They’re not officially up on the website yet, but the Monroe chapter of Drinking Liberally holds its inaugural gathering tonight at 7PM at Eddie’s Trackside Bar & Grill, 214 N. Lewis Street, Monroe WA. Join host Steve Galea for good talk, good drinks, and even better politics.
No promises, but I’m going to try to stop by tonight.
Six thousand illegal Mexicans will be at the “Drinking Liberally” event, and none will pay because that would be racist. Goldy will be registering each and every illegal Democrat for the 06 election.
George Bush must pay for all the drinks or he is racist.
Celebrate TAX DAY with Democrats!!! And help pay for the bar tab for all the “new” Democrat voters!!!!!
Monday is TAX DAY!!! Libs, pay more than you owe because there is sooooooooooo much need!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
George Bush must pay for all the drinks or he is racist.
I’ll drink to that: He has the dough, and he is a racist. And he’s kinda’ creepy–he claims to have “looked into my soul”. What the fuck is he on?
JCH: Just another monkey smearing feces.
Hey right wing loons–its time to sign your lying tax return, you know, the one where all the useless inbred members of your family are “employees” and all your meals and travel are written off as “entertainment” or “business expenses”.
Enforce the law–execute tax cheaters. Will that deter future cheaters? Don’t care.
Right wing loons. Every time you see their signature (that funny “x” at the bottom of the page”) just remember they are proud tax cheats.
This is stealing.
Right wing loons–cheaters, thieves. When you sign YOUR tax form mr. or mrs. average american, remember the rich have stolen trillions of our money.
JCH: Tax refugee. Parasite. A lunatic with too much time on his hands.
JCH: Thief. Liar. Parasite. Probably a prig, too.
Republicooooooooooooooooooooooooooooons: Liars. Thieving hypocrites. Parasites. Gimmme more looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove Dukester. Need another gold plated bidet?
Jeff Gannoooooooooooooooooooooon: Taking it up the ass for commander codpiece. Republicoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooons are rim jobbers.
The complexity of the Internal Revenue Ccode is just as much the fault of the Democrats as it is the fault of the Republicans. The tax laws are mainly an example of abuse of government rather than just a revenue system. To minimize the cheating and other shennanigans, we should adopt a flat-rate income tax and move over time to a national sales tax, eliminating income taxes entirely.
Libertoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooonian: Problem:
Flat Tax: Define “Income”.
National Sales Tax: Do the math. It won’t work either, unless you can sell a gigantic tax increase to the average lunch bucket jane or joe. In your wildest dreams.
Won’t work.
JoooooooooooooooooooCooooooooooooooooooooHooooooooooooo…..more tax breaks for the rich! Once you have it all the Rapturrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre awaits.
Problem: You can’t take all that you stole with you. Parasites.
Behind every great fortune lies a great crime.
Honore de Balzac
top that you parasite republicooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooons!!!!!!
1. Wages, tips, salaries received during the year.
2. Interest income from all sources received during the year.
3. Pensions, annuity payments, withdrawals from qualified retirement plans like 401ks, 403Bs, IRAs, 457 plans, deferred compensation plans, Rabbi Trusts, SEP/IRAs. SIMPLE Plans, etc.
4. Capital gain income short, long, & gains received via Form 6252 Installment Sales Contracts.
5. Gambling winnings (lottery, casino, etc.)
6. Income from self-employment.
7. Income from all other sources received during the year.
8. Cash received in lieu of stock dividneds from certain stock transactions.
9. Cash in excess of basis in IRC Section 1031 Like-Kind Exchanges.
Defining income isn’t too tough, Valdmir: but it just take a few lines to do it.
Fuck you, lib parasite tax RECEIVERS!!!! Atlas has Shrugged, and the producers are leaving. Let the Democrat blacks, union hacks, guvment employees, and left wing loonies tax each other!! [That will be fun to watch!! Parasite taxing parasite!!]
FED taxes: 30%!! 40%!! 50%!! Add in FICA [both sides] , state, and local taxes. Don’t forget property taxes, gas taxes, and estate taxes!!! [Atlas has Shrugged, lib parasites!!! This game only works when the producers play.]
-Monday is TAX DAY!!! Libs, pay more than you owe because there is sooooooooooo much need-
Actually, we do, JCH. Stats show consistently that when you look compare federal revenues and federal spending nationwide, the red states are subsidized by the blue states.
You finally got something right! Sorta.
How many snivelly Democrat bureaucrats would be out of a job if we just drilled near Florida and in Alaska [ANWR], built more refineries, and put a strangle hold on the EPA.
LiberalRedneck, When you pay a few dollars in taxes from your “guvment” hack job, you are still a net tax receiver. [Remember when Gore made 400 or 500 grand and only gave 437 dollars to charity?? Or Hillary deducting Bill’s used underwear?? You libs are classic economic parasites.]
Did you guys read that bullshit editorial in the PI today about how “objective” they are because they aren’t political? That’s laughable. PI being objective. That’s a good one. They were attacking the first amendment rights of KVI hosts to tell the truth. Can’t have that now can we?
Campaign finance reform has nothing to do with fair campaigns. It’s about limiting free speech, ESPECIALLY if it’s conservative. I guess truth and facts are hard to argue with if you’re a kook on the left.
It’ll be real interesting see how Supreme Court handles this. Let’s hope they can read the Constitution.
JCH – WTF is the matter with you? I’m somewhat of an expert on moonbat economic theory. Let me explain…. if someone has a lot of money, it is either because they are “lucky” or because they screwed someone. Being smart and working hard are NOT factors in becoming wealthy. Also, moonbats believe that economics is a “zero sum game”.
Moonbats really hate wealthy people because it reminds them that they are miserable failures. Losers all…
I think it’s great that KVI and Johnboy got their ass kicked over their illegal contributions. Just shows how big an asshole loooooser Johnboy. How badly did Locke beat him? 15 – 20 points? That’s the best the GOP can do? LOL!
Most wealthy people inherited their wealth and haven’t worked a day in their lives. Some of them put together “deals” which can be time consuming and pressure-ridden, but it can hardly be described as work.
Certified nuts like the trolls on this site are just mentally defective retards who, much like Gerald Ford, butter their English muffins on the wrong side , and then deny that they made a mistake.
@18: Income:
1. Wages, tips, salaries received during the year. (no deductions for home mortgage interest? Charitable giving? Medical expenses? State & Local taxes? All those other deductions?)
2. Interest income from all sources received during the year.(No more tax free municipal bonds?)
3. Pensions, annuity payments, withdrawals from qualified retirement plans like 401ks, 403Bs, IRAs, 457 plans, deferred compensation plans, Rabbi Trusts, SEP/IRAs. SIMPLE Plans, etc. (Roth IRA’s too?)
4. Capital gain income short, long, & gains received via Form 6252 Installment Sales Contracts. (what about “capital losses”? Are they deductible?)
5. Gambling winnings (lottery, casino, etc.) (Can losses be deducted?)
6. Income from self-employment. (ha, ha, ha–define “legitimate business expense).
7. Income from all other sources received during the year. (Trust funds? Inheritance? Insurance payments? Tax-free municipal bonds?, Alimony? Child support?
8. Cash received in lieu of stock dividneds from certain stock transactions. (Tax defferal schemes?)
9. Cash in excess of basis in IRC Section 1031 Like-Kind Exchanges.(define “basis”)
I would say Pootin has a point. But basically, you advocate a tax scheme that shifts the tax burden down the income scale. Is that politically feasible? Is is fair?
Give it some thought.
Loocy – yer priceless. thanks. That one goes in the archive. Just what I was looking for. keep ’em coming…
Moonbat Economic Theory: Tip of the greasy cap to HL for today’s contribution…
Government exists to make private wealth possible.
Commentby Belltowner— 3/12/06@ 4:15 pm
I like Castro’s system better. He confiscates the employer’s property, shoots the employer, and the workers get quality health care for free. We need something like that in America.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 3/19/06@ 3:42 pm
…the oil industry is a zero sum game ( like checkers )
Commentby headless lucy— 4/9/06@ 2:56 pm
“…higher PRODUCTIVITY means fewer jobs…”
Commentby Donnageddon— 4/9/06@ 4:06 pm
“Most wealthy people inherited their wealth and haven’t worked a day in their lives…”
Commentby headless lucy— 4/13/06@ 5:14 pm
-LiberalRedneck, When you pay a few dollars in taxes from your “guvment” hack job, you are still a net tax receiver.-
Heh heh. I knew JCH would stick his head in the sand when presented with the fact that blue states actually subsidize the red states.
