If the Bastard Idiot Building Industry Association of Washington (BIAW) provides the muscle for the WA state GOP, then the pointy-headed criminal mastermind is the right-wing lying sack of shit faux-think-tank, Evergreen Freedom Foundation (EFF).
I haven’t spit much bile in their direction… but I intend to. In the meanwhile, here’s a quick link to EFF’dUp in WA, a somewhat amusing parody blog of their efforts to decertify state labor unions.
How does your link point to a “somewhat amusing parody blog of their [EFF’s] efforts to decertify state labor unions”?
I checked it out. The only content was some e-mail piece from EFF saying that state employees could opt-out of membership in the Washington Federation of State Employees and then receive a refund of the 17% of their union dues that went (according to WSFE’s calculations at least) towards political expenditures.
I have not heard anything about EFF actually moving to decertify any public employee union. Presumably, this would be possible under state law if a majority of represented employees voted to do so in a decertification election.
EFF seems to be mainly concerned about limiting public employee union expenditures on political causes. First, by fighting for employees rights to decline union membership and opt-out of political expenditures. Second, by publicizing the amount that unions spend on politics and perhaps persuading or embarrassing unions into reducing this. Third, by advocating changes in state law that would reduce union’s ability to spend money for politics.
Yeah. Nice grassroots group right?
Here’s who runs the show of EFF:
And all the while, they use members money to promote the republican agenda without anyones permission to do it.
God, Goldy one of the things I like about you is your fair balanced opinion, kind of like Rev. Fallwell!
Give me a break Goldy, EFF is not as far out there as move-on.org. How about a comparison of each groups funds?
diggindude, EFF is funded by people who support what the money will be spent for. Unlike the public employee and teacher unions which are funded by us, the taxpayers.
One more question for all the lefties posting all day tomorrow:
What purpose does a union serve for government employees, anyway? Unions were invented to protect workers from private corporations. In the case of a public employee union, the employer is us. Why do the state and municipal employees need protection from us? Is there a good reason that we and our employees could not co-exist without these unions?
You ask, “What purpose does a union serve for government employees anyway?”
1) A base for the Democrat Party…bought and paid for with TAXPAYER dollars!
2) A state job for Gary Moore, (Former head of the State Employees Union) who now serves as the State Union Negotiator with his former employer PROTECTING us taxpayers. Doesn’t that make you feel warm & fuzzy all over??
3) A way to promote high-priced welfare by employee under-qualified people, promoting them and protecting them from any & all accountability for their incompetence.
4) A mechanism for government workers who don’t want to really wrok or even know how to really work to be able to complain about work (that they don’t even do!)
EFF is a great organization…watchdogs. Watchdogs are good…especially competent ones like Bob Willams, Marsha Richards et al.
What is GOLDY afraid off here? Goldy completely misrepresents EFF and their mission..WHY? GOLDY is the Prince of Darkness. Goldy loves his LEFTIST pukes to operate in “the shadows” by attacking any & all groups that attack LEFTIST incompetence and wasteful spending.
Goldy is paranoid but like most crazy people, Goldy is the only one who doesn’t know that he is crazy.
You aren’t paranoid when they’re really out to get you, huh Goldy?
so if i work for a grocery store, the store is “funding Me”, and should have a say in who I vote for?
does every member(i was talking about the biaw actually, poor grammar),support the republican party?
Are all members republicans? Do they all want the biaw to spend money lobbying for the republican party?
How much of the biaw’s “administration costs” are inflated by contributions to the republican party?
At least in the unions, a member has the choice to use their dues for politics, or not.
biaw has no choice.
Duuuude @ 8
Read Zip’s post again. He’s talking about PUBLIC EMPLOYEES’ unions. Unless, of course, you’re thinking of that future socialist dream world of yours where even grocery stores are publicly owned.
But it is perfectly OK for Move On Org (Move Over before we trample you again.org) to donate a quarter of a million dollars to CG so they could afford the recount (reerrors). Before you start throwing dirt better sweep out your own houses!
Marsha Louise Richards has her own blog at http://www.mlouise.blogspot.com/ worth checking out…
Diggin @ 8
You do not have a flippin clue what you are talking about. The BIAW members join BY CHOICE(you are pro choice right?) to have a collective voice. If a member dosent like the agenda they can speak up, join thier board of directors or find a liberal organization like moveon.org to represent them. Unlike mandatory dues impositions upon state workers, teachers and caregivers, these folks opt in to their organizations and are not forced to be a member. And dont feed me any crap about opting out of political dues, they just put the money into the general fund which is then used for “political education” as opposed to “political action”.
