Democrats John Corzine and Tim Kaine have apparently won their races for governor in New Jersey and Virginia respectively. Corzine has a commanding 54% to 43% lead with 58% of precincts reporting. And I love this little description of Kaine’s victory:
Democrat Lt. Gov. Tim Kaine won the Virginia governor’s race Tuesday, soundly defeating Republican Jerry Kilgore in a contest for a GOP-leaning state that was closely watched by political analysts for signs of the public’s mood ahead of next year’s midterm elections.
Kilgore lost despite a last-minute rally with President Bush and a harsh campaign ad that alleged that Kaine, a Roman Catholic opposed to the death penalty, would not have executed Adolf Hitler.
Kaine had 812,235 votes, or 51.2 percent, to Kilgore’s 737,747 votes, or 46.5 percent, with 82 percent of precincts reporting.
These were the two highest profile races in today’s election, and neither bodes well for the Republicans. Goody.
Corzine; isn’t he the mean banker who stole from widows and orphans, to finance his win.
Tell me middle class folks didn’t end up transferring wealth to the investment bankers….come on….mutual funds overpaying, fees, guys like Corzine making $100mm…
Oh, yeah, he’s pro abortion, so the heck w/ the economic justice crap
Man, if I were an Repuglican candidate, the last thing I would want is for Bush to even fly over my state let alone attend a rally for me!
What was Kilgore thinking?
righton @ 1, I have no idea if what you claim is true, but you are oblivious to the reality.
Until the Republican party forcefully renounces the Neo-Con’s and the Bush administration they are dead meat!
Quit blogging righton, and get busy taking back your party from these fascist thugs!
Tim Kaine is a great man, a real gentleman, and VA is in a good place right now. It’s about to become (dare I say?!) a swing state.
Corzine is a nice hold, and he’s ethically a 180 from McGreevey. Hopefully he’ll appoint Codey to his Senate seat, and defuse the primary race.
Today has been a very good day for the DNC.
You can fool all of the people some of the time,
You can fool some of the people all of the time,
But the GOP is finally finding that they cannot fool all of the people all of the time.
Now, the Dems should push on to ’06 and the need to have at least one house so their is some sort of check and balance to the Bush administration. It is time to restore honor and integrity to the White House.
When I say I want to crush the Reps. what I’m really talking about is the x-treme righties. I want to see right wing dominionist religionists (they’re not Christians) viewed once again as the ignorant GOMERS they are. Well neo-cons, there’s your base and you’re welcome to it. A political marriage made in Hell…
Ballots Cast/Registered Voters: 100000 / 1015738 9.85%
Precincts Counted/Total Precincts: 0 / 2573 0.00%
County Executive
Ron Sims DEM 100000 100.00%
David Irons REP 0 0.00%
Gentry Lange G 0 0.00%
Write-in 0 0.00%
Things wrapped up here in Texas pretty much as I expected…Oh, yeah, Goldy – how things going?
You may as well add all the fruadulent donk votes ahead of time vs how they are added incrementally over the course of the election. A republican has to get at least 3-5 % more then to donk candidate just to pull even in King County.
BTW – Richard Pope:
Marks @ 10
I did make one serious mistake. I forgot to make sure that more ballots were counted than registered voters casting them! DARN!
@ 9 “A republican has to get at least {1}3-{1}5 % {fraudulent votes}
then to than a donk candidate{s real votes} just to pull even in King County.Rp @11
And that makes you more cautious than Dean Logan, who did not forget to mistake the outcome…
Donna @ 12
And how many votes does a Wabbit have to get?
I-912 is ahead 52.7% to 47.3%, but I predict it will fail by several percentage points when all the votes are in.
These were the two highest profile races in today’s election, and neither bodes well for the Republicans. Goody.
Oh, I would not bet on that blanket asseveration. Virginia is well established as a state that does not like one-party rule, and NJ is well established as a state that loves corruption. Hence, divided government in VA, and continued willing incompetence in NJ.
RP @ 14 Neo-Con wabbit or True American wabbit?
Ah marks @ 16, good job at desperately searching for an explanation for the Rebublican Implosion.
