The other day I received an email from Dean Nielsen of Progressive Majority for Washington, announcing an exciting, 7-month long political training program for young progressives age 21 to 35.
The Institute for a Democratic Future (IDF) is now accepting applications for the Class of 2006, it’s 9th class.
IDF was founded in 1997 by young people seeking to educate, motivate and inspire future Democratic and civic leaders in Washington state. Since graduating its first class in 1998, IDF has emerged as a forward thinking institute dedicated to assisting 25 emerging leaders each year expand their skill and knowledge of critical issues and the political process.
Graduates of the program include State Representative Derek Kilmer ’02, WashTech Founder Marcus Coutney ’98, former Seattle City Councilmember Judy Nicastro ’99, current Brier City Councilmember Sasha Doolittle ’01, State Representative Aaron Peterson ’00 (MN), and numerous legislative assistants, party activists, young professionals, non-profit organization executives and political campaigners.
Shit. I am so old. But if you are serious about pursuing a political career — and you’re not an old fogey like me — I highly recommend you visit the IDF website and download an application today. Applications must be postmarked by Nov. 8, and will be considered on a rolling basis.
We need more programs like this. These are the foundations for turning out tomorrow’s progressive leaders. Citizens that can turn back the tide of cynicism from people like Mr. Irrelevant Pinhead.
The Young Pioneer camps of the Soviet Union were the place of vacation for children from the Young Pioneer organization of the Soviet Union during summer and winter holidays….sounding familiar?
Young LEFTIST PINHEADS…those poor little bastards!
Kind of like a gaggle of Young Frankenstein’s poised to screw with other people.
Let’s see….to be a Young LEFTIST PINHEAD you will need the following:
1) FUNDING–that means either a useless government job or a Trust Fund from Mommy. NO ONE WHO WORKS IN THE REAL WORLD IS ALLOWED!!
2) NO SENSE OF HUMOR–YLP’s(aka Young LEFTIST PINHEADS) must take everything they say & do with the utmost seriousness. The future of world depends upon everyone falling into lockstep with their vision of how folks shouuld live their lives.
3) NO CONSCIENCE ABOUT TAX INCREASES–Every tax is a good tax…especially if you can take from the “rich” and give to the poor. YLP’s know how best to spend our hard-earned money. In the world of the YLP…everyone works very hard…and then gives their dough to YLP’S!
4) RAW EMOTION AND NO COMMON SENSE—this is the essential ingedient for the decision-making prowess of the YLP.
5) GAY OR NON SEXUAL–No heterosexual relationships are allowed. Heterosexuals are old fashioned, not hip and represent the old world order.
6) NO CHRISTIANS–Jesus was a cartoon character who makes for some pleasant stories. The Bible is a myth. Athesists make the upper crust of the YLP’s.
7) DIET–YLP’s must eat only raw, organic veggies grown in 100% pure BULLSHIT and free-range TOFU!
8) TRANSPORTATION–YLP’s must only ride their bike or walk everywhere….except if they are wearing a disguise. Then they can drive any SUV or gas-guzzling motorhome….as long as no one else can possibly recognize them.
9) HIPOCROSY–YLP’s must develop keen skills to preach about tolerance & diversity while living their miserable lives with no tolerance of ANYONE who is non-white and doesn’t think exactly like them.
10) ELECTION CHEATERS–YLP’s must be able to figure out plenty of way to vote 2 or more times….as they would lose every election without cheating.
Bottom-line===YLP’s a pathetic loser’s who live in LALA Land.
I love the smell of misanthropis delusionals exploding in the morning!
Progressive “boot camp”. [hehe] You have your choice of flying to North Korea or Cuba. Democrats: domestic economic terrorists. More of an enemy that the 9/11 Arab idiots.
Is Elian Gonzalez eligible?
Outstanding! I consider this independent confirmation that for the next four months I am young and part of a Democratic future.
After that… not so much. But I’ll take what I can get.
Oh, and it’s great to see these programs setting the foundation for a strong party over the long term.
