The Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally meets tonight (and every Tuesday), 8PM at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E.
Not in Seattle? Liberals will also be drinking tonight in the Tri-Cities. A full listing of Washington’s thirteen Drinking Liberally chapters is available here. And a heads up… the Southeast Seattle chapter meets tomorrow night (and the third Wednesday of every month,) 8PM at the Columbia City Alehouse. Come join me and my neighbors for a pint of Manny’s a few miles closer to its source.
Maybe, maybe not. Depends on how long it takes the 43rd District Dems to run our general election endorsement meeting this evening.
I’m not optimistic that we’ll be quick about it…
Watching the anti-Referendum 67 ads on tv, you’d think that the recent legislation aimed at keeping the insurance industry honest is the greatest threat to consumers our legislature has yet contrived. Our Insurance Commissioner, Mike Kreidler, begs to differ:
” . . . the insurance industry is threatening to spend nearly $8 million to try to defeat Referendum 67 with a campaign of misinformation. So let me help set the record straight:
Auto and homeowner insurance premiums will not go up because of Referendum 67. The fact is that if insurance companies treat their own policyholders the way they are required to be treated by law, insurance rates won’t change. The only insurance companies with something to fear are those who make a practice of acting in bad faith with their own customers.
Health insurance premiums will not go up because of Referendum 67. The fact is that health insurance plans are specifically excluded from being covered.
Insurers will not be deluged by frivolous claims because of Referendum 67. Referendum 67 simply requires insurance companies to pay legitimate claims in a timely fashion and makes it illegal if they don’t. Insurance companies playing by the rules will not have any additional requirements under Referendum 67.
In fact, insurance companies who treat their customers fairly will actually have an advantage in the marketplace because competitors that don’t treat policyholders fairly will be subject to court-approved penalties. What’s more, all penalties assessed against an insurance company charged with unfair practices must be court-approved under Referendum 67.”
“Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton said Tuesday that a mandate requiring every American to purchase health insurance was the only way to achieve universal health care but she rejected the notion of punitive measures to force individuals into the health care system”
Isn’t this the second time Hillary has shot herself in the foot over health care?
no, it is the first time she has done it (lets hope) the right way. Just think how many folks got hurt tx to the reprican roving her the last time
3/4 What I find so fascinating is Mitt Romney’s disappointing knee-jerk condemnation of Hillary’s proposal. It’s not all that different from what was put in motion in Massachusetts during Romney’s watch, except it’s to be driven by the Federal government rather than by the states individually.
3 And look at how much better things are now that we’ve let the incumbent “system” continue to fall apart for the last 14 years.
Yes, you are right. Things will be much better when the government imposes a rule saying you need to buy health insurance from a private corporation, or you cannot work.
Example, if you have no health insurance, you would not be part of the work force. Therefore, the jobless rate would go down.
And I’m sure insurance rates will go down since insurance companies are so magnanimous when they have a monopoly. That is why the cost of prescription drugs have gone down so much…..NOT.
Bill Clintons handlers got nervous every time he opened his fly.
GW Bush’s got nervous when he opened his mouth.
Hillary’s get nervous when she has an idea.
#8 All Republicons get nervous when the word hypocrite is spoken…. When someone mentions corpses….. When the word accountability is mentioned……
So I hear the situation in Iraq has gotten so bad, no civilians are allowed outside the green zone as of today. Looks like the “surge” izza reeeeely werkin’ eh Festus? Cletus? Clem?
Like Rambo’s commander once said. “Bring lots of bodybags” or something….
When Blackwater is kicked out of Iraq, will they be patrolling our streets next? Kicking in our doors?
Republicons are to government what maggots are to corpses….
America. The only industrialized country where you have to claim bankruptcy if you get sick.
I don’t like Hillary’s plan too much. Keeping people alive should not be tied to a profit motive. Healthcare should be for all not for profit. Kucinich is the only one with a plan.
My plan. Expand medicare to cover all, and charge 1.45 % on all capitol gains….. Problem solved….. Badda Bing! Make all records electronic and save 100 Billion to boot.
When Blackwater is kicked out of Iraq, will they be patrolling our streets next? Kicking in our doors?
You’ve identified the biggest reason to be concerned about a Giuliani presidency. The history of how Giuliani used SWAT teams in New York to serve drug warrants is something that has not gotten a lot of media attention, but should terrify any American who understands the 4th Amendment.
Hope you guys had fun tonight. I’m still at work…
So if I think HRC is not the genius everyone says she is, I must be a Republican?
Sorry dude, to burst your bubble. I have never voted Republican in my life. You on the other hand, voted for a war supporter if you voted for Maria Cantwell.
Speaking of drinking liberally…Goldy’s favorite progressive Snohomish County Democrat in action!
Olson to ask for leave of absence
EVERETT — Everett City Councilman Mark Olson is expected to ask his colleagues Wednesday for an extended leave of absence while he is being investigated for allegations of sexual assault.
The embattled councilman earlier today said he is preparing a written statement, to be released this afternoon, asking the council to allow him to step aside until November without giving up his seat.
At least one councilman says that is not enough and wants Olson to resign.
“I think he should resign,” City Councilman Arlan Hatloe said. “It’s very disappointing to see what’s unfolded. To spare the rest of the council, the staff and the city government further embarrassment, I think he should step down.”
Olson, 52, an Everett personal injury attorney, has been accused of sexually assaulting a woman at his downtown Everett law office in June after a night of drinking. He acknowledges having intercourse with the woman, but contends the sex was consensual.
The woman says that she doesn’t remember consenting to a sexual encounter and believes she was too intoxicated to provide consent.
