I now have a new (electric) bike! And, I’m still not having any kids. So I’m doing my part.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Volunteerism is what America is all about.
Less bureaucratic government…more power to & by the people.
Kudo’s to those who step up to bat
I hereby volunteer to help child rapist CYNCYN find the courage to do what is right and to off himself – let me know what I can do to get you started down that road CYNCYN. You could make one actual valuable contribution to society by ending your miserable child raping existence.
Why don’t you conservatives volunteer to apologize to our militar men and women who were convicted for “harsh interogations” that you ASS HOLES called “bad apples.”
Turns out the Bush admin and DICK head Cheney authorized the treatment but remained silent when the went to prison for it.
Why the silence from Dick Cheney, Rumsfeld, Bush and the rest of the PUSSIES!
All those fucking hypocites dumping on the enlisted men and women while giving a pass to the Commander in Chief who authorized it.
Cock suckers.
God help us if the 15000 parks employees were to actually do their jobs. As much as my property taxes are they should come and take care of my fucking yard.
@ 5:
no doubt we’ll need a tow truck to remove the 1971 Trans Am that’s on cinder blocks with a big “3” painted on the hood, a dumpster for the shit filled diapers that have been laying on the ground just outside the bedroom window of your single-wide trailer, the mountain of Schmidt’s beer cans, 75 empty spray cans of WD-40 you used to spray your fish bait with when you go cat fishin’, the wads of restraining orders you threw on the ground the sheriff served for beating your “ol’ lady” while both of you were in a drunken stupor, your stack of porno magazines, yard signs and bumper stickers with Reagan/Bush, Bush/Quayle, Dole/Kemp, and Bush/Cheney plastered everywhere, an overflowing outhouse, and a lawn that hasn’t been mowed since 9/11. Oh yeah, and your Confederate flags and a copy of the Constitution you use for target practice.
Yep, sounds like a conservative’s paradise.
Puddybud, Have You Said Thank You Today...spews:
Now GBS, why are you talking about your second car like that? Puddy knows you have those car pictures in your wallet. You know you wanted to try those Trans Am wheels on your Porsche. And you know the Window Bumper Stickers were McGovern/Eagleton and Carter/Mondale. Puddy don’t play the dozens like dat cuz your wife is good looking and thank goodness your children did inherit her good looks over your ugly puss! There will be no need for raw steak to be tied to their necks.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Obama was misunderstood!
He actually said “Wait a minute now, I didn’t authorize ATTACKS on the Pirates, I authorized A TAX on the pirates”!!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
You certainly love living in the past.
Look forward my friend!
It will take the sharp edge off your attitude.
But wait, it’s easier to focus on Bush than the failures of Obama.
It’s easier to focus on Bush, than the failures of Gregoire.
Do you live in a dark, dank spot in yo’ mama’s basement??
Tell her to let you out once in awhile.
It’s a beautiful day here in Arizona.
90 degrees…again.
Puddybud, Have You Said Thank You Today...spews:
Somewhere in a thread last year Puddy remembers clueless wonder’s attack on Hilary Clinton and her love of Eugenicist Margaret Sanger. The HA weasels can read the stupid idioto’s comments in threads:
more recent
There are many more moronic comments from clueless wonder on this topic.
Well clueless wonder direct from Hilary’s mouth to your stupidityAGAIN:
“I admire Margaret Sanger enormously, her courage, her tenacity, her vision. Another of my great friends, Ellen Chesler, is here, who wrote a magnificent biography of Margaret Sanger called Woman of Valor. And when I think about what she did all those years ago in Brooklyn, taking on archetypes, taking on attitudes and accusations flowing from all directions, I am really in awe of her.” – Hilary Clinton
“The 20th century reproductive rights movement, really embodied in the life and leadership of Margaret Sanger, was one of the most transformational in the entire history of the human race.” – Hilary Clinton
“Eugenics is the most adequate and thorough avenue to the solution of racial, political, and social problems.” – Margaret Sanger
“The most merciful thing that a family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.” – Margaret Sanger. Isn’t it too bad mama and papa stillbentover didn’t listen to Margaret Sanger? Then comments like #3 wouldn’t pollute our eyes.
Once again Puddy is prescient with current events. Last year Puddy warned the HA weasel corps about Hilary from her July 2007 speech. clueless wonder and others pooh-poohed Puddy and her eugenics comments then. Puddy told y’all HA weasels Margaret Sanger was for eugenics of black people cuz we’s having too many babies. Puddy told y’all HA weasels Oliver Wendell Holmes for Eugenics cuz he felt three generations of stupid people needed to be sterilized or something worse. These Progressives supported Hitler in the beginning, Mussolini, Stalin etc. It’s all there in history, yet clueless wonder is a clueless wonder along with his moronic friends. See the moron definition in the first sentence above.
Well it’s 2009 and you can watch and read all about it from Planned Parenthood’s web site http://www.plannedparenthood.org HA weasels. Search for it fools.
Rick D.spews:
Earth Day? I thought the liberals were celebrating Vladimir Lenin’s birthday yesterday…Oh well, I guess they got a two fer.
…for me, it was “In God We Trust” day as it was the anniversary of the phrase being added to the U.S. currency with congressional passage of the Coinage Act (1864) on April 22, 1864.
Unhinged liberal bedwetting begins in 3…2…1…
Puddybud, Have You Said Thank You Today...spews:
Awww come on Rick,
April 22, 2000 was the glorious day Elian Gonzalez was snatched by a SWAT team from his Florida relatives to return him to his father in Cuba. Thank you Eric Holder!
Puddybud, Have You Said Thank You Today...spews:
For the real history buffs John I. Kennedy is 1st black on the Philadelphia Phillies April 22, 1957.
Rick D.spews:
Puddy ~ I hadn’t thought of that one. So many anniversaries to celebrate yesterday.
Anyone that wants insight as to how Mr. Holder plans to deal with unruly 8 year old scofflaws holing up in his extended family’s closet, we need only go back to how Mr. ‘sieg heil’ Holder handled that situation when he was #2 at DOJ.
Got Jackboots?
@14: You mean the general priciple that children belong with their parents?
I guess wingnut republicans can’t understand that simple ethical fact – just like the leading republican apologists that are out there parading in front of the media to try and justify the illegal torture that was done.
Only an idiot buys the argument that torture works. The real question is whether we could have gotten more information and more reliable information without torture – not whether we got anything from the illegal and immoral torture that should never have happened in the first place.
10 – Nothing but a fool shouting.. There’s nothing in Hill’s record that goes beyond support for sound family planning principles that are supported throughout the world and by the way – she’s SecState and there’s naught the fool can do about it.
