The Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally meets tonight (and every Tuesday), 8PM at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. A couple of special guests are scheduled to stop by tonight: 8th Congressional District candidate Darcy Burner, and King County Bar Association President Roger Goodman.
Darcy, of course, is the woman who’s going to kick Dave Reichert’s sorry ass next November, and Nick’s email describes Roger as “a strong advocate of drug enforcement reform.” I think that means legalization. So come on down, get a few drinks into you, and then argue with Roger about the dangers of legalizing intoxicating substances.
Do trolls ever show up at DL?
Yeah, Ted Kennedy is gonna be there, and he’s volunteerd to be the designated driver.
MOH @1,
Probably… not that it matters. It’s not like this is a secret strategy session, so all are welcome. Besides, it’s more fun to argue politics with somebody you disagree with.
I just hope that if a troll does show, they have the common courtesy to at least identify themselves by their screen name, so we know who we’re talking to.
@ 1
They go in cognito, if they go at all.
It’ll be nice to meet Darcy, finally. She seems like a nice gal. I hope Reichert doesn’t go ape shit and try to pound on her.
MOH @ 1,
I’ve gone to the vast majority of DLs for over 1/2 year, and I am pretty sure none of Goldy’s trolls have shown up.
There is always a first time, of course. My offer to buy Mr. Cynical a beer stands.
I’ll buy any troll a shit sandwich.
Damn, I wish I could come tonite but I’m travelling for business. Drug enforcement reform is one of my favorite topics! Also, I think the conservatives might get aboard this program now, as there is probably going to be a spike in opiate use in DC amongst white collar workers. It’s tough to appear composed in front of a congressional committee without your hillbilly heroin! LOL
Never seen one. prr was scheduled to attend several weeks ago — he said “I’ll be there” — but was a no-show. Buh-uhk cluck-cluck-cluck! Buh-uhk cluck-cluck-cluck!
Roger Rabbit very seldom attends DL due to traffic problems caused by crowds of admiring fans, papparazzi, process servers, GOP hit men, and NSA spooks — speaking of which — hey you NSA guys — I know you’re reading this — fuck you unpatriotic fascist pigs!!!
Hey, I’m always up for a beer dj. Thanks for the offer but I always buy. Frankly, there is no one who posts here that I wouldn’t have a beer with. Why??? Because I do not take this all that seriously. It’s fun. It doesn’t accomplish anything, other than gaining a better understanding of what makes people tick. That’s always been my take. Have fun, grin….meeting people you disagree with philosophically is much more interesting than listening to the choir, don’t you think??
The only way I’ll ever make it is if my schedule works out where I’m in that area on a Tuesday night. Lord knows I would never go out of my way to listen to you KLOWNS!!
And I hope Darcy doesn’t do that weird dance on the pool table this time!
And check the lawyers nostrils for evidence!
I’m all for reforming the drug laws. It’s time we recognize that drug use is here to stay. Some form of de-criminalization is definitely in order, tempered with keeping kids away from drugs as we do with alcohol now. It’s time to put the DEA out of business.
Hey yellow dog democrats…
What is so great about Darcy? Ok, she’s a woman.
Not dumb like Patty.
Other than being a Dem, what does she offer?
Hey, since Darcy is from Meth-land… (se king county, right?)
What’s her position on decrimalizing meth?
@ 14
Darcy won’t cut food stamps for families or taxes for the rich, student loans for kids or armor for the troops.
And Darcy knows what the POW/MIA flag means (Reichert has no clue)
That giant sucking sound is the Democrats taking over Congress in Jan. 2007:
“Poll Finds Anti-Incumbent Mood”
“WASHINGTON (CNN) — A majority of Americans consider the congressional influence-peddling inquiry surrounding former lobbyist Jack Abramoff a major scandal, and they registered an anti-incumbent note in a poll released Monday.
“The issue of corruption ranked high on Americans’ list of concerns in the CNN/USA Today/Gallup survey, taken Friday through Sunday … with 43 percent telling pollsters it would be an ‘extremely important’ issue in 2006.
“Only 42 percent of those polled said most members of Congress deserve re-election — the lowest response to that question since 1994, when Republicans took over the House and Senate.
“Democrats led Republicans by 6 percentage points — 49 to 43 — when registered voters were asked whether they would back a Democrat or a Republican to represent them in Congress … when respondents were asked who would do a better job dealing with corruption, 44% percent of those polled said Democrats would do a better job, while 32 percent favored the GOP on that question … on whether the policies of Democratic or Republican leaders would move the country in the right direction, 44 percent chose Democrats and 40 percent favor the GOP. That’s a sharp drop for Republicans since February, when 50 percent said the GOP would move the country in the right direction.”
RE: 9 – Don’t mess with the NSA, Roger. They’ll stick a carrot up your ass, and then make you eat it! Then you’ll “disappear.”
It shouldn’t be too hard to recognize him, if he shows up — he stands out from the crowd.
As all of you know, I’m not a big abortion fan, so I don’t get real excited about the pro-life credentials of Bush judicial nominees — I just assume they’re selectively pro-life, i.e., they’re in favor of saving SOME lives but they have a long list of people they’d like to kill (Iraqis, death row inmates, abortion doctors, detainees, enemy combatants, all Muslims, etc.). Where Roe v. Wade is concerned, I’m more concerned about preserving a constitutional right to privacy (well reasoned) than a constitutional right to abortion (awkwardly reasoned and somewhat contrived).
Where I part company with Alito is his pro-Big Brother, pro-Big Government, activist-judge credentials. Bush may have picked him anticipating a Democratic tsunami in this year’s midterm elections, because Alito has a long history of enthusiastically supporting an expansive interpretation of presidential powers. He looks the strong president-weak Congress model. He thinks detaining people forever without charges or trial on a president’s say-so is just fine. Secret spying? No problem. Torture? Permissible. Suspend civil liberties, habeas corpus? Done. A president can do anything he wants, at least in wartime, so sayeth Alito. Even if the president started the war.
It doesn’t say that in the Constitution. You have to read it between the lines, and even that requires plenty of creativity. No problem, all you need is an activist judge willing to create new governmental powers where none have heretofore existed.
If that’s what you want, Alito’s your man.
Did I forget Jews? Yah, I think they want to kill all the Jews, too. prr is a nazi
18 erratum
should read “He likes the strong president-weak Congress model.”
You mean he’ll help them vote in some more “condemn my land so Costco can build a store” measures…?
“High School Student Receives Apology Over Kilt
“JACKSON, Mo. (Jan. 10) — … After being told to change out of a kilt at a school dance this fall, Jackson High School senior Nathan Warmack received an apology during a school board meeting Monday night. It came with a promise from the district’s superintendent to train staff in properly interpreting the school’s dress code.
“Warmack, 18, wore a kilt to a dance in November with a dress shirt and tie as a way to recognize his Scottish heritage. Principal Rick McClard told Warmack to change into pants, sparking an Internet petition that drew comment from around the world and angered Scottish heritage organizations who felt the student’s outfit was appropriate.
“Warmack said he came away from the meeting convinced that school officials will now protect against discrimination based on national origin. He also said he didn’t think too much had been made of the incident.
“‘I don’t believe it’s blowing something out of proportion if you’re fighting for something you believe is a right,’ he said.”
I expect this item will bring our nationalistic, xenophobic, bombastic, trollfucks out of the woodwork in force! You can’t expect people who don’t know how to use an apostrophe to tell the difference between a kilt and a skirt, either.
