Hyped up by the historic passage of HB 2661, which after 30 years finally adds sexual orientation to our state’s anti-discrimination laws, I decided to stop by the jam-packed party at the Paramount last night, one of several organized around the state to celebrate the hard fought victory. A couple of quick observations…
First of all, I discovered that a party organized by the gay and lesbian community is not a good place to pick up women… unless of course, you are one. Chalk one up to experience.
Second, the absolute joy expressed last night momentarily lifted me out of the cynical haze of political stratagem through which I often view the legislative process, reminding me of how the work of our elected officials routinely touches the lives of ordinary people. And it reminded me that the impact of such legislation reaches far beyond the actual technical language inscribed in the RCW.
In the days leading up to the historic senate vote, as passage became a foregone conclusion, some of the bill’s talking-point-opponents (you know… those who viewed the battle mostly in partisan political terms, rather than having a vested, principled or emotional interest) started to advance a new frame, which I suppose was intended to take the edge off the Democrat’s victory. Actual discrimination against gays and lesbians is exceedingly rare, we were told, and thus the bill is largely symbolic and unnecessary.
It was on this curious meme that our friend Stefan chose to base his rather measured post-vote post mortem:
Paradoxically, the bill passed precisely because of a shift in attitudes that also renders the bill largely unnecessary. Surely 30 years ago when the bill was first proposed there were many more cases of discrimination. Now (and fortunately, in my opinion), it’s scarcely less socially unacceptable to discriminate against gays than it is to discriminate against blacks and Jews. The bill passed by a slender margin not so much because there’s a still a serious ongoing problem with anti-gay discrimination that the bill is needed to fix, but because it’s perceived by many to be a largely symbolic gesture and the prevailing attitudes in the legislature, as in most cases, are a trailing indicator of public opinion.
Even if I were to concede the point that gays and lesbians are no longer the victims of discrimination, and that HB 2661’s passage was ultimately, largely a symbolic gesture — and I don’t — I would still have to take issue with Stefan’s conclusion that it was thus unnecessary. For many of those reveling at the Paramount last night, the actual day-to-day impact of the bill probably will be largely symbolic, but I can’t see how anybody who listened to yesterday’s floor debate and witnessed last night’s celebration could bring themselves to diminish the import of this symbolism.
It is symbolism that drives many in the gay and lesbian community to reject the “separate but equal” notion of civil union, and demand the right to marry their partner and legally call it a marriage. It is not enough to merely be tolerated; gays and lesbians want to be embraced by the larger society as full citizens, with all the same rights, privileges, and protections. This is not about gay rights… it’s about equal rights.
A while back somebody asked me why I was putting so much passion and energy into this issue, and the blog-room brawler in me responded, “because this is a fight we can win.” But the joy I was privileged to share last night reminded me that I’m not quite as cynical as I sometimes like to present myself.
Josh Feit just posted his own report of last night’s revelry over on Slog, and it provides some of the color missing from my own, brief, first person observations.
If Democrat homo liberals sodomize each other, and then get AIDs, why do MY taxes have to provide the millions of dollars of health care? This is like playing with a rabid dog, and then blaming “socirty” if you get attacked! Why can’t these homos get a “homo” insurance policy? [cost: thousands a month] Now, I could care less about gays or gay sex, but why do I have to pay? [Maybe the homos could get a group rate?]
Post #1, [correction]: “blaming society”…..It’s early here, and the coffee has yet to kick in.
Gays, illegals, welfare hacks, “guvment” hacks,……..Do ANY Democrats pay their own health care costs?
It is important that every Democrat get free health at hospitals until the hospitals close due to lack of paying patients. GET IT??
I think all Mexicans [as long as they register to vote Democrat] should be able to have their babies in LA for free. Kalifornia, Mexico must pay for every Mexican who can sneak across the border.
Mexicans in Kalifornia must get all the “guvment” jobs, even if blacks must give up their civil service positions. Anything less would be racist!!
Raise taxes in Kalifornia so that all Mexicans can have free education, welfare, healthcare, and social services. Anything less would be racist!
George Bush made gays sodomize each other to get AIDs; therefore, George Bush is bad! [Or was it Ronald Reagan? Maybe Newt?]
It’s too bad that the citizens of Spokane had to spend tax money to support that sicko Jim West’s use of his office and government property to go trolling for underage butt-buddies.
