Only several hours after Ed Murray decided against running for reelection, the HA Editorial Board decided to endorse Ed Murray not running for reelection. Unlike The Seattle Times or other editorial boards, the HA Editorial Board encourages dissent (at Drinking Liberally last night).
So no, Ed Murray can run if he wants. Nothing has been proven. That said, if he decides to run, or even just in his public statements and defense in court, he should stop the victim blaming. And obviously, fuck him if he did it.
Carl Ballard
When enough money is transferred from Murray to the accusers, this will all be over and forgotten. Murray will live out his life quietly and comfortably.
Four accusers from two cities.
On a per-city basis, Ed Mole has probably more accusers than Bill Cosby has.
I wonder if Putin has a mole – maybe Drumpf could tell us….or Boob.
What’s worse – you have sex with a few willing people that regret it later or you regret marrying someone whom you marry and by the laws of matrimony your partner thinks he can drag you down a set of stairs?
I wonder if dead bodies will start to pop up all over DC like they have been in Russia.
@2 And, as every asswipe wingnut knows, being accused is the same thing as being convicted.
I suspect things were a little wild and crazy putting the Times to bed last night. This morning’s front page suggests some hurried efforts to get at least something there about each of the plethora of late breaking stories. Quite possibly the original plan would have had the “big” piece to be about Doctor Dickhead at Cherry Hill getting his license pulled.
On April 10, UAL’s stock closed at $71.52.
April 11 the story about the guy dragged off the plane broke.
Right now it’s at $78.20.
Never let a crisis go to waste. I read that once, somewhere.
Despite being a consistent dumbfuck, Врач немой ебать was probably right about one thing: Justice Kennedy must have been gratified and encouraged by the appointment of Neil Gorsuch to The Court. And who knows? Maybe that gave him some confidence that, should he retire in the next few years, President
NixonFuckface Von Clowstick would replace him with an able jurist devoted to preserving The Constitution.But, now… I’m thinking not so much.
Congratulations Hillbilly-Traitors. And just in case I forget to mention it,
told you so.
Also, re: Rosenstein’s memo that President
NixonFuckface Von Clownstick is relying on to justify sabotaging the treason investigation:Three pages of hastily assembled political opinions from a career legal expert. Not that the two are always mutually exclusive. But the rationale as stated is entirely political and has no real grounding in the Department of Justice as a law enforcement agency. President
NixonFuckface Von Clownstick has any number of perfectly incompetent and deeply crooked partisan political advisers available to consult with him about “the public confidence” in any given federal agency. By volunteering to put his name on this memo Rosenstein clearly demonstrates how he views his role in this administration – political and not legal.Thus he can have no legitimate role in the investigation into corruption and espionage at the heart of President
Nixon’sFuckface Von Clownstick’s political campaign and the Hillbilly-Traitor Party.@8 And here’s Boob celebrating UAL’s bad behavior. Are you a fucking misanthrope, Boob? Do you hate your fellow human beings? Still miffed because you didn’t get the Daniel Plainview role in “There Will Be Blood?” You should have; you’re perfect for the part. You wouldn’t even have had to act, you could just be your natural self.
John Podhoretz’s defense of Comey’s firing is that Comey deserved to be fired last July. This is true, but completely misses the point that everyone else seems to get, namely, this firing isn’t about Comey’s misdeeds but about Trump trying to cover up his own misdeeds. That’s what makes it an impeachable offense.
Expect to see more such oratorical gymnastics from the rightwing intelligentsia as they grasp at straws to put lipstick on this pig (the oinker is Trump not Comey).
@ 11
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, this was one person having a temper tantrum and a video of his removal by airport police, not by United personnel.
This wasn’t an Exxon Valdez event.
All I did was point out the opportunity that arose mid-day during a very, very brief selloff of the stock. I didn’t even buy the stock. In fact, I didn’t buy anything.
If someone wants to buy a put to protect his or her downside, the least I can do is to help by participating in his bet-hedging.
ask yourself: who’s the “greater fool”:
The guy buying a put to hedge a company facing widespread public disapproval?
Or the guy who occupies his “golden years” angrily pimping daily Russian treason-hashtags to destroy that bitch!
Podhoretz is telegraphing here.
Give it time, and of course a new, “improved”, and compliant FBI Director, and we’ll see the fullness of the Russian-Hillbilly-Treason plans and the real reason President
NixonFuckface Von Clownstick fired Comey: he wants Clinton indicted.Breathtaking it it’s efficiency, if you think about it.
@ 14
ask yourself: who’s the “greater fool”:…
The guy who purchased the put is out around 900 bucks for having done so. Oh, and probably still holds stock in a company you seem to despise.
