Councilman Bob Ferguson — the Joe Lieberman of King County Politics — just issued a joint press release with Councilman Raymond Shaw Reagan Dunn announcing that he would join the King County Council’s four Republicans in putting a charter amendment on the ballot that would make the County Auditor an elected office.
Just the kind of pandering, conniving politics I’ve come to expect from Ferguson, who seems intent on using his status as the Council’s swing vote to maximum personal advantage. It is also incredibly irresponsible and counterproductive if Ferguson’s goal is to actually stabilize and improve operations at Records and Elections.
Putting aside the larger issue that an elected Auditor would virtually assure that one of the largest elections jurisdictions in the nation will now be run by a political hack rather than a qualified professional, Ferguson’s ill-timed announcement may have just made it impossible to fill top-level positions in the interim. I’ve been told that the county is close to bringing in one of the nation’s top elections officials, but Ferguson may have created just enough uncertainty to scuttle the deal. And worse yet, Ferguson knew this before he made his announcement.
In their press release Lieberman Ferguson & Shaw Dunn argue that King County should join the other 38 counties in the state that already administer elections under a separately elected official, but that’s just a red herring. Many of the state’s counties are tiny, and you just can’t compare their elections operations with that of a county that serves over a 1.2 million voters, about a third of the state’s entire electorate.
Indeed, even before the transition to all vote-by-mail King County already processes more mail-in ballots than any other jurisdiction save Los Angeles County. And of the top 20 voting jurisdictions in the nation (King County is number eleven), the majority fourteen appoint their top elections officers, because such complex operations require elections expertise rather than political savvy.
Of course, Lieberman Ferguson and his Republican allies will pooh-pooh such arguments, continuing to point towards over-hyped controversies surrounding the 2004 gubernatorial election as evidence of the need for dramatic change. This despite the fact that the National Association of County Recorders, Election Officials and Clerks will honor King County Elections with its Best Practice Award in recognition of its mail ballot processing during the 2005 election.
“The King County Elections Office submitted an impressive examination of their mail balloting practices and the challenges election officials experience when conducting elections with an ever-increasing volume of mail balloting. Our members will be able to take the procedures outlined by King County and immediately put them to use in their own jurisdictions which is the whole purpose of NACRCs Best Practice program,” said Harris County Clerk and NACRC Chair Beverly Kaufman.
Yeah, but who cares about the improvements KCRE has made over the past two years if there’s political hay to be made by trotting out the 2004 election contest once again? And who cares if Lieberman Ferguson & Shaw Dunn set back the County’s transition to all vote-by-mail — a transition that Lieberman Ferguson championed — when there are cozy little backroom deals to be made.
See, council scuttlebutt is that Lieberman Ferguson & Shaw Dunn have a little vote trading pact going. Rumor has it that Shaw Dunn recently broke ranks to support Lieberman Ferguson’s efforts to squash a North Lake Union development project, and now Lieberman Ferguson is breaking ranks on the county auditor vote as pay back.
Either way politicizing the elections department is just bad public policy. Here’s hoping the ambitious Lieberman Ferguson gets an earful from his constituents.
Oh, and if you’re one of those lucky folks who have had Lieberman Ferguson ring your door bell, better give the button a wipe with a little Lysol. You just never know where his finger’s been.
I am so disgusted with this guy! Mr. Ride the Bus.. Mr. Doorbell..
Mr. Self Promoter..
He’s going to pay for this.
Draft Dino! He has signed the front side of a pay check.
Having had Bob show up on our doorstep a few times, he seems like a decent guy. I’d really like to give him the benefit of the doubt. There seem to be two possibilities:
One, he’s guilty of naivite bordering on downright stupidity–like all the other Vichy Democrats who keep assuming the other side is playing fair.
Two, he’s just be an opportunistic schmuck.
This guy has had years of Jesuit education, and they do an awfully good job of teaching people how to use their brains, so it’s pretty damned hard to believe number one.
Oh, well…another myth shattered.
What timing that Ferguson has,
The National Association of County Recorders, Election Officials and Clerks will honor King County Elections with the Best Practice Award for mail ballot processing at its annual conference next week.
I guess the fact that elections professionals throughout the country look upon King County as a model means nothing, as long as a vocal minority keeps spreading lies.
This is hardly a big issue. Let’s face it, most of the other counties do just fine with an elected auditor. What is more important is to make the office non-partisan. If they make it partisan, I think it goes down. But a non-partisan auditor will be approved by 70% of the people.