We’ve had a rash of ignorance on school boards in this country lately. Too damn many of them are pandering to uneducated bigots who take offense at anything or anybody who doesn’t dress in a shirt and tie, and drive a Chevy pickup with a gun rack. Hey clueless trolls, here’s a clue: A shirt and tie is ETHNIC DRESS. It’s the national uniform of American Rednecks, a subspecies of the Great Apes.
Before you trolls start screeching “much ado about nothing!” read that last sentence again:
“I don’t believe it’s blowing something out of proportion if you’re fighting for something you believe is a right.”
Amen, brother! Wearing the national dress of your ethnic ancestors IS YOUR FUCKING RIGHT. Anybody fucks with my rights, I fight! Screw you trolls. If I want to go out in public wearing rabbit fur, I will. If you don’t like it, go screw your armadillo.
If scots can wear kilts, can the Irish show up drunk?
In other news, President Nowhere Man (as John Lennon would call him, if he were able to do so) says, “Support for the mission in Iraq should not be a partisan matter.”
Who the hell is he kidding? This is HIS war — he started it on false pretenses — and he’s made it a partisan matter and exploited it for political gain from Day One. In any case, it’s too late to be asking for our support, because he’s been TELLING us we have to support him for far too long. If he wanted our support, he should have asked for it in the beginning, instead of trying to dictate what we’re supposed to think and encouraging his followers to call us “unpatriotic,” “terrorists,” “America haters,” and so on.
Sorry, George — you forfeited our support on account of your bad behavior. Too late to ask for it now.
Hey you NSA spooks — I know you’re reading this — fuck you unpatriotic fascist pigs!
Hey, I was just over at Ace of Spades HQ (trolling, anyone?) and he deleted a post because he thought it would give the liberals “ideas”. So I’ll repeat it here.
In your phone conversations, say: “Have you read Omar SHariff’s book on bridge? Your game will explode.”
See it has an arab sounding name, “bridge” and “explode” in it, but is really innocuous. That will give the NSA fits.
Spread widely to all liberal blogs. I have no idea if it’ll work, but it’ll sure piss Ace off, fascist censorer that he is.
“RE: 9 – Don’t mess with the NSA, Roger. They’ll stick a carrot up your ass, and then make you eat it! Then you’ll ‘disappear.'”
If Roger Rabbit becomes a “disappeared bunny,” the suspects are as follows:
[ ] a. Roger Rabbit won the “World of Gardens Cruise” raffle drawing, or
[ ] b. Mrs. Rabbit did away with Roger, or
[ ] c. Stefan shot Roger, or
[ ] d. The Seattle Parks Department bunny fascists kidnapped Roger and imprisoned him at Bunny Meadows, or
[ ] e. Roger got run over on Green Lake Way by a speeding Republican asshole in an SUV, or
[ ] f. The NSA has detained Roger as
[i] An alleged enemy combatant, or
[ii] An alleged national security threat, or
[iii] An all-around pain in the ass to America-hating fascist pigs like them.
“alito; You mean he’ll help them vote in some more “condemn my land so Costco can build a store” measures…?”
“If scots can wear kilts, can the Irish show up drunk?”
We can always count on righton for an ethnic slur. Jerk.
righton is a nazi
Before I forget, prr is a nazi too
If you use the words “gun,” “bomb,” or “terrorist” on a telephone call, the NSA might just take the time to listen-in. They might also monitor emails with those words. Obviously, the thing to do is use the words in ALL phone conversations and emails. It’ll dive ’em nuts!
Hey Moonbats – When the legislature passes the Special Privilges for Fudge Packers bill, will the put an “emergency clause” in it so it can’t be challenged by referendum?
I’d love to hear them splain why fudge packing is an emergency. LMAO…
Or you could pretend to be a grown up and let them do their job. I don’t mind them hassling Omar Sharif by mistake if they also shut down the real terrorists..
Wabbit @ 29 and 30 – Hey, did you forget somebody? Throw in some more… like “chilling” and “morally repugnant”.
Roger – I have a serious question:
The only way Alito would be able to overturn Roe v Wade is if it came before the court. Since abortion is legal in all states, what type of case would trigger a review of the precedent? I could see it if a state legistlature passed a new law restricting access. I’m obviously not a lawyer, and it is just a question that intrigues me. I’d be curious what kind of facts might be involved in a case that he would be looking at.
Didja see in the news today that former Black Panther terrorist and now esteemed King County Councilman Larry Gossett is sponsoring legislation to modify King County’s symbol to include reference to MLK? I love how we changed history so the King in King County can mean something it’s not. But even better is the likelihood that King County will have to pay royalties to MLK foundation for use of any MLK related symbols. That sure would make all you guilty white libruls feel better wouldn’t it. Real good use of taxpayer dollars if ya aks me.
@ 35
Just like a conservative to find terrorists where there are none, and then make one up.
And nobody asked you, you negro hating douche.
Bell – Gosset is quite proud of his black panther heritage. Look it up. I’m not making stuff up.
MTR @ 36
Just because someone was in the Black Panthers, doesn’t mean they were a terrorist, you buffoon.
WrongOne@23 Ok, now you get the coveted “Green Sambo” award. Butthead.
Somebody please explain why the Neo-con Repuglicans seem to be UNABLE to secure our borders? You know, the southern one…
WTF is up with BushCo? All they talk about is National Security, but they can’t keep 1 million Mexicans per year out of the US?
Mark the Fascist,
So, Marky Mark Mark, when are you going to make good on your bet with Goldy and send $100 to Maria Cantwell?
Or are you going to “quit” on your bet, the way you quit on everything else in your life that didn’t quite go your way?
All they talk about is National Security, but they can’t keep 1 million Mexicans per year out of the US?
It’s not that they can’t, it’s that they won’t. Do you know many wealthy GOP donors run businesses that rely on illegal labor?
Sorry, know how many…
Bell – Gosset is quite proud of his black panther heritage. Look it up. I’m not making stuff up.
Comment by Mark The Redneck— 1/10/06 @ 4:56 pm
So what if he was a member of the Panthers, Vagina Lips? And by the way, maybe you could be so kind as to enlighten all of us how many places in the U.S. came to be named?
Well, atleast Larry Gossett wasn’t sitting out The Vietnam War like W.
Roger will not attend tonight. He is not feeling well. He has been suffering from carrot withdrawal symptoms all day, except for some unexplainable reason, he has been much livelier since coming back from grocery shopping.
(crunch crunch)
(crunch crunch)
(crunch crunch)
(crunch crunch)
(crunch crunch)
(crunch crunch)
“Wabbit @ 29 and 30 – Hey, did you forget somebody?”
Thanks for reminding me! MTR is a nazi.
“The only way Alito would be able to overturn Roe v Wade is if it came before the court. Since abortion is legal in all states, what type of case would trigger a review of the precedent? I could see it if a state legistlature passed a new law restricting access. I’m obviously not a lawyer, and it is just a question that intrigues me. I’d be curious what kind of facts might be involved in a case that he would be looking at.”
The surest way to get a case before SCOTUS would be if two federal appeals circuits disagreed on a point. For example, if the 2nd Circuit says “X is constitutional” and the 9th Circuit says “X is unconstitutional,” there’s a good chance SCOTUS will step in to resolve the conflict between the circuits.
SCOTUS can, of course, choose to accept a case for the purpose of revisiting an issue on which it previously ruled. This is exactly what happened in the sodomy cases discussed in the HA threads a couple days ago: In Lawrence v. Texas (2003), the Court changed its mind about the constitutionality of sodomy laws, which it upheld in Bowers v. Hardwick (1986).
