My DSL stopped working at about 9:30 am this morning, and I’ve been on and off the phone with Qwest ever since. So I’ve been reduced to pecking stuff out on my iPhone.
Just thought you should know.
So here’s the scoop.
Last week, a Qwest sales rep called me, trying to sell me their new 12 Mbps service, up from the 7 Mbps I have now. I’m always interested in faster broadband, but the woman didn’t quite seem to have a handle on how much more it would cost, and whether I’d need to spend $70 on a new modem, so I told her to call me back in a couple days so I’d have some time to check out the costs and specs and think about it. The next day a different Qwest rep calls with the same pitch, and I told him I’d already spoken with somebody, and would let them know.
Well apparently, I didn’t say “no” definitively enough, and somebody at Qwest decided to pad their commission by putting through the order anyway. So at about 9:30 AM, my line was re-provisioned, and no, my old modem doesn’t handle the higher speed connection.
It took about an hour with tech support to figure this out, and another couple hours to try to reprogram my modem to get it working — apparently, they couldn’t just throw a switch and bring back my old profile — at which point the rep promises to get this fixed and call me back. An hour and a half later, I call back Qwest and get tech rep number four on the phone, who assures me that everything has been fixed, the 12 Mbps order has been canceled, and the I’ve been switched back to the 7 Mbps service.
So then, why doesn’t everything work? The modem is now successfully synchronizing, a positive sign, but refuses to actually connect.
Oh, the tech rep explains, that’s because this new order won’t go through until 5 PM tomorrow. That’s just how long it takes to re-provision the line, and there’s nothing he can do about it.
So essentially, I’ll go the better part of two days without Internet service, all because some asshole at Qwest either couldn’t understand the word “no,” or simply didn’t care. (I say “asshole” rather than “idiot” because I assume the latter.) And the land line companies wonder why they keep losing customers?
Honestly… fuck ’em. Comcast offers similar speeds at similar prices (I think… I mean their website is incomprehensible when it comes to ordering broadband without cable TV), and even Clearwire looks like a reasonable alternative, so it’s not like I don’t have options. So if I’m gonna lose a couple days of service at their whim, I might as well lose it playing the special offers, getting discounts to switch from one to the other and back again.
On the bright side, I’m surfing the web now from a window seat at the Columbia City Alehouse, enjoying a $3 Happy Hour imperial pint along with a side order of free WiFi. If anybody reading this is in the neighborhood, stop on by and join me in raising a pint to the demise of Qwest.
Teh suck!
Seattle City Broadband. Make it so, Mr Mayor.
Mine stops once in a while. I just turn it off and back on and it’s never failed (yet) to work after a restart.
Frogg calls me a pathological liar. Zotz calls me a pathological lying slut. Tell it to the experts who are trying to tell you that Jimmy Carter was not a nuc expert. Carter was and is a self-aggrandizing, resume’ inflating Democrat. A redundancy. Let’s just call him a Darcy.
– via Wikipedia
– via Atomic Insights Blog, a source cited by Wiki.
San Fran Newsome is going to boycott. Amy Goodman wants to boycott. Austin’s going to boycott. Seattle too, of course, since it changes the subject from Seattle Democrat imcompetence and mismanagement.
So who gets hurt in Arizona by your liberal tantrums? Why, the hard-working Latinos in Arizona’s hospitality and tourism industries. Of course. Goldycrats always hurt the poor oppressed victims they profess to love.
(Hey, Zotz, you pathological lying pukebucket leftist. Where’s your rapid response? Where’s the truth about Carter and Carter Disease, a liberal affliction that only Obamacare can cure?)
Funny how Jimmy Carter makes wingnut heads explode. Fellah was a one-termer 3 decades ago. Let it rest, dood.
BTW, he was an engineering officer of the Sea Wolf (our second nuke sub, dumbshit) and had graduate classes in nuclear physics at Union college. His father died, you asshole, and he went home to take care of the family.
To repeat: A non-credit intro course at Union College. Right next to radical plutocrat Barbra and the Chet Arthur statue.
Nothing funny about Peanut Jimmy, dood. He’s the all-time poster boy for Democrat derangement syndrome. Voted for the deranged dood in 1976, and was forever cured of Democrat Disease. Too bad about you and ZotzFrogg. Hope Obamacare can help you before it’s too late.
Just unplug your modem and wait a few minutes. They are doing huge tests today by ALL isp servers and they expected interference today. A government thingy………………
nut-up and get comcast cable internet…
I got Comcast a while back. Shouldda stuck with Century Tel’s DSL.
that happened to me last summer, turned out they had a switch go bad on their end
@5 and 7: I don’t live here. I have a life, fuckwad, unlike you. Your shit doesn’t deserve a response, but here’s an excerpt from the official Navy history:
BTW: One of the Seawolf class nuc subs at Bangor (replaced Parche and its mission) is named — wait for it — SSN Jimmy Carter.
Here’s the Union College statue @7. In a sappy Streisand/Redford film, Chet was holding a fishing rod.
You were yammering here at 1:53 and then suddenly got a life to avoid responding to @4, 1:58. Or, to use nuc expert lingo, between 1353 and 1358 you miraculously got a reason to live.
