Yet another reason why I’ll miss living in a two-newspaper town…
Seattle Times: Seattle P-I to live another day
Seattle PI: P-I closure appears near
Same story, two newspapers, two headlines. So much for impartiality.
by Goldy — ,
Yet another reason why I’ll miss living in a two-newspaper town…
Seattle Times: Seattle P-I to live another day
Seattle PI: P-I closure appears near
Same story, two newspapers, two headlines. So much for impartiality.
Speaking as one Seattlite, my intention is not to switch to the Times.
I believe that supporting the Time to fill the void will prevent us from getting something better. A vacuum is more likly to generate something that is an empty space filled with fluff.
Be afraid holier than thou trolls. Be very afraid:
Goldy is outraged that two different newspapers have two different headlines for the same story? So does Goldy also believe that KIRO, KING, and KOMO newscasts should be written and worded in exactly the same way every night, because otherwise, they wouldn’t be “impartial?” I don’t follow Goldy’s logic.
Does anyone here remember when I told Goldy to go out and start doing his own original reporting, and to stop laying down snark over other people’s original news, and trying to pass THAT off as news?
I’m STILL waiting.
The spoutings of “a postevangelical reformation Christian in search of a Jesus-shaped spirituality” is hardly something to be afraid of…..I think he is a little bit on the doom and gloom side…
Anyway, with a self described title as above, he has plenty of other issues to work out than worry about Evangelical Christianity…
Besides, what is there to fear? Religion is not a political point to “score” or “win or lose”. Should this article serve to lessen my faith? Should his opinion be taken as utter truth? Nah, but thanks for article.
Boy talk about completely failing to get the point of the post.
Goldy is saying he will miss the diversity of viewpoints the P-I provides. If all the media outlets said exactly the same thing what would be the point of multiple outlets.
How can any God loving person be afraid when Jesus is walking with us.
Only the non believers should worry like you.
@7 I see that Matthew 7 means absolutely nothing to you. What other teachings of Christ do you choose to ignore? All or just most of them – or just those that are inconvenient to your political bullshit?
Still reading Daily Kurse eh knuckle dragger@2? For the knuckle dragger to post something from CS, a web site virtually unknown to the clueless one, got Puddy wondering why is monomaniacal one there? Goodness Puddy likes that term of our knuckle dragger. “Your Abbreviated Pundit Round-up” has the story with the exact link. So what knuckle dragger@2? What is your point?
Ooops… it’s on Kos so free me the knuckle dragger & it’s hatred, that’s your point. Unlike Right Stuff, no thanks for your hatred.
Busted as always!
7 Jesus, you say?
Do you mean the Jesus who violently drove your ilk out of the temple?
The Jesus who said “you cannot serve God and money”?
The Jesus who had plenty of pithy things to say about hypocrites?
That Jesus?
If he showed up at a CPAC meeting and interrupted Fatso Lump-Butt to talk about people loving their neighbors (not just the “right” ones) and eschewing wealth and personal comfort to serve a greater good, or spoke of “rendering to Caesar” to the “teabag” crowd, he’d hear a familiar response: “Crucify him! Crucify him!”
@9 he is baaaaackkkkk?
Judge not, lest ye be judged?
He without sin cast the first stone?
Do unto others as you would have…..?
You sanctimonious, arrogant bastard. Your parents must be so proud.
Read about what I have to say on this subject then listen to me say it here.
The Piper
@13 No, thank you.
From the – “Yeah like we never would have seen this coming” file –
From the family who wanted to put white trash in the White house – Palin’s out-of-wedlock baby is without a father. Who knew? Right!
Pea brain,
Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
Makes you feel good huh.
Liberals can not or will not support cable liberal line ups. How can they support a paper they have to pay for or comes free….
TUES., MARCH 10, 2009
FOXNEWS BECK 2,331,000
FOXNEWS SHEP 2,044,000
CNN COOPER 1,214,000
CNN KING 1,185,000
MSNBC MADDOW 1,041,000
BBGOP @ 15:
As Grandma Palin said in the VP debate “Say it ain’t so, Joe. There ya go again!!”
Do you get the feeling the Wasilla Hillbillies were just lying about the “engagement” during the election campaign just to cover up there white trashiness?
So much for teaching your kids abstinence ONLY.
Republicans are such idiotic morons.
15 Nope. It’s too bad those poor kids got their personal affairs dragged under the public microscope while dealing with a situation people their age shouldn’t be dealing with at all.
It’s also impossible to imagine that with all the huffing and puffing the GOPers do about the slightest character warts of those they oppose, that they couldn’t have done better at identifying and vetting a candidate for Vice President of the United States of America, for heaven’s sake! It’s also really, really sad that they imposed this on the guy they nominated for President, and didn’t let him be himself and run his own campaign instead of putting them in the middle of a freak show.
@20 “they imposed this on the guy they nominated for President”
Hell, three months after the election they’re claiming their presidential candidate wasn’t even a fucking Republican. Of course, there’s a “Draft Palin” movement now for 2012. They’re fucking loons, I tell ya!
@ 4 Does anyone here remember when I told Troll to go out and eat shit and die?
I’m STILL waiting.
YLB @ 2:
THANK YOU for posting that article. It spells out exactly why the politically powerful Evangelical Christians have just fallen from their perch.
They bet on the wrong horse!!
With all the lies American Taliban Conservatives were spewing about Liberals being godless, anti-American, anti-military, anti-life, without morals, or convictions the truth has endured. As it always does. Looking back over the last several decades Evangelicals have come to realize that the presidents who coveted greed and lied about nearly everything, senators who cruised public bathroom at airports in search of gay sex and visited DC madams, congressman who preyed on Paige boys over the internet, senators and congressmen who are now convicted felons for stealing public money, Spokane mayors who promised city jobs in exchange for sex on gay web sites, lobbyists connected to bribes, gambling and murder, and reverends who snort crystal meth with gay male prostitutes are, in fact, overwhelming self-identified, Reagan Republican, Moral Majority, Conservative Christians.
They are the sinners. Not the Liberals they’ve so broadly painted with their brush of false accusations.
Evangelicals worked so hard on pressing the political message they forgot God’s message. And thus, as sited in their article, the young people in their community know which side of the “culture war” they’re supposed to be on, but articulate WHY!
They’re in this mess because they failed to acknowledge one profound fundamental principle of Christianity: Truth. When you wander away from the undeniable, omnipresent principle of the universe; that of truth, you stray onto the Devil’s playground. One little White Lie here, a cover up there, pretty soon the idea of torturing another human being seems justifiable. Perhaps, even doing God’s work in the belief of eliminating Evil-doers from the world.
But those who come to that belief have failed to truly understand what it means to “Take the Lord’s name in vain.” It is commonly thought saying “God Damn,” is taking the Lord’s name in vain, but that is wrong. Vain, being a derivative of vanity, means thinking a mere mortal can do God’s work and judge which souls are evil and which are not and mete out justice that is the sole providence of God. That, is taking the Lord’s name in vain.
This country was founded on the principles of Liberalism and truth. In the darkest hours of our nation’s history, it’s these two principles that guides back to our journey of creating a ‘more perfect union.’
God Bless America and those who stood with Lady Liberty and her founding principles over the last 8 years of tyranny, deceit, and lies.
@23 “a mere mortal can do God’s work and judge which souls are evil and which are not and mete out justice”
Damn if that doesn’t fit our Mr. Clynical to a “T”.
Doesn’t anyone else wonder what’s in those “notes that require shredding?”
22 He won’t listen to you, but if Rush told him to he’d not only do it, but have himself resuscitated and eat a second helping.