John McCain’s campaign threatened legal action against the National Enquirer today for running a story about McCain’s running mate, Sarah Palin, allegedly having an affair with her husband’s business partner.
“The smearing of the Palin family must end. The allegations contained on the cover of the National Enquirer insinuating that Gov. Palin had an extramarital affair are categorically false. It is a vicious lie,” said McCain senior adviser Steve Schmidt.
“The efforts of the media and tabloids to destroy this fine and accomplished public servant are a disgrace. The American people will reject it.”
Yeah… well… maybe. The National Enquirer is a tawdry, supermarket rag with low standards, and I wouldn’t trust them as far as I could spit. But they do occasionally break stories, as liberal-hater Jonah Goldberg ironically reminded us during the early days of the Edwards love-child story…
Also, it’s worth pointing out that while the Enquirer may or may not be scrupulous in its choice of stories — that’s in the eye of the beholder — it is pretty scrupulous about its facts. They win lawsuits. They’ve broken a host of stories the MSM guys couldn’t.
So if the Enquirer is scrupulous enough for right wingers when they’re tearing down Democrats…?
On the other hand, Karl Rove can be a crafty fucker, and it wouldn’t surprise me if the R’s seeded the Enquirer with a false scandal, so that when it blows up it discredits all the real scandals too. We’ll see.
I am telling you guys. She is already through. They are planning the exit strategy as we type.
I think the Palin Deathwatch started four days ago, and every day beings a new stunner. Stubborn old crank McCain will never order her to step down, so who will?
Hey, if she was not such a redneck Republican I would do her as long as she did not talk. That voice makes chalkboards cringe.
Then again, she could be carrying a Jewish love child. A messiah, as Puddy likes to scream.
So that will mean John Edwards didn’t have an affair after all? Works for me.
I’m still stuck with the tape running through my head of when she was introduced as McCain’s running mate a few days ago, how when she stepped up to the podium to speak, McCain was so obviously staring at her ass with a lecherous grin. If that had been for only a second or so, like he just suddenly realized that his VP selection happens to be built like a brick shit house would be one thing, but he just stood there and kept on leering….while standing not six inches away from his wife!
Who are these people?
Damn, ArtFart, I thought my imagination was making me see McLecherous leering at her hiney. He does have a wandering eye. He left his wife for Cindy GotRocks.
I can’t wait to hear the right wingers decry the Enquirer – now that it proves to be interested in THEIR scandals – of course difference is, Edwards is NOT a candidate for VP and Palin is!
What about her fucking traitorous husband???
THAT MOTHER FUCKER belonged to a political party that wanted Alaska to breakaway from the United States of AMERICA!!!
Destroying America. Those ARE Republican values. Just like al Qeada’s.
There is NO difference between bin Laden and the Palin’s.
Could you imagine the uproar if Michelle Obama belonged to such a group??
Just like Republicans to try and suppress the FREEDOM OF THE PRESS!!!
Defend America!
Defend the sacrifices of the brave soldiers who gave their lives for our FREEDOMS!!
terrorismfascismConservatism!!This brings to mind the old phrase about “whose ox is being gored”…which I remember first hearing when I was about 15, from Bob Roberts, a conservative commentator on KVI. (That was back when KVI played music most of the time.)
Sarah Palin is nothing more than White Trailer Trash.
When she wasn’t the mayor he accused her brother-in-law of beating her sister, drinking on duty and shooting a moose out of season.
Her accusations were all determined to be FALSE. Except the shooting the moose out of season part.
That proves that her brother in law was no Liberal. I mean how many Liberals go around shootin’ guns and huntin’ moose… let alone out of season.
Then she gets elected Governor and abuses her office trying to get her ex-brother-in-law fired.
She preaches “abstinence only” in her house but something else is obviously practiced. It’s red necks like Sarah Palin who want to stop Planned Parenthood from PREVENTING unplanned pregnancies. Hence the name for you dumb asses.
Her husband belonged to a radical political group that wanted Alaska to breakaway from the Union – Does that sound “American” to you?
Why did John McCain spend 5 1/2 years in a brutal POW camp only later to pick VP whose husband wanted to break up the very country he served so honorably?
It must be that
MsMr. Palin doesn’t give a SHIT about veterans who sacrificed for him.What a worthless piece of shit.
“It’s red necks like Sarah Palin who want to stop Planned Parenthood from PREVENTING unplanned pregnancies. Hence the name for you dumb asses.”
DING! DING! DING! DING! DING! Give that customer the stuffed pink bear! What Palin and her ilk advocate (trying to keep kids ignorant and scared) would tend to lead to more unintended pregnancies. Since not all of these would be with the children of the affluent (which the Palins evidently are) who love their children and take care of them (which the Palins at least deserve credit for doing), the end result would be more abortions. What a responsible policy!
You know the usual right wing turds are awfully silent. Even though that group is lower than whale shit even THAT group is ashamed of this cunt Palin.
That voice of hers could peel paint off the wall.
@14 I think it’s entirely possible that every troll’s head just blew up a short while ago. Wherever they are I bet it’s a fucking mess. Goat shit everywhere. I tell ya what – I’m not going to be the one to clean it up.
Has anyone seen a transcript of Palin’s grades at the U of Idaho? I wonder if she even graduated. I’d like to see what kind of classes she took. She doesn’t seem to have any intellectual curiosity and is firmly entrenched in the anti-academia wing of the GOP (which is pretty much the whole party now).
McCain was so obviously staring at her ass with a lecherous grin
LMAO!! I just checked out that tape on youtube and Dorf McSame is indeed stealin’ a few glances at that moose-huntin’ momma’s backside!
The difference between this alleged affair and the edwards affair will be now the liberal media will be investigating this one.
Go figure.
@18 “Dorf McSame is indeed stealin’ a few glances at that moose-huntin’ momma’s backside!”
He won’t get many more chances. It’s over.
@ 19:
We endured how many years and an impeachment of Clinton being investigated for an extra marital affair.
Nobody here gives a shit about your “feelings.”
“It is a vicious lie,” said McCain senior adviser Steve Schmidt.
Loser. You should have vetted that bitch, dude. You people have no one to blame but yourselves.
It all started to unravel for him when the Maverick didn’t have the balls to stand up to the Rove machine and to go with his first choice, Droopy.
Is there a possiblility that John McCain is a really being the ultimate patriot?
Given his service in a POW camp he is no less than an American hero.
So, could he actually be doing this to throw the election?
Knowing that the conservative policy of more corruption would only serve to hurt the nation he served.
Could he be sacraficing himself, one last time, for the good of the nation?
Sort of a “Country First” moniker?
19/21 Wank, Marvin, Wank!
And even if that trash were true, she would still have more experience and be more suited for President than Barack Obama.
Name something Obama has actually accomplished _successfully_. Anything. Running for President doesn’t count until Nov. 5th. Legislation, low income housing, improvements in Chicago schools. Anything.
Here’s a hint: No meaningful legislation (outside of naming a post office), the housing project in Chicago is a disaster, and the Chicago Annenberg Challenge poured $50 million into Chicago schools, failed, and then closed.
So little experience, so much baggage. Obama.
OK, I’m getting more than a little uncomfortable with some of the rhetoric being used against this woman. She’s not Ann Coulter, for heaven’s sake. She appears to be a more or less ordinary person, better looking and probably smarter than most, and every bit as fallible as all the rest of us. She also doesn’t seem to have the background that would qualify her as the second-best person the Republican Party could have come up with to sit in the Oval Office–which, when you get down to it, they damned well ought to do. So yeah…the Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates from both parties should expect to be held to a pretty high standard. Someone wasn’t thinking very clearly when the decision was made to subject this woman and her family to all this. At the same time, she perhaps showed a certain lack of wisdom by not declining the offer.
Then again, this is the party that eight years ago nominated a couple of real turkeys and shoved them down the nation’s throat. Why should we have expected any better this time around?
@26 “And even if that trash were true, she would still”
So desperate. So sad. I feel a tear coming on. I really do. A tear for the late Republican party. The party of family values. R.I.P.
Goldstein, why are you so scared of her ? Otherwise you wouldn’t bring it up over and over again. You post nothing but Palin stories…yikes…if she’s such a disaster for the republicans…why bother.
