Three tourists from Rhode Island were beaten, burned and robbed outside the 3rd Avenue transit tunnel entrance on Monday night. Why am I not surprised?
The 3rd and Pike area is so terrible that it has it’s own Twitter feed. On most days the tunnel entrance and sidewalk outside are full of drug dealers and thugs who fuck with people coming in and out of the tunnel. I stopped using that tunnel entrance and now use the one across the street next to Macy’s because of this reason. The King County Sheriff department seems to be less interested in providing security and more interested in getting themselves fired. The city and SPD have tried with the 9 1/2 block strategy to reform the area, and it has had some success, apparently not as much as could have been hoped for.
My favorite part (if you want to call it that) of the incident is this:
Police arrived at the scene, but the group of suspects had fled. However, officers did arrest one man at the scene after he interfered with medics’ efforts to treat the victims, and told the victims they “deserved’ to be beaten and robbed. Police are investigating whether the man was also involved in the robbery.
If you have anything to share regarding the crime, you can contact the SPD Robbery Unit at (206) 684-5535.
How does someone “deserve” to be robbed?
“The King County Sheriff department seems to be less interested in providing security and more interested in getting themselves fired. ”
(1) what does the King County Sheriff’s Office have to do with policing the streets of downtown Seattle? Last I checked, Seattle is incorporated and has its own police department.
(2) why do you consider it a bad thing for KCSO to be cleaning house of bad-apple cops who lie about encounters with civilians?
@2 King County runs the transit police. As such the transit tunnel is part of the sheriff’s jurisdiction.
Unfortunately the Transit Police seems to be the dumping ground for King County law enforcement’s worst.
@3. Right, they have jurisdiction in the tunnel. This happened in the street well outside the tunnel. Can’t be everywhere. And I figure if KCS were out patrolling the street doing SPD’s job for them, they’d [rightly] be slagged for leaving the tunnel unguarded.
@1: Teenage boys say stupid shit all the time. Why is this news?
Time to bring Michael Fusco from New York in:
“I was stabbed last week!”
“…did you make eye contact?”
“…well, why not just wear a t-shirt that says ‘I’m an idiot, stab me'”
Ahh Seattle returns to its roots always a nice place to be shanghaied. The home of the Skagway. Of log rolling! My goodness Seattle has a mean side to it. Maybe that is why it was so successful in getting the lions share of the Alaskan Gold rush business. Jack London knew about Seattle. HIs version and vision of Seattle is alive and well as those Alaskan miners deserved to be relieved of their money and wealth. Legally or by hook and by crook.