I’m guessing there are a lot of folks who had expected to support Larry Phillips, who now don’t know what they’re going to do.
Larry is a good, reliable progressive who’s done a good, reliable job letting us know how good and reliable he is. I don’t think there’s a single, substantive issue on which we disagree.
Dow’s pretty progressive too, I think, but he’s less of a politician than Larry, so I’m not quite as sure. In fact, a lot of Dow’s appeal comes from the fact that he comes across as less of your typical politician and more of an ordinary guy. (If only he hadn’t declared for the office, he’d have the Seattle Times endorsement all sewn up.)
Me… I don’t know who I’m going to support, and there are still more candidates to come. (Rep. Ross Hunter has gotten his name in the news a lot recently. Hmm.) It’s gonna be an interesting race.
both seem fine, EXCEPT
which is going to continue with washington state’s gary locke / patty / ron / maria / dwight mealy mouthed conventional wisdom spineless don’t rock the boat bipartisan-SHIT?
I’m sick of losing to people who think FDR was a failure – in fact
it demonstrates an enourmous degree of political incompetence that the flat earth arguements are still so effective.
(look at the mouth breathing pea brains on this site, with their john birch fear of commies under every bed!)
best of luck to both of them – UNLESS they’re going to be more of the same ol same ol don’t rock the boat losers.
What strikes me about Dow is that he really sticks up for the issues he cares about, not like Gary Locke per above.
He faced down raving hillbillies and major development interests in getting key parts of the critical areas ordinance enacted and putting in place truly far-sighted growth management policies.
I see a lot of press releases from Phillips that seem targeted at key Democratic interest groups. I cannot think of anything big that he’s actually done, though.
From a Feb 3rd Seattle Times article:
“Democratic Council Chairman Dow Constantine — who hasn’t ruled out running for executive himself — said Monday he’s heard from a majority of council members that they’d prefer to appoint a competent manager who only wants the job temporarily.
‘I think the demands of the job this year would make it very difficult for a full-time candidate to be a full-time executive,’ Constantine said.”
See, comment section sheep, your leader is trying to tell you this is just some kooky notion emanating from the Times, when this is actually an idea that’s coming from the council, itself.
And what’s all this crap about Goldy doesn’t know who he’s going to “support?” He does know the council is going to select Sims’ replacement, doesn’t he? It sounds like he thinks he’s going to get vote on who replaces Sims.
Look at me, everyone! I am educating Goldy on politics!
seabos84: Didn’t Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s Treasury Secretary, Henry Morgenthau say this after the national debt jumped $19,000,000,000 to $43,000,000,000? Wow more than doubled.
“We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work. And I have just one interest, and now if I am wrong somebody else can have my job. I want to see this country prosper. I want to see people get a job. I want to see people get enough to eat. We have never made good on our promises. I say after eight years of this administration, we have just as much unemployment as when we started. And enormous debt to boot.”
It also seems FDR was anti-small business based on some of his New Deal plans declared unconstitutional by the SCOTUS. Guess who was a justice on the court during this time seabos84? Oliver Wendell Holmes. He was a progressive eugenics believer. You know one who believes blood-lines like byebyegop, rujax!, proud leftist, ylb, dr correctnotright, rhp6033, blue john, windie, steve, roger rabbit, etc., needed to be purged from the human gene pool. And in today’s terms he would be called anti-labor. Funny how these progressive worlds continue to collide.
4 – Morgenthau was wrong about unemployment. It was at 25 percent and the New Deal brought it down to 14 percent. Yeah that’s miserable but there’s a reason:
GDP took a thirty percent hit from 1929 to the end of Hoover. By the end of FDR’s first term, it was brought back to the 1929 level.
FDR erred by declaring victory too soon and trying to balance the budget. This resulted in the recession of 1937. Morgenthau didn’t accept Keynesianism. He was an orthodox economist/fiscal conservative believing in balanced budgets, etc.
So FDR slowed down the New Deal by following Morgenthau’s advice!
But all these facts are lost on the top fool of HA.org.
What is his political affilation, you know before this bs non-partisan thing was put in.
Has the Putrid Party decided yet who their human sacrifice in this contest is going to be?
@7 Ooops! Bad me! They’re all “nonpartisan” now!! Just like in Congress!!!
Economic Genius @4: And your alternative is what? More of the 19th century pirate capitalism that produced a procession of panics and depressions that looked like a train of boxcars going by?
It’s not even 9:30 AM yet and the outhouse already stinks.
9 – His plan is quite clear actually.
It’s to spread the stupid like it’s a disease so we go back to the bad old days of tax cuts for the rich.
Unfortunately people can’t afford the stupid these days. That’s why we saw Nov 4 and the high approval for the very timid “stimulus” plan.
Those who oppose the stimulus are mostly driven by fear and paranoia whipped up by the likes of Limbaugh and his sycophants like Stupes.
Mike @6, Constantine is a Democrat. Among other things, he got his start in politics as an aide to Greg Nickels when Nickels was on the King Co. Council, and then went on to serve in the legislature. More background here:
Moron@11: Everyone wants a guvmint handout. Shit, I’ll take a guvmint handout too. Why shouldn’t I see at the trough of the messiah (insert aaaaaaawwwwwwww music) and get “my fair share”?
Heck I pay way in more taxes than your sorry ass clueless idiot@11 will ever ascribe to so I should get my fair share of freebies and giveaways.
