With over one million registered voters, a third of the state’s electorate, and two congressional seats, King County comprises an election jurisdiction larger than 16 states plus the District of Columbia. And yet this two-to-one Democratic county at the heart of WA’s progressive majority risks ceding control of its elections operations to a Republican Party with a proven national agenda of voter intimidation and suppression.
Should I-25 pass this November as expected, the county elections director could switch from an appointed professional to an elected officer, chosen in a “non-partisan,” low-profile, February special election — the perfect opportunity for a Republican to sneak into office. Meanwhile, Democrats are fighting to break the GOP’s sixty-year lock on the office of Prosecuting Attorney — the equivalent of the Attorney General of a small state. With these two offices come two of the three seats on the King County Canvassing Board, and the ability to disenfranchise any voter or disallow any ballot, on a simple two-to-one vote.
Republican voter suppression campaigns cannot be taken lightly in a county where Republicans, following the lead of their Summit County, Ohio counterparts the year before, challenged thousands of voter registrations just days before the 2005 election, sowing confusion, suppressing turnout, and forcing many voters to cast provisional ballots. Despite the fact that many of these challenges were in error, and against the legal advice of the attorney his own office assigned to provide expert counsel to the board, PAO Chief of Staff Dan Satterberg repeatedly voted to uphold challenges that did not include the voter’s current address as required by law. And despite the fact that KCGOP officer Lori Sotello signed thousands of affidavits declaring “under penalty of perjury … personal knowledge” that she did not have, Satterberg and his office refused to even investigate allegations of perjury.
Now Satterberg is running as a Republican for Prosecuting Attorney, and should he win, local, state and federal elections could hang in the balance. Not because Satterberg is corrupt, but because he subscribes to a political philosophy that views the franchise as a privilege, not a right, and because he belongs to a party with an established record of fighting to invalidate otherwise qualified ballots based on the tiniest discrepancy or voter error, while choosing to ignore the technical violations of those bringing the challenges. His is the party that pioneered turn-out friendly vote-by-mail in Republican dominated jurisdictions, yet fights it tooth and nail in our state’s most populous and Democratic county. His is the party that attempted to exploit the 2004 election controversy by proffering election “reforms” whose singular purpose seemed to be to make it harder to vote.
Despite Satterberg’s protestations to the contrary, the PAO is a partisan office, and always has been, and as the Seattle P-I noted in the wake of the bogus voter registration challenges, Satterberg’s longtime mentor Norm Maleng was “a partisan politician.” Party affiliation matters because it denotes a set of values, and in this election, Democrat Bill Sherman’s values are much more closely aligned with those of the vast majority of county voters.
Satterberg and his surrogates have gone on the attack because they know that negative campaigning works, and given their two-to-one money advantage this gives them a good shot at winning in November. Please, don’t let Republican money decide this election, when so many future elections could hang in the balance.
On Tuesday we launched a netroots fundraiser for Sherman, seeking to raise $5000 from 200 contributors over five days. As of this morning, 52 supporters have given $3240 — that’s a tremendous start, but still far short of our donor target. A surge in dollars and donors makes it easier for Bill to raise money from other donors, so if $10 is all you can afford, that’s more than enough.
Please give to Bill Sherman today, in whatever amount you can afford.
This is pathetic. I’m a true blue dem and even I can see that Dan is the better candidate. Why don’t you find another office to try to fill – this one is too important for a guy with less than 3 years experience. 99.9% of the decisions made by this office have nothing to do with politics. Do we really want to gamble over the .1%? Have your readers put their money in another race.
I am a lifelong Goldwater Republican, but I have not been able to support any Republican candidates since the sleazy days of Richard Nixon to the Three-day’s full Honey-Bucket festival of this Bush administration — and the hand sanitizer is long gone.
Please! Listen to an old Goldwater Republican and vote for Sherman.
Sorry, but I don’t give money to folks I can’t vote for. Just my little hangup I guess.
democrat @ 1 – You recognize the importance of the position, yet your viewpoint is, if I may respectfully say so, mistaken and naive.
[Deleted — Darryl, see HA Comment Policy]
#1 — The one percenters are always the important ones.
Do you want the Republicans to illegally scheme and manipulate votes to obtain and hold on to power? Their goal is to form a one-party state. They are no better than Stalinists or Nazis.
[Deleted — Darryl, see HA Comment Policy]
@1: Dear concern troll,
It may come as a suprise, but the administration of justice in this country is, despite all the fairy tales you have heard (and apparently believe), deeply entwined with politics and power.
The current edition of the GOP is a classic case in point. They are essentially an outlaw organization that deserves complete and utter humiliation at the polls. Even one republican in office is an affront to human decency.
It is actually pathetic for Goldy to say you need to be scared of the Republicans being able to steal away votes. This is exactly what the Dem’s did in 2004. You are a total idiot if you believe the Republicans will do the same.
@8 Proud Ass
This sort of rhetoric coming from either party is frightening and politically dangerous.
The issue should be how to get the Repricans to reform their party so this it is a viable alternative.
Hey Darryl!
