See, the thing about Collin Levey that really bothers me is that she is obviously smart. So when she spins and twists and grotesquely distorts her arguments to suit her own political and ideological agenda, she knows exactly how untruthful she is being.
I wonder… when she pens one of these whoppers, does the writer in her feel a little pang of angst, knowing that some equally bright colleague or cocktail acquaintance might casually and devastatingly deconstruct her column to reveal little more than a steaming pile of clever sloganeering atop a “Bush for President” bumper sticker?
Take, for example, yesterday’s column in The Seattle Times: “Dems walk a dangerous path with anti-Kerry-film complaint“. Collin attacks Democratic senators for complaining about Sinclair Broadcasting’s plan to preempt prime-time, network programming to air an anti-Kerry film on its 62 stations, many of them in swing states.
If “Stolen Honor” is anything like it’s been characterized, then the Sinclair broadcast essentially amounts to a 90-minute political infomercial on the eve of the presidential election. Even Collin makes little effort to dispute the bias of the film… although you can safely assume that neither one of us has actually seen it.
Collin equates “Stolen Honor” with “Fahrenheit 9/11”, and in her typical, arrogant fashion, attempts to sell her argument by trying to make her readers feel stupid:
With apologies for the remedial observation, broadcast networks and movies in the theaters operate on two different business models