Word to the wise: Dump the Neo-Cons, or the Repups will never win again.
America is wise to the fascists now. And they are pissed!
Initiative To The People 912
YES 55289 37.72%
NO 91296 62.28%
WOW Spanky Spanky Neo-Cons!
Donna @ 18
I see it as more of a Neo-Lib sell-out to Paul Allen and the downtown Seattle property owners.
I watched the VA debate.
The GOP guy was a to-tal slime.
RP @ 18 “Neo-Lib” before I ridicule you publically… explain that dumbass comment.
County Executive
Ron Sims DEM 74497 51.54%
David Irons REP 62906 43.52%
Seems even the voter disenfranchisment by the Repugs is not enough to bottle voters anger about the Neo-Con traiters!
You know the more I think about RP’s post about Neo-Lib sellouts the more hilarious it is!!!!!
YEs Richard Yes! The voters of King County are “Neo-Lib Sellouts”!!~!!
HAr dy HAr Har!
Keep digging a hole for your self Repugs… Keep digging!
“….and neither bodes well for the Republicans.”
A trend that, if early returns are to be believed, is going national.
Donna @22!
Man, can your spittle! Oh, never mind…
On state wide votes, don’t forget the normal pattern is Heavy Seattle, than state wide, than finish Seattle. Depending on how quick everything is going, around 9-9:30 will be when you get a good idea, and then if things tend to move, they will tend more liberal.
Caveat: If it is above 72% usually by 9p, it is going to run away.
Early votes are meaningless, although wrong. I’ve seen Bush loose twice in the early votes.
marks @ 26, my spittle is the least of your worries. Bye Bye Repugs… you refused to be Americans and get rid of the disease in your party… and you will pay the price.
It should be interesting to see how fucked up traffic is in Seattle for the next nine years while they dig the Alaskan Way viaduct tunnel. Or maybe 15 years, if it goes like the Big Dig in Boston. The traffic disruption will cause far more damage to the Seattle economy than the four billion to fifteen billion that the tunnel will suck up.
WOW, You da’ man!
It will be impossible for Irons to pull off a victory with these early returns. And his final total should be at least a percent or two lower when all the votes are counted.
Really RP.. what is “Neo-Lib”
And do you think this term will catch fire with the public?
Port of Seattle Commissioner Position Four is discouraging. Pat Davis is ahead of Jack Jolley by 53.93% to 45.83%. Just about everyone on here (and on Sound Politics) was supporting Jolley — liberals, conservatives, etc. There is always some potential for that race to tighten up, however.
Donna @28,
marks @ 26, my spittle is the least of your worries. Bye Bye Repugs… you refused to be Americans and get rid of the disease in your party… and you will pay the price.
Seen…I donnnat care what you imagine, we need to talk reality. But, you donnnat care about reality, instead focusing on some limpid REPUGNANCE spawned by your, um, imagination…and Goldy’s ebullience…
Donna @ 31
Who knows? But I am interested in practical matters. How will Seattle get along without State Route 99 while the Alaskan Way project is being built over a nine year period? If I-912 had passed, this disruption period would be a possibility if a strong earthquake hit. Since I-912 is going to fail, this disruption period is now a certainly.
But I have figured it out. The Democrats will blame President Bush and the Republicans for the incredible traffic jams that will ensue over the next decade.
Richard… I am dissapointed. No definition for a term you used.
As for 99, how would Seattle, and the State of Washington do when the quake hit, and NOTHING was being done. How about the other projects like the retracking of I-90 at the summit?
What about all the other projects througout the state that would not be done, because of the short sighted political play by the Washington State Rep Party?
Get real, Richard. The people of Washington state want reponible progressive government, not do nothing lackeys of the Building ass’s.
And yeah, the future health of our economy costs money.
marks @ 33 Keep using that mantra as you party collapses.
Donna @ 35
Actually, the Building Association people were opposed to I-912. Not strictly a partisan issue.
In any event, there will be incredible traffic jams for the next decade through downtown Seattle. Should make life interesting. And I am sure the Republicans will get blamed for it.
And I am sure the Republicans will get blamed for it.
Sounds good to me.
Or keep supporting people who would slit your throut for a dime.
