Me post stupidest comment! Me win no prize!! YAY!!!
Let’s get rid of government and get back to the good old days of cholera and massively tainted food. Who needs transportation by road, rail and air, all of which depend on federal involvement.
Try to be original. This has been floating around the internet for at least a year.
And it is still poorly said. All you really do is point out how invasive government is in our daily lives. Thanks, but not really helpful to you Castro/Chavez loving lefties on this blog.
Poorly mismanaged government agencies involved in capable Americans lives,the key word is capable here,
forcing more taxes, grabbing at freedom and liberty ,to empower and fund bigger, poorly mismanaged, government agencies, is socialism.
Re 5:
Pure nonsense. Try to follow this, even if you have had a liberal arts education: A person can believe government goes too far without believing it should cease to exist.
Was there a role for labor legislation and trade unions in the early 20th century? Absolutely. But not now. We have a well developed body of law ensuring basic rights for workers. Anything more should be earned.
Does the FDA serve a valid purpose? Less absolutely, but sort of. Food and drugs that are what they purport to be are a good. The massive beaurocracy is not so much.
Clean air and water legislation was needed once, now we only need enforce the laws on the books. If that fails, you and that moron Gore can go on your asanine crusades.
The constitution explicitly states that the feds should provide interstate transport. No true conservative would argue against real constitutional authority like that. Only the awe inspiring over reaching that liberals would like to enact in every area of Americans’ lives.
Just for the practice; Heil Obama.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
These KLOWNS are talkin’ the Democrap talking points trying to characterize anyone who disagrees with Messiah O-blah-blah as GOVERNMENT HATERS who are greedy bastards that hate PAYING TAXES.
Most of these KLOWNS lumped together like the shitball they are… don’t pay as much in tax as my family.
They are FREELOADERS who believe the Rich Folks should pay so they can sit around smoking pot all day & night.
Glad to see you accept the need for a federal government with regulatory authority, blue. It sucked when rivers caught on fire (see the Cayuhoga and Houston Ship Canal). There was a time when Lake Washington was an open sewer as well.
Where were your objections when the previous administration was trampling on civil rights?
And Blue, remember the first to bring the Nazi accusations into an arguement has already lost.
Click your heels and march to bed.
My objections to the Patriot Act, Guantanomo and the other abuses taken in the name of protecting freedom were many and loud. I am as guilty of hypocrisy as any other human being, but not there.
And it occurs to me that the repeated references to brownshirts on this blog don’t refer to the Kool-aid drinkers worshipping Obamas’ every breath.
“That government governs best which governs least.”
ANd Mr C, I pay my taxes and prefer single malt Scotch.
Governing least is a nice phrase. In this time of multinational corporations with no national allegiances, let alone local ones, and the complex international situation I have my doubts of its feasibility.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Hey you KLOWNS–
Now even Dick Durbin says he is open to eliminating the Public Option!!
Read & whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine!!
This gets more & more humorous be the hour.
I’ve always said there needs to be improvement in Health Care and cited the Price-Waterhouse-Coopers study which says there is 50% waste in the current system. 2 of the biggest areas are FRAUD and DEFENSIVE MEDICINE which could be remdied by TORT REFORM!!
Yikes…you mean the Ambulance-chasing Trial Attorneys will lose their kash kow????
Here it is again–
I have repeatedly shared with you the Price-Waterhouse-Coopers Study showing 50% waste in the current system and where it is.
Once again…here are the key findings:
“Our research found that wasteful spending in the health system has been calculated at up to $1.2 trillion of the $2.2 trillion spent in the United States, more than half of all health spending. Defensive medicine, such as redundant, inappropriate or unnecessary tests and procedures, was identified as the biggest area of excess, followed by inefficient healthcare administration and the cost of care necessitated by conditions such as obesity, which can be considered preventable by lifestyle changes. PricewaterhouseCoopers’ paper classified health system inefficiencies into three “wastebaskets” that are driving up costs:
Behavioral where individual behaviors are shown to lead to health problems, and have potential opportunities for earlier, non-medical interventions.
Clinical where medical care itself is considered inappropriate, entailing overuse, misuse or under-use of particular interventions, missed opportunities for earlier interventions, and overt errors leading to quality problems for the patient, plus cost and rework.
Operational where administrative or other business processes appear to add costs without creating value.
When added together, the opportunities for eliminating wasteful spending add up to as much as $1.2 trillion. The impact of issues such as non-adherence to medical advice and prescriptions, alcohol abuse, smoking and obesity are exponential, and fall into all three baskets.”
The Socialist Krowd kould kare less about Health Kare. It’s about Bigger Government and more Government in our lives for them. It’s about power and pushing us over the final hump of Socialism.
Banks, auto, health care…what’s next??
Obamunism sucks
Mr. Cynicalspews:
15. k spews:
ANd Mr C, I pay my taxes and prefer single malt Scotch.
Pay more and lay off the expensive booze!
Pay for all the illegals and lazy asses.
Be my guest!
But you won’t.
It’s easier to spend other people’s money to heal your white-success guilt, right??
Re 16
Too bad that you have your doubts about the basic philosophical underpinning of our form of government.
It’s even worse of course that the president who swore to uphold that document does as well.
@8 Try to be original. This has been floating around the internet for at least a year.
Look at the timestamps for the thread, genius. It was from today.
