I love a good beer and I love talking politics, so I’m especially excited to welcome to my neck of the woods the new Southeast Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally, which meets tonight (and the 3rd Wednesday of every month,) 8PM at the Columbia City Ale House, 4914 Rainier Ave S.
I’m told Bill Sherman might take a break from the campaign trail to chat up us Southies, and I should be getting there a little after 9PM. I look forward to seeing all my South End friends.
Why don’t you solicit blogads from Montlake Ale House and Georgetown Brewing Company? You’ve given them quite a few free plugs.
Having plugged Columbia City Ale House a couple of times, you might solicit a blogad from them too.
Hunting al Qaeda Parts II and III are now ready for you. Video included.
Am heading back to Iraq in a few days to keep the raw information coming. Your support is very important and greatly appreciated.
Link to Part II
Link to Part III
Check out the links above to see how well Qaeda is winning the war in Iraq with all the Democrat support from Congress. Yep you chaps are still crying the sky is falling, the sky is falling just like Chicken Little. You all still believe Hollywood clowns have all the answers on how to win a war after your friends were to dumb to vote for the war. Yep no WMD is in Iraq, we should have invaded Iran because they have nukes. Oh yes do not forget Saudi Arabia they blew up the twin towers, damage the Pentagon, and crash a plane into the ground in Pennsylvania killing the passengers.Oh it must be great to stand on the side line while you let others kill women and children. Wouldn’t want to step in and try to save a few lives. It must be great to be a Left-Winger and sleep through the whole event.
Now for something totally different:
Now that’s something new…
Maybe a Haditha update is needed with Jack I love my earmarks Murtha:
Moonbat!s: Another scumbag lawyer going down.
As always follow the money trail contributions of Milberg Weiss. It leads to donk. As the Hsu fits…
To Democrats: $1,455,000 —–((100%)
To Republicans: $0 —–(0%)
Total: ———$1,455,000 —–(100%)
3 – the methane from your ass is definitely warming the planet, pwhackjob. Maybe you ought to light it and go into orbit. Always figured you for a spaceman whacko.
4 – speaking of gas, next up is a right-wing bullshit site. How typical.
5 – Did the lawyer break the law? He ought to know better. You still on the Hsu-path? Wonders from the irrelevant never cease.
Wow, a Democrat broke the law. Do you hear anyone here making excuses for him? Nope, no one. How different it is when Republicans break the law. You guys sound like the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, in four-part harmony, when one of yours breaks the law. All in tune, all on the same page, and all saying the same thing–it must be Clinton’s fault. The party of accountability has become the party of blame anybody and never accept fault.
Buttpudder @ 3: “Now for something totally different”
Sadly, not.
7 I hadn’t really figured our resident trolls out until I managed to suppress my gag reflex long enough to spend a little time watching the Faux News spewmongers and the CSPAN coverage of hotel-ballroom seances by various neofascist “foundations”, presided over by the likes of Michelle Malkin. Seems that a lot of what you clowns type in here is just about a word-for-word playback of what your idols were preaching a on the tube a day or two earlier.
Correct me if I am wrong, Senator Craig, the homosexual Republican, has not yet resigned after soliciting anonymous sex in an airport bathroom. Remember, he plead guilty.
As a Black man and a conservative, how does this affect the way in which you view your own political party? I mean you have closeted gays throughout your party in leadership positions. How many segregationists do you think are right next to them in the closet? Without a doubt Senator Thurmond could not have been the last of them.
I’m just sayin’.
Marvin Stamn, where are you? I need a laugh, Thehim only has Lou Guzzle to make fun of. He needs more material. Be a sport.
Wow, a Democrat broke the law. Do you hear anyone here making excuses for him?
Nope. Actually when a democrat gets in trouble for lying he sues. It not easy being a lying,lefties journalist mouthpiece for the democrats these days. hehehe
Carl @ 10:
First, don’t ask Pud about his feelings about Craig. When a member of the GOP does something objectionable, it is an individual problem. Shuffle them out and move on, even if it means kicking half of the party out. On the other hand, when the most trivial person vaguely connected with the Democratic party are found with the most trivial wrong doing, it is evidence of widespread corruption in the party.
Second, asking about segregationists is equally pointless. Race-baiting is an old Republican habit, but I suppose Pud likes aligning with the party where you know who the racists are rather than the one where you have to guess.
