Darryl neglected to put up his usual Drinking Liberally post — perhaps he’s drunk or something — so I guess it falls to me. Anyway, please join us (but not Darryl) for an evening of electoral politics under the influence at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. We meet at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. beginning at about 8:00 pm. Stop by even earlier and enjoy some dinner.
Not in Seattle? There is a good chance you live near one of the 325 other chapters of Drinking Liberally.
This bird is ill tonight, & staying home for the lack of a ride. Kraw….
I’m busy doing spring cleaning. You’d be amazed how much dust collects in a rabbit hole over 20 winters.
So, what’s everybody reading? I just started Dancing in the Dark: A Cultural History Of The Great Depression by Morris Dickstein. Named for a Bing Crosby song, btw.
So far it’s really interesting, but I’m only about 20 pages in.
Time eludes me, and I haven’t been reading enough lately, other than periodicals. On my desk sits this book my 77 year-old, leftist, retired minister father gave me as a three-month early birthday present. I guess he really thinks I should read it. It’s called, “The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power.” The author is Jeff Sharlet. Has anybody out there read this?
4 – Never read “The Family” but I’ve been following Jeff Sharlet for quite a while.
His writing about religious subcultures in America are among the best of their kind.
See his Wikipedia entry and the Harper’s Magazine website for more of his stuff.
Thanks. I pretty much trust my dad now, now that I’m knocking on 50’s door and recognize that youth does not provide all the answers. So, I figured the book is worth reading. But, damn, including footnotes, we’re looking at over 400 pages. A daunting task. I’d best get started.
6 – First interesting thing you’ll find out is that Abraham Vereide, the founder of the Fellowship or “The Family” was a Methodist Pastor here in Seattle of all places.
And I believe he founded Goodwill Industries here in Seattle as well.
This was around 1910, 1915 – something like that.
I hadn’t looked for a bit, seems we’ve had two more police officers shot and killed since the shootings in West Memphis. The AP story is old, there are two people in custody for that shooting.