I want to thank you,Goldy, for all your efforts. After a long struggle up a hill, it’s good to look back and down to see how far you’ve come while you rest. Soon enough you will turn back to the view of how far you have to go.
8 posts from our resident racist homophobic punk 10 minutes.
FYI, asshole, straight people get AIDS. I just gave up health insurance because I can’t afford $250+ a month. And your pathetic little life will go on even if gay people have equal rights and, heaven forbid, can commit to their partners in the same legally binding way the rest of us can.
Come to Seattle and say that shit, motherfucker.
oops, “in 10 minutes”.
And, back on topic, what a great day, huh?
You mean the drugs have yet to kick in.
Kevin Carns @7
I could see your point if illegals didn’t pay taxes, but since they pay taxes like the rest of us, why shouldn’t they get government services? BTW, their stoop labor keeps your grocery bills down, and you DON’T pay for their health care, because they don’t have any health care.
Your health insurance is $250 a month? My “free” guvmint health insurance costs me $740 a month.
Here’s why we need hate laws. http://www.splcenter.org/legal.....38;aid=150
Hey wabbit are you ready for Tuesday? I am. Haahahahahahaha
Illeagls file 1040s and Kalifornia 540s? Right! I’m ROTFLMAO!! Ten million Mexicans will sneak into Kalifornia in the next 3 years, and all will vote Democrat and demand free everything. [This is Boxer and Feinstein’s dream! Lots of new Democrat voters in “need”, malaria, typhus, polio, cocaine, and reefer! Everything a Hillary Village could want!]
Kevin Carns @18
Reduced to grasping at straws as the GOP collapses, are you?
Kevin Carns@19
Gee, Kevin, I didn’t know all the illegals self-employed. I was under the impression they work for employers who withhold from their wages (because the employers are liable for the taxes — not to mention criminal prosecution — if they don’t). And was I mistaken about illegals paying sales taxes? Is there a special ID card they show the cashier, upon presentation of which they are exempt from the sales tax? Does this ID card also exempt them from gas taxes, tobacco taxes, and other excise taxes?
Roger @ 16
I’m still relatively healthy and under 40 – but I know what you’re sayin…
The sooner we socialize (collective gasp as the trolls get the vapors) our medical system the better.
Your health insurance is $250 a month? My “free” guvmint health insurance costs me $740 a month.
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 1/28/06 @ 1:00 pm
Roger my goverment plan I don’t pay anything. You forgot to check the Hillary Insurance Plan it the best plan in the country. I was informed about it from my Mexican Brother inlaw he has been using it for years.
Does this ID card also exempt them from gas taxes, tobacco taxes, and other excise taxes?
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 1/28/06 @ 1:15 pm
Yep Roger my Uncle is American Indian and he don’t pay all the taxes you pay. They even have their own tribal law which is a lot better than what we have to deal with.
Goldy, I was at the party for a brief while last night, and I was leveled by the absolute joy in the room. I think it’s shameful that Sharkansky, a minority himself, would take such a cavalier attitude towards the rights of others. The bill is needed, it is rightious, and if the GOP wants to run initiatives to take away right, all I have to say is:
Bring it on
How many of thoses drug were made by Canadian drug companies. I dont know, but my guess is zero. It makes sense though, the drugs they depend on are made by the USA. Canada = Freeloaders.
political contributions to the GOP
If my company was a target for every lefty lawyer I would contribute to the GOP to. It is not like they are extorting the money from their employees and giving it to a party like the union do.
JCH and Rufus are dragging the comment thread back down to a grade school level.You can’t argue with them because they are mentally limited and part of that limitation is that you can not convince them they have it. So it’s a useless exercise.
RR, Like the oil, steel, auto, fast food, medical, and tobacco companies, Democrat Jewish lawyers must sue and regulate the drug companies until they just leave the USA. [hehe…..I wonder how the 60,000 Democrat union members in the auto industry feel about losing their jobs. John “Fing” Kerry, “No SUVs!!
29…Worthless post. Comment on an issue. JCH
FYI, asshole, straight people get AIDS. I just gave up health insurance because I can’t afford $250+ a month. And your pathetic little life will go on even if gay people have equal rights and, heaven forbid, can commit to their partners in the same legally binding way the rest of us can.