No, blue, I believe in the basic underpinning of our government. We are a representative democracy, designed to cool the passions of the moment. But elections matter, and the Democratic Party took control of the Executive and Legislative branches and have at least two years to act on their principles. We also have a federal system, bring a systematic approach to how we govern. And we also have 200+ years of history which have brought us away from the agrarian society which the Founding Fathers lived in.
@8 And it is still poorly said. All you really do is point out how invasive government is in our daily lives.
It’s a mix of both beneficial and invasive. And a well-informed populace improves it. The writers of this blog understand that. You can either recognize that and be an intelligent part of the discussion here, or you can pretend we’re something we’re not and continue to make an ass of yourself.
What’s it gonna be?
But enough for tonight. Monday morning comes early.
Don’t know about the timestamp for this particular instance, genius. I was talking about the subject, and I saw this exact little story at least a year ago on Huffington or some other mouthpiece for liberal politics. Word for word, as best I can recall.
Try to know what you’re talking about before you blurt something out.
@25 Don’t know about the timestamp for this particular instance, genius.
Let me recap for you.
You wrote:
Try to be original. This has been floating around the internet for at least a year.
If you click to the link, you can very clearly see that the thread was from 8/9/09 (today). In other words, your assertion that “this has been floating around the internet for at least a year” is 100% bullshit.
I was talking about the subject, and I saw this exact little story at least a year ago on Huffington or some other mouthpiece for liberal politics.
What story? The one in the post? Google it then. You’ll find a bunch of references to it from the past 24 hours and that’s it. Is it similar to other things that people said? Sure. A lot of people find glibertarians funny. This person certainly isn’t the first one to make fun of them, and you’re certainly not the first half-wit to make an ass of himself in these comment threads.
Word for word, as best I can recall.
Again, if it were word for word, you’d be able to find it with Google extremely easily. Good luck!
Try to know what you’re talking about before you blurt something out.
Hey, a little advice. You’re not as smart as you think you are. When you recognize that, you’ll find that fewer people will be laughing at you.
Re 21:
I respect other approaches to good governance, whether I agree with them or not.
I can’t and don’t respect approaches at direct odds with the US Constitution. Representation of the popular will need not conflict with this, but it has on both sides of the political fence.
President Bush aggressively trampled on civil rights. He was wrong. In order to protect the system he was willing to sacrifice the basic principles that make it worth protecting. I was dismayed in fact by the resounding national silence that met his various attacks on core civil rights.
President Obama is sailing the same course on a different tack. I don’t doubt that the president sincerely believes he is doing his best for his country, any more than I did with his predecessor. For the Heil Obama comment earlier I was out of line, it was uncalled for. I just don’t believe that the European model works in Europe, never mind here. Economic freedom matters too, and these he doesn’t respect sufficiently.
Agrarian or industrial, the form of our government was set, K. Government can and should change with time within constitutional authority. Otherwise it is the passions of the moment you mentioned ruling. It is anarchy.
Harry Poonspews:
It seems to me that our actual problem is a collusion between government and big business to enhance themselves at our expense.
Harry Poonspews:
re 27: Anarchy is a two way road. You really don’t need laws to make most people stay on the right side.
And all the laws in the world won’t make the scoflaws any safer drivers. The world is largely anarchic and I think it scares you.
Must be really sad to be you Lee. All of life one color and one philosophy, and no attempt to understand anything else makes for a pretty uninteresting world.
Google or not I’ve seen your little piece of pedantry at least a year before you, pal. Word for word.
If you didn’t know this, and you apparently didn’t, then I apologize for what you seem to see as an attack on your honor. Moot point, as the discussion is about the subject matter, not the source. Still, enjoy.
You are absolutely right, though. It is a great gift to see yourself as others see you. A person who can’t laugh at his own foolishness is foolish indeed. But this is true of people one respects. You don’t qualify, so I’m not unduly bothered on this occasion.
has obama secretly established the govt. run program to inflate car tires? get your gauge and check to see if socialist gnomes are pumping you up as you sleep.
I’m sure it’s much saddder to be “lostinhisownasshole”.
To be that stupid and not know it.
Re 32
I’m crushed that someone who expresses himself with your undoubted erudition doesn’t agree with me. That ‘lostinhisownasshole’ thing is almost Shakespearean. It took me 10 minutes to stop laughing at your sharp wit.
Admit it Rujax, you’re really Professor Gates.
Lee – you need to do a bit more research on your posts – What you posted from the Web today is only a take-off of a very similar article posted in 2004.
lee, i’m sure you like socialism as much as the newyorkers who traveled to russia in 1917 to stoke the revolution. how suprising
Mr. Cynicalspews:
The Idiot in Chief is making sure of that.
The Rasmussen Daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 30% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Thirty-nine percent (39%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -9 (see trends).
Fifty-six percent (56%) of Democrats Strongly Approve while 70% of Republicans Strongly Disapprove. As for those not affiliated with either major party, 22% Strongly Approve and 40% Strongly Disapprove.
Great #’s among Independents.
Baucus will stick the fork in him.
Durbin just flipped.
More to follow.
The tactics of Obama toward Baucus are unseemly. Baucus is hugely popular because he isn’t a SOCIALIST.
As usual the wingnuts and their Faux/Limpblows/Sean’s Insanity type sources of information are FULL OF SHIT..
Despite some shortcomings here and there (oh yeah the system in this country doesn’t have those), Canadians ARE NOT screaming at townhalls to replace their system with ours..
Right wing idiots..