But you didn’t prop up lying liar Jimmy Carter, did you? Not even he, not even you can inflate a few months of low-grade intro instruction into nuclear expertise.
Now maybe you, Zotz, are the real deal, the kind of actual factual nuc expert that Carter only pretended to be. So that’s why I asked you politely to sift through those 47,500 links about Carter’s exaggerated resume’.
Thanks for making it clear that the case is closed about Carter as a liar or exaggerator. Yes he was and yes he can. Si, se Pueda.
heh. Jimmy Cahter made HNMT go Horowitz..
What a creep..
Settle down, sister. Your ya-ya rah-rah sisterhood is safe from creeps like me and Horowitz.
(Alterman calls Horowitz a Stalinist leftist who became a Stalinist rightist. Horowitz must be doing something right to make Goldycrats like Alterman and you go insane. Or maybe you just hate Jews.)
Qwest? Uhhh, Goldy….there ain’t no such thing anymore. It’s CenturyTel, owned by some good ol’ boys in the land of once-pristine beaches.
It would appear that Zotz and his pals have some reason to dredge up all the change-the-subject stuff they can muster today. What other great embarrassment to the right’s about to hit the news, other than RushBo’s claim that “environmental terrorists” cause the oil-rig explosion?
Speaking of creeps:
Twisted little sister thinks that’s great stuff. And Zotz, who has a fuckwad life, somehow found time in his nuclear day to lower himself to improving our lives with inspirational verse.
That was last week, Art. Seemed like a slam-dunk cinch and seemed like the ELF MO. Then we took our meds, chilled, and reverted to normal: blaming everything on Haliburton.
Rush didn’t make a charge. He made an observation that the tragedy was entirely too convenient for those fanatics who want to block oil-fiend Obama’s stated intention to drill baby drill or, more accurately, explore baby explore. (Check DeVore’s post last week for the fanatic POV.)
Whatever happened in the Gulf, drill baby drill is now gone baby gone. Convenient indeed for the Luddite Left.
Back at mid-century, candidates for the nuclear submarine service probably learned a lot more from Rickover himself about “nuclear engineering” than they would from any college. Carter certainly attended the School of Hard Knocks in connection with the Chalk River cleanup. He also graduated high in his class at Annapolis, and took undergraduate math from Georgia Tech prior to his admission.
Compare that with an illiterate, shiftless teddy-boy from Connecticut whose Daddy bought him a “gentleman’s degree” from Yale, pretended to be a pilot for a short time, then went and hid in Alabama learning to speak with a fake drawl while his less-privileged contemporaries went to ‘Nam.
@20 Well, each of us serves his or her duty as he or she understands it, I guess.
Pretended to be a pilot? Will say it again: He was defending Texas airspace from incursions by the Evil Empire of Oklahoma.
Jimmy Carter has made this world a much better place. That is the mark of success for any human. You are not worthy to scrape dogshit from the sole of his shoe.
Jimmy Carter almost killed this country and was an utter idiot about the metastasizing threat of Iran. He was and is a tool of leftist cleptocrats and autocrats. He’s a fool about ‘Palestine.’
His fawning biographer, Douglas Brinkley, demonstrates that he was a traitor in the lead-up to Gulf War I: While GHWB, Cheney, and Baker were building an astonishing coalition of the willing (Israel joining Saudi Arabia and Russia to stop Saddam) Carter appointed himself alternative-universe Sec of State and tried to destroy the coalition.
Jimmy Carter = dog shitter. But about one thing and one thing only he was a glorious man with a beautiful mind: He was not a pukebucket leftist lawyer. Thank God.
Does reality ever intrude into your narrow little skewed world, or do your hate-filled delusions occupy your mind at all hours?
@22: Whoever “it” is, is spouting specious wingnut bullshit intended to discredit Carter. What’s specious? Being a Navy Nuc is NOT the same as being a “nuclear” engineer.
You are correct, in Carter’s time, there was no such thing as a “Nuclear” engineer. In Carter’s day, you got hand selected by Hyman Rickover to be part of “his” program. Rickover thought very highly of Carter. To have been hand selected by Rickover to help design reactors and assignment to the Naval Reactors Branch (SEA 08) in DC speaks volumes to anyone who knows and understands the program.
Here’s the bottom line: being a “Navy Nuc” means that you have been qualified in your occupation (not necessarily engineering or even “nuclear” engineering) for the Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program (NNPP).
Engineers of any kind are about a 1/3rd of the NNPP staffing, the rest have radiological controls or production backgrounds.
There are still to this day (I’m recently retired) very few “nuclear” engineers anywhere in the program. The engineering disciplines associated with the NNPP are mostly Mechanical Engineers with some Electrical and Electronics and a very few Chem Es.
So I repeat, whoever it is, is a pathological lying slut, and really, really ignorant too.
Silly me to expect that a pukebucket leftist lawyer like you might actually deal with fact and interpretations of fact.
