An inside politics/inside blogosphere brouhaha ended today with a statement from Democratic presidential hopeful John Edwards that he would not fire two campaign staffers over “offensive” comments written on their personal-but-prominent liberal blogs. Amanda Marcotte of Pandagon and Melissa McEwan of Shakespeare’s Sister had been hired to head Edwards’ blogging and netroots outreach efforts, but came under attack from right-wingers like Michelle Malkin and others for prior posts containing foul and offensive language. And in recent days Bill Donohue of the Catholic League had been making the rounds of conservative talk shows, loudly demanding the bloggers’ scalps, accusing them of anti-Catholic rhetoric.
I’m sure the righties are uniformly disappointed that Edwards didn’t buckle under their cynical attacks — that’s what they’ve come to expect from Democrats — but reaction from the left has been mixed. The Stranger’s Erica Barnett, writing on her personal blog, is not alone in wishing that Edwards had defended Marcotte and McEwan more decisively and aggressively:
“Yes, Edwards ultimately made the right choice. But I’m not impressed by the way he initially caved under pressure. If right-wing bigots have this much clout over Edwards (and Edwards expressed no concerns about either blogger whatsoever until the wingers complained, so don’t tell me it was a sudden, unrelated revelation), I’m no longer sure he’s the kind of candidate I can support.”
As fellow HA blogger Will can attest, I’m no Edwards partisan (he is,) but I do not share Barnett’s disappointment. Rather, I think that when viewed in context, Edwards’ actions come off bolder and more significant than they first appear.
Edwards is not a “netroots candidate.” He is a creature of the D.C. political establishment, and as such has surrounded himself with advisors drawn from the consultancy class that Markos Moulitsas and Jerome Armstrong have targeted as the primary obstacle to progressive ascension in their book “Crashing the Gates.” You can be sure that risk-adverse advisors — who fear hand-to-hand combat with the far-right almost as much as they fear the growing influence of the progressive netroots — strongly urged Edwards to dump Marcotte and McEwan. Indeed, it wouldn’t surprise me if yesterday’s inaccurate firing story had been leaked by Edwards advisors seeking to force his hand.
In that context, Edwards decision to ignore the “safe” advice is not only a measure of his loyalty towards staffers who rearranged their lives to join his campaign, but an acknowledgment of a changing political landscape in which grassroots political activists are playing a larger role in turning out the vote and shaping public opinion. The conventional wisdom of the Democratic political establishment would have had Edwards jettison Marcotte and McEwan “for the good of the campaign.” The fact that it was a conventional establishment politician who rejected this wisdom is significant in itself.
Some seem disappointed by Edwards lack of forcefulness, but considering his political background and previous campaigns, I view Edwards defense of Marcotte and McEwan — however tempered — as a welcome departure from Democratic establishment business as usual. While not exactly courageous, it does show growth.
Furthermore, we cannot emphasize enough the significance of this incident in regards to what it portends for other campaigns and the blogosphere in general. Malkin/Donohue et al had intended to lower the bar on public discourse to the point where no liberal blogger who had ever put forth a controversial opinion or dabbled in the joys of foul and abusive language could seek gainful employment again. Had Edwards fired Marcotte and McEwan for language they had previously used on their own personal blogs, the far-righties and their media surrogates would have demanded that the other Democratic candidates fire their foul-mouthed bloggers too. The witch hunt would have been on, and once they had cleared the political establishment of us “hate-talking” lefties, the right’s attention would surely turn towards the private sector.
Malkin herself is a bile-spewing fascist who defends the Japanese internment and lionizes Sen. Joe McCarthy and his anti-democratic blacklists. This was never about Marcotte and McEwan. It was about silencing her political enemies. For his part Donohue now promises a “nationwide public relations blitz” against Edwards, attacking him for his religious “bigotry”… this from a man who freely laces his own public statements with anti-semitic rhetoric.
By standing up to Malkin and Donohue when it would have been much easier to cave, Edwards has decided to take a blow on behalf of a nascent progressive netroots movement most establishment Democrats neither fully understand nor appreciate. Whether or not he is my candidate, this blogger is going to stand up for Edwards in return.
Looks like Edwards has gotten the first vertebra of a much-needed backbone transplant. When is he scheduled to get the rest?
“Malkin/Donohue et al had intended … no liberal blogger … could seek gainful employment again.”
This is precisely why I use a nom de guerre — that and the fact I don’t want my property vandalized and/or my person assaulted by Republican brownshirts.*
* Is this hyperbole? I don’t know, but I’m not inclined to give the benefit of the doubt to followers of a political party who have repeatedly demonstrated their …
a) fondness for violence
b) eliminationist rhetoric
c) intolerance of ideas different from theirs
d) total lack of morals and ethics
e) professed love for concentration camps, death squads, and totalitarian rule
In short, they haven’t given me a lot of reason to trust their good intentions.
I think I agree with Roger, the Right should never have a monopoly on bad language, or even bad behavior.
I say: To the ‘Stake’ with Malkin, Coulter, Limbaugh, and ‘Shooter’ ‘F-You’ Cheney,
“Malkin/Donohue et al had intended … no liberal blogger … could seek gainful employment again.”
T%his is also why we should hit back at them in ways that hurt. They’d do it to us in a microsecond, so why shouldn’t we do it to them?
Mark Griswold should NEVER hold an elective office in our state, no matter how minor, and if he’s ever a candidate again this statement should come back to haunt him — in fact, it should be shoved up his ass:
“Congratulations Speaker Pelosi, now let the bombs fall where they may. My prediction: terror attack on domestic soil passenger aircraft within the next six months. Casualties in the 2-300 range. And, unfortunately, maybe that’s just what we need. It’s obvious people don’t remember what happened 5 years ago. Posted by FullContactPolitics at November 8, 2006 10:52 AM”
(“FullContactPolitics” was ID’d as Griswold by HA’s intrepid investigative reporter, Richard Pope. Griswold ran against Speaker Frank Chopp in ’04, and gave Chopp an easy race; Chopp was re-elected with 85% of the vote.)
And Jonathan Gardner a.k.a. “Federal Way Conservative” should be hounded by the remarks he has made about killing liberals who oppose Bush’s war policy, should he ever seek public office or responsible employment. I don’t know what this little Nazi twerp does for a living, but I sure wouldn’t to do business at a bank where he was a manager or invest my money in a mutual fund that employed him as a financial adviser. He deserves to spend the rest of his life sweeping floors and emptying wastebaskets for the minimum wage he so roundly despises. Let’s help make that happen by ensuring the whole world (or, at least, the whole state of Washington) knows what a jerk he is.
