The proprietor of Politics is a Blood Sport gets the chance to visit with Dr. Dean at the Clark County JJ Dinner.
Hard core Deaniacs will remember his “What I want to know” speech from 2003. Little remembered from that speech was Dean’s repudiation of Nixon’s Southern Strategy, and the use of coded language to divide the electorate along racial lines. I asked Governor Dean if the 2008 cycle was a direct repudiation of the Southern Strategy, and he agreed, pointing to elections in Alabama and Mississippi that Democrats were winning. In other words, it’s not just the election of Obama that signals the end of the Southern Strategy.
What put the nail in the coffin of the Southern Strategy was the younger generation. They’re multi-cultural, adept with technology, and they reject the politics of confrontation. It’s an astute observation and one that Gen-X’ers like myself need to reconcile with.
Dean’s main focus now, of course, is health care reform. You can check out Stand With Dr. Dean for more info.
A real Kook.
Saturday, June 06, 2009
Down from +32 2 days after Inauguration.
Folks are seeing the reckless borrow & squander, ass-kisser for what he is.
When we get hit as Biden suggested we would, Obama will be in the negatives.
The Brazilian military reports finding two bodies in the Atlantic Ocean where a missing Air France is believed to have crashed.
KlyniKalKlown sounds like a cackling asylum inmate.
Nothing was too cynical for Nixon, not even race-baiting. Little did he realize he was sowing the seeds for the destruction of his party and ideology. Or maybe he did, who knows? Every Republican oughta piss on his grave. He’s the guy who brought you low. After Nixon the GOP could never again be the party of Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, or Eisenhower.
5 “Every Republican oughta piss on his grave.”
Sorry, Roger. Most of the Republicans who are left are too busy pissing into the wind.
Nixon was a paragon of virtue (and far, far more intelligent) compared to any of these creeps.
I was fortunate enough to give a recent presentation on Abe Lincoln and was reminded all over again why he is on Mt Rushmore. He would never recognize today’s Republican party.
A comment that jumped out at me was in a letter he wrote to the Massachusetts republicans in 1859 in the early stages of the campaign. He said that what sets our party apart from the party of Jefferson, is that when there is a conflict between the man and private property, our party supports the man. When we have to decide between wealth and people, or between liberty and equality, we choose people and equality.
These are the hallmarks of Lincoln’s philosophy that evolved, and they are the threads of the “big state liberalism,” he later championed. His speech at Gettysburg reframed America and laid the groundwork for Teddy Roosevelt and FDR.
Not Nixon. He was NOT the paragon of virtue, he was the opposite. His only redeeming acts were based on expediency, not conviction or virtue. Lincoln would be run out of today’s repub party. Gasbag Limbaugh and liar O’reilly would make mincemeat of him, and Darth Cheney would say he is a not a real Repub.
And BTW, Cyniclown, Rasmussen also had one of their most stupid and loaded questions ever this morning, in asking about the Supreme Court and what we look for in our courts. More hack Republicans. Their presidential questions are loaded to cut down numbers. Look at any real sample of polls to see how out of touch you are. So keep fooling yourself, and will continue to evaporate into a smaller and smaller group of angry predators who will turn on each other.
@7 The only decent thing Nixon ever did was resign, and he did that only because his buddy Goldwater told him the Senate would vote for removal if he didn’t.
Again stillbentover is hijacking Puddy’s name @2.
Darryl, where are you? Does Puddy need to send Darryl a personal email?
stillbentover has a real fixation on Puddy, a black man who left the Dummocraptic reservation. Claimed to have sex with Puddy’s wife when the Hubble Telescope is still looking for his dick at full mag. Claims to know his congressperson well. Well what happened? Where is the “changes” you claim fool.
stillbentover, last week Darryl said sock puppet hijacking was verboten.
Darryl, please block stillbentover. He’s useless at teats on a bull.
Wait a minute… he’s just useless, like a saltine cracker in grits.
Tom Used Dental Foss…
Rasmussen was the most accurate polling company last year. Need to see the report for the 30th time on HA swineflu weasels?
Maybe Dr Dean will explain why he hasn’t patented the scream. The Outkast one is the best.
Maybe Dr Dean will explain why oil prices have doubled since “the messiah” took the oval orifice and gas has jumped $0.75 a gallon.
