Back when Nick Beaudrot and I were talking about trying to revive the stagnant Drinking Liberally chapter here in Seattle, we wondered “How hard can it be? This is Seattle.” It turned out it wasn’t terribly hard, and Nick has made it into one of the most successful chapters in the United States, with regular high-profile guests and a great crowd showing up at the Montlake every Tuesday.
Now it’s time for a challenge. As some of you know, I’m moving from very blue North Seattle to not-so-blue Kent this fall. I’m hoping to start a new chapter down there (probably every other week on a Wednesday or Thursday), but I need some help. The key to a successful chapter is a good location. If you have any suggestions for a bar that could potentially be a host, let me know. So far, the only serious contender I can think of is The Ram at Kent Station, but I’m still getting familiar with the area. And hopefully, when we find a place, I’d love to see those of you in the south end for a pint.
Good luck finding people outside the Seattle city limits that are not so fond of Karl Marx.
I’m not fond of Karl Marx at all. Do you have a point or are you just here to make a complete ass of yourself again?
Lee says:
I’m not fond of Karl Marx at all. Do you have a point or are you just here to make a complete ass of yourself again?
I guess you are too stupid to have caught the meaning since you are so Seattle centric. Once you leave the Seattle city limits you start encountering people who aren’t part of the extreme left. If you can’t understand that, then I’m sorry….you are a hopeless case.
Things aren’t so bad out of the city despite the perception. If you’re moving to Kent you’ll either be in the 47th LD (east hill) or the 33rd (downtown and west Kent) … both are vibrant communities of committed Democrats:
Clearly, Mark is grammar-challenged. Even when you call him on it, he doesn’t understand that he isn’t saying what he thinks he’s saying.
As for me, I prefer Groucho, Chico, and Harpo to Karl (who might, however, come in ahead of Zeppo).
On your actual topic, I agree that locating an appropriate tavern is crucial to the success of DL. I know less than zero about Kent, so I can’t help you in your search. However, by greatly increasing the number of eligibles, the prohibition on smoking in bars is a big help.
Once you’re established, perhaps we’ll send a delegation from Seattle DL to
assist in building your communitylift a few pints with you down there.Mark does have a point: the people of Seattle view Seattle and themselves as the Center of the Universe.
I live in Tacoma, and I don’t view Tacoma as being IN the known universe.
I guess you are too stupid to have caught the meaning since you are so Seattle centric. Once you leave the Seattle city limits you start encountering people who aren’t part of the extreme left. If you can’t understand that, then I’m sorry….you are a hopeless case.
I’ve met all kinds of people from both Seattle and the suburbs who have varying degrees of political beliefs. I generally meet about 5 to 10 times as many poeple on the extreme right as I meet on the extreme left. Extreme right (i.e. Ron Paul) philosophy is very common in the Seattle suburbs. Extreme left (i.e. Karl Marx) is not very common anywhere in this area. There just aren’t that many people in Seattle or elsewhere running around saying that government should run everything and that corporations should not exist. I simply don’t have a clue what you’re trying to say. Who is extreme left? Give me a name.
Felix, thanks. I will certainly be in touch when I get settled in.
8 Lee
He means “anyone to the left of him.”
Which may even include Dick Cheney, if I read Mark right.
We have started a chapter in Shelton. Meets the 3rd Monday of the month. At our first meeting we had four people. Hoping for more this month
chadt @7,
Just like other cities, Tacoma has bad places. Most of it’s good, though.
Swing by DL in Burien. Maybe we can give you some pointers on life in the south end, and locales for your new Kent DL.
Don’t count out Renton.
I’m situated of Benson on the East Hill, between Renton and Kent, and most of my serious drinking happens to the north as opposed to the south. Recommend you try out the Whistlestop, the old Giant’s Causeway (now called CJ Brennan’s) and the Dog and Pony as potentials.
The RAM in Kent struck me as being part of the new commercial corporate turf than as neighborhood bar.
Lee, to Mark the insipid fool and all the rest of the braindead wingers who drive-by here, anyone just to the left of Bonzo Raygun is EXTREME LEFT.
These guys are so adrift from anything remotely resembling sanity.
