Join us at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally for an evening of politics under the influence. We begin at 8:00 pm at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E, but some of us will be there early for Dinner.
Joining us to take your questions tonight will be Pierce County Executive, Sound Transit board member and Democratic nominee for Attorney General John Ladenburg. Hey John… if you vote Yes on putting Sound Transit’s rail proposal on the ballot this November, I’ll buy you a beer!
Tonight’s theme song is a throaty blues piece, 935 Lies by noted blues artist Harry Shearer. What…what?
If you find yourself in the Tri-Cities area this evening, check out McCranium for the local Drinking Liberally. Otherwise, check out the Drinking Liberally web site for dates and times of a chapter near you.
It seems that FactCheck.Org has nailed John McCain for his “lying ways”:
McCain’s Small-Business Bunk
The article begins….
Hey John, I’ll buy you a beer if you vote no!*
* Just because we liberals are fighting among ourselves doesn’t mean things are back to normal. That won’t happen until Bush and Cheney have been handed over to the Hague, and the rest of their party has been bounced out of every office right down to dogcatcher. And even then, it’s going to take us 20 years to clean up the mess they created.
Wow. The DJIA lost 92.65 points today (most at the end of the session), closing at 10,962.54, below the 11,000 mark.
Funny, it was holding it’s own for most of the day, with only minor losses, until Bush issued a statement to the effect that the U.S. economy was “fundamentally sound”. Then the stock market dropped. Shows how much credibility that guy has among professional investors!
In related news, GM says it will cut 20% of it’s work force – on top of cuts already mentioned. Foreign firms are moving in to gobble up U.S. assets, taking advantage of the cheep dollar. Volkswagon announced it will build a new plant in Tennessee, largly to take advantage of the exchange rate. A major U.S. beer company has been purchased by a german brewer (I keep getting the brewers mixed up, but I’m thinking that those commercials with the Claisdales may be a thing of the past). The Fed. Reserve chairman tells Congress that the U.S. economy is facing “numerous difficulties” and “significant challenges”. (Gee, I could have told them that, for a lot less money!)
Look, it’s going to take a long time to dig our way out of this hole, but it would be nice to at least start digging in the right direction. It’s still six more months before the adults will be back in charge….
Almost eight years ago, this nation engaged in a great national experiment. The nature of the experiment was to test a thesis: “Does it really matter who is elected to become President?” We now know that the answer to that question is an unqualified “YES!”
In testing that thesis, we also discovered something that we hadn’t attempt to measure. We discovered how long it takes to completely ruin the economy of two countries. The answer: in the case of the U.S. and Iraq, considerably less than eight years, if Republicans are in charge.
I’ve posted before about how one of the principle rolls of the federal government in housing should be to promote STABILITY. The stock market can rise and fall daily, but housing prices need lots of stability so people can save and plan for a house purchase, and then sell or re-finance when the need arises. Working towards affordability is a noble goal also, but it shouldn’t be at the expense of price stability.
But as I’ve posted several times, the Bush administration’s callous and reckless disregard for the basics of the housing and mortgage investment market fueled an rapid price rise and speculative frenzy, which then resulted in a corresponding drop when the bottom fell out of the sub-prime mortgage market. Left in the lurch were some investors who were trying to make a quick buck, but the primary victims are the millions of homeowners who are at risk of losing their homes because their home values are “underwater” – they can’t sell, they can’t re-finance, and in many cases, they can’t hold out until times are better (due to balloon clauses and ARM increases).
But even though housing prices in southern California have dropped by 20% or more, housing hasn’t become more affordable. That’s because the recent price drops haven’t yet wiped out the speculative appreciation over the past three years, and the uncertain mortgage markets are even tighter than they were ten years ago.
Article: At housing’s bottom, many will (still) be priced out
Although prices of foreclosed properties are among the lowest around, it is very difficult for first-time home buyers to buy those properties. Banks are reluctant to lend on properties where the value is “suspect”, due to the foreclosure itself, potential damage to the properties by the vacating previous owner, and the fact that foreclosures tend to occur in “clusters”, with other forclosed properties keeping the value of the entire neighborhood declining. For those reasons, buying “distressed” or “foreclosure” properties has generally been the province of the professional real estate investor, who has funding resources at his disposal to make a cash offer for the property, and he/she makes a profit on a quick re-hab and flip of the property.