Right wing idiot, you want women in shackles and men over a barrel.
Such a moronic loon!
I’d pay my entire savings account to be the one who gets to waterboard this bitch Handjob Hannity.
Dollars to dimes he backs out. I love how Charles asks him which branch of the military he served in and Hannity bails out of the interview. I love seeing someone put this right wing coward in his place. I’ll be watching this clip all day long and my assistant is going to be on the phone asking which charity Handjob Hannity wants the money to go to!
Puddybud, Have You Said Thank You Today...spews:
Once again Pavlov’s dog arrives@16 and fails to understand historical perspectives. Who’s shouting moron? Those were here words last month. That’s why you are a clueless wonder and the missing link.
Puddybud, Have You Said Thank You Today...spews:
stillbentover farts
my assistant is going to be on the phone asking which charity Handjob Hannity wants the money to go to!
Is that your right scrote scratching or left stroke hand fool?
18 – You are shouting fool. With your foolish thread references that no one but the most idiotic will care about and a paranoid, fallacious guilt by association argument.
Good riddance.
Puddybud, Have You Said Thank You Today...spews:
Moron@20: Once again Hillary could have said: “I reject Sanger’s eugenics stances while I support her abortion positions”. She didn’t moron. That’s the historical perspective you can’t get through that granite encased neanderthal cranial orifice clueless wonder. It’s always curious what people don’t say vs. what they do say.
Unfortunately for you clueless wonder it doesn’t matter what you say or don’t say. Nothing makes any sense, whatsoever fool!
I’ll wait for the next stupido commentario.
21 – Fallacious. That’s not even within 10 miles of supporting
your argument.
She’s traveling the world supporting sound family planning not anything like your paranoid bullshit.
Hey I thought you were going bye bye. Was it a lie or were you just handing out orders again?
Hint: be a real man and shout your orders out like the bellowing fool you are. One would think you’re sugar coating because I’ve called you out on your authoritarian crap.
She didn’t moron.
It’s a verb??? “To Moron?” like “To Puddy?”
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Once again, you got these KLOWNS.
Great re-call and great debating skills.
These KLOWNS smoke to much pot.
You are playing with folks like YLB where much of their brain matter is a toxic waste dump!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Here is another revelation for the KLOWNS to chew on:
Republicans Claim Top Lawmakers Were in the Loop on Interrogations
Members of Congress were briefed on the subject of interrogation techniques more than 30 times since 2002, FOX News has learned. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was at the first meeting, and she raised no objections.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Hoping to turn the tables on Democrats who are open to prosecuting Bush-era lawyers for justifying “enhanced” interrogation techniques, are seeking to reveal the names of those lawmakers who were briefed on the tactics as much as seven years ago.
FOX News has learned there were more than 30 meetings and briefings with members of Congress on the subject since 2002.
The first such briefing dealt with the interrogation of Abu Zubaydah, the Al Qaeda operations chief who ran the training camps in Afghanistan where the Sept. 11 hijackers were trained. Sources said California Rep. Nancy Pelosi, now the speaker of the House, attended the meeting.
So KLOWNS, do you propose prosecuting Nancy Pelosi and all the other Dems who were aware of the interrogation techniques??
Did you KLOWNS know the Dems could have stopped it 7 years ago BY WITHHOLDING FUNDING. But they chose not to.
OK, let’s get it all on the table.
No wonder Obama is against sharing the full story!
Mr. C.
It’s rather amusing to have someone like you talk about looking forward when you blamed Pres. Clinton for everything.
This has EVERYTHING to do with looking to the future. If we don’t investigate the potential war crimes committed by the Bush admin, then that sets a dangerous precedent for a future president to follow.
You clowns seemed to understand the Rule of Law principle when Pres. Clinton lied to a federal grand jury about an extra marital affair.
Why didn’t you ass clowns want to look forward then????
Yeah, like I’ve said, yield your patriotism to America over your loyalty to a man of a failed political ideology.
Oh, I forgot, you’re the ass hole who felt comfortable trashing one of America’s Gold Star mothers who dared to speak out about Bush’s illegal war in Iraq.
She was right, you were WRONG!
When are you going to apologize to our troops who followed Bush’s Torture policy and Gold Star mother?????
You mother fucker. Yeah, let’s do lunch sometime.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
I’m open to meeting you.
Puddy will set it up.
How about May 13th…early dinner (say 4:30 OR so).
I’m in Arizona now and have some other travel plans until then.
That “Gold Star” mother was and still is a real kook.
I didn’t blame Clinton for everything….just NAFTA & GATT and the consequences as well as Clinton turning his back on Rwanda and Somalia when millions were slaughtered.
Hey, I blame Bush for overspending and a lack of control on government accountability.
Bush was not a Conservative…he was a Neo-Con.
I’m a true Conservative….just like Obama is a Socialist/Marxist who knows he must move his agenda forward very slowly….or more likely, not at all.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
YLB’s Brain==
Superfund Toxic Dump Clean-up site.
25 – Dems being spineless while your chimp in chief was riding high? This is news?
Thankfully the people took charge and threw the bums out in 2006 and 2008.
Progressives’ work is still not done. The spineless need to be gently persuaded to make way for real change.
Oh and to Stupes:
The one idiot who will care about your thread refs – your rectum’s best friend, Mr. Klynical.
like Obama is a Socialist/Marxist
Moving slowly like hiring Larry Summers and Chicago school grads like Austin Goolsbee as economic advisers?
Huge swiss cheese holes in this fool’s brain. A bit of an improvement on Stupes’ though. Nothing but gaseous chimeras in that idiot’s cranial cavity. Dumb and Dumber.
I wonder how many people drove SUV’s to and drank bottled water at their Earth Day events?
Bad news for the cyniklown:
Generally speaking, would you say things in this country are heading in the right direction or in the wrong direction?
Right Wrong
4/20: 48 44
2/17: 40 49
1/14: 35 54
12/08: 32 60
(from AP via DailyKos)
MORE bad news:
Obama also gets a 76 for being a strong leader and Republicans are seen (by 65%) as not cooperating enough with him. His overall approval is 64 (67 in the last poll in February, 2009.) And Americans cut Obama slack in terms of when to expect economic improvement (72% say it will take longer than the first year.)
Must be fun too be wrong ALL the time…hmmm…just like O’Lielly…or the big fat Hillbilly Heroin addict…
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Your poll choice is ridiculous.
If that were the case, Obama would feel a free rein to do all the stupid shit you KLOWNS want him to do.
Obama got 54% in November via a massive effort.
He has gone down since then.
Keep dreamin’….
You are one of Obama’s USEFUL IDIOTS!
