goldy, will you now be parking your car and boycotting all things made from petroleum?
just curious if you are the real deal or just another loud mouthed hypocrite..
Spill baby spill.
This was entirely predictable. The licenses for this and other new platforms were issued back in 2007, when gasoline and diesel fuel prices were skyrocketing. The wellhead is almost a mile down, and may be physically impossible to cap, as it is in a muddy area of the former Mississippi river delta, and the wreckage of the platform is resting almost directly on top of the leaking wellhead.
Deepwater currents there run easterly at about 30-40 knots just to the south of the wellhead, going east toward Florida and then turn south along the west coast to meet up and parallel the Gulf Stream. That puts the wellhead near the center of a major CCW eddy which would be considered a more stable area for deepwater drilling.
The Drill rig was whats called “semisubmersible” meaning that it wasn’t attached to the bottom except with anchor cables, and held on location by directional thrusters and cable tensioners to the anchoring system. Along with the leaking wellhead itself, the rig contained over 700,000 gallons of diesel fuel to run electric generators and the thrusters.
It is entirely possible that the concrete casing (a Halliburton product) around the wellhead was weak, poorly emplaced or substandard. At a mile down it is physically impossible to inspect except with robotic submersibles, meaning any inspection was cursory and purely visual with the limited cameras on the submersibles themselves. As those submersibles run about $10,000/hour to run, they would have limited their use to a few hours per operation.
This all means its a hairy, dangerous operation, and probably not worth the effort with existing technology. Eleven men lost their lives because our society cannot function without petroleum.
Time to start looking at alternative paradigms.
The worst-case scenario for the broken and leaking well gushing oil into the Gulf of Mexico would be the loss of the wellhead currently restricting the flow to 5,000 barrels — or 210,000 gallons per day.
If the wellhead is lost, oil could leave the well at a much greater rate, perhaps up to 150,000 barrels — or more than 6 million gallons per day — based on government data showing daily production at another deepwater Gulf well.
By comparison, the Exxon Valdez spill was 11 million gallons total. The Gulf spill could end up dumping the equivalent of 4 Exxon Valdez spills per week.
Vince with Hare Lipspews:
re 1: So, you’re saying that if you are against oil spills, you’re a hypocrite if you drive a car?
If I burn wood in my fireplace, am I a hypocrite if I’m against forest fires?
Vince with Hare Lipspews:
re 1: Sure. And what about agate marbles and half-moons? fail.
Stop yelping, dog.
Florida beaches are going to be covered in nasty, dried out crude oil for centuries. This will probably wipe out a major part of the Shrimping grounds in Mississippi, Alabama and Louisiana, and wreck the west coast of Florida completely, all the way to Miami. Much of the shoreline is brackish water tidal estuaries, which means the tide will bring a large amount of that oil deep into the swamplands along the whole coastline. Guaranteed you will see a lot of oil washing up on the shore of Key West and all the way to The Carolinas, the Bahamas and the Eastern seaboard.
This could very well be the worst industrial disaster in US history. This could wipe out fisheries all the way to Norway and Greenland.
just curious if you are the real deal or just another loud mouthed hypocrite..
Just another loud mouthed winger incapable of logical thought.
Roger Rabbitspews:
This is what I wanna drill, and I think Goldy should come with me, because he needs it too.
# 6: Miami is on the south-east coast of Florida, and is unlikely to be affected. Perhaps you meant Tampa, Sarasota, or Cape Coral?
Beaches at Pensacola and Panama City, on the panhandle, look like they are going to get a good coating of oil.
I don’t think the Carolinas or anywhere else on the East Coast is going to be affected, given the prevailing currents. I am wondering what’s going to happen to Cuba and the Bahamas.
CNN reported this morning that there was a safety shut off valve that could have been installed on the well. With that in place it would have been relatively simple to shut off the flow of oil.
Reason it was not installed? It supposedly costs too much money ($500,000) for the valve. I wonder what the full cost of not installing the valve is going to be.
Also, I wonder what other cost saving measures BP and the other oil companies have implemented?
Hey Rog,
does the wife always stand behind you with a cast iron skillet raised above her head, like she’s doing right now?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 A red herring if there ever was one. There’s lots of places to get oil besides the environmentally sensitive coastal waters of Louisiana and Florida. Such as the middle of the desert where nobody lives and nothing grows.
Only conservative idiots think we have to drill in ANWR or Louisiana salt marshes. Nobody else is that stupid.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 Usually.
No worries friends.
Our leading expert on fossil fuel energy, former half-term governor Sarah Moosilini Palin, is on it.
“Having worked/lived thru Exxon oil spill,my family&I understand Gulf residents’ fears.Our prayers r w/u.All industry efforts must b employed” – – – SarahPalinUSA
We can all breath a little easier. Moosilini is praying. No doubt this will stop the spill and remove the oil.
Dr. Dre, Easy E, and MC Renspews:
wow…not a single person is gonna stand up and park or sell thier cars…
must be more liberal “do as I say, not as I do”…….kinda like Lee and proud leftist deciding seattle wasnt a good place to raise their families.
hypocrites owned.
@15 Dr. Dre, Easy E, and MC Ren on 04/30/2010 at 12:58 pm,
“wow…not a single person is gonna stand up and park or sell thier cars…”
I gave up my car and driving in May 2004 primarily in response to the Iraq occupation.
The mayor of Seattle rides a bicycle.
What sacrifice have you ever made as a matter of principle? No chance you’ve booked tickets to go down to the gulf and help with the clean-up…. is there?
Ocean currents like the Florida current and the Gulf Stream will bring any such oil around the coastline. Couple that with onshore winds and the likelihood of a rather nasty hurricane season this year will smear that crap all over Bimini, Grand Bahama and the Carolina coastline.
Any oil that shows up on Florida beaches with be first seen between St. Petersburg and Sarisota or north of Cape Coral. The currents will push it onshore first in eastern Louisiana and Missippi.
Cuba might see some of it, but the prevailing winds will push it north along the East Florida coastline.
Tarballs in Miami are almost a given. The Gulf Stream is very powerful there, and only a few miles offshore.
Dr. Dre, Easy E, and MC Renspews:
@16…golf clap…good for you.
@18 Dr. Dre, Easy E, and MC Ren on 04/30/2010 at 1:03 pm,
You want to address my questions?
Or you want to own that hypocrite label you so casually throw at others?
Wonder Bunny's Gardenspews:
If I burn wood in my fireplace, am I a hypocrite …?
Well, yes you are. But you knew that already.
Particulates from fireplace combustion befoul the air and befoul the lungs. Better to burn fossils.
We’re not back in the USSR, thank God, where fossil fuel emissions were just barely too thick to drink and too thin to plow. We’re not dirty coal-fired China. Our capitalism with all its faults gave us the capital to keep us clean. Most of the time.
Hope capitalism will quickly cap the spill in the Gulf, although Deathfrogg’s right: it won’t be easy. Then the Gulf will recover. Just as Prince William Sound quickly recovered.
We need oil. We need our own oil. We need to be sure that solar-panel plantations as big as a semi-big state are worth our time. That wind-tower plantations as big as T Boone himself make sense.
And we need to question the Peak Oil paradigm. So far it seems like Rabbit’s infinitely receding horizon for enetitlement catastrophe: We keep predicting a collapse, says Rabbit, that never seems to happen. The Peak Oil catastrophe is like that, so far. Every few years somebody grabs some headlines and a fistful of $$ by shouting that Peak Oil’s gonna get us any day now. Then, in a few days, we return to sanity.
Goldy doesn’t know the backstory to why Palin used the term drill, baby, drill, otherwise he would have told you. Palin was correcting Biden who used the term drill, drill, drill, in describing McCain’s philosophy. Biden, by the way, agreed with McCain, and said yes, we must drill for oil.
@19….my record of giving either financially or via volunteer work is long and distinguished, just like my johnson.
but if you need an example, here is just ONE: We(the wife unit and I) took in two families from New Orleans after Katrina. We put them into rental houses we owned…. for a year…for FREE.
Every few years somebody graps some headlines and a fistful of $$ by shouting that Peak Oil’s gonna get us any day now.
I think there’s plenty of evidence that oil and gas liquids have already peaked (2005-6) and that it tipped us over an economic precipice in 2007-8.
But I’m just a Dirty Fucking Hippy (and proud of it!).
Do US Joint Forces Command (senior military leadership — 2012):
re 23: The government was paying people to take them in — but you did it for free?
What a chump.
Vince with Hare Lipspews:
I wonder how Obama feels about triangulating now??
I’m surprised that the Republicans have not found a way to blame the Democrats for this.
But, I’m sure that if they did, the ‘left wing’ MM would set the record straight……….NOT…
Dr. Dre, Easy E, and MC Renspews:
@25…we received no money from the govt at breaks or otherwise…the less we deal the feds the better of I feel.
and for all you church haters out there, we did it through our church, who helped set everything up.
so go screw yourself Beria GBS…you cheap SOB.
Dr. Dre, Easy E, and MC Renspews:
@25…thats the difference between you and I….you are a POS who wouldnt help out your fellow man without getting a kickback from the govt…..we did it out of conscience.
you are yet another fine example of the typical progressive…all talk and no walk.
