Once you realize that you’re not reading the Onion and that Sally Quinn – who gained her prestigious Washington Post column by having an affair with a married Ben Bradlee – is being completely serious, you’ll know everything you need to about why left and right alike despise the Washington elite, why our serious national concerns never seem to get solved, and why daily newspaper circulation is plummeting. It’s all there.
According to Wikipedia, Sally Quinn’s dad was an Army general who liberated Dachau, captured Herman Goering, and helped transform the OSS into the CIA; and her parents were close friends of Barry Goldwater.
Now we know the truth about Bush: Laura tucked him into bed at 9:30 every night. Smart woman.
“The Obamas rarely entertain …. They have hosted only one state dinner. That, unfortunately (aside from the gate-crashers), was used to reward White House staffers ….”
What the hell is wrong with that??? When people work their ass off for you, don’t they deserve one night out?
Having lived in DC for many years (95 – 08) I can attest that there is a section of the professional class in Washington that think, feel and believe in this way. New administrations are both new/exciting and podunk-playthings.
But in another way, Sally Quinn is quite correct. The professional salon class to whom she refers is real. They actually exist. Not only do you see them on tv, but they write the conventional wisdom that all the networks and newspapers run with. It is, undoubtedly, the dirtiest little secret of American politics.
And while it’s a damn, dirty shame… it’s a fact of life. And the Obamas ignore it at their own peril. These people (put Chris Matthews in your head if you have a hard time imagining this) do, in fact, control the message. They can be gushing and eager or distant and hateful. Many believe it was this group who sunk Hillary’s campaign.
Whether he likes it or not, Obama’s best bet would be to embrace the JFK persona. Run with it. BE the dashing young executive with beautiful wife. And hug “professional Washington” to his closest breast. They are pliable. They thrive on access and constant stroking. And while it may seem unseemly to us, 3000 miles away, it would be smart politiking on his part.
I’ve been very disappointed with this administration thus far… but Quinn actually has a valid point about the way DC works.
Where do you start? LOL. Gotta love that fossil Sally Quinn for the unitended hilarity. She makes Sarah Palin look thoughtful and wordly.
@4 That’s exactly my point (and I fled DC for Seattle 20 years ago). To The Village, stupid middle school cliquishness of who goes to which party is far more consequential than whether someone like Obama is, you know, doing a good job or serving the people who elect him. (Eww.)
That arrogance and obtuseness not only poisons any chance of political effectiveness, but comes through loud and clear to the 300 million or so of us who understand quite clearly that in their world, we don’t count.
jane bryant quinn wha?
Little Sally’s feelings are hurt, apparently.
President Obama, meeting with congressional Republicans, in “a sometimes-barbed exchange … said some … have attended ribbon-cutting ceremonies for projects funded by the stimulus package they voted against.” (emphasis added)
GOP = Growling Obstructionist Party
Re 9
Oh yeah, Obamas “saved or created” jobs that have done so much for the unemployment rate!
FDR was a wrong, and his policies would have been shown to be the dismal failure all such class warfare is, without WW2.
Lyndon Johnson was a viscious corrupt old man who used class warfare to destroy the work ethic of this country.
Obama is a good European who has no more business being the American president than Silvio Berlusconi.
Silvio Berlusconi??
You mean the billionaire entrepreneur who is the conservative PM of Italy? Don’t kid yourself, the GOP would love to have someone of that stature to be their leader.
Lost, Did you see David “The Devil” Axelrod quote one saved jobs number, Valerie Jarrett quoted another jobs saved number, Robert Gibbs quoted another jobs saved number and finally Odumba quoted the largest jobs saved number. The Whitey House’s Recovery Act Web Site is still working it’s “magic”!
seems to this American as if there is a shortage of Americans in the Reprican party. Instead seems as if you folks have cornered the market for hate mongers, self serving military dodgers, and the myJesus is better than yourJesus crowd,
I would whistle “O say can you see” but I do not think any of you Repricans can hear the sounds of patriotism.
Well Herr Goebbels Himmler Dumb Bunny went there so here is something essential to read. Why does Odumba disciples hate Haitians? And it’s carried the fools at MSNBC… the lowest of the low rated gutter-sniping libtardo cable channels.
Naturally you can see the libtardo slant in the article as written by the leftist NY Slimes. Puddy wonders how many conservative jabs in the article will a HA leftist find?
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SJ queefed
How do you think that SJ?
You are now channeling Goat-lover Steve, purveyor of Steve’s Stupid Solution and partaking of his mind numbing “elixir”? Don’t tell me your lovely wife allowed that drink into your house?
It isn’t us who think right channeling the United Nations Charter trying to have it replace our US Constitution!
Here is some essential reading DeVore won’t read. It blows apart another of his useless thread rants.
“It has been amazing to witness the journalistic malpractice committed by many of the organizations covering this story. MSNBC falsely claimed that I violated a non-existent “gag order.” The Associated Press incorrectly reported that I “broke in” to an office which is open to the public. The Washington Post has now had to print corrections in two stories on me. And these are just a few examples of inaccurate and false reporting. The public will judge whether reporters who can’t get their facts straight have the credibility to question my integrity as a journalist.”
What do you expect James? Those are the libtardo haunts used to get the”message” out. Truth be damned, there is a nagative story to write here. He attacked our beloved ACORN. Can’t have that!
Just look at your idiot-in-chief here and his worthless MSNBC commentary…
“OLBERMANN: From a professional standpoint, how do you determine whether these guys or just O‘Keefe by himself, whether they qualify as journalists, rather than political provocateur, or where is—is there a line, is there a clear, bright line, or is it not so bright?”
Puddy turns on Olbermann for the comedy… then Puddy changes channels. It’s better to read his crap than see it!
DeVore and gang… Sinking lower into the gutter!
More essential reading from another MSNBC fool Shuster…
“The comments were inappropriate,” an MSNBC spokesperson told POLITICO Thursday. “We have talked to David about them.”
Is Shuster getting under the table payments from Bertha Lewis of ACORN?