The Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally meets tonight (and every Tuesday), 8PM at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E.
Noted liberal drinker Dwight Pelz will be joining us tonight, so if you’ve got some inside politics type questions, come on by and knock back a couple pints with the WA State Democratic Party chair. We’ll see if we can persuade Pelz to join us on our weekly podcast too.
And of course, for those of you on the other side of the mountains, please join Jimmy at the Tri-Cities chapter of DL, every Tuesday from 5:30 onwards, Tuscany Lounge, 1515 George Washington Way, Richland.
RR can’t make it tonight: he’s recounting to his therapist the circumstances surrounding his daughter’s conception. You see, it was the first time he actually had a climax that involved another person.
Maybe you guys can talk about the HOUSE OF CARDS falling down at the White House. With Card resigning in disgrace, you have to wonder if Baby Bush realizes his legacy will be that of the biggest fucking fool to ever sit in the White House.
@2 Naw, the Rightwing-nut Noise Machine will spend the next forty years shrieking about the bestest Preznit ever.
Ask Dwight to bring all of his Cuba pictures and share his admiration for Fidel Castro.
Perhaps a “slide-show” presentation.
Viva la revolucion!
Appeals Court rules against McDermott in taped call dispute
WASHINGTON — A federal appeals court ruled Tuesday that Rep. Jim McDermott violated federal law by turning over an illegally taped telephone call to reporters nearly a decade ago.
In a 2-1 opinion, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia ruled that McDermott violated the rights of House Majority Leader John Boehner, who was heard on the 1996 call involving former House Speaker Newt Gingrich.
The court ordered McDermott to pay Boehner more than $700,000 for leaking the taped conversation. The figure includes $60,000 in damages and more than $600,000 in legal costs.
Roger Rabbit rarely attends DL due to traffic problems caused by hordes of wingnuts lining up to kiss my ass.
If you’re wondering why Y’o concerns himself with whether Roger Rabbit attends DL or not, it’s because he has his nose so far up my butt he can’t get out, so if I go to DL, Y’o goes too. Sort of like a Siamese twin, except he ain’t Siamese and he most definitely isn’t my twin. I don’t have a twin. Roger Rabbit is unique.
You might also ask Dwight what he thinks should happen to the numerous “double-voters” that have been identified.
Yes folks, there are quite a few being exposed (just not picked up yet by the Times or P-U).
Apparently it’s ok, according to some Democrat Prosecuting Attorneys to vote twice and have no consequences.
Read this link and actually take the time to review the evidence:
I expect you folks will attack the messenger since it’s Sharkansky…..but just for a change, speak to the evidence instead.
Y’o is a contraction of “Yahoo,” and like most wingnuts, Y’o can’t even spell his own fucking name.
Does this mean if Bush taps my phone without a court order, he owes me $700,000? Sounds like it.
RR is unique all right! He’s the biggest ass on HA! I love to polk fun at hi because he’s such a piece of shit.
Har Har Har, Roger!
I can go with McDermott paying Boehner $700,000 IF Bush pays $700,000 to each and every American citizen whose domestic phone conversations were tapped without court order.
If Bush doesn’t pay, then Republicans who think McDermott should pay are hypocrites.
shhhhhh … you’re eroding the GOP voting base.
Hey wingnuts! Want to lick a cute cottontail? For a good time, call 1-800-RRABBIT.
I hear an echo in my colon.
Oh, that’s right, before anyone can lick my cottontail we have to pull Y’o’s nose out of my butt. Anybody got a tractor?
I’ll bet he’d come out if we hooked a chain around his balls to a tractor.
Roger Rabbit posted 60% of the comments in this thread. If you don’t like it, go fuck the armadillo you rode in on.
Dwight has to renounce Castro. Now and forever.
Jim did bad. He should pay.
Yossarian is a nazi.
dude @ 9
Double voting is against the law. The Minnow should turn over his “evidence” to Norm Maleng.
Be careful out there, boys. Don’t forget – parties that feature alcohol might pose a lethal threat to your suburban teenager. Oh – sorry – it’s raves that kill (according to SP whackjobs and The ST Ed Board)… not booze.
BTW – why is it that 80% of cokeheads are Republicans? Is it the money, or the powertrip? Or, is it that their “top of the ticket” was a notorious cokehead?
dude @ 9 again
Based on Sharkansky’s track record, he’s not really not worth anyone’s time but even total crazy shills occasionally turn up dimes. Again take it to Maleng.
I’ll see you guys tonight at DL.
Read the thread and look at the evidence.
The Jefferson County Prosecutor had the ball in her court because it was where the 2nd ballot was cast.
The Prosecutors reponse is in the records.
No consequece clueless.
Is that right???
Look at it. Both voted twice.
@25 The use of coke leads significant brain tissue and lose of critical thinking skills. . .hmm, fits right in.