And and YLB–
Larry Summers is and always has been A DISASTER! Worst advisor EVER!
You may feel that the poll is ridiculous, but it’s accurate.
I sure agree on Larry Summers…but what polls show a lack of approval for the President and his policies? I simply can’t find one.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Rasmussen shows the massive decline in Obama’s Strong Approval vs. Strong Disapproval rating.
It went from +32 down to +2 in a couple months.
Obama still has a grip on the leaners…but it is tentative.
National Polling Average:
Approve 58.7
Disapprove 37.2
Pollster.com has ALL the polls, man…show me the bad one…
…what the fuck is wrong with you?
LOL the CHILD RAPIST CYNCYN gets outed on every thread he tries to sell that weak ass shit from FAUX NEWS controlled Rasmussen. THE WHOLE WORLD IS LAUGHING AT THE GOP!
@24 “Once again, you got these KLOWNS.
Great re-call and great debating skills.”
So, Puddy, you were saying last night that Mr. Klynical’s head isn’t up your ass? Then just what part of his anatomy is up your ass?
Puddybud, Have You Said Thank You Today...spews:
Cynical, yep you are right. clueless wonder is a toxic waste dump. How can you be liberal externally and a conservative in the house? Split personality disorder!
More from the toxic waste dump:
She’s traveling the world supporting sound family planning not anything like your paranoid bullshit.
Hilary just left Mexico’s Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the patroness saint of the pro-life movement, (get it, pro-life you idiot moron) and then goes to a pro-death rally!
You are truly a moron of the primary order.
Puddybud, Have You Said Thank You Today...spews:
Steve, no part of Cynical’s anatomy is anywhere near me. He’s in Arizona. Ask Goldy to corroborate fool. Butt, as we all know, that goat plays a mighty fine tune in your body! What is it today… whistlin’ dixie?
You guys seem hung up on goats. What’s up with that? Got issues? Why, just last night Marvin was going on and on, even posting old comments. He didn’t stop until I posted this old comment:
53. Troll spews:
Are you talking about the niggers beat Tubaman to death, and only going to be sentenced to weeks in jail?
04/03/2009 at 6:09 pm
54. Troll spews:
The teenagers that beat Tubaman to death are niggers.
04/03/2009 at 6:16 pm
55. Puddybud, Hey it’s the new year… spews: Troll@53, there are white ones too.
04/03/2009 at 6:21 pm
Frankly, I don’t see the connection. Maybe he has a black goat or something. A goat in blackface like Al Jolson?
43 – Effective family planning is practiced in Mexico.
45. Steve spews:
You guys seem hung up on goats. What’s up with that? Got issues? Why, just last night Marvin was going on and on, even posting old comments.
When the best you can do is lie, than lie. But you’re not even a good liar.
All one has to do is check out my posts from yesterday and see for their own eyes that you have a problem with the truth. Aren’t you smart enough to figure out that you should lie about something that’s not so easy to disprove?
You know steve, you really are losing it. Does alzheimers run on your family?
you have a problem with the truth.
LMAO!!!! That’s a real howler coming from one of the trashiest of wingnuts ever to come here.
Puddybud, Have You Said Thank You Today...spews:
Moron@46, where in this post has Puddy discussed anything about “effective family planning”? Puddy discussed Hilary and her love of Margaret Sanger. Keep on topic fool!
Puddybud, Have You Said Thank You Today...spews:
Puddy has a question for the HA weasel moronic class.
If we whom think right are to “accept” 53% of Americans who voted for Barack Obama and live with his “policies”, why can’t you weasels live with 55% of America who think marriage is between a man and a woman? Or the 52% of CA (big blue state – Obama 60.9%) who think the same way and reject gay marriage?
43 states have laws explicitly prohibiting gay marriage, including 29 states having constitutional amendments restricting marriage to one man and one woman. Why does Puddy have to listen to the crapola of you have to accept gay marriage? Why is Puddy or Ms Prejean called a bigot when the majority of American peeps agree with Puddy? Even President Obama and VP Biden and SoS Clinton say marriage is between a man and a woman! Are they homophobic bigots too HA weasels?
I guess it’s too late to talk Puffybutt’s ugly mother into aborting him huh? Anyone? Anyone?
IF we meet, it’s under the condition you apologize to our troops first, right here on HA.
Apologize to the troops and their families for being railroaded into prison while Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice stood SILENT.
Apologize for being the ass clown who trashed the service our brave troops while they followed orders of the Bush torture memo.
I won’t break bread with someone who shit on our troops in combat. Oh, we might meet, but bread isn’t what’s going to be broken.
Waterboard me before I teabag againspews:
Generation-O libtards are on an anti-“torture” witch hunt. For fairness and balance, they should educate themselves about real torture, which was endured by former WA state senator Leo Thorsness. Then Thorsness and anyone with any sense of decency should require Holder to prosecute any and all living Democrats who sent Thorsness (and McCain) to fight a no-win war, and who abandoned them to their torturers. Start with the prosecution of Bill Moyers.
Puddybud, Have You Said Thank You Today...spews:
NutRight, what a moron with no memory.
Elian’s mother died trying to come to America with her son. November 1999, Elián, his mother, and twelve others left Cuba on a small aluminum boat with a faulty engine. Almost all of them died in the ocean. He survived. Clinton sends him back without a trial. Huh?
Where was the ACLU? They said send the poor kid back to Cuba. What a bunch of loooooooooosers, just like NutRight!
Puddybud, Have You Said Thank You Today...spews:
All of you fatso HA weasels, you cause more global warming…
Read and weep. Also with cumming of Nationalized Health Care, if you are a fatso, the guvmint can tell you sorry but your fat ASS is rejected to surgery. So if you need that hip or knee replacement or heart bypass, your fellow Dummocraptic voter who along with your fat ASS is allowing Nationalized Health Care to Cum to Amerikkka!
@53 Don’t forget the trade confirmations.
55. Puddybud, Have You Said Thank You Today… spews:
NutRight, what a moron with no memory.
04/23/2009 at 3:29 pm
At least he doesn’t brag about having a photographic memory. Hmm, if he’s a moron, what’s that make you? Besides being a liar?
48. Puddybud, Have You Said Thank You Today… spews:
GBS, you can not conflate what Lizzie England and Charles Griner did to anything being approved through those memos.
04/23/2009 at 5:35 am
49. Steve spews:
@48 “Lizzie England and Charles Griner”
Um, Puddy, it’s Lindy Englund and Charles Graner.
Photographic memory, huh? I don’t think so. Really, Puddy, must you lie about everything?
Steve, now you are the thought police along with being the goatherder. Good for you.
But as always your Stupid Solution is selling you short.
