The Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally meets tonight (and every Tuesday), 8PM at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. Come join us for some hoppy ale and hopped up conversation.
All candidates are welcome. We’ll just be sure to call you a cab.
Not in Seattle? Liberals will also be drinking tonight in the Tri-Cities. A full listing of Washington’s thirteen Drinking Liberally chapters is available here.
Will there be any drunk elephants there tonight?
“6 drunk elephants electrocute themselves
“The Associated Press
“GAUHATI, India — Six Asiatic wild elephants were electrocuted as they went berserk after drinking rice beer in India’s remote northeast, a wildlife official said today. Nearly 40 elephants came to a village on Friday looking for food … found beer … got drunk, uprooted a utility pole carrying power lines ….”
Quoted under fair use; for complete story and/or copyright info see http://seattletimes.nwsource.c om/html/nationworld/2003969241 _webelephants23.html
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’ll bet these elephants were Republicans!
If Jane Hague shows up, I’d like a 10-minute head start before you buy her a drink.
Hmmm … it appears we have a tempest brewing in a teapot over on the sucky little rival blog.
No, I’m not referring to Stefan’s hyperventilation over “use of state resources for political purposes” (in reference to a letter that some Democratic legislators sent to a state contractor involved in labor negotiations) — on a day when the national media reports that $1.2 billion for Iraqi police training has gone missing. (Stefan, if you want to expose a “Sewer of Corruption”, try thinking on a larger scale than one 41-cent stamp.)
Nope, the real action is SATTERBERG RETURNS LORI SOTELO’S CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTION! That’s right, David Postman reports in today’s Seattle Times that the “nonpartisan” candidate for prosecutor will return $770 of campaign contributions from Sotelo because,
“I do not want even a hint that someone we declined to charge would later send a contribution as some sort of quid pro quo later on.”
This sent the “Sewer of Corruption” guy into a tizzy: Stefan calls Satterberg’s decision to return the contributions a “bizarre attempt to appear ‘non-partisan'” and criticizes him for not “simply explaining the correctness of the decision not to prosecute Sotelo,” adding that “Satterberg only raises doubts about his own impartiality and legitimizes the [idea]* that Sotelo really should have been prosecuted.”
Quoted under fair use; no royalties paid. If Stefan doesn’t like it, he can sue me!!!
* Sanitized version.
P.S., Stefan also finds fault with “Maleng/Satterberg” for not prosecuting “the hundreds of people who Sotelo properly challenged …, but which challenges were rejected by the partisan Democrats on the canvassing board.”
Here’s a clue, Stefan: It’s fucking impossible to get convictions against people on voter registration charges when the canvassing board has UPHELD THEIR RIGHT TO VOTE!!!
But, hey, it’s fun to hyperventilate about it, isn’t it, Steff? Glad to see you’re not supporting the “nonpartisan” candidate because he’s, well, not partisan enough to suit you — does this mean you’re voting for Sherman?
“Call you cab?”
Is that some secret nickname for candidates you support? Cab? Or is that a Fruedian slip much like SJ’s on another thread concerning one Killary? Or are you a closet-fan of the late Cab Calloway, noted New York-based scat singer and band leader?
I wonder…could this explain why Venus Velazquez opted to drive herself home? Everyone kept calling her, “Cab,” instead of calling her a cab?
Wow! That clears things up, doesn’t it?
The Piper
“Call you cab?”
Piper: That would allow the pols to slouch in anonymously. Further, if you always address a pol as “cab” it serves as a not too subtle reminder to not drink and drive.
The hard part is getting their attention from across the room, but that’s tough in any case.
Oh…I was unaware…Thank you for clarifying…
Most pol’s I’ve known would say, “Call me anything, but call me often,” or “Call me anything but late for supper.”
Whichever…just make it a collect call.
The Piper
So Bush has heeded “The Terminator’s” call for a declaration of emergency in California.
So, while firefighters are risking their lives to defend the homes of the rich and the poor, Republicans and Democrats, it will be interesting over the next few months to see if California is treated the same way as the Bush administration treated New Orleans, to wit:
First, blame the Governor for lack of an adequate response, and for not evacuating early enough.
Second, require the state and local goverments to pay the first 10% of all federal aid costs (a requirement routinely waived in all major disasters, EXCEPT Katrina).
Third, require the state and federal governments to pay the full cost of aid and rebuilding first, and then wait for reimbursement from the Federal government, which may take months or years or never.
Fourth, refuse to get involved when private insurers issue cross-the-board denials of coverage, arguing that it is a “private matter” between the insured and the insurance company.