But if the FHA can put together a program which allows first-time homeowners financing which would allow them to do the same thing, then perhaps it would help the real estate market find the “floor” which it is desperately seeking. It might be a win-win situation which would help the economy recover from this sad situation. It would have to be carefully done, however, to prevent foreclosed properties too much of an advantage in sales over regular home listings, as that might create other pressures on home prices.
If you’re a dumbfuck and got an ARM and now you’re feeling the pinch, it’s not my job as an American taxpayer to bail your stupid ass out.
If schmucks like RHP want to piss away their money saving some dumbass that got in over his/her head buying a house(s) they didn’t need and knew they could barely afford during good times, then by all means start a list of yourselves.
This is no different that the moron that max’s out their credit card and now they’re 30K upside down whining about the evil credit card company. If you signed the dotted line, it’s your responsibility to fulfill your obligations. Quit squealing and get to it.
I recently showed up in the New Yorker, can you tell me the last time I showed up in a Cartoon? Denmark…. yes Deja vu. It ‘s me again. Just a different bunch of terrorists.
GBS: When troll said the comment of no black having posting rights he means being able to click the log in button upper right and enter a thread heading. I know I can’t do that but I can write to a pre-made thread.
Looks like it didn’t take David Oh My I’m A Liberal Horsey long:
Notice the “Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran.”
Rick @ 6: As I mentioned in previous posts (which you either didn’t read or chose to ignore), a lot of the victims in the current housing/mortgage crisis didn’t do anything wrong. I’m not going to go over it again, look it up in the previous topics.
My point in the original posts (in previous days) was to point out how the Bush administration & Repubicans in Congress (especially McCain’s pall Gramm) are responsible for creating an environment in which mortgage brokers and lenders were rewarded for pushing people into sub-prime mortgages – even those who could have qualified for regular fixed-rate financing. I don’t have time to go over the details for you again, now.
More importantly now, regardless of how we got here, the mortgage and banking industries, and to a lesser extent the securities industries as a whole, are in such dire shape that we are in danger of suffering a 1930’s-style banking collapse unless there is a federal buy-out. That means that the usual Republican scenario occurs again: profits for some are privatized, but losses end up being born by the taxpayers.
Just blaming the homeowners doesn’t get you out of this mess. Just refusing to bail out the federal housing funding system doesn’t get you out of this mess.
Personally, I dislike having to foot the bill for a bunch of greedy mortgage brokers and lenders who knew they were creating ticking time bombs when they created these sub-prime loans, and sought to skim the profits quickly before they off-loaded them to other investors. I also don’t want to subsidize investors who sought to make a quick buck flipping houses but got caught without a chair when the music stopped. But here we are, still with the same problem – the floor falling out of the housing market.
I offered a constructive suggestion which doesn’t reward the greedy or irresponsible. If you’ve got a better one which would stabilize the markets, then feel free to contribute.
At least SEE BS is admitting it’s lefty bias:
Today’s “Early Show,” Nancy Giles, left-wing comedienne and CBS vomitator looked at co-host Harry Smith and farted: “So is the New Yorker at some point going to do a similar wild interpretation of the rumors about John McCain or have him holding his wife as a trophy, stepping on his ex-wife?” They just don’t get it right BrainFartArt?
So it has really started now!
“Hey John… if you vote Yes on putting Sound Transit’s rail proposal on the ballot this November, I’ll buy you a beer!”
Don’t worry, he won’t get the chance to vote on it. ST2.2 is dead already.
Somebody should ask Ladenburg what steps he’s taking to ensure the cross-base highway is rammed through for his developer pals. Those muthafuckas want subdivisions and strip malls all over eastern p-cty.
@6 And it’s not my job as a taxpayer to pay for your recreational wars.
RHP6033 ~
I’m not really interested in searching this site for your previous posts on the issue as this one isn’t that difficult to breakdown.
You wrote @ 5
First and foremost, the federal government doesn’t have a role in securing housing for you.
Second, If you rely on the government for “Stability”, when they’ve proven they are inept,incompetent and downright ignorant in their ability to run any program they do oversee, then you really need to follow Dorothy and the gang to the land of Oz. Let us know what the Wizard says.
You claim @ 10:
…and again, you’re wrong. They signed the dotted line making them at least equally as responsibile as the irresponsibile lenders who OK’d the loan. Anyone with an iota of common sense wouldn’t get into an ARM without realizing that the rate is bound to increase and/or at least fluctuate over the term of that 30+ year loan.
