My crystal ball is at the pawn shop, but I bet the Dow goes up eleventy billion points in one minute tomorrow morning. That will prove that “ANY PLAN OH MY GOD JUST PASS SOMETHING” is worth it because the very serious bidness people are in a very fragile state right now. They’re perfectly willing to make sure you suffer as well if they don’t get what they want.
There were lots of practical ways to ensure liquidity, but the Emotional Rescue Way was to lard things up with pork and pretend it will all work. It might work, but it might not, and the only thing standing between this lipstick pig and passage is the People’s House of Deputies.
“My calls are still running 10 to 1 against the bailout, which sounds like a lot and is a lot,” said Representative Jason Altmire, Democrat of Pennsylvania, who voted no on Monday. “But before the vote, it was 30 to 1. After the vote, especially that afternoon as the market fell, our calls were about 50-50.”
Good to know CNBC has such um, leverage. You really don’t want delegates Congress-critters listening to their citizens, that’s dangerous and, at least in my lifetime, simply not something that is done.
Conventional notions of party affiliation and outdated “left versus right” archetypes are vaporizing before our eyes. You’re either with the people or you’re with the kleptocracy, it’s that simple.
Meanwhile, in an alternate universe, MILFs.
Rock on, America!
To hell with Wall Street! We can get by with a barter economy.
We’re screwed.
I just emailed Norm Dicks yet again about not voting for our current bloated, stupid bailout bill. Not that that will do any good, Norm’s never met a bill dollar spending bill he didn’t like.
This why you are poor Goldy…and always begging for money–
“U.S. stock futures were more than 1 percent lower early Thursday, suggesting Wall Street would drop.”
2 Even if this does loosen up consumer lending for a while, it’s not solving the real problem, which is that the average American, no matter how hard he or she works, has to keep borrowing money to maintain a comfortable lifestyle.
ArtFart spews:
“the average American, no matter how hard he or she works, has to keep borrowing money to maintain a comfortable lifestyle.”
What does “comfortable lifestyle” mean AF.
I started with zero…my family lived from paycheck to paycheck so I know what that is like.
I chose to work 60 hours per week for years and invest in appreciable assets….no new cars, boats or vacations. Never paid one red cent of interest on a credit card or car loan in my life.
Too many folks today are unwilling to do that.
But it’s still possible…
I’m not saying some people aren’t trying their hardest and still not making it. I feel those are the folks who deserve help…not selfish lazy asses who whine about how hard it is AND fail to work over 40 hours per week, borrow money for nice cars & boats etc.
O-blah-blah seems to be pandering to the lazy ass crowd for votes by promising all kinds of nice free shit! He’s like Santa Klaus.
Give people a fishing pole….not a damn fish!
Encourage them to catch their own.
AF, that’s the fundamental difference between Conservatives and Liberals….I’m into giving out fishing poles, you want to give everyone a damn fish!
@4. Mr. Cynical:
And the Asian markets are modestly down.
Jon , what of our bi-polar senators and their votes . Isn’t this the classic duck and cover mode that these two Senators always confront us with ? Depending on who is closest to an election campaign .
Bottom line , the bi-partisan Wall street gang is in Michael Moore’s word , ” Stealing the silverware ” in the last days of Bush .
Watch today’s market opening.
Likely DOWN due to Unemployment numbers.
Seems like the bailout proposal is currently a non-event. That could obviously change as the House debates things.
Could be another great buying opportunity this AM. Perhaps another short-term play in NOV. Made $8000 in one day earlier on this one. Look for good companies like NOV, AAPL, Wells Fargo…..perhaps even GE to buy on dips.
GBS–What are you looking at currently?
Stay away from Roger Rabbit’s D-A-W-G stock BOOM!!
What a loser that one has been…causing the Rabbit severe mental depression and a lack of lucid thoughts.
We are losing two wars.
The economy is in the tank.
The country is less secure.
Poverty is up.
Unemployment is at a seven year high.
Our government can arrest you and imprison you and torture you at it’s whim.
This bailout will likely not work and cost twice what has been advertised.
And…oh oh I have to go-Mr. Cynical and Marvin are returning from the goat pen.
$8000 in one day Mr. Cynical? You lying ass Republican!
Why in the hell is criminal scumbag DeLay on tv talking about the bailout?
Anyone see an interview with any of the hundreds of economists who were against this bill? I haven’t. Just plenty of people telling us that the rabble just didn’t understand the bill, and that it’s really about getting a car loan.