Hey all you righty fucks — TWO CAN PLAY THIS GAME!
*** Just kidding! Ann Coulter humor, y’know? Rightys always accuse liberals of having no sense of humor, so let’s get funny!!
@3 I’ve got some firewood I’m not using right now …
This list of Congressional, Senatorial, and State email addresses is perfect for getting your message out.
It has the added benefit of having been created for, “Our goal(of keeping) this web site the home of the best, most complete, e-mail messaging for conservative activists!”
Oh, well! You can’t always get what you want.
When I was a cute fluffy baby bunny, we dealt with bullies who kicked bunnies in the crotch by kicking THEM in the crotch so they’d know what it feels like.
Same principle here.
Tell our “representatives” in Congress what you think about Wingnut
Slamming organized behemoth religions like Catholicism sounds like a good thing to me. Why should the CAtholic Church care about a little slamming by bloggers? They’re far too pre-occupied with lawsuits because the priests that can’t keep their hands off the children.
There are plenty of Catholics who think Bill Donohue can go blow himself. Presumably, Washington State’s two Catholic Senators are well aware of that.
People in Glass Houses…,
From the Salon article:
Malkin originally accused Marcotte of trying to scrub Pandagon’s archives of material that could be embarrassing to the Edwards campaign. When that proved untrue, Malkin posted a correction, but said that the fact that she had been wrong was “even worse for the Edwards campaign” because “its blogmaster left crackpot posts like that one up and hired her anyway.”
Malkin, it should be noted, is hardly innocent of being involved with what ABC News’ Terry Moran termed “hate speech” when applied to Marcotte. Malkin has long maintained ties to VDARE, a Web site tagged as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center that has published works by people like Jared Taylor, one of America’s leading white supremacists, and Sam Francis, who was fired by the conservative Washington Times for his own white supremacist remarks, given at a conference held by Taylor’s organization.
So, first Malking made something up (is she working for the Washington Times?), and then she gets upset that people have a point of view differnet from her. But she has no problems hanging out with racist and radicals on the right.
Between her and Coulter, all I know is that they make Paris Hilton look classy.
Slamming organized behemoth religions like Catholicism sounds like a good thing to me. Why should the CAtholic Church care about a little slamming by bloggers? They’re far too pre-occupied with lawsuits because the priests that can’t keep their hands off the children.
Lib, it’s worth noting that the Catholic League is not the same as the Catholic Church. Check out its Board of Advisors:
The left better get used to it. The only way the right can win anything is to smear the left. The left better get some aggressive and defining responses scripted because it isn’t going to stop.
And that vote on Iraq McConnell manipulated with Lieberman’s help still makes the Republicans look stronger than the Dems.
Anybody see Meet the Press last Sunday? Edwards (a candidate I used to support) made Obama look real good.
Obama is authentic. He makes Edwards look weak . . .
@ 9:
The problem isn’t that Catholic priests can’t keep their hands off children; the problem is they can’t keep their penises out of children’s orifices.
The Catholic Church and the Republican Party have a lot of core values in common: both sexually assault children and both try to cover it up.
I think this just goes to show that a national campaign has to maintain some distance between itself and the bloggers. Sort of like the distance they keep between themselves and the journalists, which allows them to feed information to the journalists, while still allowing the campaign to disavow the journalists comments, if they become inconvenient.
So if a national campaign has a press secretary, then they should also have a “netroots secretary”, or something of the sort, who (hopefully) won’t have anything too embarrassing already published under their name. Their job is not to BE the netroots, but instead to “cooperate” with it, leaving the bloggers on their own to “go do, the vodoo, which you do, so well” (obligatory credit: Mel Brooks from the movie Blazing Saddles).
Goldy seyz: “Malkin herself is a bile-spewing fascist who defends the Japanese internment”
1. Wasn’t the Japanese internment done by a DEMOCRAT President, Franklin DelAno Roosevelt?
2. Didn’t Japan have a FASCIST government at the time of this internment (1930’s to 1945)?
3. Isn’t Michelle Malkin of ASIAN ethnicity?
It is proven again and again, here and elsewhere: using anonymous handles in the age of blogging – being incognito – encourages otherwise tight-lipped adults to revert (if not revel) in anti-social behavior. Sometimes these performances become pathologically immature – and simply because you can doesn’t necessarily mean you should.
I highly doubt the Griswold’s and Gardner’s of the net would be brave enough to press the “enter” button on their keyboards, to post – publish – the things they say/said, if they used their birth names.
Just imagine the sewage the Malkin’s and Coulter’s of the world would wallow in, if they used ‘nom de guerres’…
Richard @16,
And…? How do any of those statements of fact refute my assertion that Malkin is a “bile-spewing fascist who defends the Japanese internment”…?
Thanks for asking:
1) Yes. It was still a mistake.
2) What does that have to do with anything?
3) Yes she is. Michelle is a Filipino-American. Hang around Asians for a while and you will hear the worst trash-talking imaginable about groups of people from other cities in the same country, let alone other countries. Pan-Asian unity is the pipe dream of a few activists, mostly in the US. It has nothing to do with reality.
(And yes, Asia encompasses 2.5 billion people, give or take a few. Some folks are nice, and welcoming of everyone. Some are vile, dyed-in-the-wool racists who don’t like or trust anyone from outside of their home town. Just like anywhere else. It’s a complicated issue, like relationships between any other large group of people).
Mr. Pope:
I concur with Mr. Goldstein. Besides, what the devil does Ms. Malkin’s ethnicity have to do with the fact that she’s a clown and an idiot?
Continuation: We who use computers and the internet regularly recognize that its a bit of the wild west, and we don’t expect it to be regulated and tamed, as are the national media. But we forget that there are still a large number of people, especially in other parts of the country (midwest, south) that don’t blog or consult the internet nearly in the same proportions as we do in the Pacific Northwest. More of those people (who still don’t use computers or the internet) tend to be Republican than Democrat, so right-wingers still consider them part of their base. It is to their base that they are appealing with such tirades, not those of us who care about netroots activism.
If you think I’m exaggerating about the number of people in other parts of the country which don’t use computers, consider the following. Last christmas I spoke with my old scoutmaster – we still exchange Christmas cards, and an occassional letter. He still doesn’t have a computer, so I can’t send him e-mails, as I do virtually everybody else I know. His wife won’t allow a computer in the house, because she heard at her church that pornography can come into the house through the computer, even if you don’t want it, and what if her grandchildren were to be accidentally exposed to that?????
