Markos pegged it:
Look, here’s the deal: The local media and the local political establishment see themselves as kingmakers. They get to decide who sinks or swims in their areas of influence. Then along comes Darcy Burner, thinking she can crash the gates and get elected for office in the district, and the local elites are pissed. So they conspire with Reichert, a supposed local hero, to dish all sorts of crap about Darcy and bury Reichert’s dirt.
Yesterday’s bullshit resume story was the Seattle Times playing kingmaker. Reichert needed a major newspaper to validate his bogus charge, and the Times went out of its way to give him exactly what he wanted. They knew exactly what they were doing, and they wrote a headline to perfectly fit the needs of Reichert’s ad.
Make no mistake, this is potentially a devastating ad that could have a real impact, especially on low information voters, regardless of the fact that it is based on lies and exaggerations. After all, a newspaper said it, and for some voters, that’s all the credibility they need.
Don’t let Frank Blethen use the power of his inherited press to change the outcome of this race. To win, Darcy needs to fight back hard, but do so she also needs our help. Yesterday Markos set a target of $50,000, but after passing that mark in under 12 hours, he’s doubled it to $100,000. I myself contributed another $200, a big chunk of change for a dirty hippie like me. Won’t you please reach deep into your pockets and do the same?
This is not only a chance for us to put a smart, accomplished, creative woman in Congress who clearly understands and represents the values and economy of the 8th CD… it is also our chance to kick Frank Blethen’s ass, and prove once and for all that owning a printing press no longer gives one ownership over public opinion. Please give to Darcy today.
More cheese with that whine there, Mr. Goldstein?
Didn’t you just quote Markos with the same drivel a couple of posts ago?
@1 Well let’s see, Ricky Dumbass. The way I read Goldy’s article, he’s asking for donations to the Burner campaign. This will help her buy ads to counter Reichert’s and the Times’ last-ditch, hail mary, election eve attempt to smear her. As the initial goal of $50,000 has already been surpassed, they’ve upped the goal to $100K. Yep, sure looks like there’s a groundswell of support for Darcy out there, Rickiedick! And Blethen has once again shown himself to be the rabid partisan hiding in an inherited editor’s chair that he actually is. He’ll do anything to save his pal Davey. You know what? I think they both must be running scared to stoop to this kind of shit. As the owner of a large newspaper, Frankie surely knows what the latest polls say. Do you? (Hint: Darcy’s ahead.)
“I loved economics so much that I got a degree in it from Harvard,” said our little love muffin to KCTS.
A smear? Looks like she smeared herself. Hell, looks like she pig-wallowed in it … lipstick, fat legs, and all. In fact, looks like she’s the performance “artist” (maybe it was Annie Sprinkle) who used to wallow in chocolate urine, or some damn thing.
And, as Stephcast Stephanie would say, drat those recording devices that keep tapping tech-master Darcy’s lies.
For online news the NY Times way surpasses the Seattle Times. See, for example, their great editorial endorsing Obama today, with links to all their presidential endorsements going back to Lincoln. the don’t just record what’s going on today — they are part of history. No reason to link to the podunk Seattle Times for national and international news at all.
For local news the PI, Weekly, and Stranger should have it all covered and all are online. I removed my bookmark for the Seattle Times, and so should you.
Not according to the dean of the department at Harvard that granted her degree.
Last night we had KIRO 11:00 p.m. news on. It was back-to-back Rossi and Reichart negative ads – including the one where Reichart complains about Darcy running negative ads, which ran right after a Reichart negative ad. I wasn’t keeping track, but I wouldn’t be surprised if there ALL the advertising for that time slot was all Richart/Rossi adds, and incredible amount of money to be spent in one half-hour block of time.
The Reichert Times screwed up. This ad and the supporting propaganda in the Times should have been dumped into the Seattle media cesspool next week. Now Darcy has an extra fifty grand in her pockets to run a counter ad pointing out her incredible educational advantage over Mr. Hair, along with the fact that Sherriff Hair has repeatedly inflated his meager AA degree to a meager BA degree.
This will backfire. I hope voters get really upset at Darcy for “lying about her degree.” When they find out the truth they’ll only be that much more upset at Reichert…and the Times.
Apple’s running a “No on Prop. 8” piece front and center. Awesome.
Goldy, do you even live in this district? This is an elected position to represent the people who live there. Not people who know people that live there, or are related to people that live there.
@9 Nice try, America-hater. From the Harvard Crimson:
“Lewis pointed out that Burner took the economics courses, including macroeconomics, microeconomics, and econometrics, as the “technical electives” required in the computer science program.”
“Part of this controversy is [because] the registrar does not mention the specialization,” Lewis said. “Whichever track you followed would not be recorded on the diploma or to the registrar.”
Lewis, the former dean of Harvard College, said in a follow-up e-mail that although he hadn’t heard Burner’s statement in the debate, he thought that her comment “was an understandable form of elliptical speech, given the context and the subject under discussion.”
“Based on my interactions with her, I think that she is an honest person, and I don’t have a reason to think otherwise,” Lewis said.
“If we had somebody running for Congress who had a degree in computer science and a specialization in economics, those are the qualifications I would want that person to have.” shows Burner surging in the polls over the last few weeks—she currently leads Reichert 49 percent to 46 percent.
# 10:
The congressperson from WA-08 will vote on laws that affect every American, so every American has an interest in what happens there. We can’t vote in the election, but we have every reason to pay attention to who is running and what they believe. And before you go off on Burner for accepting out-of-district money, Reichert has taken a larger percentage of his money from outside the district…mostly from the US Chamber of Commerce, I believe.
