Last night The Occupy Committee to End Homelessness in King County Coalition held a camp in at Westlake Park to bring attention to Seattle’s homeless problem (and our lack of will to implement any solutions). It’s a brave thing when last night was freezing or near it. But I suppose for many of them, it’s not much of a choice.
I walked through it last night, and it was a few dozen people in sleeping bags. Then I walked home past people sleeping in doorways.
Anyway, they’ll follow it up with a march to Seattle City Hall where the Committee to End Homelessness in King County are meeting. The coalition is demanding, among other things, that we as a community divest from banks that have been active in foreclosures and that we build more affordable housing.
” … we as a community divest from banks that have been active in foreclosures …”
What’s the English translation?
If public organizations were required to practice truth in naming, the group meeting in the warm, comfy, Starbuck’s-fueled confines of City Hall should be called “The Ten-Year Circle-Jerk to do Little to Nothing to Help the Homeless”.
If you really want to reduce homelessness, reinstate liar loans. We know this works. It took poor people off the streets and put them in mansions. What’s not to like about that? And the banks didn’t care if homebuyers with no jobs or income didn’t make the mortgage payments, because they were just going to sell the mortgages to the oil sheikhs, anyway, which repatriated petrodollars by the shipload. What’s not to like about that? My own pet conspiracy theory is those Saudis aimed at the bank building but the towers were in the way.