Last fall I also sent an e-mail to my old high school, offering suggestions on how their kids could learn about web design by working on the school’s web site (which did nothing more than show a picture of the school, give the principal’s name, and give the school address, phone number, and a general office e-mail address). The principle responded (by a hard-copy letter) saying the school isn’t wired for internet access because “the student’s might abuse the priviledge by accessing “inappropriate web sites”, and he wouldn’t allow students to work on the school web site in any event, only one person in the school district offices is allowed to do that.
Anyone who stands up to the cowards and traitors on the right gets my vote.
Janet S, will you be calling for Rep McMorris to resign now that she’s pregnant?
Why the hell does Michele Malkin get published in major American newspapers? She has no insight, no analysis of value, no evidence of independent thought, no humor, no entertainment value–she is simply a gutter slut for the lunatic rightwing fringe. No major newspaper prints a leftist as far out on the fringe as Malkin is. That she is published shows the rightwing tilt of the media.
“This was never about Marcotte and McEwan. It was about silencing her political enemies.”
This makesme laugh Goldy. Conservatives get salad dressing, pies, and shoes thrown at them. Their speeches get interrupted with violent people who rush the stage and unfurl banners when people are trying to speak. Even Hillary Clinton and House Democrats have been shouted down when giving talks by far-left fantatics regarding the Iraq War. Yet, you’re telling me that conservatives are the ones who want to “silence their political enemies” HAH, thanks for the good laugh. Quite the contrary. I hope that Marcotte and McEwan keep publishing their disgusting, hateful, and downright loony comments. It can only help our side retain the presidency in 2008.
@16 All of this is true, and none of it proves Malkin isn’t a bile-spewing fascist.
TMFA @ 24
Where have you been living the last several decades? Your people don’t throw pies, they kill. Rudeness exists on both sides of the political fence. Extremists inhabit both the left and right. The right, however, as a general rule, is incapable of recognizing how extreme its partisans are because hate is their central organizing principle. Dick Cheney, for instance, is one of your heroes and he is not even human.
Where have you been living the last several decades? Your people don’t throw pies, they kill.
Alan Berg would say hello, but…
The “christian” right may well be correct in believing that they are subject to persecution. However, Christ and his original followers, these people have well and truly earned it.
ARRRGH. I did it again. That last sentence should read:
However, UNLIKE Christ and his original followers, they have well and truly earned it.
It may be of interest here that an “Internet safety” bill has just been re-introduced in Congress. It’s basically straight from the Gonzalez “justice” department, and among other things mandates more or less universal tracking of peoples’ online activities. Some Democrats are being sucked along for the ride, under the banner of “Won’t someone please think of the children?”
Not to make my tin hat overly conspicuous or anything (grin!) but it’s not completely impossible that the screech monkeys may be making more noise about “bad things on the net” as a way to garner public support for more government (read that Bush Administration) control.
… good fucking riddance.
Another bleach blond, implanted, gold digging, meth using fucking whore dies.
… good fucking riddance. Another bleach blond, implanted, gold digging, meth using fucking whore dies.
I hesitated to respond to this post, but I could not let it go unchallenged. I know he lives to “hijack” the threads, but to gloat about, and revel in the death of another human being is the lowest of lows. Short dick syndrome and SSAD (Same Sex Attraction Disorder) will do that to you.
1. The woman was a producer, she had more money than you could possible dream of.
2. She was, by all accounts, a caring, giving person. She had her personal demons apparently, but who doesn’t?
3. She was a human being. Unlike MTlyingwelchingRedDick.
4. Losing a child can change a person in unimaginable ways. I hope that MTlyingwelchingRedDick never has to experience that loss.
Mark, you are the rare piece of shit with no redeeming quality. You are crass, rude, ignorant, uneducated, unkind and a coward.
Sucks to be you.
MTR — Some of the happiest days of my life were shortly after Nixon “resigned”. The thought of him wandering around on the beach with baggy rolled-up “slacks”, a metal detector, and a lime green golf shirt still brings a smile.
He was a crook and a quitter and the world is a better place for his passing.
Memo to Los Lib Bro:
MTR — …and don’t get me started on Reagan. If he’d had a pussy he would at least been good for something.
Then again, we’ll never really know!
“Trust, but verify.”
Proud (idiot) leftist…
“Your people don’t throw pies, they kill.”
I’d like you list at 2 liberals or “leftists” that have been killed by conservatives. I’m waiting.
“Dick Cheney, for instance, is one of your heroes and he is not even human.”
Dick Cheney is not one of my heroes (I think he is actually one of yours though since you guys are so hellbent on impeaching Bush which would make Cheney President). I think by most scientific definition Dick CHeney is a human. Your comment shows the total lack of intelligence on your side. Well done. Thank you for proving my point.
You are new here.
Fuck you.
Biffwhacked – Ronald Reagan was the greatest president this country ever had.
If the nobel people had a shred of decency they’d give him the peace prize for ending the cold war and breaking the back of soviets.
woo hoo !!!!!!!!!!!
Fox reporting that The Inventor of The Internet is thinking of running !!!
Go Left……Go Algore….
LMAO !!!!!!!!
Speaking of wingnut bet welshers, two years ago, Jonah Goldberg belched this gem:
“I predict that Iraq won’t have a civil war, that it will have a viable constitution, and that a majority of Iraqis and Americans will, in two years time, agree that the war was worth it. I’ll bet $1,000 (which I can hardly spare right now). This way neither of us can hide behind clever word play or CV reading. If there’s another reasonable wager Cole wants to offer which would measure our judgment, I’m all ears. Money where your mouth is, doc.”
True to rightie form, Golberg now claims that [Juan] Cole never agreed to the wager. A claim that is, of course, a bald faced lie.
Scratch a righie, find a deadbeat. No matter though, as the Kos post points out
“here “intellectuals” would demand honesty is in the premise of the bet: that Jonah declared his judgment (“when it comes to the big picture”) to be superior to Cole’s.”
Which is the crux of the matter, bet accepted or not, these assholes are wrong, wrong, wrong.
re 39: Paul Wellstone, over 3,000 US troops in Iraq, Robert Kennedy, John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King,countless abortion workers, countless gay citizens, Malcolm X, Huey Newton, 200,000 Salvadoran peasants, Moamar Quaddafi’s one year old daughter, 600,000 Iraqis, ad infinitum….