Moron@5: Did you get that from Daily Kooks? My info came from guvmint archives. I linked it fool. Gotta luv clueless idiot’s hero Oliver Wendell Kill ylb’s Bloodline Holmes!
Where’s da link?
Where’s da link?
Where’s da link?
Great now they can down size the council to seven.
Is anyone campaigning for the votes of people who thought Ron Sims did a pretty decent job?
16 Ron who???
This is American politics, dude…otherwise known as “Short Attention Span Theater”.
@13 “Everyone wants a guvmint handout.”
Yeah, that’s true, but usually it’s Republicans who fight their way to the back of the pickup truck with their duffel bags open, pushing everyone else out of the way.
Still waiting HAs clueless idiot to post his link. Has to be Daily Kooks otherwise he’d post it. Wait a minute Justice Holmes was born too early. He needed to cull the clueless idiot bloodline.
@18: Coming from Pelletizer always with his handout for guvmint cheeze what a moronic comment.
PuddyFacts which hurt clueless idiot’s libtard mind.
Year Rate
1932 23.6
1933 24.9
1934 21.7
1935 20.1
1936 17.0
1937 14.3
1938 19.0
1939 17.2 Morgenthau comment made
1940 14.6
What is that again clueless idiot? Another guvmint web site used fool.
See ya clueless fool! Still using Daily Kooks warm sticky man-made kook-aid!
Some other important facts were left out of the Puddy analysis as usual:
Unemployment from 1928-1932 – the Herbert Hoover years:
1928 4.2
1930 8.7
1932 23.6
Note how republican presidents who do nothing turn a vibrant economy into a mess (lessons Bush learned). Note that Roosevelt listened to the conservatives in 1937 and cut back on the New deal to decrease the debt problem.
Lesson: In depression, don’t listen to conservatives and don’t do half-way measures.
Of course GDP is a better measure of what was really happening with the economy:
US Gross Domestic Product (current dollars)
The Great Crash, 1929-1933
in 1929: $103.6 billion
in 1930: $91.2
in 1931: $76.5
in 1932: $58.7
in 1933: $56.4
New Deal Recovery and Recession, 1934-39
in 1934: $66.0 billion
in 1935: $73.3
in 1936: $83.8
in 1937: $91.9
in 1938: $86.1
in 1939: $92.2
Mobilization for WWII, 1940-1945
in 1940: $101.4 billion
in 1941: $126.7
in 1942: $161.9
Note the stall in 1938 – the recovery was coming along until Roosevelt listened to the conservatives. By 1941 the economy had recovered past 1929 – most of it before we entered WW2 in December, 1941. Even by 1940 we were almost at 1929 levels. The recovery happened BEFORE the war.
Notice how HAs clueless idiot slinks away when he can’t back his assertions.
I hear white noise…
What a fooltard.
Looks like Puddy whupped HAs clueless idiot thrice today…
@22 Republicans know full well what Roosevelt accomplished. Today they’re scared shitless that President Obama will accomplish the same thing. It’s obvious they’d rather see the country go down the shitter than for that to happen. You put party before country and that’s what it can come down to – rooting for your own country to fail.
What did I leave out Dr NotRight?
Man you love to throw crap up and parade around like the emperor without clothes.
Interesting the guvmint web sites used say nothing about these “facts” from Dr. NotRight. Fool, the SCOTUS court told FDR he couldn’t do certain things… Oliver Wendell Holmes and SCOTUS friends had other ideas.
Where’s your link Dr NotRight?
What did FDR accomplish again Steve?
Please enumerate for all of us…
@22 You can also measure Roosevelt’s success by looking at how much today’s Republicans hate him.
What did he accomplish? You mean other than tying Republican’s shorts in a knot for the last half century? Oh, not much, I’m sure. Well, there was his saving us from a Republican depression. Then there was the war against the Axis powers in which he lead our nation to victory. Minor stuff, I’m sure. Nonetheless, a generation of poor and middle class Americans who lived through those times adored him and his wife – except for the Republican party zealots who hated his guts and, after all these years, still do. Yup, there’s something about Roosevelt that really chaps Republican’s asses. That’s a good thing, by the way.
Steve, I admire FDR for his war effort. But the “atrocities” committed by the soldiers in WWII would have you howling mad now…
I wondered what happened to bentoversmellinghisfarts.
He had a funeral to attend to. His brother Travis lost his mind in Connecticut this weekend…
@30 You assume more than a little too much with that second sentence.
David Frum almost gets it:
He goes wrong by not understanding just how crazy the remaining base of the Republican party has become. TYou don’t leave Washington and hope to find san Republicans. It’s like some inverse-square law and they get. The party cannot come up with anything but whack representation at this point because the base is bat-shit crazy. There is no circle jerk here. It’s the swirling motion of shit going down the toilet. The Republican party base is now a torch and pitchfork mob for whom a “Party of No” will not suffice. The question, Mr. Frum, isn’t even so much whether or not the Republican party is doomed. It would seem that the real question to ask at this time is whether or not they’re going somehow manage to flush the rest of the nation down the shitter with them.
Ross Hunter would prefer to be Governor, I suspect. It would explain, at least in part, his being in the vanguard for the Basic Education Funding Proposal this state legislative session.
Being King County Executive for a few years would improve his chances at running for Governor, but I suspect he’s a man in a hurry.