Just so there’s no confusion on this issue, I will declare here and now that I would slit a trout for a dime, but I would not slit a throat for a dime.
Thank you. That is all. ;-)
Voters spit on Republicans — Dems sweep gubernatorial races!
“….and NJ is well established as a state that loves corruption.
Yep. File that one away folks the next time some bloviating conservative calls you an “effete elitist liberal snob”.
Democratic governors were in those states before the election. Big deal.
RP @ 37 “Actually, the Building Association people were opposed to I-912. Not strictly a partisan issue.”
I do not deny that at all. But IRons is a BA buttboy, and he is another causualty of Repug incompetance and complet unawareness of King Counties’s desire for progress and not regress.
“In any event, there will be incredible traffic jams for the next decade through downtown Seattle. Should make life interesting. And I am sure the Republicans will get blamed for it.”
As well they should be. They are the party or regress and denial of reality.
Did cute little “Special” PuddyBud make a squeeking sound @ 42?
Another TJ @ 39 ” I will declare here and now that I would slit a trout for a dime, but I would not slit a throat for a dime.”
I misspelled it as throut NOT trout. Proving I can’t spell and you can’t read.
Reading > Spelling
QED: I win
You asswipe.
By tomorrow morning the trolls will be insisting they opposed I-912 all along, and were Ron Sims’ biggest fans!! HAR HAR HAR
Yeah, that was a rabbit dick entering his ass.
CLOWNstein is a Poll Watcher.
Unfortunately and predictably, CLOWNstein’s idea of PollWatching is to go into the Men’s Room and peak at the guy peeing in the urinal next to him!!
Dude, I was kidding. Of course I knew what you meant to say. That’s why I included the little winky thing. It was friendly. Yeesh.
Another TJ.. Asswipe comment withdrawn.
Mea Culpa.
Sorry dude.
Rupert Truth Teller Wabbet: Not in your wildest dreams.
Stuckonstupiddon: Do you follow VA. politics. I doubt it. Mark Warner was a 70% approval rate because he was a great governor per my Virginia friends. And he as a democrat. His LT. Governor was blessed by him. Get it. Jon Corzine handed out party favors as a senator for the last year. Pork, pork, pork.
“Jon Corzine handed out party favors as a senator for the last year. Pork, pork, pork”
Gee, Puddy, what the fuck do you think GOP senators do? Cut spending?? HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR
By the way, my rabbit friend tells me he’s met prunes that are smoother than your ass.
PuddyBud @ 51
Really I tried to follow your posts “logic” but it went nowhere.
Perhaps you could have a more cogent family member post your response for you.
BTW Happy Neo-Con collapse day!
Stuckonstupiddon, the continual commentary of not following an entry is tired. You have been previously busted, joker. Rupert “Truth Teller” Wabbit followed it just fine. So, in simple terms I guess Rupert “Truth Teller” Wabbet is much smarter than you! But since you are at the low end of the double digit IQ spectrum, even you make Rupert “Truth Teller” Wabbet seem a genius!
Now Wabbet, what are you talking about now? Rambling on like stuckonstupiddon? I am speaking about New Jersey politics. Corzine is the New Jersey Senator, DUH! His party favors for the NJ democratic machine is well documented in the New Jersey papers. Why not perform a Google search Wabbet? I guess that was a little dense for you too?
Roger Rabbit:
No, tomorrow the trolls will be saying that Dean Logan finally learned how to do fraud right, win big, win early. Fraud by any means. The first bit of evidence, voter intimidation by the minnow. If Dean Logan let a fruit cake like that work an election, he obviously has no standards.
PuddyBud, I think it is your use of odd nonsesities like “Rupert “Truth Teller†Wabbit” and the non sequitor “You have been previously busted, joker.” that confuses me.
Perhaps if you followed the sage advice of your good freind Desmund Tutu “`Improve your argument – don’t raise your voice!’ Only those who know their position is untenable and unpersuasive use foul language to get their way and that way lies totalitarianism and despotic rule.”
Wise man Desmond. I bet he despised your ass, if you ever actually met.
It’s very SIMPLE puddy — you guys LOST!!!!