I do wish the DNC would spend a fraction of the budget the RNC gave to Palin for clothes and hair styling. She could stand to dress a little better.
But she wouldn’t need $150,000 + to do that. 3K would do the job nicely. That’s less than a third of what the RNC spends on Palin’s makeup artist every week.
Maybe Obama could share some of his 600 million he has raised. In fact I don’t know what is wasting more money, the presidential campaign or the Iraq war.
@12 – It would be crazy for either candidate to turn down the money. I just think that for our government to represent all of its people, the constituents need to have the representation that best matches what they believe. Even if that means places that elect people that I don’t personally agree with.
What we don’t want to happen is that if one particular group gets all the money and then spends it in places that represent another viewpoint just to get more of “them” elected in federal positions. The government needs to be a fairly accurate representation of the entire country.
We are spending billions on these campaigns this year and for the most part there is very little difference in these candidates that actually have a chance at winning.
@14 “The government needs to be a fairly accurate representation of the entire country.”
That’s why we’re running the Republicans out of office.
Why do Republicans raise money for Al Qaida?
Is it because Republicans hate America?
Steve, you act like there is a difference. Your not that stupid are you? Every bill the democratic senate passed was signed by Bush except what about 10? Half of the Bush team is now endorsing Obama for president. Why? Probably because they want to vote for a winner and realize there isn’t much difference. Yay! Get the republicans out of office so we can have the same idiotic leadership from the democrats.
You got that wrong. Steve invented Steve’s Stupid Solution. Steve is that stupid. Michael admitted his mistake. ekim is Steve’s #1 Seattle distributor.
rhp6033: If Palin bought her clothes from Wal-Mart you’d call her a hick and a hayseed.
You are as transparent as granite. And you head is as solid as granite too.
I love this partial Goldy line “especially on
Isn’t that why many people are voting for Obama when they don’t really know his REAL positions?
Which mistake am I admitting too here?
That howard stern youtube video proved what low information voters are, and who they are voting for.
frozen @ 10
Goldy has a “personal interest” in Darcy — one that her husband would likely not approve of.
Which classes at Harvard teach you to be against outsourcing WA jobs because that costs residents work, but to be in favor of H1B visas that also cost residents jobs?
Is it called Doing What the Corporate Overlords Want 101?
What this fake scandal has shown me is that Reichert has a weak educational background. I had not looked at that before since all he talks about is the GR Killer. Education matters and Burner’s is more impressive.
Let me reiterate:
Al Gore invented the internet.
Christine Gregoire has a budget surplus.
Darcy Burner was a MicroSoft Executive and has a degree in Economics.
Hillary Clinton had to dodge sniper fire in Bosnia.
I was a delegate for Hillary and she lost my vote when she LIED.
I have been the Sarah Palin of the Washington State Democratic Party. It is time someone in our party took a stand to stop the Bullshit. It makes us all look bad.
Goldy your actions do not help the Democratic Party. The difference between you and pigs and hockey moms is not lip stick. Reason being you have your head so far up your ass that the only thing on your lips and coming out of your mouth is a bunch of SHIT.
6. rhp6033 spews
You must have missed the back to back negative attack ads on King 5 News at the dinner hour. I think it just depends on what channel you are watching. We alrady know that King 5 is a supported of the Democrats.
Quite frankly, I am tired of all of the ads. I already sent my ballot in and will be happy when this election is over. I don’t think it brought the best out of anyone.
25. WheresHilary? spews:
Seems to me that there is a guy by the name of Bill Gates that did not finish his degree. I don’t think anyone can argue the point that he has been very successful in spite of that fact.
So who would the eastside be more likely to vote for, a Computer Science major or an Econ. major? This has no traction, as we are in an economic crisis, which most Econ. phd’s completely failed to forecast and are now guessing at what to do.
I agree with Sally…I am tired of all of the ads. How long until the rest of you vote?
Sally @ 28,
Sally you stupid bitch Bill Gates has never said he has a degree from Harvard. Darcy is as bad as Jane Hague. I have over thirty English credits in college, but I have never claimed to have an English degree.
Darcy is full of shit and got caught multiple times on tape lying. What about the Thousands of calls claiming she was in jail that she says were made two years ago. What about the “roadblocks” put up to block her supporters. Why is it only this time around that she claims to have an economics degree.
Pathetic lying bitch.
30. realitycheck spews:
You missed my point. I agree that she lied. I was responding to:
25. WheresHilary? spews:
” Education matters and Burner’s is more impressive.”
Education does not always mean you are the most impressive or capable. Experience counts for a great deal. I was pointing out that Bill Gates has been very successful without a degree. I guess that is what makes me a stupid bitch?
30. realitycheck spews:
You missed my point. I agree that she lied. I was responding to:
25. WheresHilary? spews:
” Education matters and Burner’s is more impressive.”
Education does not always mean you are the most impressive or capable. Experience counts for a great deal. I was pointing out that Bill Gates has been very successful without a degree. I guess that is what makes me a stupid bitch?
30. realitycheck spews:
You missed my point. I agree that she lied. I was responding to:
25. WheresHilary? spews:
” Education matters and Burner’s is more impressive.”
Education does not always mean you are the most impressive or capable. Experience counts for a great deal. I was pointing out that Bill Gates has been very successful without a degree. I guess that is what makes me a stupid bitch?
Damn, even the Trolls are going after each other! The GOP is collapsing before our eyes.
This issue is simple. Burner lied. It’s on tape. Case closed. Vote for Reichert.