Since Goldy mentioned I-25 as opening the door to further oppression of the masses by Republicans like Dan Satterberg, I figured rebuttal on that was germane to the thread.
Guess I should have added something like it looks as though the flogging for bucks for Sherman ain’t quite makin’ it. Good political fundraisers can get $50,000 from 2,000 donors in nothing flat.
And if Joe Pine is a Goldwater Republican, I’ll eat my AuH2O ’64 bumper stickers. Real Goldwater republicans became Reagan Republicans and will vote for Dan Satterberg.
If Sherman’s so great, why isn’t he attracting broader support? Why are his endorsements only from those who are required by law to endorse him, like Gary Locke and Ron Sims?
And where’s Sherman’s outrage that 71,000 addresses in North and East King County receive seriously flawed voters’ pamphlets? Will he pledge to persecute (isn’t that what you guys are after?) Sherril Huff until she’s frog-marched in shackles to the King County gibbet and summarily executed?
Why hasn’t Sherman pledged to drum every Republican sympathizer out of the PAO??? And then King County??? After all, he must have in his briefcase the names of 287 members of the Republican Party planted throughout the county as fifth-columnists!!!
Is it true Bill Sherman’s campaign slogan is, “Death to all those who would whimper and cry?”
Will he use the power of his office to identify King County voters who supported I-25 and then have their property confiscated then ship them all to gulags in Benton County?
Will their be a Sherman-led crusade against Republican owned businesses in King County? Will employees in his office be required to wear shirts of a specific color???
That you guys weren’t able to raise a measly $5K inside 24 hours is a pathetic testimony to the attractiveness of your message and how its stink will get attached to Sherman’s Allen-Edmonds.
The Piper
Oh for pete’s sake SJ, get a grip. The current gop is run by clowns, criminals, bigots, and opportunists. I would like nothing better than to see it go the way of the Whigs or the Know-Nothings, the States-Rights Party, and many others that have come and gone throughout our history.
Why should I waste one breath of my life to urge ‘reform’ on the republican party? Let it die and be replaced by other voices. The political spectrum is wide. There will always be competition for political power.
I call for their political death at the polls via a fair and democratic ballot, nothing more.
# 11 — Piper, I admire your devotion to the concept of popularly elected government officials.
Would this new enthusiasm extend retroactively to the 2000 presidential election that Al Gore won?
If not, then we are all entitled, NAY, responsible!!! to question your motives.
Let’s elect the City Manager! More democracy, Piper….
Piper Scott,
“If Sherman’s so great, why isn’t he attracting broader support?”
You mean…um, other than out-polling Satterberg?
“Why are his endorsements only from those who are required by law to endorse him, like Gary Locke and Ron Sims?”
Let me guess…you aren’t a lawyer. Do you even have a college degree? (I mean a real college degree where you actually graduated?)
“Will he pledge to persecute (isn’t that what you guys are after?) Sherril Huff until she’s frog-marched in shackles to the King County gibbet and summarily executed?”
I never even considered that possibility. Prosecuting Lori Sotelo would have been nice, but it is probably too late.
“Why hasn’t Sherman pledged to drum every Republican sympathizer out of the PAO??? And then King County???”
Because he isn’t mentally ill. But that you would ask such a question doesn’t speak positively about your mental health….
“After all, he must have in his briefcase the names of 287 members of the Republican Party planted throughout the county as fifth-columnists!!!”
Hmmm…paranoia…conspiracy theories…
‘Is it true Bill Sherman’s campaign slogan is, “Death to all those who would whimper and cry?”’
…unnatural fear…
“Will he use the power of his office to identify King County voters who supported I-25 and then have their property confiscated then ship them all to gulags in Benton County?”
…complete loss of touch with reality…
“Will their be a Sherman-led crusade against Republican owned businesses in King County? Will employees in his office be required to wear shirts of a specific color???”
and projection.
It looks like somebody is way overdue for getting their meds adjusted.
Electing a politician to run the elections department makes no more sense than electing politicians to perform brain surgery.
If we’re gonna have popular election of the elections director, then we should also have popular election of the canvassing board.
I’m only trying to fit in with the delusional rants, paranoia, factual inaccuracies, and hysteria that’s the hallmark of HA and for which it’s known around town as a den of crazies and loons!
Just so you’ll never looses sleep…I have both an undergraduate and an advanced professional degree.
I still think it was a chisel to delete my I-25 comment given Goldy’s use of it as a red flag to support Sherman.
The Piper
Alternatively, the elections director could be appointed by the canvassing board, who could be appointed by a representative sample of King County citizens — say, 1 businessman and 2 labor union presidents.
I think we should have the death penalty for people who deprive legitimate voters of their right to vote. It would work this way. There should be a $1,000 filing fee for each voter challenge. If the challenge is upheld, you get your filing fee back, but if the voter is legitimate you’re hanged.*
* Ha ha ha! This wingnut humor is side-splitting! Just kidding, of course — I’m taking a cue from our righty brothers and sisters who get big laughs (and sell lots of books) with lines like this.
We also should institute euthenasia for dogs who register to vote, and life imprisonment for their owners.