Come to Seattle and say that shit, motherfucker.
Comment by Mr. X — 1/28/06 @ 12:50 pm [Cute, but explain to me why I should pay YOUR AIDs related medical bills?]
Equal rights for Gays does not mean that I have to pay for their self inflicted [homo sex] medical bills. If they wish to sodomized each other, let them buy a “sodomy insurance policy” and pay their own way. Mr. X, your thoughts?
Come to Seattle and say that shit, motherfucker. [Mr. X] Note if a Gay gets threatened, it’s a “hate crime”, but if a gay invites me to Seattle for a little criminal action, well, that’s just perfectly OK!! Classic Democrat double standard!
Klake, If an illegal demands service in an emergency room, and refuses to pay, is this “Hillary Care”? [The cost should be taken from Mexico in oil. Just take the oil. Let Fox bitch. If Mexico refuses to pay, declare war and kill them.]
Klake, If an illegal demands service in an emergency room, and refuses to pay, is this “Hillary Care”? [The cost should be taken from Mexico in oil. Just take the oil. Let Fox bitch. If Mexico refuses to pay, declare war and kill them.]
re 32: You can’t afford health insurance because of gay sodomy? I thought you told us all a few days ago that you had lots of money. You even bet headless lucy that you paid more property tax than she did because you’re sucha big shot.
Why don’t you become one of those “unique American stories” that our pres. likes so much and get yourself a few more jobs!
Why don’t you take responsibility for yourself you dumb , lazy, White-trash Republican?
37…..The post was my comments on “Mr. X”!! Read, dumb ass!! God, you Dem libs are stupid!
Rev AA Tappman, Have you figured out “Who is John Galt?”
White-trash Republican?
Comment by Rev. A.A. Tappman: Anababtist — 1/28/06 @ 2:36 pm [Er, REV, “White-trash Republican”?? Hmm…So, If I called you a lazy Nigger Democrat, that would be OK? Just axing!]
Voia – Mr. C – posting at nother blog- tells us all why we are going to kick ther asses in the next election cycles. Only intelligent thing I have ever seen posted by the dour old hate monger.
Yes, it is a winning formula, true and tried —
The #1, Numero Uno thing the Washington State Democrats have all over the Republicans is a voter database. In most Counties, the Democrats have pre-polled the entire county….they contact every new registered voter. They keep their database current. And they did it the good old-fashioned way……directly calling and talking with voters and even visiting their homes.
The Republicans are too afraid or too lazy to do the same level of grunt work. I have seen Republican lists in my City that are so bad. Corrections have been sent in and you get back the same bad lists. Frankly, I just gave up.
If the Republicans spent the next 6-8 months cleaning up THEIR database, knowing who the real GO-TO Republicans are….they would have a chance. Once you have the list, you need an Army to follow-up on it and make certain your folks have voted. This isn’t rocket science. The Dems beat the R’s in the trenches!! As it stands, the advantage of the Voter Registration Pre-Polled Database is huge for the Dems.
Posted by Mr. Cynical at January 28, 2006 07:57 AM
The hate mongers and bigots are getting overloaded — look for multi colored stains on sidewalks and sofas as they expload into many pieces- shrieking and whinning.
Such tiresome, trite, moronic drivel. God, who would want their pitiful lives if they belive half the crap they spew.
Feel tainted reding it. Sun is out, still celbrating Gay Liberation day, Jan 27th – going to the shed to build my Pride Parade Float, I am using some of the ideas from this blog.
Supressed fantasies galore.
And the SUN is out. God must be happy with the homo and dykes, HE sent a sign, no rain……. it happened all the time in the Old Testament, that sure fire guiding text, weather signs from God.
JCH: You called me the “N” word you dumb white-trash PECKERWOOD! May God forgive you and mend your ignorant , broken heart with his love and grace! All you have to do is say: “Yes, Jesus! I’m an original sinner! Enter my ignorant ,cracker heart and make me calm and pure!”
And He will! As sure as the Right Rev. A.A. Tappman: Anabaptist is the mouthpiece of theLord in the liberal blogosphere…
I wonder if they were celebrating at Log Cabin republican HQ last night? Maybe we should ask Steffy – he’d know.