Fifth, refuse to provide any aid to any private utility for rebuilding infrastructure.
Sixth, have the “talking heads” over at “Faux News” discuss how it is the homeowner’s own fault, that they shouldn’t expect to receive any aid from the government, that they shouldn’t have been living in an area so prone to fire (i.e., the state of California).
Somehow, when it becomes clear that the fire is burning homes of the wealthy Republicans in San Diego and Orange County suburbs, the response will be different than it was for Katrina. If it was in San Francisco or Oakland, however, it would be Katrina all over again.
Louisiana voters did a good enough job of blaming Gov. Kathleen Blanco such that she opted not to run for re-election. The next Louisiana governor will be Bobby Jindal, a 36-year old Republican Congressman from suburban New Orleans.
My youngest son, a Marine lance corporal now stationed on Okinawa, called a few moments ago, and we chatted about how the California fires will impact Camp Pendleton. I asked him whether Marines would be out fighting the fires, and he said they’d probably be assigned to filling up sandbags; no matter what the event or occurance, Marines fill up sandbags. Ooh-rah!
The Piper
Piper says, “My youngest son, a Marine lance corporal now stationed on Okinawa, called a few moments ago, and we chatted about how the California fires will impact Camp Pendleton. I asked him whether Marines would be out fighting the fires, and he said they’d probably be assigned to filling up sandbags; no matter what the event or occurance, Marines fill up sandbags. Ooh-rah!”
And that makes you a magnificent and sterling fellow, of course, and entitles you to everything because YOU have a son in OKINAWA, in the MILITARY, and that relates to Beck and California how?????
Oh, I remember: You have TWO SONS IN THE MILITARY and that makes you SPECIAL and we need to be reminded of that at least ONCE a day.
Praise be to the PIPER, he’s better than us.
@9 Seventh, oppose R-67 because there’s no evidence insurance companies deal with their policyholders in bad faith …
@10 I don’t worship at the Altar of Piper’s Ego, but I pray every day that he doesn’t become a Gold Star Father. Godspeed to your sons, Piper, you brainwashed idiot.
I have serious doubts that they’re actually his. I can’t imagine anybody with Piper’s characteristics surviving boot camp in the Army, much less the Marines. And most people don’t try so hard to shine by reflected glory.
Then, again, with Pipers equipment….
I have respect for them, hence I can’t imagine that they’d care to be used as ego-gratification by such a loser.
Damn, I have a game of Wingnut Bingo about half-finished that I wanted to bring in to DL tonight. Unfortunately, I’m stuck here at work, busting my butt to hit a deadline (take THAT, Puddy!).
Next week for sure!
@13: I’m willing to stipulate he has two kids in the Service, and more power to them. Military service can be dangerous at the best of times and is always underpaid and under-appreciated. To top it off, with this bunch in office, God help you if you’re injured.
Still, with all those stipulations, kids in military != superior, sorry.
Boot camp is recruit training for naval forces, including Marines, though the term isn’t used anymore by the Corps.
Basic training is recruit training for the army and, as my oldest, an army staff sergearnt calls it, the “chair force.”
To satisfy everyone’s curiosity: #1 is, as I said, a staff sergeant in the army. Currently, he’s assigned as a journalist with the largest military-focused newspaper circulating among armed forces personnel. Stationed in Germany, he did one year in Iraq, six-months in Kuwait just before the war started, and a special 5-week assignment in Afghanistan this past summer covering front line, forward operating bases in Eastern Afghanistan where he got himself involved in combat, albeit as a non-combatant.
My youngest (I have another son who’s a contractor locally) has been in the Corps for a tad over three-years and in Okinawa since late June. He volunteers all the time to go to Iraq because that’s what Marines do. Semper Fi!
They’re good men, and I’m very proud of them. And I do appreciate the slivers of respect most all of you accord them even as you obviously think I belong in prison.
The Piper
1. OneMan says:
@13: I’m willing to stipulate he has two kids in the Service, and more power to them. Military service can be dangerous at the best of times and is always underpaid and under-appreciated. To top it off, with this bunch in office, God help you if you’re injured.
Still, with all those stipulations, kids in military != superior, sorry.
OneMan did you say you work in the Peace Corp’s and what are you doing working overtime at, filling sand bags? Now how many degree’s did you claim you had since you were thrown out of school making out with your gym teacher? Oh!!!! You do a part time job working as a clown in the Bay Area visiting Catholic Churchs taking comumion from the loving preist? Yes you are a fine specimen of the human race and always never make a mistake. BUT:
Remember when you ran away and
I got on my knees and begged you
Not to leave because I’d go berserk? Well,
You left me anyhow and then the
Days got worse and worse and now you
See I’ve gone completely out of my mind. And,
They’re coming to take me away, ha-haaa.