We’ve established that you know nothing about Carter, aside from the talking-points swill that he made-this-world-a-much-better-place. You had 20 minutes to validate your swill, but you couldn’t. So you came back with two lines of hate-drenched leftist swill @27.
(Looks like Zotz is at least trying to pretend he can keep up, but I gotta go. Too much leftist lawyer #2 around here. C’ya later, intubators.)
Carter may be a nice guy who has/had good intentions, but he was a god awful president and leader.
@20: That was some fine, fine verse on my part.
You left out my favorite line, dipshit:
@19: I’m on your side, Art! And definitely NOT a wingnut!
In this thread, you are observing a flop and twitch from someone who has “its” panties in a bunch about being pwned in a previous thread re Carter.
I think it’s PudPuller, cuz he keeps reciting bits of old verse I slammed him with when I had a lot more time.
Something tells me that when the Cascadian Faultline explodes with a 9.0 earthquake that is due anytime….you ain’t gonna last very long.
5. Why do liberals hate brown people? spews:
How come these “fair-minded” “open-hearted” far left loons haven’t accepted Arizona’s standing offer to bus them as many Illegals as they can stand….starting with the criminals??
I picture these loons shouting from their Mansions how others should deal with their problems…rather than step up with open arms and demand Illegals come to their community.
Too Damn Funny.
And you are right…lots of legal Hispanics work in the Hospitality Industry. Boycotts will help them lose their jobs.
Also, lots of hard-working citizens of Hispanic descent are 100% behind the new Arizona Law.
Deadbeats, illegals & wide-mouthed Leftists who live somewhere else are for it.
Funny how that works.
Um… Being against the law doesn’t mean we’re for open borders.
Hey Goldy!
I’m assuming that the 998354 at the end of that link is the comment number. We should give a prize to whomever posts the 100,000th comment.
@35: Nuance is not a strength for wingnuts in general, Klynical in particular.
Generally the further you get from the center the further you get from nuance. You can have too much nuance however, Bill Clinton debating the meaning of the word “is” would be a good example of that. Hell, Bill Clinton in general would be a good example of that.
Bill Clinton: the best Republican president since Ike.
So the other shoe drops. Stupes and FlushBlows sitting in a tree..
Who would have guessed?
Nope that was done looooong ago..
what? no goldy thread on the apparent muslim terrorist attack in times square? what gives?
you know damn well had the suspects been white males, goldy and his kool-aid drinkers would be calling it a “teabagger attack”…
why does goldy and his ilk defend muslim terrorists?
I have Qwest too, and I’m definitely ready to switch. I’m real leery of ComCast (and couldn’t get them anyway where I live). I could get DirectTV but they’re as evil as ComCast.
Why not a public option?
I’m thinking the PUDs, etc. should be empowered / encouraged to provide public broadband at cost.
Let’s see you get behind this HNMT.. Let’s see you condemn Milton Shaw and Argonne for pulling the plug on this and putting Alvin Weinberg out to pasture:
It probably won’t happen because it’s a threat to all you hold dear you deluded fiend, the rich getting richer off fossil fuel shortages and exploiting dirtier and dirtier unconventional resources and the rest of us getting the shaft.
@43…why a public option when there are numerous affordable private options?
are you just being a cheapskate?
why should my taxes go up so you can have cheap(er) internet access?
Zotz @43,
Actually, I am using a public option, the SeattleWiFi network the city set up along Rainier Ave. in Columbia City.
Dipshit Zotz@32:
Puddy doesn’t sockpuppet especially smegma such as you! Fools such as the arschloch and headless lucy do though! Ask the arschloch for some of his “great examples”.
Aside from dial up, the Qwest DSL I have (and am beginning to hate), or DirecTV (HughsNet and about 100/mo) are it for me.
I understand that the PUD lines already to my house can suffice with some tweaks.
So I think it should be an option — made available.
You can still choose to be overcharged and underserved.
I’d much rather be able to buy it from my PUD. The service I get is excellent and I can call ’em up and stuff. I actually know a lot of ’em and they’re great people.
And perhaps most importantly, I can elect and un-elect the people that run the PUD. Try that with a corporation.
And will charge you for stuff you didn’t order, get your bill wrong, have intermittent, unexplainable, slowdowns, will keep you on hold for 10 minutes when you call customer service…
Oh that explains why I spend so much time on a jewish guy’s website.
Next thing you know, HNMT will pull an all-nighter searching for a high five between me and manofimbecility.
Save your miserable sleep fool. You’ll find a couple or so friendly shout outs from Stupes to MOT before you’ll find anything from me.
I don’t believe you.
You’re a well known lying wingnut slut — leaving your mental health issues aside, of course.
And you fuck goats.
So I guess that makes you a perverted lying wingnut slut who says he never sockpuppets…
Yeah, like I’d ever believe that.
Dipshit Zotz
I don’t believe you. – Puddy don’t care what you believe. You’re whack! It shows in each post.
You’re a well known lying wingnut slut — leaving your mental health issues aside, of course. – Back at you fool. This past week was more of your mind numbing BULLSHITTIUM!
And you fuck goats. – Oh really? Have footage? Ad hominem attacks are all you have fool!