@16 & 17…RR…
With appointed so-called “professionals” we’ve had such tremendous success? Want to take a look at my fubared voters’ pamphlet? Where do they get these people? Work release?
Whatever happened to your sagebrush populism? The same progressivism that was codified in the Washington State Constitution calling for initiatives, referundum, and elected offices such as Lands’ Commissioner and SPI argue in favor of an elected Elections Director.
Irresepective of outcome, over the last several election cycles has the current system been satisfactory? Even the chowderheads at the P-I acknowledge it hasn’t.
I’ll bet if Bill Sherman is elected, he’ll abolish elections (need to keep Darryl happy or he’ll delete me) and require us all to speak nothing but legalize. Res ipsa loquitur!
Is it true that his first official act will be to pay off a campaign debt to Goldy and appoint Richard Pope his chief criminal deputy?
We must immediately be told Bill Sherman’s position on the mirror image rule and UCC 2-207!!!! Will he step up to the plate and abolish the Rule Against Perpetuities??? Will he finally enforce the law in re breaking bulk??? Just how far do his penumbras emenate???
These and other campaign issues simmer beneath the surface, yet Sherman AVOIDS them like the plague as he, instead, is seen with a hand-lettered sign at the northbound on-ramp to I-5 at NE 45th, “Will Prosecute For Food!”
The Piper
While the prosecution of ordinary crimes is obviously the most important function of the KCPAO, this work is done by the office’s career prosecutors, and either candidate will do an adequate job of supervising them. Therefore, this election is really a referendum on protecting our voting rights. One of the candidates believe American citizens have a right to vote in their own country; the other believes only well-educated, literate, people with money who live in GOP-leaning precincts have that right. It’s bad enough that Florida and Ohio have Florida’s and Ohio’s problems; we don’t need those problems here. Lori Sotelo belongs in the King County jail, not at a voter registration table.
A “Republican” is someone who believes Clinton should have been impeached for lying under oath about 1 blowjob but Sotelo shouldn’t be prosecuted for lying under oath on voter challenge affidavits over 100 times.
At the rate of decline in union membership nationwide, pretty soon there won’t be two union MEMBERS let alone presidents.
You want a Jimmy Hoffa wannabe running things??? Remember…the ghost of Dave Beck haunts the Teamo’s Hall.
Say…has Bill Sherman ever joined the prosecutor’s union??? Or is he a low-life holdout???
Labor demands an answer!!! No non-union prosecutors!!!
The Piper
Republicans devote immense effort and resources to gaming elections — and electing party loyalists who will assist them in this endeavor — because they know they can’t win an honest election. The GOP represents a tiny minority trying to exploit the vast majority for their own selfish benefit, and in a democracy, no one would ever elect Republicans to any office in any honest election. That’s why GOPers manufacture “black box” Republican votes and try to keep Democratic voters from voting. They even go so far as to file phony (and illegal) voter challenges against African-American soldiers deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan.
The goal of every Republican hack like Satterberg is to turn America into a banana republic where the ruling party “wins” all the elections (and takes all the money for themselves while ordinary citizens live in poverty).
Has anybody looked at Bill Sherman’s and Dan Satterberg’s statements in the voter’s pamphlet?
Satterberg seems to list only one priority (protecting children online, at home, and at school), and generally admits that, after working with Norm Maleng on a number of programs, “There is more work to be done.”
Sherman offers five priorities: (1) protecting kids, (2) juvenile justice reform, (3) crack down on ID theft, (4) expanding drug and mental health treatment for non-violent offenders, (5) prosecution for those who threaten health and environmental safety.
@1 Just what this blog needs … another lying wingnut pretending to be a Democrat. (Is that you again, Rufus?) Well, if I was a Republican, I wouldn’t admit it either. The GOP brand is in bad repute these days. But what we need to do is register the word “Democrat” as a trademark so we can sue these lying bastards when they pretend to be us.
Remember the gal whom a jury ordered to pay the recording industry $220,000 for downloading 24 songs? Well, at the rate Dufus is using our trademark, he’s gonna owe us $1 million by the end of the month. We should get Jenny Durkan working on this case.
Hey Darryl!!!
How come you dip into the voters’ pamphlet (I’m certain you don’t live at one of the 71,000 North and East King County addresses that appointed professional Director of Elections, Sherril Huff, negligently and incompetently and without consequences of any kind save public embarrassment allowed to receive defective voters’ pamphlets???) in the Satterberg-sherman race without making sure that the pamphlet you received isn’t somehow flawed???
Who’s to say those are accurate candidate statments given the unreliability of voters’ pamphlets in general?
Wouldn’t it be a hoot and a half if sherman’s name was omitted from the ballot due to another goombah over at KC Elections???
The Piper
Are you saying you want to prohibit Richard Pope’s candidacy??? bill sherman would be appalled!!!
Richard Pope and bill sherman…Goldy’s birds of a feather…
The Piper
PS: in some jurisdictions, calling anyone a Democrat is an actionable defamation.