Name Two Wingnuts who’ve been assasinated by anyone. You people are the albatross around the neck of humanity.
“As the nation approaches the calamity that must surely follow an illegal and unprovoked attack against Iran, is there no escape? Or are we about to discover that we have all booked passage on the Titanic, with a deranged captain locked in the bridge and determined to “stay the course”?
There is an escape, though it appears to be a long-shot.
Ernest Partridge, Co-Editor
The Crisis Papers.
February 6, 2007
“The Congress must, without delay, draw a line in the sand, and send a clear message to the White House: “You are hereby forbidden by law to launch an attack on Iran without the permission of the Congress. And if you do so, you will immediately face impeachment, trial, and removal from office.”
We must not go gentle into that dark night that is directly ahead of us.”
The first one of “our” political slugs to rise up and strike back against these wingnut scurvey scum (Malkin, Goldberg, herr Krauthammer, has my undying gratitude…………and my vote(s). All of ’em.
@44: Biff. The last wingnut assassinated was Archduke Ferdinand. Ah, those were the days!
On the February 7 broadcast of his nationally syndicated radio show, Michael Savage claimed that Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice “was chosen by George Bush as part of an affirmative action program in order to make his Cabinet look like America” and called her “a schoolmarm who has been pushed up the ladder all of her life because of social engineering.”
Commenter at 22: what a coward to hide behind a name not yet used. Good for you.
To answer your challenge – I would be disappointed if she ran for office next time around. It would speak volumes about her character.
But I don’t live in her district, so I can’t vote one way or the other.
“The final design for a “doomsday” vault that will house seeds from all known varieties of food crops has been unveiled by the Norwegian government.”
The problem isn’t that Catholic priests can’t keep their hands off children; the problem is they can’t keep their penises out of children’s orifices.
They dont have the teahcers union either which protects thousand of child predator(lety teachers) to this day. Hey the public teacher union has to do something for their dues.
Wasn’t much of the funding of both Iraq and Iran’s weapons programs done under Reagan’s watch?
To think that the Right thinks a man in the first stages of Alzheimer’s was the best president ever just goes to show they prefer shadow governments and behind the scenes control.
I’m glad Edwards kept these two on his staff. Given their level of discourse, it is just a matter of time before they post something embarrassing to the Edwards campaign while on the clock. And, it has the added benefit of knowing what Edwards thinks of Catholics.
Good thing he isn’t living in the America that is populated by losers. He gets to be in the America that has huge homes and evades taxes. He also lives in the half of America that cries about global warming while flying around in a private jet and driving big SUV’s. Little hybrids are for the loser class.
Yer fabulously correct ,Ted. And the Rev. Haggard (He’s got the President’s ear, and God knows what else) Haggard agrees with me 110%!!!!!
Fabulous name, Swimmer!!
@32 You’re just pissed because she wouldn’t let you fuck her!. She told me personally that she didn’t sleep with welshers who don’t pay their gambling debts.
@33 Who gives a rat’s ass what you think. We all know you’re confused.
@35 “to gloat about, and revel in the death of another human being is the lowest of lows”
No, it’s normal behavior for wingnuts. They get off on death. I’ll bet some of them jerk off to Iraq combat footage. I remember one they circulated via e-mail: It shows an Iraqi getting blown in half by a grenade and the legs keep running for several steps after separating from the torso, which has no head. It’s what you call a “wingnut sex film.”
@34 I’ll bet Anna Nicole didn’t leave any unpaid gambling debts behind.I concur with #35, she was a PRODUCER; you’re nothing but a bloodsucker and leech, Redneck!
Hey when is Nicole’s funeral? I am due for another political rally and this would be the perfect venue. Got to keep the base energized you know. bellllcch!!!
@37 On behalf of YOS LIB BRO, I’d like to cordially extend an invitation to KISS MY CUTE COTTONTAIL. For a good time, call 1-800-LICK-ROG.
To each is own. I being a life long liberal jerk off on shooting pregnant Jewish women who are 8 months pregnamt as they flee begging for their life. Instead of thinking about it all the time you liberals should try it.
Ted, if you were 60 years younger, I’d give you a tumble.
Have you ever tried to drowning them. Now that is a kick. The hangover is hell though. Belllchhhh!
@40 HEY!!! A NEWBIE!!! TMFA, allow me to acquaint you with the ad hoc HorsesAss posting rules:
1. This is a liberal blog.
2. Reading this blog is a voluntary activity.
3. Anyone can post here.
4. Comments are not censored or moderated.
5. As liberals, our mission is to verbally kick the living shit out of all you unpatriotic, sociopathic, America-hating fascist trolls!
6. No mercy for wingnuts.
7. Our terms are unconditional surrender.
Any questions?
@41 “Biffwhacked – Ronald Reagan was the greatest president this country ever had. If the nobel people had a shred of decency they’d give him the peace prize for ending the cold war and breaking the back of soviets.”
BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!! For starters, Nancy ran the country while the old fool drooled in his coffee, but I guess you can’t stand to give credit to a woman, hey?
As for the Nobel Peace Prize committee, they knew what they were doing when they gave it to Mikhail Gorbachev “for his leading role in the peace process which today characterizes important parts of the international community” with no mention of Reagan.
@39 TMFA said, “I’d like you list at 2 liberals or ‘leftists’ that have been killed by conservatives.”
I’ll call and raise you two, TMFA:
Sister Maura Clarke
Sister Ita Ford
Sister Dorothy Kazel
Jean Donovan
These are the three nuns and lay missionary who were raped and murdered in El Salvador by rightwing death squads.
@64 You know, the guys Reagan fed arms and money to through his Iran connections? Reagan was a thug and traitor.
Janet S you’d be disappointed? That’s it? After dozens of posts telling the world that Darcy Burner is an unfit mother because she ran for office having a small child, you’d be DISAPPOINTED if your republican friend ran again?
Could you possibly be any more disingenuous? You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. You’ll have to do better than that. I’m going to be reminding you of some of the things you said about Darcy. I expect the same comments for the Publican – unless of course you’re just a piece of shit, lying hypocrite cunt. Thought so.
You tell em Roger.
@42 Redneck, just for you, here is today’s Roger Rabbit Special. Pick one (no substitutions):
[ ] 1. President Al Gore
[ ] 2. President Hillary Clinton
[ ] 3. President Barack Hussein Obama
[ ] 4. President Nancy Pelosi*
* Incumbent as of Nov. 3, 2008
$$$$ on TMFA claiming he meant Americans. Just watch, Bunny, the moron is going to say it.