Kinda takes a lot of wind out of the psycho-righties’ sails, doesn’t it! So much for the myth of the self-reliant Republican! (see: Alaska)
Most wealthy people inherited their wealth and haven’t worked a day in their lives. Some of them put together “deals” which can be time consuming and pressure-ridden, but it can hardly be described as work. [Headless Lucy]…………………………………………………………………… Kind of like the Kennedys or marring money [twice] like John F’ing Kerry?? You stupid libs are classic.
-Just shows how big an asshole loooooser Johnboy. How badly did Locke beat him? 15 – 20 points? –
If I recall correctly, Carlson did even worse than Ellen “the Churchlady” did against Locke! He got his ass handed to him!
-Most wealthy people inherited their wealth and haven’t worked a day in their lives.-
Yeah – we all know George W Bush worked hard to earn his money when they sold that Texas baseball team ($135 million public subsidy had nothing to do with it!)
As you LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS hoist your girly cordials in a toast to your perceived success, remember this:
Like I’ve said many times, I don’t even like the guy. But he is the President….despite your fantasy delusions to the contrary. And another thing….Bush isn’t running next election. And you idiots are pushing ALgore and Hillary???????
You KLOWNS keep forgetting, your only mantra is I HATE BUSH!
That will not sell next election CUZ BUSH AIN’T RUNNING!!! And you fools have NO DECENT CANDIDATE!!
Mull that over tonight.
JCH @ 63
The thought of you being permitted to serve in the military is quite troubling, and would indicate how vulnerable this nation is. Your obsessive-compulsive disorder, obvious to any first year psychology student, should have kept you out of the service. By the way, I could give a rat’s ass whether someone has served in the military.
Commentby proud leftist— 4/13/06@ 3:34 pm Leftist……..[Yeah, right. What a pussy thing to say. You are inferior to the newest recruit. Let others do the hard lifting while you stay behind and bitch and whine with Goldysteinburg. Libs are ALWAYS making sure THEY NEVER serve. Fuck you, sissy!!]
Commentby REV Jesse [JCH]Jacksoooooon
Most wealthy people inherited their wealth and haven’t worked a day in their lives. Some of them put together “deals” which can be time consuming and pressure-ridden, but it can hardly be described as work. [Headless Lucy]…………………………………………………………………… Kind of like the Kennedys or marrying money [twice] like John F’ing Kerry?? You stupid libs are classic. Headless Lucy, You bitch and whine but I’ll bet a Hershey Bar you never have served a day in the military.
Too bad some of your libs didn’t have family on Flight 93. Maybe you would get your head out of your asses and cope a clue.
“Military service is for “other” lesser people.” Pussy Proud Leftist [“You can’t handle the truth!!!!!!!!!!!”]
Quote from JCH-
Mommy mommy mommmmmmmmmmmmmmyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!
re 39: You mean the Bush Administration?
Quote from JCH-
“Mommy…I peed. I peed my pants.”
re 38: How do you 93 wasn’t shot out of the sky and all this stuff was made up to cover up the facts?
JCH’s military service was as a cross-dressing fluffer.
I’m VERY interested in JCH’s economic theories! I want to know how a bar can make MONEY by giving FREE DRINKS to all those allegedly freeloading liberals! The monthly balance sheet might look like this:
Rent ………… $2,000
Lights …………. 250
Cost of Goods …. 3,000
Wages ………… 2,750
Total Expenses … 8,000
Sales ………… 0
Gov’t Subsidies .. 5,000
No-Bid Contract .. 5,000
Graft ………… 5,000
Corruption ……. 5,000
Stock Options …. 5,000
Katrina Aid …… 5,000
Total Revenues …30,000
Profit ………..22,000
Looks like a pretty damn good business to me!!! My question is, why is DL meeting at a bar run by REPUBLICANS?!!
Profit ………..
Yep, JCH is right, you can make a shitload of money off liberals who never pay for anything if you know what you’re doing.
MTR should get into that business! Then ge can tell everyone how how great the FREE MARKET is and how people who WORK HARD deserve to be RICH!!!
Oh yeah, one more thing, you have to offshore the profits and show a loss on your balance sheet (to offset your other income) so you DON’T PAY ANY TAXES!!! That way, your gov’t subsidy, no-bid contract, graft, corruption, stock options, and Katrina aid are financed by DEFICITS!!! It’s crucial to STARVE THE BEAST so gov’t will run out of money and stop SOCIAL SECURITY!!! After all, any program with the word “social” or “security” in its name has gotta be SOCIALISM!!!
After I cash out my oil stocks, I’m gonna buy me a REPUBLICAN TAVERN and get it on some of the corruption and tax losses! Free money for Republicans! All ya gotta do is know the right people and grease their palms with a little graft.
GOP = a chain letter that works
“JCH: Just another monkey smearing feces. Commentby Vladimir Putin, esq.— 4/13/06@ 3:19 pm”
Well … now that you mention it — yes.
“The complexity of the Internal Revenue Ccode is just as much the fault of the Democrats as it is the fault of the Republicans. The tax laws are mainly an example of abuse of government rather than just a revenue system. To minimize the cheating and other shennanigans, we should adopt a flat-rate income tax and move over time to a national sales tax, eliminating income taxes entirely. Commentby Libertarian— 4/13/06@ 3:35 pm”
Yes, you would like that, wouldn’t you? Why should Washington have a regressive tax system all by itself? Let’s take this sucker national! Shift more of the federal tax burden from the affluent and wealthy to minimum wage workers. Typical right-wing shtick.
JCH, you’re a whore.
You are a government-tit-sucking, tax-cheating, suck-up for the Party that imports the illegal immigrants that pay your fucking Social Security check and get nothing.
You are the most unpatriotic fucking Nazi whiner I have ever read. Go back to fucking Austria where you’ll be happy, you cunt.
43, Loser Headless Lucy, Er,…………”Let’s roll”!! You probably think the moon landings were staged. You are a lesser sub human. Let the others protect you.
Hey Libertarian, if you’re too fucking stupid to fill out a 1040, hire a tax preparer!
Pardon me, I meant to say “whining Nazi cunt”.
I’m only a rabbit, and even I can do it.
JCH’s military service was as a cross-dressing fluffer.
Commentby headless lucy— 4/13/06@ 6:20 pm [Headless Lucy, You failed to mention YOUR military service. Hehe…….Just like Goldy’s?]
Hey Libertarian, how do you feel about Bush and the RepubliCONS plan to eliminate all taxes on capital gains, rents, and investment income, so that only wages will be taxed? Seem fair to you?
JCH, you couldn’t “roll” if you were wrapped up in cord and dropped from a plane like a fucking yo-yo. The reason “Let’s Roll” gets your nipples all hard is because you are GAY. That’s why, you see, you are so comfortable in the presence of men.
Also, you have never produced anything. You, are a parasite who thinks that he is somebody because he is psychotic.
Fuck you, you worthless bitch.
JCH, didn’t you subscribe to that gay porn site that was done by those Army Rangers?
Dude. You’re gay.
Oh, and you don’t pay taxes because you are an Al Qaeda-sympathizing Fundamentalist Nazi who’s idea of patriotism is getting a government check.
Move to a tax haven with the other Republican, illegal-labor-importing traitors.
Here’s a dirty little secret: Bush’s deficit projections assume Congress will do NOTHING about the AMT.
The AMT, as you probably know, has evolved from a law intended to make sure millionaires don’t get away paying NO tax, to a MIDDLE CLASS TAX INCREASE — and a hefty one, too! The beauty of it is, Congress doesn’t have to pass this tax increase, because it’s already on the books.
You see, the AMT isn’t indexed to inflation. Tricky little devil, isn’t it? Back when the AMT was enacted, if you made 50K a year, you were doing real well — you could buy a house for that! Now, 50K doesn’t even buy the garage.
So, what used to be a real good income but is now just an average or even below average income puts you into the AMT tax bracket. The AMT has the effect of confiscating the deductions for dependents and mortgage interest you thought you would get forever.
Rabbit, don’t try to be factual with these assholes.
The truth is that Blue states p[ay taxes and Red states are on the government tit. That is the consistent pattern.