At least bush snooping has stopped attacks.
How was my physical well being helped by McDermott leaking tapes?
28 – Jefferson County is an interesting case. Probably the only small county in this state that went strongly for Gregoire.
Both voters have been cancelled out of the counties they don’t reside in.
If you have a problem with the Jefferson County prosecutor – file a suit.
Sam Reed’s database is turning out to be a handy resource isn’t it?
So is this like a hockey game with the wingers where they send in a new “line” when we wear out the old one? It’s “hard work” promoting all the lies, bullshit, specious “facts” and arrant nonsense that are the rethug talking points. I can see how these clown get tired…all the lying, covering up, stretching the truth and all the rest they’ve got to do to prop up Captian Codpiece and his Merry Men of Mirth and Mayhem.
Dude @ 9, isn’t that the proper thing to do? “I expect you folks will attack the messenger”. Just wondering as that is the number one ‘tool’ of Bushco and his fellow neoCONS
Wrongone @ 30
We don’t know if Bush’s snooping on American citizens has stopped anything – it’s classified. Nobody knows who he’s snooped on because he didn’t take it to a FISA Judge. Bush broke the law and you want to give him a pass – just trust him.
Jim McDermott’s taking some heat and Dubya’s skating. Sound fair – in the winger frame of mind anyway.
A great cartoon would be a bunch of fluttering “wingnuts” flying protectively around Dubya’s empty head.
#30 “At least bush snooping has stopped attacks.”
Oh, you betcha. Heaven knows how many suicide flights and car bombs might have come from those nasty Quakers.
…not to mention the vegetarian soup kitchens.
“I just feel sooooooooooo safe and cozy with Bushie in charge.” Katherine Harris
Hey Guys-
It’s “Buy a Wingnut a Lobotomy” Day!
Pony up!!!!
9 — Ask Mr. C – that is his home county.
Someone with no criminal record whould have a minimum sentence, so a warning letter and cancelling the registrations makes some sense.
Say welcome to the felons. A new Republican base …… they voted for Rossi…..n’est pas?
Hey it’s a hate fest over at Handjob Hannity on the radio today. Hannity is blasting republicans for the Senate vote on immigration. I love watching rethugs asschewing each other. It’s better than baseball.
As I predicted, this issue will be the undoing of the illegal, cowardly republican administration.
a. McDermott has suffered zero. Still has his job, paid no fines
b. He engaged in political abuse
c. Until i know, or know even 3rd person, someone wiretapped and harrassed, then I don’t care.
d. ps, i’m still getting harassed at the airports cuz they are afraid to more properly target likely culprits (as opposed to 100% of all humans passing thru)
“Sam Reed’s database is turning out to be a handy resource isn’t it?
Commentby For the Clueless— 3/28/06@ 11:17 am”
As a matter of fact, it is coming in very handy.
Even you will likely be appalled by the final outcome of what has been cleaned up because of this Statewide database. It would be even more frightening if ALL 50 states created an interactive Nationwide database so you could ID voters who voted in multiple states. These boneheads who voted twice in Washington should be on “America’s Dumbest Criminals”. Those that voted in multiple states are going to be a bit tougher to ID.
What would be even more interesting is if all registered voters were required to include their SS # as part of the voter registration. Kind of hard to imagine in 2006, the reason for people NOT having a Social Security number, isn’t it!
It’s going to be a LOOOOOOOOOOONG, Grueling process to clean-up elections nationwide. If there is a bi-partisan will, it will happen.
I’m one person who strongly feels we will never know who won states like Florida, Wisconsin and New Mexico. The internal controls in these various states are pathetic. We know there are plenty of folks that voted in more than one State….on BOTH sides of the aisle. The people who voted more than once have truly disenfranchised ALL of us. Agreed?? There should be consequences on this I think. I disagree with Bob from Boeing who wants to just blow it off. With that attitude, maybe all of us should simply vote twice. Then some people won’t be satisfied with merely two votes, they will vote 3 times! Where will it all end?
One person, one vote is fundamental to our system. I think we can all agree on that.
Non-citizens shouldn’t be allowed to vote either.
People should have to prove who they are.
SS #’s are a very simple way to ferret out other scum out of what should be as pristine Voter Registration Database’s as possible.
Dude@43 DOOD all sorts of non-citizens have SS#’s. Legal and illegal.
A simple audit of your SS acount (recommended) may reveal someone else, possibly an illegal, has even contributed to your account total by ‘spoofing’ an ‘imaginary’ SS#.
Let’s for cryin’ out loud, leave the SS# out of this.
FUCK YOU “Righton”
There was no political abuse except by the assholes who were caught on tape.
Who, by the way, are part of the bunch of freaks that are selling this Country down the river.
But you don’t care do you…mister “I got mine so FUCK everybody else rethuglican whore.