In recent years, most abortion cases reaching SCOTUS have involved state laws attempting to restrict abortion without outlawing it. These cases involve issues like parental notification, so-called partial-birth abortions, etc. It seems unlikely SCOTUS would use a peripheral issue to overturn Roe v. Wade, though. I think it’s more likely they would signal their intent, then someone would bring a case before the Court that tackles the issue head-on. There are lawyers on both sides watching for such signals, with cases waiting in the wings.
In 1852, King County was named after Vice President William Rufus King, but in 1986, the county council passed a motion to rename the county in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. This change was passed by the 2005 legislature signed into law by Gov. Gregoire signed, so it’s official: King County is now named after MLK.
Right-wing racists and women-haters like MTR like to make much of MLK’s personal foibles. MLK was human, not a god, and had personal flaws. But this is completely overshadowed by his impact on history.
Although there might have been a U.S. civil rights movement without MLK, he led and shaped this movement, and the ending of de facto segregation and passage of federal laws against racial discrimination is one of the most important events in American history.
To all black Americans, born and unborn, MLK is a symbol of hope and freedom. In their history, only Lincoln’s freeing of the slaves is more important than MLK’s civil rights movement.
Hear hear Wabbit.. I say to all Americans born or viable cell masses, MLK is a symbol of hope and freedom. And remember keep abortion safe and legal.
Heahahaha I out liberaled the rabbit.
When did you turn, Doofus? Typical wingnut — even wingnuts can’t trust ’em. Hey Doofus, why don’t you call a prosecutor and turn in some of your buddies before this mood swing passes?
Roger – thanks. Lawyers come in handy at times!
Because they need those “people” to pick crops, and they are just plain stupid if they believe that Al Quida doesn’t know how to get into Mexico and hop up here via the great wide open borders.
Thehim – Being a member of a terrorist organization doesn’t make one a terrorist? Really? How does that work?
MLK did great things and it is criminal for Seattle to try to claim him. What has Seattle done for civil rights? Gregoire signing such a law is a absolute travesty. The woman was President of a all white soriety who discriminated against black females on a regular basis.
Rabbit – I don’t know about MLK’s foibles and don’t GAF either. If he was with us today, I am sure he would join with me to denounce the way “diversity” has infected our society. Far from judging on the content of character, we now focus almost exclusively on superficial characteristic such as color of skin.
Today’s diversity is nothing more than “get-evenism” on an abhorent scale.
Sgmmac – You don’t understand. It’s OK for Dems to be overtly racist. Consider Robert “Sheets” Byrd who Dems consider to be the “Conscience of the Senate”.
Sgmmac@60 That’s just plain stupid. I was a Greek at a time when many Greek Societies were still overtly racist. My ‘house’ was not. But some very brave individuals across the street pledged a person of color and were threatened with loss of their national charter. . .along with all of the attendant problems that go with that. . .the national would cashier their mortgage and turn everyone out. In the ensuing kerfuffle one of my friends burned a cross on that chapters lawn after they rescinded the pledge. This rivetted national attention on our campus, along with FBI agents and ATF. . . .
With all that going on the National caved in and the young man was subsequently re-pledged. . .thus setting the stage for a very lively debate at the national convention and subsequent reform. . .
Not everyone took such direct action, but many people worked inside the system to change it.
Today’s diversity is nothing more than “get-evenism” on an abhorent scale.
You claim not only fractures the english language, Vagina Lips, it is irrefutably false. Furthermore, the fact that you are “sure” what MLK would think today is entirely without substance or merit.
Asshole – I’ve seen how diveristy is implemented on a large scale close up. It ignores all measures of personal character and replaces it with superficial traits.
Here are some reasons diversity as practiced today is evil:
1) It is highly condescending to its recipients because it has the implied message “we know you’re not good enough, so we’ll just give it to you.”
2) It destroys any personal initiative to excel in anything by creating an atmosphere of entitlement.
3) It is unfair in the extreme to those who are not members of a protected class because they have no way to share in the spoils, and there’s nothing they can do to get on the same gravy train.
4) It reinforces a focus on race instead of moving beyond it. This betrays the very heart of MLK’s message.
5) It creates strife between groups and hinders assimilation of all people into the mainstream culture.
Mark The Redneck @ 59 I guess using your same argument then Alito is an white segregationist and wants to keep all minorities ‘in their place’ because he was a member of the “Concerned Alumni of Princeton”. Right?
Mark The Retarded Redneck@65 I remember ‘Bull’ Halsey and his dogs. I had friends at Selma, Alabama. They passed through Philadelphia, Mississippi a week before those unfortunate people were killed. You soil Martin Luther King’s name by speaking it.
You assholes refute something I said with logic and facts and reasoning. Don’t throw out stupid fucking bullshit.
Hey Wingnuts,
What’s wrong with Lowry over at NRO?
But this is, in its essence, a Republican scandal, and any attempt to portray it otherwise is a misdirection.
Hey Puddy Freep – why don’t you repost that list of Democrats again?
We’re at the point where the wingnuts are about to ask, “Jack who?”.
Your excuse for Gregoire doesn’t change the fact that she is responsible for her actions. Robert Jamison wrote a very compelling column about G-woman and her actions against a black woman that she really harmed.
Using your logic, Nazi war criminals could be found innocent, because it was a sign of the times. Washington State is pretty lily white from what I’ve seen.
we need this quota crap cuz once we become a minority, we’ll need quotas lest the asians get all the collge admissions and the mexicans all the construction jobs
half kidding
Sgmmac@70 Your troll logic is complete. You say at once she was in a racist sorority and is responsible for her actions, including everything she has done since to promote improvement for all races. I’ll say it again, troll, That’s plain stupid. Pick up one action, joining a Greek house, and tarring her as racist. . .ignoring everything else she has done in her subsequent career. How very trollish. How very stupid. She works for racial equality. Get used to it.
Tim Eyman, who sold himself to Washingtonians as a citizen volunteer, will collect $104,000 from a salary fund set up to compensate him and his initiative-promotion partners for passing I-900, the performance audits initiative, last November.
Eyman says, “We let our supporters decide how much our work is worth to them.”
Maybe he should say “supporter” — in the singular — because $100,000 of the salary fund came from Woodinville investment banker Michael Dunmire, who also contributed the bulk of the $650,000 raised to promote I-900, according to a story in today’s P-I by AP reporter David Ammons.
The story concludes, “When Eyman began the latest solicitation, David Goldstein, a blogger and a persistent critic, said, ‘Once again, he is the highest paid politician in the state. I’m amazed people send him money. I don’t know what it is that he has supposedly delivered for them. I-900 is unnecessary and duplicates what the Legislature already did. This issue was picked by his Sugar Daddy (Dunmire) or he would be nowhere again this year. He’s a kept man.'”
Yeah, Goldy. Well, hell, if Paul Allen can buy himself an election, why can’t Dunmire buy an election too? Wonder what Dunmire is gonna buy next year, and how long he’ll stay happy with his employee (and keep paying his employee’s salary) if Eyman’s winning streak (such as it is) falters. I doubt Dunmire is the kind of guy who pays for failure very long, so Eyman should stick to safe stuff that’s already been passed by the legislature.
Hey Tim, I have an idea — if the legislature passes gay civil rights this year, why don’t you try a gay civil rights initiative next year?
