In late May, news outlets in Kenya told the story of 15 people, mostly elderly women, who were murdered in a witch hunt near the town of Kisii. The killings shocked the nation.
Sarah must be proud of her witch hunting pastor over this. I guess it is just too bad for the victims and their families. But hey, they were witches, weren’t they?
It seems that a lot of so-called Christians these days keep repeating “Jesus, Jesus” and yet are never heard discussing his teachings. I can see how difficult it would be for them to reconcile their spewing of hatred with the Sermon on the Mount.
Country Firstspews:
There are many reasons to be afraid of a McCain/Palin administration. Palin was interviewed by Katie yesterday.
COURIC: Well, explain to me why that enhances your foreign policy credentials?
PALIN: Well, it certainly does because our next door neighbors are foreign countries. they’re in the state that i am the executive of. And there in Russia —
COURIC: Have you ever been involved with any negotiations for example, with the Russians?
PALIN: We have trade missions back and forth. We do — it’s very important when you consider even national security issues with Russia — as Putin rears his head and comes into the airspace of the United States of America, where do they go?
It’s Alaska, It’s right over the border. It is from Alaska, that we send those out to make sure an eye is being kept on this very powerful nation, Russia, because they are right there, they are right next to our state.
OMGoodness: Still using the “demoted” one Goldy?
And then there’s that goatfucker, Pudnuts. How on earth does he ever reconcile his faith with this,
Exodus 22:19
“Whoever lies with an animal shall surely be put to death.”
Country Firstspews:
Since McCain can’t be at the debate because he has suspended his campaign so he can save America, he should send Palin in his stead. He is arguing that she is ready to be President should he drop dead, ain’t he?
Country Firstspews:
That is too fucking funny. I didn’t even know that Mark the fucking racist Republican is a goat.
David Aquariusspews:
Born-agains in political office scare the Hell outta me,
Face it, the last Christian died on the cross 2000 years ago. And yes, he was Jewish.
Christianity, as it has been practiced since the days of Paul, is a violent blood cult.
Consider the last job held by the current Pope. He was prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, or as it was once known the Holy Office of the Inquisition.
Pope Benny the Inquisitor
…and people wonder why I’m Pagan.
Daddy Lovespews:
Yes, John McCain has “suspended” his campaign. Or has he? Apparently he suspended EVERYTHING about his campaign except for the five appearances of his campaign workers on national TV today hacking at Obama, the ads he has still running all across the country, Sarah Palin’s campaign event at Ground Zero in Manhattan today, and the campaign speech he delivered today at the Clinton Global Initiative.
What is it with you folks? Yes, we, along with most liberals and a good percentage of conservatives, are raking Governor Palin over coals of her own creation.
My question is, why are you defending her? What has she shown, in either her tenure as Mayor of Wasilla (hey, maybe Grechen Wilbert could be VP. She’s a nice lady, and has more executive experience than Governor Palin.) or Governor of Alaska that makes you folks like her?
Whether you agree or not, Democrats made a case for Senator Obama, and he was vetted through the primary and caucus system. Senator Biden is also a pretty easy case to make.
I’ll even give you that Senator McCain has been carefully vetted and chosen through an exhaustive process. I may disagree with you about his abilities and qualifications, but I acknowledge that you folks at least looked at them.
But Sarah Palin? She’s the best you could do? Really? How did she even make it into the top fifty?
If so, let me once again introduce you to Gretchen Wilbert. Former Mayor of Gig Harbor (population 6,910), active member of the local Methodist Church, Gig Harbor Lions Club, President of the Pierce County Mainstream Republicans.
No abuse of power investigations, and we Methodists tend to keep our sermons on things like Jesus’ message of peace, justice and charity. Nothing that would be likely to show up on a viral video clip.
She’s also a retired kindergarten teacher, which would serve her very well in dealing with the folks back in DC.
Of course, it’s possible she turned them down. She is a pretty smart lady.
Funny how 3 weeks ago the Wingnuts were complaining about people asking about Palin as being a “Witchhunt”… Duh!
Steve, HAs Biggest ASSHole, can you exactly pinpoint the time, place and special event that occured where I broke Exodus 22:19?
