Equal Rights Washington is planning to run an ad in the Eastside Journal, targeting State Senators Bill Finkbeiner and Luke Esser for their votes against HB-1515, the Anti-Discrimination Bill. They are asking for your help to choose the ad that sends the right message. (And while you’re there, you might as well contribute a few bucks as well.)
If Microsoft really wants to make amends for spinelessly pulling its support for the bill during the last legislative session, I’d suggest they pay for this ad campaign themselves.
Microsoft will pay for this bill about the same time chard-o-neigh gets a stemcell transplant to grow a new cerebelum.
35 dollars or more donation! Sorry, maybe a new tax on, say, leather pants could help payfor the adds.
The Associated Press reports that Bob and Mary Schindler are “not swayed” by the autopsy report and continue “insisting their daughter interacted with them and tried to speak.” Their attorney said the family plans to discuss the autopsy with other medical experts and may take some unspecified legal action.
Yeah and the Earth is Flat.
Washington is known for:…
Poor math or no math (elections)
Few kids in Seattle (related to the ads)
44 valedictorians in 1 high school (luckily only to white and asian kids :( )
Dumbest senator in the Senate
2 worst big city papers in the US
Smiling socialists running the town
Washington is known for….
A republican party that can’t win elections so they waste taxpayer dollars using the very judicial system they always attack in the hope that they can steal an election…
A republican candidate for Governor who doesn’t know the difference between a real estate broker and a real estate agent…
A right wing, anti-gay mayor who himself is gay, raped little boys, abused his power, wasted taxpayer money hiring unqualified boys to do a man’s job in the hopes he could get a city-funded BJ…
A bunch of republican legislators who allegedly support the war in Iraq but who themselves have not served in the military, nor their children…
A state where builders run the republican party…
A state where smart, intelligent, educated people who can think for themselves, have decided to keep most republicans out of political office, where they belong!
The study that you refer to that puts Texas schools near the top and WA schools near the bottom is not compiled using actual numbers from achievement tests, but from “anecdotal evidence.” Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi rank in the top 10% in the anecdotal evidence study. They rank in the bottom 10% if actual achievement scores are used. WA ranks in the top 10% in actual achievement, but ranks in the bottom !0% with the Conservative BS anecdotal study. I pointed all this out on SP shortly before I got banned the 1st time. If you want references go find that SP post, not that I think you would ever let the real facts get in the way of promoting your BS world view.
Headlice @ 5
Are you believing the studies you and your teachers union fabricated to keep your death grip hold on your jobs, even with the mediocre service you provide?
Any study I’ve seen supports what Righton was saying, just because it is transparent and shows what we need work on doesn’t mean it’s wrong.
The pen is mightier than the sword. In cases like this, all you have to do is tell the truth about Finkbeiner and Esser’s voting record. Man, I love being on the side of facts and rationality.
“2 worst big city papers in the US”
I’ll at least partially agree with you on that one. The Seattle Times has gotten a bit better over the years in terms of substance, but it’s still pretty flat. The P-I, in my opinion, is still a pamphlet. But then, I don’t really like most American newspapers all that much.
“Dumbest senator in the Senate”
I beg to differ. This week, that’s gonna be a tie between Senator BIll (Dr. “Schiavo Can See”) Frist and Sentaor Duncan (“but they’re eating lemon fish!”) Hunter. Name one thing that your unnamed senator has done recently that rises to the level of stupidity of the recent antics of those pillocks (Duncan and Frist).
Dr E; that’s way too easy a challenge; first look on Google (just search Patty Murray dumb quotes)
On Terrorism:
“[Osama bin Laden has] been out in these countries for decades, building schools, building roads, building infrastructure, building day-care facilities, building health-care facilities, and these people are extremely grateful. We haven’t done that.” – Sen. Patty Murray, D-WA
All Tools: If your eyes are brown, it ain’t genetics. What studies? Put forward the “studies” you are referring to and lets see if they stand up to scrutiny. You conservatives started this little brouhaha, let’s see if you can finish it. Put up or shut up.
Name one thing that your unnamed senator has done recently that rises to the level of stupidity of the recent antics of those pillocks (Duncan and Frist).
Comment by Dr. E— 6/16/05 @ 8:46 am
Before you can name “one thing that your unnamed senator has done recently that rises to the level of stupidity” you actually have to NAME ONE THINGS SHE’S ACTUALLY DONE.