So I guess that makes you a perverted lying wingnut slut who says he never sockpuppets… – Ask Goldy who’s IP Address was on that message. Puddy GUARANTEES it isn’t Puddy’s IP Address you STUPID MORON! Ask the arschloch for ANY link where Puddy has sockpuppeted someone. Remember the arschloch has every link archived at his home server. Must be about 160 Megabytes with all your recent BULLSHITTIUM! Puddy bets the arschloch searching right now. Will he admit it. Hell NO. He’s a big time liar like you are!
Yeah, like I’d ever believe that. – You believe amateurish BULLSHITTIUM from left-wing whackamole web sites every day!
Puddy DARES you to ask Goldy! You won’t cuz you are a progressive chickenshit hiding behind his keyboard!
You are insane, Pudpuller. Get help. Seriously.
Zotz claims Puddy is insane…
Look at Sherlock’s comments
That’s insane
That’s insane too.
Still waiting for the really insane Zotz to publicly ask Goldy if it was Puddy’s known IP Address.
Of course he won’t.
Hey Zotz…
Looks like some of your illegal friends in Arizona shot approximately 30 bullets with an AK-47 at an Arizona law man! They ambushed a deputy sheriff on purpose. Of course idiots like Zotz don’t care!
You’d rather be fucking goats!
Hey Zotz…
Rumor has it you watched the full Iranian Preznit Whackmandimajob’s full UN Speech!
Still waiting for Zotz to ask Goldy who’s IP Address placed that message above which has Zotz’s pink lace panties all in a wad.
@55…I am sure glad we let all these illegal aliens into the country..they sure are a net positive arent they?
uh oh, a nutball crazy woman stabbed four people in a Target store – at least one is in critical condition.
maybe we need to outlaw knives? or perhaps we need to make people pass background checks before they purchase that next set of Henckel 2-man steak knives…
just keeping it real, bitches…
Hey Zotz,
If Odumba’s Administration stopped the overseas phone call intercepts as progressive fools like you and the ACLU wanted, the Feds wouldn’t think they know who the failed NYC bomber is. First they claimed it was a white man. Of course, they wanted to Tea Bag label this fool. It’s the progressive libtardo MSM way. Now they claim it’s an Asian man who was recently in Pakistan. They think they know who it is because of those overseas intercepts.
Can you say Bush was right? Of course not. What happens when a bomb goes off under Odumba’s watch due to Odumba/Holder’s dismantling of Bush’s 7+ years of crisis checking infrastructure?
Just search illegal wiretaps Zotz!
@7 Liberals don’t hate brown people, but Minute Men, Teabaggers, Kluxers, Nazis, and a lot of Republicans do.
@57 You can thank cheap labor employers for that.
Yep, Nancy Pelosi agrees with you THE DUMB BUNNY!
@57 (continued) You can also thank Gee-Dub and the Republican-controlled Congress for that. Believe me, cutting off the supply of cheap labor to their business supporters was the LAST thing they wanted to do. The GOPers were long on talk but zero on delivering the goods to The Base on immigration reform, just as they talk a good game about abortion but in the 40 years since Roe v. Wade have produced almost nothing by way of returns for the right-to-lifers. GOP = Big Fat Zero.
@61…you can think an infective govt for that.
@63…thats funny..I do not recall Clinton OR the recent democrat led congress doing anything about it either..
strawman fail.
– this message was approved by the Washington State BAR Association.
“Columbia City Alehouse”
That’s the old Elbow Room. It used to have the stiffest drinks in town. The bar was this little tiny space upstairs in the back past the back door which exited to the alley. I used to shoot countless hours of hoop in that alley. The local regulars always had the Elbow Room bar to themselves as nobody cared to come to that part of town. Then some years back a friend who still lives on Lucille was telling me how the Elbow Room clientele was fast changing. White outsiders. Now the place is unrecognizable, looking so Californicated or some such shit, and some blogger from Philly is sitting there with his laptop using the wifi. Sigh! It’s not my Rainier Valley anymore.
At least in Edmonds, Comcast cable internet has been flawless for at least 6 years. I would highly recommend Comcast Internet.
Look at Sherlock’s comments
“That’s insane”
Yeah, I’ll back Puddy up on that. He don’t fuck them goats. Nope.
“That’s insane too.”
Er, sorry I can’t help you out on this one, Puddy, as I’d say he’s got you pegged, you well known lying wingnut slut.
Well done! LOL!
Heh. And I am Puddybud NOT – my word is my bond, blah, blah, blah..
Zotz, all this fiend is about is lies.
Jon Stewart:
Now the fiend is lowballing it. It’s 206M fool.
Remember you’re #2 fiend. At least 26 thousand comments all told.
A stinky load indeed.
[Nudge / Sleeve tug / Pssssst!]
I think I managed to get a direct line to Pudpuller’s twisted lizard brain!
Needs more twisting!
A fool in his own mind!
Still waiting for the IP Address check. Of course you are a chickenshit! That’s you twisting from the farts you leave here!
Uhhhhh Steve,
Pegged by bestiality? No that’s THE DUMB BUNNY. You are as confused as ever.
