The October Elway Poll of 405 registered voters, conducted October 16-19 shows Gov. Chris Gregoire leading Republican challenger Dino Rossi by a 51 to 39 percent margin, up slightly from Elway’s 50-42 September results. The Elway Poll has been unique throughout the year in showing Gregoire with a substantial advantage; most other recent polls have shown the race well within the margin of error.
It is interesting to note that the much anticipated “Obama/Rossi” voter is not materializing in the Elway Poll. Elway found 8% of Obama voters planning to vote for Rossi. But they also found 8% of McCain voters planning to vote for Gregoire. Obama, by the way, was found to be preferred by 55 to 36 percent margin.
And perhaps a very significant observation by Elway in his comments:
“Gregoire has an edge on values among those who care most about those issues. Gregoire is seen as Moderate Liberal. Rossi is seen as conservative. He wasn’t in 2004.”
If that is true, and Rossi goes on to lose, that shift in perception will explain this election in a nutshell. Conservative Republicans simply can’t win statewide if voters understand them to be conservative.
Watch the drinking and driving at DL tonight, folks.
BREAKING NEWS — Palin Defrauded Alaska Of Travel Expenses
“ANCHORAGE, Alaska (Oct. 21) – Gov. Sarah Palin charged the state for her children to travel with her … and later amended expense reports to specify that they were on official business.
“The charges included costs for hotel and commercial flights for three daughters to join Palin to watch their father in a snowmobile race, and a trip to New York, where the governor attended a five-hour conference and stayed with 17-year-old Bristol for five days and four nights in a luxury hotel.
“As governor, Palin justified having the state pay for the travel of her daughters … by noting on travel forms that the girls had been invited to … events on the governor’s schedule. But some organizers of these events said … the Palin children showed up uninvited ….”
(Quoted from Associated Press under fair use.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Another Republican “reformer” turns out to be a crook. Anyone surprised?
When I watch Rossi expostulating and tut-tutting on his advertisements, the word that always pops into my mind as I gaze upon his visage is: ‘SMARMY’.
I got a robocall on my cell phone last week – wondering now if that was the Elway folks. This could be the reason Elway polls have her tracking higher – those youngsters and their cell phones….
@1 I know those folks and I think they’re grown up enough that they don’t need you reminding them.
If Elway is right, Rossi is challenging McGavick and cigaret smoke! He needs 39% of the vote to beat ’em both.
Smarmy is appropriate, but glib is the word that usually comes to my mind when I see Dino the Dim.
Joke Of The Day
“Cindy McCain … decried the ‘viciousness of the media’ Monday … a week after she accused Obama of waging the ‘dirtiest campaign’ in U.S. history.”
(Quoted from CNN under fair use.)
Goldy ..
I HOPE this is true … not just the Gregoire part but the3 ability of the public to perceive the radical reps as a fringe.
Lets see … Chambliss, McConnel .. and now Rossi?
Dino Rossi who says he “prefers GOP Party” (the GOPP) is in fact an EXTREMIST REPUBLICAN.
Bought and paid for tool of B.I.A.W….
Joke Of The Day, Part 2
John McCain told a cheering Republican audience that he was “tested” by the Cuban Missile Crisis because “I sat in the cockpit, on the flight deck of the USS Enterprise, off of Cuba. I had a target. My friends, you know how close we came to a nuclear war. America will not have a president who needs to be tested. I’ve been tested, my friends.”
(Quoted from the Associated Press under fair use.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Whatever. I was “tested” by the Cuban Missile Crisis, too. During my school’s nuclear-attack drill, the teacher told us to crawl under our desks and cover our heads with our arms. That qualifies me to be Rabbit King.
3/7 Rossi comes across as someone who’d likely pride himself on his ability to sell air conditioners to the residents of Nome….or a flaky financing plan, to a real estate prospect or the entire state. And when the victim…er, customer realizes it’s a shuck, he’ll flash that icky grin and say, “Well, you signed the contract, sucker!”
11 McCain may or may not have been pulling his personal angle out of his ass, but the Cuban missile crisis was as close as we’ve ever come to collectively buying the farm.
Noam Chomsky (now hold off here, trolls…the point works in your favor here) writes in “Hegemony or Survival” of an unsung weapons officer on a Russian submarine off Cuba who refused an order to torpedo an American destroyer and probably saved the world. Those were perilous times, indeed.
That does at the same time go to show how dangerous it might be to have someone in the Oval Office in such a time of crisis who doesn’t have a very, very cool head. The Big Red Switch is always there, but it’s the last of many options.
@13 It may be dawning on some people that President Palin might not see much difference between pulling the trigger on a moose and throwing the Big Red Switch.
14 For those who’ve see the cute little Flash game: “Uh-oh!”
Do conservatives know that there are blacks in McCain’s family tree? Why doesn’t he join with his black family members at the McCain family reunion?;Itemid=42
god the man needs an ear tuck
he never answered in the debates how he was going to build an eight lane 520 bridge for a billion less than the six lane bridge
such pure bullshit
Chis has been looking good and doing very well in the debates
Art @ 12
You’ve hit it on the nose. Rossi is not about the good of the state. He is about making a sale. That’s the only thing that can get him a woodie.
As to Roger @2, and her travel fraud-
Add to it that on top of that little problem, the RNC just admitted that they have spent close to $200,000 to outfit Palin and her family. No word on how many pairs of glasses they bought and what they bought the slimy redneck “boyfriend.” Maybe some condoms? Well, no, thats locking the barn door after the horse got out, so to speak. Out of this total, Sarah received about $75,000 in Neiman Marcus outfits.
