Crying in your beer over the impending demise of the Seattle P-I? Well join the sobfest tonight at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally, which meets every Tuesday night from 8PM onwards at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. As always, some folks will show up earlier for dinner.
If you’re not in the Seattle area, no worries. check out the Drinking Liberally web site for dates and times of a chapter within snowshoeing distance from you.
Podcast with Joel tonight perhaps?
I miss ’em.
If Joel is there someone should buy him a beer.
$80 Billion For Schools?
According to the Associated Press, Democratic officials privately say President-Elect Obama’s economic stimulus package could include $80 billion in aid to school districts to help them absorb the impact of state budget cuts.
Doing the quick numbers in my head that works out to about $1,600 per student. There are 49.8 million public school pupils in grades 1-12.