The truth is that the most virulent Republicans are the most likely to either have lived off the government in the military or having lived off the rest of the US in some public-land based economy.
The truth is that illegal immigrants pay their fucking social security checks.
The truth is that they hate taxes because it makes them feel like they belong with the wealthy people who wouldn’t associate with them if they were free hookers.
The truth is that they watch sports because they are gay and they go to Hooters because they hate women. They join the military so they can shower with other men.
According to a Brookings Institution study,
“AMT coverage will skyrocket. By 2010, the AMT will affect 33 million taxpayers—about one-third of all tax returns—up from 1 million in 1999. … The AMT will be the de facto tax system for … 37 percent of households with income between $50,000 and $75,000 and 73 percent of households with income between $75,000 and $100,000 (compared to less than 3 percent for each group in 2002).”
Another thing Bush didn’t tell you is,
“Making the (Bush) tax cuts permanent would greatly increase AMT coverage. If the tax cuts were made permanent, a projected 44 million taxpayers would face the AMT in 2014. In contrast, if the tax cuts are allowed to expire as scheduled, ‘only’ 26 million would face the AMT in 2014.
“The AMT masks the true cost of tax cuts. Making the tax cuts permanent would reduce revenue by $330 billion in 2014 if the AMT is not fixed—but in that case, 44 million people would be on the AMT. … If the AMT exemption increase were extended and indexed so that only 5 million people faced the AMT in 2014 (compared to 3 million in 2003), then making the 2001 tax cuts permanent would reduce revenues by $435 billion in 2014. The combined cost of the AMT change and making the tax cuts permanent would reduce revenues by $487 billion in 2014—almost 50 percent more than the myopic estimate.”
As for tax fairness,
“The AMT is poorly targeted. Although originally intended to curb tax sheltering, the AMT raises less than 5 percent of its revenue from anti-sheltering provisions, such as accelerated deprecation or oil depletion allowances. In 2010, only about 1 percent of AMT taxpayers will be subject to the tax due to anti-sheltering rules. A key reason why the AMT does not target shelters very well is that the preferential treatment for capital gains—the lynchpin of most individual tax shelters—is not curtailed by the AMT.
“The AMT imposes penalties on marriage and having children. Couples will be more than 20 times as likely as singles to face the AMT in 2010. Because the AMT prohibits deductions for dependents, 85 percent of married couples with two or more children will face the AMT, 97 percent among such couples with income between $75,000 and $100,000. About 6 million taxpayers will face the AMT in 2010 simply because they have children.”
Oh, and just so everybody realizes it, JCH keeps calling Goldy “Goldysteinburg” because making fun of Jewish names is funny.
No really it is funny.
See, because Goldy is a Jew and that’s funny.
Okay, maybe you have to be a Nazi cunt to get the joke.
Wabbit – Let me cut through the bullshit… I’m good at it…
Ya know what a “fair” tax is? It’s the tax the other guy has to pay. ‘Cause he can “afford” it. Or ’cause some self styled elite thinks he doesn’t need all that money. Or ’cause you hate him. ‘Or cause he does something you don’t like. Or any one of a million other stoopid fucking reasons.
Did you all catch that? The pretty pie charts of future deficits that Bush’s minions are based on FUCKING THE MIDDLE CLASS by not fixing the AMT! If the AMT is reformed, the future deficits will be 50% HIGHER than they’re telling you!
Consequently, if Congress makes Bush’s tax cuts for the rich permanent, the only way to prevent a deficit meltdown is to not fix the AMT. THE ENTIRE REPUBLICAN TAX-AND-DEFICIT PLAN IS BASED ON FUCKING THE MIDDLE CLASS!!!
Needless to say, Bush knew all along that only his tax cuts for the wealthy would stick, and the AMT would confiscate the little bit of his tax cuts that went to the middle class. Bet you didn’t know that, either, did you? Yep, that’s right, if you’re middle class YOU DON’T GET TO KEEP YOUR BUSH TAX CUT, it will disappear before your very eyes (and then some) within a few years. Bush’s tax cuts are actually a TAX INCREASE FOR THE MIDDLE CLASS. It’s the old classic loss-leader game that Republican businessmen are so good at: Give the consumer what looks like a great deal but FUCK HIM IN THE FINE PRINT! Yep, Americans love to get a deal, and they especially love to get something for nothing, so if you want to get STUPID WINGNUTS to vote for you, give them a $600 tax rebate and charge them $5,000 for it!
No, MTR, you’ve got it all wrong. You know what a fair tax is? I’ll tell you — YOU BREAK IT, YOU PAY FOR IT!!! The trillions of dollars the Republicans have wasted on Iraq, corruption, giveaways to giant corporations, etc. should come out of the pockets of the idiots who voted for these robbers — EVERY GODDAMNED CENT OF IT!
I didn’t vote for Bush or any Republican congresscrooks, so why should I have to pay one penny for their waste, fraud, and abuse of government funds?
And let me clear up another misconception of your rabbit…
Taxes have two purposes.
The first is obvious… provide money for the gummint to spend and good and serves, and redistibute to the bad choice crowd.
The second escapes most people…. taxes are a tool of policy deployment. By changing tax laws, gummint can enourage desired behaviors, and discourage behaviors they don’t want. The reason the tax code is so complex is a result of using taxes for policy deployment.
So the people who talk about flat taxes fail to realize that doing so would defeat the second reason for taxes. And that’s why it’ll NEVER happen, and why the tax code will NEVER be simplified.
You’re welcome…
Rabbit, you have to get with the fucking program.
A) Taxes are things that we borrow from Bush’s best buddies: the Chinese Communist Party and the Saudis.
B) “Investors” make their money on cheap, foreign and illegal labor and then go to tax havens whence they opine about their “patriotism”.
The only thing JCH ever did was push other people’s money around in circles, skimming fees and commissions off the top at every push.
Ummm so who should pay the bills for the bad choice crowd? I think we’re up to six fucking trillion dollars.
You’re good at nothing, and good for nothing! A boy (I won’t say “man”) who isn’t good for his gambling debts is no good for anything else, either.
“Ummm so who should pay the bills for the bad choice crowd? I think we’re up to six fucking trillion dollars. Commentby Mark The Redneck— 4/13/06@ 7:20 pm”
You break it, you pay for it! Please post your address so we know where to send the bill.
By the way, Republicans use the redneck jargon “gummint” and “guvment” because they are smart. NOT because they are ignorant cunts.
Mary, the flat tax will never pass because Republicans can’t borrow any more money from the Chinese Communists.
MTR has made a lot of bad choices, starting with being born.
Hey rabbit – Tell us the story again about 1/3 of your income going for medical and how you have the fucking right for taxpayers to pick up the tab because you so selflessly served the people while foregoing $200/hour in private practice. That’s a great story. LMAO…
“Rabbit, don’t try to be factual with these assholes. The truth is that Blue states p[ay taxes and Red states are on the government tit.”
I know that, you know that, and they know that. Look at it this way. I’m keeping MTR off the streets! If he wasn’t posting here, he’d be out on Pike Street giving his bugs to some 16-year-old whore.
Mary Redneck, tell me that story where being a greedy, whining bitch is patriotic, will you?
I’m all for a FLAT TAX if I get to write it! It’s really simple, too — there’s only 2 rules you have to remember.
1. All income under $100,000 a year is exempt.
2. All income over $100,000 a year is subject to a 100% tax rate.
Hey, just kidding! If Ann Coulter can JOKE about exterminating liberals, then why can’t Roger Rabbit JOKE about confiscating all the Republicans’ wealth (including hers)? Why should shrill Republican mouthpieces like Coulter have a monopoly on JOKING? I want to JOKE too!!! Republicans want a monopoly on every fucking thing.
There are an estimated 10 million adult Mexican citizens in the USA, including both legal immigrants and illegal aliens.
Mexico recently passed a law to allow Mexican citizens residing outside the country to vote by absentee ballot.
However, only 56,749 absentee ballot applications were timely submitted by Mexicans living outside the country. The vast majority of these applications, of course, were from Mexicans in the USA.
This means that 99.5% of the eligible Mexican electorate residing in the USA is refusing to participate in their own country’s election.
This post is copyright (c) 2006 by Roger Rabbit. All rights reserved. Anyone using this post without written permission of Roger Rabbit will get his fucking guts ripped out by my razor sharp claws! Like this:
Of course, there’s nothing in that post except the copyright notice, which is intended to foil wingfuck plagiarists! They’re too stupid to figure out how to copy NOTHING! However, I’m filing my claws just in case.