@11 Piper, I guess you should have gone to a better college and professional school–Ron Sims declined to endorse Sherman. But Sims’ deputy Sheryl Whitney has made four contributions to Satterberg!
@9 “This is exactly what the Dem’s did in 2004.”
Bullshit. Total, complete, bullshit. Republicans are responsible for 98% of the vote fraud in this country.
@10 “The issue should be how to get the Repricans to reform their party so this it is a viable alternative.”
Easy. Incarcerate all the existing Republicans (they’re all crooks) and start fresh with a new group.
@34 Rabbit–I still haven’t heard from you on Sherman and Gary Ridgeway.
@11 I used to be a Goldwater Republican, too! Nowadays, real Republicans become Democrats.
I think we should elect doctors, dental assistants, garbage collectors, airline pilots, stockbrokers, and veterinarians!
If I’m elected veterinarian, the first thing I’m going to do is euthanize Jane Balogh’s dog.
We should elect WSDOT bridge engineers, too. An elected bridge engineering who knows nothing about either bridges or engineering can do at least as good as the bridge engineers we have now.
@11 “Will he pledge to persecute (isn’t that what you guys are after?) Sherril Huff until she’s frog-marched in shackles to the King County gibbet and summarily executed?”
No. Sherman has pledged no such thing. You need a write-in candidate for that. At the bottom of your ballot, under the names of the parties’ candidates for prosecuting attorney, find a blank line after “Write In” and fill it in with “Roger Rabbit.”
Thank you for the correction…Ron now has two attaboy’s coming from me in the past few days. One is for recommending a NO vote on the Enslavement Act of 2007 aka Prop 1, and now your kind and generous act of bringing to my attention something that I should have already been aware, the unwillingness of Ron Sims to pack Goldy’s political bags on behalf of bill sherman.
While he has much for which to atone, Ron – who does not endorse bill sherman – Sims has these acts to his credit.
The Piper
Hey, just kidding! I’m not really pledging to summarily execute Sherril Huff! That’s just a joke — you know, wingnut humor inspired by people like Ann Coulter. I plan to submit Huff’s case to a jury and ask for life imprisonment.
@11 (continued) “Sherman … must have in his briefcase the names of 287 members of the Republican Party planted throughout the county as fifth-columnists!!! … Will he use the power of his office to identify King County voters who supported I-25 and then have their property confiscated then ship them all to gulags in Benton County? Will their be a Sherman-led crusade against Republican owned businesses in King County? Will employees in his office be required to wear shirts of a specific color???”
Well, now we know what your mindset is … insanely paranoid, as only wingnuts are capable of.
Goldy – how about an update on how the fundraising drive is going for Sherman?
What’s all this I hear about ‘tort reform’? They taste fine to me.
If Goldwater received votes from every “I used to be a Goldwater Republican, but now I’m a Democrat” putz who claims as much, he would have been president for two terms!
Your encouragement to write your name in on the ballot is suborning a criminal act; as a non-human, you’re legally not entitled to hold office or do anything save run around and avoid plinking shots from a .22.
The Piper
Piper writes to RR @ 46: “Your encouragement to write your name in on the ballot is suborning a criminal act; as a non-human, you’re legally not entitled to hold office or do anything save run around and avoid plinking shots from a .22.”
(A.) It is not a criminal act to write anything you wish on a ballot, nor ask others to do so. It might not be counted, but nonetheless….
(B.) If RR wins, it’s only illegal if a rabbit shows up to take the oath of office, but that would be for the courts to decide.
and (C.) Discharging firearms inside the city limits is most likely illegal. So tell me who is suborning criminal activity here?
so let me get this straight:
1) King County is 2:1 democrat. What’s the worry about an R being elected again?
2) February elections are low-profile and pretty much sneaky? I suppose you don’t have a problem with schools and other such tax measures being snuck through in February…. If you do, I’ll stand corrected, but I assume you are a typical liberal fuck speaking out of both sides of your mouth.
Who’s to say I’d discharge a firearm within city limits???
I’d take the varmint out to some secluded spot in northern Snohomish County where such things are not only legal, but welcome, and we’d have ourselves some real sport!
I would also file bills of replevin against all rodents just on general principle.
The Piper
@ 48, eric says: “so let me get this straight: . .
2) February elections are low-profile and pretty much sneaky? I suppose you don’t have a problem with schools and other such tax measures being snuck through in February…. If you do, I’ll stand corrected,”
Dang Right! That burns my a$$, but regular voters don’t seem to have any control as to when the sneak place their levies. That’s WHY we need to maintain the 60% majority requirement!!
@46 “If Goldwater received votes from every ‘I used to be a Goldwater Republican, but now I’m a Democrat’ putz who claims as much, he would have been president for two terms!”
This shows how poorly informed you are. In those days, you had to be 21 to vote, and the majority of Goldwater’s supporters were between the ages of 15 and 19. That’s why he lost. I couldn’t vote back in ’64 because I wasn’t 21 yet — thank God!!! Of course, as people like me gained experience and maturity, we ceased to swallow Goldwater’s bullshit, and many of us had become Democrats by the time we turned 21. Personally, I think 16 is too young to drive a car, and 18 is too young for Republicans to vote.