This ins’t a troll…I feel to compelled to point out that it seems that some sort of misguided good intentions have led to every major northern city naming after Dr. King a thoroughfare that goes through the middle of the area with the worst of the absentee-landlord slums, the depressing government-issue housing projects, the sleazy dive bars, the crack houses and all the rest of the trappings of the sorry state of poor Blacks in America that he worked so hard to change. Doesn’t seem to be all that much of an “honor”.
Anyway, seems like Vice President King, whatever the hell he did, is being slighted just a bit. Maybe we can rename Aurora after him as a sort of consolation.
“Vice President King, whatever the hell he did”
Hell, I don’t know what he did either, but I’m pretty sure he’s a less important historical figure than Martin Luther King, Jr.
I looked it up, and discovered Vice President King’s only distinctive act in office was to die. He was terminally ill when elected and served only 45 days before croaking.
@73 Martin Luther King went to those very areas to lift up the people there. Perhaps having his name there sheds a little grace on their lives even now.
Marting Luther King tried to live his Christianity. . .right down to hanging out with publicans, tax-farmers and sinners.
And yes, he was human. . .all too human, just as Jesus was human, and weak, just as Jesus was weak in his own way, but he was also strong, and filled with grace and courage, in a way that very, very few of us can be.
Because some sordid hovel has a crucifix on the wall, or a placque to The Sacred Heart of Jesus, doesn’t soil Jesus, and may shed some grace where it is most needed.
The P-I Business Section reports today the FAA intends to fine Alaska Airlines $500,000 “for operating one of its Boeing 737 jets without the proper emergency-exit lights in the passenger cabin.”
The plane was inspected 40 times and made 478 flights before anybody noticed the lights weren’t on.
The really surprising thing about that dog-tossing incident is they didn’t miss the cargo door and bounce Poochie off the side of the fuselage.
For the sake of truth-in-advertising, Alaska Airlines should change their name to Inept Airlines.
Somehow I get the feeling MLK wasn’t the kind of guy who would want an airport or a gleaming office tower named after him.
Could it be that Tim Eyman is the Arayan Jack Abramoff?
I haven’t seen anything that she has done to promote any type of racial equality. So, what has she done, besides take care of herself and her budds? I have seen a lot of rich elitism coming out of the Governor’s mansion. The female employee who takes care of the place is running around making neck scarfs for the “First” dog, the Washington State Patrol is guarding the fleabag pooch, and killing opossum’s who wander onto the lawns. She rides around in 4 brand new Cadillacs and was well known for her horrible driving before she was elected.
Yossarian is really Milo Minderbinder. What a fake!
Troll@83 Troll 101, change the subject. Cloud the issue. Deny the reality. Get over it, she won the election. She’ll win it again. If you don’t like her leadership. . for example creating a viable budget and forging a workable coalition between parties in the legislature. . .keep whining.
Can’t think of anything that she’s done to promote racial equality other than call me names, change the subject and cloud the issue.
What a shame!
I found something for you to look at.
SB 6252 – 2005-06
Creating a temporary permit for the sale of one thousand or fewer rabbits.
Mac, do you think the Secret Service isn’t doing the same things for Bush’s 2 dogs and 1 cat? I’ll bet you didn’t think of that. Naw, you don’t think. You’re just a knee-jerk troll like the rest.
Comment on 83, 85
Gregoire cares about whether kids get an education and have health care. Show me a Republican, and I’ll show you someone who cares more about his dog than he does about someone else’s children.
Holy shit!!! (Needless to say, the Rabbit Murder Bill is sponsored by two Republicans.);year=2006
Why should anyone be allowed to OWN a rabbit? How would YOU like to be OWNED!! Shriek!!! This is bullshit!! Freedom for rabbits now! Born free — live free!!! God made rabbits to live in the wild — and MAKE MORE BUNNIES!!! I didn’t realize anybody could OWN a rabbit in this state! Emancipate rabbits! End rabbit slavery! Amend the Constitution! No more owning rabbits!!! Jail rabbit killers!!! Screech!!!
Well, if anybody tries to own ME, first they’re gonna have to catch me, then they’re gonna have to pick me up by my ears, then they’re gonna be real sorry.
My powerful hind feet with razor sharp claws will start kicking and tear them a new belly button. They’ll be holding their guts in their hands. Ugh! What a mess!!!
Wow! This thread is almost
up to
100 posts!
Stefan is lucky
if he
gets 5.
Troll@86 I call ’em as I see ’em. You’re a troll.
As to Christine, she went twice to her National to condemn their racial policies.
You’ll have to come up with something better than stale ‘talking points’.
The reason Stefan’s pathetic little blog doesn’t get much action in his comment threads is because
[ ] a. it sucks, or
[ ] b. he makes posters register and identify themselves, or
[ ] c. he censors 95% of his traffic, or
[ ] d. all of the above.
@ 83 sorry to see that post. Jury was out on wingnut Trollocity.
Now it is confirmed. sgmmac is MTR with a vagina.
Imagine the meeting: MTR is shaking uncontrollably. He senses a vagin near. He is getting flop sweat on his brow. The danger signs are all blinking Red.
sgmmac tries to tell him that she is ok. She can spin wingnut BS with any male redneck.
They see each other at the opposite side of the room.
They leave. Seperate. Alone.
With nothing but their wingnut delusions in common.
MTR wouldn’t walk out of a room that I was in. He would be carted away in an ambulance after I was done beating on him.
What do you know, you found something. You are the first to tell me that, by the way. An apology might have gone a long way towards healing those racial wounds.
She definitely loves kids, it’s her mantra. I would be more impressed with the MSM media if they said in their article on the health care for uninsured immigrant kids, that they were illegal alien’s kids…………
I’m not proposing that they don’t get any health care, but let’s call it what it is. There’s truck loads of illegal aliens in Eastern Washington picking working in fields and who knows how many are in Seattle?
She definitely cares about spending money on Education. Washington is getting ready to crash and burn on education and the WASL. Washington Taxpayers deserve a lot more than a 50% passing rate for High School graduation for the money they get.
The WASL situation is beyond ridiculous with 50% failing the test.
sgmmac, you have citations for the following (from the wingnut diatribe @ 83):
1. The Gov. hasn’t done anything to promote any type of racial equality.
2. The Gov. has done nothing besides take care of herself and her budds
3. The Gov. shows nothing but a lot of rich elitism.
4. A employee of the Governor runs around making neck scarfs for the “First†dog
5. The Washington State Patrol is guarding the (Governor’s) fleabag pooch
6. The Governor’s pet has fleas
7. The Washington State Patrol is killing opossum’s who wander onto the (Governor’s Mansion) lawns.
8. The Governor rides around in 4 brand new Cadillacs
9. The Governor is well known for her horrible driving before she was elected.
I await your citations!
Or, perhaps, sgmmac, you have a certain desease known as “wingnutitus”.
“I would be more impressed with the MSM media if they said in their article on the health care for uninsured immigrant kids, that they were illegal alien’s kids”
My recollection is that when I read about it in the newspaper, the news story did say that.
But in any case, does it make a difference? Is it your position that kids living in our state should be denied health care unless they have citizen or legal status?
Remember sgmmac, a reponse of “prove me wrong” is unacceptable. You made the claims, it is your responsibility to prove them.
Occams’s Razor.
If that’s your position maybe you’d like to do the farm work yourself — or not eat. We all benefit from the farm work done by illegals in the form of lower food prices. None of us are willing to do that work ourselves.