But it sure brings out the best of you and your folk..BBG and GBS and their language, etc. Pathetic if you ask me.
@29 “scared of her”
Do you hear that sound? It’s the sound of Democrats laughing their asses off. At your candidates. At your party. And at you.
That’s some of the more objective and fair analysis I’ve seen concerning Palin, though I would disagree that she is “probably smarter than most.” She is more vengeful, ruthless, and power-hungry than most. Those attributes, however, would not have been any big deal if she was operating in a sphere bigger than Alaska. Rather, in a more cosmopolitan venue, she would have been stuck being a pain in the ass on a church council or school board.
From Andy…
Levi Johnston’s Convention Diary
Exclusive Blog from the Presumptive Vice Son-in-Law
Dear Dude,
There is some seriously WEIRD FUCKIN SHIT goin on up in here!!!
So I get off the plane in Minnesota and the first thing I know some creepy old dude who smells like my grandma is gettin up in my grille. I am totally goin to give him a righteous beat-down and then I see it’s that John McCain dude from TV who’s always approvin his fuckin message.
So I give him this look like, “Don’t get in my face or I will SERIOUSLY fuck you up,” and dude looks back at me like, “I’ve ate Viet Cong bigger than you for breakfast.” So I like totally back off. Dude, if I’m gonna get fucked up no way am I gonna get fucked up by someone older than Larry King.
Things go from weird to fuckin WEIRD AS ALL SHIT as I get like the totally evil eye from Bristol’s old man Todd who looks like he wants to shove an oil pipeline up my fuckin ass. Shit, I said I’d marry her, what the fuck is wrong with you, dude??? Back off or I’ll fuck you up.
So I TOTALLY try to stay out of the way of Bristol’s mom, who looks like she’s gonna go medieval on my ass, like do me way worse than that trooper she got canned. For a minute I feel like I am TOTALLY GOING TO SHIT MYSELF, but than I think of thoughts to calm me down, like that time in middle school when I fucked that guy up who tried to fuck with me.
Dude, the one thing I don’t like understand at all is why Bristol’s mom even WANTS to be fuckin vice-president and all. Right now, being Governor of Alaska and shit, she could totally invade Russia if she wanted to. It’s that fuckin close.
With all this crazy shit going on I didn’t even like get a chance to talk to Bristol. I wanted to ask her how her summer was, shit like that, but every time I opened my mouth that McCain dude gave me another look like, “You say word one and I will rearrange your fuckin face you fuckin piece of hockey shit.” So I don’t say a fuckin thing.
Gotta go now. One thing’s for sure, dude – when this week is over I am totally getting wasted!!!!!
Peace out,
L to the J
This is how the Palin pick ACTUALLY came about.
The diff between Edwards and Palin was this was known in 2006 and covered up by the MSM and Elizabeth Edwards.
Dorf’s selection was perhaps a bit inspired?
I don’t know if this is photoshopped.
why do you say this?
who believes that Jesus created the world when he had six days of nothing else to do, that oil is a renewable resource growing out of the will of Jesus, that we are fighting God’sd wae …..
Makes Cooulter seem SANE!
@34 The diff is that Palin is your candidate whereas Edwards isn’t ours. She could do the Republican party a great service and use her time tonight to decline the nomination and to apologize to your party and to our nation. Get it over with and move on.
OMG! Mitt Romney just doused himself with gasoline and lit himself on fire during his RNC speech!
@38 Well, that’s a shame. He had a good chance of being McCain’s new running mate if he could’ve hung in there until the end of the week. Hell, if he could’ve just made it through the night.
Is anybody watching these phony-baloney Republicans “partying”?
They’re running out of juice pretty fast.
I’m bored to tears with these losers.
The “Huckster”, Limpblow’s favorite is up. Uh oh, he saying some gracious things about Obama!
Take that Flush Limpblows!
It must get boring in those small towns where they have 6 months of darkness a year and there’s nothing else to do..
@ Steve 39 but he kept talking and smiling and laughing. And then the floor opened-up and he dove in.
@3 “Then again, she could be carrying a Jewish love child. A messiah, as Puddy likes to scream.”
In her case it wouldn’t be an immaculate conception even if it was a virgin birth, because the mother is polluted.
@5 “Who are these people?”
Republicans. Did you need to ask?
The Huckster is serving up the red meat now!
I don’t know about all this Palin stuff, but I do know that THOSE SIX PEOPLE UP IN SKAGIT COUNTY WERE KILLED UNDER GREGOIRE’S WATCH!
I also know that liberals believe that all criminals are “mentally ill,” and need counseling not prison.
I want to puke!
I think you guys are pissed off that it’s Sarah Palin and not Hillary Clinton that is the center of attention right now. It’s just typical partisan politics.
In a little while Palin is going to give a speech. Then HA will condemn and revile the speech and Sound Politics will say it was the best speech of the past gazillion years.
Totally predictable.
Do you think if people here started calling Darcy Burner a whore, cunt, and bitch, Goldy would remain silent?
Gregoire didn’t have anything to do with the six people killed up in Skagit County. It was some macaroon who should have been shot by an armed citizen.
More guns in the hands of the public means less loony-tunes running loose.
@19 “The difference between this alleged affair and the edwards affair will be now the liberal media will be investigating this one.
Go figure.”
Yep, just as I thought! The National Enquirer is now “liberal media”!! Hahaha … you retards are too funny for words.
No, Goldy would immediately come to Darcy’s defense. He’s kinda sweet on her, even though she’s already married.
@47 “you guys are pissed off that it’s Sarah Palin and not Hillary Clinton that is the center of attention right now”
Why on earth would we want Hillary to have that kind of attention? No thanks.
@24 Any self-sacrifice on McCain’s part is unintentional. Trust me on this.
We’ll see how this Palin scandal works out. Let’s make a mental note to see how this all turns out by this same time next week.
You’re pissed off, Steve, ’cause Hillary ain’t gettin’ in the White House except if Obama invites her over for drinks.
Thank Jesus she’ll never be prez!
@27 “She appears to be a more or less ordinary person, …”
Uh … no, Art; she wants:
Public schools to teach creationism.
To ban books from public libraries.
To fire any civil servant who disagrees with her radical agenda.
To use her office for private retribution.
And, above all, to milk taxpayers’ funds for the benefit of the special interests she supports.
That’s not “ordinary.” It’s wingnuttia in extremis.
@34 There is no diff between Edwards and Palin. Adultery is adultery. The timing of media disclosure doesn’t make it something else.
You go, Roger! But I want most of all to know who in the Gopper power structure made it clear to McSame that his first prick(sic) for VP (Lieberman) was totally not acceptable.
Is McSame a pupput(sic) or in charge of his own destiny? Who bent this idiot over, eh?
@46 That’s 2,966 fewer people than were killed on your organ grinder monkey’s watch.
The AIP has had one elected Governor in Alaska, Wally Hickel in his second term(1991-1995). His first term, which by the way was in the 1960s, ended abruptly when he took a job in the Nixon Administration.(He was originally a Republican, then AIP, then GOP again). I noticed Alaska is still around. Hickel was one of the major proponents of Alaska Statehood. Another person who worked for Alaska Statehood is under indictment for failure to report gifts(Senator Ted Stevens).
Now as for the Enquirer, don’t have much respect for it. Amy Goodman, with Democracy NOW, got plenty of respect even though she definately is Center-Left biased, although I enjoyed the hour she spent with Lou Dobbs. It was a great debate, lesser men would have stormed out when getting hard questions, Lou Dobbs stayed for the hour. She got arrested Monday coming to the aid of her produces who were getting arrested by St. Paul Cops that may have over-reacted. She herself is a survivor of a massacre at a protest in East Timor, for over a decade and a half ago. She knows what brutality is. Some in the mainstream media, who report from behind a desk, might not know.
@55 Nah, they were both fine candidates. Either one would do. With the Palin implosion, it’s a done deal.
“I want to puke!”
Don’t let us stop you. Puke your guts out, fool.
@46 (continued) “I want to puke!”
That shouldn’t be hard for you, as you’re 100% pure puke. Try sticking 2 fingers down your throat to make it come up faster.