@11 and @13
Thanks a lot guys. I will try to swing by your DL gatherings in the next month or so.
Agreed on The Ram. I think that’s why I’m not sold on having it there.
I’ve been to both the Whistlestop and the Dog and Pony. Both of those places would probably work if I wanted to do it a little further north. Thanks.
Tacoma @12
Actually, I am officially in Tacoma and surrounded by Spanaway and I rather like it. I just don’t think it’s in the known universe. And I work for the technical department of the Postal Service, and you just can’t get further out of the known universe than that…..
Yo Mark!
Since you like throwing out tags like “extreme left” and since you hate Seattle so much, can you help a brudder out and explain what some of the philosophical tenets are that differentiate lefties from righties in general, and define extreme lefties in particular?
@3 Let’s get something straight here. Seattle Democrats are neither Marxists nor extremists. People like you are extremists.
@6 And you think Tacoma is?
@10 You nailed it. Mark, in addition to be an illiterate fuck, is an intolerant ideologue who can’t stand anyone who isn’t exactly like him.
@19 Of course he can’t. Mark’s the type who peel labels off walls and toss them around with no idea of what they’re trying to say.
Rog @ 23:
Please let me indulge my inner small-l liberal and give Mark a chance to express himself in his own words.
If he can’t or won’t explain himself, that’s his loss.
#18 chadt says:
That explains your allegiance to the democrat party. You depend on government tax dollars.
What is it about working for the post office that makes so many employees “go postal?”
We assume you’re not holding your breath.
Asphyxiation’s not a great way to go….
#25, Stamner
Perhaps, you incredibly ignorant sow, you’re one of three people in the known universe that aren’t aware that the Postal Service GETS NO TAX MONEY. And hasn’t for DECADES.
Fucking ignoramus.
There is no higher rate of violence in the Postal Service than in any other private industry. Confirmed by a number of studies by both the US Government and state universities.
The Postal Service is NOT a division of the US Government.
Anybody that went to high school would know that from civics class.
So much for your qualifications to comment on anything requiring even remote connections to reality.
What country DID you grow up in?
Abve, erratum “…one…isn’t…”
Right on brother!
It’s the military industrial complex folks and big oil, corporate Ag. and the pharmaceutical companies that are sucking first tit these days and they seem to love the Republican party.
@25 How is working for the post office different from working for Boeing or any other employer?
@25 Soldiers are government employees. Are you against them, too?
@27 People like Mark and Marvin never let facts get in the way of their ideology.
30 Right. In the wingers’ twisted logic, it’s oh, so eeeeeevil to be “freeloading” off the government, unless you’re a giant corporation.
People who “go republican” pose a far greater threat than people who “go postal”.
Are there any Godless, Communist, Muslim terrorists in Seattle?
I fear them.
Stamn’s blabbering has given me an idea of how to label it: “Stamnering”!
I like it. I may have to work that into some posts.
Excellent! He is very adept at it. Not much else, evidently, but we have to work with what we are given.
I have been to the RA and think it is too glitzy and too successful. On a game night DL would be shut out and the “other” crowd might be disruptive.
There are a number of seedier places along the Lake that might welcome the business.
We’re talking about the Ram in Kent, not UW. But from what I saw when I was down there, the same thing may apply.
The Golden Steer up on the East Hill is a place for the locals. I think it may be owned by a Rightie though.
There’s always the gay friendly Trax on 1st.
I worked a campaign down there and there really aren’t too many local watering holes. Despite its corporate feel, the Ram may becoming one.
Some possible candidates:
Eli’s Roadhouse on Benson, so. of 240th
Golden Steer is a good choice, owners are Rotary folks but one of them is on the Kent School Board and very pro-public education
Jasper’s Steak House near Home Depot
Gonzo’s on Kent-Kangley
Poppa’s on Washington
Lee, we went to the Renton RAM for some occasion … SJ will photograph anything the aboriginals do!
I think it was a football game gathering. I do not think the atmosphere would be as friendly to a DL meeting as, say, a Hooter’s might be.
Now, THAT is an idea!
@42 and @43
Thanks so much, guys. I will check those places out.