Wabbit @ 26 – C’mon, you’re not really that fucking stoopid are you? How bout factoring in the cost of the R & D to figure out how to make them? The companies have big buildings full of guys in white coats figuring out how diseases work and how to make stuff to stop them. Who GAF what the ingredients cost?
Fun reading from the SLOG recap:
Sen. Brian Weinstein (D-Bellevue) ticked off a list of the 16 states that already have laws banning discrimination based on sexual orientation, including: New York, California, Minnesota, New Mexico, Vermont, Wisconsin, Illinois, and Nevada. “People have said this bill will tear our state apart,” Weinstein said. “It hasn’t torn any of these states apart.” Good point.
And then Weinstein made another interesting point: “Those who vote against this bill now will be judged very harshly by future generations.”
Sen. Alex Deccio (R-Yakima) immediately rose to object, saying Weinstein had unfairly maligned people who will be voting against the bill, in violation of senate rules.
“Senator,” Weinstein responded, rhetorically outmaneuvering Deccio, “I was merely saying that I think future generations will look quite kindly on the people who voted for this bill.”
If they wish to sodomized each other, let them buy a “sodomy insurance policy” and pay their own way. Mr. X, your thoughts?
Comment by JCH— 1/28/06 @ 2:27 pm
OK dipshit, I’ll bite. For the same reason we collectively fund health care for smokers, drinkers, and people who eat unhealthy food.
Homophobic, racist and stupid is no way to go through life, fuckwad.
JCH: You called me the “N†word you dumb white-trash PECKERWOOD! May God forgive you and mend your ignorant , broken heart with his love and grace! All you have to do is say: “Yes, Jesus! I’m an original sinner! Enter my ignorant ,cracker heart and make me calm and pure!â€
And He will! As sure as the Right Rev. A.A. Tappman: Anabaptist is the mouthpiece of theLord in the liberal blogosphere…
Comment by Rev. A.A. Tappman: Anababtist — 1/28/06 @ 3:05 pm…………….. Nope! No double standard here, REV! If I’m a “dumb , lazy, White-trash Republican” [your words], than back at you, “lazy dumb ass nigger”. “JCH: You called me the “N†word you dumb white-trash PECKERWOOD!” Yawn………What are going to do? Burn your neighborhood? Trash the cars on your street? Kill a couple of cops? Smoke smoke crack? Knock up a couple 14 year olds in your church, and then blame Bush? Save your outrage, and piss on your double standards.
47.Mr. X, Nope. I’m not paying for your sexual “anal” pleasure. You fags know the deal going in your buddy’s butt. Sorry, not a dime.
Are Mr. X and REV Tappman representative of today’s “I’m a victim” Democrats? It seems “they have needs”, and someone else has to pay! Yes, “redistribute” someone else’s wealth because Democrats have “needs”. No wonder the Democrats are a collection of “victims”. What losers!
I “feel your pain”, REV. I think I’ll go out and burn down the local high school, then rob a couple liquor stores! Maybe I’ll knock up my 12 year old step daughter and blame it on “society”. That will show “the man”! [No, RRoger Rabbit, I don’t have a “step daughter”.]
Regarding Stefan, don’t forget that however “big tent” his rhetoric may be he himself is not above defaming others on the basis of their sexuality: http://www.soundpolitics.com/archives/005338.html.
Homophobic, racist and stupid is no way to go through life, fuckwad.
Comment by Mr. X — 1/28/06 @ 3:49 pm [Mr. X, What is it about having sex with a women that you do not like? Is your buddy’s butt where you are most comfortable?]
So how much money do you think JCH just made for hijacking this thread? Do you think he does his own material, or is he merely the “delivery guy” — the Jay Leno of his propaganda shop?
Oh how this topic brings out all the rightwing bigots. They just cannot contain themselves they are so full of bigotry and hate. Sickening.
Inside stuff –
Years ago –
Senator Alex Deccio, R from Yakima, was prepared to support the bill — he and the late Cal Anderson were good working partners on health care issues.
On a critical vote, session underway, Deccio received a personal call from the Catholic Bishop of Yakima – Deccio then changed his vote – the Bill crashed that year, and he has hardened since.
Charity, love, and good works- so they preach. Oh sure.
On the issue of gay rights the new Pope is a nut case.
Homophobic, racist and stupid is no way to go through life, fuckwad.
[Comment by Mr. X] Oh how this topic brings out all the rightwing bigots. They just cannot contain themselves they are so full of bigotry and hate. Sickening.