Have you ever noticed how often GWB uses the word, “FABULOUS!!”??
It’s uncanny!
Here’s one of that cunt Janet S’ funny little attacks on Darcy for being a mother who runs for office.
“I bet darcy will procure excellent child care. That makes her a working mother, not a dedicated mother. A dedicated mother considers being a mother to be the most important job, and to spend the most time possible with that child. Sometimes economics makes that difficult. But Darcy is choosing to leave her child, not being forced through circumstances.”
So Janet S you fucking hypocrite….tell me, can we assume you think that Publican rep McMorris is also not a dedicated mother and that she doesn’t consider being a mother her most important job and that McMorris is CHOOSING to leave her child? I expect a long comment from you on this since you had so much to say about Darcy.
Sucks to have your words available forever so people can remind you what a fucked up hypocrite bitch you are doesn’t it? Get used to it. I am going to be reminding you of this shit every day here you asswipe whore.
@42 Actually, Redneck, Fox didn’t say Gore is thinking of running. As usual, you are distorting the facts. What Fox said is,
“CONCORD, N.H. — Veterans of Al Gore’s past are quietly assembling a campaign to draft the former vice president into the 2008 presidential race – despite his repeated statements that he’s not running.
“His top policy adviser from his 2000 presidential campaign and other key supporters met Thursday in Boston to mull a potential Gore campaign. The participants and Gore’s Nashville office both said Gore … is not involved. … Gore’s spokeswoman, Kalee Kreider, said … ‘he’s been very clear he really has no intention of running for president in 2008[.]'”
Don’t take my word for it; go to the source:,00.html
Redneck, for a guy who claims to have 4 college degrees, you have a hard time keeping even basic facts straight. Makes us wonder if you’re lying about that, too.
Nixon came back and won after losing a close race to Kennedy, so there’s precedent for a Gore race in ’08. And the GOP cheaters won’t have Harris or Blackwell in ’08. It doesn’t really matter who the Democrats run in ’08 because Donald Duck could beat the most corrupt, incompetent, dishonest party in U.S. history but Gore would be an excellent president – if he runs, he’ll get my support in a heartbeat. The only thing Republican crooks and liars can look forward to is perp walks and pink jumpsuits. The American people have had it with them.
Suck on it, rightwing traitors!
P.S., I see the sky is starting to fall on Blackwater.
@60 We leave that sort of shit to you sick-minded wingnut psychos.
Damn that global warming….hehehee Bellllchhhh
@69 It’s always safe to bet money that no wingnut will ever do any research to avoid publicly embarrassing himself, e.g., by claiming the 4 murdered Americans I named weren’t Americans.
What the hell did Anna Nicole Smith produce besides huge fake boobs, two kids and lots of drugs throughout her life?
****Liberals entertain the conceit that they are quite evolved and superior, both morally and intellectually. In their childlike minds, they are “good” and the people who set limits, demand accountability, expect empirical results, fight their enemies and also make judgments about what is good and bad and right and wrong are “bad.”****
doesn’t this just say it all?
I’ll check back in an hour or so to see if TMFA does it. Meanwhile, I have to run an errand for Mrs. Rabbit.
Redneck. (You no longer rate the courtesy of “Mr.”)
What is it with you and women?
Personally, I’ve often felt a bit sad for folks like Ms. Smith. She had attained the dream that many folks have in life, only to find that it left her unhappy and unfulfilled. All the material possessions that money can buy, all the sex, drugs and partying that would fit within her day, and still she always seemed unhappy.
I grieve for her, and pray that she has found peace.
You, on the other hand, seem like someone that would fit right in with Rev. Phelps little “congregation” over at the “Westboro Baptist Church”. Taking pleasure at the death of someone that has done you no harm.
Were you abused as a child? Is there some deep trauma that makes you so hate-filled, especially towards women? Did something happen that made you such a misogynist?
Or is it natural?
I’ll call and raise you two, TMFA:
Sister Maura Clarke
Sister Ita Ford
Sister Dorothy Kazel
Jean Donovan
Yeah household names each and everyone. Are we talking about my wine collection??? Oh wait, neverm… belccccchhh!!
Ken Schram is a Democrat and he says he’s embarrassed by the state legislature.
John Barelli
Redneck has hated women for years. He has been making insulting, cruel and totally outrageous remarks about females ever since I first started reading this blog-site!
He apparantely got totally screwed over by his last wife and he is resentful…………
hey carl…is this you? i mean, the similarities are striking….
Posted by: consious consience at September 15, 2006 09:38 AM
boy oh boy…look what i find when i clean up spam!
so carl…..spill the beans! have you been a bad boy?
personally, i feel very sorry for anna nichole. she wasn’t a very bright bulb, but by all accounts she had a big heart and was used by everyone and everything. i hope she is at peace too ,john.
Yes, it says that Seth Swirsky should stick to writing songs. Apparently he spent considerable time among us without learning anything about us.
His writings seem to indicate that since President Bush spoke politely to Senator Kennedy, the Clintons and their daughter, that it was unforgivable that they should criticize his invasion of Iraq and starting a war that has caused countless (apparently literally, as we have lost count) deaths. Somehow, I doubt that the meatloaf at dinner was good enough to justify the war.
Essentially, it says that Seth Swirsky is an idiot and a mouthpiece for the far right, belonging right next to Michael Savage and Michelle Malkin.
Yep, that says it all.
Nice to see that we can disagree politically about almost everything, and still find something in common. Odd that it should be a certain sadness for Ms. Smith, but good, too.
so, john, are you trying to say that what he had to say [all your personal attacks aside] has no merit at all?
you just did in your post, exactly what he was talking about.
it’s a real thinker alright………
don’t be so dim.
and “peace”???
aren’t you supposed to say something totally inane like peace out…or something?
john…i find it very surprising that you do not see YOURSELF in what he had to say. you seem surprised that i would feel very badly for anna nichole…why wouldn’t i? because i am a big bad conservative? if you aren’t the walking talking poster child for what he had to say……
just think about it…would it kill you?
re 77: You are so full of shit, I don’t even know where to start. In fact, just shut the fuck up.
re 76: She had a lot of money. By Wingnut ideology, that makes her a superior being — a Producer!
You don’t have to work or do anything productive to be a Wingnut authorized Producer, just have a lot of money.
If you invest some money (usually borrowed and with all your personal wealth hidden and protected) you are a “risk taker” and even more worthy of admiration.