Lee gets the ‘No Prize’ award for his comment @25: Lee wrote:
“If you click to the link, you can very clearly see that the thread was from 8/9/09 (today). In other words, your assertion that “this has been floating around the internet for at least a year” is 100% bullshit.”
Since the idea has been floating around the internet for almost five years!
The image that will be indelibly linked in my mind I saw in one of the reports on the Rachel Maddow show with video from a townhall meeting held by Rep. John Dingell, and referenced in gdunn’s diary. There’s a young, disabled woman (pictured in the diary), speaking to the group propped up by her crutches, trying to explain what she’s been through since her insurance company dropped her last year and her inability to get coverage now because of her “preexisting condition.” She’s trying to tell her story, and an older woman stands a few rows back from her and screams, her face distorted and ugly in it’s anger and ignorance and selfish extremism, “I shoudn’t have to pay for your health care.” And these are normal, patriotic, “concerned” citizens? The ones abusing disabled people, hanging people in effigy, destroying property, making death threats. (Oh, and also insurance and pharmaceutical industry shills and Republican operatives.) This is political discourse now, and Cokie Roberts says it’s the liberals’ fault. I guess she and Rahm Emanuel have that in common.
Huh? I thought dissent was patriotic. That’s what I kept on hearing when Bush was in office. Why are they now changing their minds about dissent?
I understand some wingnuts who come here still adore the Mat-Su Barbie – especially after she raised the “issue” of Obama’s “Death Panel” – man, that is catnip to so many of these right wing fools.
Absolutely – argue your counter-position in front of your elected representative. Just don’t scream it and ruin the townhall for everybody.
See if all the shallow right wing talking points were aired in a civil discussion they’d be judged just as they are – shallow right wing talking points.
Which is what is supposed to happen in a civil forum – the wheat gets separated from the chaff.
And that is why the zombies have been programmed to scream.
Awwwww.. The Mat-Su Barbie is now calling for “civil discourse”:
And if it’s not in the bill (you can choose which one of the health insurance reform bills, but name it), then we’ll just pay no attention to you. Because this debate is about the bills.
You want say “I obejct to the government takeover of healthcare?” Fine, but that’s not in the bill.
Marvin Stamnspews:
39. YLB spews:
The ones abusing disabled people, hanging people in effigy, destroying property, making death threats.
You know things are going downhill for the democrats when they are forced to lie.
Maybe one of the good democrats can provide some links to pics of people being hanged in effigy, some destroyed property.
The links daddylove provided regarding death threats didn’t work out so well for daddylove. His own links didn’t prove his point. That’s what happens when a left-wingnut copies/pastes from dailypus without reading it.
Maybe one of the good democrats can provide some links to pics of people being hanged in effigy, some destroyed property.
I noticed you didn’t mention abuse of disabled people – I documented the screamer abuse above.
I noticed you didn’t mention death threats. Those have been flying like crazy from the right at unions and especially at Obama – way more than Bush ever got.
Here’s the property damage:
Moments later, violence broke out just outside the main auditorium doors, prompting police to close off the meeting room. A freelance photojournalist was among those roughed up suffering damage to both his glasses and camera equipment.
“That’s the most violent anyone has been towards me,” said Mark Bishop, who drove from Orlando to video tape the event. “It was surprising to say the least.”
All you have to do is compare the handmade signs of the anti-free government healthcare to the manufactured signs of the pro health care paid & organized dressed alike protesters.
I don’t think even ylb is stupid enough to say all those identical signs are from the grassroots.
Your noticing skills suck.
In the same comment you quoted, I did mention death threats.
Marvin Stamnspews:
47. YLB spews:
Here’s the property damage:
Of course the pro-free government healthcare people got violent.
From your link… Outside, both those for and against President Obama’s health care reform ideas chanted and yelled, at times banging on the outside of the auditorium windows.
There was no indication in the article that the violence was from the anti-free government healthcare protesters.
And I hope you noticed there was no violence at the tea parties or the healthcare protests until the democrats called out the union thugs and acorn community organizers to attack the protesters.
Like the obama said… “If you get hit, we will punch back twice as hard,”
So how many anti-free government healthcare protesters have been arrested?
How many union thugs have been arrested?
Marvin Stamnspews:
44. Daddy Love spews:
Read the bill
That’s exactly what the anti-free government healthccare is asking their congress critters to do.
Read the bill before signing it.
Like conyers explained to us peons…
“I love these members, they get up and say, ‘Read the bill,’” said Rep. John Conyers. “What good is reading the bill if it’s a thousand pages and you don’t have two days and two lawyers to find out what it means after you read the bill?”
You want the protesters to read the bill your elected rulers won’t. And unlike the protesters, your elected democrat rulers that want to sign their name to it can’t be bothered to read it.
Today’s Republicans are antisocialists. It makes perfect sense.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
The Tea Parties are a blast!
So is pokin’ fun at the Socialist bastards.
I love chatting with them.
Nice try at a funny…but far from the truth.
Try harder next time funny man.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Another democrat congressman complaining about his constituents are speaking up about healthcare and he goes on a “rant.”
Last week, a protester hanged an effigy of Representative Frank Kratovil Jr., Democrat of Maryland, at a rally opposing health care change. This week, Representative Brad Miller, Democrat of North Carolina, said he had received a death threat about his support.
Hey, maybe Representative Miller lied about receiving a death threat. If so, why did the Capitol Police not come out and tell us? Maybe because they won’t comment on an ongoing investigation, ya think? I’m sure you would prefer them to put the Congressman’s life in greater danger by divulging details of their investigation minute-by-minute as it happens.