Great. That’s JUST what we need here in Washington: a school that actually is dedicated to teaching “tax and spend.” It’s bad enough that the Republicans and Democrats alike can’t wait to spend every nickel they can tax away from the ordinary guy. Now the Democrats in Washington have a school that teaches people how to do it? Incredible!
righton @ 2:
Please tell me you’re channeling Joe McCarthy or something at least sort of interesting like that, and that you’re not just being inane, trite, and repetetive.
jsa on beacon hill—
Inane, Trite, and Repetitive already post here under the names:
puddybud, righton, and mr. cynical/irrelevant.
Sounds like a great idea — if only what was taught as “progressive” really meant you wanted progress and not the “same ol’, same ol'” anything-right-must-be-wrong indoctrination.
Ever been to one of these? I haven’t, but I have spent time at a Pioneer camp (back in the good old days). I agree with others, last thing we need is to spend more time indoctrinating the youth.
Lets just give them all a Seattle PI subscription. Cheaper and same message.
There are a small handful of ring-wing nutjobs who seem to feel the need to post repeatedly on every topic and basically ruin this forum. Every time I check out the comments I’m reminded of why not to bother with it. Goldy, what ever happened to Scoop?
Loser-tarian @ 6
First, the moniker comes from the right wing talk show host Michael Medvid.
Second, no matter what mantra bullshit you KNUCKLE HEADS spout off about “tax and spend” Liberals, every Democrat I have talked to in the last couple of years thinks that spending is OUT OF CONTROL and the size of this federal government is WAY TOO BIG.
Now what does that say for conservative thinkers? You’re only fooling yourselves into bankrupting the country. Smooth move Exlax.
Correction @ 13
I meant Loser-tarian @ 8.
My bad.
GBS @ 13: “every Democrat I have talked to… thinks that spending is OUT OF CONTROL and the size of this federal government is WAY TOO BIG”
It is one thing to say that and an entirely different thing to actually do it. I’d be curious to know what part of the government YOU’D cut down?? And don’t say “military” because we all know the Far Left would leave us with nothing but tour guides at the borders and a team of therapists ready to send to any world crisis location.
Plenty of right wingers, myself included are appalled at Bush’s spending. You guys only oppose spending cuz its an issue you can use against the guy you hate.
Nobody for 1 second believes liberals want to spend less. Its just that now you have an advantage cuz a GOP pres (or 2) has abandoned fiscal responsibility.
Bring back Goldwater!
‘…every Democrat I have talked to in the last couple of years thinks that spending is OUT OF CONTROL and the size of this federal government is WAY TOO BIG.’
Did you think to ask them where, besides Defense, the spending could be cut? The truth is that anytime repubs propose spending cuts, or even reductions in the rise rate beyond inflation, the dmes go wild. Now you want to have it both ways?
Mark @ 15
Yeah, and that Far Left military of “tour guides and therapists” kicked serious ass in Afghanistan and Iraq (pre-quagmire). Clearly readiness was undiminished, but the ridiculously high manpower levels of the Cold War in Europe armed forces was indeed reduced, as the “peace dividend” helped leave our nation with record economic expansion and record low unemployment. Now, of course, our ill-equipped GOP military is bogged down in a lose-lose conflict against the anti-occupation forces, and your prayed-for invasion of Iran and/or Syia just ain’t gonna happen due at least in part to the incompetence and venality of our current idiots-in-charge.
B) Dick Cheney cut billions and billions from our military, and cnaceled
Wow, a rightie disagreeing with bush. Maybe there’s hope after all!
also mark@15: Maybe we should cut military spending some. The amount of graft, boondogglery, and idiocy in our military budgeting is crazy. Its the ultimate in corporate welfare, and should be stopped. Saying we can’t give the obvious answer is pretty weak, by the way.
and to the bulk of your statement: Do you really believe that? If so I feel sorry for you. Might wanna cut back on the Limbaugh a bit.
Curtis Love-18
‘Clearly readiness was undiminished’ AND ‘our ill-equipped GOP military’ in the same comment?
What I hear you saying is that the military was prepared due to pre-Bush actions, (sans new body and HUMVEE armor), and that Bush took that all away.
Seeing a picture – person holding lips so that talk comes from both sides of mouth – priceless.
‘Wow, a rightie disagreeing with bush. Maybe there’s hope after all!’
Where have you been? Condervatives have been livid about spending all along. Bush has used it pacify the left and the so-called conservatives in Congress have been using it to pad re-election hopes.
