Please join us tonight for another Tuesday evening of politics under the influence at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. We meet at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. beginning at about 8:00 pm. Stop by earlier and join some of us for dinner.
Not in Seattle? There is a good chance you live near one of the 328 other chapters of Drinking Liberally.
Roger Rabbit couldn’t make it tonight. Mrs. Rabbit and I were busy biting each other. Don’t try to understand it, or make too much of it; it’s just a rabbit thing. You know, two rabbits living in the same hole …
Wanna guess who’s missing the most fur, and has the bloodiest hickies? As my cretin of a husband likes to say, HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR!!!
NAACP Resolution Condemns Tea Party Racism
The NAACP, which is holding its annual national convention, has adopted a resolution condemning racial bigotry within the Tea Party movement.
NAACP leaders said their organization doesn’t have a problem with the Tea Party’s existence, but said “this movement is not just about higher taxes and limited government” and warned it could become “more dangerous” because of “people that really think our country has been taken away from them.”
NAACP president Ben Jealous said, “We have an issue with their acceptance and welcoming of white supremacists into their organizations,” and declared, “It’s time for the tea party to be responsible members of this democracy and make sure they don’t tolerate bigots or bigotry among their members.”
The immediate reaction of some Tea Party leaders was to dispute the NAACP’s conclusion that bigotry exists within their movement.
(From media sources)
Hey Rabbit,
Yeah, NAACP has no proof audio or video, not like the Shabazz’ gang of the New Black Panther Party which there is both.
You’re exempt cuz they only wanna kill crack babies.
Liberals always looks at the color of the skin not the content of their character.
The NAACP long ago stopped caring about Civil Rights and decided to become a Democrat Political Organization.
The Democrat Party decides it’s strategy to is mock, ridicule & degrade the Tea Party.
Who do they turn to..
What a joke.
It will backfire.
Folks are tired of Racist Left-wing Orgs like the NAACP playing the race card.
The Tea Party folks fight back….especially the Black members.
Will be funny to watch Rog rip on Black American Tea Party members for being racist against Blacks!
ObaMao’s continutal ranting about the “racist” Tea Party, “racist” Arizona and other total lack of leadership that has divided America as badly as Bush…ObaMao’s strategy is working, for the Republicans.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
This is in sharp contrast to Mrs. ObaMao’s recent address to NAACP women.
I thought Hope & Change meant a more united America?? From Day 1, the ObaMao’s have done absolutely nothing but polarize.
semi political note …..seems like beer (at store) is a lot more expensive….are all beers loaded w/ increased taxes…
that is, w/ the new state taxes….are there any store bought alcoholic products less taxed than others…? (good six packs now exceeding $8..ouch)
The Murray/Rossi campaign is in the news, even though we haven’t had a primary yet. Rossi may be the heir apparant to be the Republican standard-bearer, but under the “top two” system Murry will certainly get a spot on the final ballot, but just about anything can happen below that.
So in the news today:
An “independent expenditure” group is spending some $750,000 on a hatchet-job ad on Murray, depicting her as using her tennis shoes to walk across the back of small businessmen, mothers, and children. Her crime? voting for health care benefits so small businesses can compete with large businesses, mothers and children can get health care, and low wage workers could get their first raise in the minimum wage in decades. Funny, they don’t mention those details.
Source: Everett Herald: Group fires away at Murray’s ‘mom in tennis shoes’ image
Such “independent expenditure” ads were expected, of course, so the donars can hide behind a committee organization – as long as they don’t advocate a specific candidate or contribute directly to their campaign, they don’t have to list the source of their money.
But then, Rossi still has a way to go with respect to donations directly to his campaign. A couple of weeks ago he was in Washington D.C. lining up support from the Washington power brokers and lobbyist. His campaign coffers received a needed influx just before the end-of-quarter reporting deadline, now he has raised 1.4 million during the five weeks between his campaign announcement and the end of the quarter on June 30th. But Murray has been raising money for months, and took in an additional 1.6 million during the same quarter (albeit she had an entire quarter to do so, and Rossi had less time due to his dithering on whether or not to announce his candidacy.