“Name something Obama has actually accomplished _successfully_. Anything. Running for President doesn’t count until Nov. 5th.”
Come Nov. 5th, you will eat those words, Delbert. Count on it.
Guiliani is talking about “keeping us safe.” His party sure as hell didn’t keep us safe in New York, Washington D.C., or New Orleans. And they didn’t keep our troops safe in Iraq or Afghanistan. Truth is, they don’t give a shit about anything except pocketing profits from wars and disasters.
Rudy is a total ass.
I bet he appreciates Sarah’s taste in clothes.
I liked the DNC last week. They were professional and conservative.
The RNC is shaping-up to be like a bullshit blog rant, just televised.
What crap. This is fucking embarrassing for the country.
Rudy’s giving a very good speech. Very good. This might be a turning point.
Yeah… well… maybe. The National Enquirer is a tawdry, supermarket rag with low standards, and I wouldn’t trust them as far as I could spit.
So?? Big deal. There is still more truth in the enquirer than in the tawdry, fish wrapping liberal rags like Newsweek or the NY Times.
@68 Troll: I can’t agree with you on this one–It’s a verbal blog rant.
Now Guiliani is telling those gullible fools the U.S. — with 3% of the world’s oil reserves and consuming 20% of its oil — can drill its way to oil independence.
These fools want to “drill baby”?
What a bunch of sickos.
A dem cheating on his wife isn’t news anyway. It’s more like part of the American culture. Every dem president practically since FDR cheated on his wife. Come to think of it FDR did too.
I’m saying I can see how people who are on the fence could be swayed by his speech. You may be right. Just my opinion.
Cindy’s hair is so over processed it looks like it is barely hanging on.
here we go with the scare tactics. Don’t they know that won’t work?
Republicans are so done!!
Get the hook for “America’s Mayor”.
Bring on the moose-hunter.
Now he’s telling them McCain can win the “victory” against Islamist terrorists that their party’s sitting president hasn’t been able to win for 7 years.
Now Guiliani is telling those gullible fools the U.S. — with 3% of the world’s oil reserves and consuming 20% of its oil — can drill its way to oil independence.
09/03/2008 at 7:15 pm
Yeah but we can inflate our way to oil independence…ahhahaahahahahahahahaahahhahahahahahahahahaahhahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahhahahaha
I’m watching MSNBC. I’ll be curious to hear Pat’s take on Rudy’s speech.
The bottom line of this election is that after all their convention rhetoric, they still have to run on their record.
@74 Troll: Opinions for us both, granted. I think Rudy’s probably appealing more to those already decided.
Sarah Palin, however, is an excellent speaker–She’ll be the one who draws-in some folks from the fence tonight.
(Again, my $0.02 guess).
Goldy’s spreading every lie he can about Palin cuz he’s soiling his little pink panties knowing that she will destroy the Chicago signature gatherer/ Delaware Drunkard’s chances in November….and he’s right
@ 82 Rick: I wouldn’t go that far. That’s one heck of a journey, much farther than Texas to Wasilla. McCain/Palin isn’t a ticket I’d be betting on.
68 T
Yes, his presidential campaign showed us all how very persuasive Rudy can be.
Well, here she is … I can hardly wait for her to pull out a copy of “Catcher in the Rye” and set it on fire right on the stage!
Bills in the 110th COngress (2007-2008) sponsored by Barack Obama:;tab=bills
Or, if you prefer:
She pronounces Iraq like a hillbilly — “eye-rack” …!
McCain has totally blown it. Barack Obama came out of the Democratic convention with a ticket that, if not perfect, was at leaast solid.
McCain is coming out of the RNC with a ticket that is much weaker than he was without it. He undercuts his own arguments about experience, and face it—he’s pretty damn likely to die in the next eight years (a 1 in 3 chance), and Americans aren’t going to favor Sarah Palin as president. We’re not as dumb as the RNC hinks we are.
Palin sounds rehearsed and robot-like. Manchurian even.
This is just comical. The implosion is coming.
@89 Foot: I wouldn’t go that far, but she’s not coming-off as well as I was expecting. Not her usual “element”?
We’re already 10 minutes into her speech and so far it’s all fluff. Nothing wrong with that, so far as it goes, but … where’s the beef?
Wait, now she’s comparing herself to Harry Truman … well, I have news for you, mayor — you’re no Harry Truman!
Now she’s extolling small towns. I hate small towns! Too much inbreeding, and too many people who don’t know how to mind their own business.
Dave 90:
She was a poor choice, in over her head. There are far more qualified people.
This was reaching. The base is excited, no one else is.
Now she’s coming around..
It’s not that the convention isn’t her “element”–It’s because they coached her into being someone too much different from who she really is. She’d do better if they let her have a more “folksy” image up there–It’s coming through in her voice, but they have her made-up like Barbara Bush. Ug.
Ha ha ha — they’re dragging out a protester … so much for their security!
Brought to you by the party that refuses to inspect 98.5% of the cargo containers coming to the U.S. for nuclear weapons.
Oh wait, here comes the “our party is the outsider” part of the speech!
Uh oh, she wants to “challenge the status quo!”*
* Spelled c-o-r-r-u-p-t l-y-i-n-g R-e-p-u-b-l-i-c-a-n-s
Sarah Palin can’t even give a good blow job, hence all the children she has supposedly produced.
Since you people remain silent when ByeByeGOP calls Palin a cunt and bitch, then of course you won’t say a word when I say I think the nigger muslim might be in a little trouble after tonight.
@92 Foot: Now, that’s a different story! We were talking about her speech before.
She’s definitely over her head wrt to being on the McCain/Palin ticket. There may be a convention bump, but McCain dug himself into a hole within a hole within a hole.
The election, I think, will be determined by Obama/Biden–and they’re doing an excellent job.
Her speech sounds like a beauty contest coach wrote it.
Up above I referred to Sarah Palin. Sorry, I meant to say Sarah Putin. Totalitarians should get their due.
Oh, now she’s talking about her leadership of the government-controlled businesses in the socialist republic of Alaska…
@97 Say what you want. You’re saying it won’t make it true. Obama up 8 points! Obama ahead 43 electoral votes!
Okay, she’s done talking about her family, and I don’t think she’s attracting anyone from off the fence anymore. Too much party-line chanting.
@92 My Left Foot: Ah, now I know what you mean by “robotic”. Yes–I agree: “Dear Leader” speak. Okay.
@97 Troll (and ByeByeGOP): Sarah Palin is not a cunt. That’s Cindy McCain. Get it right, will ya? Both of you!
Um, for a woman who wants to convince woman voters that she’s capable of leading the US, she’s shown a remarkable lack of leading lately. McCain’s lapdogs barked menacingly as others attacked her on troopergate, insinuated that her youngest child might not be hers, and now the rumors that she committed adultery. And from Palin? She’s been very quiet, allowing the men to protect her virtue.
Not the kind of woman I trust to be able to hold her own against countries more patriarchal than our own.
@105: +1 I think we will be hearing a lot from the Hillary “femi-Nazis” (to use a stupid neocon term) tomorrow. They’re going to be repulsed after tonight… in a really major way.
Palin: “POW!”
The lines are just coming out like they were fed, which they were.
They did give her some red meat to toss around, but it won’t last.
The fear mongering is really annoying. It is so over with. America is tired of that. I am tired of that.
I don’t care that he was a prisoner of war. He is no hero. He is a survivor of a terrible ordeal. Nothing else.
CNN Poll: Obama Leads In Iowa & Minn.
“ST. PAUL, Minnesota (CNN) — A new poll suggests that Barack Obama is widening his lead over John McCain in two battleground states ….
“In a CNN/Time/Opinion Research Corp. survey out Wednesday afternoon, 55 percent of Iowa registered voters who were questioned said that Obama, D-Illinois, is their choice for president, with 40 percent backing McCain, R-Arizona. … ‘Obama is winning in all regions of the state, even in the western counties, where George W. Bush beat John Kerry by 17 points,’ CNN Polling Director Keating Holland said. ‘Obama is winning rural voters in Iowa, not something you see in many other states.’
“It appears to be a similar story in Minnesota, where the Republicans are holding their national convention this week. The poll indicates that Obama has a 12-point lead over McCain, 53 percent to 41 percent. …
“In Iowa and Minnesota, white voters are backing Obama. In Ohio, white voters are supporting McCain.”