Another stereotype of righties by lefties crumbles. That’s one.
21 – Oops. Condervatives should ve Conservatives
Must be thinking Condi in 2008. Not!
GBS @ 14:
Re-read my comments: both Republicans and Democrats are in the tax and spend mode. I don’t particulary care for EITHER group, but to have a school that teaches tax & spend is particularly annoying.
@ 24
Do you REALLY know what they are teaching at that school, ie the curriculum, or are you just blowing rhetoric?
windie @ 20: “Wow, a rightie disagreeing with bush. Maybe there’s hope after all!”
There are plenty of Republicans who disagree with all kinds of aspects of this administration’s policies.
Now if we could get all the Lefties to stop drinking the Kool-Aid, maybe we’d make some progress in this country. Face it, there is little to no room for disagreement within the Democratic Party — especially on the public stage.
Bush won because the GOP just has a bigger “tent.”
Bush won because the GOP just has a bigger “tent.” -Comment by Mark— 10/6/05 @ 10:14 am
Bush won because he had better ideas.
Bush won because Kerry of the Terry was an officious, offensive snob.
Bush won because he can be trusted with his word.
Bush won because the American public is disgusted with the politics of victims, the politics of race, the politics of hate and the politics of political correctness bullshit.
Curtis @ 19
“Clearly readiness was undiminished, but the ridiculously high manpower levels of the Cold War”
Learn a bit more about military readiness and come back when you have a clue. Nothing happens overnight. And “ridiculously high manpower levels?” Gimme a break.
Curtis: “Dick Cheney… cnaceled”
Damn that Cheney! Cnaceling again! WTF are you talking about?
Fake Mark (aka Mark the Left Nut) @ 13
It is Kool-Aid-sipping, idiots like you that ruin this forum.
Get an idea of your own (and a new nick) and come back when you’re ready to talk with the adults.
Ah I can just see the ciriculum now.
1) ballot stuffing 101
2) ballot enhancing 102
3) ballot whining 103
4) tearful ballot speaches 104
5) taxation, your way to total dominance over the republicans 101
6) stupid spending, why spend your tax money on things we need… spend it on programs that enhance your chances for re-election 101, 102
7) blame everyone else for everything. The essential democratic position. 101
8) sex with interns…your divine right 101, 102, 103
9) screwing the people who elected you. 101
Proud @ 27
Actually, Kerry lost because he (and the Dems) had no ideas. The could only talk about what they were against instead of what they were for.
Condervatives have been livid about spending all along.
Yearight, that’s why they keep voting in the same trough feeders every two years.
Plenty of right wingers, myself included are appalled at Bush’s spending. You guys only oppose spending cuz its an issue you can use against the guy you hate.
No credibility, wrong one. The people you elect to Congress still whore for the bacon and there’s no end in sight.
And it’s pretty easy to “dislike” a guy who’s making my kids, my grandkids and their kids to pay for his disastrous decisions – if you can call them that.
The economy is heading for the shoals, wrong one.
All you righties blowing back by attacking Dems as being anti-military. Typical attack talking points. Boring!! Zzzzzz Zzzzzzz. If I asked you to wake me up when your side is ready to be hones, they’d call me Rumplestiltskin.
Look at what President Clinton did to the health of our economy. That’s what Progressives stand for, paying down the national debt, eliminating the deficit left by Bush 1, handing over the fiscally best government in the history of the world to the next leader. It IS the economy, STUPID!
Had Regan done that, you’d be singing his praises. But, since the great American who accomplished this feat is a Democrat you scorn him. That’s being a partisan hack. And, it’s causing a huge rift in our country. It’s being un-American and unpatriotic. Republican ideals over American values.
What has Bush accomplished? Please, if he were a Democrat your criminal leaders in congress would be trying to impeach him, too.
Bush is a weak leader. You know it. I know it. And the whole world knows it.
In a word: pathetic.
GBS @ 33: great comment. Thanks.
GBS @ 25:
No, I suppose they’re teaching differential equations and Old Norse Literature there.
Clinton improved the ecomony (snicker!) by killing the military (cut their budget) while he his wife and daughter insulted them at every turn. I wonder, does that make him PRO-Military?
