I guess someone should mention them as of 10:45. A better round-up to come tomorrow, I think:
* Well Roads and Transit failed, so maybe we can address public transit in 2009 if we’re very lucky. In the mean time, busses. Yippie.
* In Seattle city council, it’s everybody you expected, and Burgess in the only really contested race. 159 write-ins. Could they all be Heidi Wills?
* Tim Eyman is a horses’ ass who just passed an unconstitutional ballot measure, presumably to tie up the Democratic legislature next year before being tossed.
* In suburbia, having married Goldy seems not to help your political career, but it’s too close to call, I think. Being my buddy is better luck for Maren Norton for Shoreline Schools.
* Being a blogger (and a write in candidate) didn’t help Jimmy at all for Richland City Council. Still 10% for a write-in ain’t bad.
* In Oregon, Measure 49 to do something to Measure 37 that I don’t really care about because I’m not from a state that passed that stupid initiative in the first damn place looks like it’s failing (.pdf) but I am having a hell of a time navigating their elections web page.
We, the undersigned, wish to express our deepest appreciation for Ron Sims and the Sierra Club. You fuckers will never see adequate public transport in this life or your children’s lives.
Kemper Freeman
All the other rich white guys on the East Side.
Here in Maple Valley, it looks like the end of the road for Jim Flynn. Flynn, a local developer has been deputy mayor since the city’s inception in 1997. Mayor Laure Idding who has also held her position since ’97 was unopposed in her bid to retain her council seat.
In suburbia, having married Goldy seems not to help your political career, but it’s too close to call,
I stopped coming to this shithole but figured what the hell see how the loonies are taking defeat… only to read the above…YOU MEAN TO TELL ME SOMEONE MARRIED THAT PENIS IMPAIRED WHINY VOICED RUNT??
But I thought darcy dingledem was married…
Here in King County, it looks like the end of the road for Christine Gregoire, a local Tax happy governor since the last King County Elections Director, Dean F Logan was in charge.
Rest her soul in a peaceful but plentiful state retirement fund.
Hello Dino!
I’m not surprised Prop. 1 failed, but I AM surprised that 4204 failed and I-960 passed. I see a very consistent voting pattern in tonight’s returns: 54% of the electorate is against taxes, nyet, nada, no way, no how! Washington’s antiquated, Rube Goldberg tax system hit a brick wall today. Regressive taxation has reached the saturation point; we no longer can fund anything in this state without reallocating tax burdens. The Puget Sound region is awash in money; if transportation and education are underfunded, it’s the tax system tries to get the money from the folks who don’t have it. We need tax reform.
If nobody ever says “income tax”, it will never happen.
Income Tax.
Income Tax.
@4 “it looks like the end of the road for Christine Gregoire”
Read it and weep, wingnuts! http://www.washingtonpoll.org/results/102907b.ppt
I wouldn’t be too sure about I-960 or 4204 yet… 75% of King County polls haven’t come in yet and thus far the county has voted 56% No to I-960 and 54% Yes to 4204. And then there’s still more absentees tomorrow.
I pray that we have a vicious recount battle over one of these.
Sherman’s also gaining every time more precinct polls come in…
“Read it and weep, wingnuts! http://www.washingtonpoll.org/ results/102907b.ppt”
Sorry Roger, and I totally respect your help in defeating the regressive taxation in Prop 1, but tonight was a statment in “ENOUGH is ENOUGH”
The population of this state have seen enough of Tax, Fee, Gas, Utility, Medical, Food, Property Tax, Sales Tax, etc etc hikes.
They are saying No to all hikes, enough is enough. And what party has thrown all these tax hikes together in a massive sweep?
So who will bring us out of this rip off hollow?
Only One candidate that is not currently in office
Follow all the poles you want to follow, no one has ever won on their tax and spend hiking.
It’a all you folks ever have to offer
Everything is not can not and should never be free!
Gassy you’re a shithead.
Lossi is a whiner and will go the way of George “Term Limits” Nethercutt and others of that ilk.
It’s all you folks ever have to offer
Yeah, solutions to problems. What do we get from Republicans? Corruption and hypocrisy.
What do we get from Democrats? Solutions to Emergency’s, 9 cent gas tax Emergency cured what? ….Uh….
Tax Hike after Tax Hike after Tax Hike.
It’s a great night for the populations pocketbooks! A Bad night for the politicians and their flock of leeches.
34 counties approving I-960, five failing it! King County by the largest margin…DUH!
Enough is Enough
Take it to court, but it IS the will of the People!
Public transportation is dead. Excessive taxation is dead. Out-of-control government spending is dead. Long live the few sane voters left in the state!
To be honest, I think the sane thing would be to implement tolls as liberally as possible on local roads and to redirect federal funds to cities that accept public transportation; that way, things are paid for locally and we have something to model ourselves after 10-15 years down the line when light rail is up for vote again.
I have concluded that the citizens of Washington are insane. As someone who is officially impoverished, I should be against all of these regressive taxes. But I’m not, because I see how they benefit ME! Well, maybe not 4204, I don’t have kids in school, but lordy, why can we build crap like the stadiums with only a simple majority, and it takes a super-majority to fund the one thing that may save this state in the future, education. If all of you people don’t want to raise taxes, you’re going to get something you don’t want, an income tax. And that will suit me, I probably won’t have to pay it, and it will reduce the regressive sales taxes I do pay.
Why is it always the people who have money that don’t want to pay taxes?
Yes, the answer is blanket tolling. That is the message the voters sent tonight. The message was not political accountability at Sound Transit. The message was not about anger at politicians who promise a loaf of bread, then deliver a slice.
Yep, the message the public sent was toll the hell out of us. That would be the sane thing to do. After all, doing whatever you want after the election has worked out so well for President Bush that we should apply it on a local level.
It’d be crazy not to put Sound Transit back on the ballot in 2008. Not sure what to do about the roads. But I do know this: if the state is serious about fixing the 520 bridge it will come up with the money to pay for it.
The good news in the defeat of Prop. 1 is that no one will ever seriously propose a giant road building program again. It was Kemper Freeman’s last hope to build a lot of roads, and he opposed it bigtime.
It is a good wake up call. It shows that the Democrats don’t own the road yet and that we won’t be overconfident like we were in ’94.
Ummm, Carl. Measure 49 appears to be passing, not failing.
I guess it’s OK for Republican to drive drunk but not Democrats. (wink)
It’s the economy. I cannot afford to risk new taxes right now.I don’t want new taxes when I’m afraid my job will go away. I don’t want new taxes when I see inflation is about to skyrocket. That’s why I voted down any new tax measures on the ballot. When the powers that be, make me feel good about the economy, I’ll vote for more taxes.
Yes! Eyman wins! Suck it libtards.
Having “married Goldy?” what did I miss here?
Out West, of course, means back east a little a bit, where the real West is at. Question: What’s the Matter With Utah? How and why did they screw up vouchers? Maybe it’s because Utah is one of the few places in the free world where public schools seem to work.