Pubby bubbyspews:
re 28: You mean like GWB’s mother promising to help the schools in post Katrina New Orleans as long as they bought Neil Bush’s educational software?
Is that the kind of conservative conscience you mean?
Former first lady’s donation aids son
Katrina funds earmarked to pay for Neil Bush’s software program
Drill, baby, drill = spill, baby, spill, = kill, baby kill the red state economies of the South.
Again, the consequences of electing Ronald Reagan in 1980 rears its ugly head to hurt, yet again, America.
Jimmy Carter was RIGHT! We needed to cure our oil addiction 30 years ago. Exemplifying true leadership, President Carter had solar panels installed on the White House to demonstrate that there was/is a better alternative to fossil fuels.
What did Ronald Reagan do?
Had the solar panels removed and changed the trajectory of America’s energy dependence back to fossil fuels.
Had President Carter been re-elected and set the course for clean, renewable energy and unleashing America’s technical superiority and “can-do” spirit imagine how advanced we’d be right now.
The economic superpower of clean energy solutions being exported all over the world. Not being dependent of funding terrorism and involving America militarily in the Middle East. Not giving reason for the radical Islamists to hate us.
9/11 never happening, War on Terror never happening, Iraq never happening, Fort Hood massacre never happening.
No Reagan Republican debt of $12 Trillion dollars never happening.
The recent events will squarely put the focus of independent swing voters on the side of Liberals this fall and in 2012.
The Death of Reaganism and the modern day GOP is now 100% certain. Sarah Palin and the rest of the “Drill, Baby, Drill” crowd are now on the defensive.
No plan for fiscal restraint.
No plan for national defense.
No plan for energy independence.
No plan for immigration reform.
No plan for health care reform.
No plan for Wall Street reform.
No plan except to filibuster and “Just Say No.”
Who knew Nancy’s war on drugs would ultimately become the entirety of the RNC political platform?
The End is here. . . for conservatives that is.
Dr. Dre, Easy E, and MC Renspews:
@29…no, I am talking about mine and mine alone…
try again..
oh mikeboyscout…where did you go? you sure seemed run away awfully quick…
bitch slap…ho slap…punk slap…take your pick.
Dr. Dre, Easy E, and MC Renspews:
LMFAO @ “its all reagans fault!”….hahahahah
Dr. Dre, Easy E, and MC Renspews:
GBS…do you drive a car?
Do you have solar panels on your house?
have you stopped buying any plastics?
nah, didnt think so….
Actually, the peak oil folks have focused on 2006-2012, not any day now, and their predictions as far as oil production go have been pretty right on.
We’re going to do all that just as soon as you stop with the all or nothing illogic.
@ 34:
Yes I drive cars.
Yes I have solar hot water heating installed on my house.
I buy as little plastic as possible.
But, of course, you being on the wrong side of history and the wrong side of what’s best for America try to paint those of us who want change for the future as hypocrites because we live in the 21st century.
Your thinking, along with that of the Reagan Republicans is still locked in the early 20th century.
Face it, you’re wrong and your party is going to become extinct after the 2012 elections.
I can wait that long and so too can America and the rest of the world.
After that, we are going to jam down your throats the Liberal agenda for generations to come.
Get used to it, pal. You’re now living in MY America. Not Reagan’s.
The Reagan era America is DEAD, DEAD, DEAD.
Wonder Bunny's Gardenspews:
Godless Zotz @24: You may be right, but recall the fear and trembling of the 1970s: oil’s over, we’re done.
That was 30+ years ago, BR. Before Reagan. The new New Left now beats up Reagan for not blowing off oil and getting behind Carter’s panacea of turning fuel into food, but Reagan got it right. Oil, with all its faults, is better than ethanol. Reagan bought us time at a price we could pay.
Yes we had a price bump two years ago that diverted some of our discretionary $$ to oil. Then the imperfect markets factored in China, India, and Brazil. Then they reverted to a semblance of equilibrium while a peak oiler was howling on the radio that $146/bbl was just the beginning of calamity. Same old song as the 1970s, different numbers.
Meanwhile real calamity happened in parts of the world that depended on corn for corn, not corn for Carter faux fuel.
Saw your notes from Joint Forces Command elsewhere. Yes. Gets my attention for sure. We shall see. And you previous comments about JFC make sense. Not bad for a Dirty Fucking Pottymouth Hippy.
I’m sure if the government would just get out of the way the free market would have that well capped and the mess cleaned up in no time!
Dr. Dre, Easy E, and MC Renspews:
@37…poor GBS keep forgetting history….in this case, US political history..
the pendulum always swings back and forth…always has and always will..that is of course until people like you start opening up gulags..
enjoy it while you can…
Wonder Bunny's Gardenspews:
@27: Bless you, my son. There was much Katrina caterwauling here on the progressive left coast. “Governor” Gregoire said that New Orleans refugees would have a happy home at Soundpoint or someplace nearby. Then … not much.
Katrina’s victims mostly went to right-wing Texas. Mostly as the guests of conservative churches. The white cracker Cajun Navy of Louisiana helped pull people from the rubble while goldie yelped about Brownie.
Oh God. GBS is back @31. Hope Jimmy Carter can pray GBS into heaven or sanity, whichever comes first.
Dr. Dre, Easy E, and MC Renspews:
@39…but isnt that what is going to happen? BP will end up capping the well, not the US govt.
33. Dr. Dre, Easy E, and MC Ren spews:
LMFAO @ “its all reagans fault!”….hahahahah
Which president tried to set us on the course away from oil and which president put us back on that path?
Yeah, it is your fucking false God’s falut.
Ronald Reagan the 2nd worst president ever, but a close second to Bush 43.
Followed by Nixon then Bush 41.
Dr. Dre, Easy E, and MC Renspews:
@43…LMFAO…hahahahahhahahh…and during that time, not a single plan came out of the democrat party led congress…HAHHAHAHHAHAH
40. Dr. Dre, Easy E, and MC Ren spews:
@37…poor GBS keep forgetting history….in this case, US political history..
the pendulum always swings back and forth…always has and always will..that is of course until people like you start opening up gulags..
enjoy it while you can…
Baaa haaa haaa haaa haaa.
OK, smart ass, speaking of contemporary US History, how long were you dumb fucks out of power the last time you screwed up?
I’ll give you a hint the year was 1954.
Oh fuck, I’ll just rub your nose in it. It lasted until 1994.
40 years in political exile, fool. And, that was just over McCarthyism and Civil Rights.
You guys have fucked up 10 times worse.
Will the pendulum swing back? Sure it will. But it will never, EVER swing back to Reaganism.
The ONLY way it will ever swing back to Republican control again is after your party comes way, way back to the left. Not until then.
I’m sooooooooooooo happy right now. 30-40 years from now I’ll go to my grave watching Democrats ramming and jamming our agenda, our LIBERAL LEFT-WING agenda right down your throats and there’s not a God Damned thing you will ever be able to do about it.
Except cry, whine, bitch and complain on blogs.
Yeah, and they’re going to pick up every cent of the coast guard bill and every cent of the cleanup effort. Yeah, right.
And you missed the point of the post, which isn’t very surprising.
Dr. Dre, Easy E, and MC Renspews:
GBS….you should really seek some help from a mental health professional.
54-94?? huh? LMFAO…you were probably stoned during that time, since you seem to have forgotten so much history. If it lasted until ’94, then how the hell could reagan have screwed up so many things(according to you)…..
now that is some strange logic there….
cmon now, you know what you really want: gulags, camps, neighbor tattling on neighbor, speech police….just go ahead and admit it – its what your type has longed for…
keep floundering there big boy…it is comical.
Carter and I share something: we were both Navy Nucs in our previous lives. It gives you a keen sense of logistics and what it takes to keep a capability up and running with finite resources.
Carter was right and got smeared for it by guys like you. We got one of the stupidest men who ever lived for President and a coterie of fucking economic rapists.
On the other hand, he gave us the Carter Doctrine and Central Command whose primary mission is oil security — to the tune of $150 Billion a year, every year — NOT including the cost of Iraq and Afganistan.
If we had done what Carter proposed (and it wasn’t just ethanol, dude), we’d be in a lot better shape today. Maybe with lots more complex hydrocarbon molecules still in the ground available for our kids and their kids’ kids to use. They will look back on us and wonder how we could have been so selfish and clueless to have blown most of them out of a tailpipe on trips from our suburban enclaves to the convenience store on a whim.
Mr. Peanut Goes Nuclearspews:
Until I read Rod Adams today I carried around the belief that Pres. Jimmy Carter was a Navy-trained nuclear engineer and a former nuclear officer. He was neither. What is dangerous about this sort of resume-buffing and credentials-inflation is that Carter was able to destroy the entire US nuclear industry – in part because people thought he “must know about that nuclear stuff”.
Here are 47,500 links to ‘Jimmy Carter Submarine Exaggerate Nuclear’. The cited paragraph was skimmed off the top.
You and Carter and I do not share something. I was not a Navy Nuc. So please help me find the bottom line on those 47,500 slices of contrarian history. Was he a destructive fraud, or only a garden variety destructive fool?
05 JUN 1946 – 8 AUG 1946 — Commissioned Ensign, USN. Routine post-USNA graduation assignments- indoctrinational training with service type aircraft – leave and transit to first duty station.