At least Cantwell, who does even less that Senator Stupid has enough sense to just sit and nod and keep her mouth shut
Well. I’m waiting…….
I never quoted any studies, so if waiting on me, its gonna be a long wait
Washington State is on the downside of the dumbest states.
Aren’t you proud?
“[Osama bin Laden has] been out in these countries for decades, building schools, building roads, building infrastructure, building day-care facilities, building health-care facilities, and these people are extremely grateful. We haven’t done that.” – Sen. Patty Murray, D-WA
What’s incorrect about that statement?
You Blinked!
TJ; he never did this stuff (no day care facilities), and its foolish playing into the hands of the guy who murdered 6,000 plus of us. One thing to ramble about that at the bar, another if you are a US senator.
If I was forced to have a child in the WA public school system I would do everything in my power, make every sacrifice necessary to get them OUT – second job, cancel cell phone, cancel cable, eliminate dinners out and lattes, give up vacations, junk food – I could never be so selfish to condemn my child to a piss poor education that subsidizes bloated administrations and union thugs over teachers and students.
And I didn’t.
The organisation is wrongly named, the title to this article should read “Special Rights WA targets Finkbeiner and Esser”
TJ; he never did this stuff (no day care facilities), and its foolish playing into the hands of the guy who murdered 6,000 plus of us. One thing to ramble about that at the bar, another if you are a US senator.
So your complaint is that he didn’t build day-care facilities and when a US Senator says this, it plays into bin Laden’s hands?
First, Your facts are incorrect. He didn’t murder “6,000 plus of us.”
Second, you’re implicitly accepting her contention that he did the other things.
Third, you’re taking her comments out of context. The question was why people follow and support bin Laden. She answered with a reasonable response whose logic you don’t attack because she’s got a good point. People did see bin Laden as having provided them with specific benefits, and we didn’t have that history. The great thing about that is it’s something we can change if we’re willing to do the work, but not if we stick our heads in the sand and ignore the bases of bin Laden’s support.
Fourth, why should a U.S. Senator encourage ignorance? How is she being irresponsible? As I see it, taking her comments out of context and making them into a TV advertisement is the irresponsible action here. It discourages respect for our elected leaders, fosters ignorance, and undermines honest debate. When we’ve got troops in the field we owe it to them to understand and defeat our enemies. Don’t you agree?
No; Bin Laden didn’t do squat, and I don’t know the exact body count; does it matter?
You commies may not get it, but you don’t say stuff during war, like “yeah, I can see how the German people are upset at the British and its plausible to see why they lob V2s into London”, same for this; you just don’t say it. I agree there’s a dynamic that has Arabs/and or muslims supporting bin laden, but its not as simple as, “he’s a humanitarian”.
I don’t think it did any or many of those things, but that’s almost irrelevant. I can prove the no day care centers, not sure on the rest.
She’s just pure stupid; its her fault the Senate or elected officals get no respect. Try your own logic on all the crap about Frist and Schiavo.
Chuck – You obviously know nothing about discrimination do you? Special Rights Washington??? Go fuck yourself.
Believing conservative dogma always trumps facts w/ Republicans.Republican twisting of reality is like the corporate practice of caring only about tomorrow’s profits: You know that eventually you’re going to lose, but if you break the cardinal rule, you get thrown out of the game. You can’t change that sort of system from the inside, only from the outside.
The Republican coalition of the religeous right, big business, and poor white males is swiftly changing and shattering because the religeous right and the poor white males are beginning to see that only big business is benefitting from neo-con rule. They are beginning to see that the Reps are all hat and no cattle, as the old Texas saw puts it.
Lucidless lucy; no comprendo
No; Bin Laden didn’t do squat, and I don’t know the exact body count; does it matter?
It goes to your credibility.
You commies may not get it, but you don’t say stuff during war, like “yeah, I can see how the German people are upset at the British and its plausible to see why they lob V2s into London”, same for this; you just don’t say it. I agree there’s a dynamic that has Arabs/and or muslims supporting bin laden, but its not as simple as, “he’s a humanitarian”.
