Yet another example of Republican values:
A “culture of substance abuse and promiscuity” existed in the federal agency that handles royalty payments from oil companies, including sexual encounters between government employees and industry representatives, according to a memorandum released today.
[…] “When confronted by our investigators, none of the employees involved displayed remorse.”
FYI, from news accounts, it is unclear whether the drilling occurred on or off shore.
Well, that was disgusting. Sounds like a bunch of Palin’s Christo-commie-fascists got appointed to that agency.
Here’s a bunch of guys who drill “babies” of a somewhat older sort:
Of course you all know about the Republican Senator who goes #2 in a diaper for relief from the pressures of office. He plays a baby on TV or something.
Just in case:
More Republican values: lie 24/7. being the latest victim:
That’s as ridiculous a statement as blaming the postal worker slayings on Clinton, Goldy.
So are you saying that all government employees are republican ? But based on earlier statements made by people here, those offenders must be democrats….as republicans don’t have sex with the other gender.
Slow news day again ?
@5 “as republicans don’t have sex with the other gender”
No, I’ve said that Republicans don’t have sex with their own species.
You seem to have forgotten David Vitter, or are you saying that David is a cross dressing woman who is married to another woman?
Republicans are stopping at nothing to cling to power. Everybody has to do something: donate, canvas, register people to vote.
Volunteer. I’m doing it.
We keep hearing about the “Republican” Politburo wanting the Central Authority to open-up the most expensive areas for off shore drilling platforms.
Why not just drill where the most oil is—where the easy-to-get oil is: North Dakota? Would that be because the mineral rights are owned by wildcatters and not the federal government or Big Oil companies with lobbyists all over DC?
“Drill baby, drill” isn’t a solution—it’s the McSame old way to get HUGE pork barrel projects without having them count as pork.
Considering the way the Bush administration has packed the hierarchy of so many other Federal agencies with loyalists, it’s pretty inconceivable that they wouldn’t have done so with an office that has such a close relationship with the petroleum industry.
McCain Ad Lies About Obama Education Vote
“Instead of engaging Obama in a debate about the future of public education … McCain claimed that ‘Obama’s one accomplishment’ in the area of education was ‘legislation to teach “comprehensive sex education” to kindergartners.’ …
“The point of the bill in question — which as an Illinois state senator Obama voted for but did not sponsor, and which never passed — was not to give kindergartners explicit sex-ed lessons.
“It was to give local school boards the ability to warn young children about inappropriate touching and sexual predators. Offended parents even could opt out of the program. …
“Maybe McCain thinks cautioning kids about creeps is a bad thing, but I doubt it. I even doubt that McCain buys what his own ad is slimily implying — that Obama is some sort of perverted sexual deviant who wants to parade pornographic images in front of the nation’s prepubescent children. But the problem is, McCain is treating the American people as if they’re stupid enough to believe just that. …
“Earlier this summer, McCain called for a campaign based on the ‘politics of civility.’ Try the politics of stupidity instead. … And the worst part isn’t that McCain was acting stupid. It’s that he seems to think we’re all stupid, too.”
— Andrew Romano in Newsweek (quoted under fair use)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Low Road McCain: A man with no scruples, no honor, no honesty. If voters are stupid enough to elect this weasel, they’ll deserve what they get. has called bullshit on that McCain “sex education” ad, too.
Seems to me a candidate who would tell a whopper like this will also lie about WMDs in Iraq, nukes in Iran, illegal wiretapping, outing CIA agents, etc., if he gets into office.
“it is unclear whether the drilling occurred on or off shore.”
I think one of the versions I read mentioned something about yachts in the Caribbean…
Air Force Tanker Contract: None Of The Above
Defense Secretary Robert Gates announced today the Pentagon will delay a decision on awarding the aerial tanker contract until the next administration, Time magazine reports. Time describes Gates’ decision as “a victory for Boeing.”
Even Biden agrees with INTELLIGENT PEEPS: “Hillary Clinton is as qualified or more qualified than I am to be vice president of the United States of America. Let’s get that straight. She’s a truly close personal friend, she is qualified to be president of the United States of America, she’s easily qualified to be vice president of the United States of America, and quite frankly, it might have been a better pick than me.”
Who’s Minding Alaska’s Store?
Palin’s proteges, that’s who. And what a lot they are! They’re as colorful as she is.
With Gov. Palin on the campaign trail, Alaska is being run by Lt. Gov. Sean Parnell. Of course, she lied to the press about that, claiming, “As the mother of five, I know how to multitask.” But, says Time magazine, it’s clear that Parnell is making executive decisions while Palin is away. Parnell is a former oil industry lobbyist who ran side-by-side with Palin in 2006 on the latter’s “reform” agenda.
