I’ve been hearing a lot of people saying they don’t want to vote for Hillary Clinton because she’s sooooooo far to the right, and they’ll only vote for her in a general. And, you know, I’m not here to tell you how to vote in a primary where I haven’t even made up my mind yet, but that has always struck me as off.
I mean of the 3 candidates who got furthest in the last contested Democratic primary, her health care plan probably would have covered the most people. I’d have preferred universal single payer, but it wasn’t on offer. During that primary, other Democrats kept attacking her from the right. Her time in the Senate was pretty liberal, especially on domestic issues, and her tenure as Secretary of State was fairly remarkable. And while it’s early days right now, she has also run a fairly lefty campaign so far. This isn’t someone you have to hold your nose for!
Look, if you prefer some other candidate: great! That’s what primaries are for. If her vote on the Iraq war or how she or her surrogates campaigned 8 years ago is a deal breaker: you’re an adult vote how you want. If you think supporting someone else will push her to the left: go for it! But the idea that she’s some awful compromise doesn’t comport with how she has governed or campaigned.
In the simplest terms possible, she simply doesn’t represent my political views. Sure, I can find common ground with people of her center- right (by American standards) leanings, but she is a republican. Not the modern, America-hating, Christian Taliban republican of course, but the old fashioned Goldwater type.
Which means, I’m sorry to say, that she is the enemy. It doesn’t mean she is evil incarnate or that she’s some rabid rightwinger. It simply means she is too far to the right for me.
I’ve spent my entire adult life being pragmatic and voting for the lesser of two evils. All that has accomplished is a radical rightwing shift of the Overton Window. 2008 was the last time. I can’t morally justify doing it anymore.
Bernie is in. That’s all I need. He has generated far more support than Clinton. He out raised everyone on the first day of his campaign. He has 175,000 volunteers signed up.
Can any other candidate say they have that much support?
The reality is that Bernie Sanders is America’s mainstream candidate. His policy positions are in line with national polling, more so than any other candidate.
If Bernie doesn’t make it through to the general (sadly the likely outcome), then I’ll write him in, or vote again for Jill Stein.
On the most important ecomonic policy battle of the day, Clinton is AWOL. Triangulation and cowardice are not good qualities in a presidential candidate.
@1, you definitely have the luxury of voting for Bernie or Jill or whoever, but of course you realize that you and everyone who does the same in the general will be making it easier for some loathsome idiot to become your President.
People that expect everything, get nothing. That’s why Nader gave us Bush.
I”m probably voting for Bernie in the primary. He’s more aligned with my values. But I will vote for the Democrat in the election, because there is not s single republican yet who comes close to what I think is important. Hillary is not my ideal choice, but she is still light years ahead of any of the republicans.
You should vote for whomever you want.
I think this is a good opportunity to give some credit and thanks to the modern teahadist movement conservative Republican party for doing so much to restore cohesion within the Democratic party and among liberal voters in general.
Fear is a powerful motivator. And I don’t know about the rest of you, but those people scare the shit out of me.
@7. Very true. I just have to read bickles and puddys posts for how fucked up it would be.
Bernie will probably have my vote in the primary, but I’m not going to waste my general vote, and be a part of a low liberal turn out, and allow another far right conservative in. I won’t be party to that. I won’t have that on my conscience. Hillary’s economic and national security positions may be similar to old school Republicans, but there is nothing conservative about her, from any era, on social issues. Go ahead. Support and champion the liberal you like best. But please, Please, PLEASE, don’t burn down the bridges.
From John Stossel:
‘Orwell wrote, “Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable. They give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.” It’s another reminder of why we ought to keep government’s powers limited.’
John Stossel is not a credible source for me so that already taints anything he quotes.
The problem I see is conservatives want smaller goverment and less regulation or rules when it comes to business, but they are perfectly happy with huge goverment with massive rules and limitations when it comes to social issues and enforcing their conservative world view. And liberals tend to be the opposite. So that quote is pointless since it’s used to negate liberal values.
Clinton got incomes of middle and lower class up in the 90s.
you want to stay out or vote third party in presidential, go ahead, but millions of poor and middle class people suffer, for no gain.
you want a third party to grow? start local. if you think hillary is “the same as the gop” you’re clearly so wrong you’re not able to be convinced and there’s little point in discussion.
she already came out with a more progressive immigration stance than obama. she’s working on min wage hike. the fact the clintons KNOW HOW TO FUCKING WIN counts a lot, too.
sanders can’t win in the general election. vote for him in primary if you like, push hillary to the left after she wins, but enable the gop to win is STOOPID.
it’s amazing how this has to be repeated constantly. btw, the democratic party is accessible if there are 20 leftists in one LD you can virtually take it over anytime you want so go ahead, take it over, move it left, you start at local level, get a city council with yet another socialist if you want — but voting third party socialist or staying out of the general election for president is a damn fool’s errand that mainly people of means indulge in with the cost paid by the poor, workers, women needing abortions in north dakota, millions of immigrants, minorities who need a stronger DOJ investigating the cops, etc.
