This weekend should be a big one for I-1068 signature gatherers. Not only is Snoop Dogg playing two shows this weekend at Showbox SoDo, but Doug “Super High Me” Benson is also in town, across the lake at the Parlor Live in downtown Bellevue, doing stand-up shows Thursday, Friday, and Saturday as well. I reached out to the management of Parlor Live this week and they’re supportive of having Sensible Washington hang out and collect signatures. If you’d like to see Benson perform, buy your tickets through the Parlor Live website and use the “ADVANCE” promo code to receive a $5 discount. If you’d like to volunteer to help collect signatures, shoot me an email.
I saw a teevee news report tonight about an initiative petition vending machine they’re testing in Oregon. Maybe that’s what we need here! Hey, just imagine an initiative kiosk in every shopping mall! You can raise taxes, lower taxes, pass laws, with the push of a button. It’s the ultimate democracy.
Make sure you don’t buy your tickets from these guys.
Strangely, Mr. Cynical expects Democratic congressmen to have a high standard of ethics, but Republican congressmen (see, e.g., Doc Hastings) and business people none.
Officials of Bush’s State Department interfered with the investigation of the killings of 17 Iraqi civilians in 2007 by Blackwater guards and destroyed crime scene evidence to protect the guards from prosecution, the New York Times reports.
One thing laissez-faire conservatives who believe in unregulated “free markets” never mention is that many businessmen are as dishonest as Republican congressmen.
Reticent about collecting sigs for the MJ legalization Initiative 1068 all by yourself or looking for an event to maximise your effort?
A new organizing tool / forum has been established by the campaign, here:
BTW: Good morning, Mr. Rabbit!
I thought Snoop Dog was dead?
This looks promising.
@7: I think you confusing Snoop with Tupac Shakur who was gunned down by fellow “gangstas”. Here’s an acount of the murder and timeline:
And wiki entry:
It was a lame attempt at a lame joke.
@10: I definitely don’t get hip hop, but I’m a big winner at Trivial Pursuit; I have a great memory for an old guy, but sometimes it’s a curse, believe me.
Nuance on hip hop, not so much…;-)