Sucks to be you Sucka!
Another ad hominem arschloch attack. When someone identifies the arschloch fecklessness, he whines to mommy!
You’re a fucking liar. I submit @74, 75, 76.
Goldy – I use clear and I have good service, but my place is surrounded by towers and has line of sight everywhere. I would ask around your neighborhood to see if any of your neighbors use clear and if they are happy. If you live in a valley it’s probably not a good idea.
However, if it does work well in your neighbor hood, it’s plenty fast enough to stream netflix, hulu, etc. and you can have all the media you want for less than $40 a month, which is what we would pay for 25+Mbps and 100+ cable channels if we were lucky enough to live in a place that believed in competition and capitalism, like France.
A dazed and confused Puddy asks, “Pegged by bestiality?”
Steve replies to Puddy, “Don’t go stupid on me, fool! I wrote nothing of the sort!”
Zotz has lost it.
Meds won’t even help this fool! He still hasn’t asked for an IP Address check. What a Putz!
Such a wasted human biomass!
They have a suspect in custody over the NYC bombing attempt. Some of the evidence was those outgoing phone calls you HA FOOLS wanted stopped.
This is why level headed libtardos don’t listen to the leftist fools here on HA!
Some of the evidence was those outgoing phone calls you HA FOOLS wanted stopped.
No, dummy. They got his cell phone number from the person who sold him the car and obtained legal warrants to search his calls. No one here (or anywhere) wants that kind of investigative ability stopped.
We pity you fool.
Seems like your life has turned into a living hell.
Read Phillipians 4:11
“I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances”
When you have Christ in your heart, it’s easy to do. Try it Goldy.
This ought to help calm your heart Goldy–
Monday, May 03, 2010
Updated May 04, 2010
Phillies fan tasered after running onto field
Associated Press
A law enforcement officer chases down a fan that ran onto the field in Philadelphia.
The tasered Phillies fan was later identified as David KLOWNstein of the Peoples Socialist Republican of Seattle. KLOWNstein admits he was one toke over the line so he didn’t feel the taser much.
So what’s with the guy of the ever-chaning name who’s got his panties in a bunch over Carter?
Could it be that the U.S. economic performance under four years of Carter, which the right-wing used to knock as “proving” the bankruptcy of the Democratic economic philosophy, actually is light-years ahead of the economic performance under eight years of Bush? After all, the DJIA dropped less than 1% (0.87%) during Carter’s four years compared with a drop of 21.7% during Bush II’s eight years in office. As a matter of fact, Bush II managed the unusual accomplishment of having the DJIA drop during BOTH of his presidential terms of office.
This looks a lot like the footprint of Karl Rove and his minions. Rove’s tactics, practiced in multiple local and national elections, were to take his opponants strengths (in Carter’s case, his obvious intelligence and moral virtue) and attack them with repeated lies (or immense false exaggerations based upon a small kernal of truth), each disseminated hundreds of times by multiple “friendly” repeaters. The disseminations continue and are repeated so often, with new ones dribbled out daily or weekly, so that those exposing the lies have difficulty keeping up with the volume, and eventually the news media loses interest. The goal isn’t to win the debate – an open debate would reveal the falsehood of the allegations. Instead, it’s to avoid actual debate, making charges and then moving on to other claims when confronted, but make the victim suffer a death from a thousand cuts.
One of the more obnoxious examples of this tactic was in an Alabama Supreme Court race, where the incumbent justice was known far and wide for his charity work with underprivildged children. Rove used the Young Republicans chapter of the Univ. of Alabama Law School to disseminate completely false stories about how the justice was a child abuser, who couldn’t be exposed by the media or prosecuted because of his powerful position as a Supreme Court justice. Suddenly the pictures of the justice walking hand-in-hand with young children helped by his charity work took on a sinister appearance. The justice won a very close election, after a considerable and very nasty recount and court battle (which went all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court), but that was his final term – he told reporters he couldn’t put his family through another campaign such as that one.
It could be that Rove is working on a strategy to rehabilitate the Bush legacy, with an eye toward having Jebb Bush run for President in 2012, or simply as part of the task of trying to rehabilitate the reputation of the Republican Party by making Bush look better. It might not be Rove at all, but instead might be the legion of his protoge’s he’s trained over the past twenty years. But it’s a despicable tactic.
By the way, the lackeys for BP are already doing their service for Big Oil on the airwaves. Examples: yesterday morning a DJ pronounced (with an air of authority) that he had read “a report” that the reason for the BP oil spill was because environmentalists had forced oil companies to go so far offshore to drill for oil that they were forced to drill in water which was too deep.
Forgetting entirely that this was an exploratory well, and that oil companies drill whereever they think there might be oil, presuming they have the technology to reach such depths. The oil reserves in the shallower water closer to shore has already been established, there is no reason for more oil wells there unless you have a driving need to pump the oil out faster than you are already doing so (and depleting the reserve faster in the process).
Hi rhp–
The Dow is down over 200 points today over fears the European bailout of Greece won’t be enough. We have a worldwide “deck of cards” built on the sinking sand of unsustainable debt. That’s why I went the Gold route last month or so. Things often appear rosey before they collapse. Look at Black Friday and other past market collapses.