The guy who sold the put pocketed that premium on the day of sale and in mid-June it will expire, almost certainly worthless. This guy didn’t own the stock at any time.
Really not such a tough question. Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit might even get the answer correct on this one.
Plenty of widespread public disapproval to go around. AA, come get your share.
Black Passenger Says American Airlines Forced Her to Give Up Her 1st-Class Seat but Let Her White Friend Remain
Meanwhile, planes are still nearly full. Siddown, shaddup.
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
Paul Krugman ✔ @paulkrugman
And again, let’s be clear: anyone helping with this obvious coverup is deliberately being complicit with possible foreign subversion 3/
Is it bad that I helped with the stock market advance on November 9th of last year? I did so by not wetting my pants on the night of November 8th.
And when it’s disproven possible foreign subversion, would those anyones still be complicit?
Ah, yes.
But what of the poor, great, lonely fool who, having toiled through his twenties buried in books, toiled through his thirties buried in bodily filth, toiled through his forties buried in divorce litigation, toiled through his fifties digging out of debt and paying for his retirement, now toils through his sixties nurturing his many crippling grudges and crowing about what must pass for his only achievements in life – his earnings.
The Theory of the Greater немой ебать.
@ 19
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s in his 60s and is buried in bodily filth. His own.
@ 12
The funny thing is, they’re putting that lipstick on the wrong end, trying to convince people to keep kissing and nobody is buying it.
‘Cept for the quack and the schiz. They love them some piggie anus. Especially when it’s all nice and shiny and red, just like a fresh springtime rose.
They don’t want The United States to look like it did in 1960. They want it to look like it did in 1760.
When enough money is transferred from Murray to the accusers, this will all be over and forgotten.
No, once the suit is no longer harming Murray, or there is a danger of his name being cleared in court, or a danger of Rule 11 being found violated, then the sole plaintiff in the suit will be found dead one morning with Tacoma bus tire prints all across his back.
And Jack Connelly will then bankroll a wrongful-death suit against Murray.
Trump’s mouthpiece, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, daughter of Mike Huckabee, says Comey was fired because he committed “atrocities.”
So, I wanna know: Who did he have killed?
As you know, Murray’s lawyers have already raised the issue of Rule 11. If the underlying suit is suddenly dropped by the plaintiff, does the Rule 11 matter immediately die with it?
Hey, in all the hoopla over Comey’s ouster and Ed Mole’s realization that at some point he’ll have to have his ballsack evaluated by someone who isn’t blind if this court case against him progresses, I failed to note that two Seattle restaurant closures were reported.
There’s Dot’s Butcher & Deli in the Market
and Young American Ale House in Ballard.
Never heard of either. Wonder if Carl has visited the ale house.
But hey, Here Lies Love was a lot of fun last nite. Make sure you get the floor (standing room) tickets instead of the gallery seats. Other than Lynch tried waaaay too hard to make that title song a catchy tune people would take home with them, it was a lot of fun.
Wow Boob – for a doctor – is losing it. Stay classy Doc. Most doctors practice until they die or are walking with a cane. Understandable why Boob is retired – probably didn’t have to many patients that were willing to continue with the dumbfuck.
@21 We are all Russians now.
@23 man that is one ugly pig…..she’s got to be drinking as much soft drinks as daddy love. I’m still waiting for daddy love to give us inspiration by telling everyone again that he’d like to find a cure for cancer (as he’s drinking the Coke). What a bunch of dumbfucks of a party.
No one sums up the situation better than Hamilton Nolan:
“Trump has treated the American people, broadly speaking, as shit-eating dumbasses, but his base of support there may not last; more specifically, he is treating Congress as shit-eating dumbasses, and even more specifically, he is treating Republicans in Congress as shit-eating dumbasses. He is acting in ways that are so obviously corrupt that they cannot be hidden, and then giving obviously false explanations for his behavior, on the assumption that the Republicans in Congress will back him up on anything as long as they can get some tax cuts out of it, and therefore he has no need to moderate his behavior. I hate the fact that I have been reduced to appealing to the morality and conscience of Republican congressmen, of all people, but: Come on. All of you are standing on stage in front of the entire world, shoveling shit into your mouths, putting down the spoon, and saying, ‘Yum, I love this sugar! Sure doesn’t taste like shit to me!'”
@16 Still don’t know what the free lunch in the stock market is, eh? I’m surprised by your ignorance because it involves the most basic rule of investing there is.
@29 we are all Russian. Wash Dow that shit with Vodka.
@30 dividends?
@19 Well, I guess he’s earned the right to be bitter, having gone through all that, albeit it was self-inflicted.