But we all know you live in that filth, because there have been URLs posted on HA describing this in high definition detail.
So again Steve, why do you subject us to your sexual habits? You seem to troll these sites every day and every way! So go back to your mastubatory fantasies at work and your active sex life in Clallum County at night!
John Barelli:
How you doing fine sir?
This is a curious quote: “Whether you agree or not, Democrats made a case for Senator Obama, and he was vetted through the primary and caucus system.”
Vetted? Not really. Thorough? No. Ayers, Rezko, Wright, etc. No there is more vetting to do but the 90% liberal media won’t do the tough work. That’s why when the lady who was a live aborted baby was on TV last week the Obama campaign went apoplectic.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Do you really want a woman who thinks God elected her governor of Alaska to rid her state of witches deciding what to do about the economic mess her party got us into?
Daddy Lovespews:
Hey, if spending $700 billion is all good as a way of “helping the economy,” it seems to me we should look carefully at EVERY WAY that $700 billion could be spent to help.
Case in point: we have, what, something like 150 million taxpayers here? Why not give every one of them $4666.67? Why not?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 “I didn’t even know that Mark the fucking racist Republican is a goat.”
He isn’t, but his children are half-goats.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@13 “This is a curious quote: ‘Whether you agree or not, Democrats made a case for Senator Obama, and he was vetted through the primary and caucus system.’ Vetted? Not really. Thorough?”
Memo to Puddy: “Vetted” means that millions of people voted for Obama in primaries and caucuses where he had to compete against 8 other Democratic candidates. How many people have voted to make Sarah Palin president? or vice president? Not a single one.
Now let’s talk about Bill Ayers. Obama served on a couple of boards with a guy who was a leader of a tiny violent radical group, oh, around the time Obama was being born.
So fucking what?
Ayers isn’t running for president, dumbass! Obama is. And Obama isn’t Bill Ayers. Barely knows the guy. You shameless righties are once again trying to spin whole cloth from empty air.
I do my best to be just like I amspews:
I know Palin supports shooting wolves from the sky, but what is her position on dropping houses on witches, the bad ones anyway?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@15 I’m willing to let them spend the $700 billion that McCain would spend to stay in Iraq another 4 years on saving the economy instead.
(Taking a quick break….)
Horsey pretty much forecast how the “finanical crisis” was going to be handled as early as December of last year….
Yet to John McCain and Sarah Palin, suddenly it’s a surprise which requires them to drop everything?
@12 “So again Steve, why do you subject us to your sexual habits?”
Wow, deep denial, Pud. I reckon that it’s difficult for you to accept that I post about the sexual depravity of your Republican leadership. Of course, the inference of my posts is that you, the rank underbelly of that disgusting party, are likely its most foul representative. The link below is the gateway to your personal abyss, Pud. Knock yourself out. Then come back and demonstrate for us again your complete and utter state of denial and all that it infers.
I’m doing well, although with the RE biz as slow as it has been, I’m having to do parts of the job that are much less fun, along with being more difficult and less profitable. (I really don’t like doing property evaluations for banks.)
You didn’t answer the question. Whether you agree with the choice or not, Senator Obama faced a tough and determined opponent in Senator Clinton, and stories that had any legs to them came out.
Rezco, Ayers, Wright? All of those stories came out, and especially in the case of Rev. Wright, were repeated so often and so loudly that even the Republicans have realized that everyone has heard them, and there’s just no more flavor in that piece of gum.
One more question. You mentioned the Obama campaign “went apoplectic” about the young woman that survived an attempted abortion.
While I’m certainly happy for her, and have serious reservations about abortions carried out beyond the point where the fetus is viable (essentially, I think you and I can agree that they should only happen in the case of a serious threat to the mother’s physical health at that point) I heard no apoplexy from the Obama campaign.
Obama voted against a law in Illinois because it changed the legal definition of a person, while not providing any actual protection to a live-born baby beyond that already provided under federal law.
The proposed law appeared to be an attempt to recognize, under Illinois law, any embryo or fetus as a person with independent rights.
I realize that this is your consistently held, stated opinion, and while I disagree, I also respect your consistency on this. You are welcome to propose and campaign for laws that say so, but that debate should be held openly. Not snuck in under the radar.
