The Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally meets tonight (and every Tuesday), 8PM at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. I alas, cannot attend tonight, but I’ll try to remember to lift a glass in solidarity at the appointed hour.
by Goldy — ,
You can’t attend tonight because WHY???
Is it because you are so f***ing famous???
No, that obviously isn’t why.
Is it because you have a real date???
No, I heard Jim West is already busy tonight with jpgee.
Is it because you are going to waste your time watching the Sonics get their asses kicked tonight?
I hope not.
Is it because you are watching American Idol?
I hope not…that LAST thing America needs is your head swelling so much you actually find your own wretched voice appealing!
Is it because you need to spend 3 hours looking in the mirror admiring yourself?
I wouldn’t doubt it Mr. Celebrity (it’s adios Reality).
Is it because you need to sit in the Lotus position for a couple of hours chanting “I want to be as smart as Stefan. I want to be as smart as Stefan”?
It’s going to take more than chanting (try education and actually working)!
Is it because you are spending quality time with your daughter?
Now that’s a decent reason.
Officer, arrest that sad sack of crap!
As usual I will tip a Homebrew and plan for the weeks to come!
NONEWGASTAX signature gathering – TO keep Christine TAXUSBILLIONS honest to her promises and word
Election Contest watching
And an occasional Blog for the fun of it!
Goldy, I am sick of these asses wiping their rear ends on your blog’s comment threads. I know you value intelligent discussion but this crap isn’t intelligent. Your blog is too good to be trashed by wingnut trolls. It’s hard to believe people like cynical can waste hours typing up this garbage, but they seem to have the time. You have to do something.
It doesn’t take hours asswipe…
Like most Seattle PINHEADED LEFTIST ELITISTS, you have no sense of humor and take the bullshit that comes out of your orifice seriously. Simply amazing.
You need some serious anti-depressants dude.
That and maybe a little “chat and pool” time with Jim West.
If you don’t like my angle on things, I have an idea….
But you can’t not read my posts, can you MOH??
Try…try hard not to read the next one…or the next one.
What you want MOH is for everyone to say things in a way that are pleasing to you. Well allow me to try:
MOH–Innerpersonal Intercourse to you.
Do you have merde between your medula and upper cranium?
Try this you you MALE CHICKEN SUCKER!
Drink up, Democrats, and enjoy all the good news from Seattle, Milwaukee, Detroit, and Harare, Zimbabwe [All Democrat strong holds!] Possible Voter Fraud Found in Milwaukee
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Associated Press Writer
May 10, 2005, 4:17 PM EDT
MILWAUKEE — About 4,500 more ballots than registered voters were cast in the election last November in Milwaukee, investigators said Tuesday.
Also, more than 200 felons voted improperly in Milwaukee, and more than 100 instances of suspected double-voting were found.
No charges have been filed. Investigators found no widespread conspiracy, just isolated incidents, U.S. Attorney Steven Biskupic said.
“I don’t think there’s an election in this municipality or this state that would have been decided differently even with those numbers,” said Mayor Tom Barrett, a Democrat.
Democrat John Kerry received more than 71 percent of the 277,000 ballots cast in Milwaukee in the presidential race, and he took the state of Wisconsin by about 11,000 votes.
The investigation was launched by local and federal authorities after the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel found, among other things, that more than 1,200 people voted from invalid addresses. The head of the city’s election commission has since resigned.
Wisconsin allows same-day registration, and those who are already registered can simply show up at the polls without ID.
No, I heard Jim West is already busy tonight with jpgee.
C’mon, Cynical, you know Mayor West only dates Republicans.
Cynical @1,
I can’t attend because I’ll be busy fucking your wife.
(What business is it of yours what I’ll be doing tonight?)
No charges have been filed. Investigators found no widespread conspiracy, just isolated incidents, U.S. Attorney Steven Biskupic said.
’nuff said.
David @ 7
LMAO! No wonder Rossi’s been so quiet since Chris Gregoire “emasculated” him.
Let the rumors begin…
Tuesday, May 10, 2005 [More good Democrat drinking news!]
Forget who “stole” Ohio, who stole Wisconsin?
Now that Air America is on the air again here in Chicago, I can listen up on how Bush “stole” Ohio from Kerry last November.
But what went on in another midwestern state won’t come up a lot on either Jerry Springer’s or Al Franken’s Air America rants. Or at all.
From AP via CBS 2 Chicago:
Investigators said Tuesday they found about 4,500 more ballots were cast in the Nov. 2 election in Milwaukee than people who registered to vote in the city.
Investigators also said they found more than 100 instances of suspected double-voting and more than 200 felons who voted improperly in Milwaukee.
It goes on:
Democrat John Kerry received more than 71 percent of the 277,000 ballots cast in Milwaukee in the presidential race. Kerry won Wisconsin’s 10 electoral votes by about 11,000 votes.
