The Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally meets tonight (and every Tuesday), 8PM at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. If Jane Hague shows up, the drinks are on me.
Not in Seattle? Liberals will also be drinking tonight in the Tri-Cities. A full listing of Washington’s eleven Drinking Liberally chapters is available here.
Roger can’t make it – he’s got a date with Senator Craig from Idaho.
I think there are 13 chapters now, according to the site…
As noted in today’s P-I, Matt Hasselbeck presented Shrub with a #43 Seahawks jersey at the Sheriff Hairspray rubberstamp fundraiser yesterday. Seahawks QB a wingnut and shill for the homicide party. That should make for some good DL Seattle chat tonight.
One of these days…
Yeah, the whole Hasselbeck clan is wingnutty. His sister-in-law is Elizabeth Hasselbeck, who Donald Trump called “the dumbest person on TV,” because she was defending the Iraq War.,2933,275155,00.html
It is sad to learn that Matt may be a warmongerer. Hey Matt, please explain why 250,000 plus innocent Iraqis are dead. What did they do to deserve death because Bush wanted to be a “War President” or something even more evil.
5 Elizabeth, apparently, is just about as far beyond the pale as Ann Coulter.
I hope Seneca Wallace gets Hasselbeck’s job. He has to be smarter than Hasselbeck, who apparently must have played a few too many downs in his youth without a helmut.
And I never gave Reagan any credit for having insight into anything:
“A moment I’ve been dreading. George brought his ne’re-do-well son around this morning and asked me to find the kid a job. Not the political one who lives in Florida. The one who hangs around here all the time looking shiftless. This so-called kid is already almost 40 and has never had a real job. Maybe I’ll call Kinsley over at The New Republic and see if they’ll hire him as a contributing editor or something. That looks like easy work.”
— Ronald Reagan in his recently published diaries, May 17, 1986.
Yos Assian:
Roger’s got better taste.
He’s not into bestiality.
You and Larry would maybe make a good pair, though. How do you feel about incest?
9 Sorry to say, this is not from Reagan’s diaries. It’s a joke penned by Kinsley that’s grown into an urban legend.
Reagan, in his own words, comes across as dumb enough all by himself.
Moonbat!s explain how come you all support Medicare ($822 billion spent over ten years) instead of highways ($286 billion spent over six years)
We need to provide for the needs of the demented and helpless, as YOU should very well know. You wanting to bite the hand that supports YOU?
Art @ 11
Thanks for the correction. Mea culpa, mea culpa. Still, it sounded so believable. The upside of the quote being a joke is that my original and longlasting impression of Reagan remains unchanged–he never had any insight into anything. May his soul rest in peace, despite his distaste for peace.
David, you need to fullfill your commitment of 08/22/07: “I’ll be posting HA’s official primary endorsements and predictions, sometime later this afternoon. (I think you’ll find my predictions pretty dead-on.)”
Reagan had a SOUL? You have any evidence for this assertion?
@1 How would you know?
@1 Oh — I know — you’re Sen. Craig’s personal secretary! Why don’t you tell everyone how long your boss has been fucking rabbits. The world wants to know!
@1 I knew this was going to happen when the goats went on strike.
Burn Bush for Burner … well no, actually Burners Bush Burns She’s too fucking cheap to buy her own cure and God knows you pricks don’t want that smelly shit spreading through the
8thSeattle.20 – This is what happens when the patients at Western State are given internet access.
David, what’s holding up the promised endorsements? Are you an independent thinker or a Democrat Party apparatchik? Come on, Richard deserves it.
ArtFart says:
9 Sorry to say, this is not from Reagan’s diaries. It’s a joke penned by Kinsley that’s grown into an urban legend.
Reagan, in his own words, comes across as dumb enough all by himself.
08/28/2007 at 5:37 pm
So Reagan was “dumb” and Bush is a chimp. It sure doesn’t take much to beat a donk know does it. hehehehehe
You know what makes it even better is that you dems have to cheat to make it even close. hahahahahahahahahahaahahahaha
24 Who Paid For da Bush?
I heard tonite that GWB charged this trip to the US taxpayer, supposedly he did some official business at the airport ..inspecting the radar???