Still, apoplexy? When? Where?
Oh, and the Sarah Palin question still stands. She’s the best you folks could find? Really?
proud leftistspews:
Congratulations on Puddy’s naming you “HAs Biggest ASSHole.” You must be beaming with pride.
Daddy Love @ 15:
Among the things we could do with 700 Billion +, if we weren’t giving it to the bankers….
Repair all highway bridges in the U.S.: 180 billion.
Perform critical maintenance on railroad infrastucture: 185 billion.
Build a bullet-train system running the length of California: 1 billion.
Build an Arazona solar array which would provide electricity for 72,000 households: 1 billion (and pay for itself within seven years).
Buy private health-care insurance for every man, woman, and child in the United States – 150 billion.
And with more left over. That’s the “lost opportunity” cost caused by this mess.
@25 “Build a bullet-train system running the length of California: 1 billion.”
Huh? That can’t be right.
@24 I have no idea why he keeps flattering me. After all, I’m not a goat.
The NRA is going to be the other 9 Billion Dollars of it.
Grechen Wilbert is way cooler than Sarah Palin!
Reformed republicanspews:
Sarah Palin is the gift that keeps giving. Just saw her interview with Katie Couric – I never thought I would say this but Katie comes across as much more knowledgable and resonable than Sarah. Sarah sounds like an incoherent airhead. She says things that defy understanding like the floating head of Putin over alaska. Why can’t Sarah just be honest and say she is a hockey mom – and she knows squat about foreign policy? Instead she chooses to lie about her record and pretend that living close to Russia makes her some kind of expert – give me a break!
Yup, McCain sure put country first in a cynical attempt to win the election by picking a far-right wing christian woman. Now it is coming back to bite him in the leg. The real reason for suspending the campaign (which will go on as usual – just another republican lie)is to avoid the VP debate. Look for any excuse now to avoid the debate. Look for McCain to run from the debates and for Palin to avoid any debate. Look for Rick Davis (McCain’s campaign manager) to blame the media for printing facts about his Freddie Mac l;obbying payments. Look for more confusion, denials and lying by the incompetent republicans who failed to vet Palin. Look for the polls to show McCain sinking even further.
Reformed republicanspews:
@13: Really – a live aborted baby on TV – must have missed it. I thought aborted fetuses died.
Maybe they should put the baby that was preveted by birth control on prime time next – that should be a big hit too.
I didn’t notice any response from the Obama camapaign about any live aborted baby. Care to link to the Obama response or are you just shooting off air?
Sarah must be proud of her witch hunting pastor over this. I guess it is just too bad for the victims and their families. But hey, they were witches, weren’t they?
It seems that a lot of so-called Christians these days keep repeating “Jesus, Jesus” and yet are never heard discussing his teachings. I can see how difficult it would be for them to reconcile their spewing of hatred with the Sermon on the Mount.
There are many reasons to be afraid of a McCain/Palin administration. Palin was interviewed by Katie yesterday.
OMGoodness: Still using the “demoted” one Goldy?
And then there’s that goatfucker, Pudnuts. How on earth does he ever reconcile his faith with this,
Exodus 22:19
“Whoever lies with an animal shall surely be put to death.”
Since McCain can’t be at the debate because he has suspended his campaign so he can save America, he should send Palin in his stead. He is arguing that she is ready to be President should he drop dead, ain’t he?
That is too fucking funny. I didn’t even know that Mark the fucking racist Republican is a goat.
Born-agains in political office scare the Hell outta me,
Face it, the last Christian died on the cross 2000 years ago. And yes, he was Jewish.
Christianity, as it has been practiced since the days of Paul, is a violent blood cult.
Consider the last job held by the current Pope. He was prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, or as it was once known the Holy Office of the Inquisition.
Pope Benny the Inquisitor
…and people wonder why I’m Pagan.
Yes, John McCain has “suspended” his campaign. Or has he? Apparently he suspended EVERYTHING about his campaign except for the five appearances of his campaign workers on national TV today hacking at Obama, the ads he has still running all across the country, Sarah Palin’s campaign event at Ground Zero in Manhattan today, and the campaign speech he delivered today at the Clinton Global Initiative.
Other than that, NADA. It’s over. Suspended.