Hmmm, just the common gal from small town America, with small town values huh? A reformer and a maverick?
No, I think not. Just a small time corrupt fool from the oil plutocracy of Alaska, who has given less relevant thought to the pressing issues of our time than even our resident right wingers on this blog.
Oh, and she showed again today that she does not know the job of the VEEP while talking to third graders- she should have read the job description in the Constitution. Or, maybe her husband burned their copy in one of their seccesionist rallies.
I don’t really even blame her. We all knew who made this choice with less thought than I give to hiring a receptionist.
The wing-nut vision of the future if Obama wins.
Tom Foss and Rabbit
How is it that you don’t recognize that some are simply entitled, chosen? Sarah Palin needed to be governor of Alaska, and needs to be VP of this great country. Whatever it might take to achieve such, changing campaign expense reports, whatever, it doesn’t matter. America needs her. Yet, you who hate America, you want to fault her for bringing her lovely children with her on trips to preserve freedom, and you would begrudge her for attiring herself in the robes of freedom? Such pettiness. No wonder liberalism is in such decline.
“Sarah received about $75,000 in Neiman Marcus outfits.”
Ah, well…she looks pretty good in ’em. Showing up at a rally in Florida wearing a parka would look kinda funny, yanno?
I trust the great majority of the American people to understand that clothes don’t exactly make a Vice President. However they dress her up, the woman simply isn’t qualified to for the office, to say nothing for potentially becoming President in what would no doubt be very turbulent times.
This is absolutely hysterical!!
Read the text of the Press Release by the Washington State Employment Security Department!! Whose Dept. Head was appointed by & reports to GREGOIRE!!!
, there was a loss of 18,200 nonfarm jobs last month, compared with job gains of 13,900 in July and 1,400 in August. More than 11,600 jobs were lost in the government sector in September, with 79 percent of those jobs in local government and 19 percent from state government.
2204 State Employees lost their jobs.
Show me the 2,204!!!
So whatever happened to Puddy? Did his head explode and I missed it? That’d be a shame, missing it, that is.
Getting back to Rossi, his entire campaign seems to consist of “Gregoire sucks. I WANNA BE GUUUUVENORRRRR!!!!“
Judging by the bold font and CAPS, it appears that Cynical’s head may explode next.
Palin has lousy politics, her clothing budget is of no interest to me
Jackie spent fortunes on French crafted fashion designer clothes.
And her future son in law is a stud, with flat out movie star good looks. ANY 17 girl in America would have fucked him … blame mom nature not Palin as mom.
So she and Mc Cain are toast, Good, good, good.
Next, where will the victory party be?
His campaign is Gregoire increased spending by 33% or $8 BILLION and has created a $1.7 BILLION deficit/shortfall for the upcoming biennium in the face of a recession.
His campaign is Gregoire raised taxes…I won’t.
@25 “Gregoire sucks. I WANNA BE GUUUUVENORRRRR!!!!“
It’s quite possible that the commie-fascists at the BIAW want Rossi to be Gov more so than Rossi himself.
It sure looks bad for McCain.
After Rossi loses, the BIAW can go back to publishing their hate-spewing newsletter. The post-election issue should be a great read.
Hey Steve, did you finally figger out Karl Rove ain’t running the McCain Campaign?
All you leftist morons can see if Karl Rove was running the McCain campaign, he would bury Obama like he did with John Effin’ Kerry.
@2 Gary Locke took half the fucking world with
him to Asia, so FUCK YOU.
@10 God, I hope you are right. That is what this state needs before we end up like Detriot or Chicago, both complete failures of liberal
@13 No, we want a President with a few nervous tics, and the more countries that know it the better.
Someone must of been smoking something when they thought that up.
Rossi will will go down in flames.
I hate to burst everyone’s bubble, but regardless who the next governor is taxes will be raised.
Damn that inflation. Damn it to hell!!!!
re 32: Yeah, right. They were both landslides.
Don’t ever forget that even Ronald Reagan at the height of his popularirty (after invading Tijuana), barely cracked 52% in an approval rating.
More than half the country hates you shitheads (and always has) and everything you REALLY stand for.
They’ll be no reaching across the aisle when we get our permanent majority.
Unless we’re palming a buzzer.
I still remind everyone to not drink and drive because I think it’s importatn. If you have a problem with that, rabbit, tough.
The chicken who’s votin’ for Col. Sanders is back…yyipee…
…sure…rove’s not involved in the mcstupid campaign…
Our state is in a lot better shape than most thanks to Governor Gregoire.I would venture to say that Dino does not even want to be Governor or have the passion as Chris does. He is simply a hood ornament and a mouth piece for the criminal organization BIAW. If this were the old west I can picture Dino as a traveling Snake Oil salesman selling magic elixir to the mindless fucking sheep who can’t think for themselves and see through the phony bastards!
Actually, if Rossi really did get into a significant position of power, and the BIAW had their way with the rollback of environmental laws, those eskimos might NEED air conditioners.
I don’t trust this poll. Gregoire is in serious danger with Independents, and most polls show the race very very tight. Hopefully, Gregoire will win, but this poll shouldn’t give any Gregoire supporters any relief, If other polls show Gregoire getting a more percentage points over Rossi, than that would validate this poll.
Gregoire has been Governor four yrs now , we need a change from the failed miserable economics of a BUSH/GREGOIRE leadership they tell us the economy is in better shape yet WAMU is gone and Boeing is threatening to leave thanks to BUSH/GREGOIRE, because of them China has favorable trade status with our jobs disappearing in record numbers and now we have a record economic crisis authored by them