Oh, and you don’t pay taxes because you are an Al Qaeda-sympathizing Fundamentalist Nazi who’s idea of patriotism is getting a government check.
Move to a tax haven with the other Republican, illegal-labor-importing traitors.
Commentby dlaw— 4/13/06@ 7:00 pm [Faggot? A lib Democrat using the word “faggot”? Isn’t that hate speech?? Aren’t “faggots” part of the backbone of the Democrat Party? Doen’t “faggots” fuck each other up the ass “Tookie Williams” style and give each other the Democrat AIDs and HIV? Er, DLaw, Perhaps you “misspoke”???? hehe………JCH
“The Bad Choice Crowd” I love that. The social Security surplus (a regressive tax) keeps the government afloat, we spend half a trillion on the military, Medicare is huge and Bush has expanded domestic discretionary spending faster than Johnson and she wants do believe that DEMOCRATS have bankrupted the government paying bills for crackheads, rather than her mama. Well, you can take the ignnorabt cunt out of the sticks, but you can’t take her head out of her ass.
Wow! This thread is already up to 85 posts! That’s more than Stefan’s pathetic little blog gets in six months! Even if HorsesAss didn’t have serial posters like JCH, it still would be 100 times as popular as Sucky Politics. When, like Stefan, you have nothing to say, all you can do is continue saying nothing over and over, and people eventually get bored with that.
“You are an Al Qaeda-sympathizing” [Dlaw]………….Er, Dlaw, Aren’t evil Republicans [Bush, etc] fighting the terrorist towel heads, and the Democrats bitching and whinning?? You are one fucked up Democrat lib.
Wait … screech!!! … whaaaaat the fuuuuck?! I said NOTHING in #84 and COPYRIGHTED it! Since Stefan says NOTHING on his stinky little blog, he’s violating my copyright! Just for that, I’m gonna eat his garden and shit on his lawn!
Memo to Stefan:
Wow! This thread is already up to nearly 100 posts!
87…..RR, Are you post how often?? BTW, the evil private sector pays your “guvment” check. You are the parasite tick on the dog. Nothing more or less.
In case you haven’t noticed, Roger Rabbit is not attending DL tonight. RR is busy.
Memo to Stefan:
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 4/13/06@ 7:36 pm [Now here’s a sharp post from a lib Democrat. Waste of byte.]
JCH, faggots are people who love men and being with men. You are a faggot. See, it’s not actually derogatory if you don’t hate faggots. I don’t hate you for being gay. I just know it pisses you off that you are.
And on the “Tookie Williams” thing, you’re exactly right. And I like how your mind immediately came up with a super-butch muscleheaded violent freak as an example of a homosexual. Prison, like the military, is a paradise for homosexuals like you.
Dlaw, Is there a Mrs. Dlaw? Tookie Williams wants to know. This fine dead Democrat is hard and ready to give Mrs. Dlaw the Democrat anal “Tookie” love she needs!!!
JCH @ 88
No, ignorant Nazi fuckhead, the Bush administration is HELPING the financiers of radical Islamic terrorism in Saudi Arabia, just like they financed the beginnings of Al Qaeda in Afghanistan. That’s why Iraq is now overrun by religious extremists spouting the SAME fundamentalist values as Pat Robertson.
“B) “Investors” make their money on cheap, foreign and illegal labor and then go to tax havens whence they opine about their “patriotism”. Commentby dlaw— 4/13/06@ 7:19 pm”
“When you cut right through it, right-wing ideology is just ‘dime-store economics’ – intended to dress their ideology up and make it look respectable. You don’t really need to know much about economics to understand it. They certainly don’t. It all gets down to two simple words.
“‘Cheap labor’. That’s their whole philosophy in a nutshell …. You’ve heard of ‘big-government liberals’. Well they’re ‘cheap-labor conservatives’.
“‘Cheap-labor conservative’ is a moniker they will never shake, and never live down. … You see, cheap-labor conservatives are defenders of corporate America – whose fortunes depend on labor. The larger the labor supply, the cheaper it is. The more desperately you need a job, the cheaper you’ll work, and the more power those ‘corporate lords’ have over you. If you are a wealthy elite – or a ‘wannabe’ like most dittoheads – your wealth, power and privilege is enhanced by a labor pool, forced to work cheap.”
The above material is copyrighted by somebody or other, and is quoted here under the “Fair Use Doctrine.” If you want to know who the copyright owner is, click on the link and look it up! I’m not your fucking research assistant. I’m a fucking bunny!
“BTW, the evil private sector pays your “guvment” check. You are the parasite tick on the dog. Nothing more or less. Commentby REV Jesse [JCH]Jacksoooooon— 4/13/06@ 7:36 pm”
Every cent of my pension check is money I PAID IN. I don’t get one cent of taxpayer money, and never have.
Not gay, “Tookie” Dlaw. But I’ll bet Mrs. Dlaw would love an afternoon with “9 inch” dead Democrat Tookie Williams. He still votes, and he still can give your wife the “anal comfort” she requires.
JCH — When I start sucking on the government tit, I’ll make sure you’re the first to know!
Folks, you have to forgive JCH for the references to anal sex. It is just all he thinks about.
There really is nothing more pathetic than these hyper-macho repressed homosexuals. You’d almost have sympathy for him if he wasn’t a tax-dodging traitor.
Hey MTR tell us again how you suck $200 an hour out of the economy while PRODUCING NOTHING.
Every cent of my pension check is money I PAID IN. I don’t get one cent of taxpayer money, and never have.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 4/13/06@ 7:42 pm [Garbage. You are a puke “guvment” hack civil servant. Just another union parasite.]
RR, civil service guvment parasite puke!!!!
Dlaw…….Lots of Democrats have AIDs and HIV. Maybe you are well?? You sound like a lib Democrat gay boy. Maybe I’ve hit a little close to home.
Seattle, San Francisco……..All Democrat, and huge gay and lesbo populations. Dlaw………Cum clean!!! Are you a “swallowboy”?
“Swallowboy” Dlaw!!! Enjoy every drop of Mr. Tookie!!!!!!!!!
See you guys later. I’m gonna chase some dogs!
Voter Registration Drives at Illegal Immigration Rallies
[Democrats Load Up With Illegal Votes!!!!!!!!!!]
Some of the biggest pro-illegal immigration rallies lately have featured a disturbing phenomenon: Democratic Party operatives conducting voter registration drives.
After Sunday’s massive illegal-immigration rally in Dallas, for instance, the Dallas Morning News headlined their coverage: “Activists sign up protesters to put them on road to polls.”
The paper quoted Lena Levario, a criminal defense lawyer who’s running as a Democrat to be a judge:
“I am so optimistic that I have 5,000 voter registration cards,” she told the News.
By the day’s end, the paper said – Levario had yet to tally the new voters she’d harvested from the massive – and largely illegal – crowd.
But the Democrat hopeful declared: “We are going to march to the end of the November election.”
Also working the illegal immigration rally was David Hanschen, another Democratic candidate for judge. He handed out fliers that read: ” Vota Democrata en 2006.”
Elsewhere activists exhorted: “We march today, we vote tomorrow.”
While no one involved in the voter drives would admit to knowingly registering illegals, the phenomenon wasn’t limited to the Dallas rally.
The San Diego Union Tribune reports that organizers of that city’s weekend march foresaw the potential to harness the energy present in the pro-illegal protests and convert it into Latino voting power.
“I think it is very clear that it has the potential for mobilizing both nonregistered U.S. citizen Latinos as well as pushing Latinos to naturalize,” Harry Pachon, director of the Tomas Rivera Policy Institute, told the paper.
Organizers for San Diego’s pro-illegal rally made a decision to focus more intensely than originally planned on registering voters, the Tribune said.
“In the process of planning this event, it became clear that we had to do more than get them in the street and make noise,” said Matt O’Connor, a spokesman for Local 2028 of the Service Employees International Union in San Diego, which was one of the organizers of the march.
“It’s going to be a missed opportunity if we don’t do that.”
Notice JCH’s notes are getting shorter and stupider.
He’s melting!
GBS, and now Dlaw…………Run off like Muslims at a pork Bar-B-Q!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
JCH @ 106
I am well, thanks for asking, asshole.
You couldn’t “hit close to home” if you had a 50X scope.
You’d need a brain first.