Great Call Goldy!
Goldy says the market will be UP Billions…and it’s in reality DOWN over 85 points.
Great Call Goldy!
NOV is DOWN 4 points to around 43.
I’m looking to get in around 42 or so.
Get off the sidelines you KLOWNS!!
There is money to be made.
What will it take for you KLOWNS to see the gold nuggets.
Dow now DOWN 120.
Opportunities galore.
Kirk91 @12
Just be happy the grownups are in charge and looking out for your interests despite your ignorant liberal ignorance.
Fuck you Mr. Cynical. You pompous chortling asshole. Your goats are hungry.
Of course it’s Delay doing the talking. Craig is tied up in a men’s room somewhere and Ted Stevens is attending a trial for taking bribes.
Yeah spit, you can’t trust a fucking Democrat. Vote Republican. We are the party of values-and competence-and patriotism.
Dow now DOWN 163.
Jon DeVore really has the pulse of the market, doesn’t he!
Where can you get “cutting edge” info and analysis like “My crystal ball is at the pawn shop, but I bet the Dow goes up eleventy billion points in one minute tomorrow morning”
Great job Jon.
In the meantime…NOV is trading around 42.
My broker has an order in.
Buy KLOWNS, Buy!!
Home sellers growing desperate.
17. Marvin Stamn spews:
Fuck you Mr. Cynical. You pompous chortling asshole. Your goats are hungry.
Sticks & stones may break my bones, but your vulgar, vitrolic spewing will never hurt me!
LEFTIST PINHEAD KLOWN pretend-Marvin is envious because he doesn’t have a pot to pee in. His only possessions are his old laptop and a vulgar vocabulary.
How would your Mom feel if she heard you spewing like this pretend-Marvin?
Anyone who would take stock market advice from Mr. Cynical, is a fucking fool.
Just think about the intelligent musings he posts on this blog daily.
Mr. Cynical, what does your Mom think of your support for war criminals and bragging and lying on liberal blogs?
Now Mr. Cynical and Pretend Marvin. In the best bipartisan values preached by our leader John McCain can’t we all just get along? Let’s all meet down by the goat shed and have a beer and a go at old Gerti and come together in this time of crisis and work for the betterment of America. Of course a little profit-taking from the exploitation of the poor and meek is OK. It’s a long regarded value of the Republican party. And if profit taking was good enough for Jesus it should be good enough for us.
Mr. Ctynical, I believe in balanced budgets and smaller government and the right to be left alone. I believe in Capitalism and the wisdom of the free market in which businesses that can not compete and prosper are allowed to fail without taxpayer funded bailouts. I believe in obeying the law and I support the constitution of this great country. In short- I am a conservative-not to be confused with a hypocritical lying ass Republican goat fucker like yourself.
DOW now DOWN 231
Oil DOWN to around $95.22/barrel
Gas Future’s DOWN to $2.28/gallon
Gold DOWN $37/ounce to $850
What a glorious time to invest!
Order in to buy NOV @ $41.05
No confirmation yet.
I think he already got to ya Mr. Cynical. You lose-LOSER!
Why in the world do you think anyone cares or believes that you are making this investment? I think it is safe to say that if, indeed, you have made this investment, we all hope you lose your ass on it.
DOW now DOWN 231
Oil DOWN to around $95.22/barrel
Gas Future’s DOWN to $2.28/gallon
Gold DOWN $37/ounce to $850
What a glorious time to invest!
Order in to buy GOAT @ $41.05
No confirmation yet.
Good news. I bought GOAT @$41.05 and it’s already up to $46.89. I’m selling when it hits $46.05 and taking a $10.000 profit for the day. Oh Mrs. Cynical will be so proud of me.
29. Mark the racist redneck Jane Baloughs dog fucking Republican spews:
“we all hope you lose your ass on it.”
Gee, that really hurts my feelings.
I’m trying to help you KLOWNS be prosperous…and this is the thanks I get??
You are a pretty envious person whoever you are. Envy is unhealthy for you…mentally & spiritually. It will eventually eat you up physically.
If you made money in the market, I’d be happy for you.
Guess that clearly shows the difference between LEFTISTS like you and CONSERVATIVES like me.
You live to see others fail.
I would like to see everyone work & take risks and be MORE successful.
OH NO! GOAT has fallen to $39.56. Should I stay in or get out? Roger Rabbit, I need help here. Give me some advice!
