Down to 39% approval rating…can you please have Nobama come back with Michelle My Bell. Rossi would win by more!
yawn; obama at murray event; wow.
i’d rather talk about why taxpayers fund the Dem propaganda machine called NPR (it get 15% outright from feds PLUS…here’s the fun part…it sells its news to all the GOVT funded stations around the country.
so we’re paying for a left wing news org.
patty voted against the aumf amd obama ran on the idea that he would have voted against it if he had had a vote. yet here they are running for reelection on war war and more war. and the sad thing is that so many big fools say to push on.
Stating “I’m askered of Muzzlims” is more a Fox Lies thing than an NPR thing anyway…. He belongs on Fox spreading hate, division, fear, lies, and distortions anyway it appears.
Did Fox’s producers tell him to say he is askered of the muzzlims? I’ll bet $50 they did!
Maybe someday he can say they found WMD’s in Iraq like Hannity did!
Fox trash.
@8 Not bad, but if you want to compete with Lost for “Most Disgusting Human Being Ever”, you’re going to have to try an awful lot harder.
Hmm, I can see how Obama’s rockin’ the house can be a little bit disturbing for our trolls.
As for Rossi? Game over. If he doesn’t want to go back to the foreclosure racket, maybe he can get a gig at Fox. Hey, I know! He can share a show with O’Donnell! heh- She’ll be needing a job soon as well. A gig with Fox would certainly be more lucrative than stealing campaign funds, not that her dumbfuck teabagger donors seem to mind.
And they call us haters.
@8 I’d suggest that you share with us a vision of a former president being strung up and then having to burn in hell’s fires for all eternity, but Lost already has that covered with FDR over on the Radio Goldy thread. Sigh! You’re going to have to show some real imagination if you’re going to ever realistically hope to top that level of blind hatred.
Hey Steve,
So you know, I’m straight and happily married. So this creepy man crush you’ve got where you can’t post a comment without mentioning me- not going to get you anywhere. (Even if you weren’t a crazy, angry and not particularly bright person, which of course you are.)
I mean, come out of the closet if it makes you a happier person, maybe even a sane person. Nothing wrong with that. Just pick a guy who likes guys, okay?
proud leftistspews:
Wow. We actually have a real president now. Damn, that’s impressive (not that any of you wingies will watch). Hey, those of you in the reality-based community, we have a real leader. Let’s follow. Wingies, who do you have who can match that?
“this creepy man crush you’ve got”
I’d make some crack about you projecting too much, but you’re beyond that. What you wrote in that other thread will speak for itself.
50. lostinaseaofblue spews:
FDR was scum. In a civilized nation respecting property and laws he would have been hanged. I only wish, with Mark Twain, that I could have declined honoring him in death with the famous- “I’m not going to his funeral, but I do approve of it.”
10/21/2010 at 2:41 pm
55. lostinaseaofblue spews:
Sorry RHP, but on this topic I’m immovable. FDR was and will likely remain the worst and least patriotic of all American presidents.
You know your a limp wristed girly-man metrosexual when....spews:
Proud Communist,
We have a real “leader”? are you fucking kidding me? you better give lee back his bong…
what we have a slick talking(or rather teleprompter reading) huckster who is in so far over his head that his white house is quickly turning into the biggest joke in 40 years..
Re 17
Thanks for re-posting my clear concise and accurate representation of the worst president this country has ever had.
76. lostinaseaofblue spews:
I despise FDR and everything that miserable anti American socialist bastard stood for, and you can remind me of that whenever you like.
And I am completely unashamed of it.
10/21/2010 at 7:47 pm
Please, I like it. You’re posting accurate information about Americas worst president in history, for once. Congratulations.
But seriously, I really am happily married. To a woman. So this whole odd thing you’ve got going, you’d be happier hooking up with Daddy Love and seeing if he can’t find a guy for you.
You want some more? You got it.
57. lostinaseaofblue spews:
RE 52
He was a traitor. He was scum. As I said, may he rest in flames.
10/21/2010 at 3:04 pm
Well, early morning appointments, and Steve has afforded me sufficient amusement for one day.
Have a nice night.
You know your a limp wristed girly-man metrosexual when....spews:
Daddy Love already has his man-crush on Johnny Depp…..freak probably has posters of him hung up in his bedroom…
@23 More weak shit. Scratch the surface veneer that is your surface persona and there is nothing to be seen but vile hatred.