We’ll pass the hat for a Great American like McDermott…he won’t have to pay this alone.
Even you will likely be appalled by the final outcome
Dude, I welcome all positive outcomes. What I don’t welcome is voter disenfranchisement and supression which is what the “perfection” movement is really all about.
Everyone here is for fair and transparent elections everywhere ESPECIALLY in places like Florida and Ohio.
Everything I’ve seen says the double voter counts are very, very small. A factor in rare photo-finish races – a non-factor everywhere else. Minnow’s latest rant was for 2004. Have anything much for Nov 2005? Didn’t think so.
In a non-photo-finish race I don’t agree that a tiny number of double voters disenfranchise everyone. If a candidate or issue wins by 10,000 or even a thousand votes, 5 double voters doesn’t mean the will of the people wasn’t heard.
People should have to prove who they are.
I believe they do when they register and now when they vote. False representation is another crime. If you have evidence of this happening by all means take it to the authorities.
The recent Carter/Baker commission on voting recommends photo id for all americans free of charge. You support that, don’t you?
Wrongone @ 42
You don’t care that Bush has broken the law? That one of the FISA judges resigned and said that the FISA court had been reduced to a “potemkin” court, i.e. all show. Maybe it was bad that Nixon did it but Bush can do anything he pleases without oversight ‘cuz there’s a war on Terra goin’ on?
Why are you getting hassled at airports, Wrongone? Is your skin too swarthy or are you carrying your Koran in full view? Who looks “jihadist muslim” to you? Describe him or her. Do you know there’s Scandinavian muslims? Should they be hassled at airports?
clueless you are a real fucking KLOWN.
SS #’s and a Nationwide Voter Registration Database are ‘essential” to free and fair elections.
Seriously, how many legitimately registered voters do you know who do NOT have SS #’s???
And if they don’t have an SS #, why don’t they??
clueless could care less about “fair elections”.
Just look at his rhetoric:
What I don’t welcome is voter disenfranchisement and supression which is what the “perfection” movement is really all about.
Everyone here is for fair and transparent elections everywhere ESPECIALLY in places like Florida and Ohio.
Commentby For the Clueless— 3/28/06@ 1:30 pm
And your concern about “disenfranchisement and suppression”…..for what, making sure people are legitimate registered voters that vote only once?????
Roger and Gang it appears you all have a villain in your camp after today’s Court ruling.
Good old Bagdad Bob McDermott strikes again for the Democrat Party. Whose next Teddy Kennedy going to jail for illegally parking his limo in a large body of water.
Appeals Court rules against McDermott in taped call dispute
By Matthew Daly
The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, D.C. — A federal appeals court ruled today that Rep. Jim McDermott, D-Wash., violated federal law by turning over an illegally taped telephone call to reporters nearly a decade ago.
In a 2-1 opinion, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia ruled that McDermott violated the rights of House Majority Leader John Boehner, who was heard on the 1996 call involving former House Speaker Newt Gingrich.
The court ordered McDermott to pay Boehner more than $700,000 for leaking the taped conversation. The figure includes $60,000 in damages and more than $600,000 in legal costs.
McDermott leaked a tape of a 1996 cell phone call involving former House Speaker Newt Gingrich to The New York Times and other news organizations.
The call included discussion by Gingrich, R-Ga., and other House GOP leaders about a House ethics committee investigation of Gingrich. Boehner, R-Ohio, was a Gingrich lieutenant at the time and is now House majority leader
USA Hater @22
Bush did bad, so he should pay too.
“At least bush snooping has stopped attacks.” Commentby righton— 3/28/06@ 11:11 am
Prove it.
Bush didn’t stop 9/11. Bush hasn’t captured Osama. Bush doesn’t even know which country the war is in! And you think his unconstitutional wiretapping actually protects this country? You’re laughable.
“Double voting is against the law. The Minnow should turn over his “evidence” to Norm Maleng. Commentby For the Clueless— 3/28/06@ 10:57 am”
What for? Voting felonies aren’t prosecutable in King County. Lori Sotelo proves that.
Giving a wingnut a lobotomy is physically impossible because they have no brain to start with.
Bozo @ 49
Watch out Bozo. A lot of religious wingnuts don’t have SS#’s because they consider that taking the mark of the beast!
Y’all could be shootin’ yerself in the foot there, BOZO.
So clueless–
If you truly believe all these fabricated “right-wingers” (meaning anyone who disagrees with you) don’t have SS #’s, then you must be all for the government auditing SS #’s (which they should do) AND comparing them and using them as part of the ID process on Voter Registration, right.
Thanks for your support clueless.
I’m certainly willing to take that risk…….
Anyone without an SS # in 2006 ought to have a reason. You can’t file a tax return without one!!!!!!!!!!!!
You can’t open a bank account without one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bozo I respect the voting rights of even religious wingnuts who desperately, desperately want to vote for Dino Rossi if it just wasn’t for you “perfection” whores.