Does anyone know if this is true? Is there a legal basis for a tax payer suit?
Dan Rather @ 23:
You know what makes it even better is that you dems have to cheat to make it even close.
Yep, and what’s more, we’re so good at cheating that you can’t prove it in a court of law, haven’t found a single person in on the game who’ll spill the beans, and we STILL lose elections in spite of this diabolic genius. I mean, are we the shizzle, or what?
Are you serious about this, are you jerking our chains, or are you paid to spread FUD?
You sound like the evil twin of an old Berkeley hippie who is sure Reagan didn’t win because nobody he knew voted for the guy.
@9 Goes to show anyone can grow up to be presidnt — provided his daddy is rich and powerful and well-connected.
@11 Right you are, AF:
@12 “Puddybud says: Moonbat!s explain how come you all support Medicare ($822 billion spent over ten years) instead of highways ($286 billion spent over six years)”
Roger Rabbit says: Dingbat!s explain how come you support private health care (25% A&O costs) instead of Medicare (less than 1% A&O costs)?
@12 (continued) What good are highways if everyone is dead?
Dan Blather @23 The interesting point here, which flies completely over your head, is that when liberals pass on an internet hoax they admit the truth when they find out it’s a hoax; whereas, wingnuts continue pretending their internet hoaxes are true, either because they don’t know better, or because they hate truth.
For example:
“A friend shared this with me. Not sure of the complete accuracy but thought I would share with you as it is interesting reading.
“Gold Star Mothers go to Washington D.C.–
“You really should be sitting down when you read this one.
“Gold Star Mothers is an organization made up of women whose sons were killed in military combat during service in the United States armed forces. Recently a delegation of New York State Gold Star Mothers made a trip to Washington, DC to discuss various concerns with their elected representatives. According to published reports, there was only one politician who refused to meet with these ladies.
“Can you guess which politician that might be? Was it New York Senator Charles Schumer? Nope, he met with them. Try again. Do you know anyone serving in the Senate who has never showed anything but contempt for our military? Do you happen to know the name of any politician in Washington whose husband once wrote of his loathing the military? Now you’re getting warm! You got it! None other than the Queen herself,Hillary Clinton. She refused repeated requests to meetwith the GoldStar Mothers.
“Now — please don’t tell me you’re surprised. This woman wants to be president of the United States — and there is a huge percentage of voters who are eager to help her achieve that goal.
“Sincerely, Cdr. Hamilton McWhorter, USN(Ret)”
You should be sitting down, all right — on a toilet — and pretending to be a male cow … because this piece is BULLSHIT.
Not only does (the Urban Legends web site) debunk it (, but the official web site of the Gold Star Mothers takes the extraordinary step of branding it as a lie:
So where did this slander piece — widely circulated by rightwing true believers and held up as gospel truth — come from? From the Wingnut Noise Machine, of course. It was created by Newsmax, a wingnut propaganda web site.
Hard to believe anyone believes this story is true, but I’ll bet it’s even harder to find a wingnut who doesn’t believe it’s true.
The “Hillary Clinton Snubs Gold Star Moms” fairytale is one of the better known examples of wingnut-created falsehoods, but there are literally thousands of similar items about an array of Democratic politicians and well-known liberal figures that are equally false, which are circulated as gospel truth to millions of people via e-mail.
I used to correspond with a fellow I served in Vietnam with. He regularly forwarded these types of e-mails to me. After I debunked several of them, and he responded with insults, I decided he was simply dishonest — I know he’s not stupid — and blocked him from my e-mail address.
I used to believe in this thing popularly called “Band of Brothers” — you know, the notion that the crucible of war forges a bond of shared experiences between veterans that supersedes everything else. The unwritten code was that you were loyal to your “brothers” no matter what. This bond was supposed to supersede differences of race, religion, politics, etc.