8 AUG 1946 – 23 JUL 1947 — Duty aboard USS Wyoming (E-AG17). Billets Held: Deck Division Officer, Radar Officer, CIC Officer Qualifications: OOD in Port, JOOD underway. Remarks: Detached from Wyoming at ship’s decommissioning.
23 JUL 1947 – 14 JUN 1948 — Duty aboard USS Mississippi (E-AG128). Billets Held: Training and Education Officer Qualifications: OOD underway and in port, CIC watch Officer Remarks: During this tour of duty, Carter was a candidate for a Rhodes Scholarship.
14 JUN 1948 – 17 DEC 1948 — Duty under instruction at the Officer’s course, USN Submarine School, Submarine Base, New London
17? DEC 1948 – 01 FEB 1951 — Duty aboard USS Pomfret (SS-391) Billets Held: Communications Officer, Electronics Officer, Sonar Officer, Gunnery Officer, First Lieutenant, Electrical Officer, Supply Officer Qualifications: 4 Feb 1950 Qualified in Submarine
05 JUNE 1949 — Promoted to Lieutenant (j.g.)
01 FEB 1951 – 10 NOV 1951 — Duty with Shipbuilding and Naval Inspector of Ordnance, Groton, CT as prospective Engineering Officer of the USS K-1 during precommissioning fitting out of the submarine.
10 NOV 1951 – 16 OCT 1952 — Duty aboard USS K-1(SSK-1) Billets Held: Executive Officer, Engineering Officer, Operations Officer, Gunnery Officer, Electronics Repair Officer Qualifications: Qualified for Command of Submarine Remarks: Submarine was new construction, first vessel of its class
01 JUNE 1952 — Promoted to Lieutenant
16 OCT 1952 – 08 OCT 1953 — Duty with US Atomic Energy Commission (Division of Reactor Development, Schenectady Operations Office) From 3 NOV 1952 to 1 MAR 1953 he served on temporary duty with Naval Reactors Branch, US Atomic Energy Commission, Washington, D.C. “assisting in the design and development of nuclear propulsion plants for naval vessels.” From 1 MAR 1953 to 8 OCT 1953 he was under instruction to become an engineering officer for a nuclear power plant. He also assisted in setting up on-the-job training for the enlisted men being instructed in nuclear propulsion for the USS Seawolf (SSN575).
9 OCT 1953 — Honorably discharged at Headquarters, 3rd Naval District. Discharge was at Carter’s request. Total service: 7 years, 4 months, 8 days
10 OCT 1953 — Appointed to US Naval Reserve and placed on inactive duty.
7 DEC 1961 — Transferred to retired reserve with rank of Lieutenant at his own request, but without pay and allowances in accordance with Title X, U.S.C. section 1376 (a).reserve with rank of Lieutenant at his own request, but without pay and allowances in accordance with Title X, U.S.C. section 1376 (a).
Sounds like a fully qualified USN Nuclear Engineer to me.
@52: It may be worse than you think:
He’s not just a pathological liar.
He’s an amateur liar, lying for other liars, which makes him a pathological lying slut!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@22 At least I have a dick, which is more than you can say. It may be a rabbit dick, but it’s a dick. All you’ve got is a zit.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@23 Apart from the fact I don’t believe you, it must be nice to be so rich you can afford to donate 2 years of rent to strangers. No working class person could do that.
Dr. Dre, Easy E, and MC Renspews:
@55….oh bullshit. My wife and I work for a living, and are hardly upper crust. We are hardly rich, but we are smart with our money.
affording a few rental homes is the product of having ZERO consumer debt and not spending beyond our means…and taking advantage of opportunities that present themselves.
I have a friend who is a plumber – nothing more – he owns 4 rental homes….is he working class to you? or he just a lazy spoiled rich fuck? you are truly a dipshit – AND A PHONY.
YOU on the other hand probably sat on your ass trading stocks during Katrina(no doubt taking advantage of the misery down there), not lifting a fucking decrepit finger.
Not to mention that, in contrast to the statements quoted in #49, Carter didn’t “kill off the nuclear industry”. Three-Mile Island did that.
I should know, my own dad was a nuclear engineer (or more accurately, a stress-engineer in designing nuclear reactor containment vessels). He died shortly before Three-Mile Island, but as soon as we heard about what was happening, we all realized that had he lived, he would have been out of work within a very short time. The company he worked for struggled with other lower-tech products for the next decade, before it was finally purchased by a Swiss conglomerate. It went out of business a decade ago, I think.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@45 I think we should make them pay reparations for the damage they caused.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@56 “YOU on the other hand probably sat on your ass trading stocks during Katrina(no doubt taking advantage of the misery down there), not lifting a fucking decrepit finger.”
You’re right, I didn’t lift a finger, fucking or decrepit or otherwise. I don’t have any fingers. I had to send my donations with paws and claws.
Of course I’m an asshole! I used to be a Republican, and old bad habits die slowly.
Lost? Is that you?
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch for his home HA databasespews:
9/11 never happening,
9/11 truther extraordinaire blabbing again!!!!
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch for his home HA databasespews:
Puddy wondering why Odumba sending out SWAT teams. Hmmm…? Why did this blow up the day before earf daze? Hmmm…? We know eco-terrorists are not oil friendly… We see them all over this blog.
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch for his home HA databasespews:
Of course I’m an asshole!
Glad you finally admitted what we who think right knew since 2004!
@62 Good grief, Puddy, would you please try a little harder not to be such a loon?
That’s just Rush lying again. Like the SWAT team that was(n’t) sent out to breakup the granny tea baggers.
@49 “Here are 47,500 links to ‘Jimmy Carter Submarine Exaggerate Nuclear’”
Then it must be true. Say, did you know that there are 1,610,000 links to “Republican pedophiles”? And here I thought I was just fucking with wingnut minds. Hmm, no wonder some of them go ballistic over it.
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch for his home HA databasespews:
Results 1 – 10 of about 1,730,000 for democrat pedophile. (0.30 seconds) Even Google knows there are more of your kind around!
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch for his home HA databasespews:
Oh poor Steve… Can’t deal with any speculation at all. Yet your kind always delivers perverse speculation on this blog everyday!
Um, Puddy, those hits are links to Democrats talking about all the Republican pedos being busted in the last decade. But you already knew that, didn’t you? Nice try, though.
“Yet your kind always delivers perverse speculation on this blog everyday!”
474 wingnut pedos busted and still counting. Sucks to be you, huh? Yeah, I thought so.
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch for his home HA databasespews:
Steve farts,
Um, Puddy, those hits are links to Democrats talking about all the Republican pedos being busted in the last decade.
Are you trying to will the truth to appear?
Link #1 – A partial list of democratic pedophiles
Link #2 – The Left’s Pedophile Problem (Hawaii Democrats Hired Convicted
Link #3 – – DemocRats have WAY MORE pedophiles and Sex Scandals
Link #4 – Democrats Protect Pedophiles Video
Link #5 – YouTube – Democrats Protect Pedophiles
Link #6 – FrontPage Magazine – The Left’s Pedophile Problem
And Puddy didn’t need to buy the link like Odumba’s campaign did!
Steve, with Gman etc. on your side (Puddy won’t name the other leftist loons)… it’s your side who does the sucking…
heh- Puddy will have to go through all the pages of that link and count the wingnut pedos in order to dispute this. LMFAO!! Good luck with that, Puddy. After all, you only have to work your way through 24 pages listing one wingnut pedo bust after another. Hell, they left out half of them.
If you want to find the really freaky stuff you’ll have to go to the “Lewd” section of that site. They left half of those out too. Just try finding Richard Curtis. Oh, you claim ignorance of wingnut Richard?
The suspect in the investigation, identified in police and court documents as 26-year-old Cody Michael Castagna, of Medical Lake, told detectives he was offered $1,000 to have unprotected sex with State Rep. Richard Curtis, a Republican from La Center, which is near Vancouver.
Castagna, a part-time porn model, has been featured in explicit photo shoots posted on some members-only gay Web sites.
Curtis, who was in Spokane for a legislative trip, earlier spoke with an editor of The Columbian and denied having had sex with a man and said he was not gay.
According to court documents, Curtis and Castagna met shortly before 1 a.m. last Friday at Hollywood Erotic Boutique in Spokane Valley where Castagna was watching porn videos, police investigative reports say.
An employee at the porn store told detectives Curtis has been in the business three times in the last month and is called “the cross-dresser” by employees. The same employee said she was told by Curtis he is gay and likes to dress in women’s underwear.
During questioning by Spokane Police detectives, Castagna said he saw a man later identified as Curtis in Hollywood Boutique early last Friday “wearing long red women’s stockings and black sequined lingerie.” Castagna later told detectives he saw a 40-ish man with a cane performing oral sex on the legislator, according to the police reports.
Later, the legislator gave his phone number to Castagna before leaving the adult bookstore at 9611 E. Sprague, the reports say.
Curtis then went to Northern Quest Casino in Airway Heights before getting a phone call from Castagna. The two agreed to meet at the Davenport Towers where the legislator, visiting Spokane on legislative business, had a room.
Once the two arrived in the legislator’s hotel room, “Curtis gave the male $100,” before the two engaged in sex acts, the police reports say.
Detectives seized pillowcases and bed sheets from the room and surveillance video from the hotel’s lobby, the documents say.