This leaves Murray with $11.5 million raised so far, of which she still has 6.8 million in the bank as of July 1st. I would expect that much of the money which has already been spent by Murray is for groundwork which won’t have to be repeated, so most of the remaining money can be spent directly on advertising and campaign events. The 11.6 million raised so far is within striking distance of the $13 million amount she raised for her entire campaign against Nethercut in 2004, so she will probably exceed that figure before the primary is over.
In comparison, Rossi raised a total of $11.6 million for his entire 2008 gubenatorial campaign, Murray will have already passed that number in the two weeks since the last reporting period.
Source: Everett Herald: Rossi has ground to make up in raising money for run against Murray
@5 A KLOWN sez, “Folks are tired of Racist Left-wing Orgs like the NAACP playing the race card.”
@6 A KLOWN sez, “ObaMao’s continutal ranting about the “racist” Tea Party, “racist” Arizona and other total lack of leadership that has divided America”
STFU, you dumbfuck, racist KLOWN.
@4 “Liberals always looks at the color of the skin not the content of their character.”
Hey puttbutt, thanks for dispelling any doubts that you’re full of shit.
@5 “The NAACP long ago … decided to become a Democrat Political Organization.”
Maybe because they figured out the Ku Klux Klan and Republican Party didn’t have much to offer.
@7 Beer prices have escalated dramatically in recent years, and if you look into it, I’m pretty sure you’ll discover most of the price increase is going into some capitalist’s pocket.
New Black Panther Party is condemned as lunatic extremists and ignored by everyone but Faux News, because it gets good ratings with the base.
Let’s see, New Black Panther Party has a few members, the tea bagger party had membership in every state.
The tea bagger U.S. Senate candidate Sharron Angle seemed to raise that specter in three interviews in the past six months, suggesting that some would seek “Second Amendment remedies” if Congress isn’t reined in.
She’s advocating the violent overthrow of the government if she doesn’t get her way.
Why are you not protesting her views?
If you don’t, you are no better than the New Black Panther Party.
Hey Goldy,
Did you miss the CNBC “Top States for Business” Even the corporate suckups at CNBC rated Washington 16th, the same as Arizona. We got screwed on the transportation score IMHO. The only real surprise was Massachusetts coming in 8th.
What is it with Republicans and plagiarism? Are they too dim or too lazy to do their own work?
Anyone catch the announcement from the Washington State Transportation Commission meeting yesterday announcing the new names of the 2 Kwa-di Tabil(small boat in local Native American Languages) class ferries. The first one was already named Chetzemoka, in honor of a Jamestown-Sk’allam chief from the Pt. Townsend area, and will be in service by the end of August on the Pt. Townsend-Coupeville run(formerly known as Keystone), but judging from the break-in problems with the Issaquahs, I am sure there will be some problems after, so Pierce County may not be getting the Stellicoom back immediately. The new names are the Salish(for the boat currently under construction at Todd-Pacific), and Kennewick(for the third boat, to be built next year).
This story starts with a mentally ill man with a gun, any need to guess how it ends?
Nice to see the lame stream media finally matching Rasmussen polling data.
WaPo and CBS can’t hide the facts any longer.
Odumba can read a great teleprompter and ran a great campaign but his governance proves Odumba is only for Odumba!
Looks like Robert Fibbs is at it again. Now the NASA administrator was thrown under the bus.
More lies from Fibbs and you all eat it up!
Mort Zuckerman (you know who he is right?) admits writing and Odumba speech. Armstrong Williams was tarred and pilloried by you fools.
Amazing how you fools just let it go. Such hypocrits!
Oh my lookie here, more of your illegal alien friends in action.
Nope we gotta go after Arizona, not prosecute criminals like these morons.