It’s Lynndie Rana England, so you EPIC FAILED!
BTW, does calling NutRight a memory moron detract from my argument on Elian Gonzalez Stupid Solution Steve?
Y’all remember Stephen King’s killer car, the Plymouth Fury he named Christine in honor of Christine Gargoyle Gregoire.
Well, the Weakly this week has the Dave Ross Killer Car. Dave rode the wave, years ago, simpering with suburban smugness about his ugly Prius and about how he (unlike us) was saving the planet. With a Prius, every day is Earth Day.
Turns out that’s the kind of shit that gives ‘common sense’ and little crusaders a bad name. Also turns out the Prius is effing batshit homicidal.
So when the class action begins, put Ross in the dock as an indicted co-conspirator, right beside the rice rocket tyrants from Big To-yo-ta.
Love to get back with Steve to those glorious golden country-club days of yesteryear, back when Arnie, Jack, and Sneed were kings, and Gary Player was a playa.
High Noonspews:
Peggy Noonan, re McCain, torture, and “torture” …
Torture is bad, and as to whether the procedures outlined in the memos constituted torture, you could do worse than follow the wisdom of John McCain, who says, “Waterboarding is torture, period.” This is something he’d know about. Abuse is wrong not only in a specific and immediate sense but in a larger one: It coarsens and damages the nation that does it while undermining its reputation in the world and its trust in itself.
@59 I can accept a bogey now and then. That said, I’m not the one around here claiming to have a photographic memory. Speaking of which…
@60 “It’s Lynndie Rana England, so you EPIC FAILED!”
I’m not the one around these parts who brags about his fucking photographic memory. Call that EPIC FAIL on your own sorry ass, bitch.
@62 “Arnie, Jack, and Sneed were kings, and Gary Player was a playa.”
Indeed. Heck, Klake, I’d settle for the days when Watson and Seve were duking it out on the fairways of St. Andrews.
Watson at St. Andrews? That was Tom DeLay.
got chops?spews:
Any tunes for our times, Steve? Any of your hot licks we can steal from Napster?
ben hoganspews:
just a little (a lot) curious (yellow) about what you played, back in the day, and for whom.
Puddybud, Have You Said Thank You Today...spews:
Steve, every now and then a bubble gets misplaced in bubble memory. So what? you didn’t answer the question Puddy posed.
And… we all know why!
housing bubble and credit crunchspews:
it’s because he’s still high on Urp Day.
I did my earth day thing. I sent an e-mail to the county telling them to stop screwing with the beaver dam they had just breeched and promptly ratted them out to the Dept of Fish and Wildlife (who were not happy at all). I heard back form Fish and Wildlife within hours. From the County? Crickets. First time they have never responded to me.
The beaver(s) fixed the dam.
@67 We can take that up the next time you’re around, my friend.
@68 “memory moron” Puddy, Puddy, Puddy. What am I gonna do with you? Maybe you need to hang with me for a while. I’ll get you back on the right program. Next thing you know, you’ll be Kountry Klubbing it with me.
Puddybud, Have You Said Thank You Today...spews:
Steve, Steve, Steve: Just answer my question. Notice NutRight ran away. Elian’s mother died trying to give him freedom. Clinton and Holder banished the poor kid to a life of poverty and killed any dreams his mother might have had for her son. Also why did she leave her husband. Maybe he was abusive and she wanted something more for Elian? April 22 will always be an infamous date.
Marvin Stamnspews:
16. YLB spews:
she’s SecState and there’s naught the fool can do about it.
If obama appointed her, can’t he also relieve her of the position?
Marvin Stamnspews:
73. Puddybud, Have You Said Thank You Today… spews:
Elian’s mother died trying to give him freedom. Clinton and Holder banished the poor kid to a life of poverty and killed any dreams his mother might have had for her son.
I believe elian is living a much better life than the average cuban kid. Castro wants to drag elian out every couple years to show the world the kid is thriving under free health care and free education unlike the cuban kids trapped in the public schools of america. He can also point out that racist bush authorized nazi like swat teams to burst into a house pointing big guns at unarmed innocent people, even sticking a big gun into the face of little elian to prove america’s power. Elian is something cuba will use for decades to prove how bush and america are bad.
Oops, I was just informed it wasn’t bush that authorized the swat-like attacks. Must have been karl rove.
Marvin Stamnspews:
72. Steve spews:
Next thing you know, you’ll be Kountry Klubbing it with me.
Kewl, it’s about time your Kountry Klub let blacks in.
It’s cute when Marvin the Pervert and Puffybutt the Oreo pretend to be different people.
Marvin Stamnspews:
17. ByeByeGOP spews:
I’d pay my entire savings account to be the one who gets to waterboard this bitch Handjob Hannity.
I’m not sure your .18 cents is even going to help, postage is more than that. But thanks for the thought.
my assistant is going to be on the phone
Ouch. Your parents won’t even let you use the phone on your own? Does your assistant also help dress and feed you? Is it entirely emotional/mental issues or are there also some physical issues that you need an assistant for?
I never run from Puddy. Why would I bother.
How many times do I have to show that your Puddylies don’t add up to squat?
I have better things to do than to disprove and fact-check all the crap you get from the rightwing sites. Until you learn to think critically and fact-check your own material – you deserve to be mostly ignored.
And as far as Elian, a child should go with their parents – period. Why is there any other discussion? Anything else is just stupid.
@73 “Elian’s mother died trying to give him freedom.”
I thought you guys hated illegal immigrants. Hell, most of you wingnuts want to shoot them on sight.
“Clinton and Holder banished the poor kid to a life of poverty”
Isn’t that exactly what you want to happen? Heck, the American jackbooted facsist stormtroopers even had guns aimed at legal hispanic immigrants while searching for an illegal. I figure you wingnuts would be thrilled.
Puddybud, Have You Said Thank You Today...spews:
Well we all know stillbentover@77 posts as proud leftist. And then we see stillbentover posting as Steve. Next we see stillbentover posting as correctnotright. Now and then he appears as don joe. Is he stupid enough to continue to post as clueless wonder?
Damn how many personas does that fool have? Is stillbentover going for the major league record held by headless lucy?
Puddybud, Have You Said Thank You Today...spews:
NutRight does it again:
And as far as Elian, a child should go with their parents – period
NutRight, you continue to amaze all of us with your abject stupidity. Elian and his mother escaped in 1999. So how do you return Elian to his parents fool? Why did she leave and the father stay? And of course you throw the little boy back into Communism because you love Communism PLAIN AND SIMPLE. We see your Karl Marx, Lenin, and Stalinistic postings every day here on HA weasels.
Great job coming out of the closet.