The 75-year-old Rather, whose final months were clouded by controversy over the report, says the complaint stems from “CBS’ intentional mishandling” of the aftermath of the story.
This is liberalese for “we got got in a lie and tried covering it up”. Donk journalism baby.
CBS spokesman Dana McClintock said: “These complaints are old news, and this lawsuit is without merit.”
So what! My story was without merit but they ran it anyways. I want my 70 million. hehehehe
Dear Dan Rather,
Ken Starr wasted forty millions of taxpayer money in an attempt to convict Clinton, and got bupkis.
I want my money back.
Flakey Klake sez: “…see how well Qaeda is winning the war in Iraq.”
Well, if they’re winning, what is your bumbling, deserting coward, and overall fuckwad going to do about it? Tell to go shopping again?
Republicans: A disease.
Republicans: Good only for the clutching pearls chorus in a class b melodrama. The sooner forgotten, the better off we shall all be.
Conservative thought=oxymoron.
So Rather. Dan Rather lied, and the swiftboaters were telling the truth?
Bush never finished his guard service, and then had all his military records shredded. In triplicate.
How is that a lie?
Not to mention the fact that after getting 5 million dollars worth of pilots training, Bush refused to take a piss test to be able to fly.
It is amazing. The more pathetic the Republicon, the more they support him.
Republicons are to government what maggots are to corpses.
watching our trolls here sort of reminds me of when the last true believers in communism wandered around in 1990, holding their copies of the Nation to their chests muttering over and over again “it works, it works. it was just never implemented correctly”.
No. Actually, it’s not the same at all. Unreconstructed Marxists are actually kind of sort of interesting. Wrong, but interesting. Trolls are about as interesting as football fans.
Don’t be denigrating maggots; at least they have a use.
JSA: Please go back and see what I wrote about Sen Craig. You know I USED to respect your opinion. Now you are in the same league as YLB/Clueless.
YLB/Clueless: So you discount what the National Geographic Magazine has to say? What…? Another right wing rag…?
I know what you said about Sen. Craig.
You want him out. I don’t think you’re apologizing for him, or making excuses, etc. That’s fine.
I don’t care about Sen. Craig. I get a certain sense of schnadenfreude watching a moral values guy busted for cruising restrooms, but beyond that, he’s just not that interesting.
What I find interesting is how you can continue to support the Republican Party when it’s pretty clear from the top down that they piss on everything you believe in.
Small government? After a massive enlargement of the security bureaucracy?
Free enterprise? Funded by protectionist tarrifs on steel, timber, and agriculture?
Family values? Boy, I just can’t go there.
There’s also the whole “Southern Strategy” thing that involves winking and nodding at some really, really nasty people.
You don’t like affirmative action and don’t like quotas. That is a legitimate belief, and I respect that. Believing that supporting the GOP is a way to dismantle those blows my ever loving mind.
You’re a skilled, moderately affluent guy who has been bought off with an $8000 a year tax cut.
I fail to see why you continue with this.
Dear Dan Rather,
Ken Starr wasted forty millions of taxpayer money….
Hey you are preaching to the choir. I didn’t vote for that sex predator of a president. The 42% who did should be ashamed of themselves.
So Rather. Dan Rather lied, and the swiftboaters were telling the truth?
Bush never finished his guard service, and then had all his military records shredded. In triplicate.
Yes. The swiftboat story has never been seriously compromised unlike Rathergate which is a total bold face lie. Kerry will not publicly publish his military medical records which strengthens the swiftboats claim. The fact that military records were shredded (which is probably another myth) is totally irrelevant to the fact that 60 minutes forged documents.
Damn, what a beat down.
Rather? Sex predator? Clinton was not a Republicon….. Or a priest….
Compared to the Lying Gang of Thugs in the White House now, Clinton was a God.
Deal with it.
There’s also the issue of integrating church and state, which seems to be a big thrust of the modern GOP.
It is also wrong. I don’t say this as some evil bitter atheist who spits on churchgoers. I say this as a student of history. There are simply no good cases of mixing church and state that come to any good. Once you tear down that wall, you not only get your co-religionists in the door, but you get people you won’t like as well. If my tax dollars can pay for your children to go to Bible School, they also will wind up paying for some other idiot’s children to attend a madrassa. You don’t get to let in only the religions you feel comfortable with.
I know secularism gets on your tits, but trust me, it is the least worst of all possible outcomes.
Of course Rather doesn’t want to talk about what happened TODAY in the Senate.