JCH @ 110
You’re easily one of the stupidest people on Earth. Your party imports millions of illegal workers to pay your fucking Social Security check and you’re getting your little panties in a bunch because a few Mexicans who won’t vote sign a fucking form. Seriously, you do actaully realize that you suppoert the party of cheap, foreign labor, right? That hasn’t actually escaped your notice? You can actually read, right? Or do you just copy and paste.
BTW, JCH’s joke about Muslims is funny because people who believe in God are assholes. Just ask any Republican.
He thinks Muslims are also bastards because they kill people for being homosexual and he hates that.
JCH, what’s a “swallowboy”? Was that your job in the military?
Rabbit, don’t try to be factual with these assholes. The truth is that Blue states p[ay taxes and Red states are on the government tit.”
I know that, you know that, and they know that. Look at it this way. I’m keeping MTR off the streets! If he wasn’t posting here, he’d be out on Pike Street giving his bugs to some 16-year-old whore.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 4/13/06@ 7:25 pm
The government uses the red states for military bases and other government installations that the blue states dont want and then count the money as wellfare. Typical donk tactic.
How many crack addicts on welfare using food stamps for drugs live in Red States?
Answer: Enough, but still a fraction of how many live in Blue states.
Rufus @ 117
Yeah, and all the Republican voters send back the government checks out of principle.
Of course in Rufus’ argument was even rational nobody would be upset about losing a military base, especially in places like, you know Groton, Connecticut.
Seriously, Rufus are you actaully competing in a contest for stupidest fucking self-deluding moron on the planet?
JCH, what’s a “swallowboy”?
Commentby dlaw— 4/13/06@ 8:06 pm
[Er, Dlaw……………….Most of San Francisco and Seattle Democrats are gay “swallowboys”. You are Democrat. You are gay. You swallow; therefore, do the math, queerboy!!!!!!
Rufus @ 118
And I suppose Meth and Oxycontin aren’t sweeping Red States.
See Red State Rednecks are too fucking poor and stupid to afford cocaine.
JCH, you joined the military to fuck men. I’m okay with that. Army Rangers do it on the Internet. I’m FOR gays in the military.
Okay, **I** like women, but that’s my thing. I’m a feminist. You like men. That’s your thing. You’re a repressed macho faggot who cries at sporting events.
Dlaw……I’m retired at 50, living in Hawai’i, but not old enough to receive social security. You, on the other hand, need to work some more, pay lots of taxes, and swallow lots of cum. Good night, pissant!!!!!
Army Rangers do it on the Internet. ????????? I’ve worked with Army Rangers. Your comment is quite stupid. You know nothing of Army Rangers.
Everybody, sorry for JCH @ 108
He’s obsessed with homozexual sex with black muscle men in prison. It’s a thing with some pathetic closeted gays, like touching each other’s asses during sports.
Dlaw, Tookie Williams wants to fuck your daughter. Again.
Dlaw, Tookie Williams wants to fuck your daughter. Again. This time you can watch.
Democrat judges at an illegal immigration rally. Holy parasite of parasites Batman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
JCH @ 124
What’s stupid is being in the closet because you want to attract other butch gays.
Read it and weep, like you’ve always done when your big, strong sports heroes win the championship. God it must be great to be gay and enjoy men the way you do.
Rhodesia to Zimbabwe……….California to Baja Norte……………..Detroit to the Hillary Village of the Sudan……….and South Central LA to a UN shit hole……….Thank you Democrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OK….Dlaw, Can I fuck your daughter after you finish with her?
Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton want a little piece of Mrs. Dlaw. If you say no you must be racist.
Everybody, sorry for JCH @ 126 and 127
I knew he was obsessed with black muscle men having sex. I didn’t know that he was a pedophile. I’m sorry I got him going. It’s ugly when this repressed Republican sexuality is released. But what do you expect from a bunch of tax-dodging Nazi traitors?
Dlaw……Do you fuck black women?? If not, why not?? Are you racist?
Tell me……..Honestly now Dlaw…….Have you????
Tell us the truth!!!!
Dlaw…….Now is not the time to be shy!! Tell us!!!
Everybody, just to explain, @ 133 JCH is suggesting that I should be ashamed if black men want to have sex with my woman.
See, because when JCH thinks of black men wanting to have sex his nipples get all hard and then he gets all confused and angry and he thinks that all men must think that way. He doesn’t realize it is just pathetic racists who are repressed homosexuals and angry tax-dodging traitors.
And I suppose Meth and Oxycontin aren’t sweeping Red States.
See Red State Rednecks are too fucking poor and stupid to afford cocaine.
Commentby dlaw— 4/13/06@ 8:14 pm
Red staters use their own money. But blue staters, when you gotsta hav da crack yoos gotsta hav da crack!!!!!!!
Dlaw, Can you read the Ebonics in post number 139????
OK, Dlaw……tell us about your first queer experience. Bob from Boeing, are you listening???
Everybody, @ 134 JCH is revealing a fear of black women. Their stereotype is too aggressively female for him. Of course in fact black women are just as tender lovers as white women and all that brown, female skin IS JUST SO LOVELY.
But he will never know these charms. To him, brown skin means black muscle men and that just makes him so confused and angry.
Jesse and Al are waiting for Mrs. Dlaw!!! Tookie Williams is quite stiff and ready to satify Mrs. Dlaw!!! And………..You can watch this Democrat experience”!!!!
On Sunday, March 26, Mark the Redneck claimed the following:
“Me? hate and intolerance? When? Give me an example.
No, you guys have cornered the market on hate and intolerance.”
Commentby Mark The Redneck— 3/26/06@ 3:38 pm
This comment was pretty cheeky, because MTR has proposed genocide far larger than that perpetrated by the Nazis:
“There are 6 billion people in the world. 2 billion of them are muslim. That means that all the rest of need to pair up and kill one of them. When we all do that, the problem will be solved. And it really is like a cancer… you hafta get every trace of it… every cell, or it will come out of remission with a vengeance. This also solves the global population problem you guys are so worried about, so we kill two birds with one stone.”
Commentby Mark The Redneck— 12/17/05@ 8:51 pm
The next time MTR tries to act “normal” and “rational,” remember that this man feels the hatred of a Hitler.
Dlaw: “Their stereotype is too aggressively female for him.” Like Cindi Mckinney [D-Bitchslap the whiteboy]?? Do you “know” Cindi “Apes Of National Geographic” Mckinney???
Folks @ 139, Rufus, besides obviously ignoring the fact of millions of poor white welfare recipients’ using meth and oxycontin, is trying to do a parody of black dialect. Because he is an ignorant fucking redneck he cannot pull off even this, the stupidest of attempts at humor.
Being a stupid hick, he thinks people who have different colored skin are funny. Okay, I know it’s not funny to you, but believe me if you were an ignorant Nazi cunt you would think it was a scream.
Dlaw….About the Tookie, Al and Jesse train with your daughter???? All good Democrats!!! Yes……
Dlaw….Can you speak “Ebonics”?? Can your wife?? Daughter???
Yawn………..This is boring. Dlaw………typical loser Democrat. Just another leftist who can’t make it in the private sector.
JCH @ 145
Yeah, you know women who are threatening to you. That would be any women unlike the one who cowered in the corner while your repressed homosexual father beat her up.
That was funny too, huh?
Did daddy tell you to go into the military?
JCH, you were in the military. You pay no taxes how much money could you have possibly made, asshole?
You didn’t make it anywhere. You’re a retired loser whose life is now reduced to whining about how you were cheated.
JCH, see you keep trying to bait me with references to black people. Black people make you mad and ashamed. Not me.
Are you not understanding that, fuckhead?
See, you’re a Nazi and I’m not.
So if one of your buddies you secretly want to fuck calls you a nigger-lover, you’re insulted.
I couldn’t possibly care less.
“Garbage. You are a puke “guvment” hack civil servant. Just another union parasite.] Commentby REV Jesse [JCH]Jacksoooooon— 4/13/06@ 7:44 pm”
I never said I wasn’t. You said I’m living off the taxpayers! That’s B U L L S H I T. Every cent of my pension checks is money that was deducted from my paychecks. I don’t get a fucking time of taxpayer money.
Folks @ 139, Rufus, besides obviously ignoring the fact of millions of poor white welfare recipients’ using meth and oxycontin, is trying to do a parody of black dialect. Because he is an ignorant fucking redneck he cannot pull off even this, the stupidest of attempts at humor.