Puddybud, Have You Said Thank You Today...spews:
Steve you got something right even though you are high on Steve’s Stupid Solution…
the American jackbooted facsist stormtroopers
Yes, Eric Holder did get the Clintonites in action against Elian April 22, 2000.
Thanks for finally clarifying this point about the Democratically inspired American jackbooted fascist stormtroopers.
Puddybud, Have You Said Thank You Today...spews:
Steve then farted:
I thought you guys hated illegal immigrants. Hell, most of you wingnuts want to shoot them on sight.
We want to send back the freeloaders Steve. Where does your small brain get wrapped around shooting? You know about freeloaders, being one yourself. Too bad you can’t understand the difference.
@81 “And then we see stillbentover posting as Steve.”
WTF? I don’t keep track of your namecalling – when you used names like “Yelling Loser Boy” for YLB and other similar namecalling at least there was a clue. I’ve no idea who you’re talking about anymore. Who is stillbentover and why on earth would you think for even a minute that he’s posting as me? Are you projecting again? Good grief, Puddy, you’re not Mr. Klynical too, are you? That’d be a little too much.
@84 “Where does your small brain get wrapped around shooting?”
Hmm, are you the “cluelesswonder” I keep hearing about?
@83 “Thanks for finally clarifying this point about the Democratically inspired American jackbooted fascist stormtroopers.”
I was just fucking with you. But I don’t want you firing on the wrong jackbooted stormtroopers, Puddy. To be clear, our side’s the American jackbooted commie stormtroopers. You guys are the American jackbooted fascist stormtroopers.
Marvin Stamnspews:
77. ByeByeGOP spews:
It’s cute when Marvin the Pervert and Puffybutt the Oreo pretend to be different people.
What is it like to be the only person ignorant enough to believe we are the same person?
Thanks for being you. You are keeping this blog from gaining any respect. Remember, Sound Politics has twice the hits of this blog. And that is due to you, goat sex steve and the rabbit and the crap you three write.
Marvin Stamnspews:
80. Steve spews:
I thought you guys hated illegal immigrants. Hell, most of you wingnuts want to shoot them on sight.
The truth is, more illegal immigrants are shot by democrats than republicans.
Thanks to this post:
I now have a new (electric) bike! And, I’m still not having any kids. So I’m doing my part.
Volunteerism is what America is all about.
Less bureaucratic government…more power to & by the people.
Kudo’s to those who step up to bat
I hereby volunteer to help child rapist CYNCYN find the courage to do what is right and to off himself – let me know what I can do to get you started down that road CYNCYN. You could make one actual valuable contribution to society by ending your miserable child raping existence.
Why don’t you conservatives volunteer to apologize to our militar men and women who were convicted for “harsh interogations” that you ASS HOLES called “bad apples.”
Turns out the Bush admin and DICK head Cheney authorized the treatment but remained silent when the went to prison for it.
Why the silence from Dick Cheney, Rumsfeld, Bush and the rest of the PUSSIES!
All those fucking hypocites dumping on the enlisted men and women while giving a pass to the Commander in Chief who authorized it.
Cock suckers.
God help us if the 15000 parks employees were to actually do their jobs. As much as my property taxes are they should come and take care of my fucking yard.
@ 5:
no doubt we’ll need a tow truck to remove the 1971 Trans Am that’s on cinder blocks with a big “3” painted on the hood, a dumpster for the shit filled diapers that have been laying on the ground just outside the bedroom window of your single-wide trailer, the mountain of Schmidt’s beer cans, 75 empty spray cans of WD-40 you used to spray your fish bait with when you go cat fishin’, the wads of restraining orders you threw on the ground the sheriff served for beating your “ol’ lady” while both of you were in a drunken stupor, your stack of porno magazines, yard signs and bumper stickers with Reagan/Bush, Bush/Quayle, Dole/Kemp, and Bush/Cheney plastered everywhere, an overflowing outhouse, and a lawn that hasn’t been mowed since 9/11. Oh yeah, and your Confederate flags and a copy of the Constitution you use for target practice.
Yep, sounds like a conservative’s paradise.
Now GBS, why are you talking about your second car like that? Puddy knows you have those car pictures in your wallet. You know you wanted to try those Trans Am wheels on your Porsche. And you know the Window Bumper Stickers were McGovern/Eagleton and Carter/Mondale. Puddy don’t play the dozens like dat cuz your wife is good looking and thank goodness your children did inherit her good looks over your ugly puss! There will be no need for raw steak to be tied to their necks.
Obama was misunderstood!
He actually said “Wait a minute now, I didn’t authorize ATTACKS on the Pirates, I authorized A TAX on the pirates”!!
You certainly love living in the past.
Look forward my friend!
It will take the sharp edge off your attitude.
But wait, it’s easier to focus on Bush than the failures of Obama.
It’s easier to focus on Bush, than the failures of Gregoire.
Do you live in a dark, dank spot in yo’ mama’s basement??
Tell her to let you out once in awhile.
It’s a beautiful day here in Arizona.
90 degrees…again.
Somewhere in a thread last year Puddy remembers clueless wonder’s attack on Hilary Clinton and her love of Eugenicist Margaret Sanger. The HA weasels can read the stupid idioto’s comments in threads:
more recent
There are many more moronic comments from clueless wonder on this topic.
Well clueless wonder direct from Hilary’s mouth to your stupidityAGAIN:
“I admire Margaret Sanger enormously, her courage, her tenacity, her vision. Another of my great friends, Ellen Chesler, is here, who wrote a magnificent biography of Margaret Sanger called Woman of Valor. And when I think about what she did all those years ago in Brooklyn, taking on archetypes, taking on attitudes and accusations flowing from all directions, I am really in awe of her.” – Hilary Clinton
“The 20th century reproductive rights movement, really embodied in the life and leadership of Margaret Sanger, was one of the most transformational in the entire history of the human race.” – Hilary Clinton
“Eugenics is the most adequate and thorough avenue to the solution of racial, political, and social problems.” – Margaret Sanger
“The most merciful thing that a family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.” – Margaret Sanger. Isn’t it too bad mama and papa stillbentover didn’t listen to Margaret Sanger? Then comments like #3 wouldn’t pollute our eyes.
Once again Puddy is prescient with current events. Last year Puddy warned the HA weasel corps about Hilary from her July 2007 speech. clueless wonder and others pooh-poohed Puddy and her eugenics comments then. Puddy told y’all HA weasels Margaret Sanger was for eugenics of black people cuz we’s having too many babies. Puddy told y’all HA weasels Oliver Wendell Holmes for Eugenics cuz he felt three generations of stupid people needed to be sterilized or something worse. These Progressives supported Hitler in the beginning, Mussolini, Stalin etc. It’s all there in history, yet clueless wonder is a clueless wonder along with his moronic friends. See the moron definition in the first sentence above.