“Your encouragement to write your name in on the ballot is suborning a criminal act; as a non-human, you’re legally not entitled to hold office”
Not true. You only have to be licensed to practice law in Washington, which I am. Show me in the statutes where it says you have to be human! Lucky for Republicans there’s no law saying you have to be human to hold office, because that would disqualify all of you inhumane bastards.
“or do anything save run around and avoid plinking shots from a .22. The Piper”
How long have you been having these violent fantasies about shooting rabbits? Are you in counseling? When I get elected prosecuting attorney, I’m going to have you involuntarily committed for public safety.
“or do anything save run around and avoid plinking shots from a .22. The Piper”
Two words for you, pal: Pasedo’s Law!
I fucking dare you.
@48 “I assume you are a typical liberal fuck speaking out of both sides of your mouth.”
Why do you have a problem with that? Why should Republicans be the only fucks allowed to speak out of both sides of their mouths?
@49 “I would also file bills of replevin against all rodents just on general principle.”
I understand now! You’re one of those crazy militia types who runs around in the woods in cammies firing machineguns, and files phony liens to harass people you don’t like. This is a felony now, you know.
How come you’re not working for Blackwater with the rest of them? Couldn’t pass their physical?
“I am a lifelong Goldwater Republican, but I have not been able to support any Republican candidates since the sleazy days of Richard Nixon….”
Piper: I was mocking the “true blue Dem.” who was going to vote for Satterberg.
Why don’t you go gargle with razor blades. If you don’t taste blood, go bite someone.
Roger Rabbit says: @9 “This is exactly what the Dem’s did in 2004.” Bullshit. Total, complete, bullshit. Republicans are responsible for 98% of the vote fraud in this country.
So Pellethead: I guess the Cuyahoga County voter officials who were caught with (D) after their names are the 2%?
Or the East ST. Louis voter officials getting people to vote with drugs are the 2%?
PelletMaker; I seem to remember a Milwaukee Wisconsin same day voter fraud issue too for another 2%
The voter fraud in Cuyahoga county was exclusively Republican. Those charges are the kind of BULLSHIT that Gonzales and the RNC were forcing US Attorneys to do.
That’s what the whole firing of the 9 attorneys is about , dumbass.
Why don’t you go gargle with razor blades. If you don’t taste blood, go bite someone.
All you have to remember about voter fraud is:
A) Democrats are the only ones who seemed to get elected when serious issues of voter fraud is found
B) Democrats are against a simple ID at the polls.
Democrats always have and always will be cheaters. Nuff said.
I have a license to hunt rodents and varmints, and I’m a crack shot!
The Piper
Rufus @ 60
“All you have to remember about voter fraud is:
A) Democrats are the only ones who seemed to get elected when serious issues of voter fraud is found”
Yeah…Gregoire did win that election…even though most of the illegal votes came from Republicans.
“B) Democrats are against a simple ID at the polls.”
What the fuck are you talking about, leg humper? A simple ID is required at the polls right now.
Man…you wingnuts cannot get anything right.
“Democrats always have and always will be cheaters.”
…says the guy pretending to be the dog of a Republican who was convicted of election fraud.
Democrats always have and always will be cheaters.”
…says the guy pretending to be the dog of a Republican who was convicted of election fraud.
Nope, my owner was never convicted. In fact she blew the whistle on herself. The KCRE knew I was a dog but said nothing to the authorities, I guess they were too busy registering dead donks for 2008. The only reason she was ever charged was that she went to talk radio (the real media) and told everbody. We need more Jane Baloughs exposing the corruption of KCRE. roof roof.
Democrats and their front groups are against photo ID, and they’ve taken that position before SCOTUS.
What’s wrong with requiring the same type of proof before you receive a ballot that’s required when you cash a check?
And how can any adult function in today’s society and economy without photo ID?
The Piper
Go ahead and mock…Moderate Democrats, such as the one you mocked, will find your effort amusing such that he’ll gladly change his mind and vote as you direct. What a winning strategy! Dump on your friends!
Ronaldus Magnus Reaganus used to say that someone who was with him 80% of the time wasn’t his enemy 20% of the time.
With zealots like you, if he doesn’t wear the right color socks you’ll rip into him like a dog on a bone. I am impressed with your highly developed social skills. You must be fun at parties.
The Piper
Really Jane should be held up as a hero and the employee who didn’t report me to the authorities should be fired. Of course the media isn’t biased… nooooo. roof roof
Roger at 23 says:
“Therefore, this election is really a referendum on protecting our voting rights”
You’re kidding, right? Please tell me you’re not going to choose the leader of the largest and most important law enforcement office in the biggest county of this state based on his position on voting rights.
I’ll bet you bought your car because you liked the gas cap
59: Now that’s interesting since the two people convicted were Moonbat!s and the Cuyahoga Bored (pun – sic) Of Elections Executive Director Michael Vu was a Democrat. While Mike Vu’s was in charge, it was disorganized and full of fraud.