The threatening caller, when told by a staffer that Miller was not planning a meeting, claimed the congressman didn’t want to meet with people face to face because he knew it would cost him his life, according to Canipe. The staffer then asked if the caller was making a threat. The caller, said Canipe, replied that there are a lot of angry people out there.
The U.S. Capitol Police confirmed Friday they were looking into a threat against a congressman, but wouldn’t provide further details.
Hey, the SEIU is being threatened, too. I’m sure you’ll think that it’s more of a “wounding” threat than a death threat:
“I suggest you tell your people to calm down, act like American citizens, and stop trying to repress people’s First Amendment rights,” the caller says. “That, or you all are gonna come up against the Second Amendment.”
BTW, this threat came after Rush Limbaugh gave out the address of the union’s St. Louis’ headquarters.
Re: Brian Baird, again, they called the authorities, who are at least looking into the “Obama death threat” aspect.
U.S. Capitol Police were notified of the fax and the phone calls by Baird’s chief of staff, said Garrett Russo, a spokesman for the congressman. Russo said the information was then apparently turned over to the Secret Service, which investigates threats against the president.
But I am sure the Capitol Police and the Secret Service will come out any day now and tell us how harmless this all is, and that these are all good citizens just exercising their right to free speech. Riiiiiight.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Another example of left wingnuts and their tolerance for blacks.
All good democrats understand that blacks can’t read the “white” news and needs to be pandered to. After all, what kind of liberal believes a black man could do something on his/her own without the democrat controlled government helping.
I guess all those words the obama used when he talked abut a post-racial world, those words were just words.
Marvin Stamnspews:
60. Daddy Love spews:
52 MS
I looked outside and noticed that it’s not Halloween.
Have you ever noticed that you make excuses for everything a democrat does.
You mean those idiots who have a table at the Pike Street Market? Yeah they’re good for a laugh but how can you enjoy chatting with them for more than five minutes?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Not sure about the table at the Market you are talking about…but if they are Leftist Pinheaded KLOWNS…yup, God love ’em!!
They were created in God’s image to ya know!
Are their eyes spinning from the prior night’s “smokefest”??
That’s when they are the most fun to “converse” with!!
You can double-talk ’em and really blow their alleged minds.
Time to get rid of heavy handed government regulation…
just say NO to Patents and Copyrights.
From what I hear, they didn’t even want him to come off the plane when it landed for the cameras in Burbank.
The North Koreans, however, had rejected having former President Jimmy Carter make the pickup and former Vice President Al Gore as well. The North Koreans insisted that the only guy who had the credibility for the mission was Clinton.
Clinton went, but I’m told that somebody in the White House said that when the plane lands, Gore takes over. That’s why Clinton didn’t say anything when he got off the plane.
I think some folks on Pennsylvania Avenue are still ticked at Clinton over his slams on Obama in the Democratic primary.
Yeah, he should have made clinton stay in the plane. After all, what’s the point of being the president if you can’t abuse the power.
“The Bush Administration’s policies, coupled with invasive new technologies, could eliminate your right to privacy completely. Please help us protect our privacy rights and prevent the Total Surveillance Society.”
Daddy Lovespews:
64 MS
Yes, I have noticed your severely limited powers of deduction. The conclusions you reach are not to be taken seriously. Pretty typical of the overall Republican track record.
Politically Incorrectspews:
Let’s just go ahead and enact this Obama system and see how it works. Give it 10 years and hold a national referendum. If Obama’s system works, then everyone will vote to keep it. If it doesn’t work, then the people can vote it out, and we can go back to what we have now.
sorry fellow conservatives, the liberals are right this time. its people on the right who are violent. president bush had a friend who used to blow up buildings. i think his name will bayer…oh wait, it was obama and the guys name was bill ayers…sorry
Join the screamers Stamn.
You’ve established your batshit insane bonafides in this thread.
Pravda @74,
You forget your hero Timothy McVeigh, a registered Republican who killed 168 men, women and children.
How many people did Bill Ayers kill? Oh, that is right, nobody.
how many people did david ben gorian, the founder of israel kill when he used to blow up british interests? of the millions of history books in our schools you wont see one mention of that. i wonder why
@77: Truly stupid racist, woman of falsehood:
Apparently, ben gurion (spelling, sic) killed none:
During the Second World War, Ben-Gurion encouraged Palestine’s Jews to volunteer for the British Army. He famously told Jews to “support the British as if there is no White Paper and oppose the White Paper as if there is no war”.[5] About 10% of the Jewish population of Palestine volunteered for the British Army, including many women. At the same time Ben-Gurion helped the illegal immigration of thousands of European Jewish refugees to Palestine during a period when the British placed heavy restrictions on Jewish immigration.
In 1946 Ben-Gurion agreed that the Haganah could cooperate with Menachem Begin’s Irgun in fighting the British. Ben-Gurion initially agreed to Begin’s plan to carry out the 1946 King David Hotel bombing, with the intent of embarrassing (rather than killing) the British military stationed there. However, when the risks of mass killing became apparent, Ben-Gurion told Begin to call the operation off; Begin refused.[6]
from wikipedia
Politically Incorrect:
Umm, we have something called democracy where we can vote every two years for representatives, every four for President and every six for Senators and they can make the laws…..did you forget that?
