The Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally meets tonight (and every Tuesday), 8PM at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E.
Please join us for the first DL of the post-Charles Nelson Reilly era.
Not in Seattle? Liberals will also be drinking tonight in the Tri-Cities and Vancouver. A full listing of Washington’s eleven Drinking Liberally chapters is available here.
Bushevik Booed at Commencement
“Andrew Card, President George W. Bush’s former Chief of Staff, was showered with a chorus of boos and catcalls from students and faculty of the University of Massachusetts while receiving an honorary degree Friday.
“Protesters … attached anti-Card signs to their robes and drowned out Provost Charlena Seymour’s remarks about Card’s ‘public service.’ Even faculty sitting on stage joined in on the action, screaming their disapproval while holding signs that read ‘Card: No Honor, No Degree.'”
Quoted under Fair Use; for complete story and/or copyright info see
Roger Rabbit Commentary: In pre-Bush days, this behavior was considered uncouth and rude, and simply wasn’t done in academe … even when one disagreed with the person’s views. Is it now within the bounds of fair play? I want to say no, but I’m constrained to say yes, in light of (a) the venom spewing from the right, (b) the strenuous efforts of the administration and its supporters to stifle dissent, and (c) the utterly corrupt, incompetent, and destructive policies of the Bush regime. It’s come down to this: If booing these rat bastards is the only right we have left as citizens, then let’s do it.
Obama Leads In New Poll
“(Angus Reid Global Monitor) – Democrat Barack Obama is the top 2008 presidential contender in the United States, according to a poll by Zogby International. At least 46 per cent of respondents would support the Illinois senator in head-to-head contests against four prospective Republican nominees.
“Obama holds a three-point edge over Arizona senator John McCain, a six-point lead over former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani, and a 17-point advantage over both former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney and actor and former Tennessee senator Fred Thompson. …
“Possible match-ups – 2008 U.S. presidential election
Rudy Giuliani (R) 42% – 48% Barack Obama (D)
John McCain (R) 43% – 46% Barack Obama (D)
Mitt Romney (R) 35% – 52% Barack Obama (D)
Fred Thompson (R) 35% – 52% Barack Obama (D)
Rudy Giuliani (R) 48% – 43% Hillary Rodham Clinton (D)
John McCain (R) 47% – 43% Hillary Rodham Clinton (D)
Mitt Romney (R) 40% – 48% Hillary Rodham Clinton (D)
Fred Thompson (R) 41% – 48% Hillary Rodham Clinton (D)
Rudy Giuliani (R) 47% – 43% John Edwards (D)
John McCain (R) 46% – 41% John Edwards (D)
Mitt Romney (R) 36% – 50% John Edwards (D)
Fred Thompson (R) 40% – 48% John Edwards (D)
Rudy Giuliani (R) 50% – 35% Bill Richardson (D)
John McCain (R) 52% – 31% Bill Richardson (D)
Mitt Romney (R) 37% – 40% Bill Richardson (D)
Fred Thompson (R) 40% – 39% Bill Richardson (D)”
Puddybud will be a hydrocarbon someday.
My Dear Lepidopterus:
We also have the vote, and regardless of who/what is elected President in ’08, let’s not forget that we can/will put the legislature in Demo hands for the next 40 years. I plan to contribute what I can that endeavor; let’s not lose sight of the fact that the pathetic simian-in-charge had a huge herd of utterly unprincipled congressional-senatorial sewage enabling his imperial rule.
STILL not reporting the news RIGHT UNDER YOUR FRICKIN’ NOSE goldy?
yeah…after all, how in the hell would you commies spin THIS:,2933,276089,00.html
and this is why washington state is ,and always will be a backwater of morons……….
Uhm, Roger…
You have to be organic to start with to end up as a hydrocarbon. He’s obviously republibot with defective wiring.
THAT comment from a CALIFORNIAN?????
Seattke Times
Tuesday, May 29, 2007 – Page updated at 02:02 AM
China to execute ex-drug regulator
By Audra Ang
The Associated Press
BEIJING — China’s former top drug regulator was sentenced to death Tuesday for taking bribes to approve untested medicines, as the country’s main quality-control agency announced its first recall system targeting unsafe food products.