Hey puddy – how do you like the blowback? You ain’t seen nuthin’ yet. Wait til 2006.
PuddyBud… like drowning in your own assinine comments?
Take a decade off fool. Your regime is done! Stick a fork in it!
Sutckonstupiddon, I am glad you brought that up. Dr Tutu flew with the wife and I to South Africa on Lufthansa Airlines together in July 1998, dumbass. Him, me and the wife, along with over 300 other people too, dumbass. He married our mutual friends in Cape Town, dumbass. We have a note with his signature he wrote us on the plane, dumbass! But then again stuckonstupiddon, you are a dumbass!
Now back to the topic. I see that the small pea-sized single cell brain has comprehension issues. Rupert “Truth Teller” Wabbet is the play on Rupert Wabbet posting under the Truth Teller moniker yesterday that he is not the same person eventhough the messages came from the same computer and the same IP Address. Do you have 24 hour time elapsed memory issues too? But stuckonstupiddon, you are not only stuckon stupid but you are also stupid!
BTW Rupert Wabbet did comprehend the message and you claimed ignorance. Just like last week when you tried to pull the ignorace attack (maybe you are ignorant too?) and another poster busted your sorry athiestic ass too! Low IQ issues stuckonstupiddon? Maybe God planned you just right stuckonstupiddon. Why would God waste a fully operating brain in your body? He is all knowing and seeing. He knows the future. He knew what you would be so he chose to deliver brain power to another well-deserving HUMAN BEING!
Outside of Texas, it looks like everything religious conservatives touched is going down in flame.
I guess we are going to have to invade Syria to take everyone’s mind off how much Bush is sucking now.
Roger “Truth Teller” Wabbet. We’ll see about 2006. Most red staters are safe as 60% said they were satisfied with their congressperson. Also since I posted the link yesterday that these latest “polls” are skewed by the pollsters, how do you explain the demographic where these MSM types call more donkocrats than Republicans and then publish fiction saying: “Look he has no support.” They lie dummy!
PuddyBud, I have no response other than to encourage others to read your post @ 60.
You are a truly a person in need of help, Puddy. You need help, and you have no one in your circle of friends that can will help you.
I pity you.
Only in the mindlessness of stuckonstupiddon! Stuckonstupiddon, the only person I know where:
Where you look in his eyes and you see flashing neon signs saying: Vacancy
Where the speed of sound actually accelerates through his head
Where the doctor upon looking in his ear in the doctors office sees the wall eye chart.
Nuff SAID!
Don’t blame Wrongboy and the like for their lack of coherence, you would be drinking too if you were being proved so wrong.
JustDumbBozo: Do you finally agree with many in the real world that your great economic mentor Paul Krugman is an ASS?
Where are those Arabs with shoulder fire anti aircraft missles that the airforce let escape right in this country.
For that matter, whatever happened to able danger? Heck, not even certified liars like Limbaugh or Hannity will touch that one any more.
Have a drink and pass out on me. I’m off to dream the dreams of the vindicated.
Or, he lost BECAUSE of a last minute appearance by chickenshit george.
Stuckonstupiddon. Corzine is 180% different from McGreevey.
Let’s see: Corzine cheats on his wife and buys the woman a condo. Get the union backing from the woman. McGreevey is gay, but he stays with his wife and child. Hmmm…? Interesting analogy from stuckonstupiddon.
In VA the Kilgore campaign was anti-Kaine. People wanted to know how would you perform differently. He didn’t make his case. He was losing for the last three months because he had no vision. Kind of reminds me of John Forbes Kerry, a man without vision. I love how you left wingnuts lump everything into the anit-Bush croud. Did that work in 2004?
Wow, the Democrats are excited because they won two governerships (which were already held by Democrats).
Not quite the big victory you guys are making it out to be. These two are states you already had. Remember McGreevy and his Gay Sex party already? You forget McGreevy paid his man lover to be NJ Homeland Security Head and the guy was not fit to be a fluff boy?
In a victory for corruption in NJ state government, you now have Corzine who paid off the Unions and passed tax legislation to fill his own pockets.
God, only a lib could gloat over the election of Corzine.