@25 Is that all you’ve got, just more of that same weak shit? You can take your hatred and go fuck yourself with it.
the funny thing is, obama is doing the same thing to dems as clinton did. obama was the best thing that ever happened to this country because he woke up a lot of couch potatos.
the only way you shysters are going to complete the socializtion of america now is with some so called catastrophe like n1h1, or government siezure of the internet.
This blog has officially gone to the trolls. It’s damn near impossible to have honest dialogue or debate at this point. The front page posts are good, but the commentary seems to be majority trolling at this point.
jsa on beacon hillspews:
masaba. Wrong. You’re giving good honest trolls a bad name.
“Trolling” refers to the time-honored Internet sport of making comments of a contrary or politically incorrect nature to get a rise out of people.
i.e. “Haw haw! I loved how it went when I went on to that site of girls sharing puppy pictures to ask if they had any good recipes for fetal dog soup.”
Our trolls here are not trolls. They truly believe the nonsense that comes out of their keyboards. Most amusingly, these lovers of property rights and market forces all have a tremendous persecution complex because their viewpoints aren’t getting the 50% of mindspace (or more) that they ARE ENTITLED TO, DAMNIT!
@31 Most amusingly, these lovers of property rights and market forces all have a tremendous persecution complex because their viewpoints aren’t getting the 50% of mindspace (or more) that they ARE ENTITLED TO, DAMNIT!
well, considering that newsweek was sold for a dollar (i love it, lol), it seems our view point is pretty popular at large.
For one shining moment on October 29th, 1929, America stood on the verge of finally becoming a truly just and moral nation. Rational market forces were poised to eradicate from the body politic the cancer of the unproductive. Left to follow a rational course, the market would have identified those who have a parasitical relationship to the economic host, and they would have been forced to find another host on which to feed, by sneaking over either the northern or southern borders like the vermin they were. (and, frankly, still are)
It was FDR who destroyed that shining moment, that too fleeting breath of true freedom, and smothered it beneath the vile, despicable, soft pillow of “fair wages” and flea infested quilt of “progressive taxation”
I retract my apology. Hell is far too kind a destination for those who would unjustly promise a living wage to machinery.
If only Jefferson Davis had triumphed in The War Against Northern Aggression. Davis understood The Constitution, and was a true patriot.
I speak truth daily.
You should listen to me.
jsa on beacon hillspews:
Serious policy aside.
One of many problems our “trolls” have (well, other than a mindbendingly simplistic view of the universe, an inability to do basic math, no idea of what the historic case law behind the Constitution is, etc. etc.) is that they forget something very important about democracies.
Politicians have to win elections. Before they can do anything, that is their number one job.
While I genuinely think it would be doggone fascinating to do a big conservative experiment on the world’s largest economy and have the car companies, and the banks, and the reckless homeowners and the lot fall into a big old economic black hole and teach the lot of them a once-in-a-lifetime lesson about fiscal responsibility, here’s the reality.
Do it your way, and a LOT of people will be out of work for a long time. Because of the way that economies are connected systems, the people who are punished won’t just be idiots with no credit rating who bought overpriced houses and the thieves who sold to them. Once all that money is gone down the hole, a bunch of other folks are out of work. That leaves a smaller market for the existing “honest” participants in the market to sell to, which leads to fewer revenues, smaller profits, more layoffs, and so on.
Meanwhile, there will be a lot of pissed off and hungry people demanding that someone DO something. Pissed off and hungry people generally don’t like being told that, well, the rise and fall of the market is a force of nature, and there’s not much you can do about it. Say that as an elected official of ANY political party, and you will be out on your tail post haste.
I’m not worried about the tea partiers. They are few, they are stupid, and once elected, they’re going to want to figure out how to keep their jobs. Give them one summer, two tops, and all of this blather about restoring the government to the principles of our founding fathers will go straight out the window.
Yeah. Sure. Everyone SAYS they’d like that. I’m a liberal Democrat, and I’d like that! It just has one problem: it doesn’t make anyone’s life better.
jsa on beacon hillspews:
I love you guys. You really can’t count, can you?
ALL PRINT MEDIA is going down in value. Left, right, center. Find me ONE paper which is increasing readership. You can’t.
WaPo company has legs in two businesses. One, print media, is, as mentioned, in pretty bad shape right now. The other, for-profit colleges is a growth industry.
WaPo is in business to make money. Newsweek doesn’t “tilt left” because anyone in the corner office has a strong political opinion one way or another. It’s because that’s their best chance at maximizing readership. If turning Newsweek into wall-to-wall right wing nonsense would make it profitable, they’d do that. It wouldn’t. There aren’t enough potential readers in any political segment to make the business model work.