If you did…… to be you.
Besides, a bail out not only doesn’t solve the problem, but many analysts have said it is certain to occur again as long as the rules remain the same for some lenders and not other lending institutions.
Will you be asking for me to bail them out as well RHP? Thanks, but no thanks. Some people need to learn one of life’s lessons the hard way.
@14 So your argument against government programs that help people is that you wingnuts have made such a hash of governing that you’re not to be trusted? There’s an easy solution to that: Replace Republicans with Democrats.
@ 15
Hurricane Katrina response by dumbass Democrats in charge of the Government as follows:
City Failed: New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin (D)
Parish Failed: Jefferson Parish president, Aaron F. Broussard (D)
State Failed: Kathleen Blanco, LA Governor, (D)
Yup, that’s the Democrats running those government programs that according to Regurgitated Roadkill above, “Help people“.
@16 Keep blowing smoke out of your ass, Rickydick! Meanwhile, take the Roger Rabbit Quiz and make a public fool of yourself!
Roger Rabbit Quiz
Who was in charge of FEMA’s Katrina fiasco?
[ ] 1. Ray Nagin
[ ] 2. Aaron F. Broussard
[ ] 3. Kathleen Blanco
[ ] 4. An idiot appointed by Bush
Move along rabbit. I’ve already wiped my ass with your fur.
And if you want to know who caused the housing meltdown, read the latest issue of Mother Jones — the one with the cover that says,
“This was no accident. Who wrecked the economy — and why they work for John McCain.”
It’s way too long to quote here, but you can read it free online.
This would explain why Roger Retreads posts always stink…
@19 Must have been a different rabbit, because I’d smell you from 15 miles away.
@21 That rabbit sure gets around doesn’t he?
CHRIS MATTHEWS:”Pat, are you saying we’ve won the war in Iraq? What do you mean by winning wars? What wars has John McCain won? Seriously. Name the wars, list them, that we have won under his leadership, or in his view.”
PAT BUCHANAN:”The American people believe the surge has worked, it is working.”
CHRIS MATTHEWS:”No it hasn’t!”
PAT BUCHANAN:”By the loudness of your argument and your intensity, you are suggesting McCain indeed has a powerful point. Well listen, the very intensity of your argument, gentlemen, tells me that Barack Obama’s got a problem on this issue.”
So we should judge the efficacy of our government’s foreign policy by the inflection of Chris Mathews’ voice? That’s superficial even for you, puddinghead!
Hey puddylicker – when you’re sucking dick, does your wife give it to you in the ass with the big dildo?
And did you know that it is true? SIN dee McCain is the whore that 1023, year old Flip Flop McCain had an affair with and eventually married after leaving his disfigured wife.
You guys and your family values sure are a hoot!
President Bush says drill and Oil drops over $6 a barrel.
“It seemed to pick up steam after President Bush spoke about drilling off shore,” said Phil Flynn, senior market analyst with Alaron Trading in Chicago.
Notice how wingnuts blame the mortgage mess on bilked borrowers, not crooked mortgage brokers?
When Germany invaded Belgium in 1914, they blamed their atrocities on the civilians they massacred.
See the pattern there?
That cunt SIN dee McCain won’t release her taxes. All the other Presidential candidates wives did. Not SIN dee – she has something to hide.
Maybe she didn’t want us to know she spends 800k a month on her Amex?
Oh yeah the ONLY way to get around Arizona is by private plane! Talk about an elitist!!!
BiBiGoober spewed @ 26:
Judging by the question posed, one can only assume that bibiGoober is trying to find out if he’s the only one that has to endure such depravity on a saturday night at home.
Poor bastard…
Now this is funny and so true:
Feckless To Reckless, Pelosi Should Resign
Someone finally wakes up.
An excellent editorial of hollyweird Moonbat!s:
Too bad morons and idiots such as bybygoober, Steve and clueless idiot won’t get it.
@27 Fascinating theory, puddinghead, but pure fiction. People who know what they’re talking about (which emphatically does not include you) say oil dropped because Bush’s crappy economy is getting even crappier:
“Economic Woes Knock Oil Prices Down
“NEW YORK (July 15) – Oil prices fell … Tuesday, as fears that record fuel prices are spreading broad economic pain led to the third big sell-off in just over a week.”