Every other industrialized country in the world has some form of “socialized” medicine – except us.
We pay more for health care (by far) then every other country in the world.
We get less – we are right in with slovenia as far as health care actually delivered.
One out of every three adults under 65 was not covered last year for some time.
Our companies our straining to compete with companies in other countries that don’t have to pay health care costs.
Even those who have coverage may be denied benefits or become bankrupt. We have the highest rate of bankruptcy due to health care costs in the world.
It ain’t workin’ and the costs are going up exponentially.
Why do we pay more for the same drugs than Canadians do? Because the republicans cut a sweetheart deal with Pharma and refused to allow the government to negotiate lower costs.
oh, correct to right, if wikipedia says it, it must be true. the same article said 58 people were killed and menachem begin ordered it. so now i bet, you’ll say the article is false.
Scumbama is just a tool for the NWO crowd. He’ll do lots of damage to America to help make the way for them.
There’s no provision in the Constitution for Socialism. That, Ms. Pelosi, like YOU, is un-American.
It’s not happening on my watch. You Communist assholes better understand that. And there are LOTS of us Extremists out here. You will lose.
Stick your fucking Obama up your ass.
The Stamn Inhalesspews:
What utterly laughable bullshit. You must be from Montana, loser!
You have not the balls to do anything but throw your hissy fit, Margaret, or you’d already have done it. Maybe when you get OUT of the 8th grade…..If you can.
I can see I’ve been banned.
This is an open thread, by the way. No prize for the stupidest comment, but I’m sure it’ll still appear that way.
Me post stupidest comment! Me win no prize!! YAY!!!
Let’s get rid of government and get back to the good old days of cholera and massively tainted food. Who needs transportation by road, rail and air, all of which depend on federal involvement.
Crawl into your caves.
Poorly said. Government agencies in a republic does not a socialist country make.
Tell it to Glenn Beck. We already know that.
Try to be original. This has been floating around the internet for at least a year.
And it is still poorly said. All you really do is point out how invasive government is in our daily lives. Thanks, but not really helpful to you Castro/Chavez loving lefties on this blog.
Poorly mismanaged government agencies involved in capable Americans lives,the key word is capable here,
forcing more taxes, grabbing at freedom and liberty ,to empower and fund bigger, poorly mismanaged, government agencies, is socialism.
Re 5:
Pure nonsense. Try to follow this, even if you have had a liberal arts education: A person can believe government goes too far without believing it should cease to exist.
Was there a role for labor legislation and trade unions in the early 20th century? Absolutely. But not now. We have a well developed body of law ensuring basic rights for workers. Anything more should be earned.
Does the FDA serve a valid purpose? Less absolutely, but sort of. Food and drugs that are what they purport to be are a good. The massive beaurocracy is not so much.
Clean air and water legislation was needed once, now we only need enforce the laws on the books. If that fails, you and that moron Gore can go on your asanine crusades.
The constitution explicitly states that the feds should provide interstate transport. No true conservative would argue against real constitutional authority like that. Only the awe inspiring over reaching that liberals would like to enact in every area of Americans’ lives.
Just for the practice; Heil Obama.
These KLOWNS are talkin’ the Democrap talking points trying to characterize anyone who disagrees with Messiah O-blah-blah as GOVERNMENT HATERS who are greedy bastards that hate PAYING TAXES.
Most of these KLOWNS lumped together like the shitball they are… don’t pay as much in tax as my family.
They are FREELOADERS who believe the Rich Folks should pay so they can sit around smoking pot all day & night.
Glad to see you accept the need for a federal government with regulatory authority, blue. It sucked when rivers caught on fire (see the Cayuhoga and Houston Ship Canal). There was a time when Lake Washington was an open sewer as well.
Where were your objections when the previous administration was trampling on civil rights?
And Blue, remember the first to bring the Nazi accusations into an arguement has already lost.
Click your heels and march to bed.
My objections to the Patriot Act, Guantanomo and the other abuses taken in the name of protecting freedom were many and loud. I am as guilty of hypocrisy as any other human being, but not there.
And it occurs to me that the repeated references to brownshirts on this blog don’t refer to the Kool-aid drinkers worshipping Obamas’ every breath.
“That government governs best which governs least.”
ANd Mr C, I pay my taxes and prefer single malt Scotch.
Governing least is a nice phrase. In this time of multinational corporations with no national allegiances, let alone local ones, and the complex international situation I have my doubts of its feasibility.
Hey you KLOWNS–
Now even Dick Durbin says he is open to eliminating the Public Option!!
Read & whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine!!
This gets more & more humorous be the hour.
I’ve always said there needs to be improvement in Health Care and cited the Price-Waterhouse-Coopers study which says there is 50% waste in the current system. 2 of the biggest areas are FRAUD and DEFENSIVE MEDICINE which could be remdied by TORT REFORM!!
Yikes…you mean the Ambulance-chasing Trial Attorneys will lose their kash kow????
Here it is again–
I have repeatedly shared with you the Price-Waterhouse-Coopers Study showing 50% waste in the current system and where it is.
Once again…here are the key findings:
The Socialist Krowd kould kare less about Health Kare. It’s about Bigger Government and more Government in our lives for them. It’s about power and pushing us over the final hump of Socialism.
Banks, auto, health care…what’s next??
Obamunism sucks
15. k spews:
Pay more and lay off the expensive booze!
Pay for all the illegals and lazy asses.
Be my guest!
But you won’t.