I proved these facts in 2005 and 2006 to Pellethead’s enjoyment. Cuyahoga County is run by Moonbat!s, from Dog Catcher to the County Commissioners which I posted each one and their length of service!
Waaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa
Reminds on of King County under Dean Logan?
Rufus @ 63
“Nope, my owner was never convicted. In fact she blew the whistle on herself.”
Sorry, my demented wingnut sore-loser friend. If you rob a bank and return the money saying “I just wanted to show how it was done,” you’re STILL a criminal.
No it is called civil disobedience by peaceful means. Jane is in the same mold as the civil rights leaders who intentionally broke the law back in the 60’s. A hero, not a criminal.
Piper Scott
“Democrats and their front groups are against photo ID, and they’ve taken that position before SCOTUS.”
Yes…I know.
“What’s wrong with requiring the same type of proof before you receive a ballot that’s required when you cash a check?”
They already require ID. Requiring a photo id is problematic, the courts have ruled, because it creates a hardship for many voters.
“And how can any adult function in today’s society and economy without photo ID?”
Beats me.
But plenty of folks do—the issue has been studied and the courts have accepted the findings.
Rufus @ 70
“No it is called civil disobedience by peaceful means.”
People who commit civil disobedience are willing to accept responsibility and suffer the consequences of their actions. Ms. B. must have missed that little bit.
She is nothing more than a political practical joker who wasn’t aware of the seriousness of her crime—like the dipshit in airport security joking about bombs.
Peaceful means eh? Let me modify my analogy. If you peacefully break into someone’s corporate computer and steal information and then out yourself saying, “I just wanted to show how it was done,” you’re STILL a criminal.
“Jane is in the same mold as the civil rights leaders who intentionally broke the law back in the 60’s. A hero, not a criminal.”
Your statement is extremely offensive to civil rights leaders everywhere.
She may be a hero to you (perhaps because she lets you hump her leg?), but she is a criminal to the State of Washington.
It’s a fake issue…In the State of Washington, anyone can go to to the licensing office and get a photo ID card if they don’t have a driver’s license.
Can’t we have any standards any more? Isn’t it simple common sense to have the next guy who seeks to cast a ballot in your name prove that he’s actually you?
Just an invitaiton for shenanigans, as far as I can see.
The Piper
I would be with the dems on the ID issue if we could also make it nonmandatory to supply your name or SS# when filing/paying taxes. Hey if it is too much of a burden when voting, it got to be the same when paying taxes. roof roof.
Rufus @ 74
“I would be with the dems on the ID issue if we could also make it nonmandatory to supply your name or SS# when filing/paying taxes. Hey if it is too much of a burden when voting, it got to be the same when paying taxes.”
I hate to break it to you, dumb ass, but I’ve never shown an ID to turn in my tax forms.
Daryl has a problem with keeping his lies straight:
Daryl at # 62
says the guy pretending to be the dog of a Republican who was convicted of election fraud.
Daryl at #72
“No it is called civil disobedience by peaceful means.”
People who commit civil disobedience are willing to accept responsibility and suffer the consequences of their actions. Ms. B. must have missed that little bit.
@57 Thaaaaaat’s riiiiiiight.
@57 (continued) When Democrats steal votes, they steal them 50 at a time. When Republicans steal votes, they steal 5 million votes.
@61 Meet me at the entrance to my burrow at 9 PM tomorrow night. Go to Green Lake Park, and count off 7 paces to the left of the big tree on the east side of the lake. Bring your gun, so I can claim self-defense.
But you did have to put your name and supply your SS#. For some taxpayers that is burdensome. We should make it optional, right? You shouldn’t have to be forced to remember or carry a SS number. Same reasoning. What is good for the goose is good for the gander.
@63 “Nope, my owner was never convicted.’
Maybe not to you, but the rest of the world counts a guilty plea as a conviction.
@64 Isn’t it interesting that every federal judge who has considered Republican-sponsored photo ID laws has found them unconstitutional?
Where does it say in the Constitution that you need a photo ID to vote?
@64 (continued) This whole photo ID bullshit is a fraud in itself. This is a “solution” looking for a problem to solve, because to date, there isn’t a single documented case of an imposter voting at a polling place. It’s nothing but a GOP scheme to keep poor people from voting. Fuck you anti-American totalitarian assholes. You can take your photo ID and shove it up your ass.
Message to wingnuts: We’re not going to compromise on photo ID. There isn’t going to be any photo ID. Fuck you.
Where does it say in the constitution that you need to supply a SS# when the government asks for it?
Why are Republicans so afraid of letting American citizens vote in their own country? Because they can’t win an honest election, that’s why! The only way they can “win” is to manufacture fraudulent votes and keep millions of American citizens from voting, because no rational person would ever elect these nazi assholes.
What? You’re going to try to scare me with a notion of self-defense? With what? You couldn’t shoot back since rodents aren’t anatomically correct enough to discharge a firearm. You think you’re going to knock me over with your cold, pink nose?
Nah…I’ll just sprinkle those mole-killing gas pellets I get from my brother-in-law the Cashmere orchardist who swears they’ll kill anything living in a hole in the ground. Works on snakes, too, he says.