Well it’s 2009 and you can watch and read all about it from Planned Parenthood’s web site http://www.plannedparenthood.org HA weasels. Search for it fools.
Earth Day? I thought the liberals were celebrating Vladimir Lenin’s birthday yesterday…Oh well, I guess they got a two fer.
…for me, it was “In God We Trust” day as it was the anniversary of the phrase being added to the U.S. currency with congressional passage of the Coinage Act (1864) on April 22, 1864.
Unhinged liberal bedwetting begins in 3…2…1…
Awww come on Rick,
April 22, 2000 was the glorious day Elian Gonzalez was snatched by a SWAT team from his Florida relatives to return him to his father in Cuba. Thank you Eric Holder!
For the real history buffs John I. Kennedy is 1st black on the Philadelphia Phillies April 22, 1957.
Puddy ~ I hadn’t thought of that one. So many anniversaries to celebrate yesterday.
Anyone that wants insight as to how Mr. Holder plans to deal with unruly 8 year old scofflaws holing up in his extended family’s closet, we need only go back to how Mr. ‘sieg heil’ Holder handled that situation when he was #2 at DOJ.
Got Jackboots?
@14: You mean the general priciple that children belong with their parents?
I guess wingnut republicans can’t understand that simple ethical fact – just like the leading republican apologists that are out there parading in front of the media to try and justify the illegal torture that was done.
Only an idiot buys the argument that torture works. The real question is whether we could have gotten more information and more reliable information without torture – not whether we got anything from the illegal and immoral torture that should never have happened in the first place.
10 – Nothing but a fool shouting.. There’s nothing in Hill’s record that goes beyond support for sound family planning principles that are supported throughout the world and by the way – she’s SecState and there’s naught the fool can do about it.
Right wing idiot, you want women in shackles and men over a barrel.
Such a moronic loon!
I’d pay my entire savings account to be the one who gets to waterboard this bitch Handjob Hannity.
Dollars to dimes he backs out. I love how Charles asks him which branch of the military he served in and Hannity bails out of the interview. I love seeing someone put this right wing coward in his place. I’ll be watching this clip all day long and my assistant is going to be on the phone asking which charity Handjob Hannity wants the money to go to!
Once again Pavlov’s dog arrives@16 and fails to understand historical perspectives. Who’s shouting moron? Those were here words last month. That’s why you are a clueless wonder and the missing link.
stillbentover farts
Is that your right scrote scratching or left stroke hand fool?
18 – You are shouting fool. With your foolish thread references that no one but the most idiotic will care about and a paranoid, fallacious guilt by association argument.
Good riddance.
Moron@20: Once again Hillary could have said: “I reject Sanger’s eugenics stances while I support her abortion positions”. She didn’t moron. That’s the historical perspective you can’t get through that granite encased neanderthal cranial orifice clueless wonder. It’s always curious what people don’t say vs. what they do say.
Unfortunately for you clueless wonder it doesn’t matter what you say or don’t say. Nothing makes any sense, whatsoever fool!
I’ll wait for the next stupido commentario.
21 – Fallacious. That’s not even within 10 miles of supporting
your argument.
She’s traveling the world supporting sound family planning not anything like your paranoid bullshit.
Hey I thought you were going bye bye. Was it a lie or were you just handing out orders again?
Hint: be a real man and shout your orders out like the bellowing fool you are. One would think you’re sugar coating because I’ve called you out on your authoritarian crap.
It’s a verb??? “To Moron?” like “To Puddy?”
Once again, you got these KLOWNS.
Great re-call and great debating skills.
These KLOWNS smoke to much pot.
You are playing with folks like YLB where much of their brain matter is a toxic waste dump!
Here is another revelation for the KLOWNS to chew on:
Republicans Claim Top Lawmakers Were in the Loop on Interrogations
Members of Congress were briefed on the subject of interrogation techniques more than 30 times since 2002, FOX News has learned. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was at the first meeting, and she raised no objections.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
So KLOWNS, do you propose prosecuting Nancy Pelosi and all the other Dems who were aware of the interrogation techniques??
Did you KLOWNS know the Dems could have stopped it 7 years ago BY WITHHOLDING FUNDING. But they chose not to.
OK, let’s get it all on the table.
No wonder Obama is against sharing the full story!
Mr. C.
It’s rather amusing to have someone like you talk about looking forward when you blamed Pres. Clinton for everything.
This has EVERYTHING to do with looking to the future. If we don’t investigate the potential war crimes committed by the Bush admin, then that sets a dangerous precedent for a future president to follow.
You clowns seemed to understand the Rule of Law principle when Pres. Clinton lied to a federal grand jury about an extra marital affair.
Why didn’t you ass clowns want to look forward then????
Yeah, like I’ve said, yield your patriotism to America over your loyalty to a man of a failed political ideology.
Oh, I forgot, you’re the ass hole who felt comfortable trashing one of America’s Gold Star mothers who dared to speak out about Bush’s illegal war in Iraq.
She was right, you were WRONG!
When are you going to apologize to our troops who followed Bush’s Torture policy and Gold Star mother?????
You mother fucker. Yeah, let’s do lunch sometime.
I’m open to meeting you.
Puddy will set it up.
How about May 13th…early dinner (say 4:30 OR so).
I’m in Arizona now and have some other travel plans until then.
That “Gold Star” mother was and still is a real kook.
I didn’t blame Clinton for everything….just NAFTA & GATT and the consequences as well as Clinton turning his back on Rwanda and Somalia when millions were slaughtered.
Hey, I blame Bush for overspending and a lack of control on government accountability.
Bush was not a Conservative…he was a Neo-Con.
I’m a true Conservative….just like Obama is a Socialist/Marxist who knows he must move his agenda forward very slowly….or more likely, not at all.
YLB’s Brain==
Superfund Toxic Dump Clean-up site.
25 – Dems being spineless while your chimp in chief was riding high? This is news?
Thankfully the people took charge and threw the bums out in 2006 and 2008.
Progressives’ work is still not done. The spineless need to be gently persuaded to make way for real change.
Oh and to Stupes:
The one idiot who will care about your thread refs – your rectum’s best friend, Mr. Klynical.
Moving slowly like hiring Larry Summers and Chicago school grads like Austin Goolsbee as economic advisers?
Huge swiss cheese holes in this fool’s brain. A bit of an improvement on Stupes’ though. Nothing but gaseous chimeras in that idiot’s cranial cavity. Dumb and Dumber.