They are doing what we grownups call a business decision. Dump a business with poor long-term growth prospects. Focus on the parts of your business which will produce return on investment. That’s what businesspeople do all day. Not that you’d personally know anything about that.
Go to sleep young man. It’s past your bedtime.
13,621 Trillion and counting……………Welcome to Obamaman children and grandchildren, you will owe a pile.
Proud To Be An Assspews:
I find it mystifying that there are actual human beings who consider Newsweek and NPR to be “left wing”. The connection between these folks and reality must be tenuous indeed.
Proud To Be An Assspews:
If you want left wing, read the Daily Worker.
Proud To Be An Assspews:
@36: 75% of that number was rung up by Reagan and the Bushies, you dumb fuck.
benefits packages for the state’s employees are 41% more expensive than those offered by the average Fortune 500 company. These benefits costs are rising by 16% a year.” The public is receptive to reducing these kinds of costs.
uh, back to NPR “only gets 5% from feds”
a) its 15%
b) more importantly…the fed funding goes to the local stations, who then pay NPR.
….its a scam, hides the ugly fact our tax $$ goes to fund a left wing only media outlet.
When Obama’s Ponzi scheme of spending comes tumbling down, we will see whats left.
You are hilarious. Jefferson Davis? Heeheeee!
Nice article. Democratic politicians deserves this ass whooping for trying half ass legislation that opened them up to this Republican’t message. They should have passed a much larger stimulus package, and a stronger health care bill.
At the end of the day, the average voter seems to be an uninformed simpleton, to be charitable. They constantly vote against their own interests, buying into political mantras that have proven false.
Remember that time you read about that public political rally attended by thousands of enthusiastic Washingtonians when George W. Bush came to the state? Me neither!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
This ought to chill you KLOWNS- Friday, October 22, 2010
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 27% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-four percent (44%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -17.
The results provide one measure of the Election 2010 enthusiasm gap. Just 51% of Democrats Strongly Approve of President Obama’s performance while 75% of Republicans Strongly Disapprove. Among those not affiliated with either major party, 23% Strongly Approve and 48% Strongly Disapprove.
The more ImamObamao talks, the worse it gets. Democrats are campaigning AGAINST him and Pelosi..yet he continues to talk. He’s either doing it on purpose knowing it will help Dems lose…or more likely he is mentally ill (as a result of his father abandoning him…and his mother abandoning him for awhile only to be raised by a loving “typical white woman granny”. It’s called Bastard Child Syndrome.
Obama is screaming “Look at me Daddy”.
It’s actually quite sad.
You KLOWNS chose a candidate with real mental issues. And are now paying the price.
With all his trapsing around, you would think ImamObaMao’s ratings would go up, not down.
10 more days until the day of reckoning.
The 2 more years until the job is finished.
Bad things can only happen when good people do nothing.
Send in your ballot TODAY!
Poster Childspews:
If anything, NPR’s fault is that they strive to be “fair and ballanced” even on issues where the rightist / mercantilist / fossil-fuel reliant point of view is intellectually bankrupt. I think it’s bizarre that some conservatives get their knickers in a twist over NPR’s alleged left wing bias.
NPR gives air to news and policy discussions for listeners with an adult’s attention span. Their listeners are probably more liberal than conservative. Probably.
@ID: 1/3 of that was George Bush’s contribution, after inheriting a surplus. I didn’t hear any of the conservatives complaining about burdening grandchildren with tax cuts for the rich, two unfunded wars, and unfunded medicare bill. Then after adding trillions in debt, they hand Obama an economy in shambles, on the verge of complete financial collapse and leading the world into full on depression.
So we did the only thing economist thought we could do. Middle class tax cuts and stimulus spending. There were no fiscally happy options. (the stimulus should have been bigger, with less emphasis on tax cuts)
And now you are mad? At Obama? Wake up!
P.S. @ ID. Did I mention Obama inherited a deficit of more than $1 trillion for 2009 before he was even sworn in?
That trickle down economics has really worked well, hasn’t it?
J. Boner (pronounced bayner)spews:
The biggest and most cynical affront to the ‘bagger mentality is to accuse Obama of having an anti-colonialist mentality and insist that that is a negative trait.
As I recall, the American Revolution was precisely that: a war against a colonial power.
Now you have these ‘bagger idiots woefully intoning that Obama is an anti-colonialist.
It’s incredible.
J. Boner (pronounced bayner)spews:
re 47: Being disappointed in Obama in no way translates to an endorsment of Republicans.