Do you honestly think that during WWII in, say, 1943, when a senator was asked why the German people supported Hitler, they didn’t say something like, “He offered them easy scapegoats (Jews, gypsies, etc.), the Autobahn and other large public projects, and rebuilt their military after the humiliation of Versailles?” And if they did, they would undermine the war effort? Come on.
I don’t think it did any or many of those things, but that’s almost irrelevant. I can prove the no day care centers, not sure on the rest.
I’d love to hear your proof. He did in fact do the other things she said he did.
She’s just pure stupid; its her fault the Senate or elected officals get no respect.
That’s your biased opinion, which you admit is based on sketchy, incorrect facts.
Try your own logic on all the crap about Frist and Schiavo.
Happily. The most obvious answer: Cat murderer Frist stated on the Senate floor, “I question it based on a review of the video footage which I spent an hour or so looking at last night in my office… She certainly seems to respond to visual stimuli.”
The autopsy showed, “The vision centers of her brain were dead.” She was blind. She couldn’t possibly “respond to visual stimuli.”
That is infinitely stupider than anything you’ve offered on Murray.
What is the subject matter here folks???
Another TJ: Donnageddon dingleberry has said I am too wordy, so short and sweet. You claim that we are not giving Patty “Concrete Brains” Murry any slack. Well how about US Congresspeople who go overseas and diss our President? You said:”As I see it, taking her comments out of context and making them into a TV advertisement is the irresponsible action here. It discourages respect for our elected leaders, fosters ignorance, and undermines honest debate. When we’ve got troops in the field we owe it to them to understand and defeat our enemies. Don’t you agree?” I agree with that as long as your side implements this wish with our twice elected President who carried Tennesee twice!
What is the subject matter here folks???
Comment by Bring it on
A fair point. I allowed myself to contribute to an off-topic discussion. Sorry.
On topic; my post was to say beyond the lead in topic; wa also know for stupid left wing causes, and people. I forgot to add “tape theme illegally” Jim McDermott
TJ; i stand by my assertions. And on Patty, you really think she (mom in tennis shoes) is smarter than a heart surgeon?
Dang, one more (sorry, Bring it on). I have no idea what #24 is getting at. As far as I’m concerned, honest disagreements and “dissing” are acceptable. Misrepresentation and ignorance are to be resisted.
I agree with that as long as your side implements this wish with our twice elected President who carried Tennesee twice!
We hereby agree to be eminently fair with Bill Clinton.
Women can’t leave the house or work, so why the fuck would they need daycare? Another example of the liberal left ranting about things they have no concept of. You apply your Capitol Hill BS ideology to everyone in the world. Thank God, the rest of the world dosen’t fit in your little box.
righton @ 18
“No; Bin Laden didn’t do squat”
You are wrong, dude. It is generally recognized that Bin Laden did most of what Murray said. Perhaps he did not build day care centers, but he did help build roads, schools, health care facilities and other infrastructure. Here is a Seattle Weekly article that discusses this whole episode: http://www.seattleweekly.com/f.....owland.php (and, no, this is not the only source of information on this).
The point is, she was not praising Bin Laden by saying such things. She was discussing the fact that the U.S. was on losing side in a PR war in the Islamic world—and the U.S. was losing to public enemy #1. She was having an intellectual discussion of what strategies the U.S. needed to think about for long term success in being a world leader (i.e. win them over with honey).
Of course, she made these statements in 2002, when it was still slightly possible that the U.S. might foster a positive image in the developing world. Unfortunately, Bush and his neocon thugs have severely damaged the reputation of the U.S. in the rest of the world, and the “honey” approach will be exceedingly difficult even in the long run. In fact, it is pretty clear that BushCo have catalyzed hatred for the U.S. to the extent that Al Qaeda can recruit with little other incentive.
“. . . but you don’t say stuff during war. . . . “
Sorry, righton, the “war on terrorism” is figurative. Aside from the action in Afghanistan, the WOT is a police action, not a war. This figurative war has been going on for many, many years before 9/11 and will continue for the rest of our lives. We will not suspend thinking about and discussing long-term strategies for world leadership and world peace because there are fugitives loose in the world.
”She’s just pure stupid; its her fault the Senate or elected officals get no respect.”