The allegation has been forwarded to Skagit County Prosecutor Rich Weyrich. No charges have been filed.
Last week, a Cascade District Court judge in Arlington found that Olson violated a probation order the night of the alleged assault. That order required him to stay sober until 2008.
Olson was ordered to stay away from alcohol after a 2003 drunken-driving arrest on the Tulalip Indian Reservation, when he nearly hit a tribal police officer who had stopped another vehicle, police said.
A test allegedly showed Olson’s blood-alcohol level was nearly twice the legal limit.
The council is scheduled to meet Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. at the Everett City Council Chambers, 2930 Wetmore Ave.
3,7 BDM
You might want to take a moment out and, you know, read her plan before you go off all ignorant. I mean, unless that was your intention. I have certainly known my share of people who are proud and happy to stay that way.
Full text:
Didja notice how the trolls don’t come in here insisting that “we’re not arming the Sunnis” any more? For people with a reality-perceiving problem, they sure abandon a loser of an argument quickly.
Daddy Love@17: Prove it!
Time & Date Stamp.
Who wrote it?
Here’s a topic to cry in your milk over. With all the media hype and positive news coverage over HilaryCareII why do people still distrust her?
Maybe because she’s an empty suit on this issue!
Look for the 48 percent number!
I love how you Moonbat!s eat each other. Either you toe the line or not. If not you are personally destroyed by some rabid attack dog:
So easy to find this stuff! Just so busy to find it all.
Looks like Jimmy Cahhhhhhrter is still in his rant mode;
You decide:
They just can’t change their spots. Maybe he’s sad Yazzir Arafat died!
BTW Moonbat!s Sharia is coming:
Mark my words.
#14 your are right. Maria probably believed Bush, and voted to authorize the use of force as a last resort, just like Bush said, after Bush proved Saddam was helping Al Queda, and had played a part in the 9-11 attacks.
No one voted to invade Iraq. Democrat or Republicon. It was 100% Bush’s choice. Force was to be used as a last resort. Forget the spin, and talking point that “they voted for the war”. Someday, read what they really voted for without the spin.
The Republicons have done a good job changing the conversation to the “surge” from the total, utter, undeniable DISASTER the invasion, and occupation of Iraq has been. Lets talk “surge” and not talk of corpses, costs, and how much these liars have hurt our country in their quest for power, blood, and oil. The MSM is just playing along, doing their part. Covering for Bush, and his gang of crooks.
Don’t be too hard on Maria, or anyone else about how they voted before the war. They were lied to. Repeatedly. That, and beat to death with the power of the press pushing for war, war, war, war, and war. In the runup to the “Shock, and Awe” they would not let an anti-war voice within 100 miles of a news program. Blame the press more than Maria, Hillary, or anyone else besides Bush, and Cheney. Look what they did to Jim for asking for “proof” that Saddam had WMD’s. They trashed him. Remember Baghdad Jim. McDermott may be the only congressperson not scared to death of the Bush Crime Family.
At least our congressman is not a pansy ass pussie like the rest of congress.
18 Dorkybud
Um, I gave you a link @17. Click it. Read it. Sit down and think a moment. Get back to me.
Keep arguing that pharmacists can refuse to dispense birth control prescriptions and we’ll have that problem here.
I realize that Hillary’s healthcare plan is probably all that can be achieved politically at this point but I have a hard time accepting that profit motivated insurers (and multiple ones at that) can provide the combination of efficiency and quality that we really need here in the US.
A huge part of the existing problem is the sheer chaos around the administration of billing and insurance. That is why so much of our healthcare dollars are WASTED on administrative overhead (over 8% for private healthcare in the US, cite, see page 8). At my doctor’s office, with 4 physicians, there are at least 4 people working full time to manage billing and administration.
The Clinton plan doesn’t address this problem from what I can tell so I’m unconvinced that it would achieve both universal coverage and lowered (or unchanged) costs.
I wish we could get past all the whining about “Socialized Medicine!!!111oneone” and realize that that is EXACTLY WHAT WE NEED and is very successful for the rest of the industrialized world.
#27. Michael Moore calls it “Christianized Medicine” I think. Ask someone sick with no health insurance if they care if it is “socialized” or not.
The VA is “socialized” medicine. Considering how underfunded it is, they are doing a good job.
Amerika. Where you go bankrupt when you get sick. My friend had to go to emergency twice in the last month. He owes $10,000 and he doesn’t have it. He can look forward to being hounded by collection agencies for years. Yahoo!
@21 Pussybutt phony Churchbat!
And too busy to answer stuff directed at you, I see.
Typical bullshitter, dishes it out, refuses to take it.
Intellectual counterfeit, religious fraud, and hypocrite:
I’m, sure God and the Republican party desperately need your help.
@27: a couple of clarifications: by “my doctor’s office” I mean the doctor I see. I’m not a doc.
And “EXACTLY WHAT WE NEED” is a single-payer plan with the private insurance companies cut off or at least limited to supplemental insurance.
Yeah I know it won’t happen that way but it is what we need.
Daddy Love you wrote above: “Didja notice how the trolls don’t come in here insisting that “we’re not arming the Sunnis” any more?”
I’ll ask again. Who wrote this on ASSWipes?
Time & Date Stamp.
Who wrote it and when moe-ron?
Of course chadt couldn’t figure out my question. He’s a prima facie idiot savant.
@31 Pussybutt:
Won’t answer stuff directed at you, you flee to another thread and hide.
Come in here shrieking and run away when the tables are turned.
Chickenshit chickenhawk,
All horns, no balls.
This is conservatism at its finest. Another case of a “whited sepulchre”.
How ironic.