My, that’s some freaky stuff you guys are into.
“The Left’s Pedophile Problem”
LMFAO!! Nice try, Puddy, but an EPIC FAIL!
“Link #1 – A partial list of democratic pedophiles”
Freerepublic? Freepers? Puddy, did you notice how short that list is? And did you see how they have to go back the last century to find Dem pedos?
You’re owned, Sucka. Give it up before I share stories of Republican pedos wearing panda costumes. Speaking of which, wasn’t that a panda costume hanging in Dunn’s closet?
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch for his home HA databasespews:
Um, Puddy, those hits are links to Democrats talking about all the Republican pedos being busted in the last decade.
You claimed the links were
all the Republican pedos
Since Puddy proved you wrong through THE DUMB BUNNY method, you FAILED AGAIN. Poor Steve, the frostbite of truth has demented you.
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch for his home HA databasespews:
Notice how Steve changes the subject, gets spanked and then tries to change the subject again…
“Notice how Steve changes the subject, gets spanked and then tries to change the subject again…”
Sigh! Projection, Puddy, projection. It’s a Psych 101 thing. Haven’t I talked to you about this before?
That freeper list still cracks me up. They go back half a century and can’t fill half a page?? Then they want to talk about the “Democratic pedophilia problem”??? LMFAO!! Good fucking grief, Puddy, have you lost your mind? Have you even looked at that Republican pedophile site? If Democrats have a “pedophile problem” with a half dozen pedos going back a half century, then WTF is the magnitude of the Republican problem when you’ve got 474 going back a only a decade? Help me out here, Puddy. Is yours like a “huge fucking problem” or is it maybe something like a “humongous fucking problem”?
Sorry to have to do it to you again, Puddy, but you’ve just been spanked and spanked good. I’m afraid the only thing I’ve left you with is your sorry state of denial. So sad.
“Good fucking grief, Puddy, have you lost your mind?”
Hmm, I asked that? My bad. Of course you’ve lost your mind. That’s why I like you so much – you’re crazier than a loon.
Louisiana health and wildlife officials shut down all commercial and recreational fishing east of the mouth of the Mississippi River to protect consumers from tainted seafood.
“I signed this emergency closure today as a proactive effort to prevent any oil-tainted fish, shrimp or crab from being caught and thus consumed,” Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Secretary Robert Barham said in the news release. “Now is the time to act as we see what the impacts may be to Louisiana’s fragile ecosystems.”
The closure imperiled the livelihoods of thousands of fishers and related interests.
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch for his home HA databasespews:
Projection Psych 101 Steve? Who wrote this garbage?
Speaking of which, wasn’t that a panda costume hanging in Dunn’s closet?
Again, Steve wrote earlier…
Um, Puddy, those hits are links to Democrats talking about all the Republican pedos being busted in the last decade.
Then he changes the subject to focus on Free Republic who is writing about DUMMOCRAPTS… Steve, you said all the links are
Democrats talking about all the Republican pedos
You were caught. You can’t change the subject to Free Republic and try to win here. EPIC FAIL fool! Since you can only focus on one link it means your serial thinking has problems too.
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor. No need to continually beat up a mindless imbecile! His spanking produced a real cry for help as evidenced by the comedic circular commentary above. You argue like the arschloch and correctnotright. Must be sumtin in de wata. Unfortunately when you are in the “progressive forest” no one hears your cry for help!
And the whistleblowers start coming out of the woodwork.
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch for his home HA databasespews:
Here is Bill Mahar certified leftist loon progressive on his Surreal Slime with Bill Mahar…
BILL MAHER: Okay, so I mentioned in the monologue I’m a little mad this week. I usually try to hide that, but, you know, when the Teabaggers say that they feel like they have no…
CHRIS MATTHEWS, MSNBC: I love the way you say that.
MAHER: What?
ROSS DOUTHAT, NEW YORK TIMES: Just trips off the tongue.
MATTHEWS: The Teabaggers.
MAHER: The Teabag, well, you know they always say they feel like neither Party represents them. That’s how I feel this week. So Teabaggers, you’re not alone. And the reason why is because yes, I’m mad at the oil company who didn’t obviously build their rig well enough. I’m mad at America in general because we should have gotten off the oil tit starting in the ’70s. I’m mad at the people who go, “Drill, baby, drill.” And by the way, they should turn up on the Gulf Coast and start cleaning up the birds with their “Drill, baby, drill” t-shirts. But I’ll tell you who I’m really mad at which is Barack Obama. Couple of weeks ago, the President, our President said, “It turns out the oil rigs today generally don’t cause oil spills. They are technologically very advanced.”
MAHER: So, why isn’t Barack Obama getting more shit for this? I think he should.
Hey Steve, you don’t think so eco-terraist got upset over Odumba’s comment and went utzo? So why are SWAT Teams sent to oil rigs Steve? From CBS News the Dan Rather/Mary Mapes/Bill Burkett news station with it’s “eye on the prize”…
Mr. Obama said SWAT teams were being dispatched to the Gulf to investigate oil rigs and said his administration is now working to determine the cause of the disaster.
If it’s just an oil spill Steve why swat teams? Wait Steve… don’t answer. You’ll further embarrass yourself.
I think we should remember that scientific knowledge is always moving forward. And actually using the best available and the most up-to-date scientific information is part of the current regulatory system. And it supports the OCS [Outer Continental Shelf] leasing, exploration, and development program. And I think we need to remember that OCS has been going on for the last 50 years, and it has been going on in a way that is both safe and protective of the environment.
Oh I’m sure we’ll remember. I doubt the people along the Gulf coast will be able to forget for many, many years.
@82 Puddy on 05/01/2010 at 6:46 am,
The SWAT inspection team being sent to Gulf oil rigs is an inspection team from the US Minerals Management Services (MMS).
The name SWAT is not an acronym, but a nickname that came along with the idea that a group of researchers was needed to travel quickly surveying as many sites as possible.
But then again, maybe this time your paranoid fantasy is true. Once the Feds control all of the offshore oil rigs with scientists then….something.
British Petroleum downplayed the possibility of a catastrophic accident at an offshore rig that exploded, causing the worst U.S. spill in decades along the Gulf coast and endangering shoreline habitat, documents suggest.
In the 52-page exploration plan and environmental impact analysis, BP repeatedly suggested it was unlikely, or virtually impossible, for an accident to occur that would lead to a giant crude oil spill and serious damage to beaches, fish, mammals and fisheries.
BP’s plan filed with the federal Minerals Management Service for the Deepwater Horizon well, dated February 2009, says repeatedly that it was “unlikely that an accidental surface or subsurface oil spill would occur from the proposed activities.”.
Hey Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama & Florida Republicans,
How’s That Oily Drilly thing working out For Ya?
There shall need to be some updates to Gulf Coast vacation advertising like this
Something magical unnatural happens when you visit the Alabama Gulf Coast. The moment you arrive, the world starts to fade away the sights and smells of man-made ecological disaster immediately assault the senses. Maybe it’s the sound of waves gently lapping the shore nausea from or the smell of coconut oil. Perhaps it’s our white black slick tar sand Gulf Coast beaches with dead birds and fishes and sparkling emerald tar ball inundated water.
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch for his home HA databasespews:
Hey MikeCubScout…
Puddy reads the Kooks@Kos too… Just fess up and give due diligence to the horsemanure you post here…
The name SWAT is not an acronym, but a nickname that came along with the idea that a group of researchers was needed to travel along the coast quickly surveying as many sites within a minus tide series as possible….
Butt you see MikeCubScout… the term SWAT is synonymous to the LAPD That’s why Puddy used the Dather/Mapes/Burkett Slanted Eye on America as the PuddySource. Odumba should have used something more useful and even the libtardo MSM would have reported it correctly.
WikiPedia has no MMS reference there. Of course the Kooks@Kos will run amok trying to cover Odumba’s ASS tout le temps!
No paranoid fantasy! Good try MikeCubScout.
@87 Puddy on 05/01/2010 at 8:10 am,
It is nice of you to acknowledge that you willfully misrepresented the use of the term SWAT in your comment as you were capable of knowing it relates to the rapid investigation team of the US MMS and not a paramilitary group of the LAPD.
One wonders why you misrepresented facts known to you and if you would have acknowledged your misrepresentation if it had not been pointed out.
You are a hand waving bullshitter.
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch about his home HA databasespews:
It is nice of you to acknowledge that you willfully misrepresented the use of the term SWAT in your comment as you were capable of knowing it relates to the rapid investigation team of the US MMS and not a paramilitary group of the LAPD.
Steve, an adherent of your Psych Projection 101 Class.
Puddy wrote nothing at all to the crap you posted above MikeCubScout. Puddy gave attribution to CBS News. Why are you trying to write an absolute and total a lie MikeCubScout? Wait… that’s the progressive way, straight from Saul Alinksy’s playbook. Smear your opponent whenever possible.
Puddy also noticed you still don’t give attribution to your blatant cut and paste from the Kooks@Kos. If MikeCubScout did that then he’s open to more ridicule. Don’t worry MikeCubScout… Your commentary ridicule is well deserved.
The Prosecution rests Your Honor. The defendant is left projecting inane “facts”. The defendant tries to skip over facts which makes his head explode.