Hey Donnageddon, did you go to DL tonight? How was the turnout?
Hey Mac, how do you feel about Laura Bush running over and killing her boyfriend? Or W.’s DUIs? Or Cheney’s DUIs? If driving record is your only or main criterion for electing public officials, did you vote for these lousy drivers? Why?
RR, I live in the east east King Co. I hope to make it to DL someday, but sadly, the elitist DL’s need to hold the next meeting in at least Fall City.
I will buy everyone a beer.
Or Barbara Bush saying that the “residents” of the NOLA Superdome should be “happy there, after all they are used to those kind of conditions”.
See, sgmmac, that is called a “citation”. It is used to bolster a remark.
Use them.
I don’t attend DL much either.
I’m surprised she didn’t have some dumpsters delivered for them to eat out of.
I love this quote from the Mother of our President select:
Frightening indeed!
Hot air, that is.
“WASHINGTON (Jan. 11) – President George W. Bush warned Democratic critics of his Iraq policy to watch what they say or risk giving ‘comfort to our adversaries’ and suffering at the ballot box in the U.S. congressional elections in November.”
Forget it, George — that crap doesn’t sell anymore. As for what’s motivating King George’s latest outburst,
” … a recent Associated Press-Ipsos poll found Americans prefer Democratic control over a continued Republican majority by 49 percent to 36 percent. … Tuesday’s … sharp message represented an attempt by the president to neutralize Democrats’ ability to use Iraq … as an election-year cudgel against Republicans.”
Too late, George, you stepped in the shit and now you have to walk in it.
“Bush acknowledged deep differences over Iraq among casualty-weary Americans, just 39 percent of whom approve of his handling of the war, according to AP-Ipsos.”
Makes you wonder what’s wrong with the 39 percent …
“He said he welcomed ‘honest critics’ who question the way the war is being conducted”
How’s this for honest criticism: Incompetently and corruptly.
“… and the ‘loyal opposition’ that points out what is wrong with his administration’s approach.”
Ummm … where to begin … lying, corruption, ineptness, stupidity, among others.
Bush said,
“I ask all Americans to hold their elected leaders to account”
Don’t worry, we intend to.
“But he termed irresponsible the ‘partisan critics who claim that we acted in Iraq because of oil or because of Israel or because we misled the American people,’ as well as ‘defeatists who refuse to see that anything is right.'”
Well, that pretty much eliminates all the critics and criticism, doesn’t it? What he really wants to do is silence dissent.
“With that description, Bush lumped the many Democrats who have accused him of twisting prewar intelligence with the few people, mostly outside the mainstream, who have raised the issues of oil and Israel.”
Typical GOP guilt-by-association dirty trick; Rove must have coached him.
Really, though, there’s nothing wrong with America that can’t be fixed by (a) impeaching this president (and his lying vice president) and (b) 361 Raptures at 144,000 Republicans a throw.
“tempered with keeping kids away from drugs as we do with alcohol now.”
Now that is a program that really works well….fucking libtards
Moonbat@86&99: Cry me a river on your “racism” charge against sgmmac!
Also moonbats: looks like Alito bitch slapped Chucky Schumer on his asinine questioning attack! Why do you guys hold Ted “Alzsheimer” Kennedy is such high regard today?
And, J. L. Pottenger Jr., a friend of Judge Alito’s at Princeton and Yale who is now a professor at Yale, said: “The reason I’m hoping he gets confirmed, even though I am a liberal, maybe an ultraliberal, is because I think he’s an honest, well–intentioned guy who believes in judicial restraint in the model of Supreme Court Justice John Harlan and I can’t reallyargue with that as a judicial philosophy. I don’t think he’s an ideologue. I don’t think he’s going to be out there trying to roll back the clock.”
rigthon @ 35:
If we didn’t have a government that felt it had to put its nose in EVERYBODY’s business, then we wouldn’t have the NSA or the CIA or any of the other secret squirrel organizations.
The government is always wants to read our mail and listen to our conversations, but they aren’t very forthcoming when we want to know hwat THEY’RE doing!
Mr. Puddybud, only time will tell concerning Alito. As of now he seems to have a very dark shadow following him around from his judicial rulings during his career. It is true that anyone can change their basic beliefs and it also might be true that all of his ‘ultra’ decisions were caused by his upbringing under the Reagan administration. As a US citizen I am not too overwhelmed by his statements so far. Very ambiguous and he seems to side step any direct questions.
when MLK was shot in memphis he was there to try to fix a strike that had gone violent because of government infiltrators. his subsequent plans were to go to washington to the poor people’s march and get people stirred up about redistributing wealth and ending the vietnam war.
we had to whack him. end of story. making a national holiday for him was a nice touch though.
yeah…….real nice…
Puddyferbrains@121 The charge is Trollism. Not Racism. I see your reading skills haven’t improved.
If there was any ‘bitch slapping’ it was when Alito was confronted with his curious lapses in memory. . . he can cite legal cases back dog’s years but cannot recall his role with the Concerned Princeton Alumnae for Racism group.
Your Freeper Goggles prevent you from exercising any intellectual activity.
Troll@103 It is extremely lame to say this is the first you have heard of Gregoire’s activism for racial equity with her Greek Group. Last year, when some of Sims’ backers, in desparation, levelled this charge during the primary season, the entire history of her involvement was hashed out ad nauseaum in the papers. A year ago. Unless,of course, like some of the other Freeper trolls here, you don’t read newspapers. . . but prefer to listen to scurrilous, and poorly founded backyard gossip. Is this another case of Freeper Goggles?
chuck @ 120 most eloquently writes:
Now that is a program that really works well….fucking libtards
Well Chuck, if I was 18, living in the ‘States, and had $20 burning a hole in my pocket, I can think of a few ways to lay hands on alcohol. None of them are convenient or involve the state. I can steal from a store. I can raid dad’s liquor cabinet. I can ask a older friend to purchase for me (at some risk to the friend). I can filch an ID from someone older who looks a bit like me.
What I cannot do is walk into any store in the state and purchase alcohol for myself.
Now, if I want drugs, that’s a much more straightforward process. The guy with the grimy trenchcoat at Broadway and John will hook me up in 5 minutes flat with no refrences.
There’s no guarantee as to the quality or safety of what I just bought, but hey, it’s available, it’s quick, it’s cheap, it’s easy, and nobody asks me for ID.
One more time, how do you propose to make this better?
BTW, sorry to miss DL. I like you guys, but I’m up in BC right now. Three hours is a long drive to have a beer.
Check out some of the History Channel documentaries on illegal drugs in this country and how they got that way. In a lot of ways, the war on drugs is more of a jobs program than anything else.
Take marijuanna for instance. The guy to head up the Bureau Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs didn’t really have a big problem with reefer. As a matter of fact, he was pondering how to make anti-marijuanna laws work when he took a drive into the local countryside surrounding Washington, DC. He stopped in an area near the Potomac to contemplate nature when he ralized a large expanse of vegetation he was viewing was actually a marijuanna grove. He was the consumate bureaucrat, however, and he worked hard to insure his agency survived. That’s the first rule of bureacracy: the bureau must survice, whether it has a reason to exist or not.
There’s very little in the marijuanna story to suggest the “reefer madness” mania had any basis in fact. It’s not the blue bird of happiness nor is it the Black Death either. It’s time for us to make an accomodation for this substance and stop criminalizing adults who wish to enjoy it.