Ha. Ha.
Puddy (and others):
What is it with you folks? Yes, we, along with most liberals and a good percentage of conservatives, are raking Governor Palin over coals of her own creation.
My question is, why are you defending her? What has she shown, in either her tenure as Mayor of Wasilla (hey, maybe Grechen Wilbert could be VP. She’s a nice lady, and has more executive experience than Governor Palin.) or Governor of Alaska that makes you folks like her?
Whether you agree or not, Democrats made a case for Senator Obama, and he was vetted through the primary and caucus system. Senator Biden is also a pretty easy case to make.
I’ll even give you that Senator McCain has been carefully vetted and chosen through an exhaustive process. I may disagree with you about his abilities and qualifications, but I acknowledge that you folks at least looked at them.
But Sarah Palin? She’s the best you could do? Really? How did she even make it into the top fifty?
If so, let me once again introduce you to Gretchen Wilbert. Former Mayor of Gig Harbor (population 6,910), active member of the local Methodist Church, Gig Harbor Lions Club, President of the Pierce County Mainstream Republicans.
No abuse of power investigations, and we Methodists tend to keep our sermons on things like Jesus’ message of peace, justice and charity. Nothing that would be likely to show up on a viral video clip.
She’s also a retired kindergarten teacher, which would serve her very well in dealing with the folks back in DC.
Of course, it’s possible she turned them down. She is a pretty smart lady.
Funny how 3 weeks ago the Wingnuts were complaining about people asking about Palin as being a “Witchhunt”… Duh!
Steve, HAs Biggest ASSHole, can you exactly pinpoint the time, place and special event that occured where I broke Exodus 22:19?
But we all know you live in that filth, because there have been URLs posted on HA describing this in high definition detail.
So again Steve, why do you subject us to your sexual habits? You seem to troll these sites every day and every way! So go back to your mastubatory fantasies at work and your active sex life in Clallum County at night!
John Barelli:
How you doing fine sir?
This is a curious quote: “Whether you agree or not, Democrats made a case for Senator Obama, and he was vetted through the primary and caucus system.”
Vetted? Not really. Thorough? No. Ayers, Rezko, Wright, etc. No there is more vetting to do but the 90% liberal media won’t do the tough work. That’s why when the lady who was a live aborted baby was on TV last week the Obama campaign went apoplectic.
Do you really want a woman who thinks God elected her governor of Alaska to rid her state of witches deciding what to do about the economic mess her party got us into?
Hey, if spending $700 billion is all good as a way of “helping the economy,” it seems to me we should look carefully at EVERY WAY that $700 billion could be spent to help.
Case in point: we have, what, something like 150 million taxpayers here? Why not give every one of them $4666.67? Why not?
@7 “I didn’t even know that Mark the fucking racist Republican is a goat.”
He isn’t, but his children are half-goats.
@13 “This is a curious quote: ‘Whether you agree or not, Democrats made a case for Senator Obama, and he was vetted through the primary and caucus system.’ Vetted? Not really. Thorough?”
Memo to Puddy: “Vetted” means that millions of people voted for Obama in primaries and caucuses where he had to compete against 8 other Democratic candidates. How many people have voted to make Sarah Palin president? or vice president? Not a single one.
Now let’s talk about Bill Ayers. Obama served on a couple of boards with a guy who was a leader of a tiny violent radical group, oh, around the time Obama was being born.
So fucking what?
Ayers isn’t running for president, dumbass! Obama is. And Obama isn’t Bill Ayers. Barely knows the guy. You shameless righties are once again trying to spin whole cloth from empty air.
I know Palin supports shooting wolves from the sky, but what is her position on dropping houses on witches, the bad ones anyway?
@15 I’m willing to let them spend the $700 billion that McCain would spend to stay in Iraq another 4 years on saving the economy instead.
(Taking a quick break….)
Horsey pretty much forecast how the “finanical crisis” was going to be handled as early as December of last year….
Horsey 14Dec2008
Yet to John McCain and Sarah Palin, suddenly it’s a surprise which requires them to drop everything?
@12 “So again Steve, why do you subject us to your sexual habits?”