KoolAid vomit… and it aint red white and blue.
@ 35
As I suspected empty rhetoric.
Thanks for proving my point for me about how shallow the minds of conservatives are.
When Clinton took over as president the deficit was at an all time record high. It was projected that by the time President Clinton left office the deficit would be where it stands today.
The projections, as it turns out, were correct, but you had to factor in the “borrow and spend cronyism of conservatism” to achieve such a crappy goal.
Thanks conservatives for taking our country backwards. “You’re doing a heck of a job.”
You’re either going forward, i.e. “Progressive” Liberal.
Or you’re going backward, i.e. “retarded” Conservative.
Which one are you?
GBS @ 37:
Who’s a conservative? Certainly NOT me.
@ 38
Yeah, I’d run away from that moniker, too.
GBS @ 33
The big difference is how you plan to pay down the debt. Simply increasing the tax burden, as most Dems suggest, is not the way.
And not every Republican thinks Clinton was so bad (except in the morality department). Give the guy a moral compass (not just on Monica, but Marc Rich, etc.) and lock Hillary in a closet and he’d be a fine President.
Bush’s problem is that he is overhandled to compensate for his lack of strength in certain areas. Cheney’s supposed gravitas SHOULD have been the perfect complement to Bush’s “plain folks” style. Cheney got arrogant and was marginalized and now Bush is left to govern on his own. Bush has too many people whispering in his ear, but not enough with differing opinions. He sacrificed great minds in the interest of clarity and uniformity of direction.
Ah, yes, the value of progressive public education.
Aren’t you God-hating, people of faith-hating atheists proud?
Now, a few challenges to all you Lefties:
1. Besides defense, name a couple of areas of where government can be significantly cut down.
2. Name some things your party, or the leaders thereof, are doing wrong.
3. Name a couple of Republicans you view favorably.
Mark @ 40
I appreciate your candor. But your point about simply raising taxes as the Dem’s plan, is as shallow as the gene pool in Kentucky.
More importantly, you recognize, as does every other intellectually honest person, that Bush is not capable of making sound decisions on his own because he’s “overhandled” and incapable of separating the noise being whispered in his ear from the facts.
I can’t say for certain that Bush is THE worst president ever, but he certainly is the worst president since WWII.
Bush isn’t tax and spend… he’s borrow and spend.
@ 42
1) The bridge to nowhere in AK is a starter. All the extreme pork barrel spending that is rampant in the GOP controlled congress and being signed into law by W. Accounting for the $8.8 billion dollars in Iraq would be nice. Getting rid of the 30 year T-Bill, like President Clinton did, would be positive step to not burdening our grandchildren while Paris Hilton get a new Jet Ranger helicopter. Reinstitute the Pay as You go policies of the 90’s.
2) Not effectively shedding the light of truth on the lies of the extremist in congress and the White House.
3) Bob Dole, John McCain, Ike. Hell, if I had to have a Republican for president, I thought I’d never say this, but I’d prefer Regan to the crooks in control now. At least with Regan he was a heck of a lot more transparent than this secretive administration.
Now a challenge to you supposed “free market” thinkers:
What are the ramifications of oil being traded in Euros vs. Dollar?
Mark & GBS:
In my lifetime, the worst presidents we ever had followed each other in office. The first was Lyin’ Lyndon Johnson. The guy got elected to Congress after WWII by having a bunch of dead people in Cotula, Texas voting for him. He also saddled us with a program he called The Great Society, which we’ll all be paying for forever.
Then came Richard Nixon. His nickname was Tricky Dick, and that pretty much summed it up. His corruption was legendary.
I work under the assumption that Democrats are idiots and Republicans are crooks, but both can certainly take on the attributes of the other. Neither party has a monopoly on idiocy or corruption.
Dept of education
All road funding that isn’t an interstate
Shore restoration
Corn subsidies
@ 48
Can you explain your thinking on these except corn subsidies?
Worst President ever is “New Deal” Roosevelt, closely followed by Carter and Johnson.
The “New Deal” these power hungry thugs salivated over and expanded has been the down fall of this country – it had encouraged and rewarded laziness over hardwork and it has created a whole huge segment of society that can not, will not attend to themselves. Welfare, created by these guys are the TV trays of society – wobbly, unstable and encourages laziness.