(Quoted from Time Magazine under fair use.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: McCain is looosing in Minnesota, where the Repugs are holding their con-ven-shun!!
God, what a BORING speech. It sounded like a high school kid reading a homework assignment to an English class.
I predict she’s gonna wilt in the VP debate. A live debate isn’t the same thing as reading words off a teleprompter.
@108 Foot: I don’t know about you, but the fear-mongering is working on me. I’m afraid of the “Republican” Politburo’s 1930s Germany-styled frenzy of propaganda and telling me that socialism is capitalism; oppression is liberty; lower relative wealth is prosperity; war is peace.
There’s no way in HELL I’m going to vote-away everything the founding of this nation was based-on. In 1776, these jerks would have been tarred-and-feathered and run out of town on a rail.
Rabbit @ 91
Wait, now she’s comparing herself to Harry Truman … well, I have news for you, mayor — you’re no Harry Truman!
Would it be appropriate to point out that Truman only served as VP for three months?
MSNBC: 8:13 Pm Just what the fuck does multi-millionare Chris Mathews know about working class americans in small town? Not a fucking thing.
@110 Rabbit: Yes, it was FAR below what I had been expecting. Granted, I was expecting an excellent speech from her, but I’d have to say that Rudy’s Rant was better.
What’s worse is that it wasn’t much better than Fred (ahem) Thompson’s (ahem) speech (ahem) yesterday.
I’d put it on par with Joe Lieberman’s speech–until he started speaking directly into the camera.
… and Truman ordered the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
I’m not liking this notion that Palin has compared herself to Truman.
@110: Agreed. BORING.
Matthews, Olberman, Gregory: Very good speech.
@116, con’t: boring right wing crap.
Oh Geez… Now John Rich is singing “POW!”…
@117: What, you expect otherwise from millionare pundits? Sheesh!
Well, I think Sarah Palin actually gave a good speech. When the CNN commentators say she hit it out of the park, maybe they got it right.
I am not so concerned about Palin’s qualifications (or more properly, lack of them). Issues like character, temperament, and judgment are far more important to me. What about Troopergate? Vindictiveness and abuse of power? Flying 11 hours when you are in labor with a special needs child? Letting your 17 year old daughter get plastered at home?
I don’t particularly like Palin’s platform and policies, of course, since I prefer the Democratic platform and policies. But beyond that, what about the really kooky ideas she supports — ideas that are wacko even to most Republicans? Like Alaskan secession? Why does she want to lead a country, that she did not want to be a part of?
@119: Bigger than the Khan? Stalin? Hitler? Mao? Nero?
You display your ignorance. I’d suggest you keep it to yourself.
Roger Rabbit @ 109
If McCain had picked Pawlenty, instead of Palin, there is a decent chance he could be ahead in Iowa and Minnesota by similar margins.
Correction: or at least pretty close to even.
@122: “Well, I think Sarah Palin actually gave a good speech. When the CNN commentators say she hit it out of the park, maybe they got it right.”
Right wing cant does not necessarily constitute a “good” speech. It was standard attack politics. Pretty ho hum if you ask me.
@122: What’s important to me are her position on the issues. She is exacrable.
Here’s the current electoral vote lineup:
Leaning to Obama: 228, needs 42
Leaning to McCain: 185, needs 85
Swing states: 125
Here are the swing states, largest to smallest:
Florida, 27
Ohio, 20
Michigan, 17
North Carolina, 15
Virginia, 13
Minnesota, 10
Colorado, 9
New Mexico, 5
Nevada, 5
New Hampshire, 4
(Source: Newsweek)
Even if Obama loses both Florida and Ohio, if he wins Michigan and Minnesota, he only needs North Carolina or Virginia plus one of the small states. Or, Obama could lose the 4 largest swing states and New Hampshire if he wins Virginia, Minnesota, Colorado, New Mexico, and Nevada.
But if Obama wins either Ohio or Florida and Michigan, it’s over for McCain.
And don’t overlook the possibility of picking off one of the McCain-leaning states where it’s fairly close: Georgia, 15; Missouri, 11; Indiana, 11; Montana, 3; North Dakota, 3. Losing even 1 of the larger of these states probably would be fatal to McCain’s chances.
@ 91: “We’re already 10 minutes into her speech and so far it’s all fluff.”
ended that way, too.
Proud To Be An Ass @ 125
I meant “good” as in “effective versus ineffective”, and not as in “good versus evil”. Subjectively, I think the speech sucked, because I think her policies suck. Objectively, the speech may be effective in increasing support for the McCain/Palin ticket.
@115: Standard stuff, DJ. Truman is there hero unless, of course, they actually study his speeches, his actions, his beliefs, his visceral hatred for republicans.
Richard @ 129: I, for one, am not impressed. Rudy did a better job if you are judging “effectiveness”.
But then, he’s a poof.
They are doing the roll call. Evidently there are some sensible Republicans in Alaska — the only state so far that didn’t go unanimously for John McCain. 24 votes for McCain, and presumably 5 votes for Ron Paul. Okay, maybe those five people are actually nutcases who support secession and will back Sarah Palin when the VP roll call is conducted.
I watched the speech. You guys are so fucked…
LMAO: I just received a spam email from some online background-checking shop. How apropos!:
…or they can be people you choose to be the vice presidential candidate on your ticket!
Obama just got punked in that speech….
MSNBC looks like there’s a wake going on…too funny to see her slap around the community organizer at every turn during that speech.
He done got punked!
Palin’s second time using a teleprompter and she looks like she’s mastered it quickly. No wonder Obama comes off so shitty unscripted. He’s so plastic that he needs a teleprompter or he starts Ugh, errr, Ugh, um…….only because he’s not a man of conviction, but simple platitudes like Hope and change.
You can bet your ass Palin won’t come of nearly as ignorant without a teleprompter as the signature gatherer from Chicago.
I had to go away from the computer to have dinner with the family.
Palin’s speech was nauseating. A red meat speech full of cheap shots and out right lies.
This speech undoubtedly was the bright spot of this funereal convention but that’s little consolation to the Republicans.
After the balloons are popped and the streamers swept up reality will set in – and that reality is that the people are sick and tried of the hypocrisy, corruption and economic misery suffered under the Chimp Regime.
McBush and his moose-hunter means more of the same. The people won’t be fooled.
You guys are so fucked…
If McCain wins this election, then we’re all fucked.
This race will be all over in early October. McCain/Palin in a walk.
“What about Troopergate? Vindictiveness and abuse of power? Flying 11 hours when you are in labor with a special needs child? Letting your 17 year old daughter get plastered at home?”
What about Obama doing crack in his youth? What about Biden’s daughter getting arrested for dope? What about Biden raising his kids all by himself while he was in the Senate? Or do you misogynists only ask these questions of women?
Daddy Love@86: Wow, thems some powerful Obama drafted legislation:
Passed Senate – Jun 26, 2007 S.Con.Res. 25: A concurrent resolution condemning the recent violent actions of the Government of Zimbabwe against peaceful opposition party activists and members of civil society.
Passed Senate – Jun 24, 2008 S.Res. 600: A resolution commemorating the 44th anniversary of the deaths of civil rights workers Andrew Goodman, James Chaney, and Michael Schwerner in Philadelphia, Mississippi, while working in the name of American democracy to register voters and secure civil rights during the summer of 1964, which has become known as “Freedom Summer”.
Passed Senate – Jul 13, 2007 S.Res. 268: A resolution designating July 12, 2007, as “National Summer Learning Day”.
Passed Senate – Mar 28, 2007 S.Res. 133: A resolution celebrating the life of Bishop Gilbert Earl Patterson.
@133: You so sure? How ’bout a bet for a thousand on the outcome on Nov. 5th?
I hear McSame likes craps…you of a like mind? Come on…show me your reckless “maverickness”.
@138: If you’re so sure…give me some odds, pup.
141~ hey dumbass, Your Democrat governor made gambling a class C felony……Goldy’s stable of mental midgets are amusing to watch embarrass themselves with their stupidity.
@143: Gambling is legal in this state as long as you are not promoting the action to take some “vig” (that’s a gambling term) like casinos, card rooms, race tracks, or the state lottery.