(Quoted under fair use.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Let’s look at a few basic facts. First, the oil companies are drilling on only 15% of the offshore leases they already hold, on which there are no environmental restrictions. Second, it takes years to find and produce offshore oil. Third, deep offshore oil is not cheap oil, it’s the most expensive oil in the world, and oil companies are less than eager to invest in it because it might not pay for itself if prices fall due to weaker demand. Fourth, Bush’s talk about drilling is just that — talk. It goes nowhere whether a congressional approval he’s unlikely to get. Fifth, the professional traders who buy and sell oil futures know all of this, and the odds of their making a knee-jerk response to Bush’s empty hot air to the tune of $10 a barrel is somewhat less than zero. A bunch of these people lost serious money when crude fell 10 bucks, and they don’t throw money away on something as superficial as a partisan speech by a partisan politician in the heat of an election campaign whose only purpose is to blame high pump prices on the other party.
You’re lucky you weren’t born a fish, puddy, because you would swallow the first wiggly worm that came along and get yourself gut-hooked.
@27 puddy, nobody ever taught you “correlation is not causation?’
I guess not. Dummy. You know, everyone who eats a pickle, or even corn, dies. You’ve eaten pickles or corn, haven’t you? You’re going to die.
Puddylicker (Posting as Rick D) has gotten so pathetic that he has to defend himself using his alter ego!
as i said byebyegop has his cell phone on vibrate he has it stuck up his ass hoping that you would call.
Did not attend Drinking Liberally Rodent? Thought so. The day you actually set foot outside, be sure and let all of us know so we can duck under flying pigs. You are nothing but a loud-moutherfucking, delusional, non-contributing slimey little jizz-bucket. I’m changing your name from Roger “gov’t cheese” Rodent to Roger “dial-up” Rodent.
Roger Rabbit Quiz
Who was in charge of FEMA’s Katrina fiasco?
[ ] 1. Ray Nagin
[ ] 2. Aaron F. Broussard
[ ] 3. Kathleen Blanco
[ ] 4. An idiot appointed by Bush
Yeah, it was such a fiasco they elected a democrat…. wait they elected a republican for governor. Problem fixed. heheheehe I love rubbing in your donk faces.
“You are nothing but a loud-moutherfucking, delusional, non-contributing slimey little jizz-bucket.”
Ummm…perhaps you should seek professional help. You are showing some signs of anger an/or self-confidence “issues.”
BTW: Roger Rabbit has show up for Drinking Liberally dozens of times.
The cavalcade of right wing dumbassery continues.
The chimp’s approval matches Jimmy Carter’s low. And we’re supposed to believe that people want McSame?
Yeah right.
Congrats all you right wing turds – the republicans and the Bush Regime have managed to let inflation grow to a 26 year high.
What a list of accomplishments Baby Bush will take with him when he leaves office…
He destroyed Iraq
He destroyed the world’s confidence in America
He destroyed our reputation
He destroyed more than 4000 of our troops
He destroyed the rule of law
He destroyed the Constitution
He destroyed the economy
Aren’t you bible-thumpin, confederate-flag-wavin, pig-fucking, inbred right wing assholes proud?
We know fake Mark isn’t – how bout the rest of you?
Liberals helping liberals with their issues by dispensing tissues.
The whole premise of FEMA is that there are disasters that occur that are of such size and scope of destruction that a state and/or local government [a] does not have the financial resources to reconstruct and repair on their own, especially considering that [b} their capabilities are degraded by the very disaster they are coping with.
Katrina hitting NOLA not only destroyed most of Louisiana’s largest city, but overall is somewhere along the lines of a $200 billion – $300 billion recovery project. Louisiana does not and has never had those resources. It is FEMA’s job to bring all needed additional resources to bear and to coordinate their allocation and distribution, as well as to oversee the follow-on reconstruction.
Bush’s FEMA first ignored the disaster, then dragged their feet every step of the way, then incompetently wasted, mistdirected, or just didn’t deliver needed housing, food, and other supplies, and finally opened up the recontruction contracts to crooks and bumblers who still have not significantly built the area back up after all these years.
Which was their whole point! The reason that renegade Catholic weirdo Bobby Jindal was elected Governor is because the Republicans knew that the Katrina refugees were heavily Democratic and that refusing to fix their homes would make Louisiana more Republican. I’m pretty sure that this is a crime, along with the Bush administration’s many other crimes.
Then how come the Democratic Mayor, parish president and Governor fail them?