Pretending to be me is the highest form of flattery.
You cannot stand to see anyone be successful, can you?
Grow up.
@32 Mr. Cynical
I forgot that in addition to being a war criminal supporting hypocritical Republican and pompous chortling know-it-all asshole, you fancy yourself a psychologist. You amuse me Mr. Cynical. How awful it must be to be you.
All we have for evidence that you are successful Mr. Cynical-is your word. And since you are a self-proclaimed Republican, the odds are great that you are lying your lying ass off.
Buy some more GOAT you fucking KLOWN.
I’m with Puddy Pud. We should all come together in bipartisan fashion and work together to make Seattle a great place to live. i remember just the other day seeing a license plate that said “Californians get the fuck out here. Keep LA in California.” And I said to myself now arn’t these Seattle people just adorable. Well, except for that awful Mr. Cynical who is a pompous windbag armchair psychologist goat fucker.
MCCAIN STILL CONFUSED ABOUT THE BAILOUT BILL…. John McCain appeared on MSNBC this morning, and railed against the additions to the bailout bill, which McCain voted to pass last night. “Morning Joe” co-host Mika Brzezinski asked why he supported the bill, if he was offended by the extraneous pork included in the legislation to make it more palatable.
“Because of what you just said,” McCain said. “This bill is putting us on the brink of economic disaster.”
Moments later, he congratulated himself for having suspended his campaign, and bringing Republicans to the negotiating table.
Is it me or is McCain getting less coherent and the pressure of the campaign grows more intense?
First, he supported a bill that is “putting us on the brink of economic disaster”? Presumably, he meant to say something else, but it was an odd comment to hear on national television. Second, he “suspended” his campaign? When did this happen? Surely he’s not referring to last Thursday, because we know full well that the campaign never actually stopped.
And third, it’s ridiculous for McCain to take credit for bringing House Republicans to the table after those same House Republicans voted against the legislation that McCain urged them to support. This isn’t something for McCain to brag about; it’s something for McCain to be embarrassed about.
43: McCain may be over the edge, but it may also be calculated.
McCain (like most in Congress) knows that the polls show lots of Americans hate this bill and the idea that it bails out Wall Street bankers. As one Senator put it, calls to his office are running 50/50 – 50% no, and 50% “HELL NO”. The American people hate that they are being forced to swallow this bitter medicine only because the nation’s economy, and their jobs, homes, and retirement savings, are being held hostage.
But McCain (and every other member of Congress) also knows that if he votes against the bill and it gets defeated, and if the economy takes an even steeper nose-dive into rescession/depression, then he will get blamed for leading the charge.
So he’s trying for the best of both worlds. He’s criticizing the bill hoping that this will appeal to the angry Americans and solidify himself as a “maverick”. He’s claiming leadership points for the bill passing, even though he had nothing to do with it. He’s voting for the bill so he can’t be criticized for standing by while the economy goes down in flames. And he’s trying to get credit for all three within a thirty-second sound bite.
By the way, where is McCain’s resolve to “veto” any bill with pork spending????? He accuses the Senate bill for being laden with pork, but then votes for it anyway. Doesn’t quite jive with the comments he made less than a week ago during the debate.
Now stop pretending to be me.
I cannot handle all the flattery.
My broker bought NOV for me @ $40.50 Rog.
We’ll see what happens.
Unlike you, I refuse to ride it down, down, down. You should have sold @ $92 like I told you to. Oh well, live learn.
But I am concerned about your obsession with me Rog. I would never pretend to be you.
@44 Resolve? McCain has now flip-flopped on Gwen Ifill moderating the debate. The only thing he hasn’t changed his position on is never-ending war.
NOV? Perhaps a little technical analysis is in order. EMA, MACD, RSI, TDD, Fibs, Highs, Lows, Trends, Stochastic – all very bearish. Candlestick analysis? Bearish Harami. Christ, you have to go to a five year chart to find the next level of support, which is at $30.
I’ll let Cynical explain what a stop loss order is and why he either doesn’t put one in or why it is he won’t tell us where his stop loss is set.
I recieved a letter/reply from my Congressman John Linder this morning. He assured me that he is still voting no. He does not think that the bailout-rescue plan(whatever spin name they want to call it so we buy into it…) will be what is best for America, or that it will work. YAY! Good for him.
Click my link.. it shows how we were forced into this mess we are currently in.