Only an idiot or a Republican would come to that conclusion.
But I repeat myself.
J. Boner (pronounced bayner)spews:
re 33: I’ve asked several southerners whether J. Davis attempted escape from the advancing Union armies dressed as a woman is part of their proud heritage — but the closest thing to an answer that I have received was a gurgle of rage and the pathetic attempt of a severely obese southrn gentleman to throttle me.
I can still see in my mind’s eye the oaf lumbering toward me with his pudgy fingers grasping at thin air.
Blue Johnspews:
Well, one way of looking at it, the American Revolution was a bunch of white people of privilege who didn’t want to pay their taxes.
Fast forward 200 odd years and history repeats itself.
Actually, that 5.8% fed/state/local government funding is for NPR’s member stations, not the national organization itself. It goes to the likes of KUOW, KPLU, etc.
NPR, not its stations, is the creator ofAll Things Considered, Morning Edition, Car Talk, Wait Wait … Don’t Tell Me, and such. Its government funding, shown on the lower pie chart in Michael’s link, is
Not a single penny of federal funding goes to National Public Radio itself.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Here is another example of what should be a sure Democrat win that is in play– Friday, October 22, 2010
The race to be Minnesota’s next governor remains a close one with Republican Tom Emmer running neck-and-neck with Democrat Mark Dayton, while support for Independence Party candidate Tom Horner appears to be fading.
A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in the state finds Dayton still barely ahead, with 44% support to Emmer’s 41%. Horner now picks up 10% of the vote.
I did some phone-calling this past week in various states with undecided voters. It was real interesting. Many voted for Obama and are leaning toward the R because they expect Obama to change the tone in Washington & lead.
Instead Obama and his hatchmen mock & ridicule those who disagree…and appear to be clueless on job creation.
My number one question on these calls was about who do you trust on job creation and what are their qualifications?
It was fun picking on poor Patty with her difficult degree in Phy Ed from Eastern and her 2 years of pre-school teaching and one CC class on Parenting. Then environmentalist who knows how to KILL jobs, not creaste them.
Murray is a joke with most people I talked to..although some will vote for her anyway because of Social Issues.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
N in Seattle–
Not a single penny of federal funding goes to National Public Radio itself.
it’s a pass-thru to them. They get $90 million per year consistently.
You are bleating the NPR mantra and playing word games. Try to be clever…look like a dork.
France is a classic example of what ImamObaMao wants to turn America into. A handout society with unsustainable handouts. look who votes for ImamObaMao..folks that pay no taxes or very little but grab all the freebies they can…alot of you lefty’s here at HA are part of the grab.
proud leftistspews:
Clarence Thomas is a hypocritical liar. Of course, being a hypocritical liar is a character requirement for moving up in the Republican Party.
The oil industry is the most profitable (legal) business in the history of money and they get handout after handout and are linked at the hip with the Republican party. ;-)
@54 – Typical. Unable to triumph on the field of logic and sensible debate, you leftists fall back always to your defensive positions of cruel mockery and dismissive derision. If it helps salve the sting of defeat, then you are welcome to it.
To be clear, Jefferson Davis was a man of honor and courage, who fought tirelessly to uphold The Constitution as the framers intended. He gallantly defended the sanctity of hallowed property rights. The nation would be a better place if he had triumphed.
May you rot in the lowest, dankest latrines of hell, next to the traitor, FDR, for disparaging him.
N…don’t confuse the asshole @56 with FACTS.
The fuckwad doesn’t DO facts.
Zotz sez: GOTV!spews:
J Boner, @various:
Fine, fine commentary on your part.
Zotz sez: GOTV!spews:
@63, Rujax!:
The fuckwad doesn’t DO facts.
He doesn’t DO lies either.
He just just cuts n pastes other people’s lies — a middleman amateur liar for professional liars.
Which basically means he’s a non-value added, parasitic lying slut.
>>>> Intelligence Gap <<<<
We've seen Obama out campaigning, Pelosi out campaigning, Biden out campaigning. Why haven't we seen Boehner campaigning in Washington sttate? Or anywhere?
Per former Speaker, Denny Hastert, it’s tough to find a flight to Seattle or Spokane or something.
it’s a pass-thru to them. They get $90 million per year consistently.
You are bleating the NPR mantra and playing word games. Try to be clever…look like a dork.
Uh huh, just like the US Chamber’s pass-through of right-wing foreign funds to right-wing so-called non-profits that then produce scurrilous, lying IE advertisements in domestic political campaigns.