But if Palin becomes vice president, Parnell won’t necessarily become governor. That’s because he challenged embattled Alaska congressman Don Young in this year’s Republican primary (with Palin’s endorsement) and currently trails Young by only 239 votes. If Parnell wins the primary and goes on to Congress, the remainder of Palin’s gubernatorial term will be served by Alaska’s attorney general, Talis Colberg, another Palin crony. Palin appointed Colberg to the job last year.
Colberg has a thin resume for the job of Alaska’s top law enforcer. He wrote his Ph.D. thesis about the Alaska state fair, and his only previous legal experience was handling worker’s comp cases.
As attorney general, Colberg normally would have supervised the investigation of whether Palin used her office to retaliate against her ex-brother-in-law by pressuring the state police chief to fire Wooten from his state trooper job. But Colberg had to recuse himself because he’s neck-deep himself in Troopergate: He’s one of the state officials who allegedly pressured the chief to fire Wooten.
But if both Palin and Parnell leave the state for national offices, Colberg will only be the acting governor until a special election can be held. So who will run Alaska if the whole Palin freak show leaves the state for greener pastures is anyone’s guess.
Source: Time magazine
“This week’s USA Today/Gallup poll reported a split on which candidate “can better handle the economy”; 48 percent chose Obama while 45 percent said McCain. In late August, Obama had a 16-point edge on the issue.
Also this week, an ABC News/Washington Post poll reported that when voters are asked “who can bring about needed change to Washington,” McCain still trails Obama by 12 points. But in June, McCain trailed by 32 points.”
Hmmm… maybe people are waking up?
@15 So? All that proves is there’s strong women in national politics. Sarah Palin isn’t one of them. McCain is protecting her from the press and trying hard to convince voters that asking Palin tough questions (the kind presidential candidates are expected to be able to answer) is sexist. But you rethugs sure didn’t think it was sexist to bash Hillary. Why is that? Other than you’re fucking hypocrites?
But thanks anyway, puddy, for pointing out that real women politicians don’t have to be protected from rough-and-tumble political competition. Only unqualified pretenders need a “sexist” screen to hide behind.
@17 All that proves is that 45% of the people in this country don’t read newspapers, don’t know anything about economic policy, and don’t know why they’re working harder and earning less.
Personally, I’d rather work on my terms and pay taxes on Republican terms. That means I don’t work, and own stock in foreign-flag shipping companies that pay no U.S. taxes but pay a 9% dividend yield on which I pay next to nothing in income taxes.
Frankly, I don’t understand why anyone would hold a job or do any work in a Republican economy. That doesn’t make any sense.
@17: Wait until Palin’s lies start being counted up – McCain will fall even further behind as his judgement and lack of vetting such an inexperienced and corrupt liar will backfire on his campaign. He was desperate to shore up the far right – but he will end up alienating most Americans with the foolish choice of Palin.
Look for Palin to be fired within 2 weeks as she repeatedly lies and the corruption investigation with E-mails and eyewitness progresses.
Palin is scared to actually be asked questions – she has the same false lines every time she speaks – she is turning out to be a godsend to democrats. Thank you McCain!
This is the first step to biden stepping down for “personal” reasons he doesn’t want to talk about.
Let’s get real. Obama didn’t vet biden very well. Now he needs to dump his worthless carcass. Or as he’s done so many times already in this campaign, throw him under the bus.
The question is will hillary want to step in and rescue obama or let him crash and burn and run for president in 2012 with obama just a footnote in history.
Hehehehehe I love seeing the venom from the left. The implosion will be so precious to watch, even better than when Burner cries. hahaahahha
Alas, JBD, I must admit I envy your ignorance. I find the stupid sleep much better at night than the rest of us. Hopefully, when your low-income job is shipped overseas, when your child is diagnosed with leukemia due to the lead-tainted Chinese toys you could barely afford to buy him/her and you have no insurance to pay the bills, when you finally lose your house, your car and eventually your spouse due to financial hardships, when Republicans sneer at your inability to pull yourself up by your lazy bootstraps when everything else you have tried fails, you’ll be more willing to see reason. You’ll realize that the Republican party you support is only interested in making you roll over, shake paws and vote Republican upon command. You;ll be stuck eating dog food while your Masters eat steak, but I suppose it’s not a bad life as long as you never slip your leash (and you don’t mind losing your balls like the rest of the lapdogs).
After a bit of euphoria from the promotion of the lying moose hunter, the desperation from the right wing is starting to become palpable.
This is the normal course of things after reality sets in.
If you put lipstick on a community organizer you still have a shake down artist.