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch about his home HA databasespews:
Here is MikeCubScout’s SWAT definition…
A 20 year old at Indiana University with a small small penis, who likes to molest little boys.
It is a pity you suffer from self delusion, because nobody who reads the shit you say here believes for one moment you introduced the term SWAT from the CBS post and then baited Steve with it out of misunderstanding.
Regarding your comment @90 it fits right in with your earlier comments on this thread regarding pedophilia.
It’s called projection.
Give it up, Puddy, and quit grasping at straws. You’re just making a fool of yourself. Again.
“If it’s just an oil spill Steve why swat teams?”
The name SWAT is not an acronym, but a nickname that came along with the idea that a group of researchers was needed to travel quickly surveying as many sites as possible.
But then again, maybe this time your paranoid fantasy is true. Once the Feds control all of the offshore oil rigs with scientists then….something.
heh- The resident boy scout owns your silly black ass.
@91 “Regarding your comment @90 it fits right in with your earlier comments on this thread regarding pedophilia.
It’s called projection.”
Puddy, in case I haven’t explained this to you yet, it’s a Psych 101 thing. But I could swear we’ve gone over this already.
The Wall Street Journal reports that the well lacked a remote-control shut-off switch that is required by Brazil and Norway, two other major oil-producing nations. The switch, a back-up measure to shut off oil flow, would allow a crew to remotely shut off the well even if a rig was damaged or sunken. BP said it couldn’t explain why its primary shut-off measures did not work.
U.S. regulators considered requiring the mechanism several years ago. They decided against the measure when drilling companies protested, saying the cost was too high, the device was only questionably effective, and that primary shut-off measures were enough to control an oil spill. A 2001 industry report argued against the shut-off device
No chance in hell Cheney cronies had anything to do with why the regulators’ decision went the way the oil industry wanted and against known best practices.
STUPES! Eco-terraists???? Slightly unbalanced kids who nail spikes into trees and burn the odd building down here and there?
What a fucking loon!
Dr. Dre, Easy E, and MC Renspews:
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch about his home HA databasespews:
Urban Dictionary
Steve and MikeCubScout… Puddy already proved what SWAT means to the average American on WikiPedia and even the whackjob American on UD. You can’t accept those sources because it destroys the feckless argument being put forth.
And Odumba’s words himself
PRESIDENT OBAMA: “Earlier today, DHS Secretary Napolitano announced that this incident is of national significance and the Department of Interior has announced that they will be sending SWAT teams to the Gulf to inspect all platforms and rigs. And I have ordered the Secretaries of Interior and Homeland Security as well as Administrator Lisa Jackson of the Environmental Protection Agency to visit the site on Friday to ensure that BP and the entire U.S. government is doing everything possible, not just to respond to this incident, but also to determine its cause.”
Butt don’t let Odumba’s words kick you in the ASS, ASS! Why is “Big Sis” and DHS involved? Hmmm…? You are two blind mice who drink the kook from the kook-aid.
Also why did Odumba scramble parts of DoD? You can easily find the reference.
Notice MikeCubScout still hasn’t given attribution to the Kooks@Kos.
The rest of their drivel is dribble. Enjoy the ready fools! Steve you need to stop Psych 101 Projection.
“Puddy already proved what SWAT means to the average American”
Good grief! Quit acting so damned unhinged.
“Steve you need to stop Psych 101 Projection.”
I’d comment on how you’ve become so unhinged that you’re now projecting your projections, but that’s a Psych 201 thing and I just don’t think you’re quite ready for that yet.
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch about his home HA databasespews:
Continually wrong for so long. Man get help.
Urban Dictionary
(then) Puddy already proved what SWAT means to the average American.
I always hate seeing you become unhinged, Puddy. But back to the thread topic which you avoid at all costs, when you wingnuts delusionally call this “Obama’s Katrina”, is this the long awaited ackowledgement that your abject failure of a president fucked up royally? I’m just curious, cuz I’ve never heard that admission from wingnuts before. You were always in a state of complete denial (another Psych 101 thing, by the way) about that entire calamity.
Makes you touch yourself just reading that bit of a bleet, doesn’t it, Pudpuller?
You sick insane fuck. Get help.
@78 – PuddyNutz never had a mind. Never will.
For Puddy’s amusement – seems to be on his mind, maybe too much. Having some funny internal feelings Puddy?
You can’t have this both ways here, gman. Certainly not within the span of only two comments. Either Puddy lost his mind or he never had a mind to begin with. I’m still insisting that he lost his mind. The way that term is commonly used it’s not saying that he hasn’t retained some cognitive abilities, and I think he has. Not much, mind you, but his mental condition is such that it’s quite appropriate for me to say that he’s “lost his mind”. That leaves it also appropriate for you to say that something “seems to be on his mind” That said, gman, I’m still open to discussion about whether Puddy does in fact, have a mind.
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch about his home HA databasespews:
when you wingnuts delusionally call this “Obama’s Katrina”
Where did Puddy say this Steve? Since you lump Puddy as a wingnut, please show where Puddy has discussed this?
Remember Steve, you said above…
Um, Puddy, those hits are links to Democrats talking about all the Republican pedos being busted in the last decade.
Nuff SAID on your BULLSHIT!
Psych Projection 101. Unless Puddy delivers it on HA, Puddy didn’t say it. Butt, Puddy is following the CCX developments.
You mean the CCX?
The CCX can accelerate from 0–62 mph (100 km/h) in 3.2 seconds and from 0–124 mph (200 km/h) in 9.8 seconds.[1][9] According to Koenigsegg it has a top speed of 259 mph (417 km/h), although this has not been officially verified
heh- Don’t do that to me, Puddy. You’re talking to somebody whose first car was a Jag XK-120 roadster which, in it’s time, was the fastest production car on the planet at 142 mph.
So anyways, Puddy, about ten or twelve years ago I was headed west on 520 out Redmond driving an RX-7 when here comes this C-Type Jag up from behind me, British racing green, looking like it just rolled out of the factory. I wanted get a real good look so I tagged along doing about 85-90 mph. Hey, I know what a Jag is all about. But then that guy accelerates and I was shown what one of those old racing Jags can do. Like the Ferraris at Le Mans, I was left looking at some fast disappearing C-Type tailpipes. I always appreciated that guy for putting on a show for me.
Sorrry if this is a repeat but it is lovely. An announcement from MMS on April 28 that the “2010 Annual Industry SAFE Awards Luncheon” was being canceled.
goldy, will you now be parking your car and boycotting all things made from petroleum?
just curious if you are the real deal or just another loud mouthed hypocrite..
Spill baby spill.
This was entirely predictable. The licenses for this and other new platforms were issued back in 2007, when gasoline and diesel fuel prices were skyrocketing. The wellhead is almost a mile down, and may be physically impossible to cap, as it is in a muddy area of the former Mississippi river delta, and the wreckage of the platform is resting almost directly on top of the leaking wellhead.
Deepwater currents there run easterly at about 30-40 knots just to the south of the wellhead, going east toward Florida and then turn south along the west coast to meet up and parallel the Gulf Stream. That puts the wellhead near the center of a major CCW eddy which would be considered a more stable area for deepwater drilling.
The Drill rig was whats called “semisubmersible” meaning that it wasn’t attached to the bottom except with anchor cables, and held on location by directional thrusters and cable tensioners to the anchoring system. Along with the leaking wellhead itself, the rig contained over 700,000 gallons of diesel fuel to run electric generators and the thrusters.
It is entirely possible that the concrete casing (a Halliburton product) around the wellhead was weak, poorly emplaced or substandard. At a mile down it is physically impossible to inspect except with robotic submersibles, meaning any inspection was cursory and purely visual with the limited cameras on the submersibles themselves. As those submersibles run about $10,000/hour to run, they would have limited their use to a few hours per operation.
This all means its a hairy, dangerous operation, and probably not worth the effort with existing technology. Eleven men lost their lives because our society cannot function without petroleum.
Time to start looking at alternative paradigms.
re 1: So, you’re saying that if you are against oil spills, you’re a hypocrite if you drive a car?
If I burn wood in my fireplace, am I a hypocrite if I’m against forest fires?
re 1: Sure. And what about agate marbles and half-moons? fail.
Stop yelping, dog.
Florida beaches are going to be covered in nasty, dried out crude oil for centuries. This will probably wipe out a major part of the Shrimping grounds in Mississippi, Alabama and Louisiana, and wreck the west coast of Florida completely, all the way to Miami. Much of the shoreline is brackish water tidal estuaries, which means the tide will bring a large amount of that oil deep into the swamplands along the whole coastline. Guaranteed you will see a lot of oil washing up on the shore of Key West and all the way to The Carolinas, the Bahamas and the Eastern seaboard.
This could very well be the worst industrial disaster in US history. This could wipe out fisheries all the way to Norway and Greenland.
Just another loud mouthed winger incapable of logical thought.
This is what I wanna drill, and I think Goldy should come with me, because he needs it too.
# 6: Miami is on the south-east coast of Florida, and is unlikely to be affected. Perhaps you meant Tampa, Sarasota, or Cape Coral?
Beaches at Pensacola and Panama City, on the panhandle, look like they are going to get a good coating of oil.
I don’t think the Carolinas or anywhere else on the East Coast is going to be affected, given the prevailing currents. I am wondering what’s going to happen to Cuba and the Bahamas.