Except that NPR stations are legally permitted to co-mingle their governmental contributions with other revenues, and then write checks for their member dues from those bank accounts. And except that NPR member stations report and name the sources of their revenues. And except that NPR member stations actually contribute to society as well as pay dues to the national NPR.
I have to eat crow, difficult though I find it.
Using implied homosexuality to make fun of you wasn’t appropriate. Nor were personal attacks in lieu of actual discussion.
I wrote I would never apologize to you. Well, never say never, I guess. For all that I find your style and beliefs off putting, it doesn’t ever excuse overt rudeness on my part.
Anything written about what I believe I stand by. But to write sincere beliefs while belittling others is not behavior an adult would practice.
Sorry, Steve, I shouldn’t have called you a queer while fantasizing about lynching FDR. It lessened my erection, and for that I am sorry.
Down to 39% approval rating…can you please have Nobama come back with Michelle My Bell. Rossi would win by more!
yawn; obama at murray event; wow.
i’d rather talk about why taxpayers fund the Dem propaganda machine called NPR (it get 15% outright from feds PLUS…here’s the fun part…it sells its news to all the GOVT funded stations around the country.
so we’re paying for a left wing news org.
patty voted against the aumf amd obama ran on the idea that he would have voted against it if he had had a vote. yet here they are running for reelection on war war and more war. and the sad thing is that so many big fools say to push on.
@1 Some voters are idiots. What else is new?
NPR gets 5.8% of its funding from federal, state, & local governments.
Tiny Desk Concerts are left wing news? I did not know this!
Stating “I’m askered of Muzzlims” is more a Fox Lies thing than an NPR thing anyway…. He belongs on Fox spreading hate, division, fear, lies, and distortions anyway it appears.
Did Fox’s producers tell him to say he is askered of the muzzlims? I’ll bet $50 they did!
Maybe someday he can say they found WMD’s in Iraq like Hannity did!
Fox trash.
@8 Not bad, but if you want to compete with Lost for “Most Disgusting Human Being Ever”, you’re going to have to try an awful lot harder.
Hmm, I can see how Obama’s rockin’ the house can be a little bit disturbing for our trolls.
As for Rossi? Game over. If he doesn’t want to go back to the foreclosure racket, maybe he can get a gig at Fox. Hey, I know! He can share a show with O’Donnell! heh- She’ll be needing a job soon as well. A gig with Fox would certainly be more lucrative than stealing campaign funds, not that her dumbfuck teabagger donors seem to mind.
And they call us haters.
@8 I’d suggest that you share with us a vision of a former president being strung up and then having to burn in hell’s fires for all eternity, but Lost already has that covered with FDR over on the Radio Goldy thread. Sigh! You’re going to have to show some real imagination if you’re going to ever realistically hope to top that level of blind hatred.
Hey Steve,
So you know, I’m straight and happily married. So this creepy man crush you’ve got where you can’t post a comment without mentioning me- not going to get you anywhere. (Even if you weren’t a crazy, angry and not particularly bright person, which of course you are.)
I mean, come out of the closet if it makes you a happier person, maybe even a sane person. Nothing wrong with that. Just pick a guy who likes guys, okay?
Wow. We actually have a real president now. Damn, that’s impressive (not that any of you wingies will watch). Hey, those of you in the reality-based community, we have a real leader. Let’s follow. Wingies, who do you have who can match that?
“this creepy man crush you’ve got”
I’d make some crack about you projecting too much, but you’re beyond that. What you wrote in that other thread will speak for itself.
how many fainters did we have today at the oba-rally?
goldy, did you get “a donation” to your fund in exchange to get all light headed in the front row and have Dr. Oba diagnose you from his pulpit?
You are a disgusting excuse for a human being. You wrote it, you own it.
Proud Communist,
We have a real “leader”? are you fucking kidding me? you better give lee back his bong…
what we have a slick talking(or rather teleprompter reading) huckster who is in so far over his head that his white house is quickly turning into the biggest joke in 40 years..
Re 17
Thanks for re-posting my clear concise and accurate representation of the worst president this country has ever had.
You like it so much, here’s some more.
This is the new program, Lost, so you’d better get used to it.
My children, My children ..
You worry Me so.
I am that I am
Re 21
Please, I like it. You’re posting accurate information about Americas worst president in history, for once. Congratulations.
But seriously, I really am happily married. To a woman. So this whole odd thing you’ve got going, you’d be happier hooking up with Daddy Love and seeing if he can’t find a guy for you.
You want some more? You got it.
Well, early morning appointments, and Steve has afforded me sufficient amusement for one day.