Moonbat@99_and_elsewhere: You have StuckASS disease. You forget what you fucking write earlier in a thread. It’s okay, Puddy has the cure!
Moonbat@99 said: “Troll@86 I call ‘em as I see ‘em. You’re a troll. As to Christine, she went twice to her National to condemn their racial policies. You’ll have to come up with something better than tale ‘talking points’.”
When you decide to comprehend what you write, we can converse!
Since you are talking about racism; hmmm…, are you saying moonbat@99 you agree with a progressive democrap like ron sims using racism as a political battle 2by4 when painted into a political corner. How politically expedient to whip out the race card. And you moonbats complain about Repbubs. You lib moonbats are the racist fucktards! Or are you referring to Al Gor’s use of Willie Horton against Mike Dukakis in the 1988 donkocratic presidential primary.
Regarding Alito and his CAP membership; I love how you progressives give a pass to Robert 3K Sheets Byrd for his “progressive” move from his Grand Klagon days, but you keep Sam Alito aback in the dark ages where he has said he has moved passed (progressed) to new thinking? How disingenuous you moonbats are on this one too!
Errata: Repubs not Repbubs and Gore’s not Gor’s. Sorry for that!
Mr. Reality Check:
I like what Senator Hatch said: “If the Democrats were as interested in fighting terror as they are in fighting Alito, we’d all be safe.
Sims has nothing on Rethugs when it comes to playing the race card.
I see Chuck the Cluck is back.
@9 Roger Rodent:
You said that exact same thing last week Rodent. And I said last week as well that the reason you never attend DL is that they do not take food stamps for beer, nor for the cab ride over there. At least be honest Rodent, rather than fictitiously making love to yourself constantly.
My God! A troll correcting his spelling errors! Didn’t know you talked to liberals, Puttybrain. So — who’s helping you with your posting?
PuttyferBrains, your Freeper goggles are showing again. Sure,sure believe Kristol,Novak et al that Gore brought up Horton rather than the Furlough Program. That’s the ticket. Course the research was done by freepers like you, and run with by Daddy Bush, complete with ads showing Horton’s sorry ass. Way to go troll!
Moonbat@137 AKA TFF:
From Wikipedia: “Gore prefers the cut-and-thrust of traditional politics and has often defined himself by criticizing his opponents. It was Gore, after all, who in 1988 introduced Willie Horton into the presidential campaign.” Dan Balz, Washington Post, 12/20/99”
From the Internet:
Roger Simon (a lefty), U.S. News, 11/1/99: Bradley will spend much of his prep time anticipating Gore attacks. “We always expect to be attacked by Gore,” says a senior adviser to Bradley…And just as he did in 1988 when he raised the Willie Horton issue against Dukakis, Gore intends to take whatever shots he deems appropriate.
Sam Donaldson (a real lefty), This Week, 11/28/99: Al Gore does use fear. Remember 1988, it was Al Gore when he was running in the primaries for president who found Willie Horton, and he used Willie Horton against Dukakis.
Ceci Connolly (a lefty), Washington Post, 12/11/99: He is aggressive, outspoken and increasingly eager to draw sharp—some would suggest unfair—contrasts with his opponents. The approach, reminiscent of his 1988 effort, has rejuvenated the Gore team…In that race, it was Gore who first pinned rival Michael S. Dukakis for a controversial prison furlough program.
Susan Page (a lefty), Late Edition, 12/12/99: We’re reminded this week…what a fierce campaigner he is. He showed us before. In 1988, he was the one who raised the issue of prison furloughs against Michael Dukakis in the primaries, before the Bush people had heard of it. He’s a very fierce campaigner.
In Time Present, Time Past book by Ex-Senator Bill Bradley: In 1988, the race card was played more subtly. The Bush presidential campaign skillfully linked the Democratic candidate, Michael Dukakis, with a black man named Willie Horton, who had raped a woman and stabbed a man while on furlough from a Massachusetts prison, where he had been serving time for murder. Oddly, the first politician to mention Horton (but without racializing it) was not Bush but Senator Al Gore. In the New York Democratic primary that spring, he attacked Dukakis for his prison-furlough program.
Then, On January 12, 2000, Bradley conducted a remarkable interview with the Boston Herald. (New Hampshire voting was three weeks away. Bradley was behind in the polls.) Bradley “launch[ed] a laser-sharp new line of attack against Al Gore,” the paper’s Andrew Miga reported the next day. In his interview with the Herald, Bradley “ripped the vice president for injecting racism into the 1988 campaign by raising the Willie Horton case against Michael Dukakis.” Now Bradley was playing the Horton Card too.
So many lefties, so little space!
– Tree Frog Farmer another jackASS, now Tree Frog FarmerASS
Tree Frog Farmer: Another post in limbo. But I will send part to you anyway.
In Time Present, Time Past book by Ex-Senator Bill Bradley: In 1988, the race card was played more subtly. The Bush presidential campaign skillfully linked the Democratic candidate, Michael Dukakis, with a black man named Willie Horton, who had raped a woman and stabbed a man while on furlough from a Massachusetts prison, where he had been serving time for murder. Oddly, the first politician to mention Horton (but without racializing it) was not Bush but Senator Al Gore. In the New York Democratic primary that spring, he attacked Dukakis for his prison-furlough program.
Then, On January 12, 2000, Bradley conducted a remarkable interview with the Boston Herald. (New Hampshire voting was three weeks away. Bradley was behind in the polls.) Bradley “launch[ed] a laser-sharp new line of attack against Al Gore,” the paper’s Andrew Miga reported the next day. In his interview with the Herald, Bradley “ripped the vice president for injecting racism into the 1988 campaign by raising the Willie Horton case against Michael Dukakis.” Now Bradley was playing the Horton Card too.
So many lefties, so little space! STFU TFFASS
– Tree Frog Farmer another jackASS, now Tree Frog FarmerASS
Wow I guess Willie Horton’s actions are blocked by the Goldy filter system.
In Time Present, Time Past book by Ex-Senator Bill Bradley: In 1988, the race card was played more subtly. The Bush presidential campaign skillfully linked the Democratic candidate, Michael Dukakis, with a black man named Willie Horton, who had r a p e d a woman and s t a b b e d a man while on furlough from a Massachusetts prison, where he had been serving time for murder. Oddly, the first politician to mention Horton (but without racializing it) was not Bush but Senator Al Gore. In the New York Democratic primary that spring, he attacked Dukakis for his prison-furlough program.
Then, On January 12, 2000, Bradley conducted a remarkable interview with the Boston Herald. (New Hampshire voting was three weeks away. Bradley was behind in the polls.) Bradley “launch[ed] a laser-sharp new line of attack against Al Gore,” the paper’s Andrew Miga reported the next day. In his interview with the Herald, Bradley “ripped the vice president for injecting racism into the 1988 campaign by raising the Willie Horton case against Michael Dukakis.” Now Bradley was playing the Horton Card too.
So many lefties, so little space!
– Tree Frog Farmer another jackASS, now Tree Frog FarmerASS
I guessed it. R a p e d and s t a b b e d are blocked words.
From Wikipedia: “Gore prefers the cut-and-thrust of traditional politics and has often defined himself by criticizing his opponents. It was Gore, after all, who in 1988 introduced Willie Horton into the presidential campaign.” Dan Balz, Washington Post, 12/20/99”
From the Internet:
Roger Simon (a lefty), U.S. News, 11/1/99: Bradley will spend much of his prep time anticipating Gore attacks. “We always expect to be attacked by Gore,” says a senior adviser to Bradley…And just as he did in 1988 when he raised the Willie Horton issue against Dukakis, Gore intends to take whatever shots he deems appropriate.