Thanks for the rotten “deal”, guys.
@ 42
1. Ag subsidies which by far benefit mostly large Ag companies and all foreign supply-side drug interdiction which is a spending black hole – route some of the money to take care of the demand side and the supply-side goes away.
2. Not contrasting enough against the R’s. Trying to be Republican-lite is a failure. An effective communications strategy against the Republican noise machine is lacking.
3. Pete McCloskey, an author of the Endangered Species Act who might move into Pombo’s district to run against him. Christoper Shays and Jim Leach who once in a while go against the grain of the DeLay crowd.
Lot of right wing vomit spewing over here, huh.
You guys just need to vent because this whole “revolution” thing of yours is going to hell in a handbasket and there is NOTHING you can do to stop it.
Kaput. Fini.
So vent, vent, vent to your heart’s content. Your 15 or so year reign of terror is soooo over.
50, re feds overspending…
Solely because only the Feds can overspend (states either all or most have limits on borrowing), we end up with local stuff paid for by the Feds. There is no good reason for some school in Seattle to get Federal money. Nor should Alaska get a bridge, or West Virginia get federal Sen Byrd librarries and other pork.
coastline restoration, in most cases i think is the feds paying for a local problem. Late 70’s feds poured money into Miami Beach, and it was great for them, but I have no idea why I or anyone outside of Fla should pay for that. You get the idea.
I think feds should pay for military, interstate transportation, nationally peddled food and drug. But in last 30 odd years, they are into everything.
Again they do it, we do, we all like it cuz we just spend and borrow.
rujax206 @ 53:
Venting is really all that goes on here on these blogs. It’s just a chance for all of us to shoot our mouths off. The world might be better if we actually did out work rather than wasting time here.
Wow…cogent comment. Kudos.
Rugrat? Can you count?
Really, I suggest you count how many dem seats are competitive in 06.
Then count how many GOP seats are really in play.
Then count the difference between the 2 parties NOW.
Then, let us know what conclusion you’ve come to.
I’ll give you a hint: Currently, there are 231 Republicans, 202 Democrats, one Independent who is aligned with the Democrats, and one open seat (vacated when former Representative Rob Portman (R-OH) resigned to become the U.S. Trade Representative).
in order to take back power in the house the dems have to HOLD every seat up for grabs and take nearly every single GOP seat up for grabs.
Does public school math allow for wishful outcomes?
Can any conservative constructively answer my question at 47?
boom boom boom boom
gonna shoot you right down
right offa your feet
boom boom boom boom
From Josh Marshall (again) at his “Talking Point Memo”
“How is it that Bill Clinton was such a bad actor that Freeh couldn’t get anything else done because he had to spend so much investigating him and yet Freeh never caught him doing anything? Which of Clinton’s associates did Freeh indict?
Think about it. Either Freeh is just as big a buck-passer and liar as we think or he is a self-confessed incompetent. It’s genuinely funny.
Even if you want to consider Bill Clinton’s affair with Monica Lewinsky as a legitimate legal bad act, Freeh didn’t have anything to do with catching him on that one. Give the credit where it’s due: that was the work of Republican political operatives.”
I knew conservatives who think that they are “Free Market” thinksers are full of shit. They avoided answering my question at 47 either by design or by lack of knowledge. They’ve intentionally avoided the subject because the RNC noise machine doesn’t have catchy talking points. This topic actually requires real thought where little phrases from Fox won’t work.
Although, I’m surprised that none of them took a shot at it.
If you knew the answer to that question, you’d realize how dangerous conservatism really is to the national security of the United States of America.
Young LEFTIST PINHEADS…those poor little bastards!
Kind of like a gaggle of Young Frankenstein’s poised to screw with other people.
Let’s see….to be a Young LEFTIST PINHEAD you will need the following:
1) FUNDING–that means either a useless government job or a Trust Fund from Mommy. NO ONE WHO WORKS IN THE REAL WORLD IS ALLOWED!!
2) NO SENSE OF HUMOR–YLP’s(aka Young LEFTIST PINHEADS) must take everything they say & do with the utmost seriousness. The future of world depends upon everyone falling into lockstep with their vision of how folks shouuld live their lives.