The developments are among the most dramatic steps Beijing has publicly taken to address domestic and international alarm over shoddy and unsafe Chinese goods — from pet-food ingredients and toothpaste mixed with industrial chemicals to tainted antibiotics.
The Beijing No. 1 Intermediate People’s Court convicted Zheng Xiaoyu for taking bribes in cash and gifts worth more than $832,000 when he was director of the State Food and Drug Administration, the official Xinhua News Agency said. The court then issued the death penalty, the report said.
Ghost nothing reported on Faux News Channel is news. It’s Publican spin.
That “news” story is not newsworthy. Defacing a veteran’s cemetery is stupid, idiotic, and pointless. Seeking comment from a veteran who slept through a second defacement is verging on comical.
I’ve spent a fair amount of time up on the San Juan Islands. If you’re going up to picnic, kyak, spending some time in a B&B playing footsie with someone you like, watching whales, etc. it really is a lovely place. Go up and spend your money in the local economy.
If you’re 16 years old and having a lousy time, it’s pretty much the working definition of Hell. It’s like small-town life anywhere else, only you can’t sneak out and drive to Seattle to be with the other malcontents. It’s too far, and putting your car on a ferryboat is about a $50 spend these days. Pretty rich if you’re flipping burgers or mowing lawns.
Once Fox News’ crack team of investigative reporters gets to the bottom of this, they will find two or three Orcas High School students behind this. They will have bad cases of acne and worse sex lives. They will have few friends and vitriol-filled blogs praying for the day they can get out of this shithole.
Yeah, high school sucks, but that’s not indicative of anything else besides that high school sucks.
@4 “We also have the vote”
Actually, we don’t (see 2000, 2004, both of which the Democrats won, but Bush is squatting in the WH anyway) … and we won’t have it in 2008, either, if the Democratic party leaders who look the other way at GOP vote suppression activities don’t start defending their own party and candidates agaisnt the GOP’s felonious election-stealing.
@5 Fox is fiction, not news.
@6 Yes, but that won’t stop Puddy from degrading into protoplasmic slime. In fact, that degradation is already well under way.
Roger, the news media has turned into political theater. To criticize Fox News ignores the bias that’s rampant in the rest of the traditional media.
@8 The Chinese have the right idea. I can think of some FDA commissioners, CEOs, etc., who would make good candidates for similar justice.*
* Just kidding! Borrowing a line from wingnut comedienne Ann Coulter.
@14 Bullshit. Dressing up propaganding as journalism and calling it “news” has always been lying, and still is.
STILL not reporting the news
People who push over tombstones and spraypaint swatiska graffiti have no politics. They’re social misfits who can’t understand why everyone hates them while they go about trying to make everyone hate them.
So ends the sad odessy of Cindy Sheehan who was used by the liberal, anti-war left and then discarded when her 15 minutes ran out…
I feel for her as she lost her marriage and the rest of her family in her quest, fueled by the liar left.
Hope she can finally start to heal her broken heart.
Roger Rabbit says:
People who push over tombstones and spraypaint swatiska graffiti have no politics. They’re social misfits who can’t understand why everyone hates them while they go about trying to make everyone hate them.
Well said….
The Right took her son and the Left tried to take her soul. That is the lesson she learned: no one cares, it’s all about using whatever is at hand to score political points. Her son was used, and she was used, and now she realizes that the country just doesn’t really care about her or her son.
A hard lesson to learn, and a painful one.
re 23: Speak for yourself.
I’ll bet the loss of her son in a useless Republican war hurts far more than the purported attempt at soul-snatching by the Democrats.
21/23/25 I would suggest you give a thoughtful read to Cindy Sheehan’s entire letter. I’m not going to bother to link to it–it’s available in a number of places. Please do that, and stop for a moment’s thought before speculating about what makes her tick.
Cindy’s perfectly capable of speaking for herself. Now it’s up to us to speak for ourselves.
