If the Seattle Times editorial board is so “depressed” about Republican science denial, perhaps they might want to stop endorsing Republicans?
THE state Senate this week had a brief but telling debate about climate change. It ended, depressingly, with a mostly party-line vote that very well could have taken place years earlier, with Republicans resisting the science on humankind’s clear role in reshaping our global climate.
Seriously… how many of these idiots has the Seattle Times endorsed?
What local Republican won Goldy?
Sheriff Dave Reichert? – Is that your final answer?
Sheriff Dave Reichert kicks DUMMOCRETIN ASS because y’all throw up DUMMOCRETIN primary losers that no one in their RIGHT mind would elect! Jim Baghdad and Teheran McDimWitt, Susan MSFT$ DelBene, Rick Larsen, Derek Kilmer and Denny Heck still control most of the WA state population. Sheriff Dave Reichert kicks DUMMOCRETIN ASS because y’all throw up DUMMOCRETIN primary losers that no one in their RIGHT mind would elect!
Why not have Sawant run against Reichert? Oh wait she’d need to move out of Seattle. Run her campaign Goldy!
Puddybud, Carpetbagging might be frowned upon, but it’s perfectly legal for Sawant to challenge Reichert from right where she is.
This may come as a shock, but she seems satisfied with city council.
Mark Mullet on the other hand would make a great chalanger to Reichert as soon as he isn’t needed in the State Senate.
@1 ” … y’all throw up … losers that no one in their RIGHT mind would elect!”
Coming from you, this rant is beyond hilarious!
…each post stupider than the last.
Facts always make DUMMOCRETINS display their natural side.
The senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit demonstrates senility again!
And… rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears sez nuthin worthwhile!
@5 “The senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit demonstrates senility again”
The stock I flipped yesterday made a 142% profit in 24 1/2 months. I do okay for a senile idiot.
Then Peyton bring Mark on. Let’s view Mark’s gravitas!