That code was violated by the Swift Boat veterans when they lied about John Kerry for political gain. That code was violated by my ex-correspondent when he put loyalty to political lies above loyalty to a fellow veteran. The “Band of Brothers” is no more; but it was not I who destroyed it. It was torn asunder by superficial men who sacrificed timeless values for short-term political gain.
Factless wrote: “Hey Matt, please explain why 250,000 plus innocent Iraqis are dead.”
Facts? URL Citation? Not from a Moonbat! kook site!
Fact United Nations Development Agency estimates less than 50,000 dead.
Moonbat! sites – up to 650,000 dead.
Here’s Factless’ figures:
250,000 Iraqi’s dead per Factless.
62,500 dead Iraqi’s per year.
1202 Iraqi’s dead each week.
172 Iraqi’s dead per day.
Thems impressive numbers Factless!
Factless if the number is 650,000 just increase all the other numbers by 2.6x
Now that’s evidence!
Right wing christianists sure are potty-mouths.
Pud @ 33:
I will refer you to that commie rag publication The Wall Street Journal:
This in turn was based on a study published in The Lancet, a front for Daily Kos which masquerades as a medical journal:
The researchers publishing the survey were faculty and staff at Moonbat! Johns Hopkins University, with a local staffer from ultra-liberal Al Mustansiriya University in Baghdad.
(I cannot find a web page for Socialist Comrades Dr. Les Roberts or Dr. Riyadh Lafta. Life’s hard some days).
We can have different opinions. We don’t get different sets of facts.
The UN has itself admitted that it can’t accurately determine how many civilians have been killed.
Considering what we know now, the Lancet study is just as likely to be true as anything else considering how hard it is to get accurate info from there. What we do know is that over a million Iraqis have become refugees, and that’s a serious humanitarian problem in itself. Not that you care, or anything…
34 It wouldn’t appear to make a hell of a lot of difference if you happened to be one of the dead.
I’m on the horns of a dilemma…I hold stock in a couple of companies I like, not only from a financial point of view but because I think the companies involved don’t do half badly in the area of social responsibility. (One of ’em’s Costco.)
However, both of them work through Mellon Investor Services. That means whenever get a dividend payment, buy more shares, etc. a few pennies are going to help Richard Mellon Fucking Scaife fill the public square with right-wing lies.
@34 So 50,000 innocent Iraqis dead is too inconsequential to worry about?
Actually, 250,000 is on the low side, pudwhacker. Other estimates have put the Iraqi civilian deaths as high as two thirds of a million.
Yes, I understand why you’re a Casualty Denier. The wingnut argument for this war was that Saddam was a bad man who murdered 350,000 innocent Iraqis, and even a wingnut can see that argument falls apart if the war Bush waged to “save” the Iraqi people from the Evil Dictator ends up killing more innocent Iraqis than the Evil Dictator did. It kind of makes the whole conservative philosophy of using military force to solve every international problem that comes along LOOK BAD, if you know what I mean.
So, go right on denying the Iraqi casualties, puddinghead. It won’t do any damage to your credibility on HA. How can you damage something that doesn’t exist? Everyone here already knows you’re a liar.
Sorry I couldn’t make it to DL last night, guys. I had a hot date! I was mouth-breathing on the phone to some pervert from Idaho.
#32 Roger Rabbit says:
I believe john kerry said about his fellow servicemen-
“raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam in addition to the normal ravage of war, “
If you served in vietnam, can you verify this? In your opinion, was this kerry violating the “band of brothers” code?
If the swiftboaters lied and slandered kerry, why didn’t he sue them? Didn’t the statue of limitations just pass?
Some say he is afraid of discovery.
Maybe it’s just me, if I wanted to be president and a group lied about me I would sue them. Wouldn’t you?
Gee, it took me about 30 seconds to Google up the Toledo Blade series on the Vietnam atrocities perpetrated by American soldiers.
Ever heard of Tiger Force?
…and anyway, if Kerry HAD sued (not that that would have helped him in the election) you “conservatives” would have ripped him for being a sue-em-all lib’rul.
So where, exactly, did Kerry lie?
As compared to the Swiftboaters-for-lies bunch?