Okay Goldy – what cut-off of population do you have for stopping the election of the county auditor?
And yes, this is great news for the people of King County – let the people decide!!!
Goldy has really gone off the deep end on this topic.
The Citizens’ Elections Oversight Committee and the Executive’s Independent Task Force on Elections — the body which Ron Sims appointed last year to review the problems and issues with King County Elections — have recommended the election of an Auditor as one of the steps to solve the many problems in that office.
In addition, when Ron Sims announced today the Charter Review process — something that King County has to do every ten years. Sims is also saying that the issue of an elected Auditor needs to be addressed.
And to really show your stupidity, you are calling Bob Ferguson the “Joe Lieberman” of Washington politics. As if comparing Ferguson to the most principled person the Democrats have had on their national ticket since Jimmy Carter is some kind of insult.
Joe Lieberman is 10x the Democrat Bob Ferguson will ever be.
Ferguson, darling of the Church of Sharkansky, has done everything he can to appease the reactionary anti-Democrat and anti-government (rich) pitchfork and torch crowd on a number of different issues.
He backed shrinking the King County Council, using populist (meaning fuzzy) math, claiming it would save millions of dollars. In the end, the measure didn’t end up saving us taxpayers a single dime (they just hired more staff, and ended up sending out more campaign-like mail then ever).
This is an idiotic proposal, in the Tim Eyman mold. The idea that voters should just vote on everything and everybody all the time should have been buried with Ross Perot in the ’90s.
It’s a professional position – not a job for political hacks. And given the nature of party politics these days, it doesn’t matter whether the position is partisan, or not. Fact is, the political parties are going to have a big say in who gets elected to this job.
Bob Ferguson needs to stop getting his talking points from Sound Politics and all the other fringe elements out there.
Commentby Richard Pope— 7/25/06@ 11:35 am
Thank you. I’m going to participate in this discussion because this is earth-shattering. . .
Richard Dope and his Sound Politics cult would have cared less about this issue, had his candidate for governor – Dino Rossi – won in 2004. Even if the margin had been 10 votes.
Drop the phony “good government watchdog” schtick, Richard.
Commentby Benjamin— 7/25/06@ 11:42 am
Nice try. But I supported a hand recount… and I called for Dean Logan to go long, long before the second count.
Bob Ferguson is definitely a Democrat, in the fullness of the liberal Seattle tradition. He votes with the other four Democrats on the King County Council on almost every issue where there is a partisan divide. Including the Critical Areas Ordinance.
But you have one instance where he sides with Republicans on what is really a non-partisan issue that has bi-partisan support — namely electing an Auditor — and moonbat Democrat hacks like David Goldstein attack him using the strongest supposed insults that they can think of.
Bob Ferguson, like Joe Lieberman, has over 80% synchronized voting record with the Democrat Party.
But if you disagree with the Democrats over a big issue, then you’re a Bush League Republican (or in this case Dunn League Republican).
I presume Stephanie Herseth is next…
US House of Representatives South Dakota Democrat Representative Stephanie “Herseth’s centrist approach — she had a liberal score of 59 percent and a conservative score of 41 percent in National Journal’s 2005 vote ratings.”
Pierce County has an elected auditor and our elections run fine. Plus, the aduitors have been Democrats since way back in the day.
Commentby me— 7/25/06@ 12:00 pm
Skagit County also has an elected Auditor and that’s a swing seat.
Sadly though, this debate is bordering on hypocrisy. When they want a simple majority on school levies the left says: Let the People Decide.
But when it comes to letting the people decide on an elected auditor, the response is “NOT let the people decide” from the left (not the Simple Majority lobby, I hope).
Notice all the right-wingers speaking up for Ferguson? Just sayin’.
Ivan @16,
Absolutely. They see political advantage in the fight over whether to elect the auditor, and they see political advantage in attempting to turn the office partisan. (Just like they do with judges.)
This is all about politics and has nothing to do with good government. I’ve yet to see a cogent argument why the benefits from electing an auditor override the downside.
-I�ve been told that the county is close to bringing in one of the nation�s top elections officials, but Ferguson may have created just enough uncertainty to scuttle the deal. And worse yet, Ferguson knew this before he made his announcement.-
The Republicans (+Ferguson) are doing exactly what they did 10 years ago, when they drove out a perfectly competent appointed Sheriff (who left the job when it got politicized, and has served ably as Bellevue’s Chief of Police ever since).
Who did we get in his place? Big Hat, No Cattle: Dave Reichert.