Also, by “heavily Democratic”, don’t you mean they were dependent upon Government for their very existence? Generations of welfare hounds that found out the government can’t wipe their ass for them each and everytime. Hard lesson learned I guess, and I suspect most still didn’t learn the lesson……they’re still too busy pointing fingers of blame as to why they’re a victim of their own stupidity.
The reasons to help citizens during the mortgage crisis are reasons such as to stabilize our financial system, to help retain housing for children who didn’t sign any mortgage contract, to protect our housing stock by keeping housing in the hands of interested owners rather than unoccupied or owned by banks who will let them deteriorate, and to reduce the potential for accident, crime, and disease that results from creating large numbers of less-protected newly homeless citizens. In other words, we will work in common to maintain a number of common goods. As I mentioned in my FEMA post, the scope and cost of these measures are beyond the resources of many localities, which indicates the need for a federal role.
And we will, Rick D. whether you like it or not.
If Kathleen Blanco wouldn’t have declined federal assistance until well into the impending hurricane, there might have been some help on the ground prior to Katrina hitting and/or at least an action plan ready. Fucking dumbass Democrat playing politics that got some of her constituents killed. But liberals can’t see past their Bush hatred to get to the truth.
…Oh, and how many buses that could have been used to evacuate civilians did Democrat Ray Nagin use to help? umm, that would be None. Next?
44 RD
Try reading for comprehension next time. The state of Louisiana and the city of NO had just been devastated by a Cat 5 hurricane, which among toehr things destoyedthe levees and flooded most of NO. Louisiana is not a rich state. The magnitude of the disaster completely overwhelemed their ability to respond to it. Kinda the nature of such an event.Fucking duh. that’s why it’s FEMA’s job to respond, which you know very well.
Governor Bianco is notably on record as formally requesting FEMA assistance many times with little to no reponse.
No, I mean there were predominantly black. That may mean “welfare recipient” to you, but not to me. They were mostly just nice people who owned modest homes or rented in less-well-off neighborhods (lowlands next to the levees) whose homes were all destroyed, and who had to leave because of this disaster and because FEMA refused to help enough to make it possible to stay.
Friday, August 26, 2005
Hurricane Katrina will make a “big shift” to the west on its way across the Gulf of Mexico and is expected to reach dangerous Category 4 intensity before making landfall Monday afternoon in Mississippi or Louisiana, the National Hurricane Center said Friday.
Hours later, in anticipation of a possible landfall, Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour and Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco declare states of emergency.
Saturday, August 27
New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin declares a state of emergency and urges residents in low-lying areas to evacuate.
-Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour declares a state of emergency. A mandatory evacuation is ordered for Hancock County.
-President Bush declares a state of emergency for Louisiana and Mississippi. (Note: At this point FEMA is authorized to respond)
Hurricane does not hit until Monday.
Saturday August 27
Louisiana governor requested federal assistance Friday August 26.
RD, that’s not “Bush hatred,” that’s a fact, Jack.
Pelletizer: Of course you trust the AP – they are left leaning Moonbat!s
52 Pud
Reality has a well-known liberal bias.
Sorry Wannabe Captain Jack Sparrow, but this story has already been played out. Democrats failed miserably during Katrina and you know it. The fact that the State elected Republican Bobby Jindal to clean up (D) Kathleen Blanco’s incompetency is testament of that Democratic failure. You can post 4-5 posts in a row trying to distract, but reality remains the same.
As I said above, if you rely on Government to wipe your bottom for you, you really can’t expect them to be there with T.P. in hand before each wipe. Sometimes, you just gotta do it on your own. Disturbing news to liberals I know, but
sometimes lessons are hard learned.
Also, some federal monies given to the state to re-enforce the levees was pissed away by State and local officials that “bragged” about receiving it with no intention of re-enforcing the levees. Sometimes, we reap what we sow.
Who ever said you know shit about music lied to you.
The blues are a collection of I, IV & V chords in a 12 bar form. Does this qualify? No. Listen to some blues artists next time for a clue.
Who ever said you know shit about music lied to you.
The blues are a collection of I, IV & V chords in a 12 bar form. Does this qualify? No. Listen to some blues artists next time for a clue.
It was bad judgement on my part to hit submit comment twice.
This is how to make liberals hate the AP.
When the AP is turning on obama and pointing out he scrubs his website for his stupid predictions you know obama is on the way down.
Did anyone catch the jon stewart joke about obama?? He made a good point about only muslims getting pissy about cartoons.
Daddy Golden Showers of Love.
