit….china is the LARGEST buyer of american goods.
05/07/2007 at 3:36 pm”
Yeah. They buy oil, steel, copper, plywood, and cement — driving up the price of these commodities for American consumers.
@61 “Yeah, attack Puddy.”
That’s too easy. Give us something more challenging.
@64 “it makes Seattleites look stupid for voting in Greg I’d Don’t Give a Nickels!”
It was pretty hard to vote for anyone else given that he didn’t have an opponent. How come YOU didn’t run? You seem to have all the answers.
I wonder if the journalists paid for their parking?,2933,270400,00.html
PelletHead: It’s been established I don’t live in Seattle. Mr Frog kisser claims I live in Mason County. Voice of Chalk Scratching’s hit stats prove other wise!
Golly PelletHead, you are naturally stupid. No wonder you made guvmint hack lawyer!
Even if there was a credible opposition candidate, too many Moonbat!s.
Proud Libtard: Feeling not mutual!
Headlice: When did 1600 Pennsylvania Ave move to Seattle?
See Proud Libtard more moronic news from your peeps.
Having large families ‘is an eco-crime’. What?
Puddy’s nearly coherent rantings speak more or less for themselves.
I personally feel that supporting Nickels was a mistake, but that’s mainly because since taking office he’s shown himself to be another shill in the pocket of the big real estate developers and the downtown fat cats underneath his populist veneer. In other words, Puddy, he’s the exact opposite of what you in your idiotic blather seem to be trying to say: He talks from the left, but governs from the right.
BTW here it is in Australia.,00.html
Hey, Puddy,
If you’d ever taken a college English class, you’d have learned that an exclamation point–this is an exclamation point: (!)–should almost never be used in serious writing. The writing itself should provide the exclamation. This writing lesson is provided gratis (that means for free).
Proud Libtard
Moonbat! is my signature. Like:
Nuff Said
The Defense Rests
Maria Moonbat! tongue puuuuuuuuurfectly!
Darcy Moonbat!
Rolls off the tongue!
ArtFart: If synaptic firings actually occurred in that non-functioning cranial orifice, you’d be dangerous!
Now this is amazing.
I wonder what their politics are?
Finding this stuff is sooooooooooooooo easy!
So Moonbat!s, think of all the parking Don Imus will pay for when he wins his lawsuit.
Gloomy Gus Stupid:
One of your friends beating up women?;cset=true
You betcha!
More political correctness running amok.
Headlice: Some of your friends who stayed behing?
What? It was on Newsmax. Oh no, listen to the angry Clueless!
Proud Libtard: Looks like all your friends in France are upset. Well your side lost an election in France.
Now we have friends of the US in France and Germany. You forgot the Merkel election last year? Of course you did… you be Moonbat!s. You all forget bad news.
So Moonbat!s: I think Voice of Chalk Scratching should run a blog theme;
Paper of Plastic. Looks like Brian Williams got flummoxed on this topic tonight!
Voice of Chalk Scratching: Is this an issue for the PITA people to chew on?
PITA – Pain In The ASS!
Now this is interesting.
Something all the Moonbat!s love to discuss – Peer Review!
Here you go Moonbat!s:
Liberalism run amok. Paris Hilton. Rick and Kathy Hilton are such great parents!
Support our troops – take their place.
RightEqualsStupid says:
Support our troops – take their place.
05/07/2007 at 7:06 pm
These lefties are all for the troops except when it comes to voting. hehehehehehhe
The conservatives just finished a debate moderated by Chris Mathews, a waterboy for the left. Why wont the dems go on Fox? Oh, that right they are pussies. Nevermind.
Dan Rather did you see and hear the questions Chris Matthews asked? Should Bill Clinton be president again?
What a ‘tard!
Yeah, back in the day that question was par for the course. The repeal of the “fairness doctrine” was the worst thing that ever happened to us lying,lefty journalist. Oh for the good ole days when we owned the media.
Roger Rabbit says:
For example, in the face of overwhelming evidence of human-caused global warming, their response is that Al Gore flies on private jets. Well, guess what, so does everyone else running for president — their transportation needs are different from ours.
05/07/2007 at 3:00 pm
Yep Roger Al Goreaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa does ride in a priviate jet but he is not running for PRESIDENT. What your point?
Roger Rabbit says:
@21 What is that relevant to? Since I’m paying his salary, I hope he has as many parking spaces as he needs, and isn’t spending his paid time waiting for a bus to show up.
05/07/2007 at 2:57 pm
Yep Roger you are apying his salary and so am I but I bought my parking spot not the TAX payers. So what your point can he like myselft pay for his own?
WOW do you left wing liberials love those Frenchmen thay finialy found their BALLS.
That’s it!!!!!! I am changing my name to poupon_le_rabbit.
I wonder how many Hollywood moonbats will be moving out of France since they elected a conservative? None!! They didn’t move when Bush got elected. Lefties are all liars.