Suburban Mayors, Locke Try To Stop Plan To Elect Sheriff
Suburban officials and the county executive are mounting a last-minute campaign to halt the King County Council’s attempts to make the sheriff’s job an elected office.
The Republican-dominated council is expected to vote tomorrow to put the issue on the November ballot. If approved countywide, there would be an election for sheriff in the fall of 1997. The sheriff now is a department head reporting to the county executive.
The move was initiated by Kent Pullen, who represents the rural areas of Southeast King County. He and the other council Republicans are for it; the Democrats are against it.
Three suburban mayors are also planning to show up tomorrow to argue against the measure, and aides to King County Executive Gary Locke have been working behind the scenes to try to change one or two Republican votes.
“It’s an incredibly lousy idea,” said Kirkland Mayor Debbie Eddy.
“We feel this is a job for a professional,” said Shoreline Mayor Connie King. The Shoreline City Council has voted to oppose election of the sheriff, as has the Suburban Cities Association
-Notice all the right-wingers speaking up for Ferguson? Just sayin’. –
Hey, they’re not stupid. They spend enough time sucking up to him over on their own blog.
Commentby Goldy— 7/25/06@ 12:14 pm
An elected auditor will provide an independent elections department with their own budget and their own C.E.O. who answers to the people.
What’s wrong with that? And should all the 38 other counties appoint their auditors, too?
Wow. This is too funny. Look at how quickly they turn on someone if they do not do EVERYTHING along party lines. So much for free-thinking.
On a side note, Goldy complained that making the Auditor position an elected position would make said position politcally biased. Isn’t it already? I mean, whoever is King County Executive gets to choose who they want for the position. I remember last year when Irons was running against Sims, one of the things said by Irons that the first thing he would ask for after he was elected was for the resignation of Dean Logan. The fact is that people already perceive the position as biased due to the last several elections in King County. At least if the people are allowed to choose then we can see their affiliate up front.
It seems to me that the CEOC was unanimous on five of their top six recommendations, but only a majority wanted an elected Auditor.
In their presentation, all vote-by-mail was stressed more than the elected position. I think putting the Auditor amendment on the ballot effectively puts off vote-by-mail until 2009.
Harry @ 22:
That’s what they are trying to do. This is all to scuttle Gregoire. It won’t work, even if we reatin poll voting. They’ll cry foul because it’s all they have.
A lot of working people don’t have time to keep up with this stuff. They hear all the noise coming from Stefan and his cult, all bought and paid for by the BIAW and the EFF, and they wonder if there isn’t something to it after all.
We’ll beat them. But now we’ll have to work harder. I’m in.
Comment by ivan — 7/25/06 @ 12:51 pm
You forgot Comrade , BTW.
What North Lake Union development are you talking obliquely about? Is it the Metro bus maintenance yard by the Gas Works? I’m just having trouble imagining that currying favor with the raging NIMBYs of south Wallingford is so important to him that he’d trade his vote on the auditor issue, so there’s probably another “inside baseball” explanation here (or maybe no inside baseball at all, just an act of principled naivete).
Comment by Crazy Vaclav — 7/25/06 @ 1:02 pm
Man, I just enjoy that ALT-TAB watching you people.
Folks, folks maybe Ferguson did this for principle’s sake, eh?
They really do hate all that ballot counting and the lack of opportunity to intimidate voters.
75% of the 2008 ballots in KC will come in the mail anyway, so it won’t do them much good.
Folks, folks maybe Ferguson did this for principle’s sake, eh?
You mean he’s not a superficial nitwit; he’s a nitwit to the core?
Josef @ 26:
Principle, my ass. He wants to be County Executive, and he wants developer money to get him there, plus enough dumb gullible liberals who have think he’s one of them.
Comment by Another TJ — 7/25/06 @ 1:13 pm
Or the legislator believes in trusting the people on the big, controversial issues…
Comment by ivan — 7/25/06 @ 1:46 pm
Supporting populism has nothing to do with “developer money”. Nice try.
All these positions, appointed, elected, non-partisan or partisan are ALWAYS subject to politics. And all you have to do is listen to KVI. If they’re for someone, you should be against him. Case closed.
I think Ferguson DOES want to be King County Executive.
That said, he certainly hasn’t endeared himself to developers. If it wasn’t for Ferguson, the Democrats in the King County Council could have never passed the developer-hated Critical Areas Ordinance.