CNN reported this morning that there was a safety shut off valve that could have been installed on the well. With that in place it would have been relatively simple to shut off the flow of oil.
Reason it was not installed? It supposedly costs too much money ($500,000) for the valve. I wonder what the full cost of not installing the valve is going to be.
Also, I wonder what other cost saving measures BP and the other oil companies have implemented?
Hey Rog,
does the wife always stand behind you with a cast iron skillet raised above her head, like she’s doing right now?
@1 A red herring if there ever was one. There’s lots of places to get oil besides the environmentally sensitive coastal waters of Louisiana and Florida. Such as the middle of the desert where nobody lives and nothing grows.
Only conservative idiots think we have to drill in ANWR or Louisiana salt marshes. Nobody else is that stupid.
@11 Usually.
No worries friends.
Our leading expert on fossil fuel energy, former half-term governor Sarah Moosilini Palin, is on it.
We can all breath a little easier. Moosilini is praying. No doubt this will stop the spill and remove the oil.
wow…not a single person is gonna stand up and park or sell thier cars…
must be more liberal “do as I say, not as I do”…….kinda like Lee and proud leftist deciding seattle wasnt a good place to raise their families.
hypocrites owned.
@15 Dr. Dre, Easy E, and MC Ren on 04/30/2010 at 12:58 pm,
“wow…not a single person is gonna stand up and park or sell thier cars…”
I gave up my car and driving in May 2004 primarily in response to the Iraq occupation.
The mayor of Seattle rides a bicycle.
What sacrifice have you ever made as a matter of principle? No chance you’ve booked tickets to go down to the gulf and help with the clean-up…. is there?
Ocean currents like the Florida current and the Gulf Stream will bring any such oil around the coastline. Couple that with onshore winds and the likelihood of a rather nasty hurricane season this year will smear that crap all over Bimini, Grand Bahama and the Carolina coastline.
Any oil that shows up on Florida beaches with be first seen between St. Petersburg and Sarisota or north of Cape Coral. The currents will push it onshore first in eastern Louisiana and Missippi.
Cuba might see some of it, but the prevailing winds will push it north along the East Florida coastline.
Tarballs in Miami are almost a given. The Gulf Stream is very powerful there, and only a few miles offshore.
@16…golf clap…good for you.
@18 Dr. Dre, Easy E, and MC Ren on 04/30/2010 at 1:03 pm,
You want to address my questions?
Or you want to own that hypocrite label you so casually throw at others?
Well, yes you are. But you knew that already.
Particulates from fireplace combustion befoul the air and befoul the lungs. Better to burn fossils.
We’re not back in the USSR, thank God, where fossil fuel emissions were just barely too thick to drink and too thin to plow. We’re not dirty coal-fired China. Our capitalism with all its faults gave us the capital to keep us clean. Most of the time.
Hope capitalism will quickly cap the spill in the Gulf, although Deathfrogg’s right: it won’t be easy. Then the Gulf will recover. Just as Prince William Sound quickly recovered.
We need oil. We need our own oil. We need to be sure that solar-panel plantations as big as a semi-big state are worth our time. That wind-tower plantations as big as T Boone himself make sense.
And we need to question the Peak Oil paradigm. So far it seems like Rabbit’s infinitely receding horizon for enetitlement catastrophe: We keep predicting a collapse, says Rabbit, that never seems to happen. The Peak Oil catastrophe is like that, so far. Every few years somebody grabs some headlines and a fistful of $$ by shouting that Peak Oil’s gonna get us any day now. Then, in a few days, we return to sanity.
Goldy doesn’t know the backstory to why Palin used the term drill, baby, drill, otherwise he would have told you. Palin was correcting Biden who used the term drill, drill, drill, in describing McCain’s philosophy. Biden, by the way, agreed with McCain, and said yes, we must drill for oil.
What Rabbit ‘wanna’ drill @8 isn’t where spineless rabbits usually end up …
@19….my record of giving either financially or via volunteer work is long and distinguished, just like my johnson.
but if you need an example, here is just ONE: We(the wife unit and I) took in two families from New Orleans after Katrina. We put them into rental houses we owned…. for a year…for FREE.
I think there’s plenty of evidence that oil and gas liquids have already peaked (2005-6) and that it tipped us over an economic precipice in 2007-8.
But I’m just a Dirty Fucking Hippy (and proud of it!).
Do US Joint Forces Command (senior military leadership — 2012):
and the Kuwaitis (2014):
count as “somebody”?
re 23: The government was paying people to take them in — but you did it for free?
What a chump.
I wonder how Obama feels about triangulating now??
I’m surprised that the Republicans have not found a way to blame the Democrats for this.
But, I’m sure that if they did, the ‘left wing’ MM would set the record straight……….NOT…
@25…we received no money from the govt at breaks or otherwise…the less we deal the feds the better of I feel.
and for all you church haters out there, we did it through our church, who helped set everything up.
so go screw yourself Beria GBS…you cheap SOB.
@25…thats the difference between you and I….you are a POS who wouldnt help out your fellow man without getting a kickback from the govt…..we did it out of conscience.
you are yet another fine example of the typical progressive…all talk and no walk.
re 28: You mean like GWB’s mother promising to help the schools in post Katrina New Orleans as long as they bought Neil Bush’s educational software?
Is that the kind of conservative conscience you mean?
Former first lady’s donation aids son
Katrina funds earmarked to pay for Neil Bush’s software program
Drill, baby, drill = spill, baby, spill, = kill, baby kill the red state economies of the South.
Again, the consequences of electing Ronald Reagan in 1980 rears its ugly head to hurt, yet again, America.
Jimmy Carter was RIGHT! We needed to cure our oil addiction 30 years ago. Exemplifying true leadership, President Carter had solar panels installed on the White House to demonstrate that there was/is a better alternative to fossil fuels.
What did Ronald Reagan do?
Had the solar panels removed and changed the trajectory of America’s energy dependence back to fossil fuels.
Had President Carter been re-elected and set the course for clean, renewable energy and unleashing America’s technical superiority and “can-do” spirit imagine how advanced we’d be right now.
The economic superpower of clean energy solutions being exported all over the world. Not being dependent of funding terrorism and involving America militarily in the Middle East. Not giving reason for the radical Islamists to hate us.
9/11 never happening, War on Terror never happening, Iraq never happening, Fort Hood massacre never happening.
No Reagan Republican debt of $12 Trillion dollars never happening.
The recent events will squarely put the focus of independent swing voters on the side of Liberals this fall and in 2012.
The Death of Reaganism and the modern day GOP is now 100% certain. Sarah Palin and the rest of the “Drill, Baby, Drill” crowd are now on the defensive.
No plan for fiscal restraint.
No plan for national defense.
No plan for energy independence.
No plan for immigration reform.
No plan for health care reform.
No plan for Wall Street reform.
No plan except to filibuster and “Just Say No.”
Who knew Nancy’s war on drugs would ultimately become the entirety of the RNC political platform?
The End is here. . . for conservatives that is.
@29…no, I am talking about mine and mine alone…
try again..
oh mikeboyscout…where did you go? you sure seemed run away awfully quick…
bitch slap…ho slap…punk slap…take your pick.
LMFAO @ “its all reagans fault!”….hahahahah
GBS…do you drive a car?
Do you have solar panels on your house?
have you stopped buying any plastics?
nah, didnt think so….
Actually, the peak oil folks have focused on 2006-2012, not any day now, and their predictions as far as oil production go have been pretty right on.
We’re going to do all that just as soon as you stop with the all or nothing illogic.
@ 34:
Yes I drive cars.
Yes I have solar hot water heating installed on my house.
I buy as little plastic as possible.
But, of course, you being on the wrong side of history and the wrong side of what’s best for America try to paint those of us who want change for the future as hypocrites because we live in the 21st century.
Your thinking, along with that of the Reagan Republicans is still locked in the early 20th century.
Face it, you’re wrong and your party is going to become extinct after the 2012 elections.
I can wait that long and so too can America and the rest of the world.
After that, we are going to jam down your throats the Liberal agenda for generations to come.
Get used to it, pal. You’re now living in MY America. Not Reagan’s.
The Reagan era America is DEAD, DEAD, DEAD.
Godless Zotz @24: You may be right, but recall the fear and trembling of the 1970s: oil’s over, we’re done.
That was 30+ years ago, BR. Before Reagan. The new New Left now beats up Reagan for not blowing off oil and getting behind Carter’s panacea of turning fuel into food, but Reagan got it right. Oil, with all its faults, is better than ethanol. Reagan bought us time at a price we could pay.
Yes we had a price bump two years ago that diverted some of our discretionary $$ to oil. Then the imperfect markets factored in China, India, and Brazil. Then they reverted to a semblance of equilibrium while a peak oiler was howling on the radio that $146/bbl was just the beginning of calamity. Same old song as the 1970s, different numbers.
Meanwhile real calamity happened in parts of the world that depended on corn for corn, not corn for Carter faux fuel.
Saw your notes from Joint Forces Command elsewhere. Yes. Gets my attention for sure. We shall see. And you previous comments about JFC make sense. Not bad for a Dirty Fucking Pottymouth Hippy.
I’m sure if the government would just get out of the way the free market would have that well capped and the mess cleaned up in no time!