Politicians in our time “get no respect” because of our little “mom in tennis shoes?” That’s an amusing though, but way over the top. There is nothing more to your argument than you not liking her.
from washingtonian.com
1. Tie: Rick Santorum (R-PA), Patty Murray (D-WA)
2. Barbara Boxer (D-CA)
3. Tie: George Allen (R-VA), Jim Inhofe (R-OK)
A crowded field—more than a third of the Senate got votes.
SElf-elected president….
Staying on topic, I am glad to see that Equal Rights Washington is targeting the people who actually killed the bill; trying to blame Microsoft was just plain dumb as MS’s lack of support didn’t affect the outcome.
Whether or not it will make any difference in the respective districts is another matter, but time will tell, and what’s the expected outcome? Changing the mind of these senators, or looking for somebody to challenge them in the primary/convention?
dj wrote one of the years best..
“She was having an intellectual discussion.” I’ve never before seen a reference to Patty Murray combined with the word Intellectual
Quit making me laugh at work
Let’s have this Murray quote thing out, for a minute.
Just WHERE is she wrong? Just WHAT have we done over there besides replace a repressive despot, who we (US Republican administrations) supported and supplied with ARMAMENT when it fit our purposes (against Iran), who was no better or worse than repressive dictatorial regimes we (US Republican administration) support NOW (see Uzbeckistan)? There is not now…nor will there ever be…any form of representative Iraqi democracy. The Mullahs will fix that. There is no security for the average Iraqi. The CRIMINAL lack of post-conflict planning guaranteed that. There is no reliable electrical service. There is probable ACTIONABLE FRAUD by defense contrators with close ties to this administration. Family members of ordinary Iraqis are being “disappeared” as suspected terrorists or insurgents. How is it that these folks are better off?
OH…and how is that freedom and equality thing going in Afganistan, by the by? Where IS that ‘ol rascal Bin Laden anyway. Been Livin’ in Pakistan with the chimp’s buddy Musharraf(a Real defender of Democracy, that guy…wonder if chimp calls him “Pervy”).
Looks like Sens. Murray, (Turban-good one grapy) Durbin, and our very own Cong. Jim got it about right. Another fine mess you’ve gotten us into Repubs. Maybe…just maybe…like the Mom she is, the Senator was trying to introduce a little teaching of PERSPECTIVE into the discourse. Don’t all the great minds of the “Art of War” teach trying to UNDERSTAND the adversary before trying to defeat him? What if there really WAS a humanitarian offensive before a military one. What if we really HAD planned for an occupation and a NATION BUILDING effort that actually…I mean REALLY…left these folks better off than we found them.
How would we be seen in the Middle East then? For $450 frickin’ BILLION dollars shouldn’t we have had a better result than THIS?
Flame away, O decent but misguided ones. But let me ask you a question. Doesn’t ANYTHING about the prosecution of this conflict trouble you guys? Wasn’t the way the NEO-Cons went after this in any way troublesome to you? If the things you are starting to hear turn out to be true…how much of what happened will be just plain WRONG!
The “strategy” here seems to have been: Ready, Fire, Aim.
Our brave and wonderful soldiers are in dangerous places without the proper equipment to back them up, Congress won’t fund Homeland Security or necessary maintenance of our national infrasturcture and the MSM is worried about missing white girls (physically and mentally). The Republicans control all THREE BRANCHES of government and don’t seem to give a shit about anything but Social Security piratization, meddling in the private affairs of brain-dead white girls families, loading courts with (more) extremist judges, and killing Big Bird. The party of “Responsible Adults” couldn’t do better than THIS?! I’m just curious. Enquiring minds want to know.
Hmm, are the same people complaining about our educational system also backers of teaching “creative design” instead of evolution?
Try again Another TJ: Maybe my thoughts are tough for you to undertand. I asked why would we want to respect Sen. Murray when your side goes overseas and disses our President with ugly negative comments? Respect is a two way street. What part of English can’t you comprehend?
When do third world muslim mothers need daycares? They cant leave the house without a man or drive. You fucking idiots really do not trouble yourself with the facts do you?
Rightfully being in the middle east is a different question (i’m actually against the iraq gig). But saying Osama is a humanitarian and thus that explains his support is hugely different than saying, “damn these murderers, we need to kill them and also do a better job over there”
righton @ several:
You’re parsing Murray’s comment looking for problems while missing the point.
