The Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally meets tonight (and every Tuesday), 8PM at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E.
Joining us tonight will be our first right-wing special guest… none other than Gen. JC Christian, the founder and proprietor of the always informative (and manly) Jesus’ General. The General, as we fondly call him, provides a valuable insight into the minds of the far-right theocrats who have come to dominate the Republican Party nationally, and we look forward to plying him with beer, and teasing little tidbits of GOP strategy from him during his moment of weakness. Perhaps we can even coax him onto the podcast.
For those of you on the other side of the mountains, please join Jimmy at the Tri-Cities chapter of DL, every Tuesday from 5:30 onwards, Tuscany Lounge, 1515 George Washington Way, Richland.
Oh… I almost forgot. Tonight is also a special election night edition of Drinking Liberally, as we closely follow the open primary in CA-50, to see who replaces disgraced GOP congressman Duke Cunningham. MyDD has the preelection analysis.
I’m first this time.
Yossarian sucks.
JCH [dipshit dipshit] has been dreaming of a wrestling match with the General in the style of our Spartan ancestors, and this is his chance.
“Joining us tonight will be our first right-wing special guest… none other than Gen. JC Christian, the founder and proprietor of the always informative (and manly) Jesus’ General. The General, as we fondly call him, provides a valuable insight into the minds of the far-right theocrats who have come to dominate the Republican Party nationally,”
That’s the problem with the Republicans: they’re too much aligned with the religious right, the type of people who’d like to burn you at the stake for enjoying a beer some evening.
Today we march. Tomorrow we vote! And don’t the Democrats know it! Why do you think Ted Kennedy and Hillary were in full pandering mode yesterday? Remember, there are movements in areas of Hispanic population concentration for giving non-citizens the vote in local elections. In New York City there are calls for allowing illegal aliens to vote. After the next amnesty agreement the pressure will be on to get these Hispanics, citizens and non-citizens, to the polls.
t a few months ago, the media was reporting that Democrats were going to steal the illegal immigration issue away from Republicans and ride it to victory in November. Hillary Clinton came out against illegal immigration. But now, that’s all gone by the wayside. The Democrats are back to their familiar position….defending the lawbreakers.
Enter Ted Kennedy. The Senator from Chappaquiddick has weighed in with his position on illegal immigration. He says these protests by the invaders from the south are reminiscent of the civil rights movement, which is an insult to those who won that cause. Ted Kennedy thinks we should just swing open the doors and let all the illegals in that want to come…without any limits.
But in the end, politicians like Kennedy don’t see millions of people breaking our laws, sponging off our resources and threatening our national security. To Kennedy, he seems more Democratic voters and potential children of the welfare state.
Chicago, IL, United States – The former patronage chief for Chicago Mayor Richard Daley ordered computer files destroyed following FBI questions about hiring practices, prosecutors claim. While destroying the city records and the personal computer of former Office of Intergovernmental Affairs head Robert Sorich happened in 1997, prosecutors charged Monday that it showed a pattern of covering up illegal city hiring practices. The defendants are to go on trial May 10.
Nothing to get excited about it’s just SOP for Democrat-run US cities. See Detroit, Philadelphia, New Orleans, etc. etc. etc.
General Sir!
Your obedient Servant [JCH] has begun drinking liberally early. Should he not be properly flogged?
Looks like the California method of filling a vacancy — an open primary where everyone runs and gets to use the party label of their choice (with a runoff if no one gets 50%) — would be held unconstitutional if the appeal related to our similar Top Two law (our law applies to all elections, not just special elections to fill vacancies) is not successful.
ATTENTION GOP SPIES AND ASSASSINS! Roger Rabbit is ill, so don’t get your hopes up the target, I mean rabbit, will appear at DL tonight. The rabbit is having an asthma attack and breathing difficulty. I know what you’re thinking — maybe the rabbit will punk off of natural causes! Ain’t gonna happen, you fuckers aren’t that lucky. Look what happened to the last trollfuck who put $100 on what he thought was a lucky bet!! The rabbit is just wheezing a little, that’s all. Fuck you unpatriotic America-hating fascist traitors — the rabbit will be fine! The Big Bunny In The Sky says so.
When is the rabbit going to get “fixed”? The liberal government of Seattle is offering free operations for rabbits …
The only Roger Rabbit that will ever get “fixed” is a dead Roger Rabbit.
Pope, you crack me up. The rabbit sounds like a proud gun owner from Eastern Wa!
Roger, you are funny too.
Wish I was at DL in Seattle tonight, The General owes me a beer.
You righties could always drive to Eastern Wa and join us liberal-somthins…
Have fun all!
Jimmy @12,
I’m thinking of doing a DL state tour this summer, so perhaps I’ll join you for evening.
Roger Rabbit isn’t dead yet, and Roger Rabbit isn’t “fixed” yet, either!! Take THAT, righty fucktards!
The Pacific Northwest–it’s not known for being a Republican stronghold. Nonetheless, there are a few important developments in GOP politics out there right now that could well change the face of politics in the region. There’s also quite a bit of controversy, and as several races are heating up, innuendo, mischaracterization and misrepresentation are becoming the main political tools of some of the principal contenders.
Let’s start by looking at one of my favorites, the race for the 8th district in Washington, currently represented by Congressman Dave Reichert. In a state where policy-making off the back of extensive research and analysis is prized, and explaining policy by reference to religion or dogma is very much frowned upon, Congressman Reichert has become a respected representative known for his careful, independent study of issues, and his willingness–even as a first term Congressman–to break ranks with the GOP leadership on issues like the development of ANWR and the overhaul of endangered species legislation. Last month, he was recognized as a centrist by National Journal, probably because of these votes, his vote against federal intervention in the Terri Schiavo case, his vocal support for separation of church and state, and his belief in changing laws so that “everyone has the same rights” to ensure that legal hurdles for gay couples are eliminated, without gay marriage being legalized. He is an outstanding example of a legislator who takes an investigative approach to issues, and whose approach and views accord with large proportion of Washingtonians–and the majority of people in his district, based on my personal experience. He is a libertarian-leaning, environmentally concerned, supply-side Republican–just what the 8th district needs.
Reichert may have won his first race with just 51% of the vote, but his record makes him far stronger than anyone would have predicted. Certainly, Reichert is looking stronger than his Democratic challenger, Darcy Burner, a former Microsoft executive who for some reason thought her anti-war platform and her lack of discussion on her website of her positions on tax and spending–which are of core concern in this fiscally conservative district–would play to the masses. Having realized that Reichert’s record is in sync with the profile of the district–and that in line with that, he’s doing well in raising money–she and fellow Washington Democrats have resorted to innuendo, mischaracterization and misrepresentation in order to weaken his chances.
Back in February, Burner’s campaign tried to imply that Reichert is anti-environment by pointing to a 28% rating by the League of Conservation Voters. This is a blatant mischaracterization of Reichert’s record and stance when it comes to the environment–a big issue in the 8th district. Reichert gets ratings in the 30s from the American Wilderness Coalition and the Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund. In the case of AWC, that means that Joe Lieberman outranks Reichert by less than 20%– making the divergence between him and those recognized as Congressional leaders on environmental protection initiatives look smaller than Ms Burner seeks to imply. And Reichert still outranks moderate Republicans like Jim Kolbe by more than 20%, based on LCV’s 2005 rating.
Plus, the Sierra Club commended Reichert for his refusal to back ANWR drilling–a position which sadly he, and many other pro-environment legislators had to abandon after being forced to choose between paying for continued military operations in Iraq, or preventing drilling.
8th district voters should pay attention on this one. Reichert may not be an eco-warrior like some from Washington. But when allegations are made to suggest that he reliably toes the party line on the environment, and that he’s weak when it comes to environmental protection, it’s mischaracterization and distortion of the worst kind. And it’s all the less credible given that the anti-environment innuendo is being made by a candidate whose website shows that she is not endorsed by a single environmental organization.
Liz Mair
Please Note:
Liz Mair is a righter for RedState. Normal propaganda piece plagerized by a normal wingnut.