Did I sound desperate…Naaahahh I am LMAO, you dems are better than SNL in the late 70-early 80s. hahahahahaha
Hey but let’s all stand up for YLB for being such a good sport. hahahahahahaa That’s it. heheheh
Hey Goldy, every day me and Dutch and Mr. Cynical and the other rghtwingers come onto this blog and ridicule you asnd your beliefs and turn these threads into a sewer and along comes a sockpuppet to make fun of us and you delete all his posts. But our posts criticizing you are allowed to remain. You FUCKING LIBERALS ARE FUCKING WIMP ASS LOSERS. You will not fight. You have no fucking spine. there is nothing to you but talk. We rightwingers will be back tomorrow to smear you and your beliefs and you will eat it up. Hell if enough of us start posting you’ll pay for more bandwidth. Absolutely fucking incredible. You think this shit would fly on a rightwing blog. Hell no! We have balls!
27 – You’ve been eating shit a long time cur: election contest, I-912, Irons, Foley, Haggard, Craig, Abramoff, Libby, ACVR and on and on and on.
I believe you will scarf a huge pile in November.
My secret admirer is up late on a school night.
The question is will he remain to be a good sport after obama loses the election.
You forget, repubs don’t lose elections unless there are two concervatives running. Nice try.
Hey but let’s all stand and give it up for YLB for being such a good sport. hahahahahahaa That’s it. heheheh
@28: Gee, when I go to the right wing blogs – the fools there can’t even think straight to refute anything I say.
No- the right wing troll idiots on here just show their vapid stupidity by slavishly following the republican creed: Lies, corruption and sexual perversion.
Abramoff and his good buddies (Ralph Reed and Grover Norquist – who laundered his money) show the absolute depravity of republicans. They supported and lobbied for slave labor, russian oil tycoons, forced abortions, gambling and Indian casinos. So much for the supposed principles of the religious right and the anti-tax crusaders – they are led by corrupt politicians and Karl rove and his big-lie tactics exemplify the amoral republican code. The trolls on this blog simply demonstrate these predilictions but the American people are smart enough to know a pig with lipstick when they see one.
Record budget deficits, unnecesary wars and record corruption are the republican legacy.
yelling loser boy@29:
Same broken record, same worthless regurgitation.
@32 – What an idiot dog – heard of a guy named Clinton – he beat your butts twice.
Obama will win easily – now that Palin is getting caught in her own lies. She sounded good – until you actually look at the facts. Now she will be a liability and drag down lyin’ McCain.
@28: Marvin
No one bothers with you anymore – you have no credibility. Have you ever been right on anything? Doubtful.
Doesn’t make it any less true.
Right wing idiot.
Gone home yet?
You’re responding to my secret admirer.
Of course he did. He wasn’t an idiot, he didn’t run on liberal planks like obama is. Clinton didn’t hang around with the weather underground or pastors like wright.
Before him, who was the last democrat president to get re-elected?
@32 – What an idiot dog – heard of a guy named Clinton – he beat your butts twice.
He won because of Perot dumbass. Again you libs have the same obstacle, LIBRULISM. You can put lipstick on a liberal, but in the end he/she is still a liberal.
You alleged musician, you. This evening would appear to be one more evening in which you have no gig. Poor Marvistan, poor, poor Marvistan. Tomorrow’s another day, guy. Maybe you can play your ukelele on the sidewalk and get enough coins to buy a Big Mac. Man, wouldn’t that be the life?
What makes you think I play gigs at night anymore.
Damn. Talk about screwing the tax payers.
Yeah, Marvin doesn’t play night gigs any more. They changed his meds at the home last week, and now he thinks he’s an astronaut instead of a musician.
WHATTTT!!!! People get drunk and have sex? Shocking.
I guess the entire world must be ‘Republicans’ if this is your definition of Republican values.
RR @ 19: Think about the intelligence level of the average American voter. Then realize that half of them are dumber than that. That explains the Republican Party.
It also explains why Republicans consistently de-fund public schools, then complain about any resulting loss in education quality and try to get tax money diverted to fund their children’s private-school education (school vouchers). There they can teach them history and politics according to the textbooks written by Hannity, O’Reilly, and Limbaugh, without any disturbing conflicts caused by interaction with any dissenting viewpoints or actual facts. Their idea of a perfect education system is one where they get a 100% tax credit for sending their own kids to private schools, and the poor and middle class pay for an increasingly under-funded education system which keeps the poor and middle-class dumb enough to keep falling for their lies.
The current election pretty much proves this point, as the McCain campaign has admitted that they are on their way to achieving their goal: “This election isn’t about issues, it’s about personalities”. McCain’s personality isn’t that great, but since the issues are a sure looser for the Republicans, then it’s all they’ve got to work with.
Is there anything wrong with being an astronaut?