Sam Donaldson (a real lefty), This Week, 11/28/99: Al Gore does use fear. Remember 1988, it was Al Gore when he was running in the primaries for president who found Willie Horton, and he used Willie Horton against Dukakis.
Ceci Connolly (a lefty), Washington Post, 12/11/99: He is aggressive, outspoken and increasingly eager to draw sharp—some would suggest unfair—contrasts with his opponents. The approach, reminiscent of his 1988 effort, has rejuvenated the Gore team…In that race, it was Gore who first pinned rival Michael S. Dukakis for a controversial prison furlough program.
Susan Page (a lefty), Late Edition, 12/12/99: We’re reminded this week…what a fierce campaigner he is. He showed us before. In 1988, he was the one who raised the issue of prison furloughs against Michael Dukakis in the primaries, before the Bush people had heard of it. He’s a very fierce campaigner.
So, moby-trolltreefrogfarmerASS@everywhere, how does that tin-foil lined moonbat donkocratic hat fit today?
How many times do I have to tell you I don’t need to visit Free Republic to perform my attack against the likes of you? Yet, if it wasn’t for Daily Kurse, Media Moonbats, Stink Progress, and MorOn.Org, lefties wouldn’t have any daily morning talking points.
Alito is unacceptable because he is a liar. He lied when he said at his confirmation hearings that he would recuse himself from cases in which he had a financial stake. Of course, later he said that he had gone “further than he needed to in 1990.” My thanks to him for warning us that we can’t believe what he says now.
He lied when he said in his 1990 confirmation eharing that he could not recall his membership in CAP when he not only used it proudly in 1985 to get his Reagan DOJ job, but was also at that time still a member.
He admits lying in 1985 when he was angling for the DOJ job. He told Senator Kennedy “I was just a 35-year-old seeking a job.” My thanks to him for warning us that we can’t believe what he says now, when he is a 55-year-old seeking a job.
He said in his 3rd Circuit confirmation hearings, after his more than a dozen years of service representing the U.S. government, that he would be “absolutely impartial” in all his cases. But in case after case involving the actions of U.S. marshals, IRS agents and other government officials, he has sided with the government and against the citizens, even when his fellow judges have told him he was off-base.
Scalito cannot be believed. We need fewer liars in our government, not more.
It gets said a lot, although the top return in Search for “Gore dukakis willie Horton” was this entry debunking that echo-chamber repetition of an untruth.
Your examples seem to illustrate how the right wing plays our press.
“What actually happened in 1988? In one of 45 Dem debates that year, Candidate Gore challenged Candidate Dukakis to defend a Massachusetts furlough program under which convicts serving life sentences without hope of parole were released on weekend passes. In particular, Gore noted that two furloughed prisoners had committed new murders while on weekend leave. (Willie Horton was not one of these convicts.) The program was almost impossible to defend. But Gore only mentioned the program once, and he never mentioned any prisoner’s name; never mentioned any prisoner’s race; never ran any TV ads on the topic; and never used any visuals. More specifically, he never named Willie Horton, or mentioned his specific crime (Horton committed a brutal rape while on leave). In the Bush-Dukakis general election, the Bush campaign—and an independent, pro-Bush group—made extensive use of the Horton incident. In particular, the independent group used visuals of Horton which seemed to emphasize his race (he was black). In later years, as he neared his death, Bush campaign director Lee Atwater apologized for his own conduct in pushing the racial aspects of the Horton matter.”
Did Gore “bring Willie Horton to the American people?” The answer is NO.
Puddybud @ 141:
I know you like to think us Liberals get our talking points from the organizations you mentioned, but I’m going to share very secure, left-wing secret with you.
I’ll probably get in trouble with the DLC for revealing our true source of information for our talking points, but I like you and I want to include you in on the secret. I’m sort of taking a chance in that I believe in your intelligence and you might be swayed to convert to the left once you know the secret.
The left-wing super-duper, double-secret source of talking points is:
Wait for it.
Wait for it.
Wait for it.
OK, here it is:
The federal prosecutors office!
There it’s out in the open.
While my post festers in the filter, a quick debunker. Those sources are incorrect. It’s amazing what the echo chamber will cause the press to repeat.
“What actually happened in 1988? In one of 45 Dem debates that year, Candidate Gore challenged Candidate Dukakis to defend a Massachusetts furlough program under which convicts serving life sentences without hope of parole were released on weekend passes. In particular, Gore noted that two furloughed prisoners had committed new m-urders while on weekend leave. (Willie Horton was not one of these convicts.) The program was almost impossible to defend. But Gore only mentioned the program once, and he never mentioned any prisoner’s name; never mentioned any prisoner’s race; never ran any TV ads on the topic; and never used any visuals. More specifically, he never named Willie Horton, or mentioned his specific crime (Horton committed a brutal r-ape while on leave). In the Bush-Dukakis general election, the Bush campaign—and an independent, pro-Bush group—made extensive use of the Horton incident. In particular, the independent group used visuals of Horton which seemed to emphasize his race (he was black). In later years, as he neared his death, Bush campaign director Lee Atwater apologized for his own conduct in pushing the racial aspects of the Horton matter.”
Did Gore “bring Willie Horton to the American people?” The answer is NO.
Why do you harp on the Al Gore / Willie Horton thing?
It only proves you know right from wrong and that it was wrong for Al Gore to expolit a racially motivated idea.
If you know that, then you must be appalled by, and reject Sam Alito for belonging to C.A.P.
I know you wouldn’t compromise your own moral convictions just because someone else did, right?
So if Al Gore was wrong, and Samuel Alito was wrong, and Al Gore isn’t being nominated to the SCOTUS it makes Al Gore a moot point doesn’t it?
And if Al Gore is a moot point, the the real issue is Samuel Alito’s record of his personal behavoir. And, if Alito’s personal behavior is the issue, and he compromised it, then he shouldn’t be appointed to the highest court in the land for a lifetime appointment, should he?
Glad we see eye to eye on this issue.
Let the R’ leaning apologists consider this…
One of the only ways a govt. prosecuter can break out of he shell and get to the big time money, very big time money, that are paid in some big law firms — well, it is with a very high progile and famous case.
The career prosecuters will be among the big time winnners — as they enter history and the law legends as the Federal Hard Ass Prosecuter who ran the biggest public cases in 100 years.
Sweat, pigs, sweat. Your ASSES are he building blocks of better law careers. Irony.
Lots of resume checking, well earned, that will lead to the big time private practices, or teaching at law school. etc.
The old ambitious American way, plus what sport and national fame to boot. Moms and Dads are beaming. More dates appear. Quoted to national TV audiences.
There is an old folk tune, “The Rats Will Be Ratting” — something like that. Chanted around a pole with flags, beer, and food.
Tis a work in progress.
GBS how are you? Are you mending well? BTW, you get it from the FPO. These other moby-trolls moonbats just learned it from you!
DLC – Disabled Learning Center? Ohhh.. the Democratic Leadership Council – the one who said this: “Don’t Be Fooled by Bush Polls, Democratic Council Warns” – Yet all the ASSes here on ASSes jumped all over those polls the DLC said ignore! Yes moonbats I be talking about y’all! Maybe the DLC help craft the polls and supplied the participants. I already myth busted the early December polls where ABC, NBC, CNN, and CBS admitted they loaded them with more donkocrats than Republicans.