I’m going to have to beg off drom DL tonight–going to a party for some close friends who are getting ready to move out of the country.
Mr. Stuff, You could only write those words if you have nobody in harms way in Iraq. I however have one nephew on his second tour and another getting ready to start his first. It was the lies from the GW Bush oilmen that started this war, it is their lies that are keeping it going. The standard rate that most countries taxes exported oil is over 50%. In Iraq (under US government orders) is cap at 13%. The only requirement that the US military has is to keep the oil flowing. Any other statement from GW Bush and company is a lie.
I read her blog entry yesterday, and was basing my comments off of how I interpreted what she had written in it.
BREAKING – Right Wing traitors outed a COVERT agent. Plame was indeed COVERT at the time the Bush regime outed her for political gain. Let’s see all you terrorist-loving right wing traitors line up to take your medicine.
Roger Rabbit says:
@14 Bullshit. Dressing up propaganding as journalism and calling it “news” has always been lying, and still is.
05/29/2007 at 11:42 am
Then ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, etc., etc., are all lying, too. TV News has turned into nothing more than the broadcasters’ opinions of the day’s events. Some slant to the right, some slant to the left. To pretend this bias doens’t exist is ignoring reality.
Come on, Roger. You’re smarter that that!
re 30: I think we can all agree on the fact that corporate interests in real news is to suppress and distort it.
Dirty Laundry by Don Henley
I make my living off the evening news
Just give me something-something I can use
People love it when you lose,
They love dirty laundry
Well, I coulda been an actor, but I wound up here
I just have to look good, I dont have to be clear
Come and whisper in my ear
Give us dirty laundry
Kick em when theyre up
Kick em when theyre down
Kick em all around
We got the bubble-headed-bleach-blonde who
Comes on at five
She can tell you bout the plane crash with a gleam
In her eye
Its interesting when people die-
Give us dirty laundry
Can we film the operation?
Is the head dead yet?
You know, the boys in the newsroom got a
Running bet
Get the widow on the set!
We need dirty laundry
You dont really need to find out whats going on
You dont really want to know just how far its gone
Just leave well enough alone
Eat your dirty laundry
Dirty little secrets
Dirty little lies
We got our dirty little fingers in everybodys pie
We love to cut you down to size
We love dirty laundry
We can do the innuendo
We can dance and sing
When its said and done we havent told you a thing
We all know that crap is king
Give us dirty laundry!
30 “Then ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, etc., etc., are all lying, too.”
You got it, sweetie. They’ve been lying at least by omission in terms of soft-pedaling stuff, sugar-coating it or not reporting it at all. Curiously enough, it seems that they’ve at least observed this Memorial Day holiday by reporting that it ain’t just beer and skittles for the grunts on the ground in Bush’s War. It doesn’t “honor” or “support” our troops, either the fallen or the unscathed, to keep us all in the dark about their struggle. After all, they are doing it for all of us.
31 It’s worse than that. What slides out of the Lobotomy Box and into our living rooms is soaked in editorial Febreeze.
Your nephews are very courageous.
I hope they come home safe and sound. Just as I do all our men and women fighting overseas…
We can disagree about war, I obviously feel differently than you. The Iraqi’s have given first contracts to India, china, and Asian oil interests. Not the US. Oil is THE export that the people of Iraq rely on to rebuild their country…So it makes sense to want to keep that pipeline open.
As to Cindy Sheehan. Here we have a mother with a broken heart, who is in great pain, and taken advantage of by the anti-war, anti-bush, liberal movement. Her son fought for our country, then when given the chance to leave, re-enlisted. He defines how great our armed forces are. He was not tricked, drafted, forced against his will to re-up. He was a patriot.
As to ” Mr. Stuff, You could only write those words if you have nobody in harms way in Iraq”
I don’t know what you mean…..
There is NO doubt as to the USE of Mrs Sheehan by lefty political interests.
34 Very well, stated, sir.
Cindy Sheehan had a common interest with at least some factions of “the left” as you call it. To that end, sure, she certainly allowed herself to be “used” in the same way that the Presidential nominee for either of the two major political parties allows him/herself to be “used” by the party and the various factions and interest groups it represents.