No no no… I not talking race I am talking drug addicts. I am talking the millions of welfare drug addicts in California. I am talking the millions of drug addicts in New York. I am talking the millions of drug addicts in Michigan. You know, blue state welfare recipients.
BTW, here is one armadillo that ain’t gonna fuck with Roger Rabbit again!
Yup, Rufus, all the riff-raff is in the blue states. Do you take seriously the stuff that comes out of your mouth?
Rufus @ 155
You were being a racist and it is JUST SO EMBARRASSING when you can’t even be good at that and you have to back off it.
Look at the fact, dickhead, if you can take your head out of your ass long enough.
Meth, distributed by all-white biker gangs like the Bandidos who dominate the Washington methamphetamine empire, is a function or white, rural fucks like your family of government-sucking welfare cheats and public land freeloaders.
Rabbit – But you said earlier that the taxpayers owe you a living right? You were pissed off about 1/3 of your income going to medical and made the claim that since you are vet and civil “servant” that the taxpayers owe you a fucking living for your lifetime of “service”. Is that right, or did I just imagine that?
Yup, Rufus, all the riff-raff is in the blue states. Do you take seriously the stuff that comes out of your mouth?
Commentby Green Thumb— 4/13/06@ 8:53 pm
Why dont you do a walk through in Detroit or South Central LA and get back to me.
WTC People Falling Vigil
Day 1688
That’s how long they were in free fall until they hit.
Meth, distributed by all-white biker gangs like the Bandidos who dominate the Washington methamphetamine empire, is a function or white, rural fucks like your family of government-sucking welfare cheats and public land freeloaders.
Commentby dlaw— 4/13/06@ 8:53 pm
The two biggest meth states in Cali and Washington. Those are red…. no wait a minute… those are blue state. Oh well your meth theory just went up in smoke.
Redneck WHO THE FUCK are you to claim New Yorkers as your personal inspiration? You ignorant, hypocritical, country fuck?
The Republican Party supported the Saudis who financed and manned that terrorist murder. The blood is on the hands of people like you and you have done NOTHING but flood the world with religious terrorism.
Rufus, seriously, you are the stupidest goddam person in the world.
Meth is the epidemic of poor, white, ignorant people LIKE YOUR FAMILY. Meth components come from Europe and Canada and WHITE BIKER GANGS distribute it.
You are a moron.
Meth is the epidemic of poor, white, ignorant people LIKE YOUR FAMILY. Meth components come from Europe and Canada and WHITE BIKER GANGS distribute it.
You are a moron.
Commentby dlaw— 4/13/06@ 9:15 pm
Poor white people on drugs usually vote donk dumbass!!!! Geeeesh Give the democrats a little credit of attracting some white people.
Why would any welfate class individual vote for a republican? I
cant wait to hear this shit!!!!
Don’t get me wrong, I can understand why a poor person who wants to better him/her self on their own would vote republican. Why would career welfare recipients want to vote republican?
Rufus, you are doing very well in that stupid asshole contest.
Look at the voting stats for white working poor workers, particularly men. Ever heard of NASCAR, dickhead?
You are just the stupidest person there is. You think pro wrestling appeals to Progressives?
Rufus @ 167, yeah nobody on welfare ever wants to improve his lot in life.
God you are fucking dumb.
Who do you think fundamentalists are, rich, black Democrats or poor white trash like your mom?
Meth components come from Europe and Canada and WHITE BIKER GANGS distribute it.
Commentby dlaw— 4/13/06@ 9:15 pm
Meth components come from CANANDA and EUROPE huh. You are batting a 1000 here proving meth is a white republican problem.
Rufus @ 167, yeah nobody on welfare ever wants to improve his lot in life.
God you are fucking dumb.
Commentby dlaw— 4/13/06@ 9:28 pm
Yeah the one who want better welfare benefits vote donk.
Who do you think fundamentalists are, rich, black Democrats or poor white trash like your mom?
Commentby dlaw— 4/13/06@ 9:30 pm
Actually a lot of money the democrats get is from rich white people who never earned it but rather inherited their money. You know the ones that have all their money tied up in investments, property or in trusts that does not get taxed. I can name a bunch if you’d like. Just let me know.
Rufus, congratulations, you are now, officially the stupidest fucking person in the world.
“a lot of money the democrats get is from rich white people who never earned it but rather inherited their money. You know the ones that have all their money tied up in investments, property or in trusts that does not get taxed.”
Yeah, that’s why Bush cut the capital gains, dividends taxes and estate taxes, to help Democratic party donors.
God you are fucking stupid.
Here is dlaw’s profile so far:
White welfare repubs are:
1) Working
2) Watch NASCAR
3) On crystal meth
Yep, nothing ends a work week better than going down to the track and watching a race while high on meth!
Hehehehehhehehehe You donks are better than the comedy channel.
I couldn’t possibly care less.
Commentby dlaw— 4/13/06@ 8:47 pm [Dlaw..I’m shocked!! Democrats [other than Senator Byrd] shouldn’t use the “N” word!!! You ARE a racist!!!!!!!]
Rufus, congratulations, you are now, officially the stupidest fucking person in the world.
“a lot of money the democrats get is from rich white people who never earned it but rather inherited their money. You know the ones that have all their money tied up in investments, property or in trusts that does not get taxed.”
Yeah, that’s why Bush cut the capital gains, dividends taxes and estate taxes, to help Democratic party donors.
God you are fucking stupid.
Commentby dlaw— 4/13/06@ 9:55 pm
Actually the biggest convulsive fit by the left was for the cut in income taxes. Donks dont like tax cuts, especially the ones on producers.
Hey RUFUS!! You sais “Most Republicans are fighting over there in Iraq.”
Why don’t you join them! You must be lonely, you being a wingnut, and not fighting in the Iraq Civil War with your other Republicans!
How did that go…?? Oh Yeah, I remember!
No most republicans are fighting over there in Iraq now. Why, do you care about our fighting man in women? Oh that right as long as their vote dont count.
Commentby RUFUS— 4/11/06@ 10:14 pm
Well not all 65 million of us… Geeeesh
Commentby RUFUS— 4/11/06@ 10:54 pm
We need a better quality Troll here at
The ones we have now are defective.
Hey RUFUS!! You sais “Most Republicans are fighting over there in Iraq.”
Why don’t you join them! You must be lonely, you being a wingnut, and not fighting in the Iraq Civil War with your other Republicans!
Commentby Donnageddon— 4/13/06@ 10:13 pm
Hey Donna. Any tips on how I can receive 3 purple hearts and get out in 4 months? Hehehehehehehehehehe
Good question RUFUS!! Ask “Most Republicans”!!
RUFUS, do all you cowardly Republicans degrade war heroes and especially the wounded soldiers
Way to show your support for “Most Republicans”!!
What’s that Donna. Just zip around in a rubber boat and dodge bullets all day. Shoot myself in the ass when no one is looking and make sure my commanding officer signs off that it was from enemy fire. Is that right! Hehehehehehehehehehe
So RUFUS, wounded soldiers are funny to you?
You should visit some Veteran hospitals! They wiull find your sense of humor hilarious!!!
And then of course they will beat you to a bloody pulp.
As they should for a troop haitng asshole like you.
ahh… yeah and… Most important once I’m out dont let anyone look at your medical records. Make sure to mention every other sentence that I served in Iraq.
Hey Rufus!!! You love laughing at wounded soldiers and their “show off” purple hearts!!!
You will love this!
Go ahead, RUFUS!! Laugh at him!!!
Yeah, you troop despising cowardly Republicans really have a great sense of humor!!
“Most important once I’m out dont let anyone look at your medical records. Make sure to mention every other sentence that I served in Iraq.
Comment by RUFUS — 4/13/06 @ 10:27 pm ”
Yeah, you go tell those wounded soldiers they should not be so proudful as to “Make sure to mention every other sentence that I served in Iraq.”
Damn them for showing pride for serving our country!!
You are one sick asshole, RUFUS.
Actually Donna you asshole traitor. I worked with a Vietnam vet who remember Kerry and told me what he thought of him. Do you think all those soldiers forgot all the traitorous shit Kerry said in the early 70’s. Fuck you you commie lib asshole.
In a hairbrained scheme that was personally approved by then-President Clinton, the CIA deliberately gave Iranian physicists blueprints for part of a nuclear bomb that likely helped Tehran advance its nuclear weapons development program.