I wonder how many people drove SUV’s to and drank bottled water at their Earth Day events?
Bad news for the cyniklown:
MORE bad news:
Must be fun too be wrong ALL the time…hmmm…just like O’Lielly…or the big fat Hillbilly Heroin addict…
Your poll choice is ridiculous.
If that were the case, Obama would feel a free rein to do all the stupid shit you KLOWNS want him to do.
Obama got 54% in November via a massive effort.
He has gone down since then.
Keep dreamin’….
You are one of Obama’s USEFUL IDIOTS!
And and YLB–
Larry Summers is and always has been A DISASTER! Worst advisor EVER!
You may feel that the poll is ridiculous, but it’s accurate.
I sure agree on Larry Summers…but what polls show a lack of approval for the President and his policies? I simply can’t find one.
Rasmussen shows the massive decline in Obama’s Strong Approval vs. Strong Disapproval rating.
It went from +32 down to +2 in a couple months.
Obama still has a grip on the leaners…but it is tentative.
National Polling Average:
Approve 58.7
Disapprove 37.2
Pollster.com has ALL the polls, man…show me the bad one…
…what the fuck is wrong with you?
LOL the CHILD RAPIST CYNCYN gets outed on every thread he tries to sell that weak ass shit from FAUX NEWS controlled Rasmussen. THE WHOLE WORLD IS LAUGHING AT THE GOP!
National Polling Average:
Favorable Rating
Approve 62.2
Disapprove 33.4
If you can quote a poll that is (in)famously skewed toward Republicans…
…I’ll quote Pew Research…
Pew 4/14-21/09 Favorable: 73 Unfavorable: 24
I’d like to know how the supercillious dumbass known as the cyniklown explains THIS:
Obama Approval Index History
(THAT’S from Rasmussen, btw)
…again, just what the fuck kind of fucked up polls is he looking at…
Last Add Obama Polls…
…from PEW…
@24 “Once again, you got these KLOWNS.
Great re-call and great debating skills.”
So, Puddy, you were saying last night that Mr. Klynical’s head isn’t up your ass? Then just what part of his anatomy is up your ass?
Cynical, yep you are right. clueless wonder is a toxic waste dump. How can you be liberal externally and a conservative in the house? Split personality disorder!
More from the toxic waste dump:
Hilary just left Mexico’s Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the patroness saint of the pro-life movement, (get it, pro-life you idiot moron) and then goes to a pro-death rally!
You are truly a moron of the primary order.
Steve, no part of Cynical’s anatomy is anywhere near me. He’s in Arizona. Ask Goldy to corroborate fool. Butt, as we all know, that goat plays a mighty fine tune in your body! What is it today… whistlin’ dixie?
You guys seem hung up on goats. What’s up with that? Got issues? Why, just last night Marvin was going on and on, even posting old comments. He didn’t stop until I posted this old comment:
Frankly, I don’t see the connection. Maybe he has a black goat or something. A goat in blackface like Al Jolson?
43 – Effective family planning is practiced in Mexico.
Such an ignorant fool!
When the best you can do is lie, than lie. But you’re not even a good liar.
All one has to do is check out my posts from yesterday and see for their own eyes that you have a problem with the truth. Aren’t you smart enough to figure out that you should lie about something that’s not so easy to disprove?
You know steve, you really are losing it. Does alzheimers run on your family?
LMAO!!!! That’s a real howler coming from one of the trashiest of wingnuts ever to come here.
Moron@46, where in this post has Puddy discussed anything about “effective family planning”? Puddy discussed Hilary and her love of Margaret Sanger. Keep on topic fool!
Puddy has a question for the HA weasel moronic class.
If we whom think right are to “accept” 53% of Americans who voted for Barack Obama and live with his “policies”, why can’t you weasels live with 55% of America who think marriage is between a man and a woman? Or the 52% of CA (big blue state – Obama 60.9%) who think the same way and reject gay marriage?
43 states have laws explicitly prohibiting gay marriage, including 29 states having constitutional amendments restricting marriage to one man and one woman. Why does Puddy have to listen to the crapola of you have to accept gay marriage? Why is Puddy or Ms Prejean called a bigot when the majority of American peeps agree with Puddy? Even President Obama and VP Biden and SoS Clinton say marriage is between a man and a woman! Are they homophobic bigots too HA weasels?
I guess it’s too late to talk Puffybutt’s ugly mother into aborting him huh? Anyone? Anyone?
Seattle’s mayor, busily sacrificing your rights and freedoms in his crusade against global warming, causes global warming. Cool.
Mr. C.
IF we meet, it’s under the condition you apologize to our troops first, right here on HA.
Apologize to the troops and their families for being railroaded into prison while Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice stood SILENT.
Apologize for being the ass clown who trashed the service our brave troops while they followed orders of the Bush torture memo.
I won’t break bread with someone who shit on our troops in combat. Oh, we might meet, but bread isn’t what’s going to be broken.
Generation-O libtards are on an anti-“torture” witch hunt. For fairness and balance, they should educate themselves about real torture, which was endured by former WA state senator Leo Thorsness. Then Thorsness and anyone with any sense of decency should require Holder to prosecute any and all living Democrats who sent Thorsness (and McCain) to fight a no-win war, and who abandoned them to their torturers. Start with the prosecution of Bill Moyers.
NutRight, what a moron with no memory.
Elian’s mother died trying to come to America with her son. November 1999, Elián, his mother, and twelve others left Cuba on a small aluminum boat with a faulty engine. Almost all of them died in the ocean. He survived. Clinton sends him back without a trial. Huh?
Where was the ACLU? They said send the poor kid back to Cuba. What a bunch of loooooooooosers, just like NutRight!
All of you fatso HA weasels, you cause more global warming…
Read and weep. Also with cumming of Nationalized Health Care, if you are a fatso, the guvmint can tell you sorry but your fat ASS is rejected to surgery. So if you need that hip or knee replacement or heart bypass, your fellow Dummocraptic voter who along with your fat ASS is allowing Nationalized Health Care to Cum to Amerikkka!
@53 Don’t forget the trade confirmations.
At least he doesn’t brag about having a photographic memory. Hmm, if he’s a moron, what’s that make you? Besides being a liar?
Um, Steve, it was Lynndie England.
Looks like you bogied again, Tiger.
Steve, now you are the thought police along with being the goatherder. Good for you.
But as always your Stupid Solution is selling you short.
It’s Lynndie Rana England, so you EPIC FAILED!
BTW, does calling NutRight a memory moron detract from my argument on Elian Gonzalez Stupid Solution Steve?
Y’all remember Stephen King’s killer car, the Plymouth Fury he named Christine in honor of Christine Gargoyle Gregoire.