The EFF is a fraud, short and simple. It is a fake think tank.
A real think tank researches issues and tries to come up with solutions. EFF starts with the solution, and then fabricates its research to support it. It is part of a nationwide network of right-wing fake think tanks, that have been an instrumental part of achieving the Republican agenda.
EFF is a great organization. They are doing great work regarding this screwed up election. I don’t hear any of you libs disputing any of the facts they have uncovered you just attack them as a whole. Bob Williams and his group have researched this election and site the various laws that were broken / ignored in this election and certification. Why do you not discredit their work with facts? Because you can’t. There is no real research done on the lib’s side, they just spew opinion as fact. Goldy you are no match for Bob Williams, he would expose you for what you are.
Yikes, Chris from the parrotsphere is back!
The EFF report on the election is a complete joke! Plenty of quotes from the fantasies of Sharkansky and the in-depth “investigations” of the BIAW.
It’s greatest failing is that it is so booorrringg. ZZZZZZzzzzZZZzzzzzzzz
TorridJoe was being kind when he called it “ponderous”.
And in the big picture…who is going to protect the people FROM the unions? And they wonder why jobs are being outsourced? Digs is a classic example of this….he has had his head in the union trough for years and you know as a heavy equipment operator…you just KNOW he has a laptop at hand all day and all night to comment everywhere. Gee….I wonder why people hate the unions????Maybe because the members are overpaid to do nothing all the time? Featherbedding ring any bells for any of you?
The unions will be a thing of the past within 20 years………..and they will have no one to blame but themselves.
Chris @14,
And what, pray tell, is that? (If you know, tell Cynical… he’s been trying to figure it out for months.)
If you have a beef with the EFF use facts not words you learn in some bathroom at your local elementary school. I’ve found in the past that group tends to report many facts that are not put out by local media. Right slant? Oh yeah….but PLEASE! Dispute their findings with facts and save the name calling for six year olds…..OK?
diggin @ 12
You do not have a flippin clue what you are talking about. The BIAW members join BY CHOICE(you are pro choice right?) to have a collective voice.
Go to the BIAW website, to see if the EMPLOYEE gets a choice to join or not? The Employer is required to have all his employees join. kinda like a union…and you don’t want unions do you? or I am sorry collective voice is okay, as long as it spews your crap.
What’s even more interesting on the BIAW website, is the Secret Trust Board that decides how much we actually give to politics, and how much we actually put into worker safety training, the whole idea behind these programs.
Cynical how much do you guys invest in training?…more than you write off in Church tithings? I hope after the IRS is done with you, they show up overthere.
THE EFF ( Every Frigin Fantasy) is exactly as described, The Jeff Ganons of Washington.
Before you trash move on.org…try going there instead, and come back with a disputed fact.
then we can see if it is anywhere as good as the 34 Bushies @ Salon.
sorry that was for Grumpy voter at 12
I have to obviously agree with gspeed @ 18. What facts do you have that counter anything the EFF has uncovered? I’ll save you the time, NONE.
Very interesting that EFF’dUp wants to abolish WFSE, given the state is an open shop (nobody has to join the union or pay dues) and as useless as tits on a boar. Guess they’re against voluntary associations; wonder how many of the other first 10 amendments they also want to repeal?
Chris @ 21
You haven’t presented a single fact either but why bother, the conclusion is correct, that’s what you start with and that’s all that matters to the Walton Family and the Four Sisters Funding Group of the right: Olin, Bradley, Scaife and Smith-Richardson – and apparently to you as well.
Danw @ 19,
Nothing you ranted about made a damn bit of sense. The empoyees of BIAW member companies are not the member of BIAW, the company is. They do spend money on worker safety, in fact EVERY DIME OF RETRO MONEY IS PRIVATE FUNDS FOR WORKER PROTECTION PLAIN AND SIMPLE. Check your facts or get back to your crack pipe.
zip @ 5
WEA and WFSE are funded by taxpayers? That’s an outright lie. They’re funded by member dues. No state employee is required to belong to WFSE; membership and dues are entirely voluntary.
zip @ 6
Public employees need protection against:
1. Political interference with their job performance;
2. Managers who try to blame their mistakes on subordinates;
3. Managers who harrass employees;
4. Managers who try to fire employees so they can give that position to a relative, buddy, mistress, or crony;
5. Managers who try to eliminate needed job positions so they can use the money to give themselves bigger raises;
6. Favoritism and cronyism in hiring, promotions, performance reviews, merit raises, layoffs, and terminations;
7. Excessive workloads;
8. Unsafe working conditions;
9. Arbitrary and unreasonable demands, work rules, and conditions;
10. To negotiate for competitive pay and benefits;
and a long list of additional issues that are essentially identical to what employees of private corporations face.