Goes to show how out of touch Pope is. The big developers didn’t have a problem with the Critical Areas Ordinance. In fact, it’s the small landowners who made up the bulk of the property rights movement, complaining about the big developers the whole way.
-The fact is that people already perceive the position as biased due to the last several elections in King County. –
You’ve been spending way to much time over at Sound Politics, Left Behind by Everybody. By ‘people,’ you meant 30 people, right?
Isn’t having an elected auditor also a great way to insulate the rest of the executive branch from elections problems. Then they can just throw their hands up and say, “Hey–you idiots voted for the guy…”
The real number of illegal aliens in the U.S. is not 12 million, as the federal government claims, but closer to 30 million. Democrats love this!!
The IRS – known for hounding citizens who make mistakes on their returns – has paid out $10 billion in refunds and credits to illegal aliens who used fraudulent Social Security numbers, and it has no intention of going after those who’ve made fraudulent claims.
Over 3,000 illegal aliens suspected of murdering Americans have fled to Mexico, where they often live openly and without fear of arrest. Many still vote Democrat.
Comment by kevinf — 7/25/06 @ 2:15 pm
I concur. That’s why this is a great idea: accountability!
So wait a minute… the independent and bipartisan panels that Ron Sims and the King County Council appointed BOTH suggest an elected Auditor, but Bob Ferguson is a turncoat Democrat and publicity hound for actually suggesting we give the voters the choice implement that suggestion, in conjunction with a Republican?
I expect pretty shrill partisanship from Goldy. It doesn’t mean I have to buy it.
Yeah, Ferguson’s not an automatic vote for anything Ron Sims suggests. Thank God. I like some differing opinions in my council members. I thought Edmonds and Sullivan were inferior candidates to Ferguson as well as being ‘eh’ councilmembers (and honestly, we could use some more turnover in the County Council in BOTH parties; I’m quite sick of von Reichbauer and generally oppose the principle of Congressman, Senator or Councilmember for life, good primaries and general elections with good challengers make for stronger incumbents).
I like Ron Sims and I think a lot of uSP’s commentary is over the top if not outright wrong, but they do have a (limited) point: King County has had elements of hackocracy for a while now- see: Sound Transit’s failings circa 2000 and some of the boondoggles in computer systems Sims presided over, and the elections in 2002 and 2004 didn’t help, either.
Anyway, I’m straying, but considering how often the Ds on the council have treated Ferguson like a skunk at a church picnic, as a result of his unwillingness to blandly accept pecking order or ignore popular will, and made power plays on him (districting him into Edmonds district after the council downsizing passed), I’m unsurprised he’s made alliances with Rs on some issues. Effective politicians do this.
And the difference between Ferguson and Liberman’s simple- he hasn’t slagged his fellow Democrats the same way Joe has. There’s a difference between being a Feingold or McCain-style politician who’s perfectly happy to break with the majority of their party on certain issues, and Lieberman, who revels in being opposed to some wings of the party because of “principle”, and will happily go on TV about it at length.
Anyway…for the record, Richard, you should mention that you and Bob have a former working relationship, no? Weren’t you both in the ASUW together in school? ;)
eponymous coward @ 38
Bob Ferguson was probably the best ASUW president back in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s. Certainly a lot better that Heidi Wills or Judy Nicastro. And I wouldn’t necessarily say that Ferguson was a Democrat back when he was ASUW President. Although I would definitely say that he has been a strongly committed and unwavering Democrat for at least the last 15 years.
By the way, your analysis was excellent. :)
I thought about it some more, and this might be more what Ferguson is thinking: King County is so thoroughly Democratic (and getting even bluer) that the chances, regardless of BIAW expenditures on trying to influence an auditor’s race, of a Republican operative getting elected as auditor are virtually nil. (And anyway, if the BIAW or EFF were really interested in buying an elected auditor position to set the stage for future manipulation of statewide races, they would probably try to take on “Sideshow” Bob Terwilliger in Snohomish County, which is a swingier county and could be done for a lot cheaper.) (Clearly, though, they’ve realized that the most cost-effective way of all to buy power in this state is by purchasing the Supreme Court.)
So, he figures, whether King County elects a Democratic partisan or a thoroughly skilled impartial professional as auditor, either way the Democratic electoral strengths in the county are preserved and it won’t come back to hurt him. Yet he gets to come out of this decision smelling of non-partisan roses, in some small way adding to his moderate credentials for his county executive run in 2009 and his gubernatorial run in 2012 (McKenna vs. Ferguson: dweeb vs. dweeb!). (He’s reputedly a chess master, so you know he’s thinking 10 moves ahead.)
