Several school and fire districts across the state are having levy and bond elections Tuesday. If you live somewhere holding an election, your ballot should have come in the mail a while ago. You can check what districts are holding elections for King County here. I couldn’t fine a statewide list, but will happily add one if someone knows about it.
I voted straight communist and for the Highline School District levy.
Gus Hall! Gus Hall! Gus! Gus! Gus!
The Peninsula School District’s levy (Gig Harbor and Key peninsulas) seems to have really broad based support.
Pierce County also has funding for Pierce Transit on the ballot, which I supported.
@1 It doesn’t hurt to vote communist once in a while to keep the wingnuts scared.
I’ve always found ‘From each according to their ability, to each according to their need’ a wonderful organizing principle.
Do you guys know where to become a Communist Party PCO?
(BTW, I was called a filthy communist by pudge a few times last week – figured I was doing something right)
Pudge lavishes that title around freely Lib Sci. Don’t feel to special.
Need to demand more from Public Schools..not just blindly vote YES on levies “for the children”.
This just out–
A 2009 comparison between public and Catholic school SAT scores show that public school students had an overall average of 496 points on the critical reading portion of the test while Catholic school students scored 533 points on the same portion. What makes the numbers more impressive is that Catholic high schools spend more than $2,000 less per pupil than public schools.
Over 7% better scores for $2,000/pupil less.
Yet we are mean-spirited to demand more for our tax dollars.
Why the forever new levy system…improve the product before you raise prices.