You are really ignorant. Grow up…get your bets down.
There is one critical issue that has nothing to do with sex, lies, politics, spin, etc. And the MSM should absolutely be pursuing it, because it is entirely the act of Palin herself.
I want to hear the following:
Ms. Palin–according to your own rendition of the birth of your most recent child, you chose to travel out of state despite being 7 months pregnant.
When you began leaking amniotic fluid, you chose to deliver a speech, while most doctors would have suggested you get off your feet–particularly since you knew the child had Down Syndrome and was at this point premature.
But instead of immediately proceeding to a hospital, you–according to your own words–went to DFW to catch a flight home. You did not inform the airline of your condition–though presumably you knew if they were aware of it, they would have to deny you boarding, or if you went into labor or they became aware of it in the air, they would have had to land. (I’m not sure if this is a violation of FAA guidelines or not).
YOur plan stopped in Seattle, where you could have gotten off and been attended to immediately at facilities very well equipped. However, you continued on, again not notifying anyone of your condition. This all according to your own account.
Finally, on landing in Alaska, you again chose not to go immediately to a medical facility, but instead drove 45 minutes to your home clinic, “manned” by a woman specialist in sexual abuse, whom you had named to a high award. Again, according to you, she induced labor and your child was born at 6AM.
Ms. Palin, never mind all the accusations and leers and suppositions about you. I want to know one thing only.
Do you think it is appropriate for you to have deceived aviation authorities and airlines, to have put passengers’ schedules and to some extent their own lives at risk, to have taken these risks with a premature and known-Down-Syndrome baby, in violation of what almost all doctors and mothers would recommend as normal practice–do you believe these actions you took are the actions of someone we can trust with the laws of the United States in the role of Vice President? Most of the nation would consider these actions reckless; can you explain why they are not reckless, and why they should not be grounds for excluding you from the 2nd highest office in the land?
There. Nothing to do with adultery, covering up pregnancies, teen age sex, right to life, abortion, and all that crap: just her own actions and her own words, held up to a standard of reckless behavior that most of us hold.
Come on, MSM, you have no excuse for not exploring that story with her–full frontal.
Executive Inexperience …
Electing Palin vice president would be like promoting a mail room supervisor to vice chairman of Exxon.
@ 144 ~ you can’t be that short on brain cells can you? apparently so. She determined on-line gambling is illegal….and your stupid ass just solicited a bet…..Hello fucktard???…..on-line.
followup to 144 ref 143: You’re probably stupid, too. Just an educated surmise.
Please. Don’t bring up the fact that you hate educated people.
Sarah Palin just kicked your fucking nuts in. Are you enjoying it?
@141 – How about something worthy?
Obama wins, I leave HA
McCain wins, my tribe gets Nov. 18th at the Montlake Ale House. (Nov. 11th is Veteran’s day and I have a standing invitation for a dinner in honor thereof.)
@147: You are totally ignorant and stupid. What a combination!
137 You’re right, if McCain wins then you’re all fucked.
And we’re all saved!
Can Obama write his new tax hikes in Lip Stick
@ 148 ~ Enjoy the cell with the other class C felon pedophiles…..hell, you probably have alot in common anyway.
Bet on line and Christine Gregoire will put you behind bars. Sucks being a degenerate Democrat and an avid gambler these days eh?
Puddybud @ 140
Passed Senate – Jun 26, 2007 S.Con.Res. 25: A concurrent resolution condemning the recent violent actions of the Government of Zimbabwe against peaceful opposition party activists and members of civil society.
Passed Senate – Jun 24, 2008 S.Res. 600: A resolution commemorating the 44th anniversary of the deaths of civil rights workers Andrew Goodman, James Chaney, and Michael Schwerner in Philadelphia, Mississippi, while working in the name of American democracy to register voters and secure civil rights during the summer of 1964, which has become known as “Freedom Summer”.
So what exactly is wrong with these resolutions? I thought you would applaud Obama for passing a couple of resolutions supporting oppressed black people.
Oh the misogyny! The true misogynistic side of liberalism on dislay. Keep em barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen eh Dems?
Goldy’s wife left him and now a Woman is going to be VP…..look for more of his misogynist writings in future blog posts.
I hear he’s shutting down in November anyway unless he can squirt out some cash to re-up his domain. It Can’t help that most of the trolls that find their home here aren’t employed and can’t donate any funds his way.
@150: What? A grand not worthy of you? If you were rich, you wouldn’t care. If you really believed in your candidate, you’d take the bet. Why the walk-back?
I don’t run DL at Montlake, so I cannot commit to your terms. I do have $1,000 that says you are wrong.
Win or lose….whaddaya say?
150 – That’s a crappy deal. How Republican.
How about if you lose, you buy a round for the Montlake, a dinner for Goldy AND you leave HA?
@158: And wash everybody’s feet…Just like that Christ guy. Oh, the utter abnegation! Plus pay me $1,000.
Go Barry O, Go!
Richard Pope: Resolutions?
How about some meaty laws? I don’t see any?
@ 157~ Christine’s cyber police are monitoring your actions. Unless you gamble at Gregoire approved establishments (read kickbacks), then gambling is illegal in Washington.
you wouldn’t be advocating gambling on this site would you ProudToLickSomeAss? Goldy might even lose his domain before November if Christine’s brown shirts catch you.
Tread lightly, laddy.
Delbert: Clinging to your religion, guns, and money? How republican of you.
@161: Rick. You are a doofus. It is legal to have bets as between two parties. The tax angles, well, that’s a matter of honor and the law.
You obviously do not know what honor is about. That is not a suprise.
Biden better strap his fucking boots up tight before the debate ( or ass kicking may describe it better).
So you leftists can relive it:
“Before I became governor of the great state of Alaska, I was mayor of my hometown. And since our opponents in this presidential election seem to look down on that experience, let me explain to them what the job involves. I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a ‘community organizer,’ except that you have actual responsibilities.”
@158: Free rounds, plus taxi fare. Wouldn’t want to drive while under the influence. Now that, Rick-you stupid, actually IS against the law.
@ 163~ You’re making the bet using your computer. That’s on-line gambling whether by consenting parties or not.
Besides, who would trust anyone at HA with a thousand bucks when Goldy and his contributors are all in the poor house and half the regular posters aren’t even gainfully employed? They’d be in Wasilla before nightfall…
@165: I’ll take a pass. I watched the live broadcast. I am not impressed, but then I’m prejudiced (against republicanswhohaveledthiscountrytoruin).
Well THAT was underwhelming – she showed she should be back in the town of 6500 trying to push around the librarian. YAWN!
@ 166~ I am against the law, but you and the other dumbasses voted her in so I guess you reap what you sow.
@167: It is not illegal if there is no bookmaking or vigorish. You are a dummy, stupid, and ignorant, and don’t know the law.
But if it makes you happy…I’ll meet YOU somewhere and we can seal a similar deal “in private”. After all, this is a free country, right?
Name your terms, shitwad.
She took the lumber to the south side signature gatherer……….Beat the snot out of the lad really.
Liberals are running scared, as God intended.
@ 171 ~ you probably don’t have 2 pennies to rub together, and I’d hate to take your allowance. Your solitication smacks of a Christine Gregoire jackboot thug sting… I’ll pass, like the Obama/Biden ticket in November.
Sarah Palin = Alan Keyes
Both were poorly thought out desperate last minute grabs to get any woman (African American in Keyes case) to just have one on the ticket. She is a joke. A D grade politician. No experience (well a few months at governing a state the size of Seattle). No education. Just a former TV sportscaster and beauty queen runner up.
“Besides, who would trust anyone at HA with a thousand bucks when Goldy and his contributors are all in the poor house and half the regular posters aren’t even gainfully employed? They’d be in Wasilla before nightfall…”
To take advantage of the state mandated oil royalty payouts no doubt. Under other circumstances, you fucks call that socialism (which is wrong, but I digress). Why not in this case?
I am a godless urban liberal snob, and I am outraged by her speech!
165 – That’s a lie Stupes like your whole freaking life is a lie you moron. You live to repeat lies – idiot.
Obama worked hard at his community organizing job – long hours, meager pay and it shaped his political skills which he used effectively at Harvard and everywhere since.