I heard that Sarkozy won by 6 points even with the high turnout of illegal immigrants,criminals and dead people who overwhelmingly vote left. Yet more proof that a lefty is a lefty whether in France, China or the US.
Yeah, the waterfront streetcar doesn’t count. Unless you get off the ferry to go to the ID, PS, or work at Immunex or the PI, or are a student at SAI.
Or if you like tourists spending money along the line.
Will, I can count on you to always be the reliably uniformed dumbass I’ve come to know and taunt.
BTW, since Paul Allens Utopian village has opened, there has been no increase in ridership along the #17 line.
Either they are walking everywhere, or, horrors, THEY OWN CARS.
But I’m sure the nations shortest streetcar line, running against traffic, with no dedicated signaling system, will be the answer.
Back on topic.
Will’s post confirms my fears … he is talking as a citizen of Seattle 2.0. S 2.0 is comprised of people who live in a Manhattan clone, isolated from not only the mountains and sound, but from the ordinary folk of Seatle’s traditional neighborhoods.
Try living in Greenwood or West Seattle without a car! Goldy is right … the Rainier Valley is the ffuture because it offers mass transit into the city. Maybe, maybe this will give rise to a new neighbrhood with schools and parks, churches and libraries … maybe. But, none of those things are present in Belltown, in Seattle 2.0.
I am all in favor of Belltown, but not Belltown as some wierd culture with no children, no schools, no Safeways, and no trucks to take the dog hunting!
@ 100
A uniformed dumbass? What kind of uniform?
I am all in favor of Belltown, but not Belltown as some wierd culture with no children, no schools, no Safeways, and no trucks to take the dog hunting!
Well, jeez, CrazyJew, that’s nice that you’re in favor of my neighborhood.
While Belltown has no public school (which would be tough to swing, considering schools are closing all over the city) and few children, Seattle itself is growing ever more childless. So whoop dee freakin’ doo.
Oh, and by the way, Belltown USED to be called the Denny Regrade, and it (along with Pioneer Square) is a traditional neighborhood. Quite the CapHill snob, SJ?
@ 100
Maybe I’m too hard on the George Benson line. It was useful, you know, years ago, back when it was operating. But now it’s a bus line. Which sucks.
@71 Now that we’ve established you don’t live in Seattle, why are you minding Seattle’s business? How about tending to your own, and let Seattleites solve Seattle’s problems? We don’t need any officious meddlers from Yelm.
@74 Where did the occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue get the idea it’s a royal palace?
@79 In my long career as a lawyer, you’re not the first idiot I’ve encountered who rested his defense after saying nothing.
For the record, I didn’t bother to read any of puddinghead’s links, so I have no idea what the fuck he’s ranting about; and what’s more, I don’t care.
@91 “Why wont the dems go on Fox?”
Because we’re not going to let wingnuts define the terms and conditions of debate. We’re going to take this election and shove it right up your asses.
The best part about the polls showing the GOP will be lucky to get 30% of the vote (and that’s after they suppress the minority vote and rig the voting machines) is that we get to prosecute these bastards for their crimes when it’s our turn to appoint the federal prosecutors.
@90 Republicans support the troops by sending them to their deaths.
@94 My point is … klake is a nazi
Before I forget … JCH is a nazi, too.
(JCH evidently is either dead or blocked from this site; and there’s nothing I enjoy more than kicking a wingnut who can’t defend himself. I don’t believe in giving these traitors a sporting chance. They had their chance.)
I’m almost to the point where I no longer believe in giving them a fair trial, either. I’m tempted to say let’s just hang them and be done with it.*
* Just kidding! Ann Coulter satire.
wasn’t Matt Fox the dork who lobbied against the Commons because he didn’t want a park with high priced condos around it, so now we have no park with high priced condos around it…good brain..
Whats good for the goose is good for the gander. If the Seattle government wishes to push this new parking policy, they should take the lead. No more parking for the city council, mayor or other employess provided. You are on your own. Ride the bus.
Probably should include the King county council and employess downtown too.
PelletHead: Yes don’t read my links and stay uninformed like Clueless and Stupid.
BTW, I’ll keep posting them.
Did you look up David Ehrenstein? He has Magic!
PelletHead: I see no one is compensating you for your diarrheal commentary (5 posts on the same blog entry), so maybe you can get some Vietnam benefits.
ait… you said you don’t read my links!
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
You see PelletHead I thought of you when I read this:
But a review by Scripps Howard News Service of more than 60,000 cases under the purview of the VA’s Veterans Benefits Administration reveals that there likely have been thousands of vets since 1972 who, collectively, have drawn millions of dollars in payments for conditions they readily acknowledge came from illicit sexual activity. [emphasis mine]
Since you “claim” to be the bunny procreation monster, you had to start in Vietnam!