1. Making sure our soldiers spend more time doing tours than time unwinding between tours.
2. Making sure Habeus Corpus is not restored.
What great victories the GOP got today. Yippee!!!
Some of us pay attention.
Republicons support the troops like dogs support bones.
The sooner Republicons are driven from government, the better off America will be.
And in other news. President Bush approval ratings 29%
The new democrat congress approval ratings…uhmm 11% the lowest in the history of the US Congress.
“A paltry 11 percent rated Congress positively, beating the previous low of 14 percent in July.”
Good job democratics!
JSA: Is it better to have morals, standards and ideals and fall short or have no morals, standards and ideals and never worry about it?
rob, maybe because of the fact that the Republicons filibustered every single piece of legislation in the Senate since losing control of both houses might have something to do with it….
If the Republicons were eliminated, and Bush and Cheney impeached with Pelosi the new president, congress’s approval rating would be 90%.
The sooner the throw the Republicons behind bars where they belong the better.
The only thing they are good at is corpse creation.
Re: 35, It also may be that the democratics are just really poor and corrupt legislators and no one likes them.
Catholics United Against War see SeattleJew
First there was the chickenhawk ..Giuliani. He not only manages =d to serve his contry by not going to ‘nam .. being a war clerk was more importnat to defending the US, but later he said he would never have gone to serve in the failed war.
to quite Goldy … “who would thunk?”
And there is the
German, once a NaziPope who has refused to meet with Condi Rice to endorse the poor woman’s efforts at peace because …. because il papa wil be in vacation!to quite Goldy … “who would thunk?”
You were gone for a while. Did you find out why Thor Hearne won’t put the ACVR on his resume, won’t answer questions about it and he even edits his own entry on Wikipedia?
#14: So, how did Bush get into the Air National Guard ahead of 200 others who were ahead of him? Why didn’t Bush show up for duty? Why did he just desert
I am with you. Dems never take responsibility. Of course who can blame them with an 11% approval rating.
#14: So, how did Bush get into the Air National Guard ahead of 200 others who were ahead of him? Why didn’t Bush show up for duty? Why did he just desert, and how did he get away with it?
How come the day after 9/11, all planes were grounded — except the one flying the bin Ladens to safety.
Shouldn’t the bin Ladens have been put in Guantanamo and questioned? ….
Who the Hell do you think you are kidding — Fellow Traveler?
Re: 37Then there is Chris Matthews ( a long time admitted liberal) calling Hilliary Clinton, the undisputed leader of the democratic race for president a “Pimp and Corrupt” David Boniers agreed with him.
There is video!
#14: So, how did Bush get into the Air National Guard ahead of 200 others who were ahead of him? Why didn’t Bush show up for duty? Why did he just desert
Hell why did CBS have to make up phony documents if the above was true? I dont know. Maybe because that is what lefties do best, lie.
You know the difference between Jane Fonda and George W. Bush?
Jane Fonda actually went to Vietnam while the war was on.
Not Bush. He had more important things to do — like gettin’ drunk, snortin’ coke, and listening to ‘The Four Freshman’ and the Ray Coniff Singers. (How bout that Herb Alpert!)
#44 — Because Harriet Myers paid people off to cleanse the records. Dope.
re 45 refer to #43
re 43: How come we can find the records of everyone EXCEPT Bush?
#43 __ Your pants are glowing and smoking.
Re: 44, Jane Fonda did go to Vietnam, North Vietnam. Americans were in South Vietnam, Jane Fonda and the rest of the communists were in North Vietnam. It’s important to make that distinction.
Check out the links above to see how well Qaeda is winning the war in Iraq with all the Democrat support from Congress.
Hey numbnuts, the only reason there’s Al Qaeda in Iraq is because we invaded.
Man, this is a whole buffet of crazy!
Yep no WMD is in Iraq, we should have invaded Iran because they have nukes.
Um, Iran does not have nukes. It will take them years to build one.
Oh yes do not forget Saudi Arabia they blew up the twin towers, damage the Pentagon, and crash a plane into the ground in Pennsylvania killing the passengers.Oh it must be great to stand on the side line while you let others kill women and children.
We’re not standing on the sidelines. We’re telling idiots like you that the way we’re trying to fight Al Qaeda is only making them stronger.
Wouldn’t want to step in and try to save a few lives. It must be great to be a Left-Winger and sleep through the whole event.
Anyone who supported this fiasco in Iraq has absolutely no leg to stand on when talking about saving lives.