Mass-murderer Osama Bin-Laden is widely supported in the Arab-speaking world. He is perceived by many people as having done good things to support the Afghan people. He is perceived as being against the awful old men who run Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan and other countries in the Middle East.
He is also a ruthless sociopath who killed innocent Americans and others through his terrorist activities. Being a nice, soppy liberal, I think he deserves arrest, a fair, speedy trial, and permanent housing in a very small room without natural light. If you think he deserves to be strung up on the meat rack or something, I can see merit in that too.
HOWEVER! If you continue to paint him as a smarter-than-average nutjob, a Ted Bundy or Robert Pickton who can persuade people to fly airplanes into buildings, you are missing the broader point. This thinking will make us lose the war on terror. Osama will be arrested or killed eventually. The US will continue to support the Sauds, the Mubaraks, the Hashemites, and the rest of the rotten lot, and we will still be hated. Next year it will be someone else, and someone else, and someone else.
righton @ 33
‘dj wrote one of the years best..
“She was having an intellectual discussion.” I’ve never before seen a reference to Patty Murray combined with the word Intellectual. Quit making me laugh at work.’
When I wrote it, I had no doubt that the concept would escape you. . . .
HB 1515—Equal Rights—-nut bag preachers accosting micro-softies about gay rights—-Microsoft with nutbag religeous guy on payroll($20,000 a mo. for bogus advice) Get on target people!
Jsa; i agree with you and still say Patty is a fool unworthy of her job (my original premise). I agree, and actually fear any arab regime w/ billions of oil money and suicidal people able to buy nukes…
As to Frist’s intelligence … he is intelligent, all right, intelligent enough to know he has to pander to the religious extremists with outright lies …
Majority Leader Bill Frist this morning 6/16 on the Today Show:
LAUER: But when you stood on the floor and you said, She does respond, are you at all worried that you led some senators…
FRIST: I never said, She responded. I said I reviewed the court videotapes – the same ones the other doctors reviewed – and I questioned, Is her diagnosis correct?
Frist on Senate Floor, 3/17/05:
“I have looked at the video footage. Based on the footage provided to me, which was part of the facts of the case, she does respond.”
More from Frist, 3/17/05:
“She certainly seems to respond to visual stimuli…”
felix; so maybe more like clinton, smart liar
Or Bush…not-smart liar.
or Gore…not-smart liar (or sims too)
righton @ 38
‘But saying Osama is a humanitarian and thus that explains his support is hugely different than saying, “damn these murderers, we need to kill them and also do a better job over there”’
You still miss the point. She did not say he was a “humanitarian.” She suggested that he “won the hearts and minds” of some people by giving them stuff. Giving people stuff can be humanitarian, but need not be. People give away stuff, more often than not, to promote an agenda. Bin Laden’s motives might well have been to gain political support, win hearts and minds, as well as promoting his religion.
Murray was making the point that the U.S. will be vulnerable to people like Bin Laden if we don’t think about using our position of economic and political strength to help people who are economically disadvantaged or politically oppressed.
It is an important point, even if it seems moot in 2005, as we have squandered many of our advantages.
headless lucy @ 41:
Nutbag preachers bad!
Microsoft bad!
HB 1515 good!
I like the ad on the left better. I’m additcted to lists.
I am not one of Esser or Finkbeiner’s constituents, and the odds of me becoming one in the next 20 or so election cycles are rather remote.
Frankly, this whole thing is politics in the worst sense of the word. Finkbeiner and Esser are Republicans in districts that aren’t “naturally” Republican by demographics or voting. The votes in their district split 50-50 when there’s a Democratic opponent. Both ran virtually unopposed in the last election. Both are up for election in 2006. Neither will be unopposed.
If I were an Eastside Republican, and wanted to keep my seat, I would vote the same way they did. Don’t cross your base when there’s an election coming up.
DJ; i doubt she knew that’s what she meant. Your interpretation is good, that is, a smart person might draw that ocnclusion. She isn’t that smart.
I guess lucky our other liberal senator is at least smart.
Gore might not be likeable, but he’s not “not-smart”.
Unlike you, dear correspondent, who is neither likeable nor smart.
“TJ; he never did this stuff (no day care facilities), and its foolish playing into the hands of the guy who murdered 6,000 plus of us. One thing to ramble about that at the bar, another if you are a US senator.”