You can keep things afloat awhile longer with smoke-and-mirrors….but when worldwide production is way down, non-producers that are consumers of government handouts way up….what is going to happen rhp?
And how about the $13 TRILLION National Debt that is projected to go to $16 TRILLION before ObaMao tries for re-election? And the $100 TRILLION+ of unfunded and underfunded Liabilities floating around including lots of Government pensions.
Kind of hurts your head to think about the implications and hopelessness creeping in.
We told our kids long ago to live their lives assuming they will inherit ZERO!
We did that so they would be independent & productive. Hell, the way things are going, it may actually be true if we last another 30 years!
An economy built on sinking sand of Debt and phoney Equity. Clinton did it with High Tech…which collapsed. Bush did it with residential Real Estate, which collapsed. ObaMao is doing it with massive Debt escalation and increasing government handouts.
What’s ahead rhp?
Who do you trust?
What’s your plan rhp?
You guys are still 100% in charge.
I see the KLOWN is now hoping for an economic collapse in the hopes that his rabid-with-hate political party might score some points off of the misery caused to American citizens. Party before country, that’s the KLOWN way. It’s also the way of America-hating traitors.
You’ve right about one thing though, KLOWN. That idiot righton really is your intellectual superior.
Tell it these ignorant pathological lying sluts: Jimmy Carter Nuclear Engineer and Former President of the United States
People liked Jimmy Carter. Before becoming governor of Georgia, he had been a nuclear engineer and a peanut farmer
As he often points out, Carter has had a richly varied career: Annapolis graduate, Navy officer, nuclear engineer, successful farmer, businessman.
Listen up, Zotz, you ignorant slut: That last link is from the issue of Time Mag that annointed Carter Man of the Year. As Man of the Year Carter pointed out, Carter was a nuc engineer.
So we’re back where we started. I asked you, self-proclaimed nuc that you are, to sift through the evidence showing that Carter is a Darcy who inflated his resume’ out of hot air.
You couldn’t do the job so I did it for you. Carter’s the liar. Not me. And you, by doing your diarrhea shuffle around the truth, either don’t know the truth or you don’t care. Either way you’re a specious wingnut bullshitter.
Awaiting your apology for wasting our time.
Speaking of pathological slut Jimmy Carter, there’s the question of treason. Pukebucket leftist @27 didn’t refute or deny the traitor tag, so it must be true.
But let’s be careful. A case can be made that John Tyler was a traitor when he bailed to the CSA. Aaron Burr probably, but he beat the rap.
Jimmy Carter was never formally accused, so he deserves the presumption of, well, not innocence, but the presumption of not immediately being presumed guilty. Let’s wait until our experts, the liberal HA lawyer cabal, sift the evidence.
The HNMT stripped bare.. The thousand names, the thousand cuts..
A puny Rove wannabe..
Who would have guessed?
Tell it these = Tell it to these
Amazing how the Left and the NYC variant of the Left was quick to profile. The Times Square bomber had to be someone grinding a political ax against the HCR health care bill.
Sort of like Zotz the Creep and YLB the Creep profiling a Christian on this site as someone they can libel with impunity, the kind of shit that sissies like Zotz and YLB would never try against someone from, say, the Religion of Peace.
Just remember, boys and girls, what Janet Napolitano said this morning: If you see something, say something. Unless, as Rush said, you’re in Arizona. There it’s Don’t Ask Don’t Tell.
Or if you’re in Seattle. Snapping the Chittenden Locks or floating the boats.
Here in Sanctuary City we’ve learned it’s best to see nothing and say nothing. That way you don’t look like you’re doing unacceptable profiling. The profiling of Teabag-Americans, though, unlike the profiling of Pakistani-Americans, is totally acceptable in Seattle. Accuse the teabaggers of anything, including teabagging, and you’ll never go wrong.
and yet, still no thread about the latest episode of islamic terrorism, this time in new york.
NOW, we all know damn good and well that had this terrorist plot been enacted by a white male, well goldy would have at least 4 threads blaming the teaparty people…all the progressive lemmings here would have followed.
goldy, you are a racist and a propagandist.
and an aside, how about that obama “saving” us from terrorism…the only reason this didnt turn tragic was because the MUSLIM terrorist was a dumbfuck. NOW we get the obama suits telling us how they stopped they event…LOL….
the silence is telling.
Here’s my creepy little twisted sister, rolling out of the rack at the crack of noon to throw her sissy shit into the ring. Don’t know if she’s trying to make a point @93, but my points about Carter the pathological lying liar rule the day. So far.
Dr. Dre – What did you expect? Stephanie Miller talked to a news anchor from MSNBC this morning who said how crushingly unfortunate it is that the bomber turned out to be someone who doesn’t deserve to be picked on. Unlike, say, a white conservative.
Whatever happens, the left will spin it any way it wants to. Being Left means never having to say you’re wrong or you’re sorry.
So that’s it. YLB wasn’t trying to make a specious vapid pointless point of her own, she was cribbing from tedious TurgidMan from Tennessee.