3) NO CONSCIENCE ABOUT TAX INCREASES–Every tax is a good tax…especially if you can take from the “rich” and give to the poor. YLP’s know how best to spend our hard-earned money. In the world of the YLP…everyone works very hard…and then gives their dough to YLP’S!
4) RAW EMOTION AND NO COMMON SENSE—this is the essential ingedient for the decision-making prowess of the YLP.
5) GAY OR NON SEXUAL–No heterosexual relationships are allowed. Heterosexuals are old fashioned, not hip and represent the old world order.
6) NO CHRISTIANS–Jesus was a cartoon character who makes for some pleasant stories. The Bible is a myth. Athesists make the upper crust of the YLP’s.
7) DIET–YLP’s must eat only raw, organic veggies grown in 100% pure BULLSHIT and free-range TOFU!
8) TRANSPORTATION–YLP’s must only ride their bike or walk everywhere….except if they are wearing a disguise. Then they can drive any SUV or gas-guzzling motorhome….as long as no one else can possibly recognize them.
9) HIPOCROSY–YLP’s must develop keen skills to preach about tolerance & diversity while living their miserable lives with no tolerance of ANYONE who is non-white and doesn’t think exactly like them.
10) ELECTION CHEATERS–YLP’s must be able to figure out plenty of way to vote 2 or more times….as they would lose every election without cheating.
Bottom-line===YLP’s a pathetic loser’s who live in LALA Land.
Comment by Mr. Cynical— 10/6/05 @ 6:28 am
I rest my case!
What is your post about? It makes no sense whatever. It is so off-point, it is ridiculous and if I may say so, just a tad bit off. What’s the amtter with you? You know better. You’re directing people to an Australian link, to read about some course that is going to be considered in Britain. Some sort of relgious or anti religiouis course materials, can’t tell from the link. But really…WHO CARES?
And… you’re implying that it is an example OF “progressive public education.” Have you seen the course materials? I doubt it. Apparently you don’t realize that Britain’s system isn’t like ours at all. In Britain only the elite, best students, go to public schools. What kind of a comparison are you trying to make? Or, at the risk of being politically incorrect, I have to ask: are you just massaging that “everybody’s so anti-Christian” persecution complex you enjoy so much. Or, are you trying to set-up a scenario that all prgressives and liberals are atheists and heathens? And only the wonderful, pious “conservatives” are truly Chrisian and sin-free? Get over it. That tactic is garbage. It is all all too common in both political and relgious circles and it diminishes and tarnishes Christianity. You can post better than that, we all know it, and we all expect it.
gbs, time for the meds…
Euros vs dollar, to buy oil? what in the world has that go to do w/ training camp for little libs? I could answer, but could care less.
Just cuz you toss a question, doesn’t mean we are chicken.
Uhhhh…you DO realize that that is herroyalfuckingpainintheassness you’re talking about there.
Really. The old broad isn’t wound too tight.
“what in the world has that go to do w/ training camp for little libs?”
just about as much sense as the failure to discuss the various training camps throughout the US for little conservatives—or do we all wish to never again remember that this state was the home to several such youth camps organized by organizations tied to Hitler and Mussolini–institutions that existed all across this country in the thirties to ostensibly “support” kids who suffered from the great depression. Seems like the grandchildren of those very same kids are the ones most viciously commenting above.
righton @ 64
Time for the truth. . .
Knowing how oil is traded on the world market effects our national security. The spreading of conservatism ideology, especially the crap the Cheney and Bush believe that Regan proved a deficit isn’t a bad thing, is seriously placing our national security in jeopardy.
Teaching the future leaders of our nation the truth about how the world really works is how will save America from the Culture of Cronyism.
That’s how it ties to the topic.
I’m surprised that all the right-wing bull shitters on this blog like: Mark the Redneck, Proud Ass, Puddybud, PacMan, Conservative First, No Wonder, Ms Chickenhawk, Josef, marky mark, yearight, et al, who claim to be doing so well under Bush fail to answer this question.
But, that’s what the truth does, exposes the bull shitters. And, the conservatives who “think” they understand the ramifications of the free market and run away deficits are completely full of bull shit.
