It’s great to see the editors at the Olympian calling for more state money to fight and prevent wildfires:
The federal government’s firefighting budget for 2014 is likely to be depleted by the end of August. The state is in even worse shape: It has already spent $91 million fighting wildfires this year, which means the money in the budget year that was supposed to last until next July 1 is already spoken for, according to state Department of Natural Resources officials.
As the West heats up and fire season lengthens, we must redouble our efforts in the area of wildlife [sic] prevention. In the current two-year state budget, Gov. Jay Inslee asked for $20 million to fund fuel reduction projects in the woods. Lawmakers allocated $4 million. When forest health is neglected, dead branches and limbs accumulate and become fuel for the next fire. Trees killed by insect infestation add to the fuel load.
Now if only the editorial boards at the Olympian and other newspapers would advocate for raising the tax revenue necessary to pay for things like fighting and preventing wildfires. Just sayin’.
If people had to pay a $1 tax every time they deny climate change, we’d have plenty of money to fight these fires.
I hate to say this, but it’s too late. You humans are fucked.
Californians will look back on lawn watering restrictions with fondness when the temperature in L.A. is 120 degrees, the surrounding hills are on fire, and aerial tankers can’t find a lake or stream with any water in it.
The lights will go out in Seattle when there’s no snowpack in the Cascades and none can accumulate because it’s 80 degrees year round here. Dams can’t make electricity without water.
You’ll all starve when the Temperate Zone turns into the Desert Zone.
We rabbits will adapt. When lettuce grows in Alaska, we’ll simply migrate like we always have. We might even throw a party with our Snowshoe cousins.
I realize humans are stupid, but I don’t understand why they’re so eager for the End Times to get here. What if the Rapture is a myth? I might hedge my bets on that one. As it stands, they’re going to find out quickly enough anyway.