Have a nice night.
Daddy Love already has his man-crush on Johnny Depp…..freak probably has posters of him hung up in his bedroom…
@23 More weak shit. Scratch the surface veneer that is your surface persona and there is nothing to be seen but vile hatred.
@25 Is that all you’ve got, just more of that same weak shit? You can take your hatred and go fuck yourself with it.
the funny thing is, obama is doing the same thing to dems as clinton did. obama was the best thing that ever happened to this country because he woke up a lot of couch potatos.
the only way you shysters are going to complete the socializtion of america now is with some so called catastrophe like n1h1, or government siezure of the internet.
This blog has officially gone to the trolls. It’s damn near impossible to have honest dialogue or debate at this point. The front page posts are good, but the commentary seems to be majority trolling at this point.
masaba. Wrong. You’re giving good honest trolls a bad name.
“Trolling” refers to the time-honored Internet sport of making comments of a contrary or politically incorrect nature to get a rise out of people.
i.e. “Haw haw! I loved how it went when I went on to that site of girls sharing puppy pictures to ask if they had any good recipes for fetal dog soup.”
Our trolls here are not trolls. They truly believe the nonsense that comes out of their keyboards. Most amusingly, these lovers of property rights and market forces all have a tremendous persecution complex because their viewpoints aren’t getting the 50% of mindspace (or more) that they ARE ENTITLED TO, DAMNIT!
Most amusingly, these lovers of property rights and market forces all have a tremendous persecution complex because their viewpoints aren’t getting the 50% of mindspace (or more) that they ARE ENTITLED TO, DAMNIT!
well, considering that newsweek was sold for a dollar (i love it, lol), it seems our view point is pretty popular at large.
For one shining moment on October 29th, 1929, America stood on the verge of finally becoming a truly just and moral nation. Rational market forces were poised to eradicate from the body politic the cancer of the unproductive. Left to follow a rational course, the market would have identified those who have a parasitical relationship to the economic host, and they would have been forced to find another host on which to feed, by sneaking over either the northern or southern borders like the vermin they were. (and, frankly, still are)
It was FDR who destroyed that shining moment, that too fleeting breath of true freedom, and smothered it beneath the vile, despicable, soft pillow of “fair wages” and flea infested quilt of “progressive taxation”
I retract my apology. Hell is far too kind a destination for those who would unjustly promise a living wage to machinery.
If only Jefferson Davis had triumphed in The War Against Northern Aggression. Davis understood The Constitution, and was a true patriot.
I speak truth daily.
You should listen to me.
Serious policy aside.
One of many problems our “trolls” have (well, other than a mindbendingly simplistic view of the universe, an inability to do basic math, no idea of what the historic case law behind the Constitution is, etc. etc.) is that they forget something very important about democracies.
Politicians have to win elections. Before they can do anything, that is their number one job.
While I genuinely think it would be doggone fascinating to do a big conservative experiment on the world’s largest economy and have the car companies, and the banks, and the reckless homeowners and the lot fall into a big old economic black hole and teach the lot of them a once-in-a-lifetime lesson about fiscal responsibility, here’s the reality.
Do it your way, and a LOT of people will be out of work for a long time. Because of the way that economies are connected systems, the people who are punished won’t just be idiots with no credit rating who bought overpriced houses and the thieves who sold to them. Once all that money is gone down the hole, a bunch of other folks are out of work. That leaves a smaller market for the existing “honest” participants in the market to sell to, which leads to fewer revenues, smaller profits, more layoffs, and so on.
Meanwhile, there will be a lot of pissed off and hungry people demanding that someone DO something. Pissed off and hungry people generally don’t like being told that, well, the rise and fall of the market is a force of nature, and there’s not much you can do about it. Say that as an elected official of ANY political party, and you will be out on your tail post haste.
I’m not worried about the tea partiers. They are few, they are stupid, and once elected, they’re going to want to figure out how to keep their jobs. Give them one summer, two tops, and all of this blather about restoring the government to the principles of our founding fathers will go straight out the window.
Yeah. Sure. Everyone SAYS they’d like that. I’m a liberal Democrat, and I’d like that! It just has one problem: it doesn’t make anyone’s life better.
I love you guys. You really can’t count, can you?
ALL PRINT MEDIA is going down in value. Left, right, center. Find me ONE paper which is increasing readership. You can’t.
WaPo company has legs in two businesses. One, print media, is, as mentioned, in pretty bad shape right now. The other, for-profit colleges is a growth industry.