Comment by Daniel K
[This collection of “love” posts are from left wing liberal Democrats. See how mush “love” there is? [hehe]]
Dear Gay Democrats, Just because you have, shall we say, medical “needs” after gay sex [sodomy with a little AIDs on the side] does not mean society has to tax everyone else to pay your mountain of bills. Get your own insurance, or stop with the “anal Tookie Williams love”. Mr. X, your thoughts?
Wabbit @ 26 – C’mon, you’re not really that fucking stoopid are you? How bout factoring in the cost of the R & D to figure out how to make them? The companies have big buildings full of guys in white coats figuring out how diseases work and how to make stuff to stop them. Who GAF what the ingredients cost?
Comment by Mark The Redneck — 1/28/06 @ 3:21 pm Yes, Mark, Rabbit IS that stupid. Drugs cost billions to R&D, but Rabbit demands free meds to everyone because it’s the “fair” thing to do! Maybe some Democrat Jewish lawyers will put MERCK and others out of business. That will show those companies!! Then, polio, typhus, German measles, and other fun diseases will return. Then the Democrat Jewish lawyers will sue again to demand the meds. Classically funny!]
JCH@various: Really enjoying your little hate orgy, aren’t you?
JCH: I’d like to redistribute your wealth but the rich already took it from you, chump!
Now JCH is on to the anti-semitism. The only thing worse than a homophobe is a nazi.
And, you ignorant little racist fuckwad, why don’t you answer MY response- we pay for the health care of lots of people due to their own personal choices (BTW – there are a hell of a lot more straight people who have their care subsidized than there are AIDS patients).
Try staying on topic, you intellectually dishonest punk.
Just like a Rethug coward, picking fights from 3000 miles away.
“Mr. X, What is it about having sex with a women that you do not like? Is your buddy’s butt where you are most comfortable?]”
Actually, I made whoopee with my lovely gal just a couple of hours ago. You, on the other hand, are probably tossing off to Jeff Guckert’s website (or maybe it’s US sponsored torture porn from Abu Gharib) in your mommy’s basement.
Just another reason it sucks to be you…
Want to talk about “Equal Rights”? Talk to the Seattle City Council on how they used “Equal Rights” to evaluate ALL of their recent candidates evenly before they made their recent choice. I’d love to see that Matrix! Then we can talk about Equal Rights!
Talk about Hypocrites!
JCH: I’d like to redistribute your wealth but the rich already took it from you, chump!
Comment by Rev. A.A. Tappman: Anababtist — 1/28/06 @ 6:01 pm
[Gee, REV, I can’t “feel” your love!!!!]
Bill could be facing his last term as a Republican.
Sen. Bill Finkbeiner in conservative cross hairs about change in vote
by Bruce Rommel, Journal Reporter
The King County Journal
Two conservative Eastside pastors and community activists say they won’t let voters forget that Republican state Sen. Bill Finkbeiner broke GOP ranks to cast the key vote in passing the state’s gay civil rights measure.
Pastor Ken Hutcherson of the Antioch Bible Church of Redmond, an ardent opponent of the measure, said he and other opponents will launch a campaign to place a referendum on the November ballot to overturn the new state law.
“This will be the time when the silent majority will work together,” Hutcherson said.
“Now it’s time for all heterosexuals to come out of the closet,” he added.
Hutcherson said he also will support opponents of Finkbeiner, who said Friday he plans to campaign this fall for his fourth state Senate term.
Finkbeiner, whose 45th District includes areas of Kirkland and Redmond, said Friday he expects opposition this fall. But he couldn’t speculate on whether anybody would challenge him specifically because of his vote on the gay civil rights measure. Nobody challenged him in 2002 after he had opposed the measure for several years, he said.
“I have to do what I think is right,” Finkbeiner said of his vote Friday.
The state Senate vote Friday was followed immediately by an effort by Republican state Sen. Luke Esser of Bellevue to push for an amendment to the state’s constitution to define marriage as a union between a man and a woman, a measure that has been on hold in the Senate Judiciary Committee for two years.
But most senators appeared annoyed by Esser’s demand to vote on the defense of marriage resolution. They voted 25-23 — the same vote by which they approved the anti-discrimination measure — not to bring the measure out of committee.