Bugs Bunney you ain’t!
The Piper
Roger Rabbit says:
Message to wingnuts: We’re not going to compromise on photo ID. There isn’t going to be any photo ID. Fuck you.
Of course not because your are cheaters. roof roof.
@85 You don’t have to supply a SS# when the government asks for it.
On Prop 1, you say some pretty good and intelligent stuff. Why must you negate those sage comments with such inane drivel as this?
The Piper
@85 What are they going to do to you, take you to the pound and euthanize you?
“But you did have to put your name and supply your SS#.”
“For some taxpayers that is burdensome.”
Now you are just being silly.
What would be burdonsome would be if everyone had to go to a government taxing authority in person and show a photo id.
Writing your name and SS# down on a form you can drop in the mail is about as easy as voting by mail.
BTW: they used to provide the SS# on the return mailing label. They took it off to protect the taxpayer.
“We should make it optional, right?”
That would be fine with me. I mean the government could CERTAINLY print a taxpayers name and SS# right on the tax form. It would cost the IRS more money to print a custom form for everyone (but not outrageously expensive).
“You shouldn’t have to be forced to remember or carry a SS number.”
You’re not. You can memorize it, write it down in 1000 places, ask someone else to keep track of it for you, put it on your computer, and on and on. You don’t even need your original SS card!
“Same reasoning. What is good for the goose is good for the gander.”
But, you have provided support for my side of the argument. A SS number isn’t a photo ID. And paying tax via mail is like voting by mail. I approve of both systems!
Dumb ass!
@76 So what exactly was the point of Ms. Balogh’s civil disobedience? Register her dog to vote so she could say a dog was registered to vote? If her intent was to embarrass King County election workers, she didn’t succeed, because:
She didn’t tell KCRE the “voter” was a dog;
She registered the dog under a phony human name instead of the real name;
She signed an affidavit of perjury stating the dog was eligible to vote.
Balogh didn’t make any point. The only thing she did was commit election fraud and perjury. If there’s any point at all here, the point is the Balogh is a criminal.
“But you did have to put your name and supply your SS#.”
“For some taxpayers that is burdensome.”
Now you are just being silly.
It is just as silly as you donks being against mandatory IDing at the polls.
Rufus @ 94
“It is just as silly as you donks being against mandatory IDing at the polls.”
You are confused. The “donks” aren’t against mandatory IDing at the polls.
Our election system is on the honor system. A wingnut (Ms. Balogh) violates the honor system by registering her dog to vote in order to prove it can be done. That’s the moral equivalent of a fifth-grader turning in a homework assignment done by a paid professional in order to prove it’s possible to cheat in fifth grade.
If there’s any point to this, it seems to be that Balogh wants us to spend millions of tax dollars expanding the elections bureaucracy enough to verify every voter registration and investigate every perjury affidavit.
However, I would go farther. It’s obvious that wingnuts like Balogh (and her dog) never learned what an “honor system” is, have no honor themselves, and not only don’t trust other people to be honest but can’t themselves be trusted to be honest.
So, what we need to do, in addition to spending millions on investigating every voter registration to verify its authenticity, is spend additional millions to investigate every homework assignment turned in by kids from Republican households to make sure they aren’t cheating. Because, clearly, with Republicans we have a group of people who don’t understand the concepts of “honesty” and “honor.” The only thing that works with them is enforcement.
We also need to frisk their kids for guns at the schoolhouse door.
The guvmint is free to assign a SS# but it should be illegal for the guvmint to require a taxpayer to use a SS#. It is a burden to remember a SS# and I am against the guvmint persecution of citizens. So how bout it dems. If you are fair you should be for this, right?
@94 Actually, that’s true. For some taxpayers, it IS burdensome to put a SS# on their tax forms. Because they don’t have one. So, they have to go to the trouble and expense of getting a fake one.
They’re welcome to use mine. Here it is: 123-45-6789
I’ll be more than happy to collect retirement benefits on their earnings.
She didn’t tell KCRE the “voter” was a dog;
No, I put my paw print as a signature. Man the KCRE is pathetic. roof roof hehehehe
Rufus @ 97
“The guvmint is free to assign a SS# but it should be illegal for the guvmint to require a taxpayer to use a SS#.”
What the fuck are you babbling about?
Have you been drinking?
There is no honor in an election if too many democrats are running it. How do you think we got Kennedy in 1960.
Or, feel free to use this one: 567-68-0515
If you do, make sure you sign your tax forms as “Richard Nixon.”
Bet you wingnuts didn’t know that after a person dies their SS# goes into the public record, did you?
Rufus @ 101
“How do you think we got Kennedy in 1960.”
Wow! You’re a sore loser about that too, eh?
The republican groups should really start trumpeting that SS# are burdensome and should be made nonmandatory. Hey if you cant beat em, join em. roof roof. I like this idea. You cant lose. heehehe
Rufus @ 104,
“The republican groups should really start trumpeting that SS# are burdensome and should be made nonmandatory.”
Yeah…that’ll get traction. Go for it Ruf!
