1,2. Indeed. Didn’t I hear somewhere that the media is leftist? Didn’t I hear somewhere that Elvis lives?
@ 3
I heard somewhere that if the billionaires and multinational corporations get taxpayer-funded profit subsidies from the Federal government, they create jobs.
Godfrey Cambridgespews:
@4 — They do. In foreign countries and the South — but I repeat myself.
Chris Stefanspews:
you forgot “San Francisco is doing so Seattle shouldn’t because San Francisco is full of dirty fucking hippies”.
Time for a Fake Joni Balter Twitter account!
It must be done.
1,2. Indeed. Didn’t I hear somewhere that the media is leftist? Didn’t I hear somewhere that Elvis lives?
@ 3
I heard somewhere that if the billionaires and multinational corporations get taxpayer-funded profit subsidies from the Federal government, they create jobs.
@4 — They do. In foreign countries and the South — but I repeat myself.
you forgot “San Francisco is doing so Seattle shouldn’t because San Francisco is full of dirty fucking hippies”.