In other words, working for government is not different from working in private enterprise. You don’t get treated better or more fairly just because the employer is a government agency.
Idiot @ 7 (1)
Apart from the fact you’re lying when you assert that state unions are supported with taxpayer dollars (they’re not; all their money comes from voluntary member dues), state employees are hardly a monolithic Democratic base. They vote pretty much like the rest of the population. In eastern Washington, where two-thirds of the voters are Republicans, even WFSE members vote Republican.
GS @ 10
MoveOn is a voluntary association of like-minded individuals who voluntarily contributed money to political causes and candidates they support. Under what theory do you sddrty they have no right to contribute THEIR money to the Democrats’ recount fund?
Unlike BIAW, which is using L & I taxes to pay for Rossi’s election challenge.
ghost @ 16
Only some of the people hate unions. The same people who think we should tax the middle class to subsidize the rich.
angry @ 24
Worker protection is NOT private money! Those programs and taxes are required by law.
“Only some of the people hate unions. The same people who think we should tax the middle class to subsidize the rich.”
I am finding it harder and harder to believe that you were ever a judge….from your childish outbursts and name calling to total lack of reason and ability to argue a point based on facts. But you said you were an attorney right? Private practice or government work?
>>>The same people who think we should tax the middle class to subsidize the rich.”<<<< I don't see how you can draw the conclusions you do.They make absolutely no sense at all.If you want to talk about rich people [ a phrase that is code for people who worked really hard and usually have alot of school under their belts, and then took risks and worked even harder] why not talk about Bill Gates? What tax do you think he pays? Hmmmm?
I’m not a judge, got that? What I did in the past is irrelevant. Right now I’m a private citizen with the same right to express opinions as you have. Why is that so hard for you to understand?
Mark @ everywhere
You dont seem to be very good at reading between the lines, nor does this attempt to “write between them”, look promoising.
employer employee relationship referred to.blah,blah,blah..
cg @ 16 and christmasghosttown.nowhere
unions will get stronger,as soon as the corporate rapists that invaded it go away.
my job cant be outsourced, this is the reason your gwdumbass wants to open the borders, to further erode the standard of living in the us.
Funny how the ownership society, thinks profits are great, until its someone elses.
angry dumbass @ 12
the biaw, is using whatever money it can retain, to lobby for the republicans.
no one has a say where or how the money is spent, even when they use it to install a real estate swindler in the legislature.
The opt out for union members, is the law.
Digs………wow, the venom! I haven’t heard rhetoric like that since grade school….keep hoping for the unions to get stronger. What has happened in the last five years, hmmmmmm?
Your job can’t be outsourced? Of course not silly….unemployment is yours……
cg @ robs rhetoric…..
im not hoping, its inevitable.
i see youve found nothing of substance yet, hence the vacuum at christmasghosttown.yikes!
you dont like when construction people get laid off and have to draw unemployment?
too bad.
all construction people draw unemployment between jobs.
price ya gotta pay.
tell ya what, i wont draw unemployment ever again, if the construction that needs to be done gets funded.
So that means, all the crybaby tax shirkers like you and rob,
need to pony up, and quit trying to get out of paying your share.
p.s. im not on unemployment, but dont let that stop you.
why worry about accuracy at this point?
Diggindude @33
“unions will get stronger,as soon as the corporate rapists that invaded it go away.”
If those “corporate rapists” go away, christmasghost would be right:
“Your job can’t be outsourced? Of course not silly….unemployment is yours……
Unless, of course, you mean corporate rapists are union bosses in their current form…
Digs…..you keep telling everyone that you are unemployment constantly…not that you have to tell us as it’s painfully obvious. You won’t take any construction jobs that aren’t union because that would hurt your ability to collect union retirement…your story.Hence…you are never working. If you stopped bitching about corporate rapists long enough to get off your lazy ass and get ANY job to support your family and stopped expecting us to pay for everything for you…wouldn’t that be a better plan?
you are so full of shit, it isnt funny.
i work every day. what the fuck is it to you what i do anyway?
the only way you and rob can talk about anything, is when you are critisizing someone else. never any substance, just more critique.