Maybe Dr Dean will explain why home grown in-bred Donkey terraists are attacking the US.
Maybe Dr Dean will explain why peeps 2:1 want Club Gitmo to stay open and why peeps 3:1 don’t want Club Gitmo residents in local prisons.
Maybe Dr Dean will explain why Nancy Pelosi is now running from her earlier statements about the CIA and won’t allow reporters to ask new questions.
Maybe Dr Dean will explain why Dummocraptic peeps are tax cheats.
Well we whom think right can only hope.
Dr Darryl stikes again @2
From Rolling Stone, June 16, 1994
by Hunter S. Thompson
“And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.”
—Revelation 18:2
re 13: Or: Maybe Dr. Dean will reveal why Democrats own the House and Senate and the Executive and are working on the Judicial.
When winning is everything – as it is to Republicans – how does it feel to be such a loser?
Wow headless, that’s a mighty powerful cumback even for you.
All the Puddy suggestions in #2 are current events. You still revert back to November. Why is that? the quiver getting empty?
Rasmussen Alert!!
The Rasmussen Daily Tracking Poll today has the Presidential Approval Index at +3, an increase of 200% since only yesterday!!! Approval for our nation’s president is soaring!! Skyrocketing!!! Up, up, into the stratosphere!!
This obviously sucks for Mr. Klynical. He checks the Rasmussen Poll each morning to see if he’s going to have a good day or a bad day. His entire outlook on life hinges on the outcome of a daily tracking poll!! Alas, Mr. Klynical is having a very bad day today. So sad.
Maybe Dr Dean can answer something from WA Post libtard Greg Sargent’s blog… http://theplumline.whorunsgov......-objected/
“Justice O’Connor has often been cited as saying that “a wise old man and a wise old woman reach the same conclusion in dueling cases. I am not so sure Justice O’Connor is the author of that line since Professor Resnik attributes the line to Supreme Court Justice Coyle. I am not so sure that I agree with the statement. First, if Prof. Martha Minnow is correct, there can never be a universal definition of ‘wise.’ Second, I would hope that a wise woman with the richness of her experience would, more often than not, reach a better conclusion.” Sonia Sotomayor 1994.
So it seems Sonia didn’t misspeak in 2001 in Berkeley after all.
And she said she was a Puerto Rican Nationalist Dr Dean. Sonia called the U.S. Congress the “North American Congress” or the “Mainland Congress.” How does that sit with you today Dr Dean?
Hey clueless wonder why not ask this of Dr Dean… Didya listen to Ed Schultz this day?
ED SCHULTZ: Let’s go to Drew in Monterey, Calif. You’re on the Ed Schultz show. How you doing, Drew?
DREW: Hey, thanks for taking my call, Ed. I’m deeply disturbed right now. You know, I just turned on your program and I hear you laughing about the fact that we just sold Hummer to China and that we’re going to be buying, you know, Hummers from China to get more efficient gas mileage. I mean, I gotta admit, it’s good to keep a sense of humor about things, but I do not find anything funny about the United States selling off pieces of its, you know, largest company. Not only are we selling that company, we’re selling jobs to China and you’re laughing about it?
Ed SCHULTZ: Drew, stick it up yours, will ya? There isn’t anybody that’s fought for American jobs on the radio or on television more than I have. Shove it, buddy! Just shove it!
It gets much better clueless wonder. No wonder Ed’s ratings suck bottom of the ocean whale manure!
Maybe Dr Dean can answer why PMSNBC has low rating with worthless hosts?
And Rasmussen has consumer confidence up 13 points from the start of the year a shocking increase that says that the Obama economy has pushed up over 20%.
As the cyniclown failed to note, I did post the fact that I subscribe to rasmussen and they have two polling methodologies. One is a legitimate candidate methodology. The other is as a really blatant partisan hack. Their Obama polling is designed to test nothing about Obama except to tear him down, and actually show how and where thhe hardline partisan divide is at any given point.
If Cyniclown ever really heard and saw an actual polling presentation by someone who knows the art and the science, he would see that it is the other 35% who really matter in terms of determining public approval, public moods and ultimately winning elections.
And I have news for you. Your side is cratering.