#46 OneMan says:
the rabbit allegedly served in vietnam, I was wondering if he raped, cut off ears and all that other stuff. If not, did he watch his fellow servicemen do those atrocities. I’m asking someone that was there if he ever saw what john kerry testified to.
Ah, blame the conservatives for kerry being scared. That’s so lame. They are begging him to sue, they offered to let him sue in houston, they will waive any statute of limitations defense, they’ll waive service of process,they’ll pay the filing fee, they’ll even pay to get kerry’s law license reinstated in massachusetts. All they wants is discovery to become public.
If you think the swiftboaters lied, well, these lies are going to follow kerry around the rest of his life.
Here’s the easiest one…
Kerry’s statements about Cambodia do have traction for opponents. He has referred to spending Christmas or Christmas Eve 1968 in Cambodia and coming under fire. At the time Cambodia was neutral and supposedly off-limits to US troops. “I remember Christmas of 1968 sitting on a gunboat in Cambodia,” Kerry said in 1986 at a Senate committee hearing on US policy toward Central America. “I remember what it was like to be shot at by the Vietnamese and Khmer Rouge and Cambodians and have the president of the United States telling the American people that I was not there, the troops were not in Cambodia. I have that memory which is seared — seared — in me.”
There’s no way Kerry could have sued. Everything boiled down to a bunch of He Said / She Said where there was no concrete proof of anything (as far as the Swiftboaters went).
As for the atrocities, we all know they happened, but they obviously weren’t done by ALL our troops. That shit happens in war. That’s why you don’t start them unless you absolutely have to.
#48 Lee says:
No concrete evidence proving that the swiftboaters lied or kerry topld the truth? So only a partisan hack would say kerry told the truth. They seem pretty confident that using discovery and kerry under oath would expose him as a liar. Oh well, it’s not as if you are kerry’s pr guy, so you can’t do much besides give an opinion of someone that you say has no concrete proof that he was slandered.
I was interested in what part of those atrocities the rabbit was involved in. Either as a participant or a viewer or what he personally heard.
Moonbat! just can’t read.
I mentioned if the number was 650,000 it would be 2.6x
650,000 Iraqi’s dead per JSA and gang.
162,500 dead Iraqi’s per year.
3172 Iraqi’s dead each week.
447 Iraqi’s dead per day.
Pelletmaker suggests 750,000 dead
187,500 dead Iraqi’s per year.
3606 Iraqi’s dead each week.
515 Iraqi’s dead per day.
Wow even more impressive numbers
Strange though. How the NY Times and other left leaning papers are trying to sway public opinion against General Patraeus’ report, this would be HUGE News.
JSA: I read the articles early this morning before I posted. Nothing in them made me want to shout! Some of us have to get started making money much earlier in the morning.
And as I said above the MSM would be trumpeting this all over the world! The Arab street would be calling this out.
But to show you how life is sooooooooooooooooooooooo balanced:
5,438,373 abortions committed/performed since the start of the Iraqi War in America!
So lets drop it to 5,430,000 abortions. 5,430,000/750,000 is 3.73 abortions performed to every estimated dead Iraqi.
And we know over 65% of these abortions are donk. Look up the CDC numbers Moonbat!s I posted them long ago. So 3,529,500 future Donkcraptic voters never saw the light of day.
You love to discern the speck in my eye when there is a Sequoia tree trunk stuck in your eye!
No concrete evidence proving that the swiftboaters lied or kerry topld the truth? So only a partisan hack would say kerry told the truth.
Or most of the people who were with Kerry then who said he was telling the truth. The bottom line is that the Swiftboaters weren’t stupid. They didn’t cross any lines that would have allowed for a lawsuit. They knew what they were doing. They ran a successful PR effort to raise doubts about the credibility of Kerry’s service. Of course, anyone who thinks that John Kerry is less of a hero for what he did in Vietnam than George Bush and what he did is not a very serious person in the first place.
I was interested in what part of those atrocities the rabbit was involved in. Either as a participant or a viewer or what he personally heard.
Whatever gets you off, Doris.