You are both so full of shit, and will harp on something no end for lack of any point.
you’ve done the same thing to everyone here, at the king5 forum, and at your own lame site, to the point you are the only one posting there!!
how many people have you personally attacked with blind accusations?
everyone on king5 forum calls you an asshole, except rob. funny you would pick a porn addict like rob as you soul mate, i actually thought he was straight, until you started nuzzling him.
i suppose, you will need to stay here, to defend gay marriage, for lack of anyone else to do it.
was that you i saw in olympia with the orange poncho sporting the afternoon shadow?
quit the hormones, and go back to being a woman.
Don @ 27 – “Voluntary”? Wow. Does that mean that you support right to work laws? Or refunds of the union dues used to support political activities? I think you’re on to something here.
First you flaunt the fact that you were a Judge….now you say it is irrelevant. You are the ping-pong ball of posters!!
You never did tell us what you Judged….although my guess was something disgusting at the Gay Pride Parade in the Fremont District!! Perhaps they threw you out??? First of 10-year failed career as an AMWAY salesman, then 30 years as a guv’mint hack attorney and now a rejected Judge at the Gay Pride Parade.
DIGS@ 38…….WOW….well, all I did was state what you have so many times. And if you are working…great. But really how?A heavy equipment operator that is always on the computer…..
You have told so many half truths you can’t even remember the things you have said…but remember what you once said to me digs? About how I remember everything? Would you like me to refresh your memory?
And you answered your own question…I am the only one on my site because it’s my site…get it? do you get the concept. This whole really immature “and everyone else hates you too” does that ever actually work for you? Didn’t think so……..
And if you don’t like my blog don’t read it…it’s as simple as that. there are alot of people that do like it so it all balances out.
Thank you for making my point for me about the always un-enlightened far left. The first thing they do is question your sexuality.You are the poster child for exactly why the left keeps losing elections. I feel sorry for you, I really do, because you are a dinosaur in your own time. A bigot who is homophobic and yet is a liberal trough feeder…..if you think that your really bad views of gay people will fly here or anywhere else…think again.
youre an asshole, and so is rob.
As far as gays, youre right, i dont want anything to do with gays. I look at it the same way I do with religious wackos. Fine, but keep it the fuck away from me ok?
As far as you trying to make some attack like When I’m laid off, its my fault, go fuck yourself, you self righteous piece of shit. Who the fuck do you think you are? You think you have some right poke into my private affairs?
You better just hope i dont decide to poke into your private affairs.
now fuck off and die. and take that p.o.s. rob with you.
zap @ 39
Membership in state employee unions is voluntary. The unions can’t force anyone to join. Do you find it ironic that the Legislature passed a right-to-work law but the only employer it applies to is itself? I don’t find this strange, given that this is the same Legislature that punished state employees for not striking by taking money away from them and giving it to teachers as a reward for striking.
Cynical @ 40
I didn’t “flaunt” the fact I was a judge. I made an oblique reference to it only once, namely, I said my kid was stalked because of my job as a judge and that’s why I’m not a judge anymore. How is that “flaunting”? As usual, Cynical, you have taken something someone else said and distorted it beyond all recognition.
No, I’m not going to give you ANY more details that would help you or any other reader of this board figure out who I am or where I live. I have a responsibility to my family to keep them safe. Once was enough. Never again.
Okay, I will tell you this much about what kind of judge I was. The not very important, not very well paid, not famous kind.
Calm down Don–
I just posted elsewhere that you were the only LEFTIST Whack-o who was tough to offend and voila!!!
You cry and act “offended”.
LEFTISTS are only good for 2 things:
1) Someone for us in the Right to kick around
2) Keep psych-therapists fully employed.
You did try to impress us with your JUDGESHIP although you have never exhibited even a shred of evidence that shows you would in any way ever by fair and impartial. You are way too opinionated.
But I guess judging at the Fremont District Gay Pride Parade doesn’t require much integrity, smarts or impartiality…just a STRONG STOMACH!
Don @ 43
“Do you find it ironic that the Legislature passed a right-to-work law”
Since when has Washington State had a right-to-work law??