Well, the Weakly this week has the Dave Ross Killer Car. Dave rode the wave, years ago, simpering with suburban smugness about his ugly Prius and about how he (unlike us) was saving the planet. With a Prius, every day is Earth Day.
Turns out that’s the kind of shit that gives ‘common sense’ and little crusaders a bad name. Also turns out the Prius is effing batshit homicidal.
So when the class action begins, put Ross in the dock as an indicted co-conspirator, right beside the rice rocket tyrants from Big To-yo-ta.
Love to get back with Steve to those glorious golden country-club days of yesteryear, back when Arnie, Jack, and Sneed were kings, and Gary Player was a playa.
Peggy Noonan, re McCain, torture, and “torture” …
@59 I can accept a bogey now and then. That said, I’m not the one around here claiming to have a photographic memory. Speaking of which…
@60 “It’s Lynndie Rana England, so you EPIC FAILED!”
I’m not the one around these parts who brags about his fucking photographic memory. Call that EPIC FAIL on your own sorry ass, bitch.
@62 “Arnie, Jack, and Sneed were kings, and Gary Player was a playa.”
Indeed. Heck, Klake, I’d settle for the days when Watson and Seve were duking it out on the fairways of St. Andrews.
Watson at St. Andrews? That was Tom DeLay.
Any tunes for our times, Steve? Any of your hot licks we can steal from Napster?
just a little (a lot) curious (yellow) about what you played, back in the day, and for whom.
Steve, every now and then a bubble gets misplaced in bubble memory. So what? you didn’t answer the question Puddy posed.
And… we all know why!
it’s because he’s still high on Urp Day.
I did my earth day thing. I sent an e-mail to the county telling them to stop screwing with the beaver dam they had just breeched and promptly ratted them out to the Dept of Fish and Wildlife (who were not happy at all). I heard back form Fish and Wildlife within hours. From the County? Crickets. First time they have never responded to me.
The beaver(s) fixed the dam.
@67 We can take that up the next time you’re around, my friend.
@68 “memory moron” Puddy, Puddy, Puddy. What am I gonna do with you? Maybe you need to hang with me for a while. I’ll get you back on the right program. Next thing you know, you’ll be Kountry Klubbing it with me.
Steve, Steve, Steve: Just answer my question. Notice NutRight ran away. Elian’s mother died trying to give him freedom. Clinton and Holder banished the poor kid to a life of poverty and killed any dreams his mother might have had for her son. Also why did she leave her husband. Maybe he was abusive and she wanted something more for Elian? April 22 will always be an infamous date.
If obama appointed her, can’t he also relieve her of the position?
I believe elian is living a much better life than the average cuban kid. Castro wants to drag elian out every couple years to show the world the kid is thriving under free health care and free education unlike the cuban kids trapped in the public schools of america. He can also point out that racist bush authorized nazi like swat teams to burst into a house pointing big guns at unarmed innocent people, even sticking a big gun into the face of little elian to prove america’s power. Elian is something cuba will use for decades to prove how bush and america are bad.
Oops, I was just informed it wasn’t bush that authorized the swat-like attacks. Must have been karl rove.
Kewl, it’s about time your Kountry Klub let blacks in.
It’s cute when Marvin the Pervert and Puffybutt the Oreo pretend to be different people.
I’m not sure your .18 cents is even going to help, postage is more than that. But thanks for the thought.
Ouch. Your parents won’t even let you use the phone on your own? Does your assistant also help dress and feed you? Is it entirely emotional/mental issues or are there also some physical issues that you need an assistant for?
I never run from Puddy. Why would I bother.
How many times do I have to show that your Puddylies don’t add up to squat?
I have better things to do than to disprove and fact-check all the crap you get from the rightwing sites. Until you learn to think critically and fact-check your own material – you deserve to be mostly ignored.
And as far as Elian, a child should go with their parents – period. Why is there any other discussion? Anything else is just stupid.
@73 “Elian’s mother died trying to give him freedom.”
I thought you guys hated illegal immigrants. Hell, most of you wingnuts want to shoot them on sight.
“Clinton and Holder banished the poor kid to a life of poverty”
Isn’t that exactly what you want to happen? Heck, the American jackbooted facsist stormtroopers even had guns aimed at legal hispanic immigrants while searching for an illegal. I figure you wingnuts would be thrilled.
Well we all know stillbentover@77 posts as proud leftist. And then we see stillbentover posting as Steve. Next we see stillbentover posting as correctnotright. Now and then he appears as don joe. Is he stupid enough to continue to post as clueless wonder?
Damn how many personas does that fool have? Is stillbentover going for the major league record held by headless lucy?
NutRight does it again:
NutRight, you continue to amaze all of us with your abject stupidity. Elian and his mother escaped in 1999. So how do you return Elian to his parents fool? Why did she leave and the father stay? And of course you throw the little boy back into Communism because you love Communism PLAIN AND SIMPLE. We see your Karl Marx, Lenin, and Stalinistic postings every day here on HA weasels.
Great job coming out of the closet.
Steve you got something right even though you are high on Steve’s Stupid Solution…
Yes, Eric Holder did get the Clintonites in action against Elian April 22, 2000.
Thanks for finally clarifying this point about the Democratically inspired American jackbooted fascist stormtroopers.
Steve then farted:
We want to send back the freeloaders Steve. Where does your small brain get wrapped around shooting? You know about freeloaders, being one yourself. Too bad you can’t understand the difference.
@81 “And then we see stillbentover posting as Steve.”
WTF? I don’t keep track of your namecalling – when you used names like “Yelling Loser Boy” for YLB and other similar namecalling at least there was a clue. I’ve no idea who you’re talking about anymore. Who is stillbentover and why on earth would you think for even a minute that he’s posting as me? Are you projecting again? Good grief, Puddy, you’re not Mr. Klynical too, are you? That’d be a little too much.
@84 “Where does your small brain get wrapped around shooting?”
Hmm, are you the “cluelesswonder” I keep hearing about?
@83 “Thanks for finally clarifying this point about the Democratically inspired American jackbooted fascist stormtroopers.”
I was just fucking with you. But I don’t want you firing on the wrong jackbooted stormtroopers, Puddy. To be clear, our side’s the American jackbooted commie stormtroopers. You guys are the American jackbooted fascist stormtroopers.
What is it like to be the only person ignorant enough to believe we are the same person?
Thanks for being you. You are keeping this blog from gaining any respect. Remember, Sound Politics has twice the hits of this blog. And that is due to you, goat sex steve and the rabbit and the crap you three write.
The truth is, more illegal immigrants are shot by democrats than republicans.