If they really did understand it, they would not be in support of Republican fiscal policies. They would realize how their reckless fiscal policies are putting America at the mercy of many, many nations. And, some of them are not fond of America either.
Your ignorance is NOT bliss.
Reply to 62
I rest my case!
Good, you may now return to circle-jerking at (u)SP.
jsa on beacon hill—
Inane, Trite, and Repetitive already post here under the names:
puddybud, righton, and mr. cynical/irrelevant.
Comment by rujax206— 10/6/05 @ 8:04 am
Thanks Rugrat602: Please go back into the bathroom, get your Fukitol prescription and take two pills with some juice.
See it here StuckonStupid: Rugrat602
Hear from more StuckonStupid: Head-in-his-ass Lucite
Speak as StuckonStupid: Clueless
US Budget 34% of budget on Human Resources, $722B: Education, Health/Human Services, HUD, Food/Nutrition programs, Labor Department, Soc. Sec. Admin.
Health Care Benefit: $400 BB over 10 years is more like $800 BB
$26 BB in Roads Pork Spending.
Breaking Some Windie Farts @20: Since Boeing was the #2 defense contractor in 2004 with $17.1 BB (Halliburton was 6th at $8BB) what union hack jobs in the Renton do you want to cut?
GBS@25: We do know the bullshit being taught in schools. We see the bullshit everyday here on animal hind parts. You all support the Big Racist Head-in-de-ass Lucite. SHall I REFRESH your memory GBS? Nuff Said There Pardner!
Reggie@30, Damn man that wuz FUNNY!!! Add:
Lying so you don’t have to say no 101
If Pregnant not ready; just Abort 201
Just say no to brains 125
Your Money, Our Agenda 131
Rape, Treason, Corruption & Totalitarianism 201
Learn How to Make America Dumb and Weak 101
Think globally, act stupid 101
There is no God, there is only the state 201
Learn to Think Political like Barbra Streisand & Sean Penn 101
GBS@33: Reagan wanted tax cuts. For every $ he saved Congress spent $2. Democrat Congress wrote the budgets – Get it?
GBS@44: So you are from Kentucky! I thought the gene pool secret was a secret? Damn man! Now you being a native Blue Grasser spilled da beans to everyone else!
GBS: I understand the implication of Oil in Euros. It isn’t rosy. I have cut back and have been conserving. Have you? Remember I don’t have a private jet like John Kerry or Robert Kennedy Jr, conservationist princes.
GBS: I know the answer to your Euros question, but my stuff is in the cheap ASS filter.
66. You make no sense. Paying in Euros vs Paying in Dollars? Big hairy deal.
67. Libs gotta fudge the Nazi angle every day.. how’d my german uncle dying fighting the germans turn me into a Nazi? Or my german father serving, though surviving….?
Soon…all their HEADS will explode. What a mes THAT will be.
Well rugrat602: You head will be like one being scanned in the Scanners movie, unless you take your Fukitol. Otherwise when Cynical visits you he will have to call 911 and have them try and put you exploded head back together again! Reminds me of Humpty Dumpty.
You guys didn’t like being called Socialists so you re-named yourselves Liberals.
When Liberalism proved itself to be a defective idea, you want to be called Progressives.
Maybe some day, even you will come to understand that Socialist, Liberal, Progressive or whatever you want to call your political philosophy is a defective idea. It just does NOT work in the real world with real people.
When Socialism was proved to be a defective idea, you wanted to be called Liberals.
When Liberalism was proved to be a defective idea, you wanted to be called Progressives.
When are you ever going to learn that the political philosophy that says that people are perfectable if only the state takes enough resources from the successful and gives those resources to the unsuccessful is a defective idea?
Span blocked again. What, Goldy, cannot stand a decenting opinion?
Hey Dumbass Bob-
I’m sure Goldy doesn’t have a problem with DISSENTING opinion…that DECENTING opinion…well, I just don’t know.
BTW 73-
Fuck You too.
Guessing that the IDF indoctrination agenda won’t include Galston & Kamarck…
Gawd, I wish we could get back to the good old days of “Tax and Spend”.
The present abomination of “Spend and leave it to our kids to pay” is killing America and the economy. The ONLY proper way to budget IS “Tax and Spend” anything else is completely irresponsible!