The only problem with abortions is that there aren’t enough of them. The only way some poor folks are gonna get out of poverty is to NOT have out-of-wedlock kids.
O’Reilly’s a big one on this out-of-wedlock stuff, but he falls short when it comes to the solution, and that solution is more abortions, not less!
Hey GBS, nice take on the issue. Sure did bring a smile to my face reading your response. Too bad it you keep Alito in a box but allow Gore a pass? We all had transgressions in our past GBS; you, me, other ASSbrothers & ASSsisters. We ask forgiveness for our transgressions and move on, not doing them again. Yet where is the forgiveness for Sam Alito in CAP over 30 years ago? I asked that last week. Sure I can easily forgive Al Gore but he is like a chihuahua that just keeps yapping. “Yapping Shit that is, not black gold, not texas tea!” (rewritten Beverly Hillbillies). You all forgave Al Gore and he became VP. You all forgave Robert Byrd and he is a “democratic senate icon”. Yet you can’t forgive Sam Alito? Hmmm… who is being disingenuous here GBS? Certainly not me.
TreeFrogFarmer_Brother – Daddy_Love: Yes I went there to read too. Sure is funny how the Daily Howler places disgraced economist Paul Krugman front and center on this site. An economic genius, eh? Yet the New York Times has an ombudsman looking over all his work now. Ain’t that funny! Yes, it’s really a balanced URL just like media morons!!!
Sorry, Puddy. The Daily Howler takes on all sides. If they post more about GOP lies (which I don’t know about) I’d say it’s because your guys are lying a lot more often.
Wow, you think that there’s something wrong with Krugman’s work because some non-economist at the Times posted some some stupid s-hit about it? If you had followed the story instead of just quoting it to gloat, you’d know that Krugman tore him a new asshole on the facts.
Gore is clean. Your quotes are wrong on the facts. Facts are stupid things, aren’t they?
Daddy Love@152 It seems PuddyferBrains is having a problem with the same rake that MarkThe Retarded Redneck keeps stepping on.
Seems funny that posters from the right (Mr Puddybud) have so much time to try and defend their talking points and outright lies and do not comment to anyone that actually asks them a question or seeks debate.
Daddy_Love you must be new here. Keep reading, you just may become edumicated.
1.) The New York Times Editorial board came out and chastised almost all of their leftist pinhead columnists for their disingenuous reportage! THE NYT RIPPED Krugman a new one!
2.) Are you saying RHODES SCHOLAR Dollar Bill Bradley (if you lived on the east coast, Bradley shooting his shot was $$$ in the bank)is wrong in his book? You are saying it wasn’t fact checked?
Moonbat@153: The bio of the Howler editor follows: “But years before he began his career as a topical humorist, Bob Somerby, editor of THE DAILY HOWLER, was an op-ed writer in the Baltimore Sun (leftist fish wrapper), writing on a variety of political and social issues.
After graduating from Harvard in 1969 (moonbat alert!), Somerby came to Baltimore as a fifth grade teacher in the Baltimore City Public Schools. His first articles in The Sun, in 1978, dealt with issues of educational testing.”
And Moonbat@153: “How can our spokesmen be so inept? That’s a question for the gods. But if you want to know why this talking-point persists, just look back at Howard Dean fumbling on Meet the Press just this May. He could have mentioned the aluminum tubes. He could have mentioned Cheney’s time-table. He could have laughed at the “45-minute shit.” Instead, he criticized Bush—for saying what he himself had said—and he looked like a hack in the process.”
And Daddy_LOve@Everywhere: Regarding more Daily Howler: “To hear Mark Shields bungle this point, just click here, then click on “RealAudio.” (We’ll post the transcript of this NewsHour exchange when it becomes available.) Even Clinton said there were WMD! This irrelevant point persists because our “spokesmen”—spokesmen like Shields—are lazy, inept, worthless, feckless.”
3.) You are saying all those reporters got it wrong, even the lefties? Yes, yes, yes drink that kool-aid Daddy_Love. So Captain Dingleberry Daddy_Love, The Daily Howler is another leftist pinhead URL!
My post is in limbo land. Goldy what’s up with that.!
Moonbats@152-154: It is so easy going against you guys. You post URLs and you don’t fact check them. He takes on all sides?Bottom line, The Daily Howler is leftist. On the Daily Howler from his words:
“How can our spokesmen be so inept? That’s a question for the gods. But if you want to know why this talking-point persists, just look back at Howard Dean fumbling on Meet the Press just this May. He could have mentioned the aluminum tubes. He could have mentioned Cheney’s time-table. He could have laughed at the “45-minute shit.” Instead, he criticized Bush—for saying what he himself had said—and he looked like a hack in the process.
IT NEVER STOPS: To hear Mark Shields bungle this point, just click here, then click on “RealAudio.” (We’ll post the transcript of this NewsHour exchange when it becomes available.) Even Clinton said there were WMD! This irrelevant point persists because our “spokesmen”-spokesmen like Shields—are lazy, inept, worthless, feckless.
Who are his spokesmen? Well from this post Howard Dean & Mark Shields. Who are they. DONKS! The howler is a leftist URL!
The Prosecution Rests
Two now in the Goldy toilet. I wonder if they will be released.
So moonbats@152-154: read this post from the Howler. You will see who he thinks are “his” spokesmen. When you finish, you’ll agree, the Howler is a leftist URL!
Also The New York Times Editorial Ombudsman castigated Krugman on his loose cannon approach of facts. In fact they castigated all of the leftist pinhead columnists in one large presentation!
TinFoilHatWearer@154: My talking points come from the MSM leftists! Where have I gone to Free Republic for my daily talking points?
Puddy Freep – I thought I drove you to Free Republic. Why don’t you try staying there? The bullsh*t you bring here from NewsWhacks, WingNutDaily, Media Retard Center, The Moonie Times, Limbaugh and Crew and Faux News is starting to get a little boring. ZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzz…
Happy circle jerking, NWWNDMRCMTPPP. Say hello to Brent ‘HOzell for me!
Cluedinless&less – DKMMTPCASS: Did you finally awake from your Drinking Librully stupor? Why don’t you admit again your coffee drinking, daily kos reading, media matters stirring, media matters eating, listening ASS can’t get out of bed and out of your hole without visiting those URLs to begin your day?
Ya ever notice with these dim-bulb rightwingnuts, the wronger they is, the louder they shout? Puddyferbrains, the wikipedia is for lamebrainers. Just your style.
It surely steams you and Mark the Retarded Redneck, that Patty Murray wipes the floor with your sorry ass candidates. Hope we can send Darcy to the same school. I want to see if youse guys can scream any louder or mebbe even find some new curse words. . .
TFF, many Neocons will definitely learn to scream louder when they get thown in the slammer with Bubba and Puddy
Hey donnageddon aka Stuckonstupiddon aka stuckASS, and rugratASS@everywhere, windie, and other ASSHeads: Moonbat@162 says: “the wikipedia is for lamebrainers. Just your style.” Yes, leftist ASSHeads, you better stop using wikipedia in your attacks on Puddy. Otherwise moonbat@162 will have to EAT HIS WORDS like other things he eats on ASSHeads.
Moonbat@162, you just called have of the ASSHeads who rely on wikipedia for their knowledge lamebrainers. Good for you. Way to endear your friends to your side, jackASS! I’ll be watching for those leftiest wikipedia references very closely now!
oops… erratum… have should be half!