Wow, deep denial, Pud. I reckon that it’s difficult for you to accept that I post about the sexual depravity of your Republican leadership. Of course, the inference of my posts is that you, the rank underbelly of that disgusting party, are likely its most foul representative. The link below is the gateway to your personal abyss, Pud. Knock yourself out. Then come back and demonstrate for us again your complete and utter state of denial and all that it infers.
For a pair of shiny red shoes, I’m sure she’d have no problem with that.
I’m doing well, although with the RE biz as slow as it has been, I’m having to do parts of the job that are much less fun, along with being more difficult and less profitable. (I really don’t like doing property evaluations for banks.)
You didn’t answer the question. Whether you agree with the choice or not, Senator Obama faced a tough and determined opponent in Senator Clinton, and stories that had any legs to them came out.
Rezco, Ayers, Wright? All of those stories came out, and especially in the case of Rev. Wright, were repeated so often and so loudly that even the Republicans have realized that everyone has heard them, and there’s just no more flavor in that piece of gum.
One more question. You mentioned the Obama campaign “went apoplectic” about the young woman that survived an attempted abortion.
While I’m certainly happy for her, and have serious reservations about abortions carried out beyond the point where the fetus is viable (essentially, I think you and I can agree that they should only happen in the case of a serious threat to the mother’s physical health at that point) I heard no apoplexy from the Obama campaign.
Obama voted against a law in Illinois because it changed the legal definition of a person, while not providing any actual protection to a live-born baby beyond that already provided under federal law.
The proposed law appeared to be an attempt to recognize, under Illinois law, any embryo or fetus as a person with independent rights.
I realize that this is your consistently held, stated opinion, and while I disagree, I also respect your consistency on this. You are welcome to propose and campaign for laws that say so, but that debate should be held openly. Not snuck in under the radar.
Still, apoplexy? When? Where?
Oh, and the Sarah Palin question still stands. She’s the best you folks could find? Really?
Congratulations on Puddy’s naming you “HAs Biggest ASSHole.” You must be beaming with pride.
Daddy Love @ 15:
Among the things we could do with 700 Billion +, if we weren’t giving it to the bankers….
Repair all highway bridges in the U.S.: 180 billion.
Perform critical maintenance on railroad infrastucture: 185 billion.
Build a bullet-train system running the length of California: 1 billion.
Build an Arazona solar array which would provide electricity for 72,000 households: 1 billion (and pay for itself within seven years).
Buy private health-care insurance for every man, woman, and child in the United States – 150 billion.
And with more left over. That’s the “lost opportunity” cost caused by this mess.
Source: Seven Better Uses for Bailout’s 700 Billion
@25 “Build a bullet-train system running the length of California: 1 billion.”
Huh? That can’t be right.
@24 I have no idea why he keeps flattering me. After all, I’m not a goat.
The NRA is going to be the other 9 Billion Dollars of it.
Grechen Wilbert is way cooler than Sarah Palin!
Sarah Palin is the gift that keeps giving. Just saw her interview with Katie Couric – I never thought I would say this but Katie comes across as much more knowledgable and resonable than Sarah. Sarah sounds like an incoherent airhead. She says things that defy understanding like the floating head of Putin over alaska. Why can’t Sarah just be honest and say she is a hockey mom – and she knows squat about foreign policy? Instead she chooses to lie about her record and pretend that living close to Russia makes her some kind of expert – give me a break!
Yup, McCain sure put country first in a cynical attempt to win the election by picking a far-right wing christian woman. Now it is coming back to bite him in the leg. The real reason for suspending the campaign (which will go on as usual – just another republican lie)is to avoid the VP debate. Look for any excuse now to avoid the debate. Look for McCain to run from the debates and for Palin to avoid any debate. Look for Rick Davis (McCain’s campaign manager) to blame the media for printing facts about his Freddie Mac l;obbying payments. Look for more confusion, denials and lying by the incompetent republicans who failed to vet Palin. Look for the polls to show McCain sinking even further.
@13: Really – a live aborted baby on TV – must have missed it. I thought aborted fetuses died.
Maybe they should put the baby that was preveted by birth control on prime time next – that should be a big hit too.
I didn’t notice any response from the Obama camapaign about any live aborted baby. Care to link to the Obama response or are you just shooting off air?