This is an amazing statement, Righton, and illustrates why wingnuts like you have zero credibility.
You’re technically correct that OBL didn’t build any day care facilities. But then you enlarge this to “stuff” (i.e. the other items Murray mentioned) which of course makes your statement wrong, becaue OBL did build “stuff” to win support in the areas where he operated. Then you go even further into right field by claiming Murray “played into the hands” of Osama by pointing out he’s a clever bastard who got the local populace behind him before doing his dirty work, and too bad our own government didn’t think of it first — in which case, it wouldn’t be quite so easy for him to hide.
This is the standard neocon-liar MO. Take a tiny fact, rip it out of context and blow it out of proportion, then use it as a springboard to make gargantuan leaps of logic. I believe the dictionary term for this is BULLSHIT.
“No; Bin Laden didn’t do squat, and I don’t know the exact body count; does it matter?”
First of all, Bin Laden did do “squat” as you body it, secondly, when the actual number is 2,800 and you say 6,000 that’s not even close enough for government work, and thirdly — does it matter?
Well, that’s the whole fucking problem, isn’t it? Your attitude, I mean. And the attitude of Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Frist, and the whole lying pack of Neocons. You all think that getting the facts straight doesn’t matter. If the facts are inconvenient, you lie. If the facts don’t exist, you make shit up. And you think it doesn’t matter.
Yes, it does matter in a rational and ethical world, but you guys left that world long ago. Some would say you’ve even left the human race.
Yes, we do have Special Rights Legislation in Washington, but those rules only apply to corporations and wealthy white males.
“its her fault the Senate or elected officals get no respect”
No, I think the GOP bombast, propaganda, and lies have much more to do with it — like 100% of it.
Just another little point here — Murray like all elected officials ultimately answers to the voters. Just a few months ago she stood for election and crushed her Republican opponent. There’s your answer — we had a popular referendum on the GOP’s accusations against Murray — and the people have spoken.
Washington is an agricultural state. The majority of our voters know bullshit when they smell it.
Everybody on our side acknowledges Murray was wrong about “daycare” — OBL didn’t build daycares. What’s your point? Murray was pointing out that Osama bought himself sanctuary by doing good works where he operated — which is true — and this might have been avoided if our government wasn’t so chintzy with foreign aid. What she said is true, and it was a valid criticism of our foreign aid policy. Then right-wing liars tried to portray Murray as siding with Osama — what about that isn’t a vile lie?
Like I said in my post above, Murray answers to the voters, and the voters have given you their answer. They rejected the GOP’s bullshit and returned Murray to office.
“Try again Another TJ: Maybe my thoughts are tough for you to undertand. I asked why would we want to respect Sen. Murray when your side goes overseas and disses our President with ugly negative comments? Respect is a two way street. What part of English can’t you comprehend?
Fair enough, Puddybutt. I agree with you. Respect IS a two way street. Right wing thugs like Bush have been bashing liberals for decades and it’s time we stopped giving you fascist assholes any respect whatsoever and started dishing it back to you.
“i’m actually against the iraq gig”
This one’s a no-brainer, but you have nevertheless proved yourself by this statement to be a cut above your fellow Neocons intellectually, i.e. you are one of those rare Republicans who has a two-digit I.Q.
“i agree with you and still say Patty is a fool unworthy of her job”
the people have spoken, and they disagree with you
Apply your logic to GWB. The people have spoken and they dissagree with all of you at HA.
Posts 51 to 58 by roger rabbit; golly give us a chance to shoot you down.
OK, OBL appealed to Islamist fantasies, played to foreign use of Saudi soil, energezied murderers around the world. Cleverly used Islamic fronts to build support
We are not stingy w/ foreign aid; more than any country in the history of mankind, even inflation adjusted, even stripping out military type aid.
2800 dead, ok fine
The people who elected Patty also like Survivor. That’s still a moronic show and our senior senator is also a moron.
She is wrong, admit it. Spwewing BS without facts to back it up. Typical. And exactly what is a neo con? Would that be a new conservative? Someone who just converted? Or is it just another label the left likes to throw up/// facist, nazi, neo con… You people cannot conduct a reasonable discourse.
I voted for the street sign.
This bill’s opponents made a huge mistake – that probably (will) cost Jim West his job.