I have been reading through these posts and it occurs to me that Goldy has done a better job of promoting the goals of EFF, than they ever could have.
Keep up the good work.
With more of your help, the unions will be crushed in this state, our state and local government will be cleaned (cleansed of liberal wacko’s in public office) up and we’ll get this bitch out of Olympia.
diggindude @42…..says…..”As far as gays, youre right, i dont want anything to do with gays. I look at it the same way I do with religious wackos. Fine, but keep it the fuck away from me ok?
As far as you trying to make some attack like When I’m laid off, its my fault, go fuck yourself, you self righteous piece of shit. Who the fuck do you think you are? You think you have some right poke into my private affairs?
You better just hope i dont decide to poke into your private affairs.
now fuck off and die. and take that p.o.s. rob with you.”
And this is the biggest problem the far left has…..how to bring the union tankbrains like digger together with gays[or anyone else for that matter as they don’t play well with others]…….
Hey Digs…not laughing anymore, huh? And I didn’t think union enforcers were ever laid off…..
You go ahead and dig into me all you want , I, unlike you, have nothing to hide. You would be very very surprised to find out who I am…….
the difference between you and me is, i dont give a fuck who you are.
thats my point.
Diggendude@ 50….No digs the differences between you and me are VAST. I am not a homophobic gay-bashing union thug that finds himself standing with the Democratic party that is now just chock o’ block full of gay people and so I am angry and blinded by my stupidity and hatred….that’s YOU.
And for the rest of you lefties that are sending your kids to schools that are “liberal as hell”[interesting description] do you think all that warm and fuzzy diversity will protect your kids from one of your own like Digger?
Sadly…that’s a no……….
And digs…I already know who you are and so does everyone else here now………
thats good
im not the one hiding, its you.
if you know who i was..
big fuckin deal.
i have always, and am always up front about who i am. i like who i am.
That’s good Digs…..I’m glad you like yourself. I find it hard to believe but hey, knock yourself out. If you like being a homophobic bigot, well, what can I say?
And just, pray tell, how am I hiding?
And to address something else you said….
Do I think it’s your fault when you are layed off? Not necessarily ,unless it happens ALL the time, and then you might consider yourself the common denominator……….
And Digs…no one is digging into your ‘life’ ….you have told everyone all this yourself……..
John, EFF’s facts are published for all to see, where are yours that refute their findings. Again, You have NONE.
Cynical @ 46
Oh hogwash, I have no need or desire to impress anyone. The only thing righties are good for is kicking around, and I’m here because someone has to do the kicking. You can’t offend me. Nor am I worried about it. The person who should give us all concern is the one we don’t know is here — the invisible angry type who never posts anything but sits at his computer reading the posts and listening to the voices of demons inside his head. Maybe there’s someone like that out there reading this, maybe not, but if there is, I don’t want to be found.
Besides, why would anyone brag about being a judge or lawyer? In public esteem, we rank somewhere between insurance salesmen and the Taliban.
Mark @ 47
There is for state employees. They can’t have a union shop, bargain for wages, or go on strike. Maybe that’s changed slightly under “civil service reform,” I’m not real familiar with the new personnel system, but I’m under the impression they’re still limited to an open shop.
don @56….That was a good one. Insurance salesmen and the Taliban….heh heh heh
Gosh Don…I agree with you again!!
Digs@42…….now where are the HA thought police when you need them? No one here care to ‘correct’ Diggindude on his homophobic tendencies? Or is it okay to be that bigoted as long as they are batting for your team? little intellectual honesty, anyone?
If this doesn’t illustrate why it is so hard to take the far left seriously…..I don’t know what would.
alone again, naturally….
just like cgtown.
pokin in someone elses business @ 60
nobody gives a fuck, because i said its fine, but keep it away from me.
that means, go do what you want, but 1. dont rub my nose in it, and 2. you mind your problems, i’ll mind mine.
the second being the thing youre having so much difficulty with.
Its the republicans that want to get in everyones face over shit. Cant mind their own business. I.E. you.
Okay guys…going once, going twice…….
are there any liberals on here that have a problem with diggers less than enlightened views of gay people?
EFF. I would like to know how many “dead” or “criminal” Republicans voted in this past election. I find it ironic that the VERY organization that purports to be a think tank is “funding” an attempted clean up of Washington State’s election process and is asking for contributions from deceased Republican voters. My father who has been deceased for 4 years just received a letter from them!
nice one jon!!