Re: 50, How nice of Al Qaeda to come to Iraq’s defense. Now if they would only stop blowing up Iraq’a men, women and children we could give “Lee” @ 50 some credibility. I guess what Lee is saying is because the US invaded Iraq Al Qaeda said “all right, lets go murder some Iraqi civillians” There is a flaw in your argument Lee.
Sorry folks but SeattleJew but just could not resist!
For those who have not watched mainstream news for the last three days, nothing has happened in Iraq, Iran, the UN, the Whitehouse, or behind the moon … all the news has been coming from Las Vegas where Brad Pitt has been chosen to play the lead in an epic movie about OJ Simpson.
Poor DOOFUS – just can’t answer the question.
Pud @ 34:
JSA: Is it better to have morals, standards and ideals and fall short or have no morals, standards and ideals and never worry about it?
That’s a false question, and I’m sure somewhere you know that. Are you trying to have a real discussion, or are you trying to score points for your side? If it’s the former, ask better questions. If it’s the latter, I’m getting tired of having rational arguments when I get shit flipped back at me. If you want to get into a poo-flinging contest, I’m good at that too.
I have plenty of morals and standards. Most of my friends who are liberals have morals and standards as well. Even my conservative friends have morals and standards.
Where liberals and “modern conservatives” (I don’t want to say neocons, because that is a loaded word, and not the same group at all, frankly) differ is that modern conservatives consider it to be the responsibility of the state to force morals on people.
I don’t want to tell you how to keep house. It is contrary to the concept of limited government, it is incompatible with the realities of a huge, multicultural, multifaith society, and most importantly, it is just so not my motherfucking job!
I understand the goal very clearly. Creating a more focused, moral society with clear goals and objectives is tempting. I suspect I would like this just as much as you would, even if we disagree on points of theology. If you are trying to change people’s moral values using the power of the State, first you will fail. Second, you are treading on dangerous ground.
You assume that because conservatives (which in this case mean largely white Protestants) have had a fairly good run, that this can be continued for the duration. This is foolish, short-sighted, and ignorant of facts on the ground.
As I recall, you live up in Mukilteo, which is a nice, predominantly white neighborhood. Come down to my hood some time. It’s 80% Asian, and predominantly Catholic and Buddhist. How would you feel about sending your children to a faith-based school near my house? We’ll teach you the sutras, the importance of filial piety, and how to venerate the dead during the Feast of the Hungry Ghosts on the 8th month of the lunar calendar. It’ll be fun. You’ll like it. Your kids will come home saying “Daddy, all the neighbors have ancestor shrines in their houses. Can we have one too? Please?”
Plan B is that we’ll all divide up into our own neighborhoods. Catholics live with Catholics, Protestants live with Protestants, Muslims live with Muslims, and God, Allah and Guanshiyinpusan help you if you wind up on the wrong side of some imaginary line drawn in the neighborhood. Lots of fun places already work like this. Northern Ireland, Iraq, Israel, the Baltics. All locations of peace and prosperity. Is this really the sort of society that you want to create?
Or plan C is we’ll have boring secular schools. You go to church on Sunday and I’ll make a nice big breakfast for my family. I won’t be bothered that you get up early and go to church, you won’t be bothered that I sleep in. I’m sorry if that’s not changing society as much as you might want, but it’s a big complicated country, and that’s finally the only way that things will work well.
Stupid Choir must be a headlice loocie clone:
“How come the day after 9/11, all planes were grounded — except the one flying the bin Ladens to safety.”
Because Richard Clarke in his 9/11 and Senate Testimony said he personally and without any presidential approval, sent the rest of the Bin Laden family out of the US. Do you remember Richard Clarke – Donk Extraordinaire?
U R the Missing Link! Goodbye!
Stupid Choir:
“Jane Fonda actually went to Vietnam while the war was on.”
Did you know fraternizing with the enemy is grounds for treason? Did you know many Vietnam Vets to this day boo her?
U R as Moe-ronic as chadt!
Stupid Choir –
“#44 — Because Harriet Myers paid people off to cleanse the records. Dope. ”
Got proof? You can’t use any of YLB/Clueless’ favorite left wing whack-off sites either!
JSA: Studies have shown that some of the most personally conservative people in the US are black church goers. So your white protestant argument flies out the window. Unfortunately they continue to drink the Jesse Hi-Jackson/Al Not So Sharpton kool-aid.
http://tinyurl.com/yw4ls8 – page 193
another good read.