Or the legislator believes in trusting the people on the big, controversial issues…
What is the “big, controversial issue” here?
Josef @26,
Ferguson based his decision on what he bases all his decisions: he’s positioning himself to be County Executive. For me that’s reason enough to want Ron Sims to run for a fourth term… just to screw with Ferguson’s personal ambitions.
And guys… again… I haven’t heard any cogent arguments as to why an elected Auditor is somehow better than an appointed one. Accountibility? Sims is accountable now.
So how does politicizing the office assure us that it is run better and more fairly? How does it assure us that there is somebody with expertise running the office?
Ferguson is a manipulative politician. He has screwed, lied and/or spun the truth to both the voters and the Democrat PCOs on elections, Sound Transit, human services, enviro protections and others. kick him out.
Comment by Goldy — 7/25/06 @ 3:04 pm
a) I believe Ferguson is doing the right thing deferring to the people instead of whamming this down King County’s throat. He has done this before, knowing the populism skeleton of this state’s polity*.
b) If your auditor is elected, the auditor will take public ownership and independence for elections. There is just as much risk w/ and w/o elections for hacks to be the auditor. But as you have proven – the campaign process provides scrutiny of credientials and “expertise”. Please name for me one elected hack in one county auditor’s office in this state please.
c) Put differently, why should you and your compatriots not have the same choice I have in Skagit County?
*I am reading Washington State Government and Politics right now.
And guys… again… I haven’t heard any cogent arguments as to why an elected Auditor is somehow better than an appointed one. Accountibility? Sims is accountable now.
The top Elections official in King County is currently appointed by the
County Executive, as one of numerous appointed heads of county
divisions. However, due to the importance of the position, the Council
must confirm the County Executive’s appointment of this division director
as well as the position of Superintendent of Elections (who reports to the
• Thirty-eight of Washington’s 39 counties have elected auditors.
• The state’s top election official, the Secretary of State, is elected rather
than appointed by the governor.
• After the 2004 Election, many citizens expressed strong dissatisfaction
with the current appointed Auditor and have called for making this an
elected position.
Making the auditor a non-partisan elected position would promote a dramatic
increase in public trust in King County elections. The Elections Section would no
longer be seen as just a routine county department under the control of the
County Executive. The higher level of importance given to an elected office
would help ensure continued public scrutiny long after the current elections
controversy has ended, thus helping to avoid a repeat of the elections problems
of the past.
FWIW, Paul Berendt, the former Democratic State Party Chair, is in favor of an elected auditor for King County. I guess he’s a turncoat too, like Ferguson?
I think the issue’s mixed, myself- but note that this puts a bipartisan recommendation for the sovereign voters of King County to enact or reject, and to have a discussion about the issue. It does not enact anything by fiat. What is the matter with presenting voters with choices, especially when it’s not done Eyman style (full of lies) and has some bipartisan backing?
As for “Ferguson wants higher office and that’s why he’s doing this”- Sims has run for Governor (as King County Executive) AND Senator (as a King County Councilmember). The three governors preceding Governor Gregoire were all county executives or councilmembers (Locke, Lowry, Gardner and Spellman) who went on to run for higher office. So do you apply the same standard to Sims- that the stands he takes on issues are motivated by a desire for higher office?
Personally, I don’t see ambition in politics as a bad thing, necessarily. I rather like Aaron Reardon, who I’m pretty convinced is a) gunning for higher office VERY fast, having made Snohomish County Executive at a pretty young age and b) got a decent shot of making it. If Ferguson is able to make bipartisan relationships and enact popular legislation, it helps the Democrats.
Here’s some background on Aaron Reardon, BTW.
I note the following:
A campaign to unseat Reardon in 2007 was launched Saturday by Sheriff Rick Bart, a Republican. Bart reports he’s raised about $8,000 to Reardon’s war chest of $142,000. The sheriff has scored points in some circles by attacking what he contends is Reardon’s arrogance and preoccupation with politics.
“He’s a professional politician,” Bart said. “He lives and breathes politics day and night, always looking for something in his future politically. I think he makes all of his decisions based on that.”
eponymous coward
Thanks for your pithy comments. This is what the Evergreen Freedom Foundation (I’m a donor) said today:
“King County council members Reagan Dunn and Bob Ferguson deserve praise for their bi-partisan effort to restore effective leadership in the county elections division. Former elections chief Dean Logan’s tenure was marked by a record of mismanagement, a lack of transparency, a disregard for election laws, and an unhappy staff.