WaPo is in business to make money. Newsweek doesn’t “tilt left” because anyone in the corner office has a strong political opinion one way or another. It’s because that’s their best chance at maximizing readership. If turning Newsweek into wall-to-wall right wing nonsense would make it profitable, they’d do that. It wouldn’t. There aren’t enough potential readers in any political segment to make the business model work.
They are doing what we grownups call a business decision. Dump a business with poor long-term growth prospects. Focus on the parts of your business which will produce return on investment. That’s what businesspeople do all day. Not that you’d personally know anything about that.
Go to sleep young man. It’s past your bedtime.
13,621 Trillion and counting……………Welcome to Obamaman children and grandchildren, you will owe a pile.
I find it mystifying that there are actual human beings who consider Newsweek and NPR to be “left wing”. The connection between these folks and reality must be tenuous indeed.
If you want left wing, read the Daily Worker.
@36: 75% of that number was rung up by Reagan and the Bushies, you dumb fuck.
benefits packages for the state’s employees are 41% more expensive than those offered by the average Fortune 500 company. These benefits costs are rising by 16% a year.” The public is receptive to reducing these kinds of costs.
uh, back to NPR “only gets 5% from feds”
a) its 15%
b) more importantly…the fed funding goes to the local stations, who then pay NPR.
….its a scam, hides the ugly fact our tax $$ goes to fund a left wing only media outlet.
When Obama’s Ponzi scheme of spending comes tumbling down, we will see whats left.
You are hilarious. Jefferson Davis? Heeheeee!
Nice article. Democratic politicians deserves this ass whooping for trying half ass legislation that opened them up to this Republican’t message. They should have passed a much larger stimulus package, and a stronger health care bill.
At the end of the day, the average voter seems to be an uninformed simpleton, to be charitable. They constantly vote against their own interests, buying into political mantras that have proven false.
The Average Voter?
@33. Nice parody. Spot on.
Remember that time you read about that public political rally attended by thousands of enthusiastic Washingtonians when George W. Bush came to the state? Me neither!
This ought to chill you KLOWNS-
Friday, October 22, 2010
The more ImamObamao talks, the worse it gets. Democrats are campaigning AGAINST him and Pelosi..yet he continues to talk. He’s either doing it on purpose knowing it will help Dems lose…or more likely he is mentally ill (as a result of his father abandoning him…and his mother abandoning him for awhile only to be raised by a loving “typical white woman granny”. It’s called Bastard Child Syndrome.
Obama is screaming “Look at me Daddy”.
It’s actually quite sad.
You KLOWNS chose a candidate with real mental issues. And are now paying the price.
With all his trapsing around, you would think ImamObaMao’s ratings would go up, not down.
10 more days until the day of reckoning.
The 2 more years until the job is finished.
Bad things can only happen when good people do nothing.
Send in your ballot TODAY!
If anything, NPR’s fault is that they strive to be “fair and ballanced” even on issues where the rightist / mercantilist / fossil-fuel reliant point of view is intellectually bankrupt. I think it’s bizarre that some conservatives get their knickers in a twist over NPR’s alleged left wing bias.
NPR gives air to news and policy discussions for listeners with an adult’s attention span. Their listeners are probably more liberal than conservative. Probably.
@ID: 1/3 of that was George Bush’s contribution, after inheriting a surplus. I didn’t hear any of the conservatives complaining about burdening grandchildren with tax cuts for the rich, two unfunded wars, and unfunded medicare bill. Then after adding trillions in debt, they hand Obama an economy in shambles, on the verge of complete financial collapse and leading the world into full on depression.
So we did the only thing economist thought we could do. Middle class tax cuts and stimulus spending. There were no fiscally happy options. (the stimulus should have been bigger, with less emphasis on tax cuts)
And now you are mad? At Obama? Wake up!
P.S. @ ID. Did I mention Obama inherited a deficit of more than $1 trillion for 2009 before he was even sworn in?
That trickle down economics has really worked well, hasn’t it?
The biggest and most cynical affront to the ‘bagger mentality is to accuse Obama of having an anti-colonialist mentality and insist that that is a negative trait.
As I recall, the American Revolution was precisely that: a war against a colonial power.
Now you have these ‘bagger idiots woefully intoning that Obama is an anti-colonialist.
It’s incredible.
re 47: Being disappointed in Obama in no way translates to an endorsment of Republicans.
Only an idiot or a Republican would come to that conclusion.