It’s your ideology, Smegmac. I don’t see why you have such a hard time understanding its ramifications.
Commenter @ 71: Still hiding behind your clever little name? Good for you. You are such a guy!
I’m not being hypocritical at all. Darcy had a child that she showed no interest in raising. (Fortunately, she now has plenty of time to devote to being a good mother.) If McMorris shows the same preference for power over children, I’ll be glad to call her on it. So far, who knows?
Your invective seems a little over the top. But, then, I’m used to lefties resorting to obscenities. It is so much easier than real thought.
Don’t flatter yourself. I never heard of you before a week ago and I have not thought of you since.
Get a life, sweetie.
76 “sgmmac says: What the hell did Anna Nicole Smith produce besides huge fake boobs, two kids and lots of drugs throughout her life? 02/08/2007 at 10:15 pm”
I’m under the impression Anna Nicole was a net consumer, not producer, of drugs but that aside her magazine spreads, TV shows, and other endeavors in the entertainment industry sold ads that sold products, and selling products keeps factories humming and creates jobs. That’s why top models, athletes, and other celebrities get big bucks.
Doesn’t it stick in your craw that one 30-second spot by Paris Hilton is worth more than your entire Army career, Mac? Gotta love free market capitalism — anybody with fake boobs and the right connections can get rich! No brains required. Even one of my cousins made it big — he dyed himself pink and pitched flashlight batteries while beating on a toy drum. Now he rides in a limo and flashes a big diamond ring.
@77 The last 6 years have proved the intellectual and moral inferiority of conservatives. Now — what were you saying about liberals?
@81 Isn’t it fascinating to see a TV commentator who calls himself a Democrat criticizing … Democrats? That’s something you’d never see a Republican commentator do, no matter how badly Republicans screwed up.
@81 That’s one of the big differences between our side and your side, Mac … we accept criticism and make changes. That’s why we’re better.
@81 (continued) But I want to know what’s buried in those GOP bills, because I can’t believe all the Democrats in the legislature want to release dangerous felons into our communities. I’ve got a feeling Schram missed some fine print.
@82 Mac, it’s about money — Redneck can’t get over the $500,000 property settlement he had to pay to his late drug addict ex-wife. So now he hates all women.
Hey, nobody forced him to marry the bitch. He’s got no one to blame but himself for that!
He tried to tell readers of this blog the 500 grand was child support, but no one has to pay that much child support for 1 kid. It isn’t possible under our state’s child support schedule. Well, maybe if he threatened to kill the judge …
@83 The atrocious spelling suggests it was posted by a brain-damaged wingnut.
@46 This just in! Tsar Nicholas Romanoff executed in Siberia! From the Wingnut Daily.
@84 When wingnuts look at liberals, they see what they want to see, and choose not to see all that liberals have given them:
“Day in the Life of Joe Middle-Class Republican
“By John Gray Cincinnati, Ohio
“Joe gets up at 6:00am to prepare his morning coffee. He fills his pot full of good clean drinking water because some liberal fought for minimum water quality standards. He takes his daily medication with his first swallow of coffee. His medications are safe to take because some liberal fought to insure their safety and work as advertised. All but $10.00 of his medications are paid for by his employers medical plan because some liberal union workers fought their employers for paid medical insurance, now Joe gets it too. He prepares his morning breakfast, bacon and eggs this day. Joe’s bacon is safe to eat because some liberal fought for laws to regulate the meat packing industry. Joe takes his morning shower reaching for his shampoo; his bottle is properly labeled with every ingredient and the amount of its contents because some liberal fought for his right to know what he was putting on his body and how much it contained. Joe dresses, walks outside and takes a deep breath. The air he breathes is clean because some tree hugging liberal fought for laws to stop industries from polluting our air. He walks to the subway station for his government subsidized ride to work; it saves him considerable money in parking and transportation fees. You see, some liberal fought for affordable public transportation, which gives everyone the opportunity to be a contributor.
“Joe begins his work day; he has a good job with excellent pay, medicals benefits, retirement, paid holidays and vacation because some liberal union members fought and died for these working standards. Joe’s employer pays these standards because Joe’s employer doesn’t want his employees to call the union. If Joe is hurt on the job or becomes unemployed he’ll get a worker compensation or unemployment check because some liberal didn’t think he should loose his home because of his temporary misfortune.
“Its noon time, Joe needs to make a bank deposit so he can pay some bills. Joe’s deposit is federally insured by the FSLIC because some liberal wanted to protect Joe’s money from unscrupulous bankers who ruined the banking system before the depression. Joe has to pay his Fannie Mae underwritten Mortgage and his below market federal student loan because some stupid liberal decided that Joe and the government would be better off if he was educated and earned more money over his life-time.
“Joe is home from work, he plans to visit his father this evening at his farm home in the country. He gets in his car for the drive to dad’s; his car is among the safest in the world because some liberal fought for car safety standards. He arrives at his boyhood home. He was the third generation to live in the house financed by Farmers Home Administration because bankers didn’t want to make rural loans. The house didn’t have electricity until some big government liberal stuck his nose where it didn’t belong and demanded rural electrification. (Those rural Republicans would still be sitting in the dark.) He is happy to see his dad who is now retired. His dad lives on Social Security and his union pension because some liberal made sure he could take care of himself so Joe wouldn’t have to. After his visit with dad he gets back in his car for the ride home.
“He turns on a radio talk show, the host keeps saying that liberals are bad and conservatives are good. (He doesn’t tell Joe that his beloved Republicans have fought against every protection and benefit Joe enjoys throughout his day.) Joe agrees, ‘We don’t need those big government liberals ruining our lives; after all, I’m a self made man who believes everyone should take care of themselves, just like I have’.”
Roger@96 I dunno, somehow I thought that divorce was in Illinois. . .I mean, that’s where Jeff. . .I mean Mark. . .took his degree in engineering, wasn’t it?
wow! This thread is already up to 100 posts! That’s more than the pathetic little competing blog gets in six months.
You mean that funny little blog run by the house husband? Another producer.
@80 Isn’t that just like a Republican? To denigrate the memory of four Christian women who were murdered in cold blood by rightwing terrorists? Shame on you.
@102 Yeah, that’s the one — the guy with the Russsian name who spends all his time blogging while his lawyer wife makes the payments on their $800,000 house.
Roger@103 Hell, he pr’olly got a woody when you reminded him of those women.
@64 Looks like TMFA bailed out of here.
RR@64 Lest you forget, Nancy was getting help from an astrologer. . .