It’s easier to spend other people’s money to heal your white-success guilt, right??
Re 16
Too bad that you have your doubts about the basic philosophical underpinning of our form of government.
It’s even worse of course that the president who swore to uphold that document does as well.
Try to be original. This has been floating around the internet for at least a year.
Look at the timestamps for the thread, genius. It was from today.
No, blue, I believe in the basic underpinning of our government. We are a representative democracy, designed to cool the passions of the moment. But elections matter, and the Democratic Party took control of the Executive and Legislative branches and have at least two years to act on their principles. We also have a federal system, bring a systematic approach to how we govern. And we also have 200+ years of history which have brought us away from the agrarian society which the Founding Fathers lived in.
And it is still poorly said. All you really do is point out how invasive government is in our daily lives.
It’s a mix of both beneficial and invasive. And a well-informed populace improves it. The writers of this blog understand that. You can either recognize that and be an intelligent part of the discussion here, or you can pretend we’re something we’re not and continue to make an ass of yourself.
What’s it gonna be?
But enough for tonight. Monday morning comes early.
Don’t know about the timestamp for this particular instance, genius. I was talking about the subject, and I saw this exact little story at least a year ago on Huffington or some other mouthpiece for liberal politics. Word for word, as best I can recall.
Try to know what you’re talking about before you blurt something out.
Don’t know about the timestamp for this particular instance, genius.
Let me recap for you.
You wrote:
If you click to the link, you can very clearly see that the thread was from 8/9/09 (today). In other words, your assertion that “this has been floating around the internet for at least a year” is 100% bullshit.
I was talking about the subject, and I saw this exact little story at least a year ago on Huffington or some other mouthpiece for liberal politics.
What story? The one in the post? Google it then. You’ll find a bunch of references to it from the past 24 hours and that’s it. Is it similar to other things that people said? Sure. A lot of people find glibertarians funny. This person certainly isn’t the first one to make fun of them, and you’re certainly not the first half-wit to make an ass of himself in these comment threads.
Word for word, as best I can recall.
Again, if it were word for word, you’d be able to find it with Google extremely easily. Good luck!
Try to know what you’re talking about before you blurt something out.
Hey, a little advice. You’re not as smart as you think you are. When you recognize that, you’ll find that fewer people will be laughing at you.
Re 21:
I respect other approaches to good governance, whether I agree with them or not.
I can’t and don’t respect approaches at direct odds with the US Constitution. Representation of the popular will need not conflict with this, but it has on both sides of the political fence.
President Bush aggressively trampled on civil rights. He was wrong. In order to protect the system he was willing to sacrifice the basic principles that make it worth protecting. I was dismayed in fact by the resounding national silence that met his various attacks on core civil rights.
President Obama is sailing the same course on a different tack. I don’t doubt that the president sincerely believes he is doing his best for his country, any more than I did with his predecessor. For the Heil Obama comment earlier I was out of line, it was uncalled for. I just don’t believe that the European model works in Europe, never mind here. Economic freedom matters too, and these he doesn’t respect sufficiently.
Agrarian or industrial, the form of our government was set, K. Government can and should change with time within constitutional authority. Otherwise it is the passions of the moment you mentioned ruling. It is anarchy.
It seems to me that our actual problem is a collusion between government and big business to enhance themselves at our expense.
re 27: Anarchy is a two way road. You really don’t need laws to make most people stay on the right side.
And all the laws in the world won’t make the scoflaws any safer drivers. The world is largely anarchic and I think it scares you.
Must be really sad to be you Lee. All of life one color and one philosophy, and no attempt to understand anything else makes for a pretty uninteresting world.
Google or not I’ve seen your little piece of pedantry at least a year before you, pal. Word for word.
If you didn’t know this, and you apparently didn’t, then I apologize for what you seem to see as an attack on your honor. Moot point, as the discussion is about the subject matter, not the source. Still, enjoy.
You are absolutely right, though. It is a great gift to see yourself as others see you. A person who can’t laugh at his own foolishness is foolish indeed. But this is true of people one respects. You don’t qualify, so I’m not unduly bothered on this occasion.
has obama secretly established the govt. run program to inflate car tires? get your gauge and check to see if socialist gnomes are pumping you up as you sleep.
I’m sure it’s much saddder to be “lostinhisownasshole”.
To be that stupid and not know it.
Re 32
I’m crushed that someone who expresses himself with your undoubted erudition doesn’t agree with me. That ‘lostinhisownasshole’ thing is almost Shakespearean. It took me 10 minutes to stop laughing at your sharp wit.
Admit it Rujax, you’re really Professor Gates.
Lee – you need to do a bit more research on your posts – What you posted from the Web today is only a take-off of a very similar article posted in 2004.
lee, i’m sure you like socialism as much as the newyorkers who traveled to russia in 1917 to stoke the revolution. how suprising
The Idiot in Chief is making sure of that.
Great #’s among Independents.
Baucus will stick the fork in him.
Durbin just flipped.
More to follow.
The tactics of Obama toward Baucus are unseemly. Baucus is hugely popular because he isn’t a SOCIALIST.
Great story on the Canadian Health Care system:
As usual the wingnuts and their Faux/Limpblows/Sean’s Insanity type sources of information are FULL OF SHIT..
Despite some shortcomings here and there (oh yeah the system in this country doesn’t have those), Canadians ARE NOT screaming at townhalls to replace their system with ours..
Right wing idiots..