Pastor Joseph Fuiten of the Cedar Park Assembly of God Church of Bothell said gay civil rights will be “a fundamental issue” in the November election. His evangelical lobbying group will back a referendum overturning the gay civil rights measure, he said, although they may hold back to see how the state Supreme Court rules on the state’s Defense of Marriage Act to see if the court rules in favor of gay marriages.
Fuiten also said he will help seek out and support a conservative candidate who opposes gay civil rights to run against Finkbeiner.
“We haven’t found anybody yet, but we are looking,” Fuiten said.
An opponent of the gay civil rights measure for years, Finkbeiner switched his position this year. He was the only Republican to join Senate Democrats to pass the measure 25-23 on Friday. The measure adds “sexual orientation” to a state law that bans discrimination in housing, employment and insurance.
JCH@various: Really enjoying your little hate orgy, aren’t you?
Comment by hardovertoport — 1/28/06 @ 5:46 pm [Always to starboard………Never to port!!!]
Fuiten sounds like a real solid guy. His words to seek out someone who opposes gay civil rights is the same as saying he seeks someone who opposes civil rights. What does he have to hide? Where is the ‘love thy neighbor’ part of his Bible? Where is the ‘do unto others….. philosophy? Maybe if he gets his so called ‘church’ into the politcal frey the government should adjust his church’s tax exemption!
MR X call home the village is missing there idiot.
JCH I had an old master chief who worked for me .He once told me the only way you can prevent aids was to sit down and keep your mouth shut.
that old master chief was one smart guy he told me the only food they served in an aids ward was pizza and pancake that the only thing they could slide under the door
BBQ Chicken Calzones
“If you like BBQ Chicken Pizza, you’ll like this easy-to-make calzone version!”
Original recipe yield: 4 servings.
Prep Time:20 MinutesCook Time:25 MinutesReady In:45 MinutesServings:4 (change)
3 cups shredded, cooked chicken breast meat
1/2 small onion, chopped
2/3 cup barbeque sauce
4 slices bacon
2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro
1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
1 (10 ounce) can refrigerated pizza crust dough
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C).
Fry bacon in a large skillet over medium-high heat until crisp. Remove from the pan to drain on paper towels; crumble. Add the onion and shredded chicken to the hot bacon grease in the pan. Fry over medium heat until onion is tender. Stir in 1/3 cup of barbeque sauce, and remove from the heat. Mix in the cooked bacon.
Roll the pizza crust dough out onto a greased cookie sheet. Press out to an even thickness, and then cut in half. Divide the chicken mixture between the two pieces of dough, spreading on only half of each piece to within 1/2 inch of the edge. Drizzle the remaining sauce over the filling. Sprinkle the cheese and cilantro over the top. Fold the uncovered portion of dough over the filling, and press the edges together with a fork to seal.
Bake for 25 minutes in the preheated oven, or until browned to your liking. Cool for a few minutes, then cut each calzone in half. Each serving is half of a calzone. These can be served with additional barbeque sauce if you like.
re. retired loudmouth ignoramus football player token black conservative/racist Pastor Hutchinson’s anti-gay jihad: The “silent majority” has never been either. I thought Redmond had educated people. But there’s two theories about that and I think we should teach both of them,
JCH: You’re cliche conservativism doesn’t fool anyone younger than a Korean War vet. You guys were able to fool the WWII generation and 25 years of disastrous “voo-doo” economics has been the result. Even GHW BUSH didn’t think Americans would be stupid enough to buy the shellgame that is Reaganomics.
How wrong he was. You guys have the money, but we have the numbers. If you steal the ’06 elections, well, then it’s only a matter of time…
I cant believe we have legislation surrounding guys sticking their
cocks in other guys asses. You city fucks really do live in a
cesspool of filth. Maybe when the genius city planners get
done stacking you filthy pigs one person a square foot and some
new diseases come through, at least it will spread quickly.
I thought nirvana was a band.
“MR X call home the village is missing there idiot.”
Missing where?
Another troll who doesn’t know the difference between “there”, “their”, and “they’re”.
re 76: I’m not gay , but I think the issue is relationships and not where cocks end up penetrating. When you think about the sacred institution of hetero marriage there’s all that and more going on. But I respect people too much to go into grapic detail.