@37…poor GBS keep forgetting history….in this case, US political history..
the pendulum always swings back and forth…always has and always will..that is of course until people like you start opening up gulags..
enjoy it while you can…
@27: Bless you, my son. There was much Katrina caterwauling here on the progressive left coast. “Governor” Gregoire said that New Orleans refugees would have a happy home at Soundpoint or someplace nearby. Then … not much.
Katrina’s victims mostly went to right-wing Texas. Mostly as the guests of conservative churches. The white cracker Cajun Navy of Louisiana helped pull people from the rubble while goldie yelped about Brownie.
Oh God. GBS is back @31. Hope Jimmy Carter can pray GBS into heaven or sanity, whichever comes first.
@39…but isnt that what is going to happen? BP will end up capping the well, not the US govt.
Which president tried to set us on the course away from oil and which president put us back on that path?
Yeah, it is your fucking false God’s falut.
Ronald Reagan the 2nd worst president ever, but a close second to Bush 43.
Followed by Nixon then Bush 41.
@43…LMFAO…hahahahahhahahh…and during that time, not a single plan came out of the democrat party led congress…HAHHAHAHHAHAH
Baaa haaa haaa haaa haaa.
OK, smart ass, speaking of contemporary US History, how long were you dumb fucks out of power the last time you screwed up?
I’ll give you a hint the year was 1954.
Oh fuck, I’ll just rub your nose in it. It lasted until 1994.
40 years in political exile, fool. And, that was just over McCarthyism and Civil Rights.
You guys have fucked up 10 times worse.
Will the pendulum swing back? Sure it will. But it will never, EVER swing back to Reaganism.
The ONLY way it will ever swing back to Republican control again is after your party comes way, way back to the left. Not until then.
I’m sooooooooooooo happy right now. 30-40 years from now I’ll go to my grave watching Democrats ramming and jamming our agenda, our LIBERAL LEFT-WING agenda right down your throats and there’s not a God Damned thing you will ever be able to do about it.
Except cry, whine, bitch and complain on blogs.
Yeah, and they’re going to pick up every cent of the coast guard bill and every cent of the cleanup effort. Yeah, right.
And you missed the point of the post, which isn’t very surprising.
GBS….you should really seek some help from a mental health professional.
54-94?? huh? LMFAO…you were probably stoned during that time, since you seem to have forgotten so much history. If it lasted until ’94, then how the hell could reagan have screwed up so many things(according to you)…..
now that is some strange logic there….
cmon now, you know what you really want: gulags, camps, neighbor tattling on neighbor, speech police….just go ahead and admit it – its what your type has longed for…
keep floundering there big boy…it is comical.
Carter and I share something: we were both Navy Nucs in our previous lives. It gives you a keen sense of logistics and what it takes to keep a capability up and running with finite resources.
Carter was right and got smeared for it by guys like you. We got one of the stupidest men who ever lived for President and a coterie of fucking economic rapists.
On the other hand, he gave us the Carter Doctrine and Central Command whose primary mission is oil security — to the tune of $150 Billion a year, every year — NOT including the cost of Iraq and Afganistan.
If we had done what Carter proposed (and it wasn’t just ethanol, dude), we’d be in a lot better shape today. Maybe with lots more complex hydrocarbon molecules still in the ground available for our kids and their kids’ kids to use. They will look back on us and wonder how we could have been so selfish and clueless to have blown most of them out of a tailpipe on trips from our suburban enclaves to the convenience store on a whim.
Here are 47,500 links to ‘Jimmy Carter Submarine Exaggerate Nuclear’. The cited paragraph was skimmed off the top.
You and Carter and I do not share something. I was not a Navy Nuc. So please help me find the bottom line on those 47,500 slices of contrarian history. Was he a destructive fraud, or only a garden variety destructive fool?
Foolish Faux Carter links are right here …
Soundpoint = Sandpoint
C’ya, YLB.
@ 50 AKA Mr peanut the pathological liar:
Sounds like a fully qualified USN Nuclear Engineer to me.
@52: It may be worse than you think:
He’s not just a pathological liar.
He’s an amateur liar, lying for other liars, which makes him a pathological lying slut!
@22 At least I have a dick, which is more than you can say. It may be a rabbit dick, but it’s a dick. All you’ve got is a zit.
@23 Apart from the fact I don’t believe you, it must be nice to be so rich you can afford to donate 2 years of rent to strangers. No working class person could do that.
@55….oh bullshit. My wife and I work for a living, and are hardly upper crust. We are hardly rich, but we are smart with our money.
affording a few rental homes is the product of having ZERO consumer debt and not spending beyond our means…and taking advantage of opportunities that present themselves.
I have a friend who is a plumber – nothing more – he owns 4 rental homes….is he working class to you? or he just a lazy spoiled rich fuck? you are truly a dipshit – AND A PHONY.
YOU on the other hand probably sat on your ass trading stocks during Katrina(no doubt taking advantage of the misery down there), not lifting a fucking decrepit finger.
Not to mention that, in contrast to the statements quoted in #49, Carter didn’t “kill off the nuclear industry”. Three-Mile Island did that.
I should know, my own dad was a nuclear engineer (or more accurately, a stress-engineer in designing nuclear reactor containment vessels). He died shortly before Three-Mile Island, but as soon as we heard about what was happening, we all realized that had he lived, he would have been out of work within a very short time. The company he worked for struggled with other lower-tech products for the next decade, before it was finally purchased by a Swiss conglomerate. It went out of business a decade ago, I think.
@45 I think we should make them pay reparations for the damage they caused.
@56 “YOU on the other hand probably sat on your ass trading stocks during Katrina(no doubt taking advantage of the misery down there), not lifting a fucking decrepit finger.”
You’re right, I didn’t lift a finger, fucking or decrepit or otherwise. I don’t have any fingers. I had to send my donations with paws and claws.
Of course I’m an asshole! I used to be a Republican, and old bad habits die slowly.
Lost? Is that you?
9/11 truther extraordinaire blabbing again!!!!
Puddy wondering why Odumba sending out SWAT teams. Hmmm…? Why did this blow up the day before earf daze? Hmmm…? We know eco-terrorists are not oil friendly… We see them all over this blog.
Glad you finally admitted what we who think right knew since 2004!
@62 Good grief, Puddy, would you please try a little harder not to be such a loon?
That’s just Rush lying again. Like the SWAT team that was(n’t) sent out to breakup the granny tea baggers.
@49 “Here are 47,500 links to ‘Jimmy Carter Submarine Exaggerate Nuclear’”
Then it must be true. Say, did you know that there are 1,610,000 links to “Republican pedophiles”? And here I thought I was just fucking with wingnut minds. Hmm, no wonder some of them go ballistic over it.
Results 1 – 10 of about 1,730,000 for democrat pedophile. (0.30 seconds) Even Google knows there are more of your kind around!
Oh poor Steve… Can’t deal with any speculation at all. Yet your kind always delivers perverse speculation on this blog everyday!
Um, Puddy, those hits are links to Democrats talking about all the Republican pedos being busted in the last decade. But you already knew that, didn’t you? Nice try, though.
“Yet your kind always delivers perverse speculation on this blog everyday!”
Here, Puddy, speculate on this,
474 wingnut pedos busted and still counting. Sucks to be you, huh? Yeah, I thought so.
Steve farts,
Are you trying to will the truth to appear?
Link #1 – A partial list of democratic pedophiles
Link #2 – The Left’s Pedophile Problem (Hawaii Democrats Hired Convicted
Link #3 – – DemocRats have WAY MORE pedophiles and Sex Scandals
Link #4 – Democrats Protect Pedophiles Video
Link #5 – YouTube – Democrats Protect Pedophiles
Link #6 – FrontPage Magazine – The Left’s Pedophile Problem
And Puddy didn’t need to buy the link like Odumba’s campaign did!
Steve, with Gman etc. on your side (Puddy won’t name the other leftist loons)… it’s your side who does the sucking…
heh- Puddy will have to go through all the pages of that link and count the wingnut pedos in order to dispute this. LMFAO!! Good luck with that, Puddy. After all, you only have to work your way through 24 pages listing one wingnut pedo bust after another. Hell, they left out half of them.
If you want to find the really freaky stuff you’ll have to go to the “Lewd” section of that site. They left half of those out too. Just try finding Richard Curtis. Oh, you claim ignorance of wingnut Richard?
My, that’s some freaky stuff you guys are into.
“The Left’s Pedophile Problem”
LMFAO!! Nice try, Puddy, but an EPIC FAIL!
“Link #1 – A partial list of democratic pedophiles”
Freerepublic? Freepers? Puddy, did you notice how short that list is? And did you see how they have to go back the last century to find Dem pedos?
You’re owned, Sucka. Give it up before I share stories of Republican pedos wearing panda costumes. Speaking of which, wasn’t that a panda costume hanging in Dunn’s closet?
You claimed the links were
Since Puddy proved you wrong through THE DUMB BUNNY method, you FAILED AGAIN. Poor Steve, the frostbite of truth has demented you.
Notice how Steve changes the subject, gets spanked and then tries to change the subject again…
“Notice how Steve changes the subject, gets spanked and then tries to change the subject again…”
Sigh! Projection, Puddy, projection. It’s a Psych 101 thing. Haven’t I talked to you about this before?