@24 No.
@26 “probably didn’t have to many patients that were willing to continue with the dumbfuck”
Perhaps they’re not in a condition to need his further services …
@32 No, diversification. It reduces risk at no cost.
Even Vox thinks Comey should be gone…
Sux to be “K/K2”
atrocity: a wicked act…
Reading early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger DOUBLE DUMBFUCK wabbit posts are atrocities to the eyes!
What’s the point? Neither were the fast casual sector you bleat about regularly. One was a $10+ sandwich concept that failed and he tried to revive it in one of the most competitive foodie parts of town where if you aren’t getting tourists to give you a shot on top of locals you die. The other was a high end gastropub opened to finish the lease of another failed concept by a second tier celebrity chef. Clearly the minimum wage has something to do with it or Boob wouldn’t notice.
Tom Douglas’ Himalayan concept didn’t work out either. Most eateries fail.
It’s actually comical, the lengths to which opponents of the minimum wage will go to highlight every possible closure of a restaurant.
In Belltown, Bell + Whete closed because their concept, Norman-style recipes, failed because there’s a reason no one still cooks like people did in England 900+ years ago.
So, the owner closed it, re-evaluated his business model, and opened Belltown Brewery in the same space. It’s been crowded ever since.
BTW, Dumbfuck, did you dine in Seattle on the same night you saw the show? Or does the very thought of restaurants having to pay their employees well just turn your stomach?
37, 38,
Doesn’t he realize that every single one of the dead-eyed, pig-people he admires and whose lies he so dutifully repeats are getting paid to tell them?
Every man’s dignity has a price. And here’s another pathetic, morally bankrupt stooge who won’t be undersold.
I know that I’m not under investigation. Me, personally. I’m not talking about campaigns, I’m not talking about anything else. I’m not under investigation.”
There it is. He’s going to burn them all to save himself if he has to. Even Jared. But they really should have known that going in.
Latest Developments on Comey: Acting F.B.I. Chief Contradicts White House
■ Andrew G. McCabe, the acting director of the F.B.I., is testifying before the Senate Intelligence Committee.
■ Mr. McCabe contradicted the White House’s assertion that James B. Comey, the F.B.I. director fired by President Trump this week, had lost the support of rank-and-file F.B.I. agents.
NY Times
The DUMPSTER caught in another LIE.
The morning after the DUMPSTER fired FBI Director James Comey the DUMPSTER meets with RUSSIANS Lavrov and Kislyak along with a TASS photographer who took photos of the meeting and posted them online.
The DUMPSTER now claims the RUSSIANS tricked him. I guess that is what happens when you bring a DUMPSTER to a gun fight.
@42 I wonder if Boob went to Russia for that recent “business” (Or kneeling visit before the shirtless pony rider) trip?
@44 this is becoming so pathetic – this country is becoming a second class nation.
Long Live Ireland!
Not yet, but the DUMPSTER is working on it.
The DUMPSTER is automating the YOU’RE FIRED process.
Then he will fire everyone in the FBI and Justice.
Soon enough Mexico is going to want that DUMPSTER wall to keep out all the illegals from North of the border.
Oh the irony…
It’s becoming obvious that Spicer’s position so frustrates him it leaves him hiding among the White House bushes. But in the end it may save him. Remember Ron Ziegler stuck by the degenerate Nixon through thick and thin. But Ziegler’s lies were guileless and he was never admitted into Nixon’s criminal inner circle. Spicer should be so lucky. Or he should wise the fuck up and quit.
Anybody seen DARREL ISSA? His investigative talents are needed.
I demand to know the DUMPSTER’s involvement in BENGHAZI!!!.
I demand to see the DUMPSTER’s birth certificate.
I demand to see the DUMPSTER’s porn collection!!!!!!!
No, it’s what happens when a guy who has had so much privilege in life that he could benought into the Ivy League and Wharton, lose millions, have his family bail him out then cheat creditors to achieve a fortune and STILL on his heart of hearts believe he’s a smart hard working guy who earned everything gets a job he’s totally unprepared for and has a personality that can’t accept not being a natural at everything.
It’s also the result of a racist going , “I’m not going to do anything the black African Muslim Kenyan did even if it was really sensible like not letting potential foreign agents into the Oval Office with recording devices. It’s my White House now and fuck those pansies at the secret service. I don’t need their advice.”
There’s presumably still a bunch of people in Hawaii learning about the birth certificate and transcripts somewhere that shiw the editor of Harvard Law Review was a bad student. The negro couldn’t be smart, amiright?
“But, her e-mails. They were insecure!”