The allegation, detailed recently in the book “State of War,” by New York Times reporter James Risen, comes as the Iranian nuclear crisis turns white hot, with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad boasting ominously on Wednesday that his nation has joined the world’s nuclear club.
Reports Risen: “It’s not clear who originally came up with the idea [to give Tehran nuclear blueprints], but the plan was first approved by Clinton.”
RUFUS “I worked with a Vietnam vet who remember Kerry and told me what he thought of him.”
I’ll bet you LOVED hearing that!!
And I am sure you stand at the airport telling our soldiers not to “Make sure to mention every other sentence that I served in Iraq.â€
I’ll bet our soldiers just love you!!!
You sick traitorous troop hating mother fucker!!
RUFUS likes any story that makes Soldiers look concieted or bad.
RUFUS just fucking HATES out troops!
C’mon RUFUS, tell us all about how you hate it when a soldier returns from serving our country and takes pride in it!
Tell us how the returning soldiers (especially yur favorite!) a wounded soldier should not “Make sure to mention every other sentence that I served in Iraq.â€.. or for that matter Vietnam!
RUFUS hates our troops. Especially the wounded ones!
Good Night RUFUS! Make sure you visit those Veteran Hospitals and laugh at the wounded soldiers!
You sick fuck.
You will love this!
Go ahead, RUFUS!! Laugh at him!!!
Commentby Donnageddon— 4/13/06@ 10:28 pm
Nah, I perfer to laugh at soldiers who get self inflicted buttocks wounds.
Yawn… Different night, same old wingnut bullsh*t.
Don, Not one of your better nights. Try again on Friday.
Mark the Welshing Yellowback:
There is a difference between giving ones opinion and campaigning. When Kirby and John decided to help run the campaign, there activities became reportable. If all they had done was say this is a great idea and we think it should pass, OK. Telling people where to get petitions and coordinating campaign activity on the air, Not OK.
It is so simple even you can understand that.
JCH @ 190
I wonder why, then, Iran got nuclear plans from Pakistan’t dictatorship. You know, the largest proliferator in the recent history which YOUR gay buddy Georege Bush calls our ally?
God you are a self-deluding piece of crap. Seriously how pathetic is it now when you get a hard-on for some patriotic cause to find the the Republicans have been fucking you all along.
But then that’s how you like it.
200! This sandbox is getting full, Goldy.
Good morning to my friends who are always RIGHT!
And bad morning to you LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS!!!
Actually, I say bad morning out of respect to your constant bitching about how bad things are in AmeriKa from your jaded, angry perspectives….as you sit on your asses doing something next to NOTHING! Jealousy/Envy is a SIN you KLOWNS!!
There has never, ever been more opportunities for entrepreneurs in America….and you KLOWNS are bitching, missing opportunity after opportunity.
Bad Morning KLOWNS!!! Oh and…………
Mr. Cynical is a paid hack for reactionary business interests. He wants to turn the U.S. into a banana republic! Listen closely to his exciting vision for America!
Is Cynical really a 13-year-old girl?
I would say Pootin has a point. But basically, you advocate a tax scheme that shifts the tax burden down the income scale. Is that politically feasible? Is is fair?
Give it some thought.
Commentby Proud To Be An Ass— 4/13/06@ 5:15 pm
You need to take some business and accounting courses. You obviously are uninformed in those areas. For example, you ask what “basis ” is. “Basis” is the cost a person pays for an item. If I buy a share of Microsoft for $28, by “basis” in the investment is $28. There’s a lot more for you to find out. I suggest you Google on “basic accounting,” “investing,” “income tax preparation.” As Bill O’Reilly would say “Wise up, sir.”
By the way, don’t confuse “fair” with “favorable.” A flat rate tax is “fair” in that everyone pays the same rate. That may not be “favorable” to everyone, particularly if the goal is a socialism and wealth re-distribution via government.
Hey Libertarian, if you’re too fucking stupid to fill out a 1040, hire a tax preparer!
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 4/13/06@ 6:53 pm
Roger, see the comment above for Proud to be an Ass.
Your supercillious reply is noted. If you don’t believe high powered accountants and tax attorneys get into big brohahas about the “cost basis” of some classes and\or types of financial assets, you are an ignorant ass. Flat taxers paint a simple picture, but the spiel is woefully misleading in so many respects. The devil is in the details.
A flat tax rate is not fair, or perhaps more clearly “just” in any commonly accepted meaning of the term. A flat tax is government sanctioned economic redistribution of wealth up the income scale, yet you decry “wealth-redistribution via government”.
The logic of your case is defective.
According to an article at ,the site recommended by RR, the thing to do with people like MTR and JCH is to try to reach intelligent but undecided people who are following the debate by adressing their concerns by using the ammunition that an MtR or JCH gives you. For instance, foolhardiness and recklessness on their part can be highlighted and brought to the undecided voters attentin.
Good site, RR!
Roger and Gang enjoy the read, and by the way ask Ron Sims why he supports illegal crossing the border.
I’m about to plan a little trip with my family and extended family,
and I would like to ask you to assist me. I’m going to walk across the
border from the U.S. into Mexico, and I need to make a few
arrangements. I know you can help with this.
I plan to skip all the legal stuff like visas, passports, immigration
quotas and laws. I’m sure they handle those things the same way you do
So, would you mind telling your buddy, President Vicente Fox, that I’m
on my way over? Please let him know that I will be expecting the
1. Free medical care for my entire family.
2. English-speaking government bureaucrats for all services I might
need, whether I use them or not.
3. All government forms need to be printed in English.
4. I want my kids to be taught by English-speaking teachers.
5. Schools need to include classes on American culture and history.
6. I want my kids to see the American flag flying on the top of the
flag pole at their school with the Mexican flag flying lower down.
7. Please plan to feed my kids at school for both breakfast and lunch.
8. I will need a local Mexican driver’s license so I can get easy
access to government services.
9. I do not plan to have any car insurance, and I won’t make any
effort to learn local traffic laws.
10. In case one of the Mexican police officers does not get the memo
from Pres. Fox to leave me alone, please be sure that all police
officers speak English.
11. I plan to fly the U.S. flag from my house top, put flag decals on
my car, and have a gigantic celebration on July 4th. I do not want any
complaints or negative comments from the locals.
12. I would also like to have a nice job without paying any taxes, and
don’t enforce any labor laws or tax laws.
13. Please tell all the people in the country to be extremely nice and
never say a critical word about me, or about the strain I might place
on the economy.
I know this is an easy request because you already do all these things
for all the people who come to the U.S. from Mexico. I am sure that
Pres. Fox won’t mind returning the favor if you ask him nicely.
However, if he gives you any trouble, just invite him to go quail
hunting with your V.P.
Thank you so much for your kind help.
re 208: klake’s post has little relation to reality. Anyone who from a border state knows he is totally mis-informed. If you want to cross the border to Mexico, you just walk across or drive across. Any border trouble you may experience will be trying to get back IN to the U.S. You will have no trouble communicating in Mexico as most Mexicans know enough English to get by.
Roger and Gang it appears that Europe has hit a war of fear to change, you know like the one in Seattle. Some of the folks can make these changes, but mobs rules the countries. Like the love parade in Seattle, this week on illegal’s and Ron Sims supports them for their vote.
Europe Stalls on Road to Economic Change
Published: April 14, 2006
“BERLIN, April 13 — After this week’s extremely close election in Italy, there is a strong sense in Europe that, because of weak governments and divided publics, the Continent’s big three countries are unable to make the economic changes that most political leaders agree are essential for restoring growth.
“Everybody in Europe agrees that things can’t go on the way they are going,” said Wolfgang Nowak, a German economist who is in charge of the Deutsche Bank’s International Forum. He was speaking about the near-zero-growth economies with high deficits, rigid labor markets and intractable levels of unemployment and social welfare budgets that are increasingly difficult to afford.
“Everybody wants change,” Mr. Nowak continued. “At the same time, everybody does everything so that things don’t change.””
Some of these folks are turning into real Democrats and dumping the Socialist part.
“Indeed, in his last two years in office, the former chancellor, Gerhard Schröder, a Social Democrat, was able to push through a series of
Good site, RR!
Commentby harry poon— 4/14/06@ 8:34 am
harry poon that explains everything that goes on in your minds.