That freeper list still cracks me up. They go back half a century and can’t fill half a page?? Then they want to talk about the “Democratic pedophilia problem”??? LMFAO!! Good fucking grief, Puddy, have you lost your mind? Have you even looked at that Republican pedophile site? If Democrats have a “pedophile problem” with a half dozen pedos going back a half century, then WTF is the magnitude of the Republican problem when you’ve got 474 going back a only a decade? Help me out here, Puddy. Is yours like a “huge fucking problem” or is it maybe something like a “humongous fucking problem”?
Sorry to have to do it to you again, Puddy, but you’ve just been spanked and spanked good. I’m afraid the only thing I’ve left you with is your sorry state of denial. So sad.
“Good fucking grief, Puddy, have you lost your mind?”
Hmm, I asked that? My bad. Of course you’ve lost your mind. That’s why I like you so much – you’re crazier than a loon.
Drill, Baby, Drill!
Projection Psych 101 Steve? Who wrote this garbage?
Again, Steve wrote earlier…
Then he changes the subject to focus on Free Republic who is writing about DUMMOCRAPTS… Steve, you said all the links are
You were caught. You can’t change the subject to Free Republic and try to win here. EPIC FAIL fool! Since you can only focus on one link it means your serial thinking has problems too.
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor. No need to continually beat up a mindless imbecile! His spanking produced a real cry for help as evidenced by the comedic circular commentary above. You argue like the arschloch and correctnotright. Must be sumtin in de wata. Unfortunately when you are in the “progressive forest” no one hears your cry for help!
And the whistleblowers start coming out of the woodwork.
Here is Bill Mahar certified leftist loon progressive on his Surreal Slime with Bill Mahar…
Hey Steve, you don’t think so eco-terraist got upset over Odumba’s comment and went utzo? So why are SWAT Teams sent to oil rigs Steve? From CBS News the Dan Rather/Mary Mapes/Bill Burkett news station with it’s “eye on the prize”…
If it’s just an oil spill Steve why swat teams? Wait Steve… don’t answer. You’ll further embarrass yourself.
BP Exec: Offshore Drilling Is ‘Safe And Protective Of The Environment’
Oh I’m sure we’ll remember. I doubt the people along the Gulf coast will be able to forget for many, many years.
@82 Puddy on 05/01/2010 at 6:46 am,
The SWAT inspection team being sent to Gulf oil rigs is an inspection team from the US Minerals Management Services (MMS).
The name SWAT is not an acronym, but a nickname that came along with the idea that a group of researchers was needed to travel quickly surveying as many sites as possible.
But then again, maybe this time your paranoid fantasy is true. Once the Feds control all of the offshore oil rigs with scientists then….something.
BP didn’t plan for major spill
Hey Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama & Florida Republicans,
How’s That Oily Drilly thing working out For Ya?
There shall need to be some updates to Gulf Coast vacation advertising like this
Hey MikeCubScout…
Puddy reads the Kooks@Kos too… Just fess up and give due diligence to the horsemanure you post here…
Butt you see MikeCubScout… the term SWAT is synonymous to the LAPD That’s why Puddy used the Dather/Mapes/Burkett Slanted Eye on America as the PuddySource. Odumba should have used something more useful and even the libtardo MSM would have reported it correctly.
WikiPedia has no MMS reference there. Of course the Kooks@Kos will run amok trying to cover Odumba’s ASS tout le temps!
No paranoid fantasy! Good try MikeCubScout.
@87 Puddy on 05/01/2010 at 8:10 am,
It is nice of you to acknowledge that you willfully misrepresented the use of the term SWAT in your comment as you were capable of knowing it relates to the rapid investigation team of the US MMS and not a paramilitary group of the LAPD.
You’ll find the MMS here.
One wonders why you misrepresented facts known to you and if you would have acknowledged your misrepresentation if it had not been pointed out.You are a hand waving bullshitter.
Steve, an adherent of your Psych Projection 101 Class.
Another education lesson for MikeCubScout… Enjoy the ready fool!
Puddy wrote nothing at all to the crap you posted above MikeCubScout. Puddy gave attribution to CBS News. Why are you trying to write an absolute and total a lie MikeCubScout? Wait… that’s the progressive way, straight from Saul Alinksy’s playbook. Smear your opponent whenever possible.
Puddy also noticed you still don’t give attribution to your blatant cut and paste from the Kooks@Kos. If MikeCubScout did that then he’s open to more ridicule. Don’t worry MikeCubScout… Your commentary ridicule is well deserved.
The Prosecution rests Your Honor. The defendant is left projecting inane “facts”. The defendant tries to skip over facts which makes his head explode.
Here is MikeCubScout’s SWAT definition…
The true SWAT definition of MikeCubScout!;page=5
It is a pity you suffer from self delusion, because nobody who reads the shit you say here believes for one moment you introduced the term SWAT from the CBS post and then baited Steve with it out of misunderstanding.
Regarding your comment @90 it fits right in with your earlier comments on this thread regarding pedophilia.
It’s called projection.
Give it up, Puddy, and quit grasping at straws. You’re just making a fool of yourself. Again.
“If it’s just an oil spill Steve why swat teams?”
heh- The resident boy scout owns your silly black ass.
@91 “Regarding your comment @90 it fits right in with your earlier comments on this thread regarding pedophilia.
It’s called projection.”
Puddy, in case I haven’t explained this to you yet, it’s a Psych 101 thing. But I could swear we’ve gone over this already.
Troubling Details Emerge About BP’s Oil Rig Explosion and Spill
No chance in hell Cheney cronies had anything to do with why the regulators’ decision went the way the oil industry wanted and against known best practices.
STUPES! Eco-terraists???? Slightly unbalanced kids who nail spikes into trees and burn the odd building down here and there?
What a fucking loon!
Urban Dictionary
Steve and MikeCubScout… Puddy already proved what SWAT means to the average American on WikiPedia and even the whackjob American on UD. You can’t accept those sources because it destroys the feckless argument being put forth.
And Odumba’s words himself
Butt don’t let Odumba’s words kick you in the ASS, ASS! Why is “Big Sis” and DHS involved? Hmmm…? You are two blind mice who drink the kook from the kook-aid.
Also why did Odumba scramble parts of DoD? You can easily find the reference.
Notice MikeCubScout still hasn’t given attribution to the Kooks@Kos.
The rest of their drivel is dribble. Enjoy the ready fools! Steve you need to stop Psych 101 Projection.
“Puddy already proved what SWAT means to the average American”
Good grief! Quit acting so damned unhinged.
“Steve you need to stop Psych 101 Projection.”
I’d comment on how you’ve become so unhinged that you’re now projecting your projections, but that’s a Psych 201 thing and I just don’t think you’re quite ready for that yet.
Continually wrong for so long. Man get help.
Urban Dictionary
(then) Puddy already proved what SWAT means to the average American.
I always hate seeing you become unhinged, Puddy. But back to the thread topic which you avoid at all costs, when you wingnuts delusionally call this “Obama’s Katrina”, is this the long awaited ackowledgement that your abject failure of a president fucked up royally? I’m just curious, cuz I’ve never heard that admission from wingnuts before. You were always in a state of complete denial (another Psych 101 thing, by the way) about that entire calamity.
Makes you touch yourself just reading that bit of a bleet, doesn’t it, Pudpuller?
You sick insane fuck. Get help.
@78 – PuddyNutz never had a mind. Never will.
For Puddy’s amusement – seems to be on his mind, maybe too much. Having some funny internal feelings Puddy?
“PuddyNutz never had a mind”
“seems to be on his mind”
You can’t have this both ways here, gman. Certainly not within the span of only two comments. Either Puddy lost his mind or he never had a mind to begin with. I’m still insisting that he lost his mind. The way that term is commonly used it’s not saying that he hasn’t retained some cognitive abilities, and I think he has. Not much, mind you, but his mental condition is such that it’s quite appropriate for me to say that he’s “lost his mind”. That leaves it also appropriate for you to say that something “seems to be on his mind” That said, gman, I’m still open to discussion about whether Puddy does in fact, have a mind.
Where did Puddy say this Steve? Since you lump Puddy as a wingnut, please show where Puddy has discussed this?
Remember Steve, you said above…
Nuff SAID on your BULLSHIT!
Psych Projection 101. Unless Puddy delivers it on HA, Puddy didn’t say it. Butt, Puddy is following the CCX developments.
You mean the CCX?
heh- Don’t do that to me, Puddy. You’re talking to somebody whose first car was a Jag XK-120 roadster which, in it’s time, was the fastest production car on the planet at 142 mph.
So anyways, Puddy, about ten or twelve years ago I was headed west on 520 out Redmond driving an RX-7 when here comes this C-Type Jag up from behind me, British racing green, looking like it just rolled out of the factory. I wanted get a real good look so I tagged along doing about 85-90 mph. Hey, I know what a Jag is all about. But then that guy accelerates and I was shown what one of those old racing Jags can do. Like the Ferraris at Le Mans, I was left looking at some fast disappearing C-Type tailpipes. I always appreciated that guy for putting on a show for me.
Sorrry if this is a repeat but it is lovely. An announcement from MMS on April 28 that the “2010 Annual Industry SAFE Awards Luncheon” was being canceled.