But I repeat myself.
re 33: I’ve asked several southerners whether J. Davis attempted escape from the advancing Union armies dressed as a woman is part of their proud heritage — but the closest thing to an answer that I have received was a gurgle of rage and the pathetic attempt of a severely obese southrn gentleman to throttle me.
I can still see in my mind’s eye the oaf lumbering toward me with his pudgy fingers grasping at thin air.
Well, one way of looking at it, the American Revolution was a bunch of white people of privilege who didn’t want to pay their taxes.
Fast forward 200 odd years and history repeats itself.
Way, way back @5, Michael said:
Actually, that 5.8% fed/state/local government funding is for NPR’s member stations, not the national organization itself. It goes to the likes of KUOW, KPLU, etc.
NPR, not its stations, is the creator of All Things Considered, Morning Edition, Car Talk, Wait Wait … Don’t Tell Me, and such. Its government funding, shown on the lower pie chart in Michael’s link, is
Not a single penny of federal funding goes to National Public Radio itself.
Here is another example of what should be a sure Democrat win that is in play–
Friday, October 22, 2010
I did some phone-calling this past week in various states with undecided voters. It was real interesting. Many voted for Obama and are leaning toward the R because they expect Obama to change the tone in Washington & lead.
Instead Obama and his hatchmen mock & ridicule those who disagree…and appear to be clueless on job creation.
My number one question on these calls was about who do you trust on job creation and what are their qualifications?
It was fun picking on poor Patty with her difficult degree in Phy Ed from Eastern and her 2 years of pre-school teaching and one CC class on Parenting. Then environmentalist who knows how to KILL jobs, not creaste them.
Murray is a joke with most people I talked to..although some will vote for her anyway because of Social Issues.
N in Seattle–
it’s a pass-thru to them. They get $90 million per year consistently.
You are bleating the NPR mantra and playing word games. Try to be clever…look like a dork.
Courageous French Senate approves Pension Change to age 62 retirement.
France is a classic example of what ImamObaMao wants to turn America into. A handout society with unsustainable handouts. look who votes for ImamObaMao..folks that pay no taxes or very little but grab all the freebies they can…alot of you lefty’s here at HA are part of the grab.
Clarence Thomas is a hypocritical liar. Of course, being a hypocritical liar is a character requirement for moving up in the Republican Party.
The oil industry is the most profitable (legal) business in the history of money and they get handout after handout and are linked at the hip with the Republican party. ;-)
@54 – Typical. Unable to triumph on the field of logic and sensible debate, you leftists fall back always to your defensive positions of cruel mockery and dismissive derision. If it helps salve the sting of defeat, then you are welcome to it.
To be clear, Jefferson Davis was a man of honor and courage, who fought tirelessly to uphold The Constitution as the framers intended. He gallantly defended the sanctity of hallowed property rights. The nation would be a better place if he had triumphed.
May you rot in the lowest, dankest latrines of hell, next to the traitor, FDR, for disparaging him.
N…don’t confuse the asshole @56 with FACTS.
The fuckwad doesn’t DO facts.
J Boner, @various:
Fine, fine commentary on your part.
@63, Rujax!:
He doesn’t DO lies either.
He just just cuts n pastes other people’s lies — a middleman amateur liar for professional liars.
Which basically means he’s a non-value added, parasitic lying slut.
>>>> Intelligence Gap <<<<
We've seen Obama out campaigning, Pelosi out campaigning, Biden out campaigning. Why haven't we seen Boehner campaigning in Washington sttate? Or anywhere?
Per former Speaker, Denny Hastert, it’s tough to find a flight to Seattle or Spokane or something.
Cynicasshole @58:
Uh huh, just like the US Chamber’s pass-through of right-wing foreign funds to right-wing so-called non-profits that then produce scurrilous, lying IE advertisements in domestic political campaigns.
Except that NPR stations are legally permitted to co-mingle their governmental contributions with other revenues, and then write checks for their member dues from those bank accounts. And except that NPR member stations report and name the sources of their revenues. And except that NPR member stations actually contribute to society as well as pay dues to the national NPR.
I have to eat crow, difficult though I find it.
Using implied homosexuality to make fun of you wasn’t appropriate. Nor were personal attacks in lieu of actual discussion.
I wrote I would never apologize to you. Well, never say never, I guess. For all that I find your style and beliefs off putting, it doesn’t ever excuse overt rudeness on my part.
Anything written about what I believe I stand by. But to write sincere beliefs while belittling others is not behavior an adult would practice.
Sorry, Steve, I shouldn’t have called you a queer while fantasizing about lynching FDR. It lessened my erection, and for that I am sorry.