Hey “angry’causeigotplayed05”
Looks like the chimp’s got a little buyers remorse going on:
Actually, Righton, as a percentage of GDP the U.S. is far below many other countries. On one list I saw, we ranked 21st of 22 industrialized countries. http://www.globalissues.org/Tr.....sandGraphs
The term “neocon” was invented by the neocons themselves, and used by them to describe themselves. If you want to know exactly what it means, ask them. It certainly doesn’t mean fiscal conservative.
The U.S. neoconservative movement is based on the ideas of University of Chicago economics professor Leo Strauss, and is an ideological descendant of Trotskyite Leninism. Many leading neocons are ex-leftists of the 60s and 70s.
I find it fascinating that the dominated ideology in today’s Republican Party has communist origins.
wabbit woman; US aid, since WW2, including private donations easily the largest in history. I was not talking about today, as % of GDP. Was saying we’ve given tons of money.
Bin laden doesn’t kill us cuz we donate insufficiently. He hates us cuz we support Israel, have a democracy, let hippies and perverts do what they want, and put planes on Saudi soil. How come the super rich oil states hate us? How are we impoverishing or not sharing w/ Iran, or Saudis, or Libya, etc. I think the only rich country that doesn’t hate us is the Saudi (for now), Bahrain, Quatar, maybe one or 2 other UAE types on the gulf.
righton @ 64:
The people who elected Patty also like Survivor. That’s still a moronic show and our senior senator is also a moron.
Y’know, repeating something over and over again doesn’t make it true.
Murray made one quote which, while broadly correct, was probably not the best thing to say into a live microphone. This does not make her a moron by itself.
You made a quote that hit the MSM a few weeks ago where you remarked on Judge Bridges’ earring and goatee and said you “didn’t trust his politics” on the basis of those items. This quote might lead me to believe you are an astonishingly shallow and facile person.
I notice as well that you use a quote from the Washingtonian which puts Murray in a tie with Santorum for dumbest Senator.
I’ve read Santorum talk about issues. (not just gay marriage, but on the role of church, poverty, race, etc.), Santorum is not a stupid man. He made a handful of really polarizing statements about gay marriage, and got jumped on by the left-wing noise machine in the same way that Murray gets kicked around in the Elephant Echo Chamber for her remarks on OBL.
(See! Liberals can say nice things about righties they vehemently disagree with. It feels good! Try it sometime!)
If you really think our Sr. Senator is that dumb, you’ll have to find more reasons than that.
If you can’t, two things will happen:
1) I might start bringing up your sound bite about Judge Bridges to remind you how perfectly decent, complex, thoughtful people can be taken out of context.
2) I might start believing that you are as shallow and facile as that quote makes you seem.
jsa, good stuff
a) Finding dumb quotes by Patty, and or continuing to claim she’s dumb is easy, like shooting fish in a barrel. I disagree w/ lots/all dems, but whoa, she’s not qualified to be on the city council. you know full well she’s a poster child for Emily’s list, not necessarily funded cuz of her ability or intellect
b) I included Santorum cuz it was in the post (being honest). I guess I didn’t think he was dumb, but heck, i had to post the whole thing
c) Didn’t i call Bridges? A liberal and/or guy likely to go the way of the Dems? I was unsure, still don’t know if he’s an ex hippy or just a free spirit. I do think an earring in a middle aged judge is an odd thing, and am willing to judge his character from afar without knowing better. I’m sure we’ve both done the same for busty blondes or teenagers in hooded sweatshirts. Gross generalations, assumptions are bad, but that’s how the world work. Tell me you don’t get pissed at the Escalade rumbling past your condo. (stupid Bellevue or Mercer Island jerks)
I used to keep a cheat sheet of dumb patty quotes. It was fun, then sad as she got into her 2nd term.
Why are all you people discussing non relevant issues to the topic of discussion which is ERW, HB1515 and Bill Finkbeiner????
Angryvoter05 @ 66
“And exactly what is a neo con? Would that be a new conservative? Someone who just converted? “
I condensed a pretty reasonable wikipedia definition here:
Note that the term is not necessarily perjorative. I generally use it to mean the current crop in Washington pushing the PNAC agenda.
“Or is it just another label the left likes to throw up/// facist, nazi, neo con… You people cannot conduct a reasonable discourse.”