You guys will bankrupt us for a handful of double voters. Show me the numbers, BOZO. Show me there’s a real problem that can’t be solved if wingnut candidates would only get people to vote for them in decent numbers so that they win by a comfortable margin.
But noooooo. That would mean making promises to the voters that they have no intention of keeping or alienating their wingnut base.
Hey Rakeface – Didja see Baghdad Jim got his head handed to him? Somehow, he’s gotta come up with $700k to pay for his criminal behavior. How appropriate that the liberal kook representing FUSeattle is also a fucking criminal. Do you still think McDermott is “chilling” and “morally repugnant”?
Holy shit…. looks like I wuz rong about the whole global warming thing. No less than Time magazine has a cover that says I should “…be very worried” about global warming.
Interesting how this comes out at about the same time as former Vice Perpetrator and Inventor of the Internet comes out with a movie about global warming. What are the chances of that huh? Sure is funny coincidence. I’m SAS glad there’s no “liberal bias” in the media.
Hey, I’m thinking about buying ANOTHER SUV. Do any of you moonbats have any recommendations? I’m thinking maybe H3. Any of you own one?
Redneck @ 58
I’m going to proudly write Jim McDermott a check to help pay that fine! If the Chimp in the White House can get away with spying on Americans without a warrant, Jim McDermott can get some help after exposing the Republicans in the act of selling this country out.
@ 59
Do whatever you freaking please. It’s your money. Go ahead and make our kid’s future more bleak. I can’t stop you.
But I’d think about it a little more first…
The biggest question for Pelz—
How’s his mentor Fidel doing today?
“How appropriate that the liberal kook representing FUSeattle is also a fucking criminal.”
Hey Vagina Lips … tell me … how does losing a civil suit make someone a “criminal?” Better stick to what you know (if there is such a thing), as law isn’t your forte.
Vagina Lips thinks it’s a big fucking crime when McDermott gives a tape recording of Republicans plotting the overthrow of our democracy to a reporter, but sees no problem with Chimpliar ordering illegal wiretaps on American citizens who aren’t suspected of any crime.
So, RR, what do you expect from Mark the hooked/needle dicked WELSHER
Vagina Lips thinks it’s a big fucking crime when McDermott gives a tape recording of Republicans plotting the overthrow of our democracy to a reporter, but sees no problem with Chimpliar ordering illegal wiretaps on American citizens who aren’t suspected of any crime.
It is not “illegal witetaps” the correct term is “undocumented communications reception”. Get it straight. We are in charge and we define the debate, not you.
I need to get a better understanding of the concept of “chilling”.
When GWB wiretaps enemies of civilization, it was called “chilling” by the HAs on this board, especially Rakeface GBS and DonDon.
Today, Baghdad Bob said it was “chilling” because he can’t wiretap.
So I need you all knowing HAs to educate a dumbfuck redneck
Is it “chilling” when you CAN or CAN’T wiretap?
Hypocritical fucking assholes…
Are you guys gonna have fun talking about Fidel Castro and all the wonderful things he’s done for the world?
Mr. Cynical,
Still throwing out the insight and levity…..
I’ve been contemplating the wretched state of affairs in this state since jumping off the space needle to protest the election sham so many months ago. By committing suicide, I’ve landed in hell, but you’ll be happy to know it’s mostly democrats down here.
BTW, the Judge, Roger Rabbit or whatever his new name is these days, is still freaktastic. Winger’s a great term, especially when it’s used about 1,000,000,000,000 times. He’s sure got the mojo NOT.
zbigreddogz – here’s what Roger Rabbit thinks of fidel:
I like Castro’s system better. He confiscates the employer’s property, shoots the employer, and the workers get quality health care for free. We need something like that in America.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 3/19/06@ 3:42 pm
Snap out of it….it was only a bad dream!
Although dreams are often a precursor of things to come (like the obvious….NEW AGE PROGRESSIVE LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS in HELL!!!
Welcome back!
Join the Party!
These KLOWNS are like itsy-bitsy mousies…fun to bat around!
Zapporo –
I remember you. I remember “those old tired arguments” you pooh-poohed the night before Bridges’ decision. Hmmm. Turned out Goldy was right – and you were wrong! I guess with your rigid certainty about things I’d jump off a high place too.
Too bad down in hell you missed out on the I-912 fun and the David Irons Jr fun as well.
Cynical (I call him BOZO) is still having fun here but it’s really funny how his name turns to Irrelevant every election time.
When GWB wiretaps enemies of civilization, it was called “chilling” by the HAs on this board, especially Rakeface GBS and DonDon.
GWB can wiretap jihadis all he wants but if he wiretaps an American he’d better get a warrant – it’s the law.
As a conservative you’re all for obeying the law aren’t you?