“Concerned that some of the state’s more liberal municipalities might pass legislation they don’t like, Republicans in the Missouri statehouse are preemptively pushing to make bag taxes and wage increases illegal throughout the state.”
Local control. Yet another long-standing GOP principle tossed under the bus. Those TeaBirchers who call others RINO are themselves Republican in name only.
“How can the John Birch Society be an effective political instrument while it is led by a man whose views on current affairs are, at so many critical points . . . so far removed from common sense? That dilemma weighs on conservatives across America. . .”
William F. Buckley
“I think you have clearly stated the problem which… the John Birch Society poses for sincere conservatives. . . . We cannot allow the emblem of irresponsibility to attach to the conservative banner.”
Barry Goldwater
Far-right extremists are taking over one of the two major political parties in this country and they have their eyes on the White House. I believe this is a time when voting our ideals is less important than voting to put a stop to something.
@1 – the fact that you are calling Hillary Clinton a Goldwater republican is indicative of someone who doesn’t know what a Republican is or who Barry Goldwater was.
Um, guys?
It is highly unlikely that we will have a primary in Washington State for president, and even if we do, it will be more of beauty contest than a selection of delegates. The heavy lifting will happen in caucuses, so if you are supporting one candidate or another, that’s where your opinion counts.
@ 14
He also called her a Republican on the day after she came out with a completely rebuilt immigration policy that puts hers to the left of Obama’s.
Bernie Sanders is America’s mainstream candidate in the same manner that bestiality is America’s national pastime.
Well at least we know how you’re spending you’re weekend. I mean it’s the first thing that’s on your mind today so…
@ 16
Bernie Sanders is America’s mainstream candidate in the same manner that bestiality is America’s national pastime.
Funny, how beastiality is perfectly legal in Florida, Texas, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Georgia, Arkansas, Kansas, Iowa, Mississippi and South Carolina, but it is illegal in Washington, Oregon, California, New York and Massachusetts. In fact, 37 states have consistently refused to ban the practice of fucking animals, and all of them are GOP strongholds.
Very telling, in my opinion.
@ 18
See, Deathfrogg, one benefit of having been unemployed all those years is you got to check out all the places you plan to go on vacation once someone was forcibly ordered to offer you a job. Who says the internet is a waste of time?
@14, @16…
It’s the lure of the Cyniklown’s Montana compound. Our so-gcalled conservatives can’t resist the combination of ultra right-wing fellow travelers and the opportunity to…there is no delicate way to put it…fuck goats. It was only a matter of time before the puddyfuckwad lured his new BFF to the pleasures of the Capra aegagrus hircus.
@ 19
No, my time spent at the University has taught me an incredible amount of patience when doing research. But it still amuses me that so many TeaPazis seem to end up like this guy.
But, of course, rape isn’t considered a crime according to the Conservatives, even the rape of children. Even the conservatives that have been raped don’t consider it important enough to create prohibitions against it. Then again, they say the same thing about fucking a dog, chicken or a dead corpse.
Why is that Bob? Perchance too many of your people would go to jail if it was?
vomit producer wrote “No, my time spent at the University” was a waste of time and money based on the kook-aid you swallow willingly without question!
Funny, how beastiality is perfectly legal in Florida, Texas, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Georgia, Arkansas, Kansas, Iowa, Mississippi and South Carolina,
Always validate the moronic twit vomit producer… http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Z.....ted_States
As the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit claimed all you need is one item to deeeeeestroy the argument… South Carolina – felony, Oklahoma – felony, Tennessee – felony, Florida – misdemeanor, New Jersey & Texas have the same value… Notice New Jersey & Nevada, bastion of libtards were not named by the vomit producer. More than one!
As Puddy wrote above… that time spent at the university was a waste of time and money based on the kook-aid you swallow willingly without question!
Was it the university of left tard loonatics?
You are a dayum idiot!
Hillary Clinton a Republican? Bwaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
That’s why all Tea Party people and establishment Republicans are worshipping at her feet! .NOT.
@23 At least I learned how to speak and write English in college, which is more than anyone can say for you.
Can any klownservatic enlighten us on Hillary’s connection with Jade Helm 15 and the DUMB’s????
@19 I’m okay with someone being forced to offer me a job, as long as I’m not forced to accept it. Why should I work? I’m a capitalist now.
@6 Don’t worry, we will.
@18 Because felons aren’t allowed to vote, so if they outlawed bestiality, only Democrats could vote in those states.
Utterly unsurprising, the usual suspects sneering at higher education.
I’m shocked. Really.
Sneering at the results of your higher education vomit producer! Outlandish commentary from a libtard!
Yes, felons can’t vote now butt DUMMOCRETINS want them to vote for them… http://www.washingtonexaminer......le/2561796