Lee gets the ‘No Prize’ award for his comment @25: Lee wrote:
“If you click to the link, you can very clearly see that the thread was from 8/9/09 (today). In other words, your assertion that “this has been floating around the internet for at least a year” is 100% bullshit.”
Since the idea has been floating around the internet for almost five years!
Democratic leaders call dissent “un-American.”
Huh? I thought dissent was patriotic. That’s what I kept on hearing when Bush was in office. Why are they now changing their minds about dissent?
I understand some wingnuts who come here still adore the Mat-Su Barbie – especially after she raised the “issue” of Obama’s “Death Panel” – man, that is catnip to so many of these right wing fools.
However some right wingers aren’t so sure:
Absolutely – argue your counter-position in front of your elected representative. Just don’t scream it and ruin the townhall for everybody.
See if all the shallow right wing talking points were aired in a civil discussion they’d be judged just as they are – shallow right wing talking points.
Which is what is supposed to happen in a civil forum – the wheat gets separated from the chaff.
And that is why the zombies have been programmed to scream.
Awwwww.. The Mat-Su Barbie is now calling for “civil discourse”:
Just as she was pumping up the right wing with the “death panel”.
40 T
Gonna dissent? Read the bill. Spouting idiotic, ignorant crap isn’t dissent.
And if it’s not in the bill (you can choose which one of the health insurance reform bills, but name it), then we’ll just pay no attention to you. Because this debate is about the bills.
You want say “I obejct to the government takeover of healthcare?” Fine, but that’s not in the bill.
You know things are going downhill for the democrats when they are forced to lie.
Maybe one of the good democrats can provide some links to pics of people being hanged in effigy, some destroyed property.
The links daddylove provided regarding death threats didn’t work out so well for daddylove. His own links didn’t prove his point. That’s what happens when a left-wingnut copies/pastes from dailypus without reading it.
Here’s the hanging in effigy:
I noticed you didn’t mention abuse of disabled people – I documented the screamer abuse above.
I noticed you didn’t mention death threats. Those have been flying like crazy from the right at unions and especially at Obama – way more than Bush ever got.
Here’s the property damage:;catid=8
@45: For an inveterate liar and fool – you sure throw around the word liar a lot….especially when a total idiot and fool like you is WRONG AGAIN!
Here you are moron: A picture of hanging a congressman in effigy.
Here you are moron: Death threats too. I guess you can’t use the “google” huh?
Wow, you are really stupid! I guess the Miami Herald, Faux News are also biased. You are PLENTY stupid!
Thanks for being such a total fool and tool – you are so dumb it is fun to just hammer you for your total ignorance the stupid things you write.
@45: fool
got moderated for too many links. that is what happens when there is so much evidence….
For an inveterate liar and fool – you sure throw around the word liar a lot….especially when a total idiot and fool like you is WRONG AGAIN!
Here you are moron: A picture of hanging a congressman in effigy.
Here you are moron: Death threats too. I guess you can’t use the “google” huh?
Wow, you are really stupid! I guess the Miami Herald, Faux News are also biased. You are PLENTY stupid!;resnum=1
Got moderated again! Here is the google page – just go down the list for death threats.
Here’s another example of the grassroots anti-healthcare protests and the organized astroturf pro-free government healthcare protesters.
All you have to do is compare the handmade signs of the anti-free government healthcare to the manufactured signs of the pro health care paid & organized dressed alike protesters.
I don’t think even ylb is stupid enough to say all those identical signs are from the grassroots.
Again, it’s very strange when it was sarah palin being hanged in effigy you didn’t care one bit. Why the double standard?
Your noticing skills suck.
In the same comment you quoted, I did mention death threats.
Of course the pro-free government healthcare people got violent.
From your link…
Outside, both those for and against President Obama’s health care reform ideas chanted and yelled, at times banging on the outside of the auditorium windows.
There was no indication in the article that the violence was from the anti-free government healthcare protesters.
And I hope you noticed there was no violence at the tea parties or the healthcare protests until the democrats called out the union thugs and acorn community organizers to attack the protesters.
Like the obama said…
“If you get hit, we will punch back twice as hard,”
So how many anti-free government healthcare protesters have been arrested?
How many union thugs have been arrested?
That’s exactly what the anti-free government healthccare is asking their congress critters to do.
Read the bill before signing it.
Like conyers explained to us peons…
“I love these members, they get up and say, ‘Read the bill,’” said Rep. John Conyers. “What good is reading the bill if it’s a thousand pages and you don’t have two days and two lawyers to find out what it means after you read the bill?”
You want the protesters to read the bill your elected rulers won’t. And unlike the protesters, your elected democrat rulers that want to sign their name to it can’t be bothered to read it.
Today’s Republicans are antisocialists. It makes perfect sense.
The Tea Parties are a blast!
So is pokin’ fun at the Socialist bastards.
I love chatting with them.
Nice try at a funny…but far from the truth.
Try harder next time funny man.
Another democrat congressman complaining about his constituents are speaking up about healthcare and he goes on a “rant.”
This even made the local news.
I thought it was the pro-free government healthcare that was allegedly grassroots.
Except for the organizing done by leftwing groups.
54 MS
No, I want you to read the bill before you sound off like a jackass. But why change now?
52 MS
I looked outside and noticed that it’s not Halloween.
49 cnr
If you use the Link button I’ll bet they’ll let your posts through without moderation.
45 MS
The NY Times seems to be under the impression that at least one Congressman has been hung in effigy.