Relax! It is not that bad of a term. And if you don’t like the discourse, pal, go fuck yourself.
You must be new here.
“Note that the term is not necessarily perjorative. I generally use it to mean the current crop in Washington pushing the PNAC agenda.”
That’s pejorative.
“Bin laden doesn’t kill us cuz we donate insufficiently. He hates us cuz we support Israel, have a democracy, let hippies and perverts do what they want, and put planes on Saudi soil. How come the super rich oil states hate us? How are we impoverishing or not sharing w/ Iran, or Saudis, or Libya, etc. I think the only rich country that doesn’t hate us is the Saudi (for now), Bahrain, Quatar, maybe one or 2 other UAE types on the gulf.”
Nice try at deflection, Wrong-O. Foreign aid has nothing to do with bin Laden’s motives or what he would like to do. Murray’s discussion of foreign aid had to do with the fact the U.S. dropped the ball by letting bin Laden be the provider of things people needed and wanted in regions where he wants to hide, which no doubt has helped him elude U.S. justice. Her point was, if we had gotten there first with some assistance, those people might of turned him over to us instead of sheltering him.
Way to go, Equal Rights Washington! You too Goldy.
Go after a couple Republicans for purely and 100% partisan political reasons using “Equal Rights” as your excuse. Conveniently ignore the fact that Democrats could not pass it within their own majority. Ignore the Democrat senators responsible for the bill not passing.
What a bunch of hypocrites! Equal Rights my ass. That “Welcome to Washington the discrimination state” ad is disgusting. You guys should be ashamed of yourselves. This is despicable that you call Washington “the discrimination state” and insult the whole state just because your own Democrat party could not pass this bill.
The Democrat party runs Olympia! Your Democrats can’t get this done and now you blame a couple Republicans and insult every citizen of this state with that worthless shameful ad? This takes the cake. You guys were not raised right.
Poor home training
Damn straight. It fries my brain when these guys take a “moral issue” and twist it around like this.
“Go after a couple Republicans for purely and 100% partisan political reasons using “Equal Rights” as your excuse.”
Why not? Republicans go after Democrats for purely and 100% partisan political reasons using bullshit excuses. Why should you guys have a monopoly?
“It fries my brain when these guys take a ‘moral issue’ and twist it around like this.”
I thought it was the booze that fried your brain.
I just want to know when the democrats will stand up for my rights… the right of those with excessive flatulence. Where is my rights? How long will I be a victim?!!
You can denigrate Patty Murray all you want; I have to say I wasn’t too impressed with her either, when I was a Democrat district chair in Shoreline and I thought she was a naive silly woman running for school board. She won that, and from there became a state senator. I was still underestimating her. When I heard state Sen. Ray Moore call her a natural leader with great potential I was stunned. Then she decided to run for the US Senate against Brock Adams and people were incredulous. The GOP was stunned when she defeated their handpicked blowdried good-looking congressman. Then they were gleeful for a couple for years thinking they would be able to defeat her by calling her stupid and naive for what she said about Bin Laden.
Well, guess what guys? She’s going to be around for another 5 and half years!!! Hee hee.
Only Patty could make Dan Quayle look smart.
Really, she makes lots of the leftie fools look ok; put her up against Mc Dermott; i’ll take him; up against Maria, i’ll take maria, same for Crhistie. If politics all left wing, why not take the smarter one.
I assume you “feel good” about the billboard ad?
Wash state is also known for being against bigamy. Is that next?
If anyone reads any posts from that dispicable, lying, piece of shit Pudster “Wounded Knee” tell him I’ve responded to his post on the Shiavo Autopsy thread @ 269.
ZIP – if it weren’t for your GOP asswipes in the senate having to vote party lines we would have true equality in Washington state. So go fuck yourself you uneducated asshole and stop blaming two religious zelots in the democatic party (Tim Sheldon who is really a republican and Jim Hargrove who is also a religious freak). Again, please go fuck yourself.
ZIP – again you are really a fuck. To blame the party for not passing this bill is utter horseshit and if any one is to be ashamed here it’s you for tossing around more hateful crap. Fuck Bill Finkbeiner, Fuck Luke Esser, Fuck Chris Vance and all the rest of these pricks along with yourself who spead this horsehit. Please move to Moses Lake and go fuck a heard of sheep. It would probably do you a world of good.