“5. As liberals, our mission is to verbally kick the living shit out of all you unpatriotic, sociopathic, America-hating fascist trolls!”
Thank you for proving my point about the loony, unstable left. Good to see you’ve got an advanced case of BDS. So we’re not allowed to question your patriotism, but you are allowed to question ours? Liberal hypocrisy & idiocy at its finest..
“Any questions?”
Yes, Did you eat paint chips as a kid???
Sybil illiterately requests:
I’d like you list at 2 liberals or “leftists” that have been killed by conservatives.
Alan Berg and Barnett Slepian, and let’s throw in Martin Luther King, Jr. too.
Janet S I see how right wing nutjobs are born. Your Publican friend is fucking preggers. Right now. She’s in office right now. Pursuant to your doctrine she should quit right now. And yet you stand silent. Don’t worry, you gave me plenty of gems to work with here. I’ll be reminding you (and everyone else) of them soon.
You show exactly how much koolaid you’ve been drinking when you take obvious facts and deny them.
Do you teach your children to lie?
Oh yes, so I don’t disappoint – you’re a bitch.
Commenter @110: It would be nice if you weren’t such a coward. Throwing insults while hiding? Typical for a liberal. Don’t you have more interesting things to think about than what my opinion is of a representative that doesn’t represent my district? I think Nancy Pelosi is a big hypocrite for driving a huge SUV to a global warming meeting. What you do you think?
So she is pregnant. Good for her. Do you have some inside information about what she is going to do next? I don’t. Frankly, I don’t care. Like I said, if she stays in office, I’d have the same criticism for her that I did for Darcy. But that hasn’t happened yet, so what’s the point?
Oh, @110, your name is kind of stupid, given that I have given my reaction. But don’t let that get in the way of you making a fool of yourself.
Goldy – this is obviously someone who regularly comments here. Any clues who it is?
Janet S. You are wrong about everything.
Everything you know is wrong.
Richard Pope @ 16:
That was an ignorant series of remarks, dude. You really need to go read a book. This one should help you answer those “questions”.
Janet S you should use your full legal name and address when you post or you are a coward. See how poor your arguments are? Man if you’re the best the right has to offer then no wonder we won the largest political victory in history last Nov.
McMorris is pregnant NOW – right fucking NOW. Her working while pregnant must be just as bad for the kid as it would be once the kid is born. Where’s your call for her to step down? I don’t need inside info. She’s pregnant and serving in Congress.
Once again you’re made to look like a typical Publican hypocrite.
Roger @ 91
You’re being modest….you were the star of your very own movie, weren’t you?
I’m honest enough to post under the same name consistently. See Roger’s comments about fear of reprisal for why I don’t use my full name and address.
I’m trying to figure out why you guys are so full of hatred. It must take a lot of your energy to work up that much of a froth over things I say. You also seem to be quite worked up over the fact that someone got pregnant. I’ll see what she does when she has the baby. I guess I missed the scientific research that said working while pregnant was harmful to the health of the baby. But there is plenty of evidence that a mother who devotes herself to her child raises a much healthier and happier child. This was true for Darcy, and will also be true for McMorris. Where is the hypocrisy?
I never claimed to be the “best that the right has to offer.” I state my opinions. If you disagree, fine. But to declare that I am wrong all the time just points out how closed minded you on the left are. In your world, there are no competing views. Good to know. Guess that’s why you resort to the obscenities. It covers ignorance.
@108 “So we’re not allowed to question your patriotism, but you are allowed to question ours? Liberal hypocrisy & idiocy at its finest..”
No — just payback, asshole! It’s a simple concept; what part of it don’t you understand? I’ll stop when your side stops. Since you pigfuckers started it … you go first.
@110 May I offer one minor revision? To wit, Janet Slut is a LYING bitch.
@111 “Don’t you have more interesting things to think about than what my opinion is of a representative that doesn’t represent my district?”
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! That’s your answer? THAT’S YOUR FUCKING ANSWER? You spent the whole campaign criticizing Darcy for running for Congress instead of staying home to raise her kid, and that’s your fucking answer to the same question about McMorris? That it’s of no concern to you because she doesn’t represent your district? You’ve just exposed yourself as a transparently partisan two-faced hypocrite! You’ll have to do better than that, Kevin Carns.
Personal attacks? Perhaps against Mr. Swirsky, as I did call the man an idiot, but not against you.
No merit? Hmmm. Mr. Swirsky makes blanket statements defining “liberals” in a way that doesn’t apply even to some of the most vocal among us here, and this is a pretty far-left bunch most days. At least a few of these folks consider me to be right-wing.
But, just for fun, let’s look at what he has to say in your quote.
In their childlike minds, they are “good” and the people who set limits, demand accountability, expect empirical results, fight their enemies and also make judgments about what is good and bad and right and wrong are “bad.”
People who set limits are bad? We’ve been advocating limits to a war that is killing thousands of Americans. Of course, he’s speaking of limits to personal behaviour that most liberals, myself included, feel are not the proper business of government to regulate.
Demanding accountability is bad? Uh, christmasghost? Have we been reading the same blog? Again, of course, he is talking about accountability for things that we see as personal decisions, not the business of government to control.
Fighting our enemies is bad? Of course not. Wasting billions of dollars while letting our enemies run free and alienating the countries that should be our allies in the fight is bad.
Making judgements about right and wrong are bad? Hmmm. Sometimes, when you expect to use the force of law to back up your judgements, and those judgements have to do with personal choices that are not the business of government.
No, I’m pleased that we have that in common, although you might want to have a little talk to at least one of your fellow posters from the right.
Scratch that. You aren’t responsible for the opinions of Redneck. True conservatives do not march in lockstep any more than liberals do, which is something that Mr. Swirsky does not seem to have figured out.
Are there liberals that also haven’t figured that out? Oh, yes. Of course there are. By our nature, we tend to attract a younger, more energetic and idealistic crowd. (Not always. There are lots of exceptions on both sides.)
Younger folks tend to see the world in more of a black and white, right or wrong, this or that manner. (Again, not always.) Us old coots tend to see more shades of gray, and realize that the folks on the other side of an issue are not necessarily villians.
No, I wasn’t surprised. I was pleased. I did find it odd that the subject we could agree upon was Ms. Smith, as she seems like a very unlikely subject.
Seems that something good can come out of anything.
Oh, and my son gets mad at me when I try to use phrases like “peace out”. Truly, my simple wish for you is “peace”.