“The elections department needs a strong leader who has the authority to ‘clean house;’ a leader who follows the constitution and laws of Washington and who will be committed to transparency and fairness. This isn’t going to happen under the present system of Sims’ appointees. It only has a chance with a non-partisan elected auditor.
“An independent auditor would answer directly to the people, not to a partisan executive.
“With Dean Logan’s departure, fully two-thirds of the senior management positions in the elections office are empty, along with many support staff. This is a management crisis, and yet it is also an opportunity to make needed changes to the leadership structure. Having a nonpartisan elected auditor is the first big step in this process. Further steps would include making elections a stand-alone division, and giving the auditor greater authority to pick competent staff.
“Conducting elections is one of the few truly core functions of government and the people should have a direct say in how it operates. King County citizens should be allowed to choose their elections chief.â€;number=56
I thought I should post this while using Deepnet Explorer and working to keep the dialogue going…
Of course, has some pithy bipartisan quotes…
Partisian Hack or qualified professional? Logan was a partisian hack.
Hopefully, the King County voters are smart enough to check the qualifications of those running for office and vote the most competent individual into office.
I said it before. Draft Dino to run for KC Auditor. He has professional experience with a damp mop.
Speaking of fingers, the inside baseball portion of the post, the unattributed leak, has the fingerprints of Ron Sims and Sandeep Kaushik all over it. David, it is so transparent.
Comment by Particle Man — 7/25/06 @ 5:51 pm
You don’t give the people of King County credit. They can see through that.
Oh it would be such a huge shame to have the King County Auditor an elected official.
You people have really fallen to a new low here!
That’s quite an interesting accusation. What is the source of that inside information? If it is true, what is Ferguson’s motivation for the North Lake Union property? Would he really trade something like that for something as huge as an elected auditor? Was Dunn’s vote (I haven’t checked whether he voted for or against Ferguson on this law) absolutely necessary for Ferguson’s victory?
In other words, what evidence do you have to support this “council scuttlebutt,” and where did it come from?
It was said that if the position of auditor was elected it would be filled by a party hack. well it is run by a hack now. Dean Logan is nothing more than Executive Sims lackey.
Comment by RennDawg — 7/25/06 @ 10:06 pm
I agree, but Dean Logan is gone now!!! Reagan “Get things Dunn” and Mary “Marummy” Lane, the rest of the King County Council GOP Caucus, Bob Williams, Stefan Sharkansky and I got it Dunn!!!
Justice was brought to our shores, grace be upon their souls!!!
In other news:
July 25, 2006
Councilmembers Introduce Aggressive Commitments to Reduce King County Greenhouse Gas Emissions
King County Councilmembers Dow Constantine and Bob Ferguson have introduced legislation making aggressive, specific commitments to reduce King County’s greenhouse gas emissions and ensure that King County is prepared for impacts of climate change. for the press release.
And thanks to Deepnet Explorer and Google News:
King County Councilmember Bob Ferguson: “My feeling is that, actually, you trust more in someone who is accountable to you,” he said. “Inherently, that relationship inspires an inherent trust. That person is accountable only to you, not some other elected official.”
There you go.
Our fair Supreme Court Justice Madsen says the people should decide on gay marriage, “We see no reason, however, why the legislature or
the people acting through the initiative process would be foreclosed from
extending the right to marry to gay and lesbian couples in Washington.”
Well then can’t the people decide if the auditor can be elected?
goldy make me laugh my *** off…
You note how KCRE is about to hire one of the leading elections officials..
Man, you said that about Dean Logan; you mean you all dug up another lisping doofus?
rtsp:// is where you can watch the press conference
I just want to say that Jane Hauge is my favorite member of the Council. I do not live in her district yet, she responds to my e-mails and keeps me updated about whats happening with the attack on my right to vote (all mail voting). She is a better Councilmember to me than my own Councilmember Julia Patterson. I sent her an e-mail months ago. I reqested a responce through her web page on the county site. Nothing. Councilmember Jane Hauge is a true Statesman.
You want a partisan hack running KCRE, there’s no better candidate than me! You think GOP dead voters are dead now, I’ll have them hanged!! hahaha
Comparing Bob the Bus Rider to Lieberman. Man, that’s a l-o-w blow. Until he’s gets kissed by Diane Tebelius, I refuse to believe he is nothing more than an opportunist. I shan’t.
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