Hey, maybe Representative Miller lied about receiving a death threat. If so, why did the Capitol Police not come out and tell us? Maybe because they won’t comment on an ongoing investigation, ya think? I’m sure you would prefer them to put the Congressman’s life in greater danger by divulging details of their investigation minute-by-minute as it happens.
Hey, the SEIU is being threatened, too. I’m sure you’ll think that it’s more of a “wounding” threat than a death threat:
BTW, this threat came after Rush Limbaugh gave out the address of the union’s St. Louis’ headquarters.
Re: Brian Baird, again, they called the authorities, who are at least looking into the “Obama death threat” aspect.
But I am sure the Capitol Police and the Secret Service will come out any day now and tell us how harmless this all is, and that these are all good citizens just exercising their right to free speech. Riiiiiight.
Another example of left wingnuts and their tolerance for blacks.
msnbc set up a news webpage for blacks.
All good democrats understand that blacks can’t read the “white” news and needs to be pandered to. After all, what kind of liberal believes a black man could do something on his/her own without the democrat controlled government helping.
I guess all those words the obama used when he talked abut a post-racial world, those words were just words.
Have you ever noticed that you make excuses for everything a democrat does.
I have.
You mean those idiots who have a table at the Pike Street Market? Yeah they’re good for a laugh but how can you enjoy chatting with them for more than five minutes?
Not sure about the table at the Market you are talking about…but if they are Leftist Pinheaded KLOWNS…yup, God love ’em!!
They were created in God’s image to ya know!
Are their eyes spinning from the prior night’s “smokefest”??
That’s when they are the most fun to “converse” with!!
You can double-talk ’em and really blow their alleged minds.
Time to get rid of heavy handed government regulation…
just say NO to Patents and Copyrights.
Is this a pro-obama ad or anti-obama ad?
Another example of the obama being a tad insecure.
An inside source tells me the White House was not all that happy with former President Bill Clinton being selected to bring the two journalists home from North Korea.
From what I hear, they didn’t even want him to come off the plane when it landed for the cameras in Burbank.
The North Koreans, however, had rejected having former President Jimmy Carter make the pickup and former Vice President Al Gore as well. The North Koreans insisted that the only guy who had the credibility for the mission was Clinton.
Clinton went, but I’m told that somebody in the White House said that when the plane lands, Gore takes over. That’s why Clinton didn’t say anything when he got off the plane.
I think some folks on Pennsylvania Avenue are still ticked at Clinton over his slams on Obama in the Democratic primary.
Yeah, he should have made clinton stay in the plane. After all, what’s the point of being the president if you can’t abuse the power.
Hey, it’s a good thing that no one “really” threatened Rep. Brad Miller’s life.
And that bomb threat in the Longworth House Office Building? Probably just a misunderstanding.
68 MS
64 MS
Yes, I have noticed your severely limited powers of deduction. The conclusions you reach are not to be taken seriously. Pretty typical of the overall Republican track record.
Let’s just go ahead and enact this Obama system and see how it works. Give it 10 years and hold a national referendum. If Obama’s system works, then everyone will vote to keep it. If it doesn’t work, then the people can vote it out, and we can go back to what we have now.
sorry fellow conservatives, the liberals are right this time. its people on the right who are violent. president bush had a friend who used to blow up buildings. i think his name will bayer…oh wait, it was obama and the guys name was bill ayers…sorry
Join the screamers Stamn.
You’ve established your batshit insane bonafides in this thread.
Pravda @74,
You forget your hero Timothy McVeigh, a registered Republican who killed 168 men, women and children.
How many people did Bill Ayers kill? Oh, that is right, nobody.
how many people did david ben gorian, the founder of israel kill when he used to blow up british interests? of the millions of history books in our schools you wont see one mention of that. i wonder why
@77: Truly stupid racist, woman of falsehood:
Apparently, ben gurion (spelling, sic) killed none:
from wikipedia
Politically Incorrect:
Umm, we have something called democracy where we can vote every two years for representatives, every four for President and every six for Senators and they can make the laws…..did you forget that?
Every other industrialized country in the world has some form of “socialized” medicine – except us.
We pay more for health care (by far) then every other country in the world.
We get less – we are right in with slovenia as far as health care actually delivered.
One out of every three adults under 65 was not covered last year for some time.
Our companies our straining to compete with companies in other countries that don’t have to pay health care costs.
Even those who have coverage may be denied benefits or become bankrupt. We have the highest rate of bankruptcy due to health care costs in the world.
It ain’t workin’ and the costs are going up exponentially.
Why do we pay more for the same drugs than Canadians do? Because the republicans cut a sweetheart deal with Pharma and refused to allow the government to negotiate lower costs.
oh, correct to right, if wikipedia says it, it must be true. the same article said 58 people were killed and menachem begin ordered it. so now i bet, you’ll say the article is false.
Scumbama is just a tool for the NWO crowd. He’ll do lots of damage to America to help make the way for them.
There’s no provision in the Constitution for Socialism. That, Ms. Pelosi, like YOU, is un-American.
It’s not happening on my watch. You Communist assholes better understand that. And there are LOTS of us Extremists out here. You will lose.
Stick your fucking Obama up your ass.
What utterly laughable bullshit. You must be from Montana, loser!
You have not the balls to do anything but throw your hissy fit, Margaret, or you’d already have done it. Maybe when you get OUT of the 8th grade…..If you can.