Obama is going to wipe the streets with these phoneys.
….as God intended.
Ah. So now you speak for God? How presumptuous. And sinful, I might add (if you are a believer).
Say your prayers. Feverently. Maybe that will help.
I just don’t get it. Palin talks, nothing but lousy one liners that were scripted and rehearsed and you wingnuts have an orgasm.
When will you get it. Obama’s speech is in front of nearly 90,000 people. There were empty seats tonight in an arena that holds less that 20,000. The screaming fans made for nice TV. The end result is a stiff performance, unanswered questions about troopgate and the for/against bridge to nowhere stories.
I did like that the Palin kids, who are supposed to be off limits to the press, were at the airport to meet McSame and were asked to stand and be recognized during her speech. The daughters baby’s father was there too. So I guess it is OK for the campaign to use them but God forbid the press should ask a few questions. They can’t have it both ways.
The downward spiral was slowed tonight.
Tomorrow it picks up speed. That sound you hear is all the Republicans who have been on TV defending her selection washing their mouths out with Listerine.
“I am a godless…”
I won’t hold that against you. Most everything else you spew..yup.
Remember the dems were racists if they voted for Hillary or sexist if they voted for Obama… will tonight the dems are all sexists. Feminism will never be the same again. hehehehe
Goldy’s little asylum is aflutter with despair and panic. Could it be the boy king is beatable in November??
“Oh no, quick make something up about McCain fathering Bristol Palin’s child”, cries pre-pubescent radio voice David Gold stain (hack yellow journalist)
Just the fact that the left is panicking is reason enough to believe that tonights speech was a homerun…..and she took a loisville slugger to Obama’s thin resume and pounded it into sawdust.
Expect the bounce to be 10-12 points. Off to SP to join the adults table.
Rick, take another hit of the crack pipe and shotgun one last Animal beer.
Turn off mommy’s computer and go to bed.
Rick @ 172 avers: “@ 171 ~ you probably don’t have 2 pennies to rub together…”
Project much? Tell you what. Tell me a time and place to meet and I’ll bring the $1,000 for your counterfeiting expert to “paw” (drool) over. I’d throw in coward too, but you may be just scared to admit you are broke. I can understand that. It’s not a crime, unless you are a republican.
You’re a blowhard, a fake, and a phoney. Put up or shut up.
I thought Palin did a creditable job of delivering a speech off the TelePrompTer that was doubtless composed in a feverish 36-hour-plus marathon session by the best writing team the GOP could assemble. She spoke with as much conviction and confidence as it’s possible to show in a situation like that, and delivered some major shots at the Democratic ticket while still maintaining an air of dignity and respect. That last aspect was refreshing as hell after watching Giuliani practically frothing at the mouth as he offered up one verbal groin kick after another. I think it was wise of her (and the writers) to stay away from the “personal” controversies and avoid falling into “Checkers speech” mode.
What remains to be seen going forward is how good she is at keeping her mouth and her brain working together on the stump, in front of the national press and in a debate (if indeed there is one).
@181: Run, Rick, run.
You’ve got to give Karl Rove credit. He writes a pretty good speech. Unfortunately, Sarah Palin ran all over it. No wonder she got fired from the sports desk in Ketchikan. Ketchikan, a town so small my spell check does not recognize it.
So enjoy tonight, dittoheads. For tomorrow I am sure another scandal about Elmira Gantry will break. Two words: National Enquirer.
It rather appeared that the real winner of the night was Cindy McCain, who appeared to be in hog heaven playing snuggly-poo with Sarah’s little boy.
One of the trolls somewhere up this thread blathered something about inflation.
Sure, there’s inflation. Lots of it. And whose fault is that but the Republican administration that’s been printing money like hell bent for leather and using most of it to buy bullets?
I fully expect gov. Palin to have a J. McCain ‘Baghdad Market Moment” before long. They can’t keep her away from the press (like tonight) forever.
As for her speech in general, pure pap.
182 “Animal beer”….HAHAHA! That takes me back about thirty years or so. Seattle Jazz Society after parties with Schmitt beer, Cribari wine and….well, other stuff.
Gov. Palin’s speech was certainly designed to gin up the Republican base, as can well be seen by the frothing at the mouth from our resident wingnuts, but, in this election, that’s tantamount to throwing in the towel.
McCain’s screwed. He can’t win without the Republican base, and pandering to the Republican base will only alienate the independents and undecideds.
Oh please please please please let there be a non scripted debate. I know Obama would never go for it because he would get his ass handed to him. I guess you can always hope.
She is not going to survive the public vetting that is taking place right now. McSame in a few days is going to fire whoever talked him into choosing her. Mitt will verbally kick him in the nuts when he calls to ask him onto the ticket, Tim will politely refuse and laugh his ass off when he hangs up the phone.
Republican leaders, the ones you saw fawning over her the last five days, will be tripping over each other to get out of the way when the press comes to ask “Governor, Senator, Congressman…last week you said she was qualified and the best person for the job, what changed?”.
Can’t wait.
“I guess you can always hope.”
That’s all you got, pup.
@165 We should be asking how Palin fulfilled the responsibilities of being a small-town mayor.
1. Ban books from the local library.
2. Fire the librarian for not going along with your book-burning crusade.
3. Hire a Washington D.C. lobbyist for a town of 8,500.
4. Bring in $27,000,000 of federal earmarks for a town of 8,000 people.
5. Inject personal religious beliefs into policymaking.
Maybe you want someone like that running the entire country, pudwhacker, but I don’t and this is my country too. So, fuck you and all your asswipe wingnut buddies. We’re taking this country back in November. Suck on it.
Could it be the boy king is beatable in November??
Sorry little Rickie Dumbass, Dumbya isn’t running this fall. His surrogate McSame is.
So in a way you’re right. Since McSame is the same as Bush, then yes, the boy king will be defeated in November by Barack Obama.
AF @ 184
Gov. Palin’s speech was written before they even knew that Gov. Palin was to be McCain’s choice for nominee.
I wonder, did they spend more time writing that speech than they spent vetting Gov. Palin?
ArtFart at 190:
Here at HA we do not condone the use of the “other” stuff. This is a law abiding blog.
I am just glad that someone knew what I was referring to. I kind of thought that the wings nuts, with their Chardonnay in hand, would just shrug, HUH?
The real question is this…who bent McSame over and told him he couldn’t have Lieberman or Ridge on the ticket as VP candidate? Who the fuck is really running things on the Gopper side?
The religious wing of the wingnut party of course. They are dictated to by God, of course, and the politicians are so scared they can’t get elected without them that they bend right over and take it. No Vaseline needed.
Haha, those dumb, lunchbucket union dopes down at Boeing just got screwed by Gregoire. She demanded the contract be extended by 2 days. The Gregoire-voting union idiots are pissed! They thought they wouldn’t have to go into work tomorrow. They thought they’d be on strike. Set your alarm clocks, rivetheads!
Democrats aren’t panicking. That’s the sound of laughter you hear. We’re just waiting for the next revelation as bloggers and even the regular media comb Alaska and dig up the goods on Ms. Blank Slate.
Perhaps. But I want names. Who told that hothead McSame “NO”and stuck it up his ass? (Either in person or on the phone)
Now that’s power! The ‘maverick’ stuffed in the corner, running to the beauty queen to show his passive-aggressive get back.
That is the real story of this kerfluffel(i.e., Palin).
201; “She demanded the contract be extended by 2 days…”
Liar. She has no legal standing to make this a “demand” to either party, and I doubt that she claimed this power.
I can only conclude you are a lying shit.
“SEATTLE — Boeing Co. aircraft assembly workers have voted to strike for an unprecedented second time in three years. However, at the request of Gov. Chris Gregoire and a federal mediator, their contract has been extended 48 hours.”
You have just been schooled. IN YOUR FACE!
201: Yup. Looked it up on the “google”. You are a fucking liar. You have lost all credibility here…well, you didn’t have any to begin with.
@205: So now a “request” is the same as a “demand” (your term, fucker)?
Obviously, the English language has a different and unique meaning for you as opposed to like, sane people.
Fascinating how the troll’s mind translated the word “request” into “demand”.