Vote fraud was not the only mischief going on in Milwaukee on election day, as two adult children of prominent Wisconsin Democrats, as well as some other overly-eager Dems, were involved in slashing the tires of vans rented by the Wisconsin Republican Party for its get-out-the-vote effort.
# posted by John Ruberry @ 4:24 PM
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Mrs. C is way too much woman for you needle dick…
(That’s what your ex-wife called you, didn’t she??)
I heard she left you when she found out 8″ was actually twice the size of your little finger. Shame on you for lying to the ex-Mrs. G!!!!
Once she found out you were actually in the lowest 1 percentile of male organ size, she didn’t buy Goldy’s bullshit excuse that he was so small because he had been circumsized 13 times!!!!!
Your kinda sensitive tonight Goldy.
Perhaps this election contest isn’t the “slam-dunk” you promised your faithful???
Mr. Cynical…..only about $100, only about $100, only about $100, only about $100, only about $100, only about $100, only about $100, only about $100, only about $100, only about $100, only about $100, only about $100, only about $100, only about $100, only about $100, only about $100, only about $100, only about $100, only about $100, only about $100, only about $100, only about $100, only about $100, only about $100,
WHOA! jpgee you are past due for your dosage of ritalin.
lol@chard. I am just waiting for mr.c. to implode, he said if he heard that the gas tax increase would only cost him $100 one more time he would……………….
You are funny!
I hope you and Jim West have a good giggle together on your “date” tonight.
Well While you’re all tipping a few, you libs can ponder some answers to the following:
The Legislature’s flagerant usage (+200 times this session alone)of the Emergency Clause, intentionally to kill the potential for a State constutionally guaranteed right of the citizens to a referendum? This specifically will be a constitutional challenge in the courts by the end of May or early June.
Did the Legislature factor in the people like me who quit spending money in this state as a result of the Massive Tax and Spend hikes?
Actually Goldy, while I was sodomising Mrs. C last night, she was nearly in tears regarding Mr. C’s infidelities with Mayor West.
She also told me that Mr C. had not been able to get it up ever since Goldwater died.
Very very sad. But she is a great ride!
Mrs. C has always reminded me
“The bigger the cushion, the better the pushin’!!”
Cynical @11,
I wasn’t feeling sensitive. I just felt like saying I was fucking your wife. It amused me to stoop to your level of insults for a moment.
“for a moment”..
C’mon pal, you are too modest about your abrasiveness!
Come on Goldy…we got his name lets just out the Cynical bastard…maybe then he and his trolls will actually post with their real names. Then when the IRS audits him, seize his computer, we can clue them in to this site and the times he is billing for safety training, that he is either here or making arrangement with Mayor Love.
This is the Republicans new campaign to get them while their young…..I always wondered about those Young Republican groups.
Why should we be suprised the republicans have been giving it up our asses for years.
yes mr. c., Jimmy Boy West said it will be a threesome, someone from BIAW named Mr. C. will be joining us. GOldy, I will be able to tell you of Mr.C’s ‘micro-penis’ problems tomorrow
maybe then he and his trolls will actually post with their real names.-Comment by danw (awoken from vegetative state)— 5/10/05 @ 10:48 pm
Kinda sorta like danw ?
Mount Olympus Hiker?
headless lucy?
jsa on beacon hill?
Come on danw, belly up to that bar and type out YOUR real whole name. Encourage your little pals to type out their real whole name.
I thought not.
yooo hoooo…
waiting, waiting, waiting for YOUR REAL WHOLE NAME, brave boy.
Your right it is too scary to post your real name to gun toteing, culture of life people, who only defend before your born or after your dead culture. Oklahoma/Atlanta bombing crazies. Planned parent doctor killing, crazies such as your self.
I am sure that a police report would be filed anonomously by someone like you. Be aware, that when I tip the IRS on Cynical, it will not be anonymous. I am looking for my Crimestopper reward. ( Trash thet hard drive now Cynical)
So I withdraw my comment about posting real names.
You are correct, you are too fucking scary.
Hmmm, don’t these people know that West is a Republican? And a homophobic, hypocritical, ignorant and cynical one at that? It’s interesting to see them turn on their own.
Drinking with Democrats is expensive, as they expect others to pay their tab. Democrats: Social Parasites
We liked you better in your vegatative state dannyboy , it is so much more a true reflection of your braindead existance.
Oh and let’s examine shall we?
YOU stalk and threaten a person who posts “ when I tip the IRS on Cynical, it will not be anonymous. I am looking for my Crimestopper reward. ( Trash thet hard drive now Cynical) “
and you call ME “ too fucking scary “???
You learned well at Clinton’s knee kiddo, I bet your mommy is so proud.
PS, A great BIG thanks to Stefan Sharkansky at Sound Politics for his preview button where I regularly check my work.
jpgee @ 15
Speaking of the gas tax, I read somewhere that Eastern Washington gets $7 of road improvements for every $1 of gas tax they pay.