You’re a bullshitter, rhp. But unlike YLB the Creep and Zotz the Creep you’re an endless bullshitter. You never run down. You never shut up. You never listen. You never learn.
Learning about Carter at this late date is instructive for the lessons taught about the Democrat Disease. Telling lies or not being able to tell the difference between truth and lies just seems to be Democrat SOP.
And you’re the second Democrat DIP who has recently tried to put a smiley face on Carter’s economic catastrophe. Thom Hartmann a couple months ago talked about the glorious Carter economy. Really thought Hartmann was smarter than that, although about you, rhp, I have no illusions.
(Here, as previously promised, is the statue from Carter’s Union College. Union was the site of a stupid Streisand movie, The Way We Were. Carter took a few-month bonehead intro class at Union, then he quit. Then he called himself a nuclear engineer. That’s The Way He Was. That’s The Way He Is. If anyone wants to prolong this discussion, try coming back with actual facts that allegedly support your attempt to whitewash Carter. Otherwise admit you’ve been brainwashed, and apologize for wasting our time. That means you, rhp.)
@88: The klynical fool is at it again.
Yup. Liberals are to blame for the gulf oil leak that is driving down the stock market.
Yeah, it was liberals who shouted drill now and have railed against mass transit, solar power, conservation of energy and electric cars as too much government intervention.
Liberals have promoted oil as the one energy source above all others and have prevented incentives for high mileage cars and opposed penalties for gas guzzlers for decades.
Yup – Klynical is right – it is the liberals that have done all that. It wasn’t Reagan who told us there was enough oil to last forever. It wasn’t republicans who blocked mileage standards.
Ummm- does that idiot Klynical know anything about the last 30 years?
Wow. Can anyone be as stoopid and illogical as Klynical? Can anyone be as ignorant?
rhp rips Rove. Here’s a modest proposal: Tell rhp to read Rove, and then report back. Perhaps he’ll get a clue and will begin an agonizing reappraisal of the previous conditions of leftwing certitude he’s wallowing in. Along with all the other leftwing hogs.
Rove may not dispell all your bogus liberal bullshit, but he proves beyond reasonable doubt that Fitzgerald was on a witch hunt and was barely dissuaded by overwhelming contrary evidence. Fitz and you Fitztards here at HA wanted what little scalp Rove has left. You wanted him frogmarched on primetime. He beat you at your own stupid game, and was nearly bankrupted by your stupid game. To which of you libtard turds should we taxpayers send a bill for the cost of your specious vendetta?
HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAA….I LOVE it when idiots get the tazer! hhheheheheheheheeh
fucking awesome!
Too funny. Both rhp and pl are devout people of faith. Wasn’t some fiend just praising Steve (another believer) for something or other?
Profiling? Fantasies, fantasies. More like vigorously ribbing an ugly name caller who sports a unseemly addiction to promulgating the latest in right wing garbage. Now happily less so these days it seems.
Although last night was an interesting eruption. Recovery from addiction takes time of course and backsliding is to be expected.
LOL! Fitzgerald is a Republican prosecutor who merely did the unthinkable task (to the crazed teabag set anyhow) of performing his duties.
He found a lawbreaker and prosecuted him while all the remaining President’s men and women stayed in the tent pissing out.
The made man kept his silence and for that was kept from the ignominy of a jolt in a country club hoosegaw.
And the top pisser while commuting his sentence did not pardon him did he?
Speaks volumes to me.
Dope Fiend Lee @82: Links, please. Know there was a warrant to search his foreclosed property in Connecticut, but a warrant for his phone? Not sayin’ they didn’t get phone warrants, but show us proof. We don’t trust drug-addled media whores.
Still waiting for your discussion of the following: My Weakly Reader: The April Fool (no, not Rabbit, not this time) Seattle Weekly did a things-to-hate-about-Seattle cover. Kept waiting for Stoner Lee to pick up on hateful item #15, but he’s MIA and FUBAR … So here’s the dope:
So if creepy little twisted sister wasn’t profiling on the basis of religion, then on what basis was she profiling? The usual kind? The kind that’s equated with hate-crime?
Lee is busy adjusting to his new lifestyle in the ‘burbs….finally realizing that all those years spent in the cesspool of seattle were a mistake.
Little sister, you ignorant pathological slut. You’ve conflated Rove and Libby.
Go back to bed. Take some of Lee’s drugs. Couldn’t possibly make you any worse.
Am sure he gets the real primo stuff in the burbs.
Fitz knew almost from the beginning that the leaker was Powell’s boy Armitage at State. But Armitage wouldn’t look cool on a headline. Rove, however, would have been big news everywhere. Fitz just couldn’t admit that he blew the big one, so he kept the cherade going, using your dollars to do it. Where’s your outrage?
As for rhp trying to tie Rove to being mean in Alabama, or Carolina, or wherever, that’s just the usual leftist bogus BS.
Bankrupted? Heh. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.
As long as there’s the ignorant and the fearful, there’ll be men like Rove spinning them furiously, shaking them down for every last copper.
Like say, the College Republicans from which he hailed?