Might I point out that I did suggest that the troll change his screen name to “Village Idiot”?
205: IN MY FACE? Well, fuck you. You don’t know shit about the legal standing here, or who can, to use your term “make demands”. You know nothing about labor law, because you just demonstrated it.
You are an ignoramus, a dolt, and probably deliberately stupid to boot. Why do you work so hard to be so laughable?
I’m with you, Don. I “request” Troll stick it up his ass. Is that a demand?
To the wingnut mind (sic) that appears to be a the same thing.
Roger @ 195
A summary that counts. Sarah Putin is anti-American. She wants to ban books, fire those who exercise free speech, and invoke God for whatever political pursuit she prefers. She is not a hero. She is a threat to democracy. And, I could not be more pleased that McCain picked her as his running mate. Let the slow bleeding proceed as the stories of her arrogance, inability to play with others, and ignorance emerge. Shit, Grampy, we should have to pay you for the amusement you have provided us.
I just wonder when someone’s gonna catch Palin and McCain screwing.
Palin has an 80% approval rating with her
constituents. Maybe she is fucking all of them. At least she isn’t hiding in the bathroom
at 2am like that stupid cunt Edwards.
It’ll be interesting to see how Palin’s “hockey mom” image plays with urban voters fed up with redneck government.
Sometimes requests are demands. And usually when the “request” is made by a powerful government official, it’s a demand.
It’s 1940. USSR. You run a metal factory. Joseph Stalin personally requests that you increase production by 10%.
In your mind, is he making a request or a demand?
@212: Wishful thinking. Don’t forget Sidney’s prenup agreement….he’s got shit. I feel the good governor is smart enough (yes, I said smart) to know this.
I have spent a couple days researching her record (no shopped photos, national enquirer or other nonsense – just the actual record.)
Not impressed – she messed up the 6k town mayor job so bad she had to hire a city manager to do her work for her and left the debt-free(when she took the mayor job)town a 20 million dollar debt (when she left). Basically $3,334 per person.
Governor – she has used both her mayoral and governor positions to retaliate against people who disagreed with her. Her husband seems to sit in on all meetings she has, public or private. I didn’t like it when Hillary sat in on meetings when she hadn’t been elected or appointed to be there, I don’t like it when Palin’s husband is doing the same thing.
By her own admission, she doesn’t have any idea what the Vice-President job entails and hasn’t spent much energy thinking about any of the issues.
I’m just not impressed. There are many other women in the Republican Party that have better credentials.
214 Ah, hell…what is hockey but soccer with weapons?
Hey, Troll,
Did I ever share my feelings about how I feel about you? If not, could I do so now in a public forum? Troll, I hesitate to say this, but, but … could you go fuck yourself? Being an idiotic, disingenuous asshole is not honorable. Your attempts at humor fall flat, your attempts at analysis fall short of flat. Oh, also, your attempts to portray yourself as some sort of objective, disengaged “liberal,” well, you just make yourself look like a member of the Putin, I mean Palin, clan.
213 That’s about the most bizarre post I’ve ever seen here, from you or anybody else.
Are we all supposed to take a number and get in line, or what?
“Mark Blondin, national aerospace coordinator for the International Association of Machinists (IAM), … said he was contacted by Gov. Christine Gregoire’s office and a federal mediator. ‘The indications they have given me is that the Boeing company wishes to return to the table, said Blondin. He said the union has given the company an extension of 48 hours.”
(Quoted from Seattle Times under fair use; emphasis added.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Sounds to me like the governor simply informed the union that Boeing wanted another 48 hours, and the union decided to give it to them. Yep, I agree that PTBAA has caught Troll in a lie. #201 is bullshit.
It’s perfectly reasonable for the governor to get involved. And you can bet the trolls (and newspapers) would be crawling all over her if she didn’t try to facilitate a settlement between the machinists and Boeing. A strike isn’t good for anyone — not the company, not the workers, not the community.
It’s not unusual for managements to take labor negotiations to the wire — and even beyond to test the willingnes of workers to actually walk out. Boeing’s management knows they can settle a strike in a couple days if they want to. They’re trying to find out if they can get the union to bend. But they also know that strategy can backfire.
Looks like Boeing just blinked.
217 After eight years of Cheney’s shadow government, I’d be perfectly fine to have a Vice President who didn’t do anything at all.
@215: That was empty logic, pathetic, and really quite laughable.
I suppose you believe that since Alaska borders on the Sovient Union that good gov. Sarah has absorbed ‘foreign policy experience’ by osmosis.
You really don’t give a shit about common sense, do you? Why the fuck is that?
Let me bottom line it for you left wing kooks.
There was almost a riots at the union hall. There was almost violence. I think it’s funny, because the people who voted for Gregoire just got royally screwed by her.
Like I said, set your alarm clocks, rivetheads. No day off, I mean strike, for you tomorrow.
McSame is 72. He is not fucking anyone, though he is trying to screw the entire country.
“Troll” is just such a fucking idiot. I just do not see why anyone even responds to him. He is like “Rain Man” meets “Sybill”.
At the same time, it is like watching a really drunken failed Irish poet talk to himself. You get bits and pieces of really humorous self-parody, in his case unintended, followed by some statement that he considers “fact”. That “fact” usually mis-represents the meaning of a word that is common in the english language.
Case in point: post 205
He is like puddingdick, but more entertaining.
Or, #215.
Gregoire as Stalin. Priceless.
Dear Troll,
I’ve seen really smart concern trolls in action. You, alas, are not one of them.
Not. Even. Close.
221 This is a trifle bizarre. Usually if things have gotten to this point between Boeing and the machinists, most of the workers have made plans to be away from work for at least a week or two, and the company is gearing up to do cleaning and maintenance on their facilities while production’s shut down.
This is America and we have what is left of the constitution. The governor made a request. It was honored. You lose this argument.
I propose a new drinking game. Every time some talking head says the speaker “hit it out of the park”, everybody drinks.
I mean….you are just such a fucking moron, “Troll”
Mark @ 213
Why is it that you folks on the right label Barack Obama as a celebrity because he is popular, but Sarah Putin’s popularity in Alaska (actually quite questionable, but granted for argument’s sake) is considered a virtue? You folks are hero-worshippers–Reagan, Bush, McCain, Putin. Your heroes become flawless human beings, their flaws become strengths. Sarah Putin is not going to help you folks in the long run, and the long run is what counts. Hope you feel good about your chances tonight. Bask in it. Then, wake up tomorrow to the real world.
“There was almost a riots at the union hall.”
WTF is ‘almost a riot(s)’, and what is your source? None? Why am I not suprised?
The union agreed to a 48 hr. extension for talks.
You are a fucking rightwingkookliar. Par for the course, of course.
BTW, I AM a Democrat. Only on a few issues do I side with Republicans. For example, I’m against the death or estate tax that Obama wants to reinstitute topping out at 45%. And I’m against increasing the capital gains tax rate to 33%.
@218 In hockey, players are supposed to get hurt. That feeds red-meat crowds, but you’ll have a hard time finding many people who want the local hockey club running their city government, let alone our foreign policy and economy.
To all: WTF is a “snow machine”? Maybe troll knows. He has his own language, so I suppose he can answer anything.
Governor Gregoire is doing her job. She brings opposing interests together, and doing so often requires a continuance–more time. Troll, have I ever suggested to you that you go crawl under your bed and try fucking yourself from a contorted position? Doing so might add some spice to your twisted life.
A snow machine is used to supplement mother nature at the ski slopes.
You saw a Republican snow machine tonight. It will melt away by tomorrow.
“For example, I’m against the death or estate tax that Obama wants to reinstitute.”
As I recall, the law, written by the Republican Congress, is set to sunset in 2010. If the law expires as written (by the republicooks), how is that Obama’s fault?
But I’ve heard this shit from other, and I might add much better, concern trolls.
You ain’t one of them, fuckwad.
@215 Now I know you’re insane! Where are Gov. Gregoire’s secret police, gulags, and firing squads? How many capitalists or workers has she had killed? You’re a laughingstock.
@240 I’m against the inheritance tax. I think it should be repealed, along with the stepped-up basis provision, and inheritances should be taxed as ordinary income of the heirs subject to the same exemptions, deductions, and credits as earned income.