They’re coming to take me away, ho ho, he he, ha ha,
To the funny farm, where life is beautiful all the time
And I’ll be happy to see those nice young
Men in their clean white coats and
They’re coming to take me away, ha-haaa!
You thought it was a joke and so you
Laughed, you laughed! When I had said that
Losing you would make me flip my lid – right?
You know you laughed, I heard you laugh,
You laughed, you laughed and laughed, and then you
Left, but now you know I’m utterly mad. And,
They’re coming to take me away, ha-haaa.
They’re coming to take me away, ho ho, he he , ha ha,
To the happy home with trees and flowers and chirping birds
And basket weavers who sit and smile
And twiddle their thumbs and toes
And they’re coming to take me away, ha-haaa!
I cooked your food, I cleaned your house
And this is how you pay me back
For all my kind, unselfish loving deeds? Huh?
Well, you just wait–they’ll find you yet
And when they do they’ll put you in the
ASPCA you mangy mutt! And,
They’re coming to take me away, ha-haaa.
They’re coming to take me away, ho ho, he he, ha ha,
To the funny farm, where life is beautiful all the time
And I’ll be happy to see those nice young
Men in their clean white coats and
They’re coming to take me away, ha-haaa!
To the happy home with trees and flowers and chirping birds
And basket weavers who sit and smile
And twiddle their thumbs and toes
And they’re coming to take me away, ha-haaa!
To the funny farm, where life is beautiful all the time
And I’ll be happy to see those nice young
Men in their clean white coats and
They’re coming to take me away!
Wow, klake, that’s even more bizarre and freakish than normal, even for you.
Let me offer you some advice: settle down, take your meds, don’t try to out-think anybody. You’ll just hurt yourself.
PS: Stop posting while drunk.
PPS: close your italics you dope.
Piper, behold the Klake.
That’s what you’re shortly headed for; the tertiary syphilis acquired from the suppurating dicks of your Republican fuckbuddies will render you decerebrate.
Wait… that’s redundant.
Anyway, I suggest you use lots of disinfectant mouthwash, it may lengthen your quality of life before paresis sets in.
Uhm, oh, too late, now that I think of it.
Oh, well, I’m sure you know how much we’ve enjoyed having you here.
Did I spell “suppurating” correctly?
1. chadt says:
Did I spell “suppurating” correctly
Yep you did better than I sweetie.
Now THAT’S damnation by faint praise!
Both suppurating and decerebrate in one post; I’m impressed.
Decerebrate isn’t even in the Firefox spellchecker you braniac you!
Be impressed by Piper; he’s doing his own lobotomy. That’s pretty rare.
David, you changed an error in your post without notifying your readers again. I’ll acknowledge it was a very minor error, but I thought only Stefan did that.
@20 “Piper, behold the Klake.”
What we have here is two pay grades of paid trolls. Piper is the $8.25 an hour troll; klake is the minimum-wage troll. JCH is a nazi.
@27 Man I love to kick wingnuts who can’t defend themselves! That’s one of life’s sublime pleasures. Fucking cute female bunnies is the other one.
Anyone here hear the rumor about the Bush;s choice of a retirement home?
Piper Scott at 9: Well, that was the whole point, wasn’t it? The wealthiest parts of New Orleans were on the high ground that wasn’t much affected by the flood, and tended to be Republican districts. They could repair their properties of wind and minor flooding, and move on with their lives. The Ninth Ward and other areas which were completely flooded out (to ceiling level) still haven’t been rebuilt to any great extent. Many landlords opted to take their insurance money and leave, the tenants couldn’t get any housing assistance to buy their own lots to rebuild on, and even those that want to rebuild haven’t been able to do so because (a) areas without utilities won’t get issued building permits, (b) utilities can’t be provided without aid from the government, (c) the local government can’t provide the aid without cash from the federal government, (d) the federal government insists the local governments pay first, and then wait indefinately for reimbursement.
The result is that the Democratic-voting precincts of New Orleans have been de-populated, the Republican-voting precincts have remained, and the largely Democratic New Orleans population has been dispersed across the country, particularly to southern states like Texas, where Lay’s re-districting campaign guarantees that their votes will be so dilluted that they will never have an affect on the outcome of an election. The current New Orleans population is about half of what it was pre-Katrina.
Seven years ago I would have laughed at the prospect of a presidential administration and the U.S. Congress, regardless of which party was in power, of using a national disaster for to further harm people’s lives for their own political advantage. I know better now.