The people mostly are very welcoming and hospitable ( note to Righties: If you’re not an asshole ) in Mexico and I have enjoyed many trips there since childhood and have enjoyed working and socializing with many different hispanics in my lifetime.
And, of course, undocumented workers pay taxes, SS, and other payroll taxes.
Anyone who thinks waiting in and emergency room is a good deal isn’t thinking very clearly.
Marine Captain Christopher H. Sheppard speaks out.
All you chickenhawks can just keep hiding in your basements.
The RNC has bought advertising blaming the losy legislation they WROTE AND PASSED THEMSELVES on Democrats.
This proves that the Repubs. have NO CONFIDENCE IN THEIR OWN IDEAS.
They bought the advertising on Spanish language radio. This is like WWII type disinformation against the Germans.
You guys are RUNNING SCARED!!!
I work in the financial sector. I go through more tax returns in a week than you will do in your entire life. I see the loopholes and “smoke and mirrors” the accounting and legal professions use to avoid taxation of income. You, sir, are uninformed and need to educate yourself. H&R Block offers a tax course, for example. Or you might just go to your local book store for some books on accounting and taxes. Just do something to elevate your knowledge!
The only way to have a “fair” tax system, if income is to be taxed, is to have a flat, low rate, easy-to-compute tax with harsh penalties for cheating. We can get there is we work, over time, to achieve the goal. It will not happen over night.
If you wish to keep the current tax code, you are indirectly supporting the wealthy. Something tells me you do not wish to do this.
Libertarian: What about the person who makes barely enough to survive and has to pay the same % as a multi-millionnaire?
Roger and Gang it appears that Dean Logan is vacationing in Italy for the last few weeks. The election there is like King County and they probability will not count the votes three times so that improves Dean’s skills on throwing on election. What a legacy for Dean Logan to have today.
Berlusconi’s Power Fades Away
Published: April 14, 2006
Filed at 11:02 a.m. ET
ROME (Reuters) – Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi’s hopes of overturning his election loss were dashed on Friday when it emerged there were not enough disputed ballot papers to swing victory back from his rival, Romano Prodi.
Berlusconi refused to concede after the centre-left opposition won a razor-thin majority in the April 9-10 election, demanding a check of “disputed” ballots — papers on which the voting intention was deemed unclear by scrutineers.
But after four days of political stalemate, the Interior Ministry said the number of ballots in question for the lower house of parliament was 2,131, not enough to overturn Prodi’s 24,000-vote majority.
The ministry said in a statement it had made a mistake when it initially estimated there were 43,028 disputed ballots.
The only way to have a “fair” tax system, if income is to be taxed, is to have a flat, low rate, easy-to-compute tax with harsh penalties for cheating. We can get there is we work, over time, to achieve the goal. It will not happen over night.
If you wish to keep the current tax code, you are indirectly supporting the wealthy. Something tells me you do not wish to do this.
Commentby Libertarian— 4/14/06@ 9:15 am
Libertarian I have to agree with you on this subject matter and if elections were held on April 15 that changes, how government works. I believe that everyone should pay taxes just as if folks donate in church. Those who contribute will vote and those who pay nothing usually do not vote. Personally I spend too much time trying to complete the encode tax forms correctly just to avoided an audit. Most people are honest but everything today is to catch those who cheat on their taxes or collect the most from the tax paying public.
Your condescension is noted, and the “financial sector” must be a big tent indeed to include such ignorance and obsfuscation. I brought up several questions regarding your wet dram flat tax, and you picked on one technical term. What about the others? Nothing to say? If indeed you “do a lot of tax returns” you have my sympathy, but you do not address the point: Using the simplist example (a stock purchase) to demonstrate “cost basis” is very nice, but does not tell the whole story, as you yourself allude to (cf. “loopholes”, etc.). Are you going to state that is all there is to it? If you do–I will personally hire a CPA to tell you that you are full of shit.
A “low rate” tax you advocate will essentially raise taxes for the lower 4 quintiles of the tax paying population. Besides being unjust, it is a political dead end.
I have many objections to the current tax code. To imply that I support it in its current form is using a straw man argument, thus displaying either your dishonesty, your hypocricy, or your ignorance. Pick any two that apply.
“Is Cynical really a 13-year-old girl?
Commentby LeftTurn— 4/14/06@ 7:43 am”
You are probably one of those sicko, LEFTIST KLOWNS who trolls little kids websites hoping to get lucky. You probably WISH I were a 13 year-old girl you sick fuck!
Flake at 219:
Actually it sounds more like the minnow is a consultant for Berlusconi. Claims of tons of fraud, but in fact there is none.
OK, OK…it’s now confirmed!!
BIAW’s Dick has the EMOTIONAL CONSTITUION of a 13 year old girl.
OK, here is some stuff. Schedule C is currently used to report income from self-employment. It’s a license to steal. I personally have seen self-employed “businesses” that don’t make any money, but they certainly have losses. These losses flow through to Line 12 of the Form 1040, where they amount to negative income for the year. In other words, these “businesses” are shams. They will never show earnings, only losses. A savvy guy can call anything a business (even his hobby), write off expenses against it, and no one’s the wiser. These guys are clever enough to only do this for one or two years and then cease for a while. The IRS can’t keep up.
You’d be surpirsed how many professional people (doctors, lawyers) are engaged in farming. Schedule F is another dream form for the high income earners. It flows through to Form 1040, also. How many of these guys do you suppose are actually involved in farming?
So, let’s assume you’re a rich guy in the 35% income tax bracket. For every dollar you can show as a loss on Schedule C or F, you saved 35 cents in taxes.
Another one of my favorite things to see is NOL carry-forward. This is especially good for millionaires. It allows them to reduce taxable income to zip, nada, nil due to “losses” they incurred many, many years before. Just the other day i say a multi-millionare who hasn’t paid any income taxes in at least 4 years.
The problem is the complexity of the Internal Revenue Code. It has grown into a monster, and you can ask your CPA that and he or she will agree with me. It’s time to simplify things and go to a flat rate.
Here’s what I propose. Let’s assume, for argument, that we assume the poverty level for a single individual is an income of $10,000 or less per year. (I’m just using easy-to-maniputale numbers, they don’t mean anything.) OK, we don’t wish to tax the poor person’s income, so we’ll only tax a flat percentage of the amount that exceeds $10,000. If it’s a family of four supported by the income stream, they the anmount in excess of $40,000 would be taxed at that single rate. Get the idea? for each person supported by the income stream, we subtract the “poverty” level. That way we’re not taking away form the truly poor.
OK, I’ll admit that my plan does nothing to re-distribute wealth or support the fees tax attorneys and accountants can charge. It does nothing to provide support to realtors as they try to sell house. All my plan does is to attempt to fund the ordinary and necessary fucntions of government, but that’s all the tax system is for in the first place.
Have a good weekend.
Your lack of snark is appreciated, and I share your disgust regarding the current tax system. Your examples demonstrate my point. The problem is defining “income”. These shams, and loopholes need to be eliminated. They are theft.
Why do you think the rich like Steve Forbes support various versions of the “flat tax”? Here’s why: It will cut their taxes.* That’s all you need to know about flat taxers. And if Steve Forbe’s taxes get cut, who’s left to pick up the tab?
Lib. You obviously have no sympathy or pity for the tax scammers in your examples. Certainly some of them would wind up paying a bit more in taxes under your scheme, but the truly rich (the top 1%)make out like bandits. Just how many tax breaks do we need to give to those fuckers?
*Example: $10m/yr. income @ 35% rate is $3.5/m. Let’s say you pay a fancy tax accountant and tax lawyer $100k/yr. to shave that bill to $2.5m/yr. Money well spent, right? Now the flat taxers offer a great “flat rate” at 25%. Whould you support this? I see the guy picking up $100grand right off the bat. If the great new flat “rate” is less, why even better!
Flat taxers also argue along these lines: “Well, since the rich cheat anyway, why not eliminate all those fancy loopholes and lower their marginal rate to the rate they actually pay? This will benefit all.”
This is absurd. It’s like asserting that since any law (pick one)is violated, then why not repeal the law? It’s like saying that even with laws against robbing banks, banks still get robbed, so why not make it simple and let everybody rob one bank a year without penalty.
This is not to be confused with arguments against the “War” on (some) Drugs, or other laws which punish victimless crimes. The basis of objecting to these laws is not “everybody does it”, although it is often used. It’s real basis is founded on a notion of human freedom. You libs say you support that, right?
Have a happy Easter