Regarding dividing neighborhoods, telling you how to keep your house, grass length, I never suggested that. I am a personal recognizance person. I have always said what you do in the privacy of your home is your business. When you flaunt your crap in front of me and my kids face then it becomes my business.
Puddy. Of course there is proof Bush’s records were shredded. Where are they?
Jane Fonda also realized the mistake she had made, and has spent many years trying to make up for it.
When it comes to treason Puddy, how is outing undercover cia agents to attempt to silence war critics not treason? Lying to start a war?
Just think. If we spent a few more billion on the CIA, infiltrated Al Queda top to bottom, and brought every single member of Al Queda to justice, instead of invading Iraq, the war on terror would be over by now, and we would have trillions $$$ left over. Not to mention 3,900 soldiers still alive, tens of thousands not blown to bits, and a world that does not hate America.
Naw. Never happen. No profit in peace….
In fact Puddy. Outing Valerie outed hundreds of CIA assets. Every person who ever worked for Brewster Jennings got outed, not just Joe Wilson’s wife. Of course you would never hear about this on the TV.
The MSM is too busy trying to silence Bush’s critics like Dan Rather, and Donohue. If you don’t like war, there is no room for you on ABC, CNN, NBC, CBS, Fox, or MSNBC.
By the way, why aren’t you in Iraq “spreading something” Puddy? What? You need your arms and legs? Aw man…… Get your right wingnut ass to Iraq. My Pickup needs another fillup. There is a soldier there that hasn’t seen his / her family for 15 months…..
#49: It’s also important to make the distinction that although her beliefs were in error, Fonda had the courage to back them up.
But not that chikenshit George W. Bush.
@61 I like your point. I supported the war but I also admired those who resisted. Which was more courageous ….
Sitting in some bar when he was supposed to be flying jets to protect Texas from the threat of a Vietnamese invasion? ..or going to Hanoi to tell the Vietnamese leadership that not all of use wanted war?
We need to remind the Radical Repricans that George Washington, John Adams, Tom Jefferson, Ben Franklin were all traitors to THEIR government.
favorite left wing whack-off sites
You mean like Hot Air, breitbart or Wingnut Daily which you’ve used recently? Oh my bad Puddy, those are right wing whack off sites! LMAO!
Whacko, you are such a freaking loser!
PudWax is going to go home and wax his bat …
Re: 50, How nice of Al Qaeda to come to Iraq’s defense. Now if they would only stop blowing up Iraq’a men, women and children we could give “Lee” @ 50 some credibility. I guess what Lee is saying is because the US invaded Iraq Al Qaeda said “all right, lets go murder some Iraqi civillians” There is a flaw in your argument Lee.
What? Al Qaeda has never had any problems killing civilians anywhere to achieve their “goals”. The problem wasn’t that Al Qaeda “decided to kill civilians” in Iraq after we invaded. The problem is that our invasion created an atmosphere where Al Qaeda could operate freely in Iraq and where many Iraqis are making a decision to join Al Qaeda there today.
Pud @ 59:
Studies have shown that some of the most personally conservative people in the US are black church goers.
That’s true. However, black church goers do not have a lot of influence on the policies of the GOP, which is what I’m hammering on. I am again indifferent to what people do or think in church. When it pushes into laws that everyone has to follow, liberals, conservatives, churchmen and agnostics alike, I get concerned.
When you flaunt your crap in front of me and my kids face then it becomes my business.
Hmmmm. There’s a LOT of room for weaseling in there. Does this mean that people aren’t allowed to be openly gay on Capitol Hill because it’s a public space, or should they just keep their leather chaps off your lawn?
I don’t get really concerned about what people do in public, because I get to choose where I am at any given time. Seeing 21 year-olds get drunk, puke on the sidewalk, and haplessly attempt to mate with each other bugs me. Hence, you won’t see me in Pioneer Square on a Friday night. Most of what’s on TV offends me or insults my intelligence. My solution is not to watch. Overexposure to TV is winding you up too tight. You should take a break and see if it makes you happier.
There are some basic rules of good public behavior that I expect people to follow, but there aren’t that many, and most people follow them just fine, at least in the world that I live in. If you’re getting too concerned about what other people are doing, it’s time to get some new hobbies.
Hey – It was fun meeting you last night! Hope to see you again.
~ Sarah by day, Adjil by the light of my laptop