It might be pointed out that none of that would have happened had Mr. Bush at one time deigned to sit down with Ms. Sheehan over a cup of coffee, sincerely commiserated with her over her loss, and offered her a lucent, credible explanation for why it was so important for her son to make the ultimate sacrifice for his country in that particular place, and at that particular time.
He really owes all of us the latter, but was either unable or unwilling to offer either to one bereaved mother.
We agree on something. A rare occurrence!
36 Huzzah!
re 34: People like you are what is wrong with this country.
emily littela says:
re 34: People like you are what is wrong with this country.
Forgive me if I respectfully disagree!
“It might be pointed out that none of that would have happened had Mr. Bush at one time deigned to sit down with Ms. Sheehan over a cup of coffee, sincerely commiserated with her over her loss, and offered her a lucent, credible explanation for why it was so important for her son to make the ultimate sacrifice for his country in that particular place, and at that particular time.”
Roger Rabbit says: @6 Yes, but that won’t stop Puddy from degrading into protoplasmic slime. In fact, that degradation is already well under way.
Pelletman, Even as protoplasmic slime, I still will be a higher order organism to you!
Remember when the right wing media was telling the lie that Plame wasn’t covert? Will they retract that bullshit now? Nah. That would require the right wingers to have ethics.
ArtFart says:
Bush did meet with Sheehan in April of 2004.
I’m not sure what more you’d want Bush to do.
JSA @10…you be sure to use that same lame mantra the next time some “poor bored acne ridden teenager” burns a cross on someone’s lawn up there in DUMBVILLE, okay?
i just LOVE how you assume to know who did it. but you wouldn’t do that if someone had done something to someone or something YOU cared about, right?
then it would be “get out the firing squad…THIS IS A HATE CRIME and it has to be dealt with right now!!!!”
you are such a phony it’s pathetic. you shoot your mouth off day in and day out and yet, you never make any sense, you never know what you are talking about and now YOU’RE PSYCHIC TOO!!!
wow…what a talent.
be sure to call the cops and tell them it’s okay that someone desecrated a cemetery…’s just BORED KIDS DOING IT.
and you know because you saw it in your little crystal ball.
C’mon, christmasghost, even you cannot be so blinded by partisanship that you actually believe it is some secret cabal of liberals out desecrating headstones. The “bored teenager” scenerio is far more likely.
And, just so we’re clear on this, the same can be said for most cases of vandalism of churches, mosques and synagoges. When I see a group of white-sheeted men carrying weapons and a tall, flaming cross, I think KKK, but when I see a cross burnt onto a lawn with lighter fluid, I think “unsupervised teenager”.
Charge them with malicious mischief, make them pay for the damages, clean up the mess, do some community service and get some therapy.
You might want to look into that therapy stuff yourself.
ghost @ 44:
Love you too.
So let me get your story straight. I just need to make sure I understand this. There is an organized group of America-haters who express themselves by burning American flags put on veterans’ graves, and putting swastika flags next to them. So far, the only place they’ve hit is a cemetery on an isolated island with a population of 4000 people that very few people outside of Western Washington could find on a map.
They probably don’t live on the island, because everyone knows everyone. Instead, they drove up to Anacortes, took the ferry over, paid $150/night for a hotel room, did their evil deeds, and went back to the mainland on the first boat Sunday morning.
Next year they’ll go to Whidbey, where there’s a bigger cemetery, and no need to pay $50 to hop a ferry boat. You can hit the graveyard, and drive back to Seattle, Vancouver, or wherever evildoers live these days, and possibly hit a few other cemeteries on the way if you’re feeling ambitious and hellbent on doing evil.
Believe what you want to believe.
Hey, isn’t there something going wrong in California that you could write about? I’ve heard down in the San Fernando Valley they make movies where guys (and girls!) put body parts and stuff into wimmin’s poopholes. They tell me down in Californy that’s legal! Check into it and write back, OK?