“BTW, I AM a Democrat.”
Really? Like Joe Lieberman or Zell Miller? You make the assertion, the onus of proof in on you, fucker.
You really are inept. Pathetic.
@237 A “snow machine” is a Republican speechwriting boiler room.
Is “vetted” new code for smeared? Everyone’s saying that Palin won’t survive being vetted by the national media and others over the next two months. Vetted my ass. They’re going to smear her. Don’t think it will work, though.
Troll must have had some sort of childhood trauma that made him want to rebel against the Republican dogma that caused him pain. Unfortunately, being a heartless bastard, he was incapable of ever turning his eyes to truth and righteousness. So, he spends his days trying to pretend he is a liberal, without actually having any idea what a liberal is, all the while baring his loins to whatever rightwinger of whatever gender might come along. Oh, Troll, I feel for thee, the Greeks could not have written a sadder tragedy . . .
Obama’s admitted using cocaine. Maybe “snow machine” is his Secret Service code name.
239 I have some relatives and in-laws who are hard-core snowmobilers, and they call them “machines”, too. The also refer to frying the engine in one of those things as “burning it down”.
Each interest group has its own jargon, or so it would seem.
What’s really sad is when a woman is called a cunt and a bitch in this comment section just because she’s a Republican, you remain silent, but you do manage to work up enough energy and anger to comment when I claim to be a Democrat. I think you, and most everyone here has no character, honor, or morals. Only I do. I judge a person by their actions, regardless of their political affiliation.
248: And here I thought it had something to do with dandruff. Guess I’m an old fart! Ha.
249: What? McHotheadedEmpireubberalles referred to his own wife as a “cunt” public.
You really are stupid.
Too stupid for words.
national enquirer reports dna links king kong to obama.
You can call me anything you want. One can only be insulted by someone they respect. I could very well be stupid, but I’m not a coward. I think you are. I also don’t think you have any integrity or morals. I honestly don’t have any respect for you and some others on this blog. That’s why I enjoy side-tracking you and getting you mad. It’s so easy to do.
bye bye and gbs both there wifes can suck a golf ball thru 50 ft of garden hose.
There is no way on earth ByeBye is married. I’ve studied psychology. He hates women.
At least they have wives (according to you) and are able to properly spell, punctuate and use correct English in their posts.
Qualities you are sorely lacking.
254: Don’t kid yourself. I’m just practicing.
But you can “think” (I use the term loosely) whatever you wish. Some say it’s a free country.
You can call me anything you want.
I have. So what?
One can only be insulted by someone they respect.
Your blather is an insult to engaged discourse. As for your personal attributes? I could care less.
I could very well be stupid…
You take the words out of my mouth.
but I’m not a coward. I think you are.
Ewe, ewe, ewe. Stick and stones from an anonymous blog comment. I am wounded to the quick.
I also don’t think you have any integrity or morals.
You think? What a suprise. You could have fooled me.
I honestly don’t have any respect for you and some others on this blog.
Have you ever stopped to think that the feeling is mutual? Nah. Couldn’t be.
That’s why I enjoy side-tracking you and getting you mad. It’s so easy to do.
You are lickspittle target practice. Nothing more. Your inflated sense of your own importance is a sure sign.
Grow up.
Trollfuck: So tell us, oh wise one, who CAN invoke an injunction to mandate a ‘cooling off period” during a labor dispute? For how long? Under the authority of what piece of legislation?
Do some homework for a change–you intellectual coward.
@150 You’ve got it ass-backwards, dope! We like having you here so we can kick you around. How about if Obama wins, you have to stay, and if McCain wins, you can leave?
I could very well be stupid, but I’m not a coward. I think you are.
If you’re not a coward, then how come you hide your identity here? We all know you’re stupid, that’s been obvious since the very first comment you’ve left. Why are you so afraid of revealing who you really are?
Proud Leftist: The Republican leaders interviewed in Alaska are not her friends. She threw out the old boy network. They are still pizzed they don’t have their old perks anymore. Did Obama perform any of that as a community organizer or did he just play the status quo Chi-town Daley machine of graft and no-show jobs? Do you get it yet?
Palin’s animosity towards the “old boy network” in Alaska was more personal than principle. I’m far more impressed by Obama’s work in Chicago (considering he gave up far more lucrative career choices) than I am by anything that Palin has done.
Lee, you do, I assume, play chess?
Mr. Obama, may indeed have give up short-term gain. But there is no freakin’ way that, no matter how the election turns out, he doesn’t make out very well, going forward. Better, in fact, than had he jumped on the career track, right from the start. So one could hardly perceive the man as being entirely altruistic. I see naked ambition, you see community service. Fact is, *none* of us really know for sure… Palin may be driven by ambition as well, for all I know. But her political career doesn’t seem nearly as calculated to me.
Lee: Did Obama blend into the Chi-town political machine or did he try and stop the graft and other dealings?
The answer is NO.
The Alaska political machine is upset with Palin cuz she stopped the gravy train.
I happen to play chess, and the more appropriate analogy for what you suggest is not a sacrifice. You’re talking about a gambit.
If Obama’s ultimate goal was to go into politics, he could have done that just as easily as a partner of a Wall Street law firm as he did from where he started, and gained a lot more for himself along the way.
Gosh, Obama didn’t walk across Lake Michigan either. How far are you going to move the goalposts?
As for Gov. Palin stopping the gravy train, the fact is she didn’t. The earmarks for the bridge to nowhere, for example, still ended up in Alaska state coffers. All she did was put the gravy in a different boat (almost literally).
If Gov. Palin is so against corruption, then why has she suddenly chosen to renege on her promise to cooperate with the investigation into firing of Walt Monegan?
37.2 Million watched Palin
38.4 Million watched Obama
How many watched Biden again?
DJ, I know it’s called a gambit. I submit that Obama could not be where he is, had he gone to work for a Wall Street firm. Was his career that carefully orchestrated? Hell if I know. But choosing the route he did gave him “street-cred”, didn’t it? How much of that could Wall Street have provided?
[quote]249 Troll spews:
What’s really sad is when a woman is called a cunt and a bitch in this comment section just because she’s a Republican, you remain silent, but you do manage to work up enough energy and anger to comment when I claim to be a Democrat. I think you, and most everyone here has no character, honor, or morals. Only I do. I judge a person by their actions, regardless of their political affiliation.[quote]
Then try this: How about lying party whore? Try using Google to find out what a political whore this bitch is. It’s not hard to find out, e.g. that she was all for the bridge to nowhere right up until the funding was cut and that she kept $200,000,000 in federal funding even after she claimed to be against reliance on the federal government.
I-Burn @ 270
DJ, I know it’s called a gambit.
Then why did you use the word “sacrifice”? In chess, the two are very different.
I submit that Obama could not be where he is, had he gone to work for a Wall Street firm.
And you base this on what?
DJ, I know it’s called a gambit.
Then why did you use the word “sacrifice”? In chess, the two are very different.
I don’t believe I did use the word “sacrifice”, DJ.
I submit that Obama could not be where he is, had he gone to work for a Wall Street firm.
And you base this on what?
Since this is an entirely subjective opinion, my gut. From what I’ve been able to ascertain, Wall Street types generally enter government through the bureaucracy, or by appointment. Even more commonly, again being subjective, as a lobbyist.
Why do you believe that he would/could be in the same position not following the same path?
I-Burn @ 273
I don’t believe I did use the word “sacrifice”, DJ.
You’re right. My bad. Someone else had used the word, and I had mistakenly attributed it to you.
From what I’ve been able to ascertain, Wall Street types generally enter government through the bureaucracy, or by appointment. Even more commonly, again being subjective, as a lobbyist.
I wouldn’t take issue with your observation, but the question of cause remains unanswered. Do Wall Street types go the appointment/lobbyist route, because they cannot succeed via the electoral route, or do they simply choose to not take the electoral route? Can you think of any reason why a Wall Street type might not choose to take the electoral route?
Perhaps another way to ask the same question is, do you know of prosecutors who have taken the electoral route into politics? If so, what’s different between a prosecutor and a Wall Street attorney?
everyone here has forgotten something. John McCain called his own wife a “cunt” and a trollop in front of reporters. He does not respect women.