@101 I’m glad you raised that point. Kennedy won fair and square in 1960. Republican claims that the election was stolen in Illinois are a myth. Now, I’m not saying Daley’s machine didn’t pull any hanky-panky in Chicago. What I’m saying is it doesn’t matter because JFK didn’t need Illinois’ electoral votes, and would have won the election anyway.
1960 Electoral Votes (Historical)
Kennedy: 303
Nixon: 219
Now let’s say Nixon had won Illinois’ 27 electoral votes; the result then would be:
Kennedy: 276
Nixon: 246
Conclusion: Another wingnut fable goes down in flames!
P.S.: Most people believe Nixon told the Republican Party not to challenge the results because it would cause a “constitutional crisis.” It’s true that’s what Nixon told the press and public — but behind the scenes, Nixon directed RNC chairman Thruston Morton to file challenges in 11 states, which the GOP did. Nixon still lost. The only state that flipped was Hawaii, whose 3 electoral votes went from Nixon to Kennedy after a recount requested by the Democrats.
@103 No, he probably actually believes the Republican myth that Daley “stole” the election for Kennedy in Chicago. Never mind the fact the math doesn’t add up. (See #106 above.) A variant of this theme is that Joe Kennedy cut a deal with the Mafia to deliver fake votes in Chicago.
Roger Rabbit @ 107
“he probably actually believes the Republican myth that Daley “stole” the election for Kennedy in Chicago. Never mind the fact the math doesn’t add up.”
I don’t really remember, although I lived in Chicago for that election. But I was only 2 months old—2 months in utero, that is.
No doubt, Rufus is going to accuse me of being an illegal fetal voter in the 1960 election.
This discussion about Daley’s Chicago political machine makes me wonder why wingnuts could possibly want an elected politico running elections in King County, which votes 60% Democratic. If they think Democratic politicos rig elections, what could they possibly stand to gain from electing King County’s elections director?
It’s one thing to have elected county auditors running elections in places like Klickitat or Skamania counties. But King County has one of the largest elections departments in the country, and handles more absentee ballots than any other county in the U.S. except Los Angeles County. This isn’t some one-horse county out in wheat country we’re talking about! A professional elections director in King County makes sense; entrusting this job to an inexperienced and untrained politican doesn’t.
However, if this ill-advised measure passes, I’ll be happy to vote for the most partisan Democratic candidate for King County auditor that I can find. I figure if they’re going to accuse us of stealing elections, we may as well do it. After all, they do. We should play all the same games they do, starting with 7-hour waiting lines at polling places in Republican precincts in Bellevue, Redmond, and Issaquah. And let’s purge, say, about 58,000 “felons” from King County’s voter registration rolls while we’re at it … all white, and all living in upper income districts, of course. I think we should also adopt a local rule requiring a DSHS ID card to vote.
“I’ll Make Elections Fun Again!”
@108 That makes you considerably younger than me, because I was in high school when Kennedy was elected.
@104 Hey dog! I’ve got a suggestion for you!
Call the IRS. Give them your name and address, then tell them income taxes are illegal because the 13th amendment was never ratified, then hole up in your doghouse with a bunch of guns and wait for the FBI to show up, and when they come fire a couple of shots at them to show you mean business.
@111 Trust me, this will be even quicker and more painless than the veterinarian’s needle.
What the news media aren’t telling you about that big explosion in Tacoma a couple days ago is the firefighters found pieces of a doghouse on the freeway.
Don’t let Republican dollars buy our elections??
Shit, why should any dollars buy our elections? Democrats are just as fucking corrupt as Republicans, all you dickless wonders out there in La-La Land!
Darryl says: You are confused. The “donks” aren’t against mandatory IDing at the polls.
Oh Yes they are. The Liberal 9th Circus of Appeals struck down the Arizona Voter ID law. Who brought the law suit perfesser Darryl? Think man think. But, in 2006, the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously overturned the 9th Circus ruling that blocked the Arizona ID law. SCOTUS noted that anyone without an ID is permitted to cast a provisional ballot that could be verified later. That’s fair Perfesser Darryl.
Perfesser Darryl: More “good news” for ya.
In 2006, a NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll determined voters favor a photo ID requirement by 80% for and 7% against. Wow Perfesser Darryl, a 73% spread. And guess what Perfesser Darryl, the idea had overwhelming support among all races, creeds, colors, and peoples.
People across all spectrums think the potential for voting fraud is real. What’s funny is democratic mayoral candidates accused others of voter fraud in their own controlled environments. You know donk control the cities right Perfesser Darryl? Check out the mayoral races in Detroit, East Chicago, Ind., and St. Louis. It’s a real scream to see Moonbat!s decry voter fraud in places they control. Hmmm…?
I realize this happened in 2006 and the liberal mind forgets facts older than 24 hours.
Wow Perfesser Darryl, this just in. Look up potential San Antonio oter fraud: http://capitolannex.com/category/texas-politics/
Why wasn’t this on the liberal MSM news shows?
should be voter fraud.
No Darryl@108: With your Voter ID rant the correct word is fecal voter not fetal voter. You mixed up your consonants. Glad I could clarify it.