You and I both know by the rule of Posse Commitatus the federal government does not have the authority to intervene in a state emergency without the request of a governor. You and I both know President Bush declared an emergency prior to Katrina hitting New Orleans. Therefore the only action needed for federal assistance was for Gov. Blanco to request the specific type of assistance she needed. She failed to send a timely request for specific aid. This was done as you stated above in those links.
But you got some things wrong which Puddy will assist you with.
CNN BREAKING NEWS – New Orleans Mayor, Louisiana Governor Hold Press Conference
Aired August 28, 2005 – 10:00 ET
“The National Weather Service has indicated that Hurricane Katrina will likely affect Louisiana coast, with tropical force winds and heavy rainfall by this evening, whereas because of anticipated high lakes and marsh tides, due to the tidal surge, combined with the possibility of intense thunderstorms, hurricane-force winds and widespread severe flooding, Governor Blanco and I, Mayor C. Ray Nagin, have each declared a state of emergency.
Now, therefore, I, as mayor of the city of New Orleans, pursuant to the authority granted by L.A. Rev Stat 29-727 (ph), do hereby promulgate and issue the following orders, which will be effectively immediately, and which will remain in effect until the earlier of five days following the date of this issuance, or the declaration by the governor that the state of emergency no longer exists.”
So Daddy Golden Showers of Love – why the revisionist history.
Check Media Morons if you don’t believe me. They too said the evac order happened on Aug 28:
‘BLANCO: I want to reiterate what the mayor has said. This is a very dangerous time. Just before we walked into this room, President Bush called and told me to share with all of you that he is very concerned about the citizens. He is concerned about the impact that this hurricane would have on our people. And he asked me to please ensure that there would be a mandatory evacuation of New Orleans.”
So why the revisionist histrionics? You can’t pull the BULLSHITTIUM on ol’ Puddy. Puddy and family was there volunteering, helping, doing my Christian Duty, spending my own money, while Purveyors of Golden Showers and Poppycock like you sat at home, dreaming of golden showers art, pulling your dick like bybygoober, hanging onto his wife’s bathrobe like HAs clueless idiot, scratching his bunghole like HAs biggest ASSHole Steve, criticized FEMA while giving Ray Don’t Use Those 400 Schools Buses Nagin and Kathleen What Do I Do Now But Dither Blanco a free pass.
From Wikipedia – “On August 26 Mayor Nagin advised New Orleanians to keep a close eye on the storm and prepare for evacuation. He made various statements encouraging people to leave without officially calling for an evacuation throughout Saturday the 27th before issuing a call for voluntary evacuation that evening. He stressed the potential danger posed by Katrina by saying “This is not a test. This is the real deal.” He was hesitant to order a mandatory evacuation because of concerns about the city’s liability for closing hotels and other businesses. Nagin continued to announce that the city attorney was reviewing the information regarding this issue and once he had reviewed the city attorney’s opinion he would make a decision whether to give the order to evacuate the city.
On Sunday morning August 28, Katrina became a Category 4 hurricane, and, with fewer than 24 hours left before the storm’s landfall, Nagin declared a mandatory evacuation of New Orleans, the first in the city’s history, and the first for a U.S. city of this size since the American Civil War.”
Seems Wikipedia and CNN agree Daddy Golden Showers Of Artful Love
Hey proven, convicted child molesters like Marvin have no idea what’s true or not. But IF it were true that President Obama scrubbed his web site, why would the right wing asslickers care? Baby Bush and Faux News do it weekly. Remember when Baby Bush said he never claimed “Mission Accomplished” had anything to do with the White House? Well it was right there on their blog – until it wasn’t.
And Faux News regularly removes transcripts or videos that show anything true about the “GOP.” But then Marv the pervert would be okay with that since he is a hypocrite.
Marvin, does this mean Barack was against the surge before he was for it? Look at his anti-surge comments around January 7th, 2007. HE can’t erase public record.
The people living there know more about it than you living across the country in a little rabbit hole.
And what did the people that know better do? They dumped the failing democrat and elected a republican to clean up the mess. Fact.
bybygoober, since you know so much about McNeil Island and we found out your Level III sex offender cousin was living under bridges in Snohomish County, I realize why you are afraid to meet me for lunch at GBS’ haunt or at Liberally Drinking.
You’d have to show your gnarly pimply face with your buck teeth and the electronic bracelet around your leg.