@120 Of course, we’ve always known you’re a two faced hypocrite, Kevin! That’s not exactly a revelation.
@116 No. Totally different rabbit. I want to make it crystal clear that I (and my screen name) have absolutely nothing to do with any cartoon character that may be copyrighted and/or trademarked by a movie studio. My mommy gave me my screen name (she liked its alliterative qualities), and as I’m well over 60 yars old, I came out long before the movie did! If anyone’s gonna sue for infringement, they owe me, not the other way around.
P.S. – My fur is white, not pink; and Mrs. Rabbit’s first name is not Jessica.
@117 Hatred? How does expecting you to apply the same standard to McMorris that you use to judge Darcy constitute “hatred”? We’re merely calling bullshit on your specious criticism of a far better candidate than were elected in either district, the insincerity of which is now overtly manifest.
You guys are weird. I’ve stated that McMorris should stay at home with her baby. At this point I don’t have information whether she will or won’t. Do you?
If I lived in her district I would not look favorably on her starting a family so soon after taking a full time job representing my interests in DC. This is entirely consistent with the comments I made about Darcy.
I get the feeling you guys don’t actually read. You just have your little prepared thoughts, and that is all you post. Kind of pathetic.
It appears to be “be nice to conservatives” day over at the Barelli keyboard. Perhaps a couple of asprin will clear it up. Still, while I’m here, I might as well.
Janet isn’t being any more hypocritical than we are, on a regular basis.
For example, while we have all criticized Rep Jefferson for his apparent ethical (and possibly legal) lapses, we would have been far harder on the man had he been a Republican.
The vitriol would have literally dripped from these pages, and many here would never have let it go until the man was behind bars, and even then, we’d bring it up on a regular basis, just to tweak the noses of the righties.
As it is, we’d really rather not talk about it. He’s an embarassment, and proof that being liberal does not automatically equate to being honest or honorable.
Janet S has said her bit on Ms. McMorris, and surprisingly, did not simply claim that it was a different thing altogether.
By the way. I disagree with her position, and I’m more than just a bit surprised that we don’t see folks here hoping that both she and Ms. McMorris learn some valuable lessons as she struggles with balancing work and family.
Thanks, John, I think. Women who work in order to feed their families are seeing to their primary reponsibility, providing for their children. This is a world apart from those who engage in activities that are a diversion from that primary duty. Darcy’s resume showed she was bored with motherhood almost immediately, and sought out new activities that took her away from her child. She didn’t need to work, in fact she went to law school, which cost her money. Presumably running for Congress cost her a lot as well, so we know she wasn’t in it to buy new shoes for her son.
Like I said, I don’t know what McMorris will do. I don’t think Congress is a good place for a new mother. There really isn’t anything admirable about mismanaging your life in such a way that your child suffers the consequences.
Roger, how can I be both Kevin Cairns and Pam Roach? Of course, I’m neither. But go ahead with your accusations and rude language and crude characterizations, if that’s what makes you happy. Seems to me like a waste of energy, but hey, who am I to judge?
john…i’ll bet your son does get mad! i am relieved that you don’t use that stupid phrase.
kudos to you for this comment :
:For example, while we have all criticized Rep Jefferson for his apparent ethical (and possibly legal) lapses, we would have been far harder on the man had he been a Republican.
The vitriol would have literally dripped from these pages, and many here would never have let it go until the man was behind bars, and even then, we’d bring it up on a regular basis, just to tweak the noses of the righties.
As it is, we’d really rather not talk about it. He’s an embarassment, and proof that being liberal does not automatically equate to being honest or honorable.
well john…i owe you an apology. you are a smart man and obviously not of the far left. you and i have our different views but neither of us march in lock-step with anyone.
expect to get slaughtered by the far left of left loons on here though……
re 128: There are no far left loons on this blog — unless disagreeing with you and being a Democrat is your definition of a “loon”. You support a party that lied us into a war, spits on the Constitution, and is at this very moment building huge concentration camps right under your nose.
You are the oblivious loon, not us.
“well john…i owe you an apology. you are a smart man and obviously not of the far left. you and i have our different views but neither of us march in lock-step with anyone.
expect to get slaughtered by the far left of left loons on here though……”
sock monkey @129…….what? goldy…you have run out of imaginative names for your appendages?
So if McMorris doesn’t quit, we’ll assume that she’s “bored with motherhood” per that lying cunt Janet S and wait for the time when Janet declares McMorris a bad mother. Of course Janet S will have been long gone from here by then. Like the dozens of other kool-aid drinking, right wing chickenshit chickenhawks that ran from here with their tales between their legs when we won in Nov. But in case she has the stones to show up, yes Janet S I will be here to remind you of your words.
Geez, it is almost funny. I make a statement, and then you write a diatribe that makes no sense but has lots of personal invective and obscenities.
Like I’ve said, if you had something worthwhile to say, you wouldn’t have to resort to the nonsense you write here. How does McMorris getting pregnant have anything to do with the November elections?
Goldy you are having a wet dream over this mistake by Edward’s. Edward’s showed what a coward he is by cowering to the nutroots. Being from the right we are happy he chose to keep the foul mouthed vixens in his employ as it is something that can be used against him later. I do find it odd that you on the left claim that using your own words against you amounts to a smear though. How do you account for that?
As for your ridiculous assumption that Edward’s, by keeping the catholic haters in his employ has stopped anyone from researching the past screeds of those in others. You are dreaming. You may want to remember Malkin’s relentless notification to voters regarding Jane Hamshers portrayal of Joseph Lieberman in blackface. If you will remember, Ned Lamont the nutroots candidate lost big in a very blue state.
If John Edwards becomes the democrat nominee the right we bill happy to use his employees quotes against him and because exposing how foul mouthed and bigoted those of you on the left has garnered national attention all bloggers for democratics will be closely looked at.
Thanks John. By the way, that’s a nice mansion you have in the other America.
Like I suspected, Janet S has resorted to the Publican playbook 101, deflect when called with facts.
You said Darcy was “bored with motherhood” Janet S – can we expect you to say the same of your Publican friend McMorris?
134 – this is why I don’t give my real name. You are resembling a cyber stalker.
janet….he is really resembling a fool. and people wonder why no one[in their right mind] uses their real names?
you know what they say…immitation is the biggest form of flattery. and in this case it’s also a sign that the complete idiot doing it has never had an original idea of his own.
but then, when we go “slumming” on HA is that really surprising? LOL.
and most likely it’s goldy doing it. he has to ‘fluff’ his numbers you know!