Yes, striving for another bite at the “permanent majority” apple. Now there’s a fantasy for you.
107 – Occam’s razor. Obstruction of justice is a crime HNMT and Libby was guilty..
The spirited Republican prosecutor (who has notched quite a few Dems on his belt) was merely bringing the best case he could with the evidence he had.
All the rest is fantasy.
LOL.. And you’re rapidly deflating HNMT..
Rove did not obstruct justice. Rove did not blow Plame.
You didn’t know what you were talking about then, you don’t know now. You just proved it again. No wonder you can’t get a job.
His evidence re Rove was somewhere between zero and less than zero. Not even a stained blue dress.
ObaMao was highly criticized by the NY Times for his slow action on this spill. The NY Times…bastion of Liberalism, criticizes ObaMao.
You see, ObaMao mistakes jabbering for A-C-T-I-O-N! So do most Leftist Pinheaded KLOWNS. And this is precisely what ObaMao just did. Jumped right on TV and flapped his jaws. Big Deal. What did he actually DO??
Not enough…not quick enough.
Why do you KLOWNS insist and mistaking motion & ratchet-jawing for A-C-T-I-O-N??
You do it a lot…like the Alaska Way Viaduct.
Prime example.
Process & bullshit something to death…with nothing accomplished in decades….except putting lots of kids of architects, engineers, consultants & useless Guv’mint employees thru college with absolutely ZERO to show for all those pissed away tax dollars.
And it never seems to bother you.
Just raise taxes…right?
89. Steve spews:
Babbling fool. I also blame R’s for this mess which is why I am a Tea Partier. I’ve trashed Bush for his overspending.
I love this country.
But trying your DENIAL style accomplishes nothing steve.
Sell your Tollycraft dude!
Steve seems to think if we close our eyes and ignore what is happening around us and just trust ObaMao, the world will be like Wonderland.
What an empty suit you are steve.
If you close your eyes real tight and squeeze your fingers together as hard as you can in a tight fist…all these problems will go away
One of the 2.
“I’ve trashed Bush”
Yeah, as I remember so fondly, you were his harshest critic.
Klynical, the cheerleading KLOWN. Dumbfuck.
“I love this country.”
LMFAO!! The KLOWN told us a funny.
Here, KLOWN, allow me explain it again to your sorry ass. You’re a treasonous piece of shit who puts party before country.
Never said he did. We don’t know what he did for sure. He was in the tent pissing out.
Rove attacked Fitz which is funny because Fitz is a staunch law and order Republican. But Rove will screw anyone who challenges him.
Fed prosecutors bring cases they can win. Their loss rate is around 5 percent if memory serve.
Ah, Cynical, nice to see you back, giving us all market advice once again.
Weren’t you one of the ones predicting the market would collapse as soon as Obama was elected, as investors all pulled their money out of the stock market? (If it wasn’t you, I apologize, there were so many out there making such predictions, it was hard to keep track of them all). Of course, the DJIA was 8,281.22 when Obama entered office. It went lower a short while, but except for this week and a little profit-taking here and there, it’s grown steadily. Even after today’s drop, it’s still at 10,926.77.
Perhaps that’s why we haven’t heard your market advice until this week? Were you going to say that the Obama administration is only responsible for days in which the market drops, but has nothing to do with the days in which it gains?
And, of course, I’m SURE you have a good explanation of how Obama managed to be responsible for the Greek financial situation!
goldy barfs: “stop on by and join me in raising a pint to the demise of Qwest.”
so you want us to join you in celebrating the fact that some people might be losing their jobs?
no thanks, I think I will pass…..but your writing further exposes you.
NOW look who’s championing BIG GOVERNMENT intervention.
What’s a matter, Dumb Ass, can’t the private sector do a better job of containing their fuck up?
Ass wipe.
the oil spill is all on obama, in so much as Katrina was all on bush….
Only viewers of Faux News believe that.
Your failure is only surpassed by your party’s terrible ideas and failed track record of governing America.
It’s not gonna play this fall for the GOP.
Bush and BP have something in common; neither one of them could imagine such a disaster happening, thus didn’t prepare for it.
Drill, Baby, Drill is a result of Republican thinking that wants to drill everywhere.
LMAO at you. Loser.
LOL…my party? hahahhahahaa, I dont have party.
lemmings like you? yes, you are members political parties – who else is going to tell you what to think?
did you park your car yet?
keep going old man, keep going….its a hoot.
No shit, Sherlock. That’s what I’ve been saying; The party of Reagn Republicans is DEAD!
Admit it, you voted voted for McShame and Paliban. You tea-hadist.
@124….you missed again(not surprising)
keep on drinking the kool aid Lavrentiy Beria!
Dumbya on the other hand did everything he could do:
Heckuva job Shrubbie..
Where is the post for the “warrant”? Once again you post with no links. Once again Lee is DEAD WRONG…
Army intelligence planes circling above New York made the save by intercepting a call to Emirates Airlines reservations.
See ya!
Damn GBS, that’s pretty good.
I may have to use that one against the trolls if you don’t mind.
Bush Fedayeen is getting a little dated.