Not you ,apparently…
How wrong he was. You guys have the money, but we have the numbers. If you steal the ‘06 elections, well, then it’s only a matter of time…
Comment by Rev. A.A. Tappman: Anababtist — 1/29/06 @ 6:38 am
[REV, your Marxism is showing!]
YO, Best regards, JCH
I remember the first time I heard the term “protected class”. I was shocked. WTF was that? If some people are “protected” does that mean there are some that aren’t I wondered? It turns out that yes, there are some people who are unprotected… white males under the age of 40. Being one at the time, I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. And of course it turned out that people in protected classes got unearned goodies at my expense.
The whole notion of a “protected class” is inherently unconstitutional since it violates the equal protection clause. Why should some people be more protected and more equal than others? This is the kind of shit that destroys our culture and will make us as bad as europe.
Mark the Rectum@81: Historically, in the U.S. no one has been more protected than the white male. Your exaggerated sense of entitlement is showing again. White males have been the beneficiaries of the longest run affirmative action program in history. George W. Bush, the current uber white boy, is the most conspicuous example of all. If it weren’t for the de facto affirmative action for white boys, especially rich white boys, GWB would have been turning tricks in a truck stop parking lot. Things began to change in the 1960’s, but very slowly. http://www.miami.com/mld/miami.....054701.htm
You really need to study some history.
I seriously doubt that you have ever faced any discrimination, in employment, in housing, in insurance, in banking, on the basis of being a white male. You are assuming that you are automatically the prefereed, more qualified choice, on the basis of being a white male, and that any other choice discriminates against you.
“If it weren’t for the de facto affirmative action for white boys, especially rich white boys.” [Hardovertopport]………..Hmmmm, no racism here!! Suppose I wrote a post about “poor black BOYS”. Hardover, would you have a problem with that? REV AA? [You libs are classic!!]
Merk, “Protected class”: Any minority that will vote Democrat. Think about it. [White males are not “protected” because they vote Republican. Nor are Cubans who escaped Castro’s communism. They have seen socialism/communism close up, and tend to vote Republican, hence, they cannot be “protected”.] Get it, Hardover?
Of course JCH. It you are part of a minority class and your group tends to vote for democrats, the DNC has a plantation set up for you. Just dont wander off it or else. Just look at what they do to black preachers who dont tow the party line.
JCH@83: By all means, go ahead and post whatever you want – you have so far. Try to inform the debate, though. Here’s another link to help you out with the subject matter:
Anonymous@86 is my post.
Port – Explain to me what privileges I have that I haven’t earned.
Hardover……..Educate me. The term “white boys” is just fine with “PC” Democrats, but “black boys” is also acceptable? White “cracker” is OK, but Senator Byrd’s uses of the word “nigger” is also just fine? How about “Chocolate City” [Mayor Ray Nagin, New Orleans] or “Hymietown” [Jesse Jackson]? Is it “PC” to take about the “Plantation, and You people know what I mean!” [Queen Hillary]. I look forward to your twisted reply. JCH
88…Mark, The Dems live by Animal Farm. “All animals are equal, but black animals who vote Democrat are “protected” and are a little more equal than others”. [hehe]
Yo, Pearl City “Monkey Bar” Tavern……….Big place to go in the 60’s and 70’s!! Great place to go! Thanks for the memories! JCH
It is far from symbolic. The Reverend Hutcherson will tell you that only 8 complaints of discrimination based on sexual orientation have been filed in the last 5 years. He’s wrong. There have been 69 cases reported, and who knows how many that go unreported.
In comparison there have been only 24 cases of discrimination based on religion in the same 5 year period. If a low instance of complaints is the true bar for repealing anti-discrimination protection it’s clear that religion must be removed as a protected class before starting on sexual orientation.
What the hell does HB 2661 have anything to do with anyone’s medical bills and crap about California? Jeez louise, get a fucking grip JCH! Leave us alone – and we will leave you alone, you fucking dipstick.
94……….DAH, Nope! JCH
93, GC, When you and you “partner” give each other “anal Tookie Williams love”, and “end up” [get it?] with AIDs, why is it Bush’s fault? In addition, how does a gay know whether he whats his partner to “Tookie” him up his rectum, or whether you what to “give a little Tookie anal love” to your buddy? Finally, why should MY health insurance go up because you fags love to sodomize each other? Any queer liberal Democrats…..Your thoughts?