Why do you think I posted from CNN, Media Morons and Wikipedia? So your first cousin HAs clueless idiot could not argue the facts. Remember Facts are Facts!
The best he can do is remove his lies from his own webpage.
Why do democrats always flip-flop?
Is it because they know their liberal policies do not play well in America.
If the country wants obama, why does he have to change his opinion on so many of his core principles?
Obama is smarter than you, he knows his message doesn’t play well in America.
Flip-flop the obama version.
Marvin Stamn,
It wasn’t Goldy who posted the song, it was me.
“The blues are a collection of I, IV & V chords in a 12 bar form. Does this qualify? No. Listen to some blues artists next time for a clue.”
The late John Lee Hooker would be saddened to learn of his demotion by you to a non-blues player.
Umm..NO. This is the problem with you stupid fucking Wingnuts. You learn something from you Mel Bay introduction to guitar book and believe the world is black and white.
Without question, the 12 bar blues is a very common form of the blues. But, unless you are stuck in your 1969 Mel Bay book, there are numerous variations on blues chord progressions (and numbers of bars).
This song, in fact, never leaves the tonic. It is a one-chord 16 bar blues in E minor.
Got any more nuggets of Wingnut “wisdom” to share with us this morning, Squrit?
Marvin Stamn,
“Oops. It was bad judgement on my part to hit submit comment twice.”
Nope…it was bad judgment on your part to hit submit the first time!
You sound real bitter about being corrected by someone that’s been in the music business their whole life.
LMAO – Stamm, your comeback is so weak. Bring the music theory loser!
Wow, what an insult. You’re the man.
66 – What do you know about Obama’s “core principles”?
Jack shit.
Is Nader on the ballot in CA dumbass?
Okay. Go out and get some blues CDs. Listen to them. Compare them to what darryl considers the blues. Then get back to me.
Want to explain to me why obama is scrubbing his website of all references to the surge not working?
Want to explain why after opposing immunity for the telecoms he decided to give them immunity?
Want to explain why he backtracked on partial birth abortions?
want to explain his new position on guns and the 2nd amendment?
With your help answering these questions I can figure out his core beliefs.
Marvin Stamn,
“You sound real bitter about being corrected by someone that’s been in the music business their whole life.”
WTF? Bitter?????
Who gives a fuck if you are in the music business (piano delivery boy, perhaps?)…you obviously don’t know jack shit about the blues!
73 – Stamm that is so weak! Did you play the youtube clip? Any music fan can tell that’s a blues. Been a while since I’ve listened to John Lee Hooker but yeah that sounds like something he’d play.
It must be the content – 935 lies the people you shill for here told to the American people with the aid of a sycophant media to steamroll the Congress into a shitty war for profit.
Nice try at deflecting the truth silly man.
74 – Those aren’t core principles, just positions on certain wedge issues used by Republicans to divide voters.
Nice try Republican shill. You obviously don’t know what Obama is really about.
Republicans everywhere are scrubbing their websites of the word REPUBLICAN.
Including the biggest dumbass REPUBLICAN of them all – Dino Rossi.
Forget about erasing core principles – these losers are trying to erase themselves!
Marvin Stamn,
“Okay. Go out and get some blues CDs. Listen to them. Compare them to what darryl considers the blues. Then get back to me.”
Or just check out Mr. Hooker on youtube:
Huh…it sure sounds like a one-chord 16 bar blues (although the bar count is somewhat fluid in the song).
You see, my retarded Wingding friend, you have just given a fine example of the difference between someone who has been in the music business all his life and someone who has been a musician all his life.
Yeah, piano delivery boy.
You are so creative with insults.
Calling yourself a musician? HAHAHA
Just because you can tune in a radio doesn’t make you a musician. Clueless fucking idiot.
Marvin Stamn,
“Yeah, piano delivery boy. You are so creative with insults.”
Hey…it was only a question…. There were some strong hints, though.
Your obvious ignorance of the blues made it clear that you only rub shoulders with musicians (you know…while awaiting tips after a delivery).
And the fact that you felt free to share your ignorance with us all (and do so repeatedly) makes it clear that you once dropped a piano on your head.
Ergo, piano delivery boy.
Somewhat fluid bar count? Are you even able to count to sixteen?
Wow. You are so good. You know everything.
Yup, I just wait for tips.
Another musician that wasn’t good